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GoodWife / Planet-Love Archives => Threads started in 2002 => Topic started by: deatchef on December 24, 2002, 05:00:00 AM

Title: newbie converting from latin to Asian forum..
Post by: deatchef on December 24, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
I have been dating women from Lat. Am. for several years now. (Met them all here in USA), and have always been attracted to them. I've never given a thought to Asian Women and I don't know why.., But after browsing some of the profiles out there and lurking here for a while I realized that The Asian route is a much more practical and, i hope, fulfilling route. I say practical not because of the ease in getting there. Obviously it's the opposite. I mean that if one seeks a loving wife with deep rooted  morals and family values as well as an education and a more than basic knowledge of our native language; then filipinas are the perfect finds. AND oh my G*D ARE THEY STUNNING!
I have never been to Columnbia and I'm sure posters in the LA forum would think differently, but everyone has there own opinion.
I have been to Brasil and can definately say that the search would take many more years there.
I am starting a new journey and will hopefully find some nice filipinas to correspond with before i get out there in May.
Well, just wanted to introduce my self.
Happy holidays to you all,

Title: Looking forward to ......
Post by: Stephen on December 26, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to newbie converting from latin to Asian fo..., posted by deatchef on Dec 24, 2002

....getting to know you.

There are some fine ladies there.  Keep your eyes open though.

One last thing.  You will not have a great problem finding a lady that knows English.  That's one great advantage of the Philippines over Latin America and South America.

Best wishes.

Stephen & Tess

Title: Welcome To The Asian Side!
Post by: Dave H on December 24, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to newbie converting from latin to Asian fo..., posted by deatchef on Dec 24, 2002

Hi deatchef,

I'm a former Latina lover myself. I have never been happier in my life, than with my Filipina wife! I think that you could have plenty of good potentials before your trip. If not, it is easy to meet nice ladies while in the Philippines. Good Luck and Happy Holidays to you also.

Dave H.

Title: Welcome..
Post by: Jeff S on December 24, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to newbie converting from latin to Asian fo..., posted by deatchef on Dec 24, 2002

I post on both boards, mostly because I know many latinas and am closely connected with the Mexican culture, having managed factories south of the border, traveling all over Mexico on business and having some 250 Mexicans work for me over the past 10 years or so.

I don't know too  much about Filipinas since the only ones I know I've met here on this board, but if they're any indication of the group as a whole, they're smart, sincere,  witty and have that feminity about them that's typically only found in Asian women.

I have a number of friends married to Latinas and know many more fairly closely through work, and I can say that the biggest difference of being married to an Asian women as compared to a Latina is the vastly different approach each use to address problems and differences between you. Without exception of the Latina wives I know, each will attempt to get her own way through anger and threats, and if that doesn't work, will go behind the husband's back to get what she wants. None of the Asian wives I know use this approach, They seem much more likely to work out the differences with a compromise and will adhere to whatever is is worked out without deception.

Of course I'm talking about a small sample a dozen or so couples of each, so I'm sure there are control freak asian women, and non-stubborn Latinas, I just don't know any - at least not ones who weren't born in the US.

Reading the Latin board from the viewpoint of a guy who's been happily married to an Asian wife for a while, I get the impression that many of the guys over there seem have looks or body shape as one of the main criteria in a wife. Hey, nothing wrong with wanting a beautiful wife, but back in my single days I dated a number of women who were stunning when I met them only to have them turn much less pretty after getting to know them. Conversely, some so so looking girls really changed for the better after getting to know them - in my eyes at least. It's just that men who use looks as a primary selection criteria should consider themselves very lucky if everything works out well.

Personally, I never saw how having a good knowledge of English was such an important criteria - since my wife spoke less English than I spoke Japanese when we first met - and my Japanese was limited to a few politenesses, ordering food, finding the bathroom, etc. Is the adjustment harder? Maybe - but my wife's transition from modern suburban Yokohama, to suburban Orange County, California, even with her very limited English the first year or two, probably wasn't nearly as difficult as a poor Filipina from the provences adapting to modern America. My wife knew how to use an ATM machine, how to write checks, drive, manage money in an environment of plenty, fill out customs forms for mailed packages, and all the other details of modern life that a country girl might find a mystery. The reason I bring this up is because there are plenty of places other than the PI in Asia with plenty of potential good wife candidates, maybe not as convenient - but hey remember the road less traveled.

Anyway, merry Christmas and best wishes in your search.

- Jeff S.

Title: Now Jeff...
Post by: Dave H on December 24, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Welcome.., posted by Jeff S on Dec 24, 2002

"Without exception of the Latina wives I know, each will attempt to get her own way through anger and threats..."

I wouldn't considered being stabbed as much of a threat. LOL I sold my gun collection within the first year of marriage with my ex. :o( After the divorce, I rearmed myself. :o)

Let us not forget another classic approach used by many Latinas (especially against macho men) to get what they want...the old "fake a serious illness." That works every time and is made even more effective when 911 is called to send out a medical unit to "treat" the lady. I've seen grown men punching holes in walls and crying like babies begging me to save their young girlfiends who are having a "heart attacks." :o))) The abuellas are the absolute masters, after spending years perfecting the technique before passing it down to their daughters and granddaughters.

Dave H.

Title: Spanish trait?
Post by: Carr on December 24, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Now Jeff..., posted by Dave H on Dec 24, 2002

My Mom is half-Spanish and I swear she still use this approach.  My sis would always buy it but I don't and would just hang up the phone.

Title: It Sure Is...
Post by: Dave H on December 24, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Spanish trait?, posted by Carr on Dec 24, 2002

Hi C,

Sometimes it amazes me at how Spanish the Philippine culture is. But after 377 years of Spanish rule and intermarriage, I don't know why I'm so surprized. Fortunately the Malay and Asian blood help to temper the Spanish. My wife's grandmother was half Spanish. After living in South Florida, my wife now recognizes many of the Spanish traits she had.

Dave H.

Title: Check this...
Post by: Bob S on December 24, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Welcome.., posted by Jeff S on Dec 24, 2002

"My wife knew how to use an ATM machine, how to write checks, drive,..."

Write checks?  Where the heck did she find a bank here issuing a real honest-to-Gawd checking account?  When discussing foreign money methods in my classes, most of my students find the whole concept of a checking account oddly alien.  I'm not even sure if my Ginko would even know how to process a personal check if I tried to deposite one.  Most of my students only seem to know of Traveller's Checks.

I'll second that about there being plenty of other places in Asia to find a good wife.  To each his own, but for me, the eye candy I deal with on a daily basis in Japan is better than any place in the Far East.  And they are such team players.  Remember that here, "watashi" (self) begins with "wa" (group harmony).

Have a Holly Jolly Christmas, it's the best time of the year...

Title: Helping out at papa-san's business...
Post by: Jeff S on December 24, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Check this..., posted by Bob S on Dec 24, 2002

True - personal checks are rare there but business transactions back in the 70s and 80s used checks before widespread electronic transfers were common. I can understand your students' incomprehension of checking. Everything nowadays there is cash or electronic transfers.

Merry Christmas to you also, Bob. To shogatsu omedeto gozaimus - though it's probably not proper to say anything this early. I'm sure you'll enjoy your first shogatsu in-country. I was there almost every new years in the 80s and have lots of fond memories and along with a few fuzzy ones from lots of dippers into the sake taru. Be prepared for crowds wherever you go! (as if you're not already - but shogatsu crowds make the usual hordes seem mild)

- Jeff S.

Title: Re: newbie converting from latin to Asian forum..
Post by: The Walker on December 24, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to newbie converting from latin to Asian fo..., posted by deatchef on Dec 24, 2002

One thing, Filipinas almost never pork up on you as soon as they get to America and discover McDonald's, three-for-one discounts at the supermarket and Domino's,

Not that all Latinas do, or that no Filipinas do, but Filipinas have a far better track record in that area, especially over time. I have known a lot of latinas that have turned into heiffers, but few Filipinas who have put on more than a few pounds.


Title: Welcome
Post by: outwest77 on December 24, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to newbie converting from latin to Asian fo..., posted by deatchef on Dec 24, 2002

[This message has been edited by outwest77]

Hi Deatchef

And happy holidays, im leaving for phils dec 26 for 6 weks
this forum has much less fighting and complaining about
The filipina route is pretty much no agencies since they are illegal there, and also unnecessary. I think you will be happy with the philippines and enchanted with the personalities of the women and their temperament. Also they speak english, sometimes better than we do., and that is a nice change i am sure for you, after spanish and portuguese.

I dated latinas in the usa and like their looks etc but i am much more happy with my choice of the Filipinas. Good luck to you, this is my third trip this year for a total of 4 months there, so if you have any questions, I have a lot of cool links i can show you, etc, email me at, or add me to your yahoo messenger
with the same id, outwest7177
Peace, happy holidays

Title: how do i switch from latin to asian on profile? N/T
Post by: deatchef on December 24, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to newbie converting from latin to Asian fo..., posted by deatchef on Dec 24, 2002


Title: Re: how do i switch...
Post by: Bob S on December 24, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to how do i switch from latin to asian on p..., posted by deatchef on Dec 24, 2002

Look at the top of the main list of posts.  You will find "Edit Profile".  Click that and see if it's what you're looking for.