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GoodWife / Planet-Love Archives => Threads started in 2003 => Topic started by: Windmill Boy on January 20, 2003, 05:00:00 AM

Title: The adventure begins now ....
Post by: Windmill Boy on January 20, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
Well  all

I'm  headed  off to  the  airport  in  a  few  hours  to  start  a  trip  of  fully  booked  activities in  Japan  for  the  next  3  weeks.

Looking  forward  to  seeing  Bob S  for  a  day or  2  in  my  journeys.

Many  girls  in  many  cities  ha ha  ha.

Will  do  my  best  to  post  a  competent  trip  report  and  take  some  pictures  which I will  post  sooner  or  later.

Windmill boy

Title: have a great experience
Post by: Lori on January 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to The  adventure  begins now ...., posted by Windmill Boy on Jan 20, 2003

remember, it's better to come back empty handed than to bring back a souvenier that'll destroy your very existance...:-)
Just picky-you deserve it!!
be safe, LORI

Title: Too true
Post by: Bob S on January 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to have a great experience, posted by Lori on Jan 21, 2003

There are lots of nice husband-hunting women here, but finding one that is a good match is still a serious challenge.  A bad match with a cute accent is still a bad match.

Good to hear from you again!

Title: Great saying...
Post by: Jeff S on January 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Too true, posted by Bob S on Jan 21, 2003

"A bad match with a cute accent is still a bad match." ... and so true.

- Jeff

Title: And...
Post by: Dave H on January 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Great saying..., posted by Jeff S on Jan 21, 2003's amazing how quickly a cute accent or laugh can agonize like fingernails on a chalk board, once things go bad!

Dave H.

Title: I Don't know, Dave.....
Post by: SteveG on January 22, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to And..., posted by Dave H on Jan 21, 2003

 ...if she is saying "Chock-O-late" in that sexy accent while emiting that irritating laugh, it just might be
worth keeping a bad one around a bit longer.  Well, at least another day or two.   LOL   Man, I love that word spoken by a filipina!   :P  

Title: Me too!!!
Post by: Dave H on January 22, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to I Don't know, Dave....., posted by SteveG on Jan 22, 2003

Hey Steve,

I know what you mean about a Filipina accent and the word  "Chock-O-late!" :oD I was thinking about certain Latinas...I know "joo know what I mean?" LOL A practice bagpipe chanter or CD pipe tunes will drown it out completely. :o)))

Dave H.

Title: Really? I always thought they were making fun...
Post by: Jeff S on January 23, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Me too!!!, posted by Dave H on Jan 22, 2003

... of my big nose: "Jew, know what I mean?"

- Jeff

Title: I dunno...
Post by: Dave H on January 23, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Really? I always thought they were makin..., posted by Jeff S on Jan 23, 2003

Hey Jeff,

"Jew" could be right! LOL How "beeg" "ees" "eet?" But, "jour" "eso" tall, how could they "esee" "eet?" Were you "eseating" "een" a "shair?" Did they make fun of "jour" "beeg" "eshoes" too? ;o)))

Dave H.

Title: Re: I dunno...
Post by: Jay on January 24, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to I dunno..., posted by Dave H on Jan 23, 2003

Hi Dave,

I liked they way Spanish girls used to ask me, "are jew estone?" LOL!


Title: Have A Great Trip!
Post by: Dave H on January 20, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to The  adventure  begins now ...., posted by Windmill Boy on Jan 20, 2003

Hi Windmill Boy,

The BIG day is finally hear. Have a fantastic time! I can't wait to read your trip report. Take lots of picturs for Stephen...and the rest of us. ;o) "Tanoshiminasai" Jeff said (whatever that means). LOL

Dave H.

Title: Sushi Tips
Post by: Surigao Ken on January 20, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to The  adventure  begins now ...., posted by Windmill Boy on Jan 20, 2003

When you get back can you give us some Sushi making tips?
My attempts have been edible but not very pretty.

Take care and good luck!!!!!

Surigao Ken

Title: Re: Sushi Tips
Post by: Bob S on January 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Sushi Tips, posted by Surigao Ken on Jan 20, 2003

Um, you do know that Eric is allergic to fish?  No sushi for him.

So Friday night I'll be taking him out to a local Yakitori place with about a dozen of my students.  Should be interesting (and fun!).

Title: Sushi without Fish
Post by: Surigao Ken on January 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Sushi Tips, posted by Bob S on Jan 21, 2003

Bob S.

I make redneck sushi. Nori, sweet stickey rice, grated carrot, avocodo, fake crabmeat, or perhaps some spam, plus wasabi-mayo mixture.
It all depends on how much I've been drinking.
Then I go out back and shoot some of my guns. (I repeat some.)

Take care,
Raw fish is bait.

Surigao Ken

Title: Holy Mackerel!
Post by: Ray on January 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Sushi without Fish, posted by Surigao Ken on Jan 21, 2003

Spam sushi? That sounds gross!

I'm with you Ken. I don't eat bait either! (ROFL)


Title: Re: Re: Sushi Tips
Post by: Jeff S on January 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Sushi Tips, posted by Bob S on Jan 21, 2003

Nothing like a yakitori bar with free flowing beer, especially during the sumo tournament. Been following it? We've been watching every night.

Anyway, I'm sure Eric will have a blast.

- Jeff

Title: Sumo
Post by: Dave H on January 23, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Sushi Tips, posted by Jeff S on Jan 21, 2003

Here's a nice Who's Who in Sumo webpage:

A direct link to Takanohana:

Too much football in the US and not enough sumo on TV for my tastes. Time to put on my purple mawashi and practice. ;o)))

Dave H.

Title: I thought I recognized you....
Post by: Jeff S on January 23, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Sumo, posted by Dave H on Jan 23, 2003

.. the other night. If it weren't for the slanty eyes and topknot, he'd have been a dead ringer for Uncle Fester in a purple g-string. In fact I almost yelled - "Hey it's Dave with his eyes taped back!" Got a secret sideline you're not telling us about?

Nihon-shu mo ippon kudasai...

- Jeff

Title: It was me...
Post by: Dave H on January 24, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to I thought I recognized you...., posted by Jeff S on Jan 23, 2003

Hey Jeff,

Kookoo-no toki-wa tenisu-o shimasita. Then I discovered sumo in 1972 when Takamiyama (Jesse Kuhaulua) won the Emperor's Cup.

Dave H.

Title: Anato-no Nihongo wa jozu desu ne! (n/t)
Post by: Jeff S on January 24, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to It was me..., posted by Dave H on Jan 24, 2003


Title: Otsukaresama!
Post by: Dave H on January 26, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Anato-no Nihongo wa jozu desu ne! (n/t), posted by Jeff S on Jan 24, 2003

[This message has been edited by Dave H]

Hi Jeff,

You can imagine my disappointment when I discovered that my school didn't offer sumo as a varsity sport. Through hard work, dedication, diet, training, and reading, I have become a sumo in my mind...and body. LOL

Dave "Yokozuna" H.

The Hamisami Group

Title: su-MO
Post by: Bob S on January 23, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Sushi Tips, posted by Jeff S on Jan 21, 2003

Naw, just the sports news on late night TV.  Takanohana is retiring, so I guess it was a good thing to see him live when I did back in the summer.  Ne?

Eric left a message on my voice mail tonight.  I'll meet him at Kawagoe Eki tomorrow at 11:00 or so, drop off his bags at my place, then send him on a solo walking tour of the city while I head off to work.  Then he'll come by the school in the evening where I'll expose my class to the English of ANOTHER FOREIGNER! (oh my).  And after that, maybe a dozen of us will go to a local smoke-filled yakitori place.  Let's see how he handles being the center of attention! ;-)

Title: Re: su-MO
Post by: Jeff S on January 23, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to su-MO, posted by Bob S on Jan 23, 2003

After those three-in-a-row defeats from lightweights, Takanohana almost had to retire. Now, it's come out that he had to be heavily persuaded to compete since he was pretty badly injured. He sure was ganjo - hated to see him go. What do you think of the Mongolians? They're mighty impressive.

Yeah, Eric is definately in for a new experience, "honto takai desu NE!" Be sure to let us know how it went.

- Jeff

Title: Tanoshiminasai ....
Post by: Jeff S on January 20, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to The  adventure  begins now ...., posted by Windmill Boy on Jan 20, 2003

Enjoy yourself!

- Jeff S.

Title: Re: The adventure
Post by: Jimbo on January 20, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to The  adventure  begins now ...., posted by Windmill Boy on Jan 20, 2003

Have fun WB,

You must be very excited!  Sounds like a well planned trip.  I look forward to your trip report - a new experience in Japan will be great for the board.  It's sure to have interesting culinary delights mixed in with the romantic delights.... uh, I didn't mean that the way it sounded :-0


Title: Re: The adventure begins now ....
Post by: SteveB on January 20, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to The  adventure  begins now ...., posted by Windmill Boy on Jan 20, 2003

Best of luck!!!