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GoodWife / Planet-Love Archives => Threads started in 2003 => Topic started by: Howard on January 16, 2003, 05:00:00 AM

Title: A beatiful Day indoors at the Cafe :P
Post by: Howard on January 16, 2003, 05:00:00 AM

I promise a full and complete trip report and replies to everyone's questions when I am on an internet connection that doesn't take longer to connect than it does for me to post :P

Everything here is GREAT!!!  Gerlie and I have been having a LOT of fun.  She has taken to teasing me like she does the kids :P  Little pinches and pokes in the ribs...  She really has a wonderful sense of humor and it shows through a little more every day.  Her family is big, but VERY close and they have been very accomodating to their Kano guest :P

I have had the pleasure of long conversations with her Aunt Lorna, younger brother Russell and her father... I have much to post when I get home and have a chance to collect my thoughts and go over my notes.  Like Roy, I too am very intrerested to get the Filipino perspective on Americans and the United States.  It is definitely a little different than we are sometimes lead to believe.  I have learned SO much on this trip that it will take me quite a while to share all of the expiriences, but I think I have a LOT more to add for the newbies here than I hvae in the past.  I understand it's one family's perspective, from one area, but the little things really do seem to add up!

Well... I will have nothing BUT time for you guys when I get back :P  I'm going to lunch with my Mahal and her friend Eva :)  Wait til I tell you guys about my personal driver and body guard, Frank :P  HE has been a BLAST!

Yes Stephen, I have lot's of pictures ;)

One last thing, I have to agree with Humabdos...  Although I don't know them as well as he does, I am quite taken with Roy and Celia.  They have a very easy going nature and you can tell immediately the quality of people they are!  I am looking forward to seeing them again :)

That's all for now...

Keep the Faith!


Title: I wish I was there with you. Take care. N/T
Post by: Surigao Ken on January 17, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to A beatiful Day indoors at the Cafe :P, posted by Howard on Jan 16, 2003


Title: Good to hear from you again. (NT)
Post by: Stephen on January 17, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to A beatiful Day indoors at the Cafe :P, posted by Howard on Jan 16, 2003


Title: Re: A beatiful Day indoors at the Cafe :P
Post by: joemc on January 17, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to A beatiful Day indoors at the Cafe :P, posted by Howard on Jan 16, 2003

Yoe H,
     I'm jealous. I just gotten over Jimbo's trip report
     having fun and sun and swimming with the fishes.
