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GoodWife / Planet-Love Archives => Threads started in 2003 => Topic started by: capt david on June 03, 2003, 04:00:00 AM

Title: Help!! Ray , please! emergency, maybe!
Post by: capt david on June 03, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
Ray, Era is in Manila, getting her physical. she emailed me that she had to pay 6000pisos for a Visa application. Is this in addition to the one I applied for, or is this something else? thanks, David If you would email me your phone # I would like to talk to you capt david

Title: Re: Help!! Ray , please! emergency, maybe!
Post by: Ray on June 03, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Help!! Ray , please! emergency, maybe!, posted by capt david on Jun 3, 2003

Hi Capt,

Yes, she will need to pay a visa fee of $100 to the embassy via a local bank in advance of her interview.

She will also need to pay another $100 for the medical payable at St. Lukes.

Both fees can be paid in pesos, which is probably what she is talking about.

I sent you e-mail


Title: thanks!
Post by: capt david on June 04, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Help!! Ray , please! emergency, mayb..., posted by Ray on Jun 3, 2003

thanks, capt david

Title: Wow! Really?
Post by: Bear on June 03, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Help!! Ray , please! emergency, mayb..., posted by Ray on Jun 3, 2003

All these illegals here in Houston getting amnesty and the legals get shafted with new fees.

Bear abd Honey

Title: Re: Wow! Really?
Post by: Ray on June 03, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Wow! Really?, posted by Bear on Jun 3, 2003

Hi Bear,

Actually, those aren't new fees, but the amounts have increased recently. You should have paid the same fees for medical and visa when you did your K-3, but you probably paid something like $65 for the visa and $85 for the medical. I think my wife had to pay $325 at the embassy for her CR-1 visa fees plus $85 for the medical.

Those illegals who requested amnesty under 245(i) had to pay a $1,000 application fee, along with the standard I-485 filing fee. A real bargain, right?


Title: Should have been $1,000,000
Post by: Humabdos on June 04, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Wow! Really?, posted by Ray on Jun 3, 2003

Deport the Wet Backs now! Along with there 12 kids!

Title: Why are they called Wet Backs??
Post by: SteveG on June 06, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Should have been $1,000,000, posted by Humabdos on Jun 4, 2003

If I were sneaking under the border fence at midnight where armed guards might be lurking with night vision optics, I would be on my belly so I could see what was around me at all times, therefore the term would be in my case "Wet Bellies". LOL

Title: Because they cross the Rio Grande N/T
Post by: surfscum on June 06, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Why are they called Wet Backs??, posted by SteveG on Jun 6, 2003


Title: I disagree!
Post by: Ray on June 04, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Should have been $1,000,000, posted by Humabdos on Jun 4, 2003

Now, now, Hum! You know that was a racist remark :-)

Do you know how many car stereos an illegal alien would have to steal before he saved up a million dollars for his amnesty application fee? LOL!


Title: Wet back
Post by: Humabdos on June 04, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to I disagree!, posted by Ray on Jun 4, 2003

Well, a wet back could be any race right?  Piss on amnesty! They broke the law and should get the hell out! I don't care if their twelve kids where born here.


Title: Re: Wet back
Post by: Ray on June 05, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Wet back , posted by Humabdos on Jun 4, 2003

Definition from

wetback (noun) - 1. ethnic slur; offensive terms for a person of Mexican descent
Synonyms: greaser, taco

Title: Re: Should have been $1,000,000
Post by: Dingo on June 04, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Should have been $1,000,000, posted by Humabdos on Jun 4, 2003

If it wasn't for those "wetbacks"
who do you think would toil in those fields picking
asparagus, apples, tomatoes and such?
Besides without them running over the border the BCIS
F.K.A. Customs Border Patrol would no longer have live
nightvision target 'practice'

Title: Who will toil in the fields?
Post by: Humabdos on June 04, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Should have been $1,000,000, posted by Dingo on Jun 4, 2003

We have plenty that are here legally here to toil the fields. The slack should be taken up by Prisoners. What ever happen to 25 years hard labor?

Also how about all those welfare recipients put them lazy S.O.B's to work!


Title: Hey Hum. Do you know why....
Post by: Jeff S on June 05, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Who will toil in the fields?, posted by Humabdos on Jun 4, 2003

Mexico never wins gold medals in the Olympics?

Because everyone who can run, jump or swim, is already in the USA!

Title: Re: Who will toil in the fields?
Post by: Dingo on June 05, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Who will toil in the fields?, posted by Humabdos on Jun 4, 2003

You have your point. Those Prisoners are to busy
pumbing iron so they can easily beat up on some elderly folk.
Heck there are probably a few of them posting right here.

Title: Who, elderly folk?
Post by: Jeff S on June 05, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Who will toil in the fields?, posted by Dingo on Jun 5, 2003

or pumped up prisoners? There's a few elderly folk, but I only suspect a couple to be pumped up prisoners. Honk if you have a jailhouse tatoo.
- Jeff

Title: Re: Who will toil in the fields? Machines.
Post by: NW Jim on June 04, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Who will toil in the fields?, posted by Humabdos on Jun 4, 2003

Driving up the cost of labor, by cutting off illegals will lead to greater mechanization in labor intensive industries--including agriculture. This increases efficiency, increases the scientific knowledge base, creates good paying jobs for those who make, service and run the new machinery.

Machines don't bring their 12 kids with them, so no increased social services costs, fewer overcrowded schools, hospitals and highways, etc.

Title: Re: Re: Who will toil in the fields? Machines.
Post by: Dingo on June 05, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Who will toil in the fields? Machine..., posted by NW Jim on Jun 4, 2003

You're talking about Utopia.
Living in the NW you should no we are far from it.
Besides I'd like to see a machine pick Grapes or Tomatoes
without destroying them.

Title: We already have those machines Dingo
Post by: Ray on June 05, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Who will toil in the fields? Mac..., posted by Dingo on Jun 5, 2003

They're called Low-Riders here in SoCal. You can cruise and pick tomatoes at the same time... :-)


Title: Re: We already have those machines Dingo
Post by: Dingo on June 05, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to We already have those machines Dingo, posted by Ray on Jun 5, 2003

Mmmmmm !!!!! Tomaaaaatoes !!!!!!

Title: Know why they have those teeny steering wheels?
Post by: Jeff S on June 05, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to We already have those machines Dingo, posted by Ray on Jun 5, 2003

So they can be driven while wearing handcuffs.

Post by: Ray on June 05, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Know why they have those teeny steering ..., posted by Jeff S on Jun 5, 2003

O.K. Jeff, but how the hell do you pick tomatoes and drive with handcuffs on???

Didn't they just pass a law in California that prohibits driving while holding a cell phone? How about a law forbidding cruising and picking tomatoes while wearing handcuffs? :-)

I see that they are pushing through that law again that would allow illegal aliens to get a driver's license in California. Why doesn't California just surrender to Mexico? That way we could all get tax-free tequila, cheap Viagra, and we wouldn't have to pay for those stupid-ass smog tests every 2 years (LOL).


Title: Mexifornia
Post by: Dave H on June 05, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to ROTFLMAOTNTPIMGDP!, posted by Ray on Jun 5, 2003

Hi Ray,

Now in Florida you can't get a driver's license or state I.D card until you have your Green Card in hand, which is taking 12 months or more after the AOS interview. However, driver's licenses have been "for sale" in the past at certain Miami area State of Florida driver license offices. Have to go now...I'm off to buy a tiny pop-off chainlink steering wheel for my car. ROFLMAOPASIMMFD!!!

Dave "Enchilada" H.

Title: Oh da lay, Vato!
Post by: Jeff S on June 05, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Mexifornia, posted by Dave H on Jun 5, 2003

I know a place in TJ where you can get pink and blue button tuck - real naugahide, cheep, cheep. (You know how many naugas they have to kill to get enough hide to do a '63 Chevy front seat?) They'll even throw in some high speed dingle-balls and fuzzy dice for the mirror.

Don't laugh about Mexifornia, though. I have to speak Spanish at work and since I speak Japanese at home, I have to pray for salesmen to stop by so I don't forget my Ingles.

- Julio

Title: Re: Oh da lay, Vato!
Post by: Ray on June 05, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Oh da lay, Vato!, posted by Jeff S on Jun 5, 2003


Pink & blue Tuck & Roll? Must be Ricky's... :-)

Down here in my area, we have Tagalog-speaking Jahova's Witnesses. I always have fun with them by answering them in Surigaonon. After a few minutes, they just give up and run away... LOL


Post by: Jeff S on June 05, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Oh da lay, Vato!, posted by Ray on Jun 5, 2003

Great place but you have to make sure he puts in real foam padding instead of wadded up newspapers.

Whan the Jehova's witnesses come to my house, I usually sprinkle a little dust from a little cloth bag and ask them to join my sect of the pagan reform league. Then I shake a stick with a groundhog skull on top with feathers and beads hanging down and chant with my eyes closed in an unrecognizable language. That's usually enough.

My wife usually feigns not speaking English, and just starts speaking Japanese. Isn't it amazing how many Americans think that English, if spoken slowly and loudly enough, can be understood by anyone.

- Jeff

Title: Si!
Post by: Ray on June 05, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to YOU KNOW RICKY?, posted by Jeff S on Jun 5, 2003

So Ricky is still up to his old tricks? ROFL!

Yeah, when I was in high school, that's where everyone went to get a Tijuana Tuck & Roll job. It used to cost $75-100 back then. But like you said, you better stick around and keep an eye on those guys while they're working on your car.


Title: Hey Ese!
Post by: Dave H on June 05, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Oh da lay, Vato!, posted by Jeff S on Jun 5, 2003

Hi Jeff,

ROFLMAOCUMLPIMMFP!!! Maybe you can send me the address in TJ. My rojo Cheby has bucket seats, so I can probably save a few pesos and the lives of many naugas. I could use a new set of fuzzy dice and only have the low speed dingle-balls. LOL

If it weren't for my wife, kids and talking to myself, I wouldn't have much chance to speak English either. I can't even look forward to the annoying weekly visits from the Jehovah's Witnesses, since they only seem speak Spanish here.

Dave H.

Post by: Michael B on June 05, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to ROTFLMAOTNTPIMGDP!, posted by Ray on Jun 5, 2003

But a driver's license says that (hopefully) you are capable of driving a car without putting others in danger, it does not say you are here legally, nor should it (one of my pet peeves) have anything to do with if you paid your child support. No, mine's current, always has been (not that she spends it on the kids, but that's a different story), I just don't like the government tieing totaly unrelated things together.