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GoodWife / Planet-Love Archives => Threads started in 2003 => Topic started by: Wolverine on January 13, 2003, 05:00:00 AM

Title: Connecting flights
Post by: Wolverine on January 13, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
Hello everyone, I am flying from LA to Manila to Cebu in Feb 2003. Can you tell me if 1 hour and 25 minutes is enough time to make my connection in Manila (to travel Manila to Cebu) and make my my connection in Manila on the return (to travel Manila to LA)? Thank you.

Title: Which Airline?
Post by: Ray on January 14, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Connecting flights, posted by Wolverine on Jan 13, 2003

This applies ONLY if you are flying PAL all the way from LA-Manila-Cebu:
The scheduled arrival time in Manila should include a fuel stop in Hawaii. If the plane is not too full, they will skip Hawaii and you may arrive in Manila a couple of hours earlier than scheduled. After arrival in Manila, you simply clear customs with your carry-on bag and walk a few feet to the domestic terminal entrance for your connecting flight, so an hour and 25 mins should be plenty of time. Your baggage will be checked through to Cebu where you will clear customs again (ask flight attendant for 2 customs declaration forms). On the return flight, you will have several hours between flights in Manila anyway unless PAL has added a later flight from Cebu. You will need extra time for security checks in Manila so I would allow at least 2 hours between flights.

Nathan mentioned Cathay Pacific. I’m not sure of the connections going West, but on the return flight Cathay would be a good choice. When my wife flew over from Cebu, she flew Cathay Pacific with a 1-hour stop over in Hong Kong to change planes and arrived in LAX in early afternoon. The PAL flights usually arrive late evening in LA.


Title: Don't bet on it!
Post by: Nathan on January 13, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Connecting flights, posted by Wolverine on Jan 13, 2003

  Clear customs and make the connection in less than 1 1/2 hours in Manila? I would not want to bet on it!
Ever consider flying directly to Cebu? (SF to Hong Kong then Cebu via Cathay Pacific)??? You can also route through Vancouver BC on Cathay too.
It is a much better way to get to Cebu in my experience.


Title: Noooooo Way
Post by: greg on January 13, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Connecting flights, posted by Wolverine on Jan 13, 2003

Many things can go wrong. Computer breakdowns, long lines, blab blab...The computer system broke down on my last return trip...Had to stand in long lines with my baby on my chest for hours(my back was killing me lol)..Not much is reliable in the Philippines, I wouldn't take any chances.

Title: It can be done. but...
Post by: shadow on January 13, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Connecting flights, posted by Wolverine on Jan 13, 2003

you are leaving yourself no room for the slightest problem, especially on the return trip.

On the return trip, are you flying with affiliated airlines? And will they check you in for the manila departure from Cebu? If not there is probably no way you are going to make it in time for checkin.

Why take the chance, book differently. I've been stranded in manila, it's no fun.

Just my opinion.


Title: Re: Connecting flights
Post by: tpdtom on January 13, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Connecting flights, posted by Wolverine on Jan 13, 2003

hey Wolverine....I can't tell you if that's enough time , but I'm going as well for the first time February 20th until March 8th . If our dates coincide do you want to meet up for a drink ? Are you from the "Wolverine State" like me ?