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GoodWife / Planet-Love Archives => Threads started in 2003 => Topic started by: NoNamePinay on June 28, 2003, 04:00:00 AM

Title: Just want to say Hello
Post by: NoNamePinay on June 28, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
Hi y'all,
Just stop by to say "Hi" to everyone. It has been a while I didn't post here because we've been on the road w/ my hubby for over a month and I enjoyed it so much because I got to see some of the States & we'll still be on the road until the school begins this year. Take care everyone & have a great summer! :)


Title: Hey NNP...Treat your Hubby to see
Post by: greg on July 02, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Just want to say Hello, posted by NoNamePinay on Jun 28, 2003

the movie "The Incrediable Hulk". I know you both gonna like it :o)

Title: Big Wheels Rollin - Movin' On!
Post by: Jeff S on June 29, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Just want to say Hello, posted by NoNamePinay on Jun 28, 2003

Have a great summer Annabelle!

- Jeff

Title: Re: Just want to say Hello
Post by: Mita on June 29, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Just want to say Hello, posted by NoNamePinay on Jun 28, 2003

If you are anywhere near Colorado Springs...give me a buzz.  Lunch on me - homecooked!

Title: Re: Thanks Mita!
Post by: NoNamePinay on June 29, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Just want to say Hello, posted by Mita on Jun 29, 2003

Hi Mitz,
How are you, How's your vacation in the PI?
Sure, why not I'd like to see CO and meet you too but our route now is from east to west (NC,SC,FL,GA,TN to TX,AZ,CA,OR or WA)so CO is out of our way :( we used to run a lot from south to north before but my hubby doesn't like the road that much going up north (esp. midwest) that's why He just stick to east-west route now but occasionally we still get to run to north midwest so who knows maybe someday we might go that way. Wow! homecooked? ummm you made me hungry :) food on the road is good (expensive too) but nothing beats the homecooking especially plain cooked rice ;).

Thanks & regards,

Title: Re: Re: Thanks Mita!
Post by: Mita on June 29, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Thanks Mita!, posted by NoNamePinay on Jun 29, 2003

Hello Belle,
Sus, ang dami mo nang napuntahan!  That's a great way to see the US - no wonder my husband has always wanted to do that.  Hopefully we will before we go back to the Philippines in a few years.
We couldn't do the vacation in PI this year - hubby was too busy in March when we planned it.  He has a new job now and I joined him in the same office a couple of weeks later so like you we are mixing business with pleasure :o)  It's been really great for me.
I hope you do come our way, I'd love to meet you and your hubby.  I read PL everyday so post a message if you change your plans.  Basta kanin mainit with Pinoy ulam.
Ingat kayo,

Title: Hello!
Post by: Dave H on June 29, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Thanks Mita!, posted by NoNamePinay on Jun 29, 2003


WOW, I think you have seen more of America than me! I am happy to hear that you are having a great time!

Dave H.

Title: Re: Re: Thanks Mita!
Post by: Humabdos on June 29, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Thanks Mita!, posted by NoNamePinay on Jun 29, 2003

Hi NNP If you guys come thru Oregon Sallie and I are just a mile from I-5 in Salem. There's room to park your truck here and Sallie is a great cook!

Hum& Sallie

Title: Re: Re: Re: Thanks Hum!
Post by: NoNamePinay on June 30, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Thanks Mita!, posted by Humabdos on Jun 29, 2003

Hi Humabdos,
Wow! that would be nice to have the room to park because sometimes that's one of the reasons we can't stop by at other places but in a Truck Stop like what I have said to Stephen that we would be glad to stop by & see you guys if we have the time so how about send me your phone number or address to so that we may contact you when we know we are going to be there. I would like to meet you both too and try Sallie's homecooking & I'd like to see your Bamboo trees collection in person ;). Please say "Hi" to Sallie from me.


Title: Good to hear from you again. (NT)
Post by: Stephen on June 28, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Just want to say Hello, posted by NoNamePinay on Jun 28, 2003


Title: Say, NNP......
Post by: Stephen on June 29, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Good to hear from you again.  (NT), posted by Stephen on Jun 28, 2003

We live n the LA area (actually, Orange County....the county south of LA).

If you're though this part of the country let us know.  Tess and I would love to have a meal with you.


Title: Re: Thanks Stephen....
Post by: NoNamePinay on June 30, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Say, NNP......, posted by Stephen on Jun 29, 2003

Hi Stephen,
Sure, we would be glad to stop by & see you & Tess if we have the time because sometimes our trip takes us in & right back out again but if we're able to stay a couple hours waiting for a next load we would be happy to contact you guys & have a meal. Please, send me your phone number or address to so that we may contact you when we know we are going to be that way.

Thanks & regards,

Title: Hi NNP!
Post by: Ray on June 28, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Just want to say Hello, posted by NoNamePinay on Jun 28, 2003

Are you guys on the run, or just on vacation? :-)


Title: Re: Hi NNP!
Post by: NoNamePinay on June 29, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Hi NNP!, posted by Ray on Jun 28, 2003

Hi Ray,
Yeah, we're always running so I guess you could call it on the run :) No actually we're on both working & vacation at the same time. By the way, I like California but I don't like the L.A. traffic I got nervous watching some of the vehicles changing lanes without signal lights & they drive so fast there I think I'd prefer living in the country than in the city huh :) I'm not use of the fast-pace life.