Title: 19 & a 50+ year old Post by: bryan on March 17, 2003, 05:00:00 AM I read in a post below that their was a man here who was over 50 puruing a child of 19. If this is true it is the most immoral, dispicable, lecherous thing I have ever heard and this guy should be ashamed of himself. I hope she breaks his heart and rakes him over the coals, he certainly deserves it. I wouldnt want to answer to God for that one, good luck.
Title: How about.... Post by: wizard on March 18, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to 19 & a 50+ year old, posted by bryan on Mar 17, 2003
a 42 year difference in ages??? My girl told me this week that she ran into another girl she knew who had just gotten married to a north american... The girl is 20 and her new husband is 62... Yikes... My girl was floored, but the 20yo bride didn't seem to mind... It was what she wanted... Title: Yikes!!! 20-62 ???? Post by: greg on March 19, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to How about...., posted by wizard on Mar 18, 2003
Of course thats what she wanted. Make it tooo easy for her to leave Him at first opportunity, or should I say stick it oooout. Can you imagine the ease whenever she decide to file abuse charges or whatever her true intentions against him. Can see that kinda relationship working in her native country, too high risky in America. Rather take the risk with an older woman and leave the children alone. Title: How about old or young men's intentions on marrying these young women? Post by: Esiang on March 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Yikes!!! 20-62 ????, posted by greg on Mar 19, 2003
How about this 60 something old american man who murdered his young filipina wife who by the way, when she was found, she's nothing but scattered bones.....? what a psychopath 60 something old man killing young wives... How about old or young men's intentions on marrying these young women? Don't you know some young or old filipina abused by their crazy american men when their already here? I mean really real abused..... All I know I see the high risk of a young or old filipina women or let's say asian women coming here with their crazy smart ass spouse (young or OLD OLD MAN) who just want's to control them. Title: DuH HuH??? soooooory, I do not Understand Post by: greg on March 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to How about old or young men's intentions ..., posted by Esiang on Mar 21, 2003
your English. Doesn't make any sense to me.. Sorry, have a blessed day :o) Title: Re: planet gregory Post by: Esiang on March 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to DuH HuH??? soooooory, I do not Understan..., posted by greg on Mar 21, 2003
AHHH you dont understand...... even a little bit of it? I've been posting here lately and seems to be ok.... I wonder what planet you came from he..he... Anyway you don't really reply to the questions been asked to you here in this nice board. My questions does makes sense compare to your nonsense question to BuBBa.....LOL Title: Oh just Post by: greg on March 22, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: planet gregory, posted by Esiang on Mar 21, 2003
go back to which ever rock you crawled from under. Yes, go back to RP. Byeeeee Title: go back to RP? Post by: Ray on March 22, 2003, 05:00:00 AM Title: Ray U Post by: greg on March 23, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to go back to RP?, posted by Ray on Mar 22, 2003
attacked my Son calling him "Gregory Pissboy", he is only 2 and half. We have talked enough garbage on Patrick's board. I must defend my Son's Honor, I cannot see your email address with this Webtv..I would never attack your family, encouraging you to spend less time on the website and more time with your wife isn't attacking your wife. If my Mahal was here, I wouldn't even waste my time Lurking on PL. I cannot allow what you said against my Son to go unanswered. Off the board, we can speak our mind, just the two of us. gregoryas@webtv.net Title: Greg U Post by: Ray on March 23, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Ray U , posted by greg on Mar 23, 2003
are full of crap! How did your son get into this discussion anyway? I never mentioned your son you idiot! Don’t even try to go there! You say that you have talked enough garbage on the board, but here you are again, talking your garbage on the board. Why don’t you make up your mind? And now you’re trying to kiss Patrick’s ass again? You’re so obvious Greg! I don’t know about the rest of the folks on this forum, but I’m tired of your repeated attacks on other members, their girlfriends, fiancées, and their families. You insult the Filipina ladies here and try to humiliate them by mocking their English skills. You just love to attack people you know nothing about and insult and humiliate them on a public forum in front of the world. You are nothing but a stinking little TROLL in my opinion. I have lost ALL respect for you as a human being. You only post on this forum when you have something nasty and insulting to say to someone. Your unprovoked attacks are childish and stupid. You have no honor. Your primary purpose on this forum from the very beginning has been to stir up trouble and provoke others into fights. You love to play one member off against the other so you can sit back and enjoy the show. I have gotten e-mail messages from you in the past trying to encourage me to attack others on this forum. I’ve had it with your crap! WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO GROW UP GREG? Now why don’t you apologize to Peter, his fiancée, and her family for the uncalled for insulting remarks you made here on this forum, IF you are man enough. And while you’re at it, apologize to Esiang for your stupid comments about her English and for telling her to “go back to RP” (Amazing!). My $.02, Ray Title: Look in the mirror Post by: greg on March 24, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Greg U, posted by Ray on Mar 23, 2003
you old fat ugly fart. Everything you write in your Posts is about Yourself. You called my baby "Gregory Pissboy". You talk tough behind your key board...I would like for you to tell me to my face in person that my baby is a Pissboy. I hope one day to meet you face to face, what you said about my Son on this public board are fighting words. Becuz of my hearing impairment, my English is limited. My strength and fighting skills aren't limited, and I would look forward to using it on You for what you said about my boy. Greg Title: Re: Look in the mirror Post by: Jay on March 24, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Look in the mirror , posted by greg on Mar 24, 2003
[This message has been edited by Jay] Hi Greg, I think it's kind of obvious that Ray was refering to you as "Pissboy". Your name is Gregory too, right? I can see where you thought he might be refering to your son. Your post was titled "Gregory (pinoy)", and was about your son. Ray's was titled "Gregory (Pissboy)", and was about you. It was just a misunderstanding obvoiusly. No matter how much you dislike Ray, you don't really think he would call your little boy names, do you? He wouldn't. Come on now, think about it. If anyone else thought he did that, don't you think they would all jump on Ray? That would be way wrong. Jay Title: Thank You Jay Post by: greg on March 24, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Look in the mirror , posted by Jay on Mar 24, 2003
Your one of the few good Guys on this board. Ray is an old, ugly, bald, Evil Cruel rat. Everything he said about me in his many childish Posts is Him, speaking of himself. Many Guys got banned or left the board becuz of his Bullying. Your correct I cannot stand Ray's stink...He was blessed with an ablilty to use his words, so what he do is boast and look down on others. He's no better than Houndog(would choose HD over Ray anyday)...Ray think He's a good Guy, but he's full of Crap. Thanks again Title: Re: Thank You Jay Post by: Jay on March 24, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Thank You Jay, posted by greg on Mar 24, 2003
Hi Greg, If you read my post, you can see I was saying that you misunderstood Ray's post. If anyone else saw it the way you do, they would say something about it to Ray. No one has. Personally, I think your making a big issue out of nothing. Just forget about it and enjoy your day. My best advice. LOL :-) Jay Title: You sound like a girl Post by: Ray on March 24, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Thank You Jay, posted by greg on Mar 24, 2003
“Jay! Oh, Jay! Please help me Jay!” “That big bad meanie Ray is bullying me again and I just don’t know what to do. I threatened to shoot him with my shotgun, I threatened to beat him up, I even told him he is worse than houndog (LMGDAO!), but he isn’t even scared of me. What should I do? What should I do? Please help me! I want so very much to be the Planet Love bully, but that darn Ray just won’t leave me alone!” What are you Greg, a man or a mouse? You play the big tough guy when you insult and belittle these ladies here, but when another man stands up to your trash-talking, you cry and whimper like a little girl. That’s so disgusting! You’re such a disgrace to manhood! What a pansy-ass! ROTFLMGDAO! Ray Title: RAy is a little girlie Post by: greg on March 24, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to You sound like a girl, posted by Ray on Mar 24, 2003
a loud mouth coward, that doesn't want to meet me off the board. What color are your panties today you old fart that enjoy blasting babies??? You wear women clothes in private, becuz your a sissy Title: Hey, that's not fair! Post by: Ray on March 24, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to RAy is a little girlie, posted by greg on Mar 24, 2003
I already called you that stuff! Can't you come up with your own material bozo? CUMFLTPTPAOMSBITIJSMGDP! Title: Ray, Stop Whinning Post by: greg on March 24, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to You sound like a girl, posted by Ray on Mar 24, 2003
you pansy-Aoo fart. I don't need anyone's help fighting you..Any of you Guys know this coward's email addY? I cannot see it using this webtv. Every word that comes out of your funky mouth is about Yourself. Let's spare Patrick's board and do our fighting in private. My addy is gregoryas@webtv.net Title: Gerg, you're losing it... Post by: Ray on March 24, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Ray, Stop Whinning, posted by greg on Mar 24, 2003
What's a "pansy-Aoo fart"? I can't find that one anywhere in my Book of Farts. Does anybody here know what a "pansy-Aoo fart" might be? Hell, I can't even pronounce that! I think you should "take an English class"... ROFLMAO! Have a blessed day bozo, Ray Title: Rya Your losing it Post by: greg on March 24, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Gerg, you're losing it..., posted by Ray on Mar 24, 2003
You need to take an English class you fat fart. Have a blessed day You funky Boooozo. You fool, I bought you down to my level, shows that your really a total Jerk. A man of Intelligence would simply ignore me, which show that your only good with your words...otherwise Your a brainless idiot. Get a life with your wife you Dumb moron instead of wasting your stupid time acting a fool. Well, I guess your a Foooool. Not only a Fool, your a Punk Title: Take a good look at yourself Post by: Ray on March 25, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Rya Your losing it, posted by greg on Mar 24, 2003
Gerg, Go back and read your posts again, then tell us who is the total jerk, the brainless idiot, the dumb moron, the fool and the punk. ROTFLMAOCUMFLTNTPIMGDP! You're only building the case against yourself and exposing yourself for the fool that you are. How did you ever expect to convince anyone that your name wasn't Gregory when it's right there in your post as part of your e-mail addy? Doesn't that sound exactly like something that a "brainless idiot" would do? Keep going Gerg, you're really entertaining us with your nonsense... Amazing! Title: Kiss Off! Post by: Ray on March 24, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Look in the mirror , posted by greg on Mar 24, 2003
Don't threaten me you little PISS BOY! Title: Serious Post by: greg on March 24, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Kiss Off!, posted by Ray on Mar 24, 2003
U yellow belly, old ugly bald fart. You need an old fashioned whupping, I would be more than happy to bring down your meat house. Not Joking..Your the only poster on the website I really hate. Would take great pleaure in ramming my fist in your Ugly mug for calling my Son "Gregory Pissboy". I know in my heart that you was talking about my baby, and I really hope to come face to face with you one day, may even finally find you in RP. Your only tough behind your key board, when is fact your nothing but a 6'5, 450lb ugly drunk. Title: Are you a psychopath? Post by: Ray on March 24, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Serious, posted by greg on Mar 24, 2003
[This message has been edited by Ray] So you really, really, really hate me? Gee Gerg, that’s terrible. You just ruined my day (ROTFLMAOCUMLTNTPIMMFP!) So YOU are going to give ME a "whupping"? hahahehehoho! That's hilarious! And I was so scared because you were going to shoot me with your shot gun (Gerg: "My shotgun is trained on Ray's stomach") ROFLMAO! Still can't make up your mind piss boy? Maybe next time you will threaten to whip me to death with your little pink panties? I can't wait! (ROFL) You're a real big brave man coming on this forum telling little Filipinas that they need to "take a English class" and telling them to "go back to RP". Well, you know what tough guy? YOUR ENGLISH SUCKS! And maybe YOU are the one who should crawl back under the rock where YOU came from. Go somewhere else and strut your tough guy crap! Someplace where they will all shake in their boots when you threaten to beat them up. (ROTGDFLCUMFLSAOTGDP!) Is anybody scared of your big tough-guy trash-talking garbage Gregory? HELL NO! You're just another little man with a BIG MOUTH. What a freaking pansy-ass! I think I'll just puke! Tip of the day: Go see a shrink before your little head pops. Now have a blessed day :-) Ray Title: Your Psychopath Post by: greg on March 24, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Are you a psychopath?, posted by Ray on Mar 24, 2003
Fool, give me your email addy, then we can see whose Bluffing. Your a COWARD, and Yesss I can beat Your Big A### anytime of the day. Look forward to it...Someday I may find you..Everyone on this board knows that the name Gregory is my Son..You changed the name Gregory(Pinoy) to Gregory (Pissboy) on purpose mocking my Son. You think I'm playing about wanting to smash your Ugly mug, if I can find you, then you gonna see whose Playing. Title: Hey Idiot! Post by: Ray on March 24, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Your Psychopath , posted by greg on Mar 24, 2003
Is your name Gregory or not? If not, then why the hell is your e-mail addy gregoryas@webtv.net? Is the "as" short for assshole? Now quit crying for sympathy, like a stupid queer, because you "think" someone is attacking your 2-year old son. It's obvious to any fool that you are only trying to divert attention from the fact that you have been acting like a common troll on this forum. You're nothing but a big fake! Have a blessed day :-) Ray Title: Hey Dumb Ray Post by: greg on March 24, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Hey Idiot!, posted by Ray on Mar 24, 2003
Stop being a cry baby, come on email me you tough old ugly fart. Your brain is made of Shiiiit..Okay, I'm going to search for your email....Rya, open your mouth wide, wider, more wider..Pop Pop Pop..thanks for eating my Shiiiiit Title: Well??? Post by: Ray on March 25, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Hey Dumb Ray, posted by greg on Mar 24, 2003
You forgot to answer the question. Is your name GREGORY or isn't it? Or don't you even know your own name? How strange! You ask a guy what his name is, and all that comes out is "Shiiiit, Shiiiit, Shiiiit". So, I guess that means your initials are S.S.S.? Don't stop now, I'm anxious to see if the top of your head is going to blow off... You better hurry and take a pill (LOL!) Title: Yep, just as I thought Post by: Ray on March 24, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Your Psychopath , posted by greg on Mar 24, 2003
A certifiable psycho! You know Greg, you really do have some serious mental problems. Really! Do you remember why you were kicked off of Mag-Anak before? I remember Greg. You were kicked off for threatening physical voilence, were'nt you? You need some counseling and anger management courses (and a English class wouldn't hurt either :-)). Get some help today Greg! You are a very sick "man"... Have a blessed day, Ray Title: Ray is a Sissy Post by: greg on March 24, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Yep, just as I thought, posted by Ray on Mar 24, 2003
this old fat ugly fart enjoy wearing lady shoes and clothes in private. Rya what color panties are you wearing today? Purple panties??? Did you attend the Queer club last nite? What color mini skirt did you wear you blasted faggot? Title: Now you're repeating yourself Post by: Ray on March 25, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Ray is a Sissy, posted by greg on Mar 24, 2003
Can't your little mind come up with anything new for a change? You sound like a broken record. I find it VERY strange that a guy from Berkeley would call someone else a faggot. ROTFFLMMFAOTAHAIPCNTPIMGDPBISAOTDF! Are you drinking again Gerg? Title: Chill! Post by: Dave H on March 24, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Your Psychopath , posted by greg on Mar 24, 2003
Hi Greg, Believe me, if I thought Ray's post was directed at your son Gregory, I would have dumped on him! It appeared obvious to me that the fight was between you and Ray. Your email addy has "Gregory" in it also, so i figure that is your real name, not Greg or Peabody. I think that is what Ray has been trying to say all along...let's go easy on the Filipinas and leave people's wives and fiancees and yes children, out of these attacks. Dave H. Title: Hi Jay and DaveH Post by: greg on March 24, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Chill!, posted by Dave H on Mar 24, 2003
When I first joined Planet-love back in 1999, Ray sent me an email letter on my first day. He has bullied me ever since. I'm serious about wanting to kick his butt..If I ever see him in person, thats what I'm going to do..Later Title: Bull Crap! Post by: Dave H on March 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to DuH HuH??? soooooory, I do not Understan..., posted by greg on Mar 21, 2003
[This message has been edited by Dave H] Hey Greg, Stop being an ass clown and act like a real man! You're the one who doesn't make sense. You and Mars need to stop putting down women! Let's leave the ladies out of this fight and insults. You and Ray have my blessings to go at it! Dave H. Title: You got it all wrong Post by: greg on March 22, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Bull Crap!, posted by Dave H on Mar 21, 2003
this Esiang character is attacking and flamming me, so I'm only defending myself. As far as I 'm concerned, she's no Pinay. Pinays I know doesn't behave like her(nasty mouth). In fact she's trying to keep the Mess going on, sound like she take pleasure in Mess. Anyway, I don't know why your joining Esiang's bandwagon to jump on me, I never did you any harm..In fact I thought You, Stephen, Howard, tneal, Jay were the only decent Guys left on this board. My mistake about you, thanks for your insults, have a blessed day. Btw, I read all those insults you wrote against me before you made the changes, I found it unbelievable that this DaveH character would talk such Bull Crap against me. Title: Say What? ROFLMAOTNTPIMMFP!!! Post by: Dave H on March 22, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to You got it all wrong, posted by greg on Mar 22, 2003
Hi Greg, "Btw, I read all those insults you wrote against me before you made the changes, I found it unbelievable that this DaveH character would talk such Bull Crap against me." LOL That is a good one!!! What are you talking about? Dave H. Title: Re: Say What? ROFLMAOTNTPIMMFP!!! Post by: Ray on March 22, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Say What? ROFLMAOTNTPIMMFP!!!, posted by Dave H on Mar 22, 2003
Hey Dave, why don't you go back to RP? :-) Ray Title: Sounds Great! Post by: Dave H on March 22, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Say What? ROFLMAOTNTPIMMFP!!!, posted by Ray on Mar 22, 2003
Hi Ray, I would love to! Especially if Greg will pay for my ticket. :o))) Dave H. Title: No Problem! You Deserved It! Post by: Dave H on March 22, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to You got it all wrong, posted by greg on Mar 22, 2003
Hi Greg, I changed my post as I calmed down a bit and realized that this is all just a big game for you. I had found your posts insulting of couples with large age differences, which you were unable to edit and had deleted ASAP...but not before I read them, very distastful and mean-spirited! Then you insult a Pinay for her English proficiency. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Don't try to bullsh1t me and play innocent, you know that I am telling the truth. You made it easy to choose sides! Dave H. Title: By The Way... Post by: Dave H on March 22, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to No Problem! You Deserved It!, posted by Dave H on Mar 22, 2003
Greg, Feel free to post my unedited "Bull Crap" post. As I recall, I was mainly correcting spelling errors and improving my sentence structure a bit...as I often do. Same basic post! Dave H. Title: Now I Remember! Post by: Dave H on March 22, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to By The Way..., posted by Dave H on Mar 22, 2003
Hi Greg, "My mistake about you, thanks for your insults, have a blessed day. Btw, I read all those insults you wrote against me before you made the changes, I found it unbelievable that this DaveH character would talk such Bull Crap against me." Now I remembered what I deleted. It was: "and get life!" Oh, that was such a mean insult! Boo Hoo! Boo Hoo! Boo Hoo! Boo Hoo! Boo Hoo! Boo Hoo! Boo Hoo! Dave H. Title: "I don't understand Your bad..." Post by: Ray on March 22, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to You got it all wrong, posted by greg on Mar 22, 2003
“...English” (your quote) Yes, you make such a great English Sheriff! ROTFLMAOCUMLTNTPIMP! Gerg: “this Esiang character is attacking and flamming me” That’s funny, it sure looks like YOU are the one “flamming” her now. Gerg: “As far as I 'm concerned, she's no Pinay. Pinays I know doesn't behave like her” Oh, they “doesn’t”? And just how do the Pinays YOU KNOW “behave” when you insult them Gerg? Do they bow down before you and kiss your feet? ROFLMAO! You just can’t handle it when a Pinay stands up to a bully like you, can you? Gerg: “In fact she's trying to keep the Mess going on, sound like she take pleasure in Mess” No Gerg, In fact, YOU are the one “trying to keep the Mess going on”. Sound like YOU take pleasure in Mess! What are you doing here anyway???
Byeeeeeeeee, have a blessed day! Ray Title: Re: Yikes!!! 20-62 ???? Post by: William on March 19, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Yikes!!! 20-62 ????, posted by greg on Mar 19, 2003
Maybe she figures that he's not going to last much longer. Then she inherits what ever he has asset-wise. Of course, she could speed that along by, well... overexerting him to death.;) Title: My thoughts EXACTLY... ROFL... n/t Post by: wizard on March 19, 2003, 05:00:00 AM Title: I don't know... Post by: Dave H on March 19, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to My thoughts EXACTLY... ROFL... n/t, posted by wizard on Mar 19, 2003
...they say it's good exercise for the heart! ;o))) Dave H. Title: HeHe soooo true Post by: greg on March 19, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Yikes!!! 20-62 ????, posted by William on Mar 19, 2003
A Guy can get himself almost any native Women he want, like shopping at the Candy store. Once she arrives here, the Guy better watch out..Becuz she's Gonna realize that she's in great demand in "Lack of Young Beautiful Available Women in USA thats Available to us Older Guys". Guys already know that AWs Candy Shop for men..Soooo if a Guy's gonna bring a young beautiful Women here, he better be sure what he's bringing. Any older Guy who choose to bring a hot much younger than Himself Trophy wife here is asking for Problems especially if he hasn't taken much time to court her in person. Sooooo say Nooooo to Children...No excuse that a Guy cannot say No to a Child, what in the world do they have in common??? When she is 30 and he's 79...Man you can have a heart attack trying keep up with such a Hot young woman. America is gonna change her anyway...Sooo Guys should expect a temporary relationship with such a much younger Chick. Good Luck to all Guys that choose a much younger Trophy wife..Luck is something your Gonna neeeeeeeed. Nooooo need to make a Fuss about my Post, there are plenty of "Okey to marry a much Younger Women Child" on this thread. More Power to those that want a Child for a wife, hehehe Title: Question Post by: Ray on March 19, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to HeHe soooo true, posted by greg on Mar 19, 2003
Why does it always have to be the young chick who is the conniving one? Why always the outpouring of sympathy for the poor innocent old guy who is being set up by a young gold digger? Did you ever even consider that just maybe he knows exactly what he is doing? Maybe HE figures that he’s not going to last much longer. Maybe the old fart is in debt up to his eyeballs and all she will ever inherit is a stack of bills. She may have to bury him in the back yard because there won’t be enough left for a funeral. Of course then he gets to live his final days with a hot young chick in his bed, which would cost him a small fortune if he were to hire a “professional girl” to fulfil his sexual fantasies. Maybe they both came to a mutual understanding and they both know exactly what they are doing. Maybe she is trading her hot young body for a green card and maybe he is trading the chance for green card for a hot young body. Or just MAYBE they are truly in love with each other and there are no evil intentions on either side. Did you ever think of that possibility? Do you or anyone else here on this forum know this couple personally? So then why are you losing sleep over the fact that he is much older than her? Don’t you have anything more important to worry about? I think that there are a few guys around here who need to get a life. Their obvious obsession with the relative ages of total strangers whom they know absolutely nothing about makes them appear trivial and shallow minded IMHO. :-) Just my $.02, Ray Title: Sergeant Master Gunner Reporting Sir Post by: greg on March 20, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Question, posted by Ray on Mar 19, 2003
Bully Ray Sir(the all knowing eye)...I totally agree with your many Point of view. Anyway, there are plenty of Yesss Sir posts on this thread that are in full agreement with You...Everyone got their own opinion based on how they feel..Not everyone agree with You. Ohhh, so we need your permission to post our own opinion otherwise we are trival and shallow minded???? What a Bozo, hehe Title: Re: Sir Post by: Ray on March 20, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Sergeant Master Gunner Reporting Sir, posted by greg on Mar 20, 2003
Well, Greg, I guess that means that you are incapable of answering a simple question. Not surprising at all. Yes, Greg, you are certainly entitled to your own opinion. HOWEVER, you have NO right to come on this forum and insult another member’s fiancée. If you can’t express your opinions in a respectful manner, then please keep your mouth shut. Every time you open it, you make an ass of yourself. What gives you the right to call Peter’s fiancée a “child” and a “brat”? How do you know what she is thinking and what her intentions are? Do you know Peter’s fiancée personally? Have you ever met her? You’re just talking trash out of your ass Greg. Does it make you feel big and important to trash another guy’s fiancée on a public forum? And what gives you the right to insult her family with statements like “Their eyes are now filled with $$$$$$$$$$ signs(we hit the jackpot with a rich Kano, later we can all quit our jobs and live off Him)”. Did her family members tell you that Greg? Have you even met her family? Or are you just talking trash out of your ass again? I guess that makes you feel real important to insult some family that you have never met and you know nothing about, right? Does it make you feel good to impugn their reputation in a public forum? Just what exactly is your personal stake in this relationship Greg? Are you jealous of Peter because he is getting married to a woman he loves and you’re sitting at home playing with yourself? Did you think that he would dump her after he read your insults about her? Just what business is it of yours Greg? NONE WHATSOEVER! Why is it that when Bryan made some very spiteful and insulting remarks about Peter and his fiancée. you had to chime in with “Good Post Mr Bryan”? I suppose that means that you wholeheartedly agreed with his trivial and childish comments, right? Bryan was man enough to apologize to Peter for his remarks and I respect him for that. How about you Greg? Are you going to apologize also? Or do you still agree with everything in Bryan’s post? If you want to express your personal opinions, then go right ahead. But when you find the need to insult good people that you know nothing about, then YOU are the one who looks like a “CHILD” and a “BRAT” IMO. And don’t give me that nonsense about being bullied or needing permission to post your opinions here. You are welcome to reply to this message in any way that you wish, so knock yourself out. You always seem to have something negative to say Greg. Why don’t you try real hard to say something positive to Peter and his fiancée? Or how about concentrating on your own relationship instead of belittling others all the time? Who knows, you might even like yourself more if you try it... Now have a good day Greg, Ray Title: RAy Sir Post by: greg on March 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Sir, posted by Ray on Mar 20, 2003
Your Crap is old News. Who made You Judge and Jury on this forum. Last I heard this forum belonged to Patrick, not You..I don't need to explain zerooo to you, and I'm not going to allow you to Bully me off the board, as you have bullied Kelvin and others...Amazing, your married...but you spend all your time exploring the websites. If I was married, I wouldn't waste my time talking to the like of Guys like you. I don't read any of your Boring Posts anymore unless your flamming me. Soooo, don't read my Posts. Get a life with your wife and stop wasting your time drinking and flamming other Posters that doesn't agree with your opinions. Gregory(son) says leave my daddy alone You bad old man hehehehe Title: gregory son Post by: Esiang on March 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to RAy Sir, posted by greg on Mar 21, 2003
Gregory(son) says leave my daddy alone You bad old man hehehehe
Title: Gregory(Pinoy) Post by: greg on March 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to gregory son, posted by Esiang on Mar 21, 2003
only 2 and half, cannot you take a Joke? Ray has a big enouugh blabber mouth to defend himself without You, etc etc opening your mouths to defend him. Since your new to this forum, you know nothing about "Evil Ray". My shotgun is trained on Ray's stomach, sooo I 'm going to ignore his "Yesss Sir Buii Kissers". Thank you Title: Re: Gregory(Pissboy) Post by: Ray on March 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Gregory(Pinoy), posted by greg on Mar 21, 2003
You haven't said anything intelligent since you've been on this forum. Now try REAL hard and see what you can come up with. Go ahead, stretch that little brain of yours to it's limit. I'll be holding my breath in anticipation ROTFLMAOCUMLTNTPIMP! Ray Title: Re: impakto Post by: Esiang on March 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Gregory(Pinoy), posted by greg on Mar 21, 2003
I'm just concerned of what your own son might be in the future, since you say it's a joke well I get it now. thank you for reminding. I just hope when your son grow up, he won't get your nasty mouth....IMPAKTO If Ray is Evil, there's no difference between you and Ray he..he.....he....he..he..he...he....he.... Title: Don't understand What your Beef Post by: greg on March 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: impakto, posted by Esiang on Mar 21, 2003
is with me. I have done you no harm. U got yourself a nasty mouth for a Pinay, butting into something that has nothing to do with You. Thank you, and don't bother reading any of my future posts. Have a nice day. Byeeee Title: Re:rice Post by: Esiang on March 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Don't understand What your Beef, posted by greg on Mar 21, 2003
Hey Mister I dont have a beef.....he..he...I have lot's of rice. too bad, I'm in the mood for craziness.... You too have a nice day....BYE Don't worry I'll always read your nice posts.... Yeah, I am nasty when someone is nasty like you... Do you think all pinay dont really ever say nasty words sometimes ha? Title: TROLL Post by: Ray on March 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to RAy Sir, posted by greg on Mar 21, 2003
Leave my wife out of this you stupid little troll! If you can't speak up for yourself without crawling in the gutter, then shut your pie-hole. You've been a trouble-maker ever since you came here. Now run along little man and pay attention to your own personal life instead of worrying about others. Ray P.S. Whoever "Kelvin" is, I'm sure he can speak for himself any time he wishes. The childish little game you play of "Let's you and him fight" is getting old. Title: Yaaaaaaawn Post by: greg on March 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to TROLL, posted by Ray on Mar 21, 2003
[This message has been edited by greg] Blab, Blab, Blabber mouth. You oooold 72, 450lbs (fat), 6'5, ugly bald fart. Don't play Dumb with me you meddling TROLL. I cannot stand your smell, I can smell you from San Diego to Berkeley..Bully RAy, you need a bath.. the smell, Your foul breath from all your heavy drinking, Help..I cannot breath..Get this funky Ray away from me, thank you hehehe Title: Brilliant, Just Brilliant! Post by: Ray on March 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM Title: Hehehehehe this is Fun Post by: greg on March 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Brilliant, Just Brilliant!, posted by Ray on Mar 21, 2003
bought you fruitcakes down to my level of intelligence. hehehe...Bubba, El..., Ray...my email is gregoryas@webtv.net Lets spare Patrick's board, this is Fun..bring in on Please email me hehehehehehe Title: Why do you respond to name calling but NOT real questions? n/t Post by: Bubba on March 20, 2003, 05:00:00 AM Title: Becuz my Personal life in non Post by: greg on March 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Why do you respond to name calling but N..., posted by Bubba on Mar 20, 2003
of Your business. Don't be sooo nossy, why the name bubba? Are you Huge???? Title: A mind is a terrible thing to waste... Post by: Ray on March 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Becuz my Personal life in non, posted by greg on Mar 21, 2003
...but in your case, it's already wasted! LMAO! Title: Re: Becuz my Personal life in non Post by: Esiang on March 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Becuz my Personal life in non, posted by greg on Mar 21, 2003
nonsense questions..... Can't you take a nickname Bubba? Youur in your nasty mouth again..... Looks like you hate big fat people here in america or maybe blah..blah..blah.....blah...blah..... Title: I don't understand Your bad Post by: greg on March 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Becuz my Personal life in non, posted by Esiang on Mar 21, 2003
English, my Mahal's english isn't bad like Yours. Take a English class for goooooodness sake. Enough said..Byeee Title: Hey Pissboy! Post by: Ray on March 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to I don't understand Your bad , posted by greg on Mar 21, 2003
Are you claiming the title of English Sheriff? I think you're the one who needs to go to school, you stupid bozo! Esiang's English is about 50 times better than YOURS! ROTFLMAO! Ray Title: fish man Post by: Esiang on March 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to I don't understand Your bad , posted by greg on Mar 21, 2003
OWWSSSSS Really!!!!!! Your Mahal????? Your just pissed off man and dont make an alibi to my crazy english ok...he..he.. BYE....BYE..... Title: Re: Becuz my Personal life in non Post by: Bubba on March 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Becuz my Personal life in non, posted by greg on Mar 21, 2003
Of course and the ladies love it. You respond with negative replies to everything but cannot give a thoughtful repsonse to a real question. What benefit are you to this board? Title: Fair Question Post by: Ray on March 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Becuz my Personal life in non, posted by Bubba on Mar 21, 2003
Why don't you answer Bubba's question Gregory? What benefit are you to this board? Ray Title: Oh, I see Post by: greg on March 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Becuz my Personal life in non, posted by Bubba on Mar 21, 2003
Bubba, your one of those Huge fatties, that cannot get a decent date in America correct?? Of course the Ladies love it??? What a bunch of Crap, they don't Love your fat butt, they Love America. hehehehe Title: You proved my point without anybody's help! Post by: Bubba on March 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM Title: Hello.... Post by: wizard on March 20, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Question, posted by Ray on Mar 19, 2003
[This message has been edited by wizard] Hey Ray, In case you missed it, the topic of this thread was "19yo and 50+"... I was merely stating a couple that my girl knows, whose age difference is far greater than the one that bryan got his panties in a wad about... Personally, I'm not losing any sleep over this union of two adults getting what each wants from this marriage... no mas... It's not an obsession, just the topic of this thread... And I guess this thread was about as mature as requesting photos of new mothers nursing their children!!!! ROFL... Title: Re: Hello.... Post by: Dave H on March 20, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Hello...., posted by wizard on Mar 20, 2003
[This message has been edited by Dave H] Hi Wizard, Ray and I were only joking about "requesting photos of new mothers nursing their children," which I hope was quite obvious. It was to the Filipina posters. Things are much more lighthearted over here than on the Latin Board. I know you were just casually mentioning about the couple with the large age diffence and not letting it trouble you. But there are a couple of other guys who appear about ready to have strokes over this issue. Let me see what I can do to help! ;o))) Three years ago I met a Filipino who was 75 (78 now) and living with a 30 year old Filipina, in the Philippines. He's not rich, they are not legally married, and have kids together. They have been together around 12 years, with a 45 year age difference. I just heard that a another 75 year old Filipino that I know recently married a 34 year old Filipina...41 year age difference and a cousin of some sort. I don't necessarily condone this, but I don't lose any sleep over it either. ;oD Dave H. Title: I know... Post by: wizard on March 20, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Hello...., posted by Dave H on Mar 20, 2003
you guys were only joking about the photos of mother's nursing... That was the point... This thread is a little ridiculous anyway... People gravitate to those they feel the most comfortable, regardless of age... I guess some people just take themselves a little too seriously... And I don't me you Dave... hehehe... Title: Re: I know... Post by: Dave H on March 20, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to I know..., posted by wizard on Mar 20, 2003
Hey Wizard, Me take myself serious, your're right! Not a chance!! He he he ... I just have to keep myself from getting too carried away with my dirty songs. ;o))) Dave H. Title: Re: Hello.... Post by: Ray on March 20, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Hello...., posted by wizard on Mar 20, 2003
Hey Wiz, In case you missed it, I didn’t reply to YOUR post. It wasn’t YOU who I was asking why he was losing sleep over this, so now you can go back to sleep. ROFL! Ray Title: So... Post by: wizard on March 20, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Hello...., posted by Ray on Mar 20, 2003
[This message has been edited by wizard] Ray said: "Do you or ANYONE ELSE here on this forum know this couple personally? So then why are you losing sleep over the fact that he is much older than her?" Ray, Since I'm the one that started the thread "How about...", that it was MY girlfriend that knows this girl and based on YOUR statement above, I thought that, YES, YOU might be directing a portion of your question to ME... I simply responded with what I knew of the relationship and that I'm not losing any sleep over it... I suggest you chill before your BP spikes... Title: I missed it... Post by: Dave H on March 20, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to So..., posted by wizard on Mar 20, 2003
Hi Wizard, Ray has already spoken for himself. But, I have no doubt that Ray's post was a direct response to Greg. Ray's "I think that there are a few guys around here who need to get a life." statement definitely seemed like a reference to Greg and Bryan, not you, William, Bubba, or me who were also in the thread. It seems like you and Ray both have similar views on large age differences, as do most of us. It is an issue that we feel requires serious thought by both parties and may not be for us. As for me personally, I'm already married. A lady with a 30 year age difference would be a minor anyway. With the apparent exception of Greg and Bryan, we wish couples with large age differences success in their relationships, just as we do other couples. Title: The real issue... Post by: Ray on March 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to I missed it..., posted by Dave H on Mar 20, 2003
Thanks Dave, you're right. I have no problem at all with Wizard's post about the 42-year age difference and I never did. My beef is with those who attack and insult a couple solely because of the age difference. The REAL problem as I see it is that there are probably a whole bunch of readers out there who fall into the category of couples with a large age difference. Most of them will probably never tell their story here, be it positive or negative, because of the virtual certainty of being attacked and ridiculed by folks like Greg. Whether or not you agree with those couples, they have a valuable story to tell. Unfortunately, we will never hear those stories if this type of behavior goes unchallenged. It has nothing to do with any sort of censorship, but with common decency and respect. If someone dislikes large age differences in relationships and would like to present their ideas and opinions on the subject, I'm sure that everyone here will welcome them. It's the senseless personal attacks on decent people trying to tell their story that sucks big green ones, IMHO. I'm done. Now I'll shut up. Ray Title: Re: So... Post by: Ray on March 20, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to So..., posted by wizard on Mar 20, 2003
Wiz, ONCE AGAIN, THAT RESPONSE WAS NOT MEANT FOR YOU!!! GET IT??? For someone who calls himself "Wizard", you don't seem very bright. Now run along back to the Latin board if all you are looking for is a fight :-) Ray Title: right Post by: Nathan on March 20, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Question, posted by Ray on Mar 19, 2003
Ray, You make some good points...people being so busy tending to the affairs of people they do not even know is Title: Re: right Post by: Esiang on March 20, 2003, 05:00:00 AM Title: The best on point comment about this thread yet! n/t Post by: Bubba on March 20, 2003, 05:00:00 AM Title: "bury him in the back yard" Post by: Dave H on March 20, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Question, posted by Ray on Mar 19, 2003
Damn it Ray! ROFLMGDAOCUMMFLTNTPASIMMFPTRDMF!!! Dave H. Title: Viva Viagra! Post by: Dave H on March 19, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to HeHe soooo true, posted by greg on Mar 19, 2003
Hi Greg, Can you imagine being an 80 year old dying in bed with a hot 20 year old! Damn...what a way to go! You can't take it with you, so you might as well go with a smile on your face. Awesome! Same with ladies and younger men. Go for it!!! ;o))) Dave H. Title: You need to re-think the word CHILD Post by: Bubba on March 19, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to HeHe soooo true, posted by greg on Mar 19, 2003
It's very true that a younger person (Man or Woman) is not as mature normally as an older person but to refer to an ADULT as a child just because of an age difference doesn't make it so. Check the laws once you make to 18 YOU ARE AN ADULT. Title: I'd like to be raked over coals by a 19 yo Post by: jon on March 18, 2003, 05:00:00 AM Title: You're A Martyr! ;o))) Post by: Dave H on March 18, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to I'd like to be raked over coals by a 19 ..., posted by jon on Mar 18, 2003
Hi Jon, That sounds like real torture! ;o))) Wish we could make it up to PhilFest. Have a great time! Dave H. Title: Zoinksssss Post by: Howard on March 18, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to 19 & a 50+ year old, posted by bryan on Mar 17, 2003
Boy!!! That's a lot of pent up hostility you have there Bry! I have to admit the age difference seems a bit extreme to me as well, but who am I to judge??? You can't predict who you're gonna fall in love with. Peter certainly seems to be a good guy and I see no reason to doubt his sincerity. Gerlie and I are 10yrs apart--She's younger, but definitly more mature :P--and that's the way I personally wanted it. Someone closer to my age. Of course if I dated someone 31yrs younger than I am, it would be Illegal :P Chill out dude, Keep the Faith H Title: Re: Zoinksssss Post by: Dave H on March 18, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Zoinksssss, posted by Howard on Mar 18, 2003
Hi H, Gerlie is only 10 years younger...you must have been using one of Ray's formulas that was modified to meet CFO approval. LOL How's life in the mitten? I hope Gerlie arrives soon! Every time I talk to my cuz, he says that there is green stuff all over the ground in A2. ;o))) D Title: Hey Howard Post by: outwest77 on March 18, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Zoinksssss, posted by Howard on Mar 18, 2003
Nice to see you post haver not heard from you in a while, glad to see you are doing ok now. Title: Good for him Post by: Bubba on March 18, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to 19 & a 50+ year old, posted by bryan on Mar 17, 2003
I say to each his own and if a woman (yes a 19 yr old is a woman) wants to hook up with an older man that's her business. It's a free world and you can condem him for it but it's not immoral or illegal. Title: Don't anybody say anything about Carl Post by: Jeff S on March 18, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to 19 & a 50+ year old, posted by bryan on Mar 17, 2003
Bryan would probably blow a gasket. Title: Re: 19 & a 50+ year old Post by: nealt on March 18, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to 19 & a 50+ year old, posted by bryan on Mar 17, 2003
There is a 22 year diff in my marriage no problems except i buy more viagar tneal Title: Hi Tom! Post by: Ray on March 18, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: 19 & a 50+ year old, posted by nealt on Mar 18, 2003
I wondered where you been hiding. Now I know, standing in line at the drug store trying to refill your Viagra prescription (ROFLMAO!) Well, at least now we know that you aren't Elliot :-) Ray Title: Re: 19 & a 50+ year old Post by: Intrepid on March 18, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to 19 & a 50+ year old, posted by bryan on Mar 17, 2003
Simer down Bryan! For the life of me I can't figure out what has you so hot under the collar! One would think that this gentleman "stole" the object of your affections from you. 19 is a little young for my taste, but a 20+ year age difference is alright with me. Frankly, I hope they live happily ever after. Also I hope this gentleman and his dearly beloved continues to post their experiences on this board. It is one thing to voice your opinion on age differences, especially if you have some experience. It is quite another to attack someone simply because they are doing something that you personally disagree with. Take a chill-pill guy, and perhaps post something about YOUR experiences. Title: Good Post Mr Bryan Post by: greg on March 18, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to 19 & a 50+ year old, posted by bryan on Mar 17, 2003
[This message has been edited by greg] test Title: Pls erase my post Post by: greg on March 18, 2003, 05:00:00 AM Title: crime Post by: Nathan on March 18, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Good Post Mr Bryan, posted by greg on Mar 18, 2003
If you know of any man having relations with a child I would strongly advise you to call the police and turn him in! Your local authorities can clearly define statutory rape for you I'm sure. Be aware however, that if you file such a report when in fact no such act has taken place, it is you that may be prosecuted for filing a false police report. Beyond those legal definitions, the cops will tell you that you should mind your own business. Beyond that, it is nothing but subjective measurement, and a MYOB situation. Title: Get Post by: greg on March 18, 2003, 05:00:00 AM Title: So What! It's Not For You! Post by: Dave H on March 17, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to 19 & a 50+ year old, posted by bryan on Mar 17, 2003
Hi Bryan, You must live a very sheltered life! No crime has been committed here by either the 19 or 50+ year old! Did you ever wonder how many people look at you and your wife together and say: "Look at him with that there little brown ferun China woman. That is the most immoral, dispicable, lecherous thing I have ever seen! This guy should be ashamed of himself! I hope she breaks his heart and rakes him over the coals! He certainly deserves it! I wouldnt want to answer to God for that one!" Guess what Dude...they do!!! Black, White, Asian, foreign, disabled, older, younger...I don't have time for that! Why don't we just worry about our own lives? There's too much jealousy and hatred in the world already! Dave H. Title: Don't tell me you're one of them thar pre-verts... Post by: Jeff S on March 18, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to So What! It's Not For You!, posted by Dave H on Mar 17, 2003
.. who keeps one of them little yeller furrin sex slaves at home. Think about the zample it sets for your chilluns! Better be careful now, frogs'll start rainin from the sky, right on your house. "Let my people go!" - Jeff Title: Hi Jeff! Post by: Ray on March 18, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Don't tell me you're one of them thar pr..., posted by Jeff S on Mar 18, 2003
Thanks for posting! I was starting to worry that maybe YOU were Elliot (ROTFLMAO!) Ray Title: Re: Hi Jeff! Post by: Jeff S on March 18, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Hi Jeff!, posted by Ray on Mar 18, 2003
Nope, not me. I'm not that subtle. LOL - Jeff Title: Re: 19 & a 50+ year old Post by: Peter Lee on March 17, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to 19 & a 50+ year old, posted by bryan on Mar 17, 2003
Hey Bryan it is me Peter Lee I am the one who in engaged to a 19 year old soon to be 20. I am not defending my decision to marry the girl that I love. It was an accident that we met; she was not on the internet. We met in her Aunts house when I was visiting and we became sweethearts and fell in love. I had seen and chatted many older women till that time. My fiancée’s parents are over 30 years apart in age and gave permission to the marriage. The father's position was that if we really love each other he would not stand in our way. Both he and her mother signed the papers giving us permission to marry. I could have married her in January or do the fiancé visa route. I had decided to return to marry her in the Philippines in July knowing it would take longer for her to join me here in the US. But a wedding for us would be important for her and her family. If you give me your address I can mail you the exact date of the wedding in Cebu. You are invited to attend to see two people in love marry in a church with God's blessing and ready to share the rest of our lives together. I did not want to rush into this and there are many who think like you. I have local friends here in Daytona that are also married to Filipinas with over a 30 year gap and happily married 4 years now. So it is possible and I agree that the risks are great. I am willing to take those risks and put up with many comments like yours coz I have become a fool for love. I have seen many same age marriages fail in the past so no one has the answer for a perfect marriage. As far as it being the most immoral, despicable, lecherous thing you have ever heard you gave no detail of what was immoral, despicable or lecherous. It would be interesting to hear some details on where you received that information. Certainly not from the Bible LOL. Yes, she could break my heart and rake me over the coals. Do I deserve it? If that is the punishment for falling in love than so be it. I didn’t create love, I am just a victim. What would you say later if the marriage becomes a success and we are still happy years from now? What would it take to retract your statements? What if I marry someone close to my age and we divorce a short time later what will you say then? Oh and thanks for the “good luck” I will need all the good luck I can get coz there are more of you out there. Title: Re: Re: 19 & a 50+ year old Post by: bryan on March 18, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: 19 & a 50+ year old, posted by Peter Lee on Mar 17, 2003
If you define love I'll define Immoral dispicable and lecherous. Ive walked away from relationships where i felt i was in love and but had to end the relationship for other reasons. For instance I was very much head over heels in love with a woman who liked to party a little bit and had no problem with it. I on the other hand am an alcoholic and never could get a hold of the problem while with her. After we went our seperate ways (hardest thing ive ever had to do) I was able to deal with my own problems and have since been sober.
Sometimes the old Planet love Board could use a good stirring and this subject always does the trick Title: Age Differences Post by: Ray on March 18, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Re: 19 & a 50+ year old, posted by bryan on Mar 18, 2003
Bryan, I don't think it was the "subject" that stirred up the shiit here, but the insensitive way in which you presented your opinions. A lot of people would agree with you that a 30-year age gap is too much. Others would say that the fact that you are 9-1/2 years older than your wife makes you a lecherous, despicable, immoral pervert. I think it’s best to drop the “I’m more moral than you” crap and just state your opinions in an intelligent manner. And it is NEVER acceptable to insult another member’s fiancée or wife because you disagree with something he said or did, IMHO. Anyway, thank you for apologizing to Peter for you stupid comments. There is absolutely nothing immoral or illegal about two consenting adults marrying each other. You may not like the idea of a 59-year-old guy marrying a 19-year-old, but that doesn’t make it immoral. I believe that large age differences are serious and should be carefully considered before marriage. What is a “large” age difference? I don’t think there is any threshold or magic number of years where it becomes a problem when you surpass it. It depends on the ages of the parties involved. I like to use this formula, for age at the time you start courting: Her Age Minimum = (His Age / 2) + 7 If He is 90, then she should be at least 52 (a difference of 38 years). If he is 30, then she should be at least 22 (8-year difference), etc. I think the same should apply if she were older. What were the ages of your wife and yourself when you started courting? Ray Title: Re: Age Differences (on the lighter side) Post by: Michael B on March 18, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Age Differences, posted by Ray on Mar 18, 2003
Oh, Gracie. Yes, George? I overheard you bragging to Mrs. Vanderhall about how long we've been marrried. Well, George, you know I'm really proud of being married to you. Yes, I know. But later that same night you were telling Mrs. Murphy when you were born. Well, so? What's wrong with that? Nothing, I guess, but what if they compare notes? Do you really think they're going to beleive I married you when you were four years old? Title: Re: Age Differences Post by: lswote on March 18, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Age Differences, posted by Ray on Mar 18, 2003
[This message has been edited by lswote] The week I met my wife, I also met another woman who was older. I was 48 and the other woman was 37, divorced and had two children, seemingly a good age for me, stable, etc. My wife on the other hand reported her age to be 30 (she was actually 32, but had lied since she barely looks 25), never married and no kids. I almost didn't go out with her because she rubbed me wrong the first time I met her, but somehow she ended up on my very busy date schedule. In fact she was my last date on the last day of a 6 day tour at LAI. On our date she apologized for rubbing me the wrong way in such a charming fashion that she really changed my opinion of her. When I got back to the states I tried to make the relationship with the other woman work because she "fit the formula" better, but couldn't get my wife out of my mind, and when on my next visit the other woman stood me up for a date, I finally stopped fighting my feelings for my wife. Then I found out she was actually 32, which help pacify the "follow the rules" side of me, but then I fell so hard for her that the rules wouldn't have mattered anyway. Formulas have their place, but they should never rule your life. Title: I agree... n/t Post by: Ray on March 18, 2003, 05:00:00 AM Title: I like your formula! ;o))) Post by: Dave H on March 18, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Age Differences, posted by Ray on Mar 18, 2003
Hi Ray, Genius that I am, I came up with a 13.4 year old the first time. LOL I finally put on my glasses. 8o) When I first met my wife she was 2.5 years too young (using the formula). Now she is .5 years too young. In a few more years she will be too old for me. ROFLMAO! Eventually, Peter and his fiancee should be right on the mark! Seriously, it's a good tool! Especially when combined with other factors, in considering an age range in a search for a potential mate. I agree with your post. I believe that large age differences, as well as cultural differences, should be carefully considered before marriage. I am 16.5 years older than my wife, which was a large age difference to me at the time. The person that introduced us confused her birth year with a sister and thought she was several years older...around 28 and not 26, not a big deal. Had he thought she was 18 and she was really 16, it would have been a much bigger mistake! I was considering women in their mid-30's or above for a serious relationship at the time. Then I met my wife...and the rest is history or herstory. Rules were meant to be broken. ;o))) She was more mature and had more in common with me than any woman I had ever met in the US, regardless of age. Our age difference was never an issue for her. It was for me at first, because of the culture in the US. In the Philippines I was considered young. Eventually, I decided that if it wasn't an issue for her or her family, why should I let it be one for me. Since then, it has never been a problem for us personally. I am sure that it bothers some people in the US, as I've caught a few angry looks from women. The stares could have also been for the Asian slave propaganda. Most people don't give us a second glance. I believe our relationship only bothers people who are jealous and/or fem-nazis who hate to see a middle-aged white guy so happy. Dave H. Title: Re: I like your formula! ;o))) Post by: Ray on March 18, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to I like your formula! ;o))), posted by Dave H on Mar 18, 2003
Hi Dave, I think you’re right when you said “our relationship only bothers people who are jealous and/or fem-nazis who hate to see a middle-aged white guy so happy”. I do think jealousy plays a big part in it. My wife and I have a routine all rehearsed for anyone who might actually say something to us in public about our relationship. We will both turn on cue, show our asses, and rip a loud fart. That should give them a pretty clear message (LOL). So far, we haven’t had to use it, but it sure works good in practice. Bring on the femi-nazis! Under the formula, she was 1 year over the limit. Also, another rule I had was that she should be at least older than my oldest daughter, which was no problem. I do believe that as we grow older, the difference in age becomes less of a problem. I think those who say “age doesn’t matter” are only fooling themselves. Of course it matters! But it is a private thing and it shouldn’t matter to outsiders. Those people who are obsessed with other couples’ ages are usually nothing more than shallow busy-bodies. It’s time for them to get a life IMHO. My $.02, Ray Title: Nice Routine! ;o))) Post by: Dave H on March 18, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: I like your formula! ;o))), posted by Ray on Mar 18, 2003
Hey Ray, "Sychronized farting" very tough technique to perfect, but one of the most effective against fem-nazis! ROFLMAOPIMMFP!!! So far, just seeing ol' Fester staring back and start to approach has been enough for them to turn and walk away quickly. You're right about people needing to get a life...their own! I was still a bathroom wanker when my wife was born. ROFLMAOTNTCIMMFP!!! Dave H. Title: Bathroom Wankers Post by: Ray on March 18, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Nice Routine! ;o))), posted by Dave H on Mar 18, 2003
Remind me to ask you about that another time... TNTBUMFL! Ray Title: Re: Bathroom Wankers Post by: Jay on March 18, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Bathroom Wankers, posted by Ray on Mar 18, 2003
Hey Dave, May I ask you or Ray to be so kind as to post the meanings of these abbreviations you guys use? WTF is TNTBUMFL?? LOL! Perhaps it could be posted on "the hut". :-) Jay Title: OOPS! Post by: Ray on March 18, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Bathroom Wankers, posted by Jay on Mar 18, 2003
Sorry Jay, sometimes we get carried away. I would post a translation on NH, but it’s no fun over there because it lacks the challenge of trying to defeat Patrick’s cussometer. Maybe this will help: LOL = “That was funny” ROTFLMAO = “That was very funny!” TNTBUMFL! = “That was very, very funny!!” ROTFLMGDAOCUMSLTAHAICNTPIMFPBITIJSAOTGDFA = “That was very, very, very, very, funny!!!!” See, it’s really quite simple. The key: the longer the exclamation, the funnier it was. Got it now? Good! SAOTFF! Ray Title: Very, very, very, very, funny!!!!” Post by: Dave H on March 19, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to OOPS!, posted by Ray on Mar 18, 2003
Hi Ray, Good point! No need for an exact translation. "Longer...the funnier!" TNTPIMMFP!!! Dave H. Title: Re: OOPS! Post by: Jay on March 18, 2003, 05:00:00 AM Title: He he he... Post by: Dave H on March 18, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Bathroom Wankers, posted by Jay on Mar 18, 2003
Hi Jay, It would probably get Ray and I both banned from P-L for life! If Al Gore found out...the Internet! LOL Perhaps Ray and I should send you an answewr key. Ray is by far the master and sometimes baffles me for at first. "ROTFLMGDAOCUMSLTAHAICNTPIMFPBITIJSAOTGDFA!" was by far one of his toughest and best. Best to break it all down into the parts you know, then it is easier to fill in the blanks. Before you kick my ass, maybe we should send you a key. ;o))) Dave H. Title: Re: He he he... Post by: Jay on March 18, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to He he he..., posted by Dave H on Mar 18, 2003
Hey Dave, I can figure out most of it, but they keep getting longer and longer. LOL! Yes, a key would be nice. :-) Jay Title: PBLFJMSIDOSKVYERO! Post by: Jimbo on March 18, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: He he he..., posted by Jay on Mar 18, 2003
Nobody will figure that one out :-) Title: Re: PBLFJMSIDOSKVYERO! Post by: Jay on March 18, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to PBLFJMSIDOSKVYERO!, posted by Jimbo on Mar 18, 2003
Hi Jim, Your right. Now, what's it mean? :-) Jay Title: Don't mean nuthin' Post by: Jimbo on March 18, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: PBLFJMSIDOSKVYERO!, posted by Jay on Mar 18, 2003
Just like Nam, Jay... "Don't mean nuthin'" Sorry, all this war coverage is playing with my mind :-) http://members.tripod.com/boondocker2001/d04-dont-mean-nuthin.html Jim Title: Re: Don't mean nuthin' Post by: Jay on March 19, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Don't mean nuthin', posted by Jimbo on Mar 18, 2003
[This message has been edited by Jay] Hey Jim, Cool link. You know, this may sound stupid, but I use that expression once in a while. Throughout the years, I read everything I could get my hands on about the guys in WW2, Korea and Vietnam and thier experiences. So I know the expression. I even explained it to Criselda and my sister in law, way back when. I showed them the hand "dap" that sometimes goes along with it. :-) Three times in the last 9+ years, at the lowest or toughest points during that time for me, Criselda has walked up to me, stuck out a fist for the "dap" and said, "F@ck it, don't mean nuthin'" in an attempt to give me strength. It worked, bless her heart. On the eve of war, I am reminded that the strength of the combat veterens going through hell on the battlefield, has given me strength in my own life. Just by realizing that anything I go through, is nothing compared to what they did and continue to, go through. That they do it all without hesitation and they do it for US. I would have done it too, had there been the call while I served. However, it was peacetime, so I made it my personal mission to keep the bars on fields Ave. in Angeles, secure. Mission accomplished. They're still there! LOL! God Speed to our troops as they count down the last hour. Jay Title: Much Success! Post by: Dave H on March 17, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: 19 & a 50+ year old, posted by Peter Lee on Mar 17, 2003
Hi Peter, Congratulations once again for finding your special love. I hope you have many joyous years of wedded bliss together. Good Luck...not because you need it, but because you deserve it! Dave H. Title: Re: 19 & a 50+ year old Post by: Bear on March 17, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to 19 & a 50+ year old, posted by bryan on Mar 17, 2003
My wife and I are 26 years apart. No problem in over two years of marriage - not even one. I think the age/maturity issue is very overrated. And it was Honey who made the choice, not me, as I suspect the same with Peter Lee. Honey's logic for wanting to be involved with me was increditably logical and well thoughtout. I personally was scared out of my skin thinking that she'd get off the plane here and immediately put me in jail. Amazingly it has been well accepted among all our family and friends. Bear and Honey Title: Re: Re: 19 & a 50+ year old Post by: Peter Lee on March 17, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: 19 & a 50+ year old, posted by Bear on Mar 17, 2003
I hope to be as lucky as both of you Bear and Honey. I know my case is a little more extreme so there is more risk but I am not the ordinary Joe either which gives me a little edge. It was this site and many other success stories of many years age difference that made it seem all possible. It is good to hear the devils advocate. My fiancé like your honey gave it much thought and together with her family decided on accepting my proposal. Title: Re: 19 & a 50+ year old Post by: Nathan on March 17, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to 19 & a 50+ year old, posted by bryan on Mar 17, 2003
I would agree that a 50 year old married to a 19 year old Title: Re: Re: 19 & a 50+ year old Post by: SteveB on March 18, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: 19 & a 50+ year old, posted by Nathan on Mar 17, 2003
I agree Nathan,,I wouldn't do it,,but its their choice! Title: Re: 19 & a 50+ year old Post by: lswote on March 17, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to 19 & a 50+ year old, posted by bryan on Mar 17, 2003
Why is this any of your business? God doesn't have a problem with one adult marrying another adult. Please restrict your prudish comments to your church bulletin board. Title: Re: Re: 19 & a 50+ year old Post by: bryan on March 17, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: 19 & a 50+ year old, posted by lswote on Mar 17, 2003
Its not my business and of that I am glad. Look pal write the youngster a letter call it all off and go back to Heart of Asia theres a gazillion age appropriate women there waiting for ya. Title: Re:immoral Post by: Esiang on March 18, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Re: 19 & a 50+ year old, posted by bryan on Mar 17, 2003
Look pal just better go by yourself to Heart of Asia. Hope you could find an appropriate age for you.... Different men,different choices..... Hey! nothing's so perfect in this world? Title: Re:immoral Post by: Esiang on March 18, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Re: 19 & a 50+ year old, posted by bryan on Mar 17, 2003
Look pal just better go by yourself to Heart of Asia. Hope you could find an appropriate age for you.... Different men,different choices..... Hey! nothing's so perfect in this world? Title: Re: Re: Re: 19 & a 50+ year old Post by: Peter Lee on March 17, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Re: 19 & a 50+ year old, posted by bryan on Mar 17, 2003
Hey Bryan those comments should have been directed at me! Not only will I not call it off but our letters to each other are about marriage plans. You make it sound like I am shaking out with this young lady, we are getting married. Like I wrote you earlier I did not meet her in any internet site. I could not find love on the internet it had to be a face to face meeting for me. I did think she was older that 19 when we met. At 5'6" she looked older that she looks. You have made it your business now and put your 2 cents in. I would say that if you knew my past history and met both of us you would soften and give us your blessing. Your devils advocate comments are welcome. That is what this forum is all about. There is a possibility that people differ from your life style and are happy. Title: Re: Re: Re: 19 & a 50+ year old Post by: lswote on March 17, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Re: 19 & a 50+ year old, posted by bryan on Mar 17, 2003
You got the wrong guy, I am married to a woman from Colombia. It doesn't mean I can't be outraged by someone sticking their nose where it doesn't belong. Title: Re: Re: Re: 19 & a 50+ year old Post by: outwest77 on March 17, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Re: 19 & a 50+ year old, posted by bryan on Mar 17, 2003
Troll, go play with yourself Title: Re: 19 & a 50+ year old Post by: outwest77 on March 17, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to 19 & a 50+ year old, posted by bryan on Mar 17, 2003
[This message has been edited by outwest77] Personally i would not pursue a woman that age, but, then again my gf is 20 yrs my junior and there are many who think thats a horrible thing, even though she is 26. There are many many many 20 age difference relationships between pinays and foreigners, then you also see 25 and 30 year ones. Many of my friends family etc object to american guys going over to meet any foreign woman, especially the ones who object are the women, they think "hey whats wrong with us"? You also see this attitude in the filipinos who think any pinay who goes with a foreigner is a gold digging money hungry traitor........same thing.....whats wrong with our men? You see it in the black community when Black women are upset at Black men who date white women, Whats wrong with us? they say..... The thing that all of them fail to realize is that love is hard to find in any country, and when you qualify it by statements which demand, stay with your own race, stay with your own age group, or stay in your own country, what the heck do you need to go to a foreign country for? or the age group that society deems appropriate, Then you start getting into a sticky situation. What is worse?, a man who is lonely , bored , sitting in the usa putting up with all the bs of the dating scene here, or a guy who pursues a girl who is an age which society deems inappropriate?. Most of the people in the USA wont condone or approve of a guy in the US going to the phils and getting married , no matter what the girls age is, so YOU CANT PLEASE EVERYONE SO WHY TRY. If you listen to your friends and family, nobody would ever go to the phils in the first place.......After all its inhabited by murderous muslim terrorists, kidnappers, Right? Nobody asked your permission to court their girlfriend, and to each his or her own. If the relationship fails, its his problem not yours. If his gf is of legal age, and he treats her well, they are both consenting adults, its none of your business. Attitudes like yours are one of the reasons guys who go to the phils have to put up with bs from all sides, you are part of the problem. Title: JUDGE NOT n/t Post by: Lonny on March 17, 2003, 05:00:00 AM |