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GoodWife / Planet-Love Archives => Threads started in 2003 => Topic started by: capt david on July 22, 2003, 04:00:00 AM

Title: crabs and grouper???
Post by: capt david on July 22, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
How do you say these in Cebuano or Tagalog? Any special Filipino recipies for these? Thanks, capt david

Title: Re: crabs and grouper???
Post by: capt david on July 23, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to crabs and grouper???, posted by capt david on Jul 22, 2003

.....lapulapu was snapper! Thanks for correction. So, what is snapper? Kinilaw is Filipino cevechie is it not? I just ignore the ohher stuff. thanks again, capt david

Title: Yes, it is basically like ceviche...
Post by: Kreeger on July 24, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: crabs and grouper???, posted by capt david on Jul 23, 2003

...except Filipinos use ginger in theirs.

Title: Hi, How
Post by: greg on July 22, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to crabs and grouper???, posted by capt david on Jul 22, 2003

come you don't ask your Mahal these questions??? It's important for You to have a good healthy communication with your future wife.

Title: What?
Post by: Ray on July 23, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Hi, How, posted by greg on Jul 22, 2003

Greg, are you giving lessons now in proper communications? ROTFLMAO!

Why must you insinuate that capt david doesn't know how to communicate with his future wife??? Don't you have anything better to do with your time than insult the other posters here?


Title: Rye, Wasn't an
Post by: greg on July 23, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to What?, posted by Ray on Jul 23, 2003

Insult you old, fat Fool. I stand by my Post, many questions he asks, he should ask his future wife. I wouldn't bring a Foreigner here if I couldn't ask her simple questions about her culture.

Title: Hey Einstein!
Post by: Ray on July 23, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Rye, Wasn't an, posted by greg on Jul 23, 2003

Oh, so now you're telling capt david that he shouldn't bring his "Foreigner" here? Who the hell do you think you are anyway? I don't think that YOU should ever bring a "Foreigner" here because you're too much of an ass.

Instead of worrying about which questions he should ask his future wife, why don't you quit playing with yourself and go get yourself your own wife? Then, after about 20 years of marriage, you can come back here and give us all marital advice. Until then, you don't have a clue what you are talking about.

Now why don’t you run along and keep your big long snout out of other people’s relationships...


Title: Hey Rye
Post by: greg on July 23, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Hey Einstein!, posted by Ray on Jul 23, 2003

U ugly fruitcake. Instead of worrying about answers to Posts that don't concern YOU, learn to keep your long nose to yourself. I don't think you should've ever bought any Foreigner Mail Order Brides over here becuz Your tooo much of an Anal hole. Can't stand Your stink, now run along you Fat TROLL and play with yourself

Title: Brilliant! Simply Brilliant!
Post by: Ray on July 24, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Hey Rye, posted by greg on Jul 23, 2003

You remind me of a pea brain without a pod (ROFL)

You know Greg, it’s really a shame that a guy can’t ask a simple question on this forum without an idiot like you insulting him and his fiancée.

The next time someone posts a question here and you have no clue as to what the answer is, why don't you just open your mind and shut your mouth? Both are empty anyway...

That’s just my $.02...

And your cry-baby whiny-assed opinion would be...?


Title: btw
Post by: greg on July 24, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Brilliant! Simply Brilliant!, posted by Ray on Jul 24, 2003

Foool. How many MOBs used you to come to America? Two?? Myself?? Noone. Later

Title: Poor Little Greg...
Post by: Ray on July 24, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to btw, posted by greg on Jul 24, 2003

Such a pitiful little man with such a sick little mind.

What are you doing on this forum anyway Greg? You contribute absolutely nothing here but childish little insults. You are so helpless and pathetic that you must continually resort to insulting the wives and fiancées of anyone whom you don’t like. Do you know what that makes you Greg? Just a worthless little troll with a big foul mouth. You are nothing but a sick little boy trying so hard to be a big man.

You can sit there at your little keyboard and insult my wife all you want Greg, but you know what? You’re still going to die a lonely, grumpy old man with nobody to love you. Why? Because you are nothing more than an anti-social little fool who spends his life insulting others on Web forums instead of getting off of his lazy butt and finding a woman for a mate. It’s really so sad, because there are probably no decent women on this planet who would have you.

But that's O.K., I’ll pray for your pathetic little ass anyway Greg.



Title: Re: Brilliant! Simply Brilliant!
Post by: greg on July 24, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Brilliant! Simply Brilliant!, posted by Ray on Jul 24, 2003

Your speaking of yourself You miserable pitiful Sissy. What color panties did You wear to Your Queer club meeting last nite? Did you remember to wear your high heels and Mini skirt?? You blasted Faggot.

Title: Question for Einstein...
Post by: Ray on July 24, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Brilliant! Simply Brilliant!, posted by greg on Jul 24, 2003


Why are you so hung up on queers and cross-dressers? I guess that's why you moved to Berkeley, right? ROTFMAO!

So, is THAT why you have never married? Now it is all becoming very clear. Now I understand why you are so jealous of the happily married guys here. You're just frustrated because you would really like to marry a queer, right? You know Greg, I hear it's legal to do that in Canada now. Go ahead Greg, it's O.K. to come out of the closet now since you already blew your cover (TNTPIMGDP!)

Bye... :-)


Title: Mocking the People in Berkeley??
Post by: greg on July 25, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Question for Einstein..., posted by Ray on Jul 24, 2003

U Arrogant Ignorant old Fool. There are many mighty fine Filipinos living in Berkeley that your looking down on. You know nothing about Berkeley. You cannot Generalize against any one City, just like I cannot Generalize against the People of San Diego. Berkeley is a wonderful city to live in. Get your facts straight before posting harmful misinformation. Your beating on Your chest becuz You was Used as tickets to America for a better Life by MOBs..Your a pitiful Joke of a Faggot. Amazing how YOU a sucker Fart with intelligent words can be brought down to any level of intelligence. I think you get a Rush talking Garbage on this forum..If I was married, I wouldn't be wasting my time talking to the likes of YOU, don't understand why a married Fart like you spend 24/7 on this forum. Get a Life Your Arrogant Faggot, don't forget to wear your net stockings..btw, what color size 60 panties did you wear today?? Purple??

Title: Oh shut up you idiot! :-P
Post by: Ray on July 25, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Mocking the People in Berkeley??, posted by greg on Jul 25, 2003

You sound like a broken record...

"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."

So tell us Greg, why aren't you married???

Because you're an ass! ROTFLMGDAOCUMLTNTPIMP!

Title: Guess What?? :o)
Post by: greg on July 25, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Oh shut up you idiot! :-P, posted by Ray on Jul 25, 2003

[This message has been edited by greg]

Mr Queer(Rye)!!! After spending hours of shopping for You. I finally found the perfect size 19 lady shoes for you smile. I'm soooooo delighted. You know, very difficult to find your size...Funny RYE, you walking around 6'5, 71 yrs old, 550lbs with size 19 lady shoes, Mini skirt that would fit a baby elephant, your black net stockings, white top, showing your huge Belly..Wow!! Your a sight to behold hehehe. Nooooo wonder you have to go back and forth to the Philippines for a Woman..After all, U got Your pick of countless available women lol. Soooo, having a Foreigner Wife is nothing to Bragg about. I await your trip report from your adventure to your favorite Queer club meeting tonite. looooooooooooooool

Title: 550lbs???
Post by: Humabdos on July 25, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Guess What?? :o), posted by greg on Jul 25, 2003

Do you really weigh that much Ray?
ROTFPMP! ;-)  You guys are funny!


Title: Re: 550lbs???
Post by: Ray on July 26, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to 550lbs???, posted by Humabdos on Jul 25, 2003

No, that's 550 kilos! Want me to sit on your face? :-)

Title: Diet
Post by: Humabdos on July 27, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: 550lbs???, posted by Ray on Jul 26, 2003

Here's a good way for you to louse 10lbs. Have the hemorrhoid removed from between your shoulders ;-) LMAO

Title: How old are you?
Post by: Ray on July 25, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Guess What?? :o), posted by greg on Jul 25, 2003

51 years old? Why do you sound a like a 5-year old? I think it's time for you to grow up Greg...

"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."
"If I was married..."

Eat your heart out while you play with yourself again tonight... :-)

Title: I'm 49 :o) Sorry Ray
Post by: greg on July 25, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to How old are you?, posted by Ray on Jul 25, 2003

I was just playing with You. Your a okey Guy. God Bless

Title: Maybe...
Post by: Kreeger on July 23, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Rye, Wasn't an, posted by greg on Jul 23, 2003

He's trying to surprise her with his knowledge of those words. Anyway, it was a harmless question.

Title: Re: crabs and grouper???
Post by: Ray on July 22, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to crabs and grouper???, posted by capt david on Jul 22, 2003

Crabs: Alimasag or Alimango
Grouper: Lapulapu

Crabs are usually steamed or deep fried.

Lapulapu is great steamed, grilled (sinugba), or as ascabeche (fried w/ sweet & sour sauce).


Title: Thanks!
Post by: Dave H on July 23, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: crabs and grouper???, posted by Ray on Jul 22, 2003

Hi Ray,

Like many Filipinas, my wife had no idea what a Grouper was and I didn't know what a Lapulapu was. Now we both know it's the same fish. LOL

Dave H.

Title: Re: Re: crabs and grouper???
Post by: Kreeger on July 23, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: crabs and grouper???, posted by Ray on Jul 22, 2003


Don't forget Kinilaw ng Lapulapu... I suggested this to my wife's family and their response was "Lapulapu is too expensive to use for kinilaw". I insisted and bought 3 kilos to make it. Everyone raved about it.

Title: KInilaw
Post by: Ray on July 23, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: crabs and grouper???, posted by Kreeger on Jul 23, 2003

Yes, lapulapu is good for kinilaw. The kinilaw with the little minows (dilis) is good too. Do they make it hot & spicy with the little red chili peppers?

I like kinilaw, but for some reason my gastrointestinal tract can't handle it, so I try to stay away from it :-)


Title: Just My Probably Unpoluar Experience/Opinion :)
Post by: SteveG on July 23, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to KInilaw, posted by Ray on Jul 23, 2003

Is that when a Filipino recipe calls for seafood of any type, I run the other direction!   I don't like hardly any of it.  :)   You guys on this board must be either more adaptable or are just trying to be polite, because most of the guys I know married to Filipinas feel the same way I do about their fish dishes.  LOL

Title: Re: Just My Probably Unpoluar Experience/Opinion :)
Post by: DanAndChed on July 25, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Just My Probably Unpoluar Experience/Opi..., posted by SteveG on Jul 23, 2003

Actually, I love most of the seafood my wife makes.  It's just that green crab fat that grosses me out.  Also, there is a dried fish she cooks that runs me out of the house.

Tilapia with rice and a couple fried eggs is our favorite for breakfast.

Dan and Mares

Title: Actually...
Post by: Ray on July 23, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Just My Probably Unpoluar Experience/Opi..., posted by SteveG on Jul 23, 2003

...I know quite a few guys married to Filipinas with the same attitude as yours, so you’re not alone Steve. You're right that it's probably more the norm. The one distinguishing trait that most all of those guys have is that they grew up far from the sea and just never ate much seafood in their youth.

I grew up on the Pacific Ocean and have done a lot of fishing since I was a little kid, so I guess I’m more used to it. Also, I always had the attitude that I would try just about any food at least once to at least see how it tastes.

I’ve tried a lot of Filipino seafood dishes and some I won’t go near again. I don’t care for squid, whether it’s cooked as paksiw (in vinegar), adobo, or kinilaw. I look at squid as BAIT, not food, but I will occasionally eat fried calamari if it has a lot of Tabasco on it :-)

I love grilled fish, steamed fish, most fried fish, and Filipino ecebeche (sweet & sour fish) is one of my favorites. Today we went to the Filipino supermarket and I bought 2 whole salmon to cut into thick steaks, marinade in my own secret sauce, and cook on the barbecue grill (yummy!).

My wife’s cousin here in San Diego is married to a guy from Ohio who won’t touch anything from the ocean except shrimp or lobster. She comes of to our place all the time to have fried dried squid, dried dilis, dried dangit, and steamed crabs with the wife because I don’t complain about the smell of the stuff when it’s cooking. If she cooks that junk at home, her husband has a fit. My wife uses an electric skillet outside on the patio for the really smelly stuff and all of my neighbors are Filipino so nobody complains.

My advice to the guys who are married to Filipinas and can’t stand some of their food is to keep the snide remarks to themselves and endure the foul odors silently because a Filipina eating stinky dried squid is a happy Filipina, and that’s what really counts... :-)


Title: Yeah...
Post by: Kreeger on July 24, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Actually..., posted by Ray on Jul 23, 2003

..I second that Ray. I like all the seafood dishes except pusit. Unless it's prepared similar to calamari or put in kinilaw, I wont eat it. Especially the dish where it's cooked in its own ink. Purple tongues unite!

Title: Not me...
Post by: Jeff S on July 23, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Just My Probably Unpoluar Experience/Opi..., posted by SteveG on Jul 23, 2003

... I could eat seafood prepared in a variety of Asian styles five or six days a week - (Come to think of it, I already do)

- Jeff