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GoodWife / Planet-Love Archives => Threads started in 2002 => Topic started by: kevin on September 07, 2002, 04:00:00 AM

Title: venting
Post by: kevin on September 07, 2002, 04:00:00 AM

I'm in a foul mood as of now.  I mean a FOUL MOOD.  I never imagined I'd be this upset to post it on the board.  But it's better than banging walls or breaking windows.  I thought I was pretty much on the right track for improving my life and then I get ridiculed.  Laugh at me if you will, it's my fault to post stuff here in a place where I'm not welcome and don't belong.  2 days ago, I thought life was normal and things were gradually improving.  I'm trying to climb the mountain of acheivement and well-being in life, to repeatly be pushed and shoved to the ground emotionally.  In particular, Ray Snyder, comes to mind.  I have had it!!!  Anger is seething from within.  Over the past year, ever since the cell-phone incident pertaining to Analyn, Ray Snyder in spite of what he claims, has done nothing but repeatedly poke insults at me and then accuse me of insulting others.  I have the right to be angry.  It's manifested itself too much.  After the end of the week, I not only feel shoved to the ground, I feel on the vberge of breakdown.  Maybe no matter how hard I try not to be a jerk, I'll always be a jerk.  I'd better be careful of my own shadow.  If I could jump out of myself, and become different from the person I've always been, maybe I'd be a happier person.

I can't beleive I'm saying this stuff.  This is the mood I'm in right now.  I'm stupid, too emotional!!!   I've got to keep all manifested hurt and anger inside.  No, I can no longer.  I'm beginning to lose sense of myself, my thinking and what I beleive in and the ideals I strive to acheive out of life.  I'm totally disgusted!!!

- Kevin

Title: Re: venting
Post by: Jimbo on September 08, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to venting, posted by kevin on Sep 7, 2002


You're so upset here you're losing control.  Why do you use Ray's last name in your post?  That's real bad web form, IMO.  If you are this upset with him you should probably take the argument to email.

If you need someone to talk to please call or email me.  I'm always in the mood for some Vivian or Helen bashing, my friend :-)  I'll even let you bash Ray, just a little :-O  But you know what?  In the end, I think you miss most of what Ray has to say, which is good advice, because you latch on to a phrase here and there which really upsets you.  For example, the "I thing anyone would be crazy to..." line.  That was a bit harsh and I'm sure it hurt but that's his opinion - you've just got to let it be.  Don't let it cloud the rest of the stuff he says.

Jeez, I hate to see two people I like fighting...

Title: Open the vent...
Post by: Dave H on September 08, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: venting, posted by Jimbo on Sep 8, 2002

Hey Jimbo,

It's a good thing that Ray's real name is Bill Johnson...Whoops! Tim's 24 hour rule may be boring, but it sure beats having to say your sorry to a bunch of people. BTDT! I agree that it's best to blow off steam in emails or by talking to someone before all control is lost. If that fails, pull the emergency plug and dump the tank before it BLEVE's! (boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion)  Ray got on my butt a little once or twice in what I knew was out of was just what I needed to get the K-1 paperwork completed and my wife over here. Remember how much we all get on Darrell to get on that d@mn much that he finally did it! Amazing!!! Ray and Kevin actually share a lot...a love of Filipinas and farts. :o)))
They have both caused me to spit out pieces of my lungs on many occasions.

Dave H.

Title: Darn it. . . .
Post by: kevin on September 08, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Open the vent..., posted by Dave H on Sep 8, 2002

you made me laugh so hard, I farted.  Very true, Ray and I COULD be best of friends if he didn't subconciously regard me as his punching bag.  But then, come to think of it, a punching bag has gas inside of it.  Upon impact, it FARTS!

- Kevin

Title: Re: venting and how does the mango bounce?
Post by: Nathan on September 08, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to venting, posted by kevin on Sep 7, 2002

There sure are large chunks of life that can pretty well
be horrible...a lot of us here have seen some of them.
Yet a nice block of the heart that is beyond being disturbed or abducted by rats in the race or some of life's other slings and arrows is pretty priceless. A serene corner of the heart is worth keeping and defending. When I am forgetting that, it is worth going back and finding again...yes there actually were moments when I might have counted just how many times a green mango might bounce when it fell from the tree and hit the tin roof...


Title: Re: venting
Post by: Bear on September 08, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to venting, posted by kevin on Sep 7, 2002

Love sometimes happens "at first sight" other times you don't know what you got till its gone.  I understand your frustration that its taking so long to find someone but rushing it usually means you get hurt again.  Be patient, it will happen when its right or it will be wrong again.  I haven't forgot what I said I would send you just no one seems to be interested in anyone since they first asked me to help them meet guys.  The only guys meeting anyone are the ones coming to the parties they have every month.

Bear and Honey

Title: Re: Venting & Posting motivations (long)
Post by: Zebson on September 07, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to venting, posted by kevin on Sep 7, 2002

Kevin, I find hard to know how to react venting these personal intensities,(man, your starting to make me feel really good today! hehe joke) but consider at some point you might draw the line and preserve some for your own internal reflections too. I think everyone, me included need to sometimes go back to the basics of reasoning and motivations for why we posted here. A simple reflection on what people want or get out of it can help it be brought into perspective. I remember when I first started posting about my situation, it was not really to start taking sides or to somehow paint a picture towards the virutious side of my personality and character. Hell, if I wanted to do that I could make up all kinds of lies and boosts, who would ever know. Cause like most of you also, no one knows me personally here, no one walks beside me in life and understands my past, and frankly I don't want it that way. Why cause hopefully we all have our own personal lives, families, pasts and futures and often enough crap to deal with inbetween relationships, work and other problems that come our way in living day to day.  Anyway, below, I listed a few of the motivations I thought were why people usually post here. But lately I think, at least for me that the balance has gone way off into the personal a bit and I agree with Jay, it's time at least for me to take a step back, I hope this somehow helps you too. Have a better day..

Some motivations for Posting;

1. We want to relate some very useful, pertinent, relative information for others to be able to utilize and learn from related to our own Asian - American experiences. (I think this was originally the more practical and intended purpose for creation of the board, but surely not just limited to it)

2. We just need to release our frustrations in writing form, while at the same time some people actually may want to draw others attention to our own situation/experiences/relationships in life and get feedback and impathy from others while cathardically feeling comforted by airing this stuff.

3. We some how feel we owe it to the family of those posting here to relate information that includes both of the above, but often gets interwoven and then we feel it is good for all to hear it, cause it keeps things flowing.

4. Some have nothing better to do than irritate,(trolls), etc.. antagonize, take sides and feel they have the most admirers and or feel they need to do verbal, intellectual battle with others wits in order to build up their own self image.

Zeb :)

Title: Hey Kevin.
Post by: shadow on September 07, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to venting, posted by kevin on Sep 7, 2002

By letting the b****rds bother you with their bigotry and insults, you are letting them win, for that is their goal.

Keep your chin up and your pride intact, then they lose!

Sometimes it's tough, but worth the effort.


Title: Hey Kevin
Post by: Humabdos on September 07, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Hey Kevin., posted by shadow on Sep 7, 2002

I agree with Shadow. Hum

Title: Kind words . . .
Post by: kevin on September 07, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Hey Kevin., posted by shadow on Sep 7, 2002

but what credibility do they lend coming from you?  (Please do not take this personal).  What I mean that unless you're in a healthy, wholesome relationship like some of these other "winners" who subly like to flaunt their prized status because they're "do-gooders", they like to humiliate others that have had the short end of the stick in the past.  You've been through far more than me.  Sometimes your bitterness does come out.  But it is understandable.  We live in a cruel, cold world with oasis of good every now and then.  All we can do is pick up the pieces, go on, and try not to give up no matter how much some hot shots ahead of us try to intimidate us or mess with our minds.  I think a truly secure man, who is in a healthy love relationship, would not act like a hot shot to look tough and entitled to his "prize" station in life by putting others down persistently.  For them to do that shows insecurity on their part, capitalizing on others' weaknesses.  When a man is truly in love, he becomes a better person.  He doesn't show it off like a trophy for other to envy.

We must both hang in there, and when the forces are against us, still try to be decent human beings.

- Kevin

Title: The truth is..
Post by: shadow on September 08, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Kind words . . ., posted by kevin on Sep 7, 2002

hidden in some of what you say.  Someone who is secure within himself (or herself) would not get easily offended because someone else has a different opinion. With Ray, he is offended by everyone who is a threat to his own ego.

In my 'dysfunctional family' post, I was purposely trying to get a reaction, any reaction, out of people. Reactions I got, all of them positive except for Ray's. Ray was offended. So what does that tell you about his character?

I think you know the answer, as does most everyone else. I needn't elaborate, he has already done that for me.

There is more to this than many people want to admit. Yes, there are factors involved including making the right choices on our own parts, and paying attention to details. But there is also an element of luck involved. Anyone who thinks differently is blissfully ignorant of the facts of life.  

Over and out.


Title: Re: The truth is..
Post by: Jimbo on September 08, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to The truth is.., posted by shadow on Sep 8, 2002

..that 'dysfunctional family' post just confused me.  It suggested that all MOB seekers are misfits and much of it sounded like whining.  I didn't know to what degree it was supposed to be humorous.  Actually I was surprised that you did not get more responses similar to Ray's.

BTW - here's a great book on the art of writing: "The Elements of Style", Strunk and White.  It's also called "the little book" because in paperback form it's only 80+ pages.  It covers grammer and style but mostly it's a how-to for effective and interesting writing.  Brevity and conciseness are big themes so it's no wonder the book is so small.


Title: Right you are.
Post by: shadow on September 09, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: The truth is.., posted by Jimbo on Sep 8, 2002

A portion of my post was meant to confuse, and require the reader to think.

It was not meant to suggest ALL MOB seekers are misfits, just an unusually large percentage of Americans I've met in the Philippines were.

The Elements of Style is a good book.

I've also read 'On Writing Well' by William Zinser. Ironically, I didn't feel it was well written.  :)

Brevity rules!


Title: Well...
Post by: Dave H on September 08, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: The truth is.., posted by Jimbo on Sep 8, 2002

Hey Jim,

I was going to respond to Shadow's post about not being difunctional, but then I remembered that I used to live in a drainage pipe and ride bike that I found in the trash. :o)))

Dave H.

Title: Re: Well...
Post by: Jimbo on September 08, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Well..., posted by Dave H on Sep 8, 2002

..thanks to Hum, at least I know what kind of misfit I am - a weird skinny guy -LOL!  But when I'm next to my wife I almost look fat.  When she was being wheeled into the operating room the nurse looks at me and says solemnly, "She hasn't many reserves to go on."  I just smiled at her :-)


Title: Truth???
Post by: Ray on September 08, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to The truth is.., posted by shadow on Sep 8, 2002

Well Larry,

It seems that YOU were the one who was offended. Is it possible that it was YOUR ego that was hurt? I had already forgotten about that incident, but here YOU are rehashing the whole thing again and obviously looking for a fight. Now that should tell you something about YOUR character.

Don’t you have anything better to do with your time? :-)


Title: Re: Kind words . . .ano???
Post by: Humabdos on September 08, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Kind words . . ., posted by kevin on Sep 7, 2002

I did't read much of the posts below. Also your post lost me(ok thats not so hard lol) You should take a break and somehow enjoy life, it's at that time maybe you will find love.

I ended up in the Philippines for far diffrent reasons than anyone else I know of on this board or Maganak for that matter. Not to find a wife or to get layed but to explore the country, to sucba dive, snorkel, climb a volcano, experence a new culture.( have you ever even been to the Philippines?) It was on the fith trip I met my first wife just by chance. She was a waitress and a restaurant I ate at almost everyday for three months. I now realize it was my mistake in picking her as a wife she was too young and childish. It was easy to blame it on her being a gold digger card shark (which she was) But the fact of the matter is I made the wrong choice.  

I've moved on now and learned alot, I have met a fantastic woman Sallie who is older (34) and has much higher morals. She is from a good family who I like and get along with very well. I think I have made the right choice this time and will give it 100%. I don't look to the past but to the future. I've made my mistakes and will move on with a posative attitude.

I hope someday you can do the same.


Sorry did'nt have time to spell check! got a life to live!

Title: Re: Re: Kind words . . .ano???
Post by: kevin on September 08, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Kind words . . .ano???, posted by Humabdos on Sep 8, 2002

I was in the Philippines in 1993.  Bear in mind that there are jerks on this board trying to put and keep me down.  I was perfectly fine until there was hostile fire directed at me.  I absolutely hate it when somebody defends flim-flam artists like Helen, who makes her injured party look like they adversary in the eyes of supposedly good people because she can hide behind the facade of innocence because she's female with a sexy body.

You and I have alot in common regarding life in the broad perspective.  We both goof on utots and have the same tastes in women.  Like you, I stand by my position regarding golddiggers and green-card sharks.  They are real and lurking.  Nobody is going to intimidate me into having sympathy or compassion for them.

You know I used to like Jean.  I thought she was alot of fun.  I thought it was unfair that Carrisse and others gave her the bad rap.  But perhaps you learned something about Jean that the ordinary cyber-reader wouldn't detect.  If she really is promoting internet porn to make money, then she is not a credible, scrupulous individual.  On that premise, I'd never use her services.  If what you said about Jean is true, this is the kind of character our good friend Loren Lagarda should go after.  Not some innocent, defenseless guinea-pig with honorable intentions.

By the way, I have an extremely funny fart story from the Philippines.  Unfartunately, I think Patrick deleted it from the archives.

- Kevin

Title: Re: venting
Post by: Jay on September 07, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to venting, posted by kevin on Sep 7, 2002

Sorry kevin,

If I had this effect on you. So much for trying to help. Hey, if you think everyone think's your a jerk or something, imagine how I must feel after posting all that stuff below. I'm sure everyone thinks I'm a real scumbag loser. I need to stop posting anything personal. It makes me and Criselda look bad.

I was just thinking the other day how, how I always have to lie to coworkers and such because I can;t tell the truth about my past. It's either too bizzare sounding or sounds like BS. I always have to lie. I keeep mixing up the lies with different people. :)

Your not a jerk, your fine.


Title: Jay, Nonsense...Your Posts below are valueable
Post by: greg on September 07, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: venting, posted by Jay on Sep 7, 2002

It made me realize that alot of my own plms with my Son's Mommie is a Big Time Lack of Knowledge of Her culture. Misunderstands..Your explaining Stuff makes sense..concerning Her behavior...sometimes I thought she was trying to Piss me off on Purpose, now I know it's just Her culture..Many Foreigners think they Know their Mahals..Really they Don't know a d..n thang. Jay keep up the Good work of Educating us on Filipinas..After reading Your posts, I feel more admiration for gregory's Mother and Filipinas in General. God Bless

Title: Re: Jay, Nonsense...Your Posts below are valueable
Post by: Jay on September 08, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Jay, Nonsense...Your Posts below are val..., posted by greg on Sep 7, 2002

Thanks Greg,

Don't know how you got all that from my post, but if it helped I'm glad. :)


Title: Re: I think you're wrong...
Post by: Jay on September 08, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Jay, Nonsense...Your Posts below are..., posted by Jay on Sep 8, 2002

Thanks Howard,

I could give ya a hug too. I've been feeling stupid all day because of that "sleep deprived" post. LOL! Too much personal stuff and it came out all wrong. Oh well, that's life on a computer bulliten board! :)

I've always liked you too. Didn't think ya cared much for me though. BTW, my journey is unfathomable, too. Try explaining that stuff to co-worker's! That's why I alter the details just a bit. LOL!


Title: What gave you that idea???
Post by: Howard on September 08, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: I think you're wrong..., posted by Jay on Sep 8, 2002


Maybe I disagreed with something you said in the past, but I never meant to throw the "I don't think very much of you..." vibe :P

The only thing you've ever done that pissed me off--I say that tongue in cheek :P--was end the utot humor :P  I love that stuff!  LOL

Keep the Faith


Title: Re: What gave you that idea???
Post by: Jay on September 08, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to What gave you that idea???, posted by Howard on Sep 8, 2002

Hi Howard,

I just figured that because you didn't reply much to my post's written to you. Ah well, I'm sure we all get wrong impression's of each other. That's why communicating on computer's is frustating to me. :)

Yeah, Utot humor is o.k.. I give up, bring on the Utout jokes. ;)


Title: Ahhhhh...
Post by: Howard on September 10, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: What gave you that idea???, posted by Jay on Sep 8, 2002


Alot of times I don't get to the board for a few days.  When I post something that gets alot replies I usually just reply in one post to everyone, unless there is something sepcific I feel a need to address in a particular reply.  I kinda realized that I hadn't had the time to reply to everyone personally on some of the hot topic posts I've had over the last several months and have made and effort to rectify my approach.

I always appreciate the advice everyone here gives, whether it suits me or not :)

Sorry to give you the wrong impression :(

Keep the Faith


Title: Re: Re: venting
Post by: kevin on September 07, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Jay, Nonsense...Your Posts below are val..., posted by greg on Sep 7, 2002

Don't take it personal, Jay.  I appreciate what you tried to do, and I know that you're a good guy.  I have special admiration for you because of where you once were in the past to now the person you've become.  In case I forgot to mention it, I accept your apology regarding the fart humor.  To this day, sometimes I goof on how you reacted to one of me fart trivia posts.  Its really hilarious.

- Kevin

Title: Re: Re: Re: venting
Post by: Jay on September 08, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: venting, posted by kevin on Sep 7, 2002

Hi Kev,

Just relax, know that your fine, nothing too wrong with you. and you'll be o.k..

Please remind me sometime of my reaction to the fart trivia. I'd like to hear it.

Take Care,

Title: You deserve a break today ......
Post by: Windmill Boy on September 07, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: venting, posted by Jay on Sep 7, 2002


I'll be  the  first  to  admit  that lately  I  have  not  followed  all  of  the  threads  to  their  completion.  So  if  I  have  missed something  pertinent  forgive me.  Over  the  last  two  weeks though,  basically  I  have  found  most  of  the  topics here  to be  juvenile  and fundimentally  boring.  I  think  definately  out  of  charector  for  our  normal  informative  friendly  banter.

However  when  I  read  your  post  above  that  you  are  so  wound  up and  angry  over  recent  topics  here.  As  a neutral  outsider  the  first  thing  that  comes  to  mind  is  that  this  cannot  be  heathy  mentally.  To  me  PL  is only  a  nice  discussion  board  but  nothing  more.  I  wouldn't  let  the responses  dictate  my  life.


I don't  want  to  tell  you  hear  what  to  do  with  your  life  but  only  offer you  a  suggestion  to  consider.   Maybe  you should  just  forget  about  your  quest  to  find  a pinay  mate  for  say  2  months and  take  a break. (heck I  am in  the same  boat  amigo I'm  looking  and  not  really  getting anywhere).   No  PL, no Maganak if  you  follow that,  no searching  for  the  perfect  penpal,  and  yes  no  Utot  humor  if  need  be.  

Focus  on  your  new  found  freedom  from studying  make  some  killer recipes  and  enjoy  the  change  of  the  seasons  to  the  fullest.  I  certainly  am  looking  forward  to  flying  home to Upstate NY  in October to  do  the  same. Take  mini  road trips  and  enjoy  New England  lore  and life.  tiss  the  season  to  do  it  right now. collect 5  different  colored  leaves  from  each New England  state, NY  and  even  Jersey if  you  are  really  motivated).  start  making  flavored  hard  apple  cider   you  will  appreciate  it  later on.  etc. etc. etc,

Recallibrate  your  bearings  and  you access  your  disposition and  find  your  magnetic  north  for  a  while.

I don't  want  to  be  preachy  but  it  just  sounded  to  me  like  you  need  a little  break for  a  while.  all  the  best to  you!

Windmill Boy

Title: Kev...
Post by: Howard on September 07, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: venting, posted by Jay on Sep 7, 2002


If you haven't read my response below ("Gerlie Came Early...") please read that first, because I am going from there with this post :)

Let me start off by saying that I feel we have a friendship.  We've both been around here for a while and have exchanged responses and emails(The Utot stories crack me up :P Sorry Jay!  LOL) over the years.  I know that you wish me nothing but the best and hope that you realize that that's all I want for you :)  There is something that I have been wanted to point out for a while, but I feared offending you.  Plus, I'm just not able to be here as much as I once was, so I didn't wanna seem to come out of nowhere with my perceptions.  

All the wars lately have had me thinking about you alot and I just felt it was time to say something.  Maybe to offer a different way to look at things.  I know you're a smart guy.  Maybe you have thought these things yourself, but can't buy it.  Maybe you're just too hurt still to consider the possibilities, etc...  But, what I don't believe is that you're too screwed up--I am generalizing from the tone of some of your recent posts--or undeserving of a nice young lady to share your life with.  That I refuse to believe.  And you know how I am when I get something in my head ;)  Stubborn is an understatement!  LOL

I understand depression.  I deal with it on one level or another every day of my life.  It runs in my family and I have a tendency to become overwhelmed and drift if I am not careful.  But that's me, I am just saying that I think I understand where you are.  I have been there.  I didn't like it very much.

I know you've already heard this, but I think it bears repeating.  No one here is out to get you Kev.  I think, to a man, all we wanna see is you heal and find happiness.  Many times I have seen you over react to someone else's over reaction and then everything gets blown out of proportion and you've upset yourself.  How do I know?  I was doing it here last year.  Maybe I wasn't posting every thought, but I was just as deffensive, took many things out of context and even lashed out in anger a time or two.  It's all in the archives.

You made some correct assumptions, because you know the situation pretty well, about Gerlie and I in an exchange with Stephen a few days ago.  I honestly believe that there is something to what you said.  That with everything I have had to endure over the last few years that maybe God is finally smiling on me in the form of my relationship with Gerl.  I agree.  Gerlie, whether she wants to talk about it or not, help put my Annulment into perspective, something no one else could do.  I wouldn't listen to anyone else.  She was the one I confided in and she was the one who held my hand, even though it made her very jealous that I was broke up over another woman.  She cared enough about me to find the strength to help me deal with my emotions, sometimes at the price of her own pride.  That's part of what I find so irresistable about her :)

Four people got me through the death of my mother in one piece.  My two closest friends, Billy and Doug, My cousin Brittany and My Gerlie.  Without them I don't know how I would cope with the loss.  It's still not something that I accept all that well, but they help me.  

Look at what Gerlie has had to deal with in the last ten months.  She meets a guys that she feels a connection with.  Has reservations about the fact that he is still unhappily married to a Filipina and in the middle of an Annulment.  My first Annulment hearing was set for March.  It was rescheduled FIVE times and eventually ended in May.  That's five times she had a date in mind, only to find out it would be just a little longer.  MY original plan was to travel to Davao in July, then my mother died.  We thought maybe September, but then everything became very overwhelming to me and we settled on January 2003.  The whole time family and friends are telling her I am feeding her a line and that I am not committed to her.  Sometimes she even believes them for a little while.  Imagine how that must feel.  Everyone here knows me.  Does anyone doubt that I will travel to see her?  She only has faith, the PL archives and my word to go on.  Sometimes, understandably so, she has had doubts.  Thankfully not very often or for very long :)  She has stood by me through all of this and it endears me to her all the more.  If this is simply God's way of saying "You took all I had to dish out and didn't snap, Big Guy, here's your reward!" then he truly is a wise and merciful God :)  LOL

Where am I going with this?  Here :)  LOL

There are two ways to look at something.  With anger or with hope.  Anger makes you deffensive and bitter.  Anger clouds your vision and makes you skeptical of everything you see.  Anger makes it impossible to accept things for what they may become because you are focused on how they could go wrong.

Now, hope is my bag baby :)  There is a positive in everything, you just have to find it.  In my case hope found me :)  When I was at my worst.  When I had completely given up on the idea of ever meeting someone who could find what's lovebable in me and love it, hope found me.  My only part in the begining was just not screwing it up :)  I just let it be what it was.  I didn't worry about trying to turn it into what I wanted it to be.  I let it be what it was and it turned into what I needed.

I had so many preconceived notions with Ayesa.  I didn't place that burden on my relationship with Gerlie and it exceeded my expectations in every way!  She is truly a wonder!  I'm just lucky that she thinks she is the lucky one :D

You asked a question that I want to answer. "Yes, I have my defenses. Perhaps what set me off is the Helen saga. Why? If I'm not careful, it could happen to me."  You're right.  If you're not careful it could happen to you.  But, if you're too careful nothing may happen at all!  

As I saw it, being in just your position, I had two choices.  Never trust anyone again and then I would not be disappointed or hurt by anyone but myself, or I could look at each new person with a fresh set of eyes.  I chose hope and even if the unthinkable happens, I won't regret it nearly as much as I would regret not trying at all :)

This post was made with the upmost repect intended.  I just wanna see you joking and laughing again Kev ;)  Find a way to put your demons to rest.  I KNOW it's difficult, I have dealt with it myself.  I can tell you though, the rewards are sweet on the other side :)
Keep the Faith Brutha!

Title: Re: Kev...
Post by: kevin on September 07, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Kev..., posted by Howard on Sep 7, 2002

If I could give you a hug, I would.  You're a good man, Charlie Brown!  At the moment I'm trying to heal from the blows.  You have nothing to do with it, and I know you're a true friend.  I know in the past, I said something to you (my advice) about Ayesa.  It wasn't pleasant, but that is what I felt in my heart, and was a gut feeling.  It was a difficult dilemma for you to deal with.  I only tried with words to encourage you, to motivate you into taking the right path to rebuild your life.  I think you've truly been blessed to have found Gerlie.

About the hope (pag-asa) and anger (galit) issue.  I was pretty upbeat until near the end of the week.  Then my weekend was nearly spoiled.  My spirits were assaulted, believe it or not (contrary to what some would like to beleive about me.  It really hurts to be accused of being a bigot, or this or that, when that's not what I mean in my heart.  It burns me to be portrayed as a disgruntled piece of trash.

As I think I said before on this board, now that I'm done with school, I'm really stepping up the effort to meet new girls.  The past couple of days, I haven't been in a letter writing mood because inside I've felt shaken by this whole persuit.  I presently feel torn between the naysayers on this board and my the naysayers in my personal social sphere (family, friends, coworkers).  At the same time I have some folks that support me emotionally.

I've sent letters out to some gals whom I think there really might be some potential for a wholesome, fulfilling relationship.  If I don't reach out, nothing is going to happen.  At the same time, I don't expect to know true love overnight.  Attraction, platonic friendship, yes.  But I have to think with my big head as a check and balance to my little head.  I've learned a painful lesson in life having been married to somebody that did not share the same fundamental values as myself.  If someday, I'm married and we have a farting match in the bed, instead of me being kicked out of bed when I wake up and expel that overnight pocket of gas, I know I've married the right one (ha-ha!).

My goal is to make a visit to the Philippines within the time frame of about a year.  I've got to rebuild my vacation time and continue to save money.  I'm trying to make some worthwhile friendships in the meantime.  I might go to specifically meet somebody in person who I developed something special with.  Or who knows, maybe I'll stag along.  Or maybe both (meet somebody new and visit somebody I've established friendship with).

A pinay lady at work does not beleive in the integrity of letter writing.  Her personal opinions are that too many scam artists are lurking.  Yet there are nice girls in the Philippines.  An interesting point is that when I first started corresponding with Analyn, Shirley went to the Philippines and passed my picture around and told about me.  She told me there was this nice girl who wanted to write to me if I was interested.  Yet it seems that some good girls are apprehensive about personals because there is a stigma that it makes them look cheap or that they're taking the easy way out of poverty. (At the time, I just stuck with Analyn)  Shirley's suggestion is that the next time she and her fqamily go to the Philippines, I just tag along and socialize in order to meet somebody.  I think she's keen to things that most of us guys on the board aren't aware of or will never 100% understand.  If I take that strategy I'll probably stay in Mindoro and Borocay where her folks and her husband's folks come from respectively.  It sounds like it could be fun.

I'm determine to mold what I really want out of my life.  I have setbacks and retreats from time to time.  Maybe just growing pains.  Part of what I not only want, but need, in life is the love and companionship of a special woman.  I will not just sit there like a beached whale, but I will persue all avenues.

One other thing.  I can relate to Gerlie as far as family influence is concerned.  It is a given that my step-mother especially, and to a lesser extent, my father will always plant seeds of doubt when it comes to persuit of finding love with a pinay with somebody in the Philippines.  I'm coy about this.  My father would have a fit if he found out I recently sent out more than a half-a-dozen letters.  My step-mother would scorn me again about how I'd live in poverty in old age because all of my retirement money would be gone.  But my heart is alive and kicking.  If someday I ever have to, I will fight tooth-and-nail to protect myself.
Hopefully I'm never going to have to go through a divorce again.  I know it's possible to find pure, genuine love and commitment, and it's the hope of landing this that keeps me going.


- Kevin

Title: Re: venting
Post by: Stephen on September 07, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: venting, posted by Jay on Sep 7, 2002


Watch the Oklahoma University/Alabama football game.  3:30 PM eastern time.  Perhaps this will calm you down.

There are no Filipinas playing football today.

After the game we'll talk more.


PS....If Oklahoma loses then I'm gonna be crazier than you are now!!!

Title: I've got stuff to do . . .
Post by: kevin on September 07, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: venting, posted by Stephen on Sep 7, 2002

like cleaning my car and preparing food recipes.  Besides I'm not into football anyways.  Thanks for the advice though, and enjoy the game.

I can say this though.  If you can get crazier than what I am now, if Oklahoma loses, then it either means 1) your hierarchy of needs are fulfilled, or 2) you must have bet big bucks and lost.  My brother used to really be passionate about the Patriots (he still is but he's matured about it).  When they'd lose, he nearly lost it.  I used to wonder how he could become that upset over a football game, then I'd say (although unlike other people who participate in betting pools) he must be betting big bucks to get that upset.

- Kevin

Title: For Jay
Post by: kevin on September 07, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to venting, posted by kevin on Sep 7, 2002

Hi Jay.  I just read your posts.  They were very long.  Thanks for your patience and understanding.  I've got to let this stuff sink in.  It is very sobering indeed.

I must say that as of now, I'm going through a new personal depression.  Hopefully it's very short.  At moments, I feel like I just want to give up.  Yet part of me wants to be fulfilled and live a brighter life.  To think that I'm disdained by the nice Filipinas associated with this board, yes it hurts.  I just feel like plain dirt no matter what.  What can I say.  I'm just a guy.  An average guy.  Maybe my place for happiness is not on this Earth.  I don't know.

Let me say this Jay.  I don't think I'm totally bad.  I am keeping more and more of an arm's length or distance from certain family members.  They can think or beleive what they choose to think or beleive and try repeatedly drilling all this crap in my head.  I know what I want out of life to make life worthwhile.  To live solo and celibate, or to choose a mate in conformity with the so-called norms in America are not what I want out of life.

I'm trying to grow as an individual.  Do the things I like.  I thought I came a long way since the divorce and then nearly having been taken in by a TNT.  I've been cigarette free since January 27, without the aid of Nicorette (I thought that was impossible, for I relied on that before when I was 7 months smoke-free for a brief period afterv the divorce, inspired by my 2nd. ex).  I'm actually feeling better physically.  After the 8th. or 9th. month, the lungs are supposed to clear up.  My health was falling into serious condition when suddenly my bronchial tubes would seize up and I was suffocating from within.  Twice, I'd made unplanned visits to the emergency room to get emergency medicine.  In February I was diagnosed with asthmatic bronchitis.  Sinnce then, up until May, I'd have varying bouts of breathing difficulty (I guess that's what having asthma is like; never had it when I was little).  To the present, I'm still dependent on 2 different inhalers as prescribed by the doctor.  I guess it takes along time to get out of the system.

It is a very good feeling to be finished with graduate school.  It is now that I'm really looking forward to do the things I enjoy and buy the things I want.  It's September now.  School just started.  Autumn is coming.  Now I'm looking forward to things associated with autumn I otherwise didn't have time to enjoy.  In October, I'm going on a 3-day weekend camping trip to the Catskills in New York (state).  I look forward to garden decorating with squash, gourds and pumpkins, and experimenting cooking autumn recipes.  I'd just better not sip too much Blue Moon pumpkin ale while I'm in the kitchen because I'll burn whatever I'm cooking.

I forgot what else I was going to say.  If it's important, it will come back later.  I'll talk to you later.



Title: It's A Girl
Post by: DanAndChed on September 07, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to venting, posted by kevin on Sep 7, 2002

Mares gave birth to Dannise Chlaire on 4 Sep at 2:00 PM.  Me and mom haven't been getting much sleep lately, so sorry for the late post.

We're both real happy and hope y'all find similar happiness.

Dan and Mares

Title: Re: Congratulations!!!
Post by: NoNamePinay on September 08, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to It's A Girl, posted by DanAndChed on Sep 7, 2002

Hi Dan & Mares,
Congratulations on the new addition to your family!!! Welcome to the world of parenting :). Parenting is a huge challenge and I'm sure that both of you will do fine.
Enjoy your new baby... & All the best to you both!!!
I like her name it's cute ;)


Title: Great News! Congratulations! (n/t)
Post by: Dave H on September 07, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to It's A Girl, posted by DanAndChed on Sep 7, 2002


Title: Re: It's A Girl
Post by: Windmill Boy on September 07, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to It's A Girl, posted by DanAndChed on Sep 7, 2002

Dan  and  Mares

Congratulations on  the  birth  of  your  new  girl. take  lots of  pictures and  get  the  sleep  and rest  when you can.  God  has  given  you  a great gift  but  with it  will come  all  of  the 3 00 AM  challenges  too.  It is  so  nice  to  hear  such  happy  news  like  this on the  board.

windmill boy

Title: GREAT NEWS!!! You got mail :P n/t
Post by: Howard on September 07, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to It's A Girl, posted by DanAndChed on Sep 7, 2002


Title: Happy for both of you....tess
Post by: Stephen on September 07, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to It's A Girl, posted by DanAndChed on Sep 7, 2002

To the little one....welcome to the world :)

Stephen & Tess

Title: Best wishes to y'all.............................nt
Post by: Bear on September 07, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to It's A Girl, posted by DanAndChed on Sep 7, 2002


Title: congratulations!!!
Post by: Peaches on September 07, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to It's A Girl, posted by DanAndChed on Sep 7, 2002


Title: Congratulations Dan & Mares! n/t
Post by: Ray on September 07, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to It's A Girl, posted by DanAndChed on Sep 7, 2002


Title: Search engine now working again
Post by: Patrick on September 07, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to venting, posted by kevin on Sep 7, 2002

I've made quite a few improvements including search by message, search by subject, and search by username.  There may still be some bugs I haven't found yet, so if anyone finds anything wrong, please post it here on the board.

Thanks,  Patrick

Title: Thanks!
Post by: Ray on September 07, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Search engine now working again, posted by Patrick on Sep 7, 2002

Hi Patrick,

It looks like you’ve been busy :-). The option to jump to the thread when you view the message works great. I like that.

Searching phrases: seems to be some bugs here.

If I search an unquoted two-word phrase, most of the time I get the error message. Occasionally, the search will run but the resulting messages that it finds don’t always contain both words (contains either word). For example, search Asian for PIG FART, I get an error message. If I search “PIG FART”, same error message. If I search for PIG, it works. If I search for FART it works. But it won’t take the phrase, either quoted or unquoted. If I search BAD DAY, it runs, but the results will not always contain both words. Searching for “BAD DAY” gives an error.

Similar problem with searching user names. It won’t take a “phrase” or compound name (JEFF S, DAVE H, etc.). If I search for DAVE, it will find any users containing DAVE. If I want to search for DON J, it won’t take it. If I search DON it finds all kinds of names that contain DON (DON J, DONB2222, DONNAVICTORINA, etc).

Keep up the good work Patrick!


Title: Re: Thanks!
Post by: Patrick on September 08, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Thanks!, posted by Ray on Sep 7, 2002

Thanks for the feedback.  I tried to reproduce the errors and here's what I got-

Searching by message for pig fart-  6 hits, all of which contained both pig and fart.
Searching by message for "pig fart"- 0 hits

Searching by subject for pig fart-  0 hits
Searching by subject for "pig fart"-  0 hits

Searching by message & subject for pig fart- 6 hits (same as above)
Searching by message & subject for "pig fart"- 0 hits

Searching by message for bad day- Many hits.  "day" is one of the words considered irrelavant by the search engine and is discarded before the search is done, so the result is that only "bad" is searched for.  I took the list of irrelavant words from an article I read on search engines.

Searching by message for "bad day"- 5 hits, all contained the exact phrase bad day.

I was also able to search for compound usernames both with, and without quotes.  I tried using single quotes as well to see if I could force an error, but was never able to get one.

What does the error message say?

Title: Still same bug here
Post by: Ray on September 09, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Thanks!, posted by Patrick on Sep 8, 2002

That’s strange. I tried it again, using the same search criteria that you did:

Searching by message for pig fart- “Error: Could not determine what you wanted to search on”
Searching by message for "pig fart"- “Error: Could not determine what you wanted to search on”
Searching by subject for pig fart- “Error: Could not determine what you wanted to search on”
Searching by subject for "pig fart"- “Error: Could not determine what you wanted to search on”
Searching by message & subject for pig fart- “Error: Could not determine what you wanted to search on”
Searching by message & subject for "pig fart"- “Error: Could not determine what you wanted to search on”
Searching by message for bad day- Same results as yours.
Searching by message for "bad day"- “Error: Could not determine what you wanted to search on”
Searching for compound usernames gives the same error message.

I took a closer look at this and found that before the error message is displayed, it actually does search the first archive and displays a count momentarily, so it seems that it is initially accepting the search string. It looks as if the problem occurs when it decrements the archive counter the first time. In other words, it never made it past archive 104. A blank screen comes up with the message displayed at the top. I also noticed on the searches that run that the whole screen is updated whenever the counters change, not just the count values as I would have expected.

I’m using IE5 if that makes any difference.


Title: A little help
Post by: Patrick on September 09, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Still same bug here, posted by Ray on Sep 9, 2002


Thanks for the feedback on the error.  Would you mind clicking on the "Help" text near the top bar of your browser and letting me know the exact version?  I run 5.50.4807.2300 and can not duplicate the error.

The initial call from the primary search page when you enter the search phrase and select the forum and searhBy method is fine, but the search script then calls itself over and over again, each time searching the next archive and reporting progress.  For some reason, your browser is not returning the searchBy variable to the script when it re-calls it.

Is anybody eles seeing this problem???

Title: Can you guys let me know
Post by: Patrick on September 09, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to A little help, posted by Patrick on Sep 9, 2002

How you were searching?  You can select by-

message (the default)
messages & subjects

Thanks,  Patrick

Title: I think it's fixed
Post by: Patrick on September 10, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Can you guys let me know, posted by Patrick on Sep 9, 2002

I was able to duplicate the error with Netscape and found a work around.

Title: Problem Solved!
Post by: Ray on September 10, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to I think it's fixed, posted by Patrick on Sep 10, 2002

Thanks Patrick! It seems to be working fine now.

Same goes for the Chargers too! :-)


Title: Re: I think it's fixed
Post by: Ozymandias on September 10, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to I think it's fixed, posted by Patrick on Sep 10, 2002

Forum   search-term   search-by           Result

Asian   pig fart      Message             6 results
Asian   "pig fart"    Message             no matches
Asian   pig fart      Subjects            no matches
Asian   "pig fart"    Subjects            no matches
Asian   pig fart      Message and Subj.   6 results
Asian   "pig fart"    Message and Subj.   no matches
Asian   Dave H        User Name           unknown
Asian   "Dave H"      User Name           unknown

It seems to be working in the 6 first cases - the function searches through archive 104 to 38 in all 6 cases.

In the last two, the search terminates after archive 97 or so. But I realize that this is probably not so much an error as a conscious decision. :-)

Browser: IE 6.0.2600.0000
Best regards,

Title: Unknown...
Post by: Dave H on September 10, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: I think it's fixed, posted by Ozymandias on Sep 10, 2002

That's just the way I like it!

Dave ?

Title: ROFL! n/t
Post by: Ray on September 10, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Unknown..., posted by Dave H on Sep 10, 2002


Title: 5.00.2314.1003IC n/t
Post by: Ray on September 09, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to A little help, posted by Patrick on Sep 9, 2002


Title: could be the space
Post by: Jimbo on September 09, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to A little help, posted by Patrick on Sep 9, 2002

Quoted strings are ok if there is no space in them.  With a space in a quoted string I'm failing after archive 104 with the message "Could not determine..."


Title: Same here
Post by: Jimbo on September 09, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to A little help, posted by Patrick on Sep 9, 2002

with Netscape 6.2.3

If searching with quotes it never gets past archive 104.

If searching without quotes it works ok.


Title: I talked to an Immmigration
Post by: Humabdos on September 06, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to venting, posted by kevin on Sep 7, 2002

specialist today at my Congresswomans office. He said he will call and see whats going on. He said they where processing to 4-8-02. I had E mailed them a few days ago and he already had the info in his hand so it sounds like they are on the ball down there.


Title: Re: I talked to an Immmigration
Post by: Howard on September 08, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to I talked to an Immmigration, posted by Humabdos on Sep 6, 2002


I went through the same thing, back in the day.  At the time my Senator was the Head of the INS oversight commitee.  I went to his office, filled out a form and started to get some info.  I'm not sure that anything moved any faster, but it sure made me feel better having a local number to call :)

Hang in there Pard :)

Keep the Faith


Title: Re: I talked to an Immmigration
Post by: Ray on September 06, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to I talked to an Immmigration, posted by Humabdos on Sep 6, 2002

See the post "Well sheet..." on the Russian board. A guy said Nebraska told him this a.m. that they were working on 4/11/02 petitions. Sounds about same as your info...


Title: Thanks Ray
Post by: Humabdos on September 07, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: I talked to an Immmigration, posted by Ray on Sep 6, 2002

Six dam months is to long! It only took eight months to get my first wife here and we where married in the Philippines.

Now sallie will get here in the winter time she will freeze!


Title: China slowly squeezing internet access.
Post by: The Walker on September 06, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to venting, posted by kevin on Sep 7, 2002

Now Alta Vista is banned. China demands that all search engines filter pornography and "unhealthy material" (political views that do not toe the communist line).

I see this as yet another move in a general crackdown coming in China. Tim may disagree, and I fully admit he and Wendy may be right.

Here's the link:

As I have said, the average Chinese families I have met are fine people, but their government is going to cause more trouble sooner than later. With Taiwan refusing to knuckle under I see a little more sabre-rattling ahead. To quote Chairman Mao; "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun."


Title: Sounds to me like...
Post by: shadow on September 07, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to China slowly squeezing internet access., posted by The Walker on Sep 6, 2002

they are preparing to go back to communism. Bad news for the people of China.


Title: Related
Post by: Ray on September 06, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to China slowly squeezing internet access., posted by The Walker on Sep 6, 2002

I saw this article the other day. Now it seems that they are shutting down the Internet Cafes also.

China shuts Google's window to the world

Beijing tries to rein in power of the Net
By Michael A. Lev
September 4, 2002

BEIJING – China's government is regularly accused of trying to quash criticism and control the flow of information, but even by that standard yesterday was a remarkably bad day for its public relations machine.

First came news that the government has shut down Google, the Internet search engine, because it opened too wide a window to the outside world.

Then there were reports that security forces had beaten and kicked a German camera operator and confiscated his videotape for filming a group of North Korean refugees trying to seek asylum by dashing into a German diplomatic compound in Beijing.

Days earlier, police searched the home of a South Korean journalist.

And finally, there were more questions – but no answers from Beijing – about why an internationally recognized AIDS activist disappeared last week into state custody.

These were separate incidents that in different ways illustrate the government's unpredictable level of tolerance for dissent or challenge to its authority.

While there have been no overt signals from the government that some kind of newly coordinated crackdown on expression is under way, China watchers suspect there has been a general battening down of controls in advance of the Communist Party's five-year congress in November.

Beyond that, dissecting the motives of a government that does not answer directly to the public is not possible, and diplomats often speculate that China does not always act according to one vision. Hard-liners and moderates may disagree on what constitutes a threat to government authority.

Experts said the decision to block the Chinese-and English-language Google search engine sites fits with government policy to rein in the power of the Internet.

Although the World Wide Web represents an extraordinary tool for business, technology and education, it terrifies the Communist Party by allowing for the free flow of ideas.

In the past year, the government has taken greater steps to maintain control by developing an Internet police force to block information considered to be objectionable and to keep closer track of users.

This summer, in the aftermath of a fire at an Internet cafe in Beijing, it closed thousands of such centers around the country, reducing the number in the capital from more than 2,000 to about 30. Those that reopened require users to register their names and government identification numbers.

According to a Chinese Internet news item yesterday that apparently was deleted hours later, U.S.-based Google was banned because it gave computer users access to pornography, other sensitive material and information about superstitions, a reference to the banned Falun Gong spiritual movement.

Some Internet users raised questions about the government's ability to control the flow of information, by posting critical messages on Web sites. They also shared tricks for circumventing the ban by accessing Google via alternate Web addresses in China.

Title: Re: China slowly squeezing internet access.
Post by: Tim on September 06, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to China slowly squeezing internet access., posted by The Walker on Sep 6, 2002

In the experiences shared by members of my group, the banning of certain websites seems to come and go. For example, Yahoo Groups was banned a few months ago, but now it's open again. The banning also appears to be inconsistent among the different ISP companies operating in China. A user in Beijing may find access to the NY Times blocked, but it might be accessible for a user in Shenzhen.

The Chinese government has decided to "police" the internet access from inside their country by placing the burden on the internet service provider companies. There was a test case recently where the PRC government arrested and convicted a guy who ran an ISP company. All he did was fail to block some websites on the governments list. This is a subtle and effective strategy; by holding the ISP companies responsible they cut down dramatically the number of choke points they have to monitor.

I still think they (the PRC government) are fighting a losing battle in trying to police the net, but time will tell.

Don, as far as the PRC causing trouble, I don't think it will be in the form of invading Taiwan. Don't forget one thing - they are far more terrified of us (USA) than we are of them. You above all people know how unbalanced the scales are as far as military power. I'm talking technology, not manpower.

The PRC is even more stunned, awed, and petrified of us after 9/11. Why ? Easy. The speed in which we projected our military power into Afganistan and neutralized the
situation really shook them up. It's one thing for them to intellectually know that the USA has military technology and power, but to actually see it wielded with such effect and resolution is a whole different matter. Their respect for and fear of us was renewed, although to save face they will never admit it publicly. IMHO they won't cross certain lines.

Regards, Tim

Title: Re: Re: China slowly squeezing internet access.
Post by: The Walker on September 06, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: China slowly squeezing internet acce..., posted by Tim on Sep 6, 2002

Probably. I said "sabre rattling", not invasion. And I do know the Chinese military very well indeed. But if Taiwan were to out and out declare independence China would have to act to save face. They would count on a short, overwhelming invasion with massive air prep and missiles all over the place. Hopefully (their case) the US fleet is not in the area at the time. They want to load the transport ships and send the airborne troops, counting on seizing the island quickly and making it too expensive for the US to kick them off. They could also count on the US being busy elsewhere and unable to give China their undivided attention. Say, talking North Korea into making a demonstration in force along the border with South Korea? That's what I'd do, and they are not stupid.

Would the US try and kick them off if they were already in control? Don't know. Doubtful.

But so long as Taiwan doesn't have suicidal tendencies they PROBABLY won't jump.

I was talking of trouble in the less-than-out-and-out-war sense. Roughing up foreigners, cracking down on Hong Kong (which they have been doing slowly, despite their promises). Rounding up dissidents or whomever has gotten on their crap list for whatever reason. Bumping a few more airplanes. Firing missiles short of Taiwan or even over Taiwan. The regular Tiannamin (sp?) Square treatment.

And sending the forces we did to Afghanistan, and sending enough power to repel an invasion, or worse, to counter-invade defenders in place, are two VERY different things. In Afghanistan, we never had in place the US forces to oust the Taliban by ourselves. And China is no ragtag Taliban. Could they withstand the undivided attentions of the US? No, is the short answer. But can they make it too expensive for the US to go all the way? Yep. Sure can. They have to do it just right, though. And the native Taiwanese army will have much to say about it.


Title: Yeah
Post by: Bear on September 06, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to China slowly squeezing internet access., posted by The Walker on Sep 6, 2002

I guy checking has found over a hundred sights so far that are blocked including most of the news centers.

Bear and Honey

Title: Things here
Post by: NateD on September 06, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to venting, posted by kevin on Sep 7, 2002

Hey Guys,

I just thought I'd post a slight update on what things have been happening in my neck of the woods...and since it was discussed a bit a while back, I thought I'd also contribute on why I myself (at a mere 22 years of age) am already seriously considering this route.

First, for things here: as some of you may remember, I had to take the GRE last July, and I'm happy to say that I did well enough that I'm not going to worry about taking it again. :)  That's always a BIG plus to doing well enough on a test the first time around :)  Next week, OU starts back up on me (ah, yes, the summer is gone already), so my parents and I will be fully moving me into my apartment at OU this coming Sunday.  So yeah, I've been a pretty busy fellow as of late (had to do some last minute scheduling changes for work today, as my supervisor's schedule didn't match my original planned schedule for my training period at the library.  Oh, well--gotta roll with life, I think.

Now, why am I considering this route?  There is, I'll be the first to admit, a stereotype about those of us who consider this (heck, my own grandmother, after I told her I might someday marry a Filipina or a Japanese, said "Why?  They eat rice and all that other stuff..."  In other words, they weren't American.  I love my grandmother dearly, but we do have differing views.  But I don't think that I fit into this stereotype (I doubt any of us do); I am not a loser in any sense of the word.

I suppose that my reason for doing this is fairly broad.  First, there are values: on the vast majority of the Filipina personals I've read, they talk about their strong beliefs in God, their love of family, and their want for happy, healthy family someday--the exact same things I believe in and want.  Moreover, I find them extremely attractive.

Now, am I completely throwing AW's out of the loop?  No.  There are a great many AW personals I read in which they say they want a man who will lavish them with the money they deserve (in which case I find myself thinking, you wouldn't like me at all, lady).  But there are also quite a few personals I've found for women who sound like pretty good, decent women.  Will I write to them as well.  Why not?  At this stage in my life, I don't see a reason to close off any avenue to me just yet.

Take care all,

Title: Nate...
Post by: Kreeger on September 06, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Things here, posted by NateD on Sep 6, 2002

I am probably the next youngest poster on this board (next to you) and I don't think we as young(er) men need to justify our reasons for choosing this route... I don't think ANY of us, for that matter, need to... really. People are people and it doesn't matter if she lives next-door to you or 10,000 miles from you... the only difference is the cultures. That's how I see it and that's how I explain it to others who are curious about why I have chosen a foreign woman for marriage. I am a relatively attractive person (so I'm told) and I often get asked the "are you single" question at work. When I say that I am engaged to a girl in the Philippines, I usually get the types of questions that we all know... "why?" or "what's wrong with the women here?", etc. The way I see it is... what is the difference in responding to a personal ad that was placed by a Filipina (or even an AW) who lives in the U.S., or a woman that just happens to be from another country and is still living there? ONLY DISTANCE. There is a stigma that has accompanied this lifestyle that we choose, and I am sick of it.

You wrote:

"I suppose that my reason for doing this is fairly broad. First, there are values: on the vast majority of the Filipina personals I've read, they talk about their strong beliefs in God, their love of family, and their want for happy, healthy family someday--the exact same things I believe in and want. Moreover, I find them extremely attractive." That, in a nutshell, is why I have chosen to marry a Filipina.... mainly the attractive part. Caucasion women just aren't my preference. Some guys like vanilla ice cream... I just happen to like mocha...


Title: Re: Nate...
Post by: equitis on September 06, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Nate..., posted by Kreeger on Sep 6, 2002

Hello Nate and Kreeger,

 This is a discussion point on many (fil-west)forums.You guys have hit the right answer I believe.It does not matter how you met.What matters is the Love you have for the woman you marry.I would also like to add how hypocritical it seems for western culture to look down on this when they have shows like,"Who wants to marry a millionaire""bachelor" and "bachlorette" "temptation island",the list goes on and on.


Title: On a personal note . . .
Post by: kevin on September 06, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to venting, posted by kevin on Sep 7, 2002

I'm stunned.  I spoke my mind but this is the treatment I get from telling how I felt about a very terrible situation, but unfortunately I did not have to go through it myself.

I'm really surprised, Jay.  I thought you were my friend.   Perhaps this was just a gross misunderstanding.  When I made that post in regards to Zebson's, I did not think of your situation, which seemingly unusual, turned out for the better.

Perhaps I'd be better off with AW's, gays, or simply a hermit.  According to you guys, I obviously can't be any good to a sweet, innocent Filipina no matter what.

Like it or not, I too am trying to move on.  Forget it.  I've got to keep my cool.  I could throw books, etc. at my computer or out the window and break glass!!!!!

Title: Hi Kevin
Post by: greg on September 06, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to On a personal note . . ., posted by kevin on Sep 6, 2002

You cannot win no popuarity contest on PL. As long as You talk about what they want to hear, Your gonna be alright. Patrick gave us the right to talk about whatever as long as we aren't cussing or insulting other Posters. Btw, Jay did speak the truth..Filipinas feel much pain reading Negative Generalizing against their country and people, makes them very angry. I have many Filipina friends on both Mag and PL that EM me talking about how Negatives make them mad(they scold me in a sweet way lol). As I said before, Filipinas in RP has never did me wrong, only one Pinay, so It's wrong to Generalize against all Filipinas becuz of our own involvement with the wrong Pinays..Keep in mind, there are many Filipina Lurkers that read on PL daily. Later..greg

Title: Just had a thought.
Post by: kevin on September 06, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Hi Kevin, posted by greg on Sep 6, 2002

Yes I can understand why some pinay lurkers might have angry feelings about what's associated with courtship in their country.  If rightfully, because the innocent are being portrayed in the wrong light.  If wrongfully, because they're covering butts.  Please note that I'm not directing disdain at anybody who I don't beleive to deserve it.

On a similar note, us men who seek brides abroad hate being portrayed as women traffickers, sex abusers, etc.  Think about that.  Well that's almost what mainstream America, more specifically organizations like NOW, think of us men.  That makes me uncomfortable in the same light.  Hey, Bear has even endured a degree of uninhibited discrimination (in the workplace and at the campground) simply because of the lifestyle he chose.  Well, like you and I, he's got the right to persuit of happiness.

- Kevin

Title: The Husband Shopping Centre
Post by: madmal on September 06, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to venting, posted by kevin on Sep 7, 2002

A little 'joke' my sister sent me:
(I'm not really sure if it's a joke though)

There was this "Husband Shopping Centre" where a woman could go to choose
from among many men, her husband.

It was laid out in five floors, with the men increasing in positive
attributes as you ascended up the floors.

The only rule was that once you opened the door to any floor you must
choose a man from that floor, and if you went up a floor you couldn't go
back down except to leave the place.

So, a couple of girls go to the place to find men ...
First floor, the door has a sign saying "These men have jobs and love

The women read the sign and say "Well that's better than not having jobs,
or not loving kids, but I wonder what's further up?"
So up they go.

Second floor, the door says "These men have high paying jobs, love kids
and are extremely good looking."
"Hmmm," say the girls. "But we wonder what's further up?"

Third floor: "These men have high paying jobs, are extremely good
looking, love kids and help with the housework."
"Wow!" say the women. "Very tempting!!! But, there's more further up!"
And up they go.

Fourth floor: "These men have high paying jobs, love kids, are extremely
good looking, help with the housework, and have a strong romantic streak."
"Oh, mercy me. But just think what must be awaiting us further on!"
So up to the fifth floor they go.

The sign on that door said: "This floor is just to prove that women are
impossible to please."


Title: Article on Intern'l Marriage Biz in Thailand
Post by: ScottFA on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to venting, posted by kevin on Sep 7, 2002


Here's a new Reuter article on the phenomenon of western men seeking brides in Asia, specifically, in Thailand.  It really has nothing original to say and basically insinuates that such men are social misfits.


Title: Re: Article on Intern'l Marriage Biz in Thailand
Post by: Dave H on September 07, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Article on Intern'l Marriage Biz in Thai..., posted by ScottFA on Sep 5, 2002

Hey Scott,

You could tell where that article was going after the second sentence. "English dentist Ken Moylan came to Thailand looking for a wife. It took two hours to find her."

Then they quote Ken, "The first day I went out with Wan, she came back to my hotel and hung all my clothes up and tidied the room. I thought it was marvelous," he said. "I knew then there was something special." I guess Ken has never heard of a house keeper.

I was especially happy that a bride was found for the man suffering with post-traumatic stress disorder. =8oO

But, I would have to agree that any man that says 'Give me a lady, I want to get married now.' is a social misfit. They belong on one of those American marrige shows like "Who Wants To Marry A Millionaire?"

Dave H.

Title: Just passing thru.......
Post by: Mars on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to venting, posted by kevin on Sep 7, 2002

Hey Ray...glad to see you and your buddies are still smarting after the sound, thorough thrashing I gave you. I was not surprised by the flailing arm reaction you so desperately displayed for everyone to see after your embarressing rout. I predicted that you would respond like that. You know you have defeated your enemy when he is seething after the battle. I have vanquished many like you...I am pleased but it is not really satisfying though. I felt like a German Shepherd in a football field full of fire hydrants.

Title: Stop
Post by: Patrick on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Just passing thru......., posted by Mars on Sep 5, 2002

If you want to post here, do so in a civil manner.  There's no need for insults.  If you disagree with someone, disagree, but don't belittle people.  Just make your argument and let it stand on it's own merit.

Title: I don't think
Post by: MsDuong on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Just passing thru......., posted by Mars on Sep 5, 2002

Patrick allows drive-byes...heh

Title: Thanks Lori! That Was Funny!!! (n/t)
Post by: Dave H on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to I don't think, posted by MsDuong on Sep 5, 2002


Title: Re: I don't think
Post by: Stephen on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to I don't think, posted by MsDuong on Sep 5, 2002




Oh, Lori.....that was a good one.

Title: Re: Just passing thru.......
Post by: Stephen on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Just passing thru......., posted by Mars on Sep 5, 2002


Why the need to act like this?  You're only hurting yourself.  You're only doing more to leave a bad taste in people's mouths for you.

You're making yourself look worse.


Title: The Long Goodbye...
Post by: Dave H on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Just passing thru......., posted by Mars on Sep 5, 2002

Hey Mars,

I don't have a problem if you stay. It's not my decision anyway. But how about acting the way you do on Tim's board. Disagreements are fine...but your behavior isn't. You had several supporters of your point of view, that are now trying to distance themselves from you!

Dave H.

Title: Knew you'd be back :-)
Post by: Ray on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Just passing thru......., posted by Mars on Sep 5, 2002


Now don't you have an I.Q. test to study for?

Title: Behave now.....
Post by: Mars on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Knew you'd be back :-), posted by Ray on Sep 5, 2002


Title: A little cut-and-paste for light reading
Post by: Bob S on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to venting, posted by kevin on Sep 7, 2002

Something interesting for y'all to read I found on the "Big Daikon" JET Message Board which was in turn borrowed from another board.  Thought some of you might find it thought-provoking.

There is near me an Asian sushi-beer-and-dinner establishment that I’ll call the Asia Spot. The region is urban, so the clientele is a mix of some of just about everything, but the waitresses are all Asian, principally Japanese, Indonesian, Vietnamese, and Thai.
The Spot is a neighborhood bar. A large after-work crowd, many of them regulars, gather at happy hour. The social dynamics are curious. It would be an exaggeration to say, as someone did, that the black guys come to pick up white women, and the white men come to get away from them – but it would be an exaggeration of an underlying truth. The waitresses are a large part of the Spot’s appeal.

A common subject of conversation among male customers is how very attractive these women are when compared to American women. It is not a thought safe to utter in mixed company. It is a very common thought. American women know it.

Why are the Asians attractive? What, to huge numbers of men, makes almost any Asian more appealing than almost any American? The question is much discussed by men at the Spot. (I should say here that when I say “women,” I mean the majority of women, the mainstream, the center of gravity. Yes, there are exceptions and degrees.)

American women of my acquaintance offer several explanations, all of them wrong. For example, they say that Asian women are sexually easy. No. American women are sexually easy. The waitresses at the Spot are not available. They date, but they cannot be picked up.

Another explanation popular among American women is that men want submissive women, which Asians are believed to be. Again, no. For one thing, submissive people are bland and boring. In any event the waitresses aren’t submissive. Many compete successfully in tough professions. Among Asian waitresses I know I count an electrical engineer who does wide-area networks, and a woman with a masters in biochemistry who, upon finding that research required a Ph.D and didn’t pay, went back to school and became a dentist. Both of these wait tables to help out in the family restaurant.

At the Spot I know a woman waitressing her way through a degree in computer security, a bright Japansese college graduate making a career in the restaurant business, and the manager of the Spot – not a light-weight job. Submissiveness has nothing to do with their attractiveness.

Why, then, are they so very appealing?

To begin with, look at the American women in the Spot. Perhaps a third of them are stylishly dressed. The rest of the gringas run from undistinguished to dumpster-casual: baggy jeans, oversize shirts -- often male shirts -- with the tails out. They seem to affect a sort of homeless chic, actually to want to look bad, and do it with more than a touch of androgyny. A high proportion are at least somewhat overweight. (So are the men, but that’s another subject.) The Asians, without exception, are sleek, well-groomed, and dressed with an understated sexiness that never pushes trashy.

Further, the Asians are what were once called “ladies,” a thought repellant to feminists but very so refreshing to men. Listen to the American women at neighboring tables, and you will frequently hear phrases like, “He’s a f*****g piece of s***.” In what appears to be a determined attempt to be men, they have adopted the mode of discourse of a male locker room and made it their normal language. The Asians, classier, better students of men, do not have foul mouths. They presumably know about body parts and bathroom functions, but do not believe that a woman raises her stature by referring to them constantly in mixed company.

Men at the Spot, I have noticed, instantly understand that coloquial commentary is not wanted, and don’t engage in it: In the presence of the civilized, men adopt the standards of civilization. Men also tend to think of women as women think of themselves. The Asians, without displaying vanity, clearly think well of themselves. And ought to.

All in all, they give the impression that they do not want to be one of the guys. They want to be one of the girls. Here we come to the core of their appeal. Let me elaborate.

The default position of American women is what men refer to as “the chip,” a veiled truculence, mixed with a not-very-veiled hostility toward men and a shaky sense of sexual identity. The result is a touchiness reminiscent of hungover ferrets. There is a bandsaw edge to them, a watching for any slight so that they can show that they aren’t going to take it. They are poised to lash out in aggressive defense of their manhood.

As best as I can tell, they don’t like being women. Here is the entire problem in five words.

The Asians at the Spot show every indication that they do like being women. They do not seem to have anything to prove. Being happy with what they are allows them to be comfortable with what they are not – men. They are not competing to be what they can’t be with people who can’t be anything else. They don’t have to establish their masculinity because they don’t want it. They do not assume, as American women tend to, that femaleness is a diseased condition to be treated by male clothes, gutter language, and bad temper.

I’ve spent many dozens of hours chatting with the gals at the Spot, and never seen a sign of the chip. For a man, the experience is wonderful beyond description – smart, pretty, classy women, who are women, and are not the enemy. As long as American women carry the chip, the Asian gals will eat them alive in the dating market.

Note that the espousal of hostile obnoxiousness as a guiding philosophy appears to be an almost uniquely American horror. It certainly isn’t requisite to independence or self-respect. I recently met a quite attractive blonde who, among other things, was smart, a long-haul motorcyclist, a student of the martial arts out of sheer athletic enjoyment of it, and an excellent marksman. She was also heterosexual, feminine, delightful company, and had no trace of “the chip.” I was astonished. How was this possible, I wondered?

She was Canadian.

Title: Re: A little cut-and-paste for light reading
Post by: Nathan on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to A little cut-and-paste for light reading, posted by Bob S on Sep 5, 2002

This article seems pretty much on target. Good reading for single men and all others. Gives you that "bullseye" feeling when you read it....


Title: A clarification.........Honey
Post by: Bear on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to venting, posted by kevin on Sep 7, 2002

This is a reply to Jay's post below (Re: Rhere are always two pointd of view between two people).

I think it's unappropriate for you to judge Bear that way. He and I didn't pretend to know what had happened. I guess it's just not fair enough that we judge somebody by listening to only one side of the story. Bear didn't know that I was going to stay with Helen in Manila. He thought my friend and I will stay in a hotel as soon as we get there but my friend who's also Helen's friend convinced me to stay with her at Helen's apartment. The price was low and since I'm going to stay there for only a week, I agreed but I still didn't let Bear know about it 'coz he already warned me about not having anything to do with Helen. I told Bear about her when he arrived at the airport. While my friend and I were there, we talked about Helen and Zeb's issue. We listened to her side and since I first heard Zeb's side by reading his posts, it was kinda hard to believe her and I think she could sense it. I guess that's why she showed us Zeb's hand-written letters. One was just like a simple note from Zeb when he left Helen in Baguio 'coz he decided to do things on his own without Helen. He left her with this note with an amount of money enough for her to go back home. Helen was crying as she was left alone in that place after getting a vacation leave from her job. She also pointed out incidents where Zeb would just leave her alone in a hotel with a certain amount of money without telling her where he's going. She only knew that he left when she asked the receptionist.

Upon hearing her side accompanied with those evidences (Zeb's notes/letters), we asked her why did she continue to have a relationship with Zebson. She indicated how much she loved him and that she believed he would change. Thus, she went on with the process of their papers with Zeb's money of course. We told her to post her side of the story on MA or PL but she said she doesn't care what Zeb would post about her. Furthermore, Zeb was still sending her emails even after he dumped her. Evidence? Helen checked her emails from my laptop. I was just kinda surprise about that 'coz he sent her emails like just wanna say hi and hello, how are you and stuff like that. To me, it's like nothing happened between them. I'm saying this from experience. When Bear tried to break up with me before (remember the LOVE HURTS post?), he stopped sending me emails.

I posted this not because I want to defend Helen. I did have some personal grudges against her but I think we should all be fair to everyone. If we tell our stories, let's consider the other side. I mean don't just post your side to make you the good one. I'm not saying that only one side is right and the other is wrong. I think they both have mistakes (whether big or small) that lead to their separation.

To Zebson, we apologize.

Bear's Honey


Forgive me if my comma placement and sentence structures are incorrect. Oh btw, Helen didn't feed us with lapu-lapu or anything like that. In fact, we fed her.

Title: Re: A clarification.........Honey
Post by: Jay on September 06, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to A clarification.........Honey, posted by Bear on Sep 5, 2002

Hi Honey,

I'm sorry, I just felt I had to say that to Bear, for a long time.

I will say this though, your husband's a good guy and a class act. Alot of people on this board, would have been posting and posting with anger in reply. Not him, he just states his position in an even-keeled way and moves on. We need alot more of that on this board. I think he's a really good guy, and that's really the only problem I ever had with him.

BTW, you comma placement and sentence structure are great. You seem like a sweetie, too. I mean that.

Take Care and God Bless,


Title: Re: A clarification.........Honey
Post by: Zebson on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to A clarification.........Honey, posted by Bear on Sep 5, 2002

Thanks for the clarification, there Honey. And there is no need to apologize. But please allow to me to maybe at least clarify a few things too. I just don't want to be made out to be more of a insensitive ba*tard, than some might think I am, or that I purposely left out extra's in my recounting to make me look like a saint or something. As I indicated in the string below, under the subject of GOODBYE (by Mars), and the title of "Ahh it's ok now, but the other night.....woe,".I referenced to, My unfinished story in the Archives, which like I said perhaps Bear and others may not have read. I reference to that, in order to bring balance and insight into both her actions and mine. There was only one time that I left her without advance notice (aka;:letter), and those other two times were for a day or less and I tried to explain my actions. Yes it was selfish, but to give me breathing room to really think about what I was really feeling too. I know now that a young Filipina can not understand that independance other than as rejection. Personally, I was not used to be smothered days upon days and I needed adjustment. Yea it was my hang up, but I had only been independant for over 20 years. Now the other statements about emails after Helen left were not accurate in total. The fact was that Helen initiated emailing me first, before I ever responded, after she arrived back in Manila. I didn't hate her, I just wanted to know if she would ever concede to asking my forgiveness for what she did (that never came) Unless you can cronologically follow the actual details of what went on, I am sure it could be bent to anyones ears and eyes that didn't experience the reality of it. What I am sure she did not offer up much about or elaborate on, is the fact that it took over 8 months for her to reveal to me she had actually been married before she even told me in the beginning of our relationship. Or much about the European guy that she met in LA when she was here on my K1, Or the fact that she never asked for foriveness for her actions, or the fact that she said she was flying back to Manila when in reality she flew to Amsterdam, first (to rondevouz again?). And that particular information, I actually overheard from the ticket agent, after I became suspicious when she wouldn't show me her airline exiting airline ticket when I finally took her to LAX. And If someone wants to debate those realities I will be happy too, although I would prefer that not be my mission statement in life now. I had already given this cauterization of my past involvement a bit more time than I wanted.:) I have no problem in recognizing and acknowledging my less than perfect actions. But the thing is I am thankful I found out all these things, about us both in order to let them rest, so I can move on to a better future....

Zeb :)

Title: Why . . .
Post by: kevin on September 06, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: A clarification.........Honey  , posted by Zebson on Sep 5, 2002

do you still feel guilty about leaving Helen for a day, etc. way back when?  Although at face value it wasn't right, it's a moot point.  She lied to you from Day 1 (about her previous marriage and having a child).  I think that's a bunch of crap that your need for soltitude and her supposed lack of understanding, was the root cause for the demise of your relationship.  I think the foundation of the relationship was built on deception.  I think you were a sucker to continue the relationship, after being 8 months into it, learning shocking news about her marital status.

I think you're probably a decent guy.  We all make minor mistakes with the ones we love.  As for your transgressions against Helen (leaving her before), something deep in your subconcious was probably telling you that something was not right.  If Helen was a credible, decent individual, after such transgressions she would 1) either broke it off with you and moved on, or 2) she and you could have come to a better understanding of each other, and the relationship and trust would go up to the next level (a deeper commitment).  I think Helen did a tremendous job of putting you on a guilt trip; just an example of her ucanny ability to influence people to beleive or think a certain way she wants them to think or believe for her own advantage.

- Kevin

Title: Re: Why . . .
Post by: Jay on September 06, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Why . . ., posted by kevin on Sep 6, 2002


As Patrick said above, I will just make my argument and let it stand on it's own merit's.

If I dumped my wife for every little untruth I heard at the begining of our relationship, I'd be drunk in an alley somewhere! Or worse. I didn't even know my step-daughters' father was alive till after I was married. In your book, that would make my wife the Daughter of Satan. Your ex really ruined you.
I can't say as I blame you for being mistrusting, but you have GOT to get over it! It's becoming deep and dark with you. This obsession and it really shows in your written word. If you haven't noticed by now, telling one Filipina how you think a whole segment of them are untrustworthy, evil people, only out to use guy's, will get you NOWHERE. I don't know much about many other women, but I know a bit about Filipina's, and if a woman hear's any of these thought's, she'll be gone!! She'll think that that's what you think of Filipina's no matter what else you say. I'm sure you probably get e-mail's from Filipina's who do and have, posted here. They probably tell you don't worry, you'll find a special Filipina one day, but they just say that because they like you, they know your sentimental and emotional, and they feel bad that one of thier own did this to you. However, I'll bet not a one would go out with you given the oppourtunity.

I'll let you in on a little secret, Kevin. There were a few other little deception's that about caused me to drink myself to death over, BUT I WORKED IT OUT INSIDE MYSELF. If you recall, I met my wife while I was managing a bar in Angeles. Talk about being untrusting, I had dealt with so many F@cked up Filipina's, that I didn't believe ANY Filipina's, let alone a bargirl. Eight years later, thing's are GOOD. Life is GOOD. Criselda is GREAT.

Whole point of my rant is; you don't know Helen. You've never met her. That leaving, "I can't commit", emotional crap doesn't fly with a Filipina. It ONLY work's on western women who watch Opra. I certainly am not taking sides, unlike you, because I don't know Zeb or her. Sound's to me just like Honey said, that both made enough mistakes to go around.

You know, if a guy get's himself some little 20 yr. old virgin, he may not get alot of baggage with her, but if he marries a woman 25+, he's going to get more with age. The older they are the mor they will have, probably.

Say I'm jumping on you or what the hell ever, but this attitude of "This Filipina or that Filipina are Satan's daughter" garbage, is getting on my nerves now, too.

I truly hope you believe in God, Kevin, because that's the only way your going to get another Filipina. Give prayer a try, and stop looking in those book's for your answer's. It worked for me..

The EX most untrusting SOB on the planet

Title: Re: Re: Why . . .
Post by: Matthew on September 06, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Why . . ., posted by Jay on Sep 6, 2002

Hey Jay,

I understand your post to Kevin but he is going to take it as an attack.I remember you gave me similiar advice after my divorce but I didn't want to hear it.I had a justifiable(in my mind)resentment and I wasn't going to let it go.I held onto it for so long that,oddly enough,it became sort of comfortable and familiar.Like a blanket:)Sometimes it blew hot and sometimes it just simmered but it was always there.To let it go meant I would have to move foward.I never seemed ready.Of course, as you know, resentments became a luxury I could no longer afford.I had to to alot of working on myself to let it go.Thanks God I did.Now if anybody mentions the ex I just roll my eyes and shake my head and kind of chuckle.I really do hope she is doing well.
It takes what it takes for some people and it is hard for others to rush it with well intentioned advice.

One thing I would like to clarify for the folks out there and I am sure you will agree totally.You had a drinking problem looonnngg before you met Criselda.So whatever deception issues you faced did not "about cause you to drink yourself to death".You would have happily done it anyway.No excuses needed for you,bro!I am glad you stuck it out.Criselda's loyalty,values and faith were my own inspiration for seeking a wife in the RP.Life is good!

tito Matt

Title: Re: Re: Re: Why . . .
Post by: Jay on September 07, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Why . . ., posted by Matthew on Sep 6, 2002

Hey Matt,

Yeah, your right. I just used that phrase because I think I drank a bit harder, maybe? :)

I always knew Criselda was the inspiration! LOL!


Title: Re: Re: Why . . .
Post by: kevin on September 06, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Why . . ., posted by Jay on Sep 6, 2002

I've cooled a bit, and reread your post.  Yes, prayer, and God and his grace are important.  My perception of you and your wife is that you both found God and you changed your ways for the better.  That is good.

What really set me off is you're saying that no good Filipina would ever want to go out with me if given the opportunity.  Come on, am I that bad?  I'd like to reiterate that to an extent I am an outcast in my family because of my personal preferences and what I beleive in.  Maybe it's not politically correct tolament about this on the board.  But I can say this much.  At family gatherings, from time to time I have to live with the "I told you so"'s regarding my past experiences, and the "Your stupid"'s, "Haven't you learned your lessons"', and "They all just want to get to the United States"' phrases.  I have my agates busted because certain family members (because my phone line is always busy when I'm on the internet) suspect I might be corresponding with a Filipina.

Don't slam me.  I have the right to be happy so long as I don't hurt anybody,just like everybody else.  Today, I feel like a semi-outcast by both my own circle and by some Planet Love characters.

Yes I am skeptical.  Should you expect me to jump into something blindly?  I think that is stupidity.

I know I'm different and so are alot of us males who post here.  But women are individuals too.  Although most may have common ideals, desires, expectations in a man, etc., they can have their personal preferences too.

I feel very strongly about the golddigger situation.  You know and I know it is very real.  I thought I was once very much loved, and then that same person treated me like garbage.  Well, I recovered.  The big lesson in life I learned is that a woman may seem to love you and cling to you for dear life one day, but then hate your guts the next.

I'm burning out trying to get the message across about whom and what I really am.  I know many regard me as scum or whatever, but so be it.  Just because a few people don't like me doesn't mean that absolutely everybody should disdain me.

I used to admire you, Jay, given the way you were in the past, transforming to your present self.  For the most part, I think I still like you.  I think I must have got your goat or some other misunderstanding.  We all have those days.

- Kevin

Title: (part 1)
Post by: Jay on September 07, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Why . . ., posted by kevin on Sep 6, 2002


Ok, I'm home from work, completely exhausted, a bit cranky (excuse me), but determined to answer you. I've been thinking about it all evening. Without writing a novel, I will do my best to reply in full.

First off, let's get a couple of thing's straight on the record, incase I have not made myself clear. I resort to suggesting prayer only to close friend's and only if I think a situation is bordering on hopeless. Criselda and I have not "found God". We were both raised Catholic, but were not active church member's when we met, as you can imagine. We're still not. She has always lit candles on a little alter in whatever house she or we lived in, and still does. She has mentioned over time to me how her faith changed from believing in God, because that's the way she was raised, to REALLY believing based on her own experiences, since we met. She has what I call true faith now. As for me, I was about the same until I went to a penitentary in Texas at 18. By the time I walked out 2 1/2 yrs. later I had a deep understanding and belief. A personal relationship, if you will. Without getting to deep into it, I will say that twice in the Pen I was supposed to die there, but did not. Once a contract was put on me, and once a guy with 3 life sentences who was trying to get into permanant lock-up, decided I had wronged him, and killing me would allow him to spend the rest of his life doing time alone. In both cases, both parties had a last second change of heart. This happening in a prison setting would be strange happening once. Happening twice is impossible. In both cases I later learned that both parties had felt "the hand of God touch thier hearts". These instances happened about a year apart, and niether party new each other. Both the "Buyer" on the contract, and the lifer used the same word's,"the hand of God touch my heart". Both related this to me at later times. My hair stood on end when I heard it the socond time. These were killer's. They didn't play that "God BS", to use the word's of the lifer. I was convinced. So, no I haven't found God, and frankly I dislike the term. Sound's like BS jailhouse conversion to me.

My second point to get clear is about Criselda. Incase you forgot or anyone who has't heard or remember the story. I met Criselda in a bar in Angeles I managed. She quit the day I took over. A couple of days later I saw her again and we began talking. By the time we met, I had been cheated on and/or lied to by many Filipina's. I'm talking about the "nice" girl's, who wouldn't know a bar if they fell over one. They can be evil Beeaatch's as well. This began in high school. I also had been through this with AW's, so I felt no differently about them. I just felt they had a different way of BSing. I didn't trust women at all.

I went back to Angeles to bury a few ghost's I had left there. Also thought that I might find a decent woman there. I had before. Not ALL my girlfriend's in my life did me wrong, but alot did. I had no future, no plan's, just thought I would retire from punchin' a clock and spend my remaining days, getting all the sweet poontang I could afford, drink San Migoo's and do Filipino LSD till I dropped. The LSD didn't work out to well, because I found that I wasn't able to handle it quite as well as I could when younger. I kept getting "bad trip's", and making a fool aut of myself suddenly jumping up in public places like movies, bus's or jeepney's, slapping my face repeatedly and screaming, "HELP I'M DYING!!!. It got old quick, but the poontang and San Migoo's were going just fine. Anyway, I digress.

Title: Part2
Post by: Jay on September 07, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to (part 1), posted by Jay on Sep 7, 2002

When I met Criselda I thought she was hot. I really liked the way she talked, though, different from any other woman I had seen there. However, bottom line was I wanted in her pant's. She told me she didn't go "barfine" OR "short time" with customer's.  So, I figured, "ah, well, nevermind her then". However, She worked in an open bar next to my bar/room so she was the last stop as I slithered home every evening. We stated to "date". I paid for her time to go out, but no "'tang". It was ok for me, I knew she needed the money, and I liked her. I did not believe her about not going out, though. Very few women in Angeles don't. Hell, even the old women who clean the bar's will, with the right dude, for the right price. So as I started to like this woman more, I remembered I could check the book's at least of the bar I managed. She worked in the one I had managed, remember. Well, I checked the book's and looked up "GRACE". Yup, even her first and last name was BS when we met. NO barfine, NO short time. As time went on I asked the owner of the bar she worked in at the time, and the owner of the bar she worked in for a year, before I got there. Being a manager gave me the oppourtunity to know and drink with the big boys. It's not everyone who get's the oppoutunity to check out thier woman like that in Angeles, most have to take it on faith about thier woman's involvement.

I knew a guy in Angeles I'll call John. This was shortly after i arrived. He was a really good guy from Australia. He had married a very popular young short time girl. EVERYONE knew her. One day me, John and a bar owner were drinking in the owner's bar. John say's to the owner, "T----, did I ever F--- your wife??". T--- says, "No John, I don't think so, why?". John says, "Well T---, you have F'ed mine, and I don't like it." T--- says, "Well John, I understand, but that's life in Angeles, you just got to deal with it." Nine days later after a big fight with his wife, who by the way,  really loved this guy, John walked into thier bedroom, locked the door, swallowed 300 Valium 10, drank a San Miguel, laid down and died.

My point is I didn't want to be John. I COULD NOT marry a hooker. Just couldn't handle it. Despite all my proof, how could I ever be sure at that time or the next couple of years till that doubt went away. Did she ever turn a trick? Don't look that way. Knowing what I know now I could'nt imagine it. So lets get that on the record. She had nothing to change her ways from.

Now, she still lied about some major issues. She had her whole family back up her lies too. First I though her daughters father had died in the Baguio earthquake. Also, before we were married I was to return to the US. My MOm was dying from cancer. I missed my flight out. All flight's were sold out for a while after that. I was about broke with no place to go. She took me to HER house. A fairly nice one I had paid for with all those "sexless, paid money to the bar, dates". SHE paid for averything from this time forward. Soon after I found myself in a personal situation which prevented me from leaving the RP, flight's or no flight's. I stayed 3 months. During this time I knew these people were not telling me something. I'm very intuitive. I found out after about two month's one thing she didn't tell me. One morning I am sitting in front of the house. I'm doing my usual morning wake up. Reading the paper drinking straight Tanduay ESQ. No ice, couldn't afford it often, wearing just my chinella's and Airwolf shorts. No underwear. These short's had legs so wide, anyone coming towards me  could see my "luggage" in all it's glory. Just couldn't hide it unless I closed my legs tightly. Criselda was washing clothes a few feet away in the yard. all of a sudden I hear the front gate opening, I look up and see a Filipino guy walk in, stop in his track's, look for  a second and turn around and walk out. I look at Criselda. She had just looked up for a second when he came in and then went back to the wash. I look at her and say, "who the F was that?". She says I don't know, like it was nothing. I go out and look down the street. I see him standing by a house just looking. I start walking over there and April is comming towards me. She can't speak a lick of English, but she understood it well enough. I ask her who he is, and she just walk's past with her head down, trying to avoid my gaze. Come to find out, this is Criselda's boyfriend. He lives in another town, He is a factory manager. Very well built and good looking. She had told him 3 month's before that they were through because she found out he had other girl's. That's why he didn't want April and Criselda to live with him. They had been together 3 years. He didn't really think they were broke up. Another thing I foud out later they were hiding was that her brother was on the run from the law. He was a bigtime bonafide gangster/killer. Public enemy #1 in Baguio even, His name was Romulo. A serious bad azz with a killin' problem. They didn't want me to know. actually, I met the guy and we got along great. He was just that though, a serious bad azz with a killin' problem. He was a bit physcopathic. However, I didn't like being lied to. All this caused me to obsess for years with doubt. Till I worked it out.

Now I'm only saying that I have been somewhat in your shoes as far as trust issue's go. NOBODY, hates you, is blasting you, suggesting you can't get a Filipina or any of that . I am just saying you must judge the next lady on her own merits. You MUST find a way. You MUST keep those thoughyt's to yourself, or a Filipina will have nothing to do with you romanticaly. My point in my words above is that these women may have issues that they will lie to you about in the begining for thier own reasons. You cannot expect 100% honesty up front. Not from a Filipina. They lie ALOT, kevin. Simple white lies even, just because they think you will not like it if they tell you the truth. They are real "people pleaser's". It's thier way.

Our marriage almost broke up many times in the begining because I was driving myself nuts. For example, when she would go to the store, I might ask how long she was there and with who. She might say 30 minutes, alone. I would find out later it was 1 1/2 hrs. with a Filipina I didn't care for, and to me that was a crisis. It was a lie and it drove me nut's. This lasted about the first 4-5 years of our marriage. This is what I meant by "drinking myself to death over little deceptions". That's because of the HUGE deceptions in the begining. I couldn't believe a word she said. Even, "I love you". I told her alot of the same stuff you say now about Filipina's. She was insulted bad. I was a monster. It was dark and deep. It get's inside you. I know, because I've been there. I'm LUCKY, REALLY LUCKY she's still here. I almost blew it, bigtime.

Sure there are goldiggers, and you must be aware. However, you can't let it destroy you or your chance for love with a Filipina. You are letting it destroy that chance, though. You have to work it out. Keep your mouth shut about it in the meantime. Probably too late now, but you might have gotten one of these Filipina's around here to hook you up. They ALL know somebody. Also stop thinking everyone is against you. Even Ray. He's a good guy, Kevin, you just got on his last nerve with that Sh1t. It's understandable.

Speaking of us being friends, (which I do consider us), you never let me off the hook on the fart rant I went on. I apologized profusely(sp?) 3 times, as recently as yesterday.  This is for you or anyone else who was offended because I seemed anti-fart.. GET OVER IT, PEOPLE. I got grossed out one morning, that's all. Isn't that the point of fart humor?? You should be laughing, not holding resentments towards me over it. Ya got me.

Anyway, I'm going to bed. I wouldn't post stuff this personal if I didn't care, Kevin. Best of luck to you, my friend.


I don't have time to spell check, so excuse my mistakes please.  

Title: Re: Part2
Post by: Jay on September 07, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Part2, posted by Jay on Sep 7, 2002

I'd like to make a correction. I said,

"You cannot expect 100% honesty up front. Not from a Filipina. They lie ALOT".

That's obviously wrong. LOL! Told ya I was tired. Sorry Ladies. :)

I should have said if you don't get 100% honesty up front, don't be shocked. In many cases you might run across a Filipina who tries to keep something that she thinks you won't understand. Like my wifes brother. Or a previous marriage. Sometimes you have to dig gently till you earn thier trust. Trust that your not going to hate them for it.

As for the little white lies, which I'm sorry if I Offend,
most if not all Filipina's I've met, do this at lest once in a while. They're really harmless, usually done to make you happier in some way. Got to trust them on that. Problem is If you have big trust issues like I did or you DO. The little lies can make you more distrusting. It's been mentioned here before.



Title: Re: Re: Re: Why . . .
Post by: Jay on September 06, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Why . . ., posted by kevin on Sep 6, 2002

Hi Kevin,

You aparently misunderstood some of my post. I will post a reply later as I don't have time now. Got to go to work. Your more than alright in my book, Kevin. Yaeh, ya got my goat a bit, but that was really a post trying to help, believe it or not. Talk to you later.


Title: Re: Re: Re: Why . . .
Post by: Stephen on September 06, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Why . . ., posted by kevin on Sep 6, 2002

Here's my honest opinion.

I think you've had a lot of hurt.

Because of this you've set up a lot of defenses.  You've got a set of tests that these ladies have to pass.  But your "tests" are so high that no one will probably be able to pass it.  They'll give up on you before you decide that you can open up and trust them.

I think you need to leave the past.  

Could you get taken again?  Yes.  There are no guarantees.  You just do what you can in life and play with the cards you've been given.  

I think Howard's a good example here.  He got burned.  But he got up and went forward.  You've got to do the same.  Howard thinks positive and goes forward.  You've dwell on your hurt and sit in the past.

NOW....could Howard get burned again?  YES.  ( guarantees in life).  But his only hope is to go forward in life.'re not going forward.  You're standing in the past and hurting.  You won't get burned again....because you won't risk it.  You'll also be a very bitter guy.

Also think about this.  Maybe H gets burned again...but he's gonna be experiencing a lot of joy in life that you won't experience.    

I'm not saying this to pound on you.  I'm saying this to be an encouragement.  Go forward.  Take risk.  Grow.

One more your original response to Jay you said maybe you should try AW's or gays.  I don't think that's a good idea.  Filipinas are definately a lot more fun.  Trust me.


Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: Why . . .
Post by: kevin on September 06, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: Why . . ., posted by Stephen on Sep 6, 2002

I was being sarcastic about the AWs and gays comment.  Yes, I have my defenses.  Perhaps what set me off is the Helen saga.  Why?  If I'm not careful, it could happen to me.

Now that I have more spare time, I've stepped up the effort to cultivate new friendships with new Filipinas.  All I can do is cast my net and not sell myself short.  Although I may feel frustrated,lonely and yearning for affection at times, I'm not in a rush to get married.  I'm just going to make the effort to keep looking.

I'm used to the fact that certain family members will scorn me, try to discourage me, drill seeds of doubt, etc.  I don't care anymore.  I know what I want in life.

The same principle applies to those who try to put me down on this board by saying or implying that I'm not fit to share love with a Filipina.

What if the day comes when someday I make a special announcement?  That being abstractly, "I'm in love".  I'm sure some on this board would be very happy for me.  But I also know some would try to shoot me down because that's not what the real Kevin is supposed to be (or the traditional Kevin they knew who was their psychological plaything).

- Kevin

Title: Ya know
Post by: Bear on September 06, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Why . . ., posted by kevin on Sep 6, 2002

It wasn't so long ago I was pretty hurt and angry because of my divorce.  But I was determined to succeed at marriatal relationships and have the kind of family I always wanted.  To have such a relationship I not only had to find the right "girl" but most importantly I had to be the right "guy".  It meant I deserved most of the harashment I got from some of the guys here for my bitter statements and I just had to buck it up and get over it.  Now things are more than wonderful.  I really do not know how to be happier.

I get upset pretty easily also when I see events like many that have happened here.  Howard/Ayesa, Zebson/Helen, etc. But several things that appears to be common in all failed relationships is the unbelieveable stubborness at checking out things that are said, communicating your expectations and learning theirs, patience and an unwillingness to listen too and learn from others.  I was pretty close to making a mistake with Marichu (one of the girls I was almost involved with before Honey) but I observed what was going on and had a set plan and goals with certain characteristics to find and/or avoid.  I persisted and had a lot of luck and spiritual guidance and things have worked out wonderfully for me.  You can really do the same.

You have sent me lots of e-mails.  Quite a few have concerns about Helen and others.  And where as I think Helen's mistakes were the worst (more hurtfull of others) I still think Zebson caused most of his problems and did some really cruel things to Helen.  I simply broke up with Honey over a legal problem and got attacked for months (even after we got back together) but Helen was abandoned, cheated on and pretty much left to fend for herself (meaning not allowed to eat his food) once here America waiting on whether or not Zebson would marry her and no one has attacked him?! I have seen e-mails to other Filipinas during the period Helen and Zebson were supposed to be engaged, coming from Zebson.  So you think that Helen type Filipina might hurt you then I think you should just not treat one that bad and you'll be okay.

So, okay, a lot of you will think I am re-hashing/bashing Zebson.  No, I think what I am doing is trying to say most of the problems men have are caused by themselves.  In Zebson's favor I'll will admit that I know Helen had slept with at least 3 guys and had one child out of marriage before finally marrying the guys she has now.  That in itself would have ended it for me.  But the sad thing about it all is that she really did love Zebson, so much she gave up a scholarship to a college in England to come here and marry him even after he abandoned her in Bagiuo and cussed her out in front of her family and friends, and she found he had been e-mailing her best friend (he didn't know that she was her best friend).  So I think unless you plan on being like Zebson you can quit worrying about finding a girl like Helen - I hope you're not like that.

Bear and Honey

PS:  Zebson don't get mad, get glad (Honey's suggestion).

Title: DUDE!??
Post by: Howard on September 07, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Ya know, posted by Bear on Sep 6, 2002


I understand where you're coming from and know first hand the size of your heart.  I will always feel that you are a step above many for what you did for me, no matter what the outcome.  Many would have turned their back, but you went FAR above and beyond the call of duty for a relative stranger.  Those who don't remember, should be reminded.

Your intentions are plain to see, but bringing up painful things in such great detail was just not necessary!  While your post, in it's intent, was fine. You crossed the line with rehashing some of the details.

Zeb has admitted that the mistakes were not all Helen's, let it go at that.  No one can heal if they keep getting old wounds open in public!

Keep the Faith


Title: Re: DUDE!??
Post by: Bear on September 07, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to DUDE!??, posted by Howard on Sep 7, 2002

When someone acts as if they are so innocent and mistreated and did only proper and correct things in a failed relationship and I hear others praising the way that person reacted, knowing all along that person attacked in a "sly" manner an innocent, I can't help but to make sure that what I know to the contrary is known.

I for one do not like what Helen did - it is the thing that have caused so many people here real heartache.  But her motivations are clear - poverty and the fear of being caught in it.  What would you do in the same situation?  Zebson's are much more dispicable.  He is selfish to the point of completely "not caring" about anyone but himself - couldn't care less who he hurt as long as he stayed in control of his fears.  He needs psychiatric help.  And I don't want others complaining about how Helen cheated on him while he was trying to cheat on her.  The fact is he caused his own problems and hurt innocents along the way.

Bear and Honey

Title: What would I do?
Post by: Howard on September 07, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: DUDE!??, posted by Bear on Sep 7, 2002


I think the answer to that is obvious.  I would NOT do what Helen Did.  Being hurt by someone does not give someone the right to do anything their heart desires in order to get even.  Poverty does not excuse it either.  Neither does immaturity, nor broken heartedness.

I have never seen Zeb claim total innocence.  Now I only see him trying to move on.  Without being him, no one can really know what was going through his mind at the time, nor what motivated him to do these "unforgivable" things, but we are not his judge and jury.  

Good intentions sometimes hurt more than help.  I was honestly trying to be ther voice of reason and just seemed to stir the embers of this post.  That was not my intent.  I can't recommend stongly enough the theraputic advantages to forgiveness.

I mean no disrespect.  I will just agree to disagree with you on this one.  I don't know everthing you know and don't think this is the place to find out.  The situation is now over and I think that the parties involved should be given the opportunity to heal without old wounds being opened and salt rubbed in them.

To err is human... to forgive is divine

Keep the Faith


Title: Confused?
Post by: Bear on September 07, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to What would I do?, posted by Howard on Sep 7, 2002

What do you think she did?  What Zebson said she did?  Cheat on him?  But who were all the e-mails too from Zebson while she was there in California.  I have seen soom of them.  Is he allowed to cheat and receive praise while condemning another for the same?

Yeah, lets let the subject die but let it end with no high fives for abanding a girl in a strange land for something that didn't happen the way it was reported.  Right Zebson!

Bear and Honey

Title: Re: Confused?
Post by: Howard on September 08, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Confused?, posted by Bear on Sep 7, 2002


Is that what you think I am doing???  Slapping my boy Z a "high five" for putting his foot in Helen's butt?  You HAVE to know me better than that!  Do you think I am praising him for giving her some of her own medicine???  I am NOT!

I just don't see what purpose it serves to drag anyone--Helen or Zeb--through the mud when things are over and done with.  The only reason I didn't reply to Kevin's post on Helen was because everyone else was.  Frankly, knowing the kind of compassionate person you can be first hand, I was astonished at the venom that I saw in your post that started this never ending thread.

Things happen.  Good people get hurt.  But no one should be beyond forgiveness. Agreed?

Keep the Faith


Title: Did you ever . . .
Post by: kevin on September 08, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Confused?, posted by Bear on Sep 7, 2002

think that they were made up and very well crafted stories to cleanse her hands.  Bear, I'm not a stupid man.  Sometimes I think you're too naive, ignorant and gullible.  This is my feminine aspect (perhaps my turnoff to desireable females) speaking.  What I beleive to be my sense of intuition.  It can't be denied that Helen was and is a very smart woman.  I know she is.  She abuses her intellect and intelligence at others' expense.  She's got you suckered.  Well you'd better wake up and smell the coffee.  My gut feeling also says that there are some stateside pinoys whom you might think are your friends, but behind your back they're trying to hurt you royally.

You're easily misled.  Mark my words.  Helen sold you a line of BS in order to make herself look innocent.  But if you think you're on her good side, I could guarentee you, if it were possible and she could do it, she and her potential false witnesses would crucify and hang you in the divorce courtroom.  I don't mean to sound harsh.  But I beleive this is true.  I sincerely hope and pray that Honey is truly a sincere, loving, and caring woman, and in her heart, intends to spend the rest of her life with you and beyond.  A part of you is growing inside of her, hopefully because of nothing but the love you supposedly share with each other.

I'll emphasize it again.  Helen tried to capitalize on the image of a sweet, "innocent", sexy Filipina in order to get away with her wrongdoing.  She tried to make Zebson look like the rotten ogre.  And you fell for it.  I persnally think that Helen f****d with Zebson's head.  I may be wrong, but when a man loves a woman and she feels otherwise, she can really do a tune on him and destroy him spiritually.  And I'll say this again too.  If Zebson was such a jerk, and Helen was an innocent gal, she would have kept her pride and dignity, and simply moved on with her life.  She would not premeditate revenge through something like f*****g with immigration laws to the United States.  But it's exactly what she did.  Revenge or mastermind manipulation?  She was trying to set Zebson up just like Susdanna Blackwell was trying to set up Timothy Blackwell.  Fortunately Zebson got out of this thing with his dignity and welfare intact.  Timothy Blackwell didn't.

- Kevin

Title: Re: Re: DUDE!??
Post by: Stephen on September 07, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: DUDE!??, posted by Bear on Sep 7, 2002


Uhhhhh how about Honey's greedy parents.  After all, they're just acting out of poverty and the fear of being caught in it.  So you can't really blame them for trying to con you out of every dime you have.  Bless their hearts!  What would you do in the same situation?

Perhaps your actions are much more dispicable.   Perhaps you and Honey are being selfish to the point of completely "not caring" about anyone but yourselves - couldn't care less who you hurt as long as he stayed in control of your fears.

What do you think about that argument?  Do you think you and Honey need psychiatric help?

I think this makes as much sense as your post condemning Zebson and acquiting Helen.

If you can't condemn Helen's actions because she acted out of fear of poverty then you can't condemn any woman who is a fraudulent, deceitful gold digger.

I can't fault Zeb for being shrewd enough to know what was going on and acting in his own behalf.

This issue was buried several months ago...we should let it rest.  It's not appropriate to have an "autopsy" performed here.

I'm really quite surprised at you and Honey on this one.


Title: Re: Re: Re: DUDE!??
Post by: Bear on September 07, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: DUDE!??, posted by Stephen on Sep 7, 2002

Our situation and Helens are too different to compare.  Helen's mistake was to sleep around till she found someone to love her.  Zebson tried to control someone from a sense of paranoia, lashing out unforgivably at any perceived hurt that came his way with out fully checking it out.  Honey defend me from someone trying to take advantage of her husband (we still send them some money to help every month but they didn't retire off of my generosity).  How do you comepare that?  Zebson needs help for his paranoia and reclusiveness.  Zeb, how many times was it you just jumped out of a cab and start walking away?

Second, I am not defending Helen completely.  I said I wouldn't have wanted her either.  I said I understand her motives and beleive she did love Zebson or she would not have put up with such bull.  She did not need money, she was then and at the last time I saw her doing very well.  Why would she need to marry him for money or a green card if she had a scholarship for a Masters in England?

Lastly, I do not condemn Zebson for sending her home - I would have too, just not the way he did it.  But then she was stupid enuff to let it happen because he had been cruel to her many times before.  Yeah, we should all let the subject die but but I don't think it should be in "awe" for his techniques or methods as I have seen posted in the last few days.  Thats what tic'd me off.

Bear and Honey

Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: DUDE!??
Post by: kevin on September 08, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: DUDE!??, posted by Bear on Sep 7, 2002

How was she making her money?  An educated woman (whether true or not)!  In the hotel industry.  Be open minded.  She made her money by spreading her legs.

- Kevin

Title: Yeah, but.....
Post by: Stephen on September 08, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: DUDE!??, posted by kevin on Sep 8, 2002

Well, perhaps you could call using men to get out of the philippines a form of prostitution.

But you see, Kevin, she was just afraid of poverty and being trapped by it.  Yeah, you'd have done the same thing wouldn't you.



Title: I suppose . . .
Post by: kevin on September 08, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Yeah, but....., posted by Stephen on Sep 8, 2002

I could vehemently seduce attractive married women.  It sure as hell beats celibacy if I can get away with it.

- Kevin

Title: DUDE!??
Post by: Stephen on September 07, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: DUDE!??, posted by Bear on Sep 7, 2002

Does raising this stink on the board make you and Honey more righteous?

Actually, it makes the two of you look like busy-bodies, gossips, and trouble makers.  


Title: If it has to be...
Post by: Bear on September 08, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to DUDE!??, posted by Stephen on Sep 7, 2002

I guess I'll just have to be a martyr then.

bear and Honey

Title: In praise of Zebson...
Post by: Dave H on September 07, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: DUDE!??, posted by Bear on Sep 7, 2002


We've yet to hear all of the gory details from Zebson, but we have certainly heard Helen's...who you yourself, have admitted can't be trusted. I thought that Zebson acted in a dignified manner throughout his posts on P-L on the matter. Much of the information was coaxed out of him by us on P-L. Only they and God know the true story.

Is Helen really an "innocent?" Then who caused the problems between Helen and Honey?

Poverty is just another lousy excuse to justify one's actions in my opinion. Prisons are full of people who use it. After making excuses my entire life, I no longer have respect for those that do. "What would you do in the same situation?" Well, I haven't been in the same situation, but I've had problems in my life before. After my marriage broke up, I was left many times without a peso. My kids, half of my retirement, my house, and vehicle were taken from me. I often missed meals and some days I didn't eat...not even rice. I didn't have a permanent place to stay for a few weeks. I rode a bicycle to work that I found in the friggin' trash. I told everyone that it was for exercise. I even slept in an empty drainage pipe a few nights. Eventually I moved in with a friend, when he discovered my plight. I dumpster dove to furnish the room. I dated a female dentist for a short while (my decision not to continue) who bragged that she made over $200,000 a year. But I never asked her to repair the broken teeth in my mouth, even when she offered to do so for free with gold crowns. I dated a scuba dive shop owner, but never took a penny. She drove a new Corvette and Expedition, but I refused her offer to borrow one of her cars or live in her 5 bedroom house. I guess I have a little self-respect and dignity. I never broke any laws that I know of. I never used or hurt others that I know of. I pulled myself up out of that ditch, worked several jobs, paid the ex's price and she gave me back the house and custody of my sons. I lost over $100,000, but I am now far happier and wealthier than I have ever been in my entire life.

Dave H.

Title: Re: In praise of Zebson...
Post by: Zebson on September 09, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to In praise of Zebson..., posted by Dave H on Sep 7, 2002

Dave, this is the second time I have read this post, and both yours and Jays are very inspirational in your tenacity to move on in life despite the odds. I really think you might consider writing a book or something, man I can only imagine all the different thoughts and feelings you must have went through that you didn't even elaborate on as you experienced all this stuff. Anyay, it makes for very interesting reading and I appreciated your relating it.

Zeb :)

Title: Thanks!
Post by: Dave H on September 09, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: In praise of Zebson..., posted by Zebson on Sep 9, 2002

Hey Zeb,

I never counted myself down and out, even when I didn't have a pot to piss in. I was fortunate that I had a very good job. But, most of my income was going someplace else for while, to maintain the ex's lifestyle. You can imagine how much I enjoyed pay raises. I always had a place that I could stay, I was just too proud and embarrassed to ask. I lived for a time in my office at the fire station. I got up very early so that no one would know it. They only found out when I caught them breaking in one night to steal the answers to some tests. One of my friends was living in his red 1953 pickup behind the fire station. :o) I eventually moved in with one of my best friends when his roomate moved out. I can't say that there weren't many dark hours, but my love for my kids got me through. The hardest part was being separated from them...the rest was easy. Like my grandmother used to say when I was a kid..."Just pretend you're camping."

Dave H.

Title: Re: In praise of Zebson..."ick!!"
Post by: Bear on September 07, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to In praise of Zebson..., posted by Dave H on Sep 7, 2002

Dave, not all the "innocents" have been mentioned - have they Zebson.

Bear and Honey

Title: Re: Re: DUDE!??
Post by: Zebson on September 07, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: DUDE!??, posted by Bear on Sep 7, 2002

Come on Bear, And I find it rather miscaluated and one sided that you would make the assessment that somehow, your statement of, "Poverty and the fear of being caught in it. What would you do in the same situation?" Would somehow justify a persons need for lies and or deception in a relationship.

I have never directed anger towards you, in making assesments like what you did with the statement: "He needs psychiatric help." That's way over the top. You may have been a priest, counselor or whatever before, but now your showing some real charm in a put down that comes from assumptions of information you have gotten as a third party to a previous relationship. If you ask me your showing your true colors now. I have made the statements about my problematic inconsitencies and errors, (sins if,if it makes you feel better) but have you completely forgot about the word "Forgiveness" apparently toward others. I thought after all that was one of the strongest motivational factors that Christians were about. And lately you don't seem to be exibiting much of it. I have let this go, and moved on in a heart of forgiveness to Helen and also toward my own inadequancies, but it seems you wont.

Zeb :)

Title: You know what?
Post by: kevin on September 08, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: DUDE!??, posted by Zebson on Sep 7, 2002

I'd hate to make it rain on his parade.  (Circumstancially) Marissa could very well protractedly be pulling the same BS with him.  He had just better pray that she is not.  Because if she is, he is in serious, serious trouble.  He's already had a taste of not only what Marissa's family is like, but also what the entire neighborhood is like.  He'd better pray that Marissa is a deviant of that despicably subversive clan (and not feigning her loyalty to Bear to gain power over him)  I'll say it again.  I hope Bear won't be irreconcibly angry with me, but I know what I say hurts hard.  Bear has a good heart.  The people of the Philippines he's interacted with have used and abused his kindness to them big time whatsoever with absolutely no sense of remorse whatsoever.  I personally think Bear is too trusting.  What Marissa's relatives tried to do to him, after his kindness to them, is just absolutely despicable.  But Marissa doesn't have to be like them.  Perhaps she did land a man whom she really truly loves.  Time will show.  Actions speak louder than words.  I know Bear will love Marissa forever.

- Kevin

Title: Re: Re: Re: DUDE!??
Post by: Bear on September 07, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: DUDE!??, posted by Zebson on Sep 7, 2002

Like I said I would have done the same, just not that way.  But all the stuff leading up to it - dude you stink.  Get help.

Bear and Honey

Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: DUDE!??
Post by: Jay on September 08, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: DUDE!??, posted by Bear on Sep 7, 2002


You sucker! Unless you were a gossipy little, "21 yr. old, spoiled rotton by her husband Filipina", before you met Marrissa, this has got to be her making you act this way. I've seen a thousand just like ya, boy. Is she chewing your ear off with this nonsense? I'll bet she is. Got you all wired up. Got you defending a cheating Filipina. Making a fool of your self. I'll bet she wasn't satisfied with your reply to my post, and my reply to her's. Still want's you to stick up for her friend. Got you thinkin' it was your idea. THAT'S what's scary about Filipina's, thay can manipulate the HELL out o' ya! Anyone of 'em, if your a SUCKER! I'm sure you'll say this is all you, but I KNOW better. ROTFLMAO AT YOU!!! FOOL!

When you posted about your little Fil-Am group in Houston, I like to died! Reason being, I said to myself when you got Marrissa here, "Lord, I hope he doesn't run into the stateside commando's". Well, ya walked right into it! Funny thing is, your LOVIN' it! You just haven't got a clue, BOY!!

Remember, I lived in Houston too. I'll bet we even know a couple of the same people.

You think you got yourself a winner and guys like your good buddy Howard, just weren't smart enough, don't you? You didn't say that but, Oh, I KNOW I'm right. I've seen your type before, ol' Hoss. Your what a Filipina Goldigger dreams of.

You need to check yourself quick! You better hope Marrissa doesn't like "party,party" too much, 'cause if she do, after that kid is born, your in for a nightmare! I just got through witnessing it up close with other couples in Houston. From all you have ever said of Marrissa, I've seen her type too. Many times. Ever wonder that her friend's were Vivian and Helen? Bet you believe they weren't friend's, right! LOL! Oh, Boy!

Let me cut you off at the pass. It's true, I was a drunk,  am an ex con, and my wife worked in a bar in Angeles. That's about all you could have insulted me with, so now it won't pizz me off when you say it.

Leave Zeb the hell alone! As thing's stand now, you ain't worthy to hold any priesthood. Even a Mormon one.


Title: My gut instinct . . .
Post by: kevin on September 08, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: DUDE!??, posted by Jay on Sep 8, 2002

is that I agree with you.  Bear had just better pray that Marissa stays the same after she gets that Legal Permanent Residence card.  Because if she's anything other than a good faith woman, he's in unthinkable trouble.

Bear is naive and trusting.  That's why he beleived Helen's "innocense".  Once upon a time my ex-wife used to praise me about how fortunate she was to marry a "nice guy foreigner" like myself.  After all, so many tales circulate in the Philippines about how bad Americans and other white men are because they "import Filipinas" and kill them to collect on life insurance policies.  Then the tales of body parts being dumped on the side of a highway.  I have yet to learn of such a thing really happening.  Frankly, I think it's a generally accepted alibi for those gals in the Philippines contemplating marriage to "G.I. Joes" for less than honorable reasons.  I have a friend, married to a pinay long term, who told me that most of such gory tales route to bizarre tactics that subversive pinays tried to pull and the jilted "lovers" reacted adversely.  On the other side of the coin, if I tried to sleep with another man's wife, whom I found to be very beautiful, and I succeeded at it, my body might be found in the street mutilated into pieces.  I know better than to court a married woman and ruin another man's life shall I want to live.

Well, as a vet from the Air Force drilled into me (my mechanic, a trusted mechanic) you think Filipinos are nice, warm and hospitable people.  But he emphasized "That's what you think."  He tried to impart on me that Filipinos are crafty materminds, lie, cheat and cannot be trusted.  He was in the Philippines in the early 1970's.  His ex-wife was a Filipina and two-timed him big time.  He's a mechanic who owns his shop who lives near me.  Mechanics are another group of people that generally can not be trusted.  But this guy is a local mechanic where mutual trust was built over time because of shared personal adversities.  He told me after the divorce when inquiring about finding a good Filipina; his reaction:  "Kevin, THEY'RE ALL LIKE THAT!  Go White instead of Brown!".  My only problem with that is that I'm far more attracted to Filipina women than I am to any white-skinned woman.  This guy's second wife is white; a dark skinned southern-European looking woman.

- Kevin

Title: Re: My gut instinct . . .
Post by: Jay on September 08, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to My gut instinct . . ., posted by kevin on Sep 8, 2002

Hi Kevin,

I said,

"THAT'S what's scary about Filipina's, thay can manipulate the HELL out o' ya! Anyone of 'em, if your a SUCKER!"

That's not nesessarily a bad thing. I find it kind of challenging. And with Criselda it's even a bit sexy to me.

Maybe I should have said, they are very "seductive". :)


Title: Re: My gut instinct . . .
Post by: Jay on September 08, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to My gut instinct . . ., posted by kevin on Sep 8, 2002

Hi kevin,

Bear is not "naive and trusting", he's the kind of guy who think's he's smarter than all his fellow's. THAT'S why he is an easy mark. His own ego get's him in trouble.


Title: Bogus...
Post by: Zebson on September 06, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Ya know, posted by Bear on Sep 6, 2002

I don't know where all that extra BS came from, but I know when I hear it heaped upon like a buffet one after the other. I have already admitted the faults I made regarding Helen. But now it's becoming really ballooned. However, what you and honey choose to relate extra, was a lot of extra force fed additives. But I am going to quit trying to refute anymore it's pointlees. This could go on and on.

What miffed me enough to even make me want to comment, was the one about me cussing out Helens family or parents WOW!!! Now that's a new angle on revenge, I am sure will stir everyone up..Please none of that extra stuff rings true. Either that or maybe I lived my life in dilussions. Ok, I am done. Believe what you wish.

Zeb :)

Title: Re: Bogus...
Post by: Jay on September 07, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Bogus..., posted by Zebson on Sep 6, 2002

Hey Zeb,

Don't sweat this man. He's got it all figured out.;D

So much for the Spirit of Texas! :(


Title: My opinion...
Post by: Ray on September 06, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Why . . ., posted by kevin on Sep 6, 2002

Kevin, nobody is trying to shoot you down or use you for a psychological plaything.

Jay didn’t say that no good Filipina would ever want to go out with you if given the opportunity. I believe what he was trying to tell you is that the ones who have been reading your messages here would probably not be interested. Why? Because of the hatred that comes through load and clear in some of your posts. For example, it seems that you are harboring a deep hatred for Zeb’s “ex” (whom you don’t even know personally) when he has already put it behind him and moved on with his life. That’s not healthy Kevin.

I think what Jay said was meant in the spirit of wanting to help. If you surround yourself with friends that will only tell you what you want to hear, then you’re not doing yourself any favors. You don’t have to act upon anyone else’s advice, but it wouldn’t hurt to at least listen, would it?



Title: I suppose . . .
Post by: kevin on September 06, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to My opinion..., posted by Ray on Sep 6, 2002

if I followed your advice, and I think it seems you want me to do that, I'd just fold the cards, throw in the towel and give up on life PERIOD!

- Kevin

Title: Re: I suppose . . .
Post by: Stephen on September 06, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to I suppose . . ., posted by kevin on Sep 6, 2002


if I followed your advice, and I think it seems you want me to do that, I'd just fold the cards, throw in the towel and give up on life PERIOD!


In effect, your currentl path is folding the cards, throwing in the towel and giving up on life PERIOD.

I'm saying follow the example of Howard and agressively go forward.  

Don't you think Howard got a bad deal with his ex?  But you don't hear him talking about it.  He's to excited about what he's got today.  Why not try that approach.

One last question:  Who's enjoying life more....kevin or howard?


Title: Who says . . .
Post by: kevin on September 06, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: I suppose . . ., posted by Stephen on Sep 6, 2002

I'm not enjoying life.  As a matter of fact I'm enjoying life more than I ever have when I think about it.  Living in my own home, not subject to abide by ridiculous parental rules (my mother was a very difficult woman to live with; the relevance here being I really did not have a life until I got my place), and I don't have to take any verbal abuse from an impossible-to-please wife.

I was pretty much in an upbeat mood until I was put down; kicked in a soft spot.  How did this all start?  Me stating how I felt about Helen.  Yes my sentiment was passionate.  Why?  Because that sort of thing is very salient.  I've had a similar experience in the past.

I don't like bank robbers either.  But robbing banks, to me is just the kind of stuff I'm used to hearing of in the news.  But suppose I was standing in line at the bank, and a disgruntled or belligerent bank robber comes in and starts randomly firing off bullets, and I was fortutate enough to survive such a carnage. I'd be much more sensitive to the subject of bank robberies.

I think my life is improving quite a bit for the most part.  I had a big setback with this board, some negative ideas certain folks are trying to impart in my head.  With my comments to the post before yours, I was sabotaging myself.  But part of me keeps kicking inside, and the f*** with anybody else who tries to keep me down.

No I have not found the love of my life yet.  I'm opening myself up more.  I've got to be patient.  (Well, if I were to follow Ray's advice like a good boy, I'd give up that persuit.)  I know what I face when it comes to sending introductory courtship letters to the Philippines.  Bear this in mind.  A trusted Filipino friend advised me that about 75% of pinays that place personals are only interested in getting to the United States or economic gain, and he's apprehensive about relying on that method to find a good gal.

At times, when I see a girl I'm attracted to (for example a petit, dark southeast Asian woman at Wal-Mart), it is very frustrating.  I must admit I am yearning for someone in my life I can give my total heart and trust to, who will do the same.  But the best things in life never come easy.

I'm very happy for Howard.  I think it's mere coincidence about timing, but given his circumstances (first the Ayesa saga and then his mother's death), I'm sure God was looking out for him. I think Gerlie coming into his life could not have happened at a better time.

- Kevin

Title: Re: Who says . . .
Post by: Jay on September 07, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Who says . . ., posted by kevin on Sep 6, 2002

HEY!... HEY!! Lay off the bank robber's, huh? You don't know them either. ;)


Title: Gerlie was Early! Hey... that Rhymes :P
Post by: Howard on September 06, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Who says . . ., posted by kevin on Sep 6, 2002

Actually, I met Gerlie so early in my grieving(sp?)--over my marriage--that I wasn't sure that I was ready for a relationship.  To be honest, I wasn't sure that I would EVER be ready for a relationship AGAIN!!!  At least with a woman. NO, I don't mean that in a Prison way :P  LOL

I felt very strongly toward her from the begining and that troubled me, because I wasn't sure if it was her or my situation.  (Rebound, and I ain't talking hoops!)  After much thought, and healthy discussion with her, I realized that I didn't care why I felt the way I did.  It felt good to feel the way I do when I am hanging with her.  It was a pleasent change from the way I was feeling at the time--See; Self Pity--so I went with it.  I couldn't, nor would I!, deny the feelings that I felt for her.  What was important was that I was feeling them :)

Honestly, I had many doubts about Ayesa, but was too brainwashed--"Cultural Differences"--and proud--foolishly--to give them any validity until I was left with no alternative but to do so.  I'd probably be still married and, no doubt, miserable, if she didn't have the balls to say "ENOUGH!"  She's no innocent in any of this, but she did me a favor.  I never, ever, not in the most perfect scenario in the WORLD, could have had the open, honest, humorous, utot laiden :P, INCREDIBLE friendship I have now with my best buddy--Ummmmmmm that's YOU Mrs. Medium Size Petunia ;)  LOL--Gerlie without everything happening the way it did.  

My best friend once asked me, "Dude, who shuts the light off when you close the refrigerator?.." JUST KIDDING!!!  LOL  Seriously, he asked, "If you knew ahead of time what you would have to go through, but you knew that you would end up with Gerlie in the end... Would you go through it all again?"  Yep, I would :)  Every moment of frustration, anger, betrayal, etc... was worth it to be where I am now.

Of course, if you can avoid it and just end up where I am, I HIGHLY recommend that path :P  LOL

Keep the Faith, I have more to say, but have an appointment :(

I'm sure you'll be waiting with baithed breath :P



Title: I like your attitude H! n/t
Post by: Ray on September 06, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Gerlie was Early! Hey... that Rhymes :P, posted by Howard on Sep 6, 2002


Title: Didn't say that...
Post by: Ray on September 06, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to I suppose . . ., posted by kevin on Sep 6, 2002

...or anything remotely like that Kevin.

I was only trying to get through to you that Jay is not your enemy.


Title: Re: Re: Why . . .
Post by: SteveB on September 06, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Why . . ., posted by Jay on Sep 6, 2002

Good post Jay,,,I agree Kevin's hurt is festering....


Title: At some point.....
Post by: Zebson on September 06, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Why . . ., posted by Jay on Sep 6, 2002

I have to agree with most of what Jay is saying here. As for me Jay, the emotional crap thing is not so much emotional in that context, as just realizing the capacity of not wanting to commit in marriage and give up my independance, and doing things my way. And the longer your in a relationship with someone you can feel it approaching in it's intensity of decreasing your freedoms. Some people give in easier and have less fear than others allowing giving up single life,aka; marriage. I have no problem in admitting that was one of the main factors related to my exit stage left's at times, regarding Helen. And naturally what Filipina, is going to believe that you need time to think about the relationship on your own, without the thought that your just going to be with another woman, especially when lack of integrity in relationships seems to play a major factor in Philippines families. I must admit for all the times that I have screwed and messed around with other women, those times I left Helen for all the irony in it, I never actually went and had another women. But for all intensive purposes my good intentions or behavior was a mute issue, to her all she could see was that I left her.

Anyway, mostly I wanted to point out the truth behind what I think Jay is relating also Kevin, is that at some point you have to begin to trust again if your going to build any type of substantially worth while relationship, regardless of what kind of Sh!t you have been through. Sure I was angry and hated Helen for a while, sure I didn't understand her behavior, but hey it's all over. Guilt sure I felt it, not so much now cause I let it go. As I have gotten older I am really trying to despence of the some of that retalitory anger that I used to have, cause it gets me no where. And especially I honestly think if your going to continue trying to find that soulmate with a Filipina you have to also see each person as unique. And sure sometimes that may take a long long time, but it doesn't help when you reinforce it with seeds of anger and resentment either subtley or not so, over the long haul it will tear you apart inside if you don't let go..I am no expert, but I do know that much.

Zeb :)

Title: Excellent Advice Zeb! n/t
Post by: Ray on September 06, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to At some point....., posted by Zebson on Sep 6, 2002


Title: Re: At some point.....
Post by: Jay on September 06, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to At some point....., posted by Zebson on Sep 6, 2002

"to her all she could see was that I left her."

Hi Zeb,

 I know what you mean about "decreasing your freedoms" and the feelings that can go with it. Your line above is what I meant by "it won't fly" or that "it will make them nutty". You said it best.

Also, you got my post EXACTLY. Your last line says it all. Thanks for your understanding. I hope kevin will get it.


Title: Jay
Post by: Zebson on September 06, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: At some point....., posted by Jay on Sep 6, 2002

Jay, received your email, but for some reason my hotmail email was returned to me after trying to reply to yours, Don't quite know whats wrong. Could you resend a note to me in my email again and I will try again..Thanks


Title: Re: Jay
Post by: Jay on September 06, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Jay, posted by Zebson on Sep 6, 2002

Hi Zeb,

You can reply to That should work better. That mail sometimes is screwy.


Title: Am I too Paranoid?
Post by: MsDuong on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to venting, posted by kevin on Sep 7, 2002

Thai has a chance to get a ticket to fly on Sept. 11 very cheap. I threw a fit and said NO WAY!! If he was'nt flying from a coastal state, I don't think I'd be too concerned.

So anyways, this means he'll be home on the 15th. I can't wait. He needs a spanking real bad and I'm in the mood to gi9ve it ;-)

Title: Re: Am I too Paranoid?
Post by: Jeff S on September 06, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Am I too Paranoid?, posted by MsDuong on Sep 5, 2002

Glad to hear you two will be reunited soon. I wouldn't worry too much about the 9/11 flight, but a if couple more days makes you feel better, that's OK too.

Start warming up your spankin' hand. I hear hitting hot sand, like the karate training regimen, will let you get some power behind those smacks! =8oO

-- Jeff S.

Title: Yes, you're to poloroid. (LOL)...nt
Post by: Stephen on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Am I too Paranoid?, posted by MsDuong on Sep 5, 2002


Title: Reunion Week
Post by: Stephen on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to venting, posted by kevin on Sep 7, 2002's my idea.

We need to have a reunion week.

We have all the folks who have been here in the last 5 years to visit for one week.  I mean all the folks who have been banned will be allowed to come back for just one week and we'll have a glory hallelujah pig wrestling contest.

We'll have Hound Dog, Harry, Max, LarryS, CC, etc.  We'll have Jean and Hum squaring off.  Thank about that.  WHAT A WEEK.

It could begin at midnight on Sumday and end the next Sunday night.  One week of pure cyber-terrorism on the Asian Board.

It's a great idea.  The only reason Patrick may not allow it is because he's jealous that he didn't think of it first.  LOL


Title: Re: Reunion Week
Post by: Jimbo on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Reunion Week, posted by Stephen on Sep 5, 2002


You're sick! ---but I like the idea :O)  Don't forget Westerngrrl and Asian Girl.

Make sure Ray isn't on vacation that week, otherwise we're going to know what it felt like at Little Big Horn, Dien Bien Phu or Lang Vei! ..."Skipper we got TANKS in the wire!"
Then again, Ray might blow a gasket with all those trolls -LOL


Title: Remember the days . . .
Post by: kevin on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Reunion Week, posted by Stephen on Sep 5, 2002

of the pinoy trolls too?  I remember this dude Fernando and a Suzanne.

- Kevin

Title: Great Idea Stephen!
Post by: Dave H on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Remember the days . . ., posted by kevin on Sep 5, 2002

Let's see if we can get Middle Eastern Girl to post a live play by play of the Allied invasion, from her home in Iraq next Wednesday. Whoops...did I just give away the date of the attack. :o)

Dave H.

Title: Solution to Hijacking
Post by: Stephen on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to venting, posted by kevin on Sep 7, 2002

Federal Aviation Agency
800 Independence Avenue SW
Washington DC 20591

Dear Sirs:

I have the solution for the prevention of hijackings, and at the same time getting our airline industry back on its feet. Since men of the Muslim religion are not allowed to look at naked women we should replace all of our female flight attendants with strippers.

Muslims would be afraid to get on the planes for fear of seeing such a woman and of course, every businessman in this country would start flying again in hope of seeing such a woman.

We would have no more hijackings, and the airline industry would have record sales. Now why didn't Bush think of this? Why do I still have to do everything myself?


Bill Clinton

Title: "Advice" Good or Bad?
Post by: Dave H on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to venting, posted by kevin on Sep 7, 2002

What is "advice" any way? Acording to Webster:

Pronunciation: &d-'vIs
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French avis opinion, probably from the phrase ce m'est a vis that appears to me, part translation of Latin mihi visum est it seemed so to me, I decided
Date: 14th century
1 : recommendation regarding a decision or course of conduct : COUNSEL
2 : information or notice given -- usually used in plural
3 : an official notice concerning a business transaction"

I think as "advice" is given on P-L, the first definition fits best. "A "recommendation" regarding a decision or course of conduct." Most people mean well. People's "advice" is usually based on their experiences and/or knowlege. It is an "opinion," not a "command" for someone to follow. The person seeking "advice" is free to make their own decision, to accept or discard the advice given and is ultimately responsible for their own actions. There is usually more than one point of view on P-L. The seeker has several options to consider, if they so CHOOSE to do so. All "advice" on P-L is FREE! So remember, you get what you pay for.

Dave H.

Title: Amen!
Post by: Ray on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to "Advice" Good or Bad?, posted by Dave H on Sep 5, 2002

Excellent points Dave! I couldn’t have said it better myself… :-)

I never could understand why a few people take all of this stuff so seriously, to the point of losing sleep over it. When another member tells of a serious problem in his or her relationship, whether they ask for advice or not, a lot of others will invariably attempt to help by offering their advice or counsel, like you said, based on their own ideas or experiences. There are usually always going to be some differences of opinion when this happens.

Just because one feels strongly about his opinions, that doesn’t make his advice any more correct than the other guy’s. When you proclaim your advice to be the ultimate “truth” and call others irresponsible because their advice and opinions don’t fall in line with yours, then you’re just putting yourself up on a pedestal. To try to blame someone for another reader’s misfortunes, simply because you don’t feel that he gave the “proper” advice, is even more ridiculous. I agree with you that the reader has the ultimate responsibility to make his own decisions regardless of what “Free” advice he got from this forum.

Feeling sympathy or compassion for another guy’s situation is good, but if you’re still fuming inside many months or years later because someone else didn’t give him the “correct” advice at the time, then something is wrong with you IMHO.


Title: Here! Here! n/t
Post by: Jay on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to "Advice" Good or Bad?, posted by Dave H on Sep 5, 2002


Title: 160 days no approval yet!!!!!!!!
Post by: Humabdos on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to venting, posted by kevin on Sep 7, 2002

I've turned the matter over to my Congresswoman I hope it helps. I've called three times and all they say is it's undergoing a security check. BULL CRAP!!!

Humabdos is about to go on the war path!


Title: Re: 160 days no approval yet!!!!!!!!
Post by: Evan on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to 160 days  no approval yet!!!!!!!!, posted by Humabdos on Sep 4, 2002

Which service center you going through ?? I`m guessing NSC ?? Are you worried about pissing the INS off getting your Congressman into the matter. I have heard it tends to make them take their sweet time in certain cases.

Title: Re: Re: 160 days no approval yet!!!!!!!!
Post by: Humabdos on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: 160 days  no approval yet!!!!!!!!, posted by Evan on Sep 5, 2002

No not at all. It's been almost six damed months I am the one who is PISSED off. Once I go on the war path the heads will roll.  Yep it is the N.S.C


Title: Re: Re: Re: 160 days no approval yet!!!!!!!!
Post by: Evan on September 06, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: 160 days  no approval yet!!!!!!!..., posted by Humabdos on Sep 5, 2002

Same as me dude ...NSC. Mines like over a 100 days now. Keep us posted on how it goes and good luck !!

Title: Re: 160 days no approval yet!!!!!!!!
Post by: MsDuong on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to 160 days  no approval yet!!!!!!!!, posted by Humabdos on Sep 4, 2002

hum, is this your first marrage from the phils? I don't remember.

Title: yes n/t
Post by: Humabdos on September 06, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: 160 days  no approval yet!!!!!!!!, posted by MsDuong on Sep 5, 2002


Title: Re: 160 days no approval yet!!!!!!!!
Post by: Stephen on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to 160 days  no approval yet!!!!!!!!, posted by Humabdos on Sep 4, 2002

After you submit your moving documents you are supposed to get a Notice of Approval.  Then the action shifts to Manila.

At least that's the way I understand it.

BUT....I never got any notive of approval letter from the INS.  I submitted my documents on 6-5-00 and I finally thought they had lost my stuff.  I would call and get the run-around.  (Don't kid yourself.  Those folks on the other end of the INS line are not there to help you.  They are there to keep you away from their office.)  Then on 9-9-00 Tess called and said that she got her notificaiton letter for an appointment.  So even though I never heard from the INS I knew that it must be okay.

Hang in there.


Title: Re: 160 days no approval yet!!!!!!!!
Post by: The Walker on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to 160 days  no approval yet!!!!!!!!, posted by Humabdos on Sep 4, 2002

Vicky is up with a doozy of a stomach ache so I'll get little sleep tonight. I warned her that my Mom's creamed bermuda onions, while delicious, if taken in quantity, can have drastic gastric side efects. The problem is that they are so darned good it is hard to keep it to one serving and Vickly fell victim to temptation. I can tolerate two bowls without more than some embarassing eructate and flatus. But Vicky is too small to have two bowls, and she did.

But about the warpath. Me get-um tribe together, we go and sack INS and scalp-um many bureaucrats. We follow you. Heck the people at INS are taking advantage of their positions after 9/11. They were proved to be incompetent before, and now they can really be obstructionists and call it patriotism. A little hair lifting may be just what is needed. ;-)

Seriously, congressmen/women are the way to go. There are only two senators for the whole state. They can't get involved in mundane problems (I know, but the wolf always howls a lot louder at your own door). Congressmen/women on the other hand have a smaller voter base and can afford to pay alot more attention to it. Plus they are up for reelection much more often. It is basically the way the system was designed. Some senators take a great interest in one area of voter aid, their special peeves with the bureaucracy, as it were. Your senators aren't all that interested in INS and foreign brides. Plus you aren't waving $100,000 in their faces for soft PAC money, either. If you were I can guarantee you'd get not just a letter but a personal call. I contribute to my party, and my letters are always answered. Fair? Nope; but I have learned how to milk the system. I don't have $100 large to pass around, but I contribute enough so that they don't want to see it go somewhere else. After all, they don't want to see me in full dress uniform with all medals on display, passing a check to the other party at some function or another with newspeople there to record and report the event. Not that I really would, but the possibility is enough.

I suggest that in the future you pay a little attention to your local political party. Local politicos carry some weight with state politicos who cary weight with federal congresspersons. My local friend, Mr. Mayor is on very good terms with the state party organization. He can get answers for me sometimes faster than I can get them myself. Vicky had a green card in record time. Will I use political pull when necessary? You darn straight I will. Plus some people in the US State Department owed me big favors. I had no pull at the INS, personally, but my congressman sits (sat, rather) on the committee that oversees the INS. I had just helped him with his campaign in one or two small matters, along with Mr. Mayor, in our area. We anchored our end of the district, basically. So he was in a good and affable mood when I approached him about a small problem I had at the INS. You see, people who actually WORK for the party get sometimes more help than those who merely sign checks. If you hustle for your congressman in your area, doing the sort of scut work that is expensive to hire done, he/she saves money and they are grateful. If you do a really bang-up job, and get the reputation as a person they can call when things get hairy (a go-to guy in football), you can ask the occasional pretty heavy favor. People who are willing to work hard for their party are gold and the solons know it.


Title: Re Bermuda onion?
Post by: Humabdos on September 06, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: 160 days  no approval yet!!!!!!!!, posted by The Walker on Sep 5, 2002

I don't think I've ever had one. We have some really good onions up here in Oregon and Washington called Walla Walla sweet Onions wow! sarap sarap!  

Good comments about the INS.
I did vote thats about all the involvement in want with them ummm bass turds.  I just went a round with Oregon Dept of Revenue over an audit that was setteled in 1996! They tried to make me pay twice money I never owed in the first place!  I love my country but fear the government!
You should have seen me rant and rave at their office after they made me dig through seven year old paper work to find the canceled check! I wanted to ram it up their igot igot! lol  (yes I found it)

As far as scalping bureaucrats do you preferr a tomahawk or filipino style with a bolo?


Title: Re: Re Bermuda onion?
Post by: The Walker on September 06, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re Bermuda onion?, posted by Humabdos on Sep 6, 2002

All bermuda onions are purple-skinned, but not all purple-skinned onions are bermudas.

They are stronger than your WW sweets and much stronger than vidalias. They are really great on sandwiches, especially hamburgers and coldcuts, where you want a lot of flavor. I prefer them for making onion rings over sweeter varieties. Most folks cream sweeter onions like vidalias and your ww's. Mom is a certified graduate of the Cordon Bleu of New Orleans, so she takes liberties with stronger flavors.

Actually, you scalp with a knife, not an otumnahawk. Oh, you could do it with the hatchet, but it is easier with the knife. It is a special knife with a thinner blade, back to belly, than a regular working or bowie knife. The otumnahawk is used to count coupe, and/or as a killing instrument on the back or side of the neck (spine and jugular veins/carotid arteries), and for slashes to the belly. Of course it is also used as a chopping tool. It is unweildy for skinning or scalping.


Title: Tell me Don...
Post by: Jeff S on September 06, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re Bermuda onion?, posted by The Walker on Sep 6, 2002

.. was it ever twirled around on a sling to get more momentum, a la "Wind in His Hair" in the scene from "Dances with Wolves" in the river near the end, when he kills the sargent from horseback, or was that just movie hype? I was a bit surpriesed at that scene when I first saw it, thinking it was usually thrown, or just held and used as a hand weapon.

--Jeff S.

Title: That Sucks Hum!!!!!!!!
Post by: Dave H on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to 160 days  no approval yet!!!!!!!!, posted by Humabdos on Sep 4, 2002

Hey Hum,

Tell them she wants to learn how to fly planes into buildings and she will be here in a few weeks.

Dave H.

Title: Re: hang in there hum!
Post by: SteveB on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to That Sucks Hum!!!!!!!!, posted by Dave H on Sep 4, 2002

My congressman helped us!!!  Senators seem to ignore us!


Title: Me 2
Post by: Bear on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: hang in there hum!, posted by SteveB on Sep 4, 2002

Senators are a waste of time.  Go with the congressmen.

Bear and Honey

Title: I agree!
Post by: Dave H on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: hang in there hum!, posted by SteveB on Sep 4, 2002

Hey Steve,

About the only good I've heard of a senator in these matters is of Bob Graham of Florida. Outside Florida, the congressman is the way to go.

Dave H.

Title: LarryS and his Advice from the Past
Post by: Tim on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to venting, posted by kevin on Sep 7, 2002

Some of you old hands may remember LarryS. He used to post alot back in '98 and '99, before Patrick turned on the archiving. I tried to run a search of the archives to see if he ever resurfaced here, but the engine is down.

LarryS used to quote Dr. Laura alot and preach "taking a self-assessment and fixing yourself" before starting on a search for a life-mate (from overseas or at home). IMHO, he had a great affect here at PL, influencing everyone from me to old Houndog (once infamous poster on the Latin board). In the years since I first read his long posts here, I've thought about his words and realize they really are true.

The last news I had about Larry was that he moved in with an AW much younger than himself. I believe her name was Lietta and she posted here a couple of times. I was suprised about his decision to do this, and Larry himself was too. But he was going with his heart. He related some business difficulties he was starting to have, and then he stopped posting here completely.

Anyway, I was just curious if any of you remember him, his message, and have ever realized the importance of it. It's just a shame we can't have some of his great posts in the archives. They were real beauties that contained great advice for everyone, newbies and vets.

Regards, Tim

Title: Re: LarryS and his Advice from the Past
Post by: The Walker on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to LarryS and his Advice from the Past, posted by Tim on Sep 4, 2002

I remember LarryS; and Max and Primus as well. Then there was a female troll as well that was banned.

LarryS did have some good things to say, but whether they were original to him or whether he was repackaging others is a mystery that was not solved.

Irregardless, what he said was valuable. You must know thyself first. Analyze what you are doing and why, and is that reason sufficient to support the action? Some people go from one vapid relationship to another, each failure's baggage helping to doom the next. Living down to their expectations, as it were. What is the saying...a victory of hope over history?

It would be sad if LarryS did not break the cycle of disappointment in his own life after giving good advice to others. Hopefully he is happy wherever he may be. I certainly wish it for him.

I personally had to do some very deep inner searching before embarking on the search that led me to Vicky. I am a hopeless romantic, when you get right down to it. I like to romance my women, and I like them to appreciate it. I found by almost being "caught", twice, that this can be a fault in a man. I cannot help being what I am, a bit of a schitzo. In action I am cold, precise, ruthless and efficient. In love I tend to give my heart unconditionally, and have had it chewed up as a result. Now it is safe in Vicky's care, thank the Great Spirit. But I had to look deep and see if I could live any other way. The answer was no. Either live and love fully or remain alone. Neck or nothing. So I set my compass as I have said in the archives, and wound up where I am now.

LarryS's posts did have an impact on me, as in '98 I was in courtship mode, and he made me stop and reevaluate my motives and reasons. This was good, as when Vicky and I decided we were made for each other, I was convinced it was for all the right reasons and there was no doubt, no lingering troubles to vex us. Thank you, LarryS.

But much of my current happiness also lays in your court, my friend. Both here and in private emails, your story with Wendy has been inspirational to Vicky and myself. It has also been a source of strength when my wife and I were separated due to 9/11 for so long. Thank YOU, my friend. You underestimate the effect you have on this board and on the many people who read it (many more than ever post here). You are always a fund of knowledge and the voice of reason. Your creation of the Chinese-American forum is I am sure a blessing to those seeking Chnese spouses. A place where they can go for real information and advice from those who have had experience specifically with China and its people.

So cheers to you as well.


Title: Re: LarryS and his Advice
Post by: Jimbo on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to LarryS and his Advice from the Past, posted by Tim on Sep 4, 2002


Yes, I remember a couple of Larry's posts and I found them thought provoking.  He was leaving just as I was coming on.  There is great merit to his "self-assessment and fixing" advice, I believe, and strangely enough the foreign-bride persuit seems uniquely suited to this assessment process because of the long separations; they allow the process to take place in the early stages of a relationship.  And this is helpful because to do it beforehand is to do it alone, without the mirror provided by another person, exposing faults that may otherwise remain undetected.

When I started, before the first meeting, I asked myself why I was doing this and the answer was as simple as "because I'm lonely and I want to share my life with someone."  Later, home again after the first meeting, I could see that this wasn't going to be easy, there would be special challenges, and I was asking myself "What will I have to do to make this work?  Am I willing to do what it takes to make it work?  Can I put some of my wants and needs aside in order to fufill her wants and needs?"  In short, was I willing to commit to success?  (Jeff will appreciate that line :o))

Home again after the second meeting, engaged, and having experienced our first disagreements, I had more things to look at within myself - my actions, my reactions.  This was a woman who did not consider a raised voice a small matter, something to get over quickly.  This was a woman who wouldn't tolerate a casual curse, even if mumbled to myself after an encounter with a rude, very rude serviceperson on a sweltering and stressful day in an unfamiliar foreign land.  For her well being I would have to make some changes.

She liked cities; she would not want to spend many vacations camping in the mountains.  She would not want to go to the beach, at least not to lie around in the sun.  She would not want to sit in a bar (luckily for me since I don't do that anymore either).  She would need my support in helping her family.  She would want to visit with my family more often than I cared to do it.

Compromise was required on her part too.  She needed to understand, and allow for, my tendency to be a grump in the morning (I need 30 minutes to square myself away without questions or decisions to be made before I take on the problems of the day).  And she needed to understand my need for solitude occasionally.

So now, I've taken her to NYC 3 times, DC, Montreal, Quebec City, Niagara Falls, Newport RI, Las Vegas, back to Manila and Hongkong 2 times, Boston countless times... and I need to make plans for Paris -LOL!  I like cities now, after having avoided them most of my life (heck, I even like Manila :-)).  We've not gone camping, and hiked together only once.  But she gives me almost unlimited diving time in the PI, with little trouble.

I think the assessment is part of the journey - a good and necessary part.  In finding the bride you end up finding more of yourself.  As Alice would say in Wonderland, "Curiouser and Curiouser!"


Title: Next year . . .
Post by: kevin on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: LarryS and his Advice, posted by Jimbo on Sep 4, 2002

we ought to have a Monadnock Mag-Anak Meet (a nice camping trip) in Jaffrey, NH.  We, the Jabagjorians, Littleflower and a few others could get together for a canmping weekend and we could climb Mt. Monadnock.  I think it would be fun.  That idea has been in the back of my mind for some time.  What do you think?

- Kevin

Title: Re: Next year . . .
Post by: Jimbo on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Next year . . ., posted by kevin on Sep 4, 2002

Hi Kev,

It would be a first for Sally.  I'll see what she thinks.  In general, she doesn't understand the appeal of camping in the woods - probably because she spent so many summers living halfway up Mt. Hibok-Hibok at her grandfather's farm in the jungle :O)


Title: Self-assessment and mending your own fences!
Post by: SteveB on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to LarryS and his Advice from the Past, posted by Tim on Sep 4, 2002

I figure I can't change other people and their problems as easy as I can fix my own.  Students with difficult personalities have taught me to take another approach in dealing with their problems.  If I don't, I can't reach my goal of teaching them math.  My point is, I'm not going to argue about rather a person is a golddigger or not.  I'm going to make steve better, then steve can reach the goal of being a better person.


Title: Re: LarryS and his Advice from the Past
Post by: Stephen on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to LarryS and his Advice from the Past, posted by Tim on Sep 4, 2002

Yes, I remember Larry S.  

His posts were common sense and responsibility (as I remember).  He was a nice guy.

You know, I think of him at least once a month and wonder what happened to him.  I knew he got married.  Shortly after that he stopped posting.  (Seems like he quit posting on the Asian board and went over to the Latin Board.  He seemed to strike up a friendship with Hounddog.  I didn't think it was possible for Hounddog to have any friends.)

Also, I was reading on the Latin Board recently and there was a chain about Hounddog being separated from his wife now.  One of the posters said that Hounddog got married in San Antonio and that Larry S was at the wedding.  I believe Larry lived in Dallas and his new wife was from Kentucky.

I keep hoping that Larry will stop by and say "Howdy" to us.

Thanks for the post.  And thanks Tim for keeping in touch with your friends over here.


PS.  Does anyone remember a poster named "MAX".  No, I don't hope he'll check back in.  Remember what a troll he was.

Title: past trolls...
Post by: Nathan on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: LarryS and his Advice from the Past, posted by Stephen on Sep 4, 2002

Yes, I remember Max, but her was not near the troll that
one "Primus" was...Patrick's banning has really helped.


Title: Re: Re: LarryS and his Advice from the Past
Post by: Tim on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: LarryS and his Advice from the Past, posted by Stephen on Sep 4, 2002

I remember Max. He was eventually banned by Patrick, I think. What a pain. Speaking of pains, it wouldn't surprise me if it's true that HD got divorced. He was LarryS's "parrot", but by his actions you could tell he hadn't taken to heart anything he repeated.

I put an inquiry about LarryS on the Latin board, you can read more responses there.

Regards, Tim

Title: Re: Re: Re: LarryS and his Advice from the Past
Post by: Stephen on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: LarryS and his Advice from the P..., posted by Tim on Sep 4, 2002

You mentioned not being surprised about HD being divorced.

I think it's obvious that if you treat others on the board with such contempt and hatred YOUR GOING TO TREAT YOUR SPOUSE THE SAME WAY.

That doesn't seem to soak through to a lot of folks.

Did you realize that HD had gone through 2 or 3 other latina wives previously (that's my recollection anyway.)


Title: Yes, I seem to recall that. (nt)
Post by: Tim on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: LarryS and his Advice from t..., posted by Stephen on Sep 4, 2002


Title: Good Bye.....
Post by: Mars on September 03, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to venting, posted by kevin on Sep 7, 2002

....Good Luck. Before I leave this board I wanted to thank you all for helping me see the light. At one time, I contemplated going to the Phils like many of you fellows..but I wanted to study things first before I went that route. So...for the past few years I read this board...watched...and learned. I went to the book all the books on the Phils...talked to some friends of mine who were in the Navy and were stationed there. Everything I heard..everyone I talked to told me the same story. At first, I didn't listen so I eventually bought a few addresses and wrote a few of those girls. What I discovered when I received their responses was pretty much what many here refer to as "Red Flags". I won't go into the details because at this juncture, the point is moot but I am sure you know what I am talking about. I ignored the red flags at first and wrote a few more....again...the same deceptive bull-oney. I began to beleive what I was hearing and reading. It was at this time, I began checking into Vietnam, Thailand and China. The more I learned, the more I realized that I should look to China. Vietnam was second choice and Thailand...well...forget it...worse than the Phils. I wrote a few women in China but nothing solid materialized from my efforts. One day last November...out of the blue...I received an e-mail from a Chinese girl from Nanhai. Her name was Yanfei and she had read my profle somewhere and liked it. I was quite jaded at this point and more or less blew off her e-mail. She sent another...and another. I was intrigued so I finally wrote back to her. Weexchanged photos and became good friends over the mopnths. I discovered we had much in common and to make a very long story short, things have been going quite well with her ever since. It was the moment I quit looking that she found me. I plan on traveling there in February to see her. I am very lucky guy.

Yeah...perhaps I had no business on this board but it was always fun to read the stories and the trip reports. I've seen people come and go here the past several years. The guys I liked the most here were MadMal and Tim. I think those two guys influenced me the most out of everyone on this board...real, genuine, level headed dudes. I joined Tims board awhile back so that is where I will be from now on. Many of you guys believe I am dirty s.o.b. but actually if any of you were in trouble, you would find me to be a steadfast ally. But like many people, I really find it distasteful when I see someone constantly barraging another over his/her opinion like they solely occupy some sort of moral high ground. Right or wrong...It really ticks me off. When I confronted Ray...I did so because I percieved Ray was verbally assaulting Greg. It wasn't the first time I had witnessed Ray doing that to someone on this board. I usually never get into it with anyone here but at some point someone needed to say something to him. I was just fed up with his self righteous, religious far right horse hockey. The advice he gave Howard months ago about oh man...totally Bugs Bunny defined! (just my opinion). I know I am pretty fouled mouthed in a fight so apologies for all that for all the good it will do. Most of the low borns here will jeer, say good riddance and insult this post after I'm gone and all that but they can go ahead...they will only prove to the others reading it that they are exactly what I said they were...and, of course, the attempt will be useless because their posts will only fall on deaf ears. Simply put, I will not come back to read it. And don't believe I am leaving because the low borns ran me off...they didn't. I am leaving because I chose to. I realized after that fight that I really don't have any business here at this is Phils oriented board. I discovered what I needed to....that the Phils and the women there are not for me. You guys actually saved me from Howards and the others fate. Thanks for that. Also...Tim is right....there is very little accurate and constructive information on this board about China. I have been in the wrong place. It's been fun...later...much later....

Title: This is nothing new
Post by: Alvin1 on September 09, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Good Bye....., posted by Mars on Sep 3, 2002

Hello Mars,  I left the board some time ago and just stopped by after several months and saw your post.  You have been posting since 1998 and have made similar remarks about Filipinas in the past. I do not know why you find Filipina so difficult.  I happen to think that people are people.  I actually feel sorry for some of the Filipina that are marrried to Americans and strongly feel that they deserve sympathy rather than criticism .  They have made major sacrifices to marry much older men who can only offer them a better country not a better life.  Some Americans marry professional Filipinas and bring them to this country and then live off their incomes while they sit back and do nothing all day except take them to work and pick them up from work.

I can understand why you feel the way you do about the board members.  This is not an information forum but a buddy forum or a personal opinion forum for the husbands of Filipinas.  The forum has certaily loss it's past merit and no longer has any value.


Title: Must have missed something...
Post by: Bear on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Good Bye....., posted by Mars on Sep 3, 2002

It seems people don't want to share their points of view unless they are guaranteed that everyone will agree with them.  Why does anyone care what other people say or think if they truely believe they are right?

I have noticed (wonder if y'all have) that most of the ladies who posted here stopped!  It seems they got their fellings hurt more than once and the last one (hassle on M-A that migrated here) caused them all to agree to stop posting here.  (i.e. May_10, Carrisse, etc.)

I am a pretty easy guy to get along with.  Most insults go right over my head and I don't read posts about things I don't agree with or appear to be inappropriate.  I'll debate with anyone and have had some real burners with a few of you especially when I broke up with Honey because I was afraid legal problems would hurt her.  Although I admit I am stiff-necked and stubborn occasionally someones comments do make me change my mind, well make that rarely.  Our experiences make us see truths differently and it is good to occasionally walk around in someone elses shoes seeing it the way they do - it helps us grow and be more compassionate and understanding to others.  

Still it wouldn't hurt if some of you would tone down the critisms to something more like "I don't agree" leaving off the "stupid".

Bear and Honey

Title: Re: Must have missed something...
Post by: NoNamePinay on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Must have missed something..., posted by Bear on Sep 4, 2002

Hi Bear,
Everyone is entitled to express their own points of view and everyone has one whether we agreed with them or not. I have learned that two people can look at the same thing and see something totally different.
I can say that I got hurt too by "fake-intelligentsia MARS" calling me "brain-dead" in one of his previous posts but that didn't stop me from posting here at P-L because I know in my heart that I'm no brain-dead and Oh btw, I can construct "they are" instead of "they is" in a sentence better than he does *LOL*  :)


Any posts from Mars will be ignored.

Title: Thank You all Guys!!!
Post by: NoNamePinay on September 08, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Must have missed something..., posted by NoNamePinay on Sep 4, 2002

Dear Dave H, Jimbo, Greg, Jay, Stephen, & The Walker,
Sorry for my late reply! I've been busy here at home because my dear hubby is always out of town so I have to take care of everything, I even have to mow our yard & dump our trash now but I enjoy doing it though! Anyway, I wanted to Thank You all for your kind words and for making me feel welcome in the Board. ;)


Title: Hey . . .
Post by: kevin on September 08, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Thank You all Guys!!!, posted by NoNamePinay on Sep 8, 2002

when you're mowing the lawn, you can fart freely, because the lawnmower SHOULD drown out the sound.  But that principle does not necessarily work.  To you, the lawnmower's moter is the loudest sound around.  To your neighbor, it blends in with other sounds.  My brother would sing nonsense at the top of his lungs, mowing my father's lawn.  He thought the only thing neghbors would hear was the lawn mower.  But one of the neighbors thought my brother ran over his foot and chopped it up.

- Kevin

Title: Re: *LOL*
Post by: NoNamePinay on September 09, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Hey . . ., posted by kevin on Sep 8, 2002

Hi Kevin,
Hope all is well with you.
that was funny and a good suggestion too!:D


Title: Oops I mean...
Post by: NoNamePinay on September 08, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Thank You all Guys!!!, posted by NoNamePinay on Sep 8, 2002

Thank You all for your kind words & for making me feel welcome in this Web Forum!


Title: Re: Re: Must have missed something...
Post by: The Walker on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Must have missed something..., posted by NoNamePinay on Sep 4, 2002

You write very well for someone who speaks English as a second language. And you are improving. My Vicky is well traveled and dealt with English speakers at Uncle's company, and yet her early posts, while technically correct, had odd phrasing and her comma placement and sentence structure was definitely not standard. To this day she seldom uses contractions such as don't/won't/couldn't/shouldn't/wouldn't. And she is still learning American slang.

Yet in other ways she writes excellent English, superior to most Americans.

Hang with it. You write better than many native-born Americans and your differences add an exotic flavor to your prose.

You are surely not brain dead.


Title: Re: Re: Must have missed something...
Post by: Stephen on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Must have missed something..., posted by NoNamePinay on Sep 4, 2002

Well....I think you're "BRAIN ALIVE".

I'm glad you're here.  Hope you'll stay and share with us.

Stephen & Tess

Title: Re: Re: Must have missed something...
Post by: Jay on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Must have missed something..., posted by NoNamePinay on Sep 4, 2002


Did he say that?? I must have missed it or I would have said something. Good for you for not letting it run you off.


Title: Hi NNP..Kmusta ka na???
Post by: greg on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Must have missed something..., posted by NoNamePinay on Sep 4, 2002

Sorry for my own negative comments. Filipinas from RP has never mistreated me..Sometimes I talk negative outta my frustration with my Son's Mother situation. She is sweet to me, the annulment is a huge pain..We haven't even begin working on it, becuz I'm distrustful sending huge amount of $$$$$ to the Lawyer..Afraid he's gonna take the money and Run..As a single Parent with no help, I cannot afford to risk losing that kinda money. Take care and God Bless You always..greg

Title: Good for you NNP!
Post by: Jimbo on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Must have missed something..., posted by NoNamePinay on Sep 4, 2002

You're my hero :o)


Title: Don't worry...
Post by: Dave H on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Must have missed something..., posted by NoNamePinay on Sep 4, 2002


I sure no one thinks you're "brain dead," including the person who said it. Far from it!!! Hopefully, his Chinese pen pal won't know the meaning of the word when he uses it on her.

Dave H.

Title: Re: Must have missed something...
Post by: kevin on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Must have missed something..., posted by Bear on Sep 4, 2002

I only half agree with you that some ladies don't post here because they got their feelings hurt.  While that is partly true, there are also those that condone and support the actions of golddiggers.  These are the ones that encourage playing the race card to get away with hurtful actions.  Well, the ladies that have nothing to hide or cover-up still post, and they're very much welcome here.  It's too bad that some nice gals might not come here because of hurt feelings, but remember this.  The guys on this board, including yourself, have endured bigger verbal blows and come back.  I guess for anybody, it's a matter of cooling off and sorting things out.

I want to emphasize this,although I must qualify my statement on the premise that I wasn't 100% witness to the events.  Vivian and Helen come to mind.  It's a disgrace that anybody would approve or support their actions.  Zebson's life was nearly ruined.  Yet somebody scorns Zebson as being posessive, etc. when he was suspicios that something fishy was going on.  Well, he sure did have the right to be suspicious and it sure is a good thing he did not ignore it.

- Kevin

Title: Rhere are always two pointd of view between two people.
Post by: Bear on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Must have missed something..., posted by kevin on Sep 4, 2002

I think with Zebson and Helen (although y'all might be surprised to know I actually feel I am more on Zebson's side) that there was a lot of information (meaning her side of the story) we did not have.  We cannot get all the info if we have a closed membership and run off those we do not agree with.  Like right now on M-A one guy is in the throws of the most horrible mistake ever made on these forums.  He has ignored everyone who has commented.  I call him up to talk and found out how bad it really is and listen while he has decided to basically ignore everything that was suggested to him, and insist he will continue to do so.  The whole point is we all just share our beliefs per our experiences and we might learn from what other's comments - but no one can make us accept their point of view and that does not give anyone the right to belittle anyone over it.

Bear and Honey

Title: Re: Rhere are always two pointd of view between two people.
Post by: Jay on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Rhere are always two pointd of view betw..., posted by Bear on Sep 4, 2002

Hi Bear,

I don't know, old buddy. Your post's about Zeb when you were in the Philippines talking to Helen (and VIVIAN?!), were about the most self absorbed, tacky nonsense I have ever seen on this board. I remember it well, because I was shocked. Your sitting there in Manila buying her and the entourage Lapu-Lapu or whatever, she's feeding you all this BS, and you post it on this board like it's Gospel. All I could think at the time was, "what a sucker!". YOU don't know what happened and to pretend you do is just plain wrong, IMHO. I think you still owe the man an apology.


Title: Well
Post by: Bear on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Rhere are always two pointd of view ..., posted by Jay on Sep 4, 2002

If you peruse the post I made about a week (maybe slightly more) after my last trip you'll see one that was never responded too.

Still there was a lot never said on his part that made her look legit for a while but then her "exaggerations" didn't hold together either.  The thing that made it hard to understand was that one girl I really respected (and still do)lied big time for her.  Threw me off.  Still not sure about her statements?  Just they seem so improbable.  About a week after I got home the lie unraveled and I did apologize.  But...there were a lot of things. Oh well, lets not rehash.

BTW I do not know Vivian, never have and never supported her.

Bear and Honey

Title: Re: Well
Post by: Jay on September 06, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Well, posted by Bear on Sep 5, 2002

Hi Bear,

Sorry, I thought you had said you had met Vivian.

Your right, let's not rehash it. Let's just pray ol' Zeb never has to go through anything like this again. Thanks for being cool about my post. THAT'S what I refer to as the "Spirit of Texas". I'm getting tired of arguing with folk's on the  computer. LOL!


Title: Re: Well
Post by: Stephen on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Well, posted by Bear on Sep 5, 2002


I haven't heard from Vivian for quite a while.  I wonder about what she's doing now....what she's doing.....who she's doing.  (Inquiring minds want to know that stuff.)

Tell you what.  Next time you're in Manila s'pose you look her up.  Then call SteveB and get the two of them together on the phone.

Ohhhhh....that would be a story to tell us.



Title: Re: Re: Well
Post by: SteveB on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Well, posted by Stephen on Sep 5, 2002

Stephen,,,,she made it clear in her yahoo profile and on mag-anak,,,her new husband is a rich american...however,,,,she did leave out he was also a sucker,,,lol,,,btw,,I never did answer her emails of apology,,,I am afraid of her,,,the snakes crawl at night,,thats what they sayyyyyy

Title: Re: Re: Re: Well
Post by: Stephen on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Well, posted by SteveB on Sep 5, 2002

And you came out of the situation standing on your feet.  You did well.


Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: Well
Post by: SteveB on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: Well, posted by Stephen on Sep 5, 2002

My 18 year old brother got killed in a car wreck when I was 15,,,,not much can shake me as much as that situation.....

Thanks,,,,I did very well,,,juliet is a saint and a wonderful wife,,,I just told her this has been the best year of my life.....


Title: Re: Re: Well
Post by: Bear on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Well, posted by Stephen on Sep 5, 2002

If I'm not wrong she has already married a "rich" American and is in the states already - even before Honey got here.  I think thats why she broke up.


Title: Re: Re: Re: Well
Post by: kevin on September 06, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Well, posted by Bear on Sep 5, 2002

She recently posted on Mag-Anak's Northwest Forum (back in May).  It absolutely amazes me how she can just carry on as if nothing happened.  I guess she was going to attend a Mag-Anak meet camping outing.  I know I wouldn't want anything to do with her socially.  I pity her husband.

- Kevin

Title: The Grapevine...
Post by: Dave H on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Rhere are always two pointd of view ..., posted by Jay on Sep 4, 2002

Hey Jay,

I respect and admire the way Zeb handled the situation with Helen. I don't think I would have kept my cool. He admitted that he was far from perfect. If Helen wanted to post her side, she could have. I will never believe that she was a regular Florence Nightingale, nursing the sick in hotel rooms. It's important to remember that there are "two faces to every liar!" Many even start to believe their own lies.

Dave H.  

Title: Re: The Grapevine...
Post by: Stephen on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to The Grapevine..., posted by Dave H on Sep 5, 2002


regular Florence Nightingale, nursing the sick in hotel rooms.


well Dave....

The young lady dressed in a nurses outfit seems to be quite a popular pictoral setting for the Asian Lady internet sights....even more popular than cat fighting.

I....uhhhhhh....don't know this personally, but I've been told that's true.


Title: Meow!
Post by: Dave H on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: The Grapevine..., posted by Stephen on Sep 5, 2002

Hey Stephen,

Just as long as it isn't a young lady dressed in a school girl uniform going into the hotel room, it is probably alright. ;o) So I've been...ahhh...told also. My mud wrestling and cat fighting days are over. :o)))

Dave H.

Title: Re: The Grapevine...
Post by: Jay on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to The Grapevine..., posted by Dave H on Sep 5, 2002

Hi Dave,

Me too. His heart must have been broken, as well as feeling betrayed. He had 2 years invested in her, if I recall.

I've been dealing with Filipina's most of my life. Including the lying, cheating kind. I could smell the BS trough the computer. I've just heard it all before.


Title: I know what you mean...
Post by: Dave H on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: The Grapevine..., posted by Jay on Sep 5, 2002

...I can read most Latinas like the back of my hand. 30+ years of dating, engaged or married to one. I also spent 20 years treating them...Aye...Aye...Aye! Anyone want a good laugh, check out "Ouch Around The World."

Dave H.

Title: Re: I know what you mean...
Post by: Jay on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to I know what you mean..., posted by Dave H on Sep 5, 2002

Hi Dave,

That's a good one! I like Peru Quechua language best. "AHH CHA CHA!".


Title: I liked that one too! LOL
Post by: Dave H on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: I know what you mean..., posted by Jay on Sep 5, 2002

Hey Jay,

I've had Peruvian patients, but I can't say that I ever heard that one before. My next door neighbor is from Peru. I think I'll pinch her tomorrow and see what sound she makes. :o))) I'll let you know.

Dave H.

Title: Re: I liked that one too! LOL
Post by: Jay on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to I liked that one too! LOL , posted by Dave H on Sep 5, 2002

Hey Dave,

Pinch her twice, just to make sure they say it everytime! :)


Title: Aray...aray...aray
Post by: Dave H on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to I know what you mean..., posted by Dave H on Sep 5, 2002

Is the Tagalog sound. My only disappointment is that Haitains aren't listed. I used to find it hard to keep a straight face when they were warbling. Of course, when a patient is seriously ill or injured, they usually make less noise.

Dave H.

Title: D@mn!
Post by: Jimbo on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Rhere are always two pointd of view ..., posted by Jay on Sep 4, 2002

I agree with that Jay!


Title: Ahh it's ok now, but the other night.....woe,.
Post by: Zebson on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to D@mn!, posted by Jimbo on Sep 4, 2002

I uncovered one of my file folders and all of the WU,'s (western union's) monies that I had sent over our time together..And that set me back a moment in time in more ways than one.:) Oh well you know to be honest, there are a lot of things I just plain clammed up about after dealing with the initial situation between Helen and I. I just sort of went into my own world for time..Mostly I dont believe in personally slamming someone with verbal rages and names. However, I have no problem with revealing some of the past in reflection. I can say in all honesty that their was more than one source in Manila after Helen arrived back there that revealed related to me even before Helen got her claws into Bear's and honey's side, that she was going around saying things about my bad treatment of her and other eccentric stuff like not providing her with this and that. In reality, Helen was very well provided for all along in our relationship and finacially and with emotional support. I know she just never forgave me apparently for the ceratin times in (PI, Reference Archives PAGE 64, to JON,was "my unfinished note" under the topic "SHARING IMPRESSIONS". Now Bear and many I think missed this, which might have led him to fall for what she said when she was over there too) But she still then went on and did what she did to me in a calculated planned way..Another thing that got me too is after the whole thing was over, is she would slam me bad over there to justify and explain her return to various friends, family and people. While all the while still emailing me at the same time and acting like nothing had happened between us, my head still goes into a spin when I try to figure that one out. I would keep telling her that it's over it's over, do you realize what you did to me...Anyway that was a whole nother chapter. I think she has gotten the point now. What hurt the most is that Helen would never ask for forgiveness for her actions, that set me back so much. And I still now have a hard time developing new relationships without a sense of a jaded mistrusting feeling like is this woman lying about this or that and why? So that will take a long time for me to get over. But time heals...


Title: I hear ya...
Post by: Dave H on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Ahh it's ok now,  but the other night......, posted by Zebson on Sep 5, 2002

Hey Zeb,

I was married for 12 1/2 years and never got an apology. I finally quit waiting for it and forgave the ex in my mind. It takes some time and then a patient woman to help you heal. Things sometimes come out subconsciously and it's tough on the new lady. In the begining of our relationship, I heard "I'm not your ex" from my wife a few times. I've  learned to trust more every day and to keep my deja vu in check. Funny how something will occasionally trigger a bad memory. I don't say anything and then my wife acts in a completely different (appropriate) manner than I half-expected. She has also learned not to take everything so personal. Good Luck!

Dave H.

Title: Re: Ahh it's ok now, but the other night.....woe,.
Post by: Jay on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Ahh it's ok now,  but the other night......, posted by Zebson on Sep 5, 2002

Hi Zeb,

After reading that archive, I must say that it sounds like you may have screwed up, with that can't commit stuff. I don't think Filipina's are used to that. Sound's like you were going through something emotional. I know from experience that Filipina's generaly aren't used to too much emotion from thier men, and they're really shocked when it comes from a Kano. It makes them kind of nutty, they don't know what to make of it. It can also make them think your nutty, too. It's not the Filipino way.

I knew when Bear mentioned her side of the story that she was saving face. She had to.


Title: Re: Re: Ahh it's ok now, but the other night.....woe,.
Post by: Zebson on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Ahh it's ok now,  but the other nigh..., posted by Jay on Sep 5, 2002

Yea Jay your right, my gut was telling me something just wasn't quite right between her and I even ahead of time. But I kept thinking, It was my fault and that I just had cold feet and had been independant too long. And then when I finally tried to do good for something right, the doubt often comes to the surface in many bizzare ways. What got me was that she followed through on coming over after that incident and then meeting that European guy and that whole bit. I could have handled her dropping me, after the Dumaguete thing, but going on the whole time incognito of her real feelings, that was the like taking the knife and twisting it....

Zeb :)

Title: Sometimes men may have intuition . . .
Post by: kevin on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Ahh it's ok now,  but the other ..., posted by Zebson on Sep 5, 2002

especially when it might involve coming face to face with Satan's daughter.  I beleive this is what happened to you.  Your heart was telling you something as she was messing with your head big time.  She did procure some victories and was continuing to try to set you up.

Fortunately you caught that fishy e-mail.  That was a warning.  Then she disappeared to the hotel and covered up her actions with lame but rational-sounding excuses.

No need to feel in a sense jealous of other guys she might have seduced and spread her legs for.  How can Angelo expect she'll be faithful and loving to him?  Most of all, that European guy does not realize the clusterf*** bind he got sucked into yet.

You should be proud of yourself for taking action when you did so that you can have a life, live the life you want to live, and be the person you want to be.

- Kevin

Title: Satan's Daughter??? You met my Ex?..
Post by: Howard on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Sometimes men may have intuition . . ., posted by kevin on Sep 5, 2002


Too funny!!!  Gerlie gets funny when I refer to this girl I dated before I met Ayesa as the Devil's daughter, but it cracks me up :P  Maybe she moved to the Philipines!  LOL

Sorry, off topic, I know



Title: Perhaps...
Post by: Dave H on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Ahh it's ok now,  but the other ..., posted by Zebson on Sep 5, 2002


I always felt that your subconscious or instinct may have been telling you something was not right and maybe that was why you wanted to take off.

Dave H.

Title: Bear....
Post by: Stephen on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Rhere are always two pointd of view betw..., posted by Bear on Sep 4, 2002

Is Walt going to keep that gal here?  Boy....he's got a mess on his hands.


Title: Re: Bear....
Post by: Bear on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Bear...., posted by Stephen on Sep 4, 2002

I think so!!!  He is just so desparate for affection that he is making one mistake after another and that Filipina will make him pay dearly for it.

Bear and Honey

Title: Re: Re: Bear....
Post by: Stephen on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Bear...., posted by Bear on Sep 4, 2002

Yeah....I never quite understood Bear getting together with Vivian or Helen.

I'll tell you this....I'm sure not gonna give Bear my ex-wife's name and address.  Or he'll look her up and then come back and tell everyone here HER SIDE OF THE STORY.

Hell...there's only room for one side here....MINE!!  LOL


Title: LMAO!! n/t
Post by: Jay on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Bear...., posted by Stephen on Sep 5, 2002


Title: Men are like dogs . . .
Post by: kevin on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Bear...., posted by Bear on Sep 4, 2002

and women are like devils.  This proverb rings true to a degree.  It sounds like Walt is following her around like a puppy dog and if she says jump over the Brooklyn bridge, he'll try but will go crazy because he can't possibly make it over.  If a woman chooses evil over good, she knows exactly what trick to use because she knows a man's urges and heartfelt yearnings and this is where he's the most vulnerable.

- Kevin

Title: Too bad....
Post by: Dave H on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Bear...., posted by Bear on Sep 4, 2002

Hey Bear,

My heart goes out to him. It's a shame he can't see the truth. His starving for affection is going to cost him a broken heart and an empty wallet. From what I've read, he has been warned by many, for a long time.

Dave H.

Title: Re: Too bad....
Post by: kevin on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Too bad...., posted by Dave H on Sep 4, 2002

I think his heart already is broken.  It's just still stunned and numb to accept the truth.  But he'd better see the light fast or he'll be miserable for the rest of his life.  This girl is masterminding the destruction of any hope the guy might have for a brighter future.

- Kevin

Title: A Good Philippines Business...
Post by: Dave H on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Bear...., posted by Stephen on Sep 4, 2002

Hey Stephen,

Some of those guys on M-A really know how to support a lady in a luxurious manner! If I ever move to the Philippines, I'm going to pretend I'm a Filipina and get a few as pen pals. I'll live like a King! :o)))

Dave H.

Title: MAN!!! Y didn't I think of that!!!?....................nt
Post by: Bear on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to A Good Philippines Business..., posted by Dave H on Sep 4, 2002


Title: Re: A Good Philippines Business...
Post by: Jay on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to A Good Philippines Business..., posted by Dave H on Sep 4, 2002

Hey Dave,

Some guys just don't get it. Bill and Walt's women could have been the nicest women in the world. However, by sending them thse huge amount's of money, they are possibly ruining them. That's like hitting a small lotto in the Philippines. 750.00 dollars a month?? I could have lived REAL nice on that when I was livin' in the RP in the 90's! That includes all the money I would have spent drinkin' in bar's everyday. What do they spend it on??


Title: ABSOLUTELY....yes....
Post by: Stephen on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: A Good Philippines Business..., posted by Jay on Sep 4, 2002

I totally agree.

I don't know what she would be doing with that kind of money.

I filed the fiancee visa docs in June, 2000.  Tess got here in November, 2000.  Tess was employed at a salary of about $190 per month.  In those 6 months I gave her $700 to get ready and get here.  In addition I sent another $300 so she could go home when her brother died unexpectedly.  But she never complained.  

Since Tess got here I've never worried about her spending money.  She's very tight-fisted with the money.  By the way, she had a piece of paper detailing how she had spend every cent of money I'd sent to her.

But if you have trouble with the lady spending money when she's in the're gonna be over your head when she get to America and starts spending.

I'm glad I don't have that kind of problem.


Title: Re: ABSOLUTELY....yes....
Post by: kevin on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to ABSOLUTELY....yes...., posted by Stephen on Sep 4, 2002

After Tess and you were married, I think you'd mentioned going to a bankruptcy trial involving a Filipina-American (maybe Tess mentioned this), and Tess acted as an interpreter for the client.  It's my opinion that a good percentage of Filipinos in America drive themselves and others into dire financial straits (spouses, other gullible lenders)just trying to keep ahead of the Jones' and impress the other kaibigan.

- Kevin

Title: Simple...
Post by: Dave H on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: ABSOLUTELY....yes...., posted by kevin on Sep 4, 2002

Hey Kev,

Gold Digger Rule #1 - See what kind of cell phone she owns. Is she says she owns or wants a Nokia 7650...dump her and run away...FAST!!! :o)

Marife didn't own or want a cell phone...still doesn't. When we're together, we actually talk to each other and not a third party. Come to think of it, she doesn't ask for anything or buy much either. When she does buy something, it's usually for me or someone else. :o)

Dave H.

Title: I think . . .
Post by: kevin on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Simple..., posted by Dave H on Sep 4, 2002

when you're married and you actually spend less on non-essentials, as you've said, it really means your in a healthy relationship.  I must admit lately I've been blowing alot, perhaps partly because I recently finished school and there's alot of simple things (but it adds up) that I want and partly because I'm bored.  It's a form of personal fulfillment for the time being.  Hey, I like my independence.  I'm not about to give it up for somebody who wants her own independence at my expense.  Shall I marry someday, it's got to be for a greater good; my personal fulfillment and that of a special woman.

- Kevin

Title: Think about this...
Post by: Dave H on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to I think . . ., posted by kevin on Sep 4, 2002

Hey Kev,

Now's a good time to spoil yourself a little. Don't rush it! Keep it casual. Being lonely and single is better than being in a bad marriage...any day! I was single most of my life. I was happy most of the time and I can't ever remember stealing, cheating on or lying to myself. :o) Of course being in a great marriage takes the prize. Patience!

Dave H.

Title: You're absolutely right . . .
Post by: kevin on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Think about this..., posted by Dave H on Sep 5, 2002

contrary to what studies say, I think it is more healthy for a man to be single than to be stuck in a dead-end bad marriage.  A couple of months ago, I ran into a guy at Wal-Mart who remembered me from church.  We got into a conversation. I felt so bad for him, he was dreading going home because his wife would attack him in one way or another (a real shrew personality).  He told me he sees a divorce coming, but he still wants to hold on to his marriage.  Well, I think he's crazy not to try to get it overwith as soon as possible, given that he admitted his wife kicked him in the groin a couple of weeks earlier.  He then told me that he couldn't dare to defend himself because if he did, it would constitute domestic violence against a woman.  I'd rather be dead than be in a situation like that.  Things didn't even get that bad with my ex-wife (perhaps we weren't married long enough).

- Kevin

Title: A successful marriage...
Post by: Dave H on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to You're absolutely right . . ., posted by kevin on Sep 5, 2002

Some people measure a successful marriage in years. Not me! I have a retirement community nearbye. I can't help but feel pity for many old men that I see in the stores with their wives. (I know it goes both ways, but seems to go this way more) Many probably have 50 years or more tied to the old ball and chain. The whole time they are getting nagged, ridiculed and yelled at. They respond with a meek "Yes Dear!" I wouldn't want to be them!!! BTDT! It's very refreshing to see an older couple who hold hands and are sweet to each other...probably newlyweds. LOL

Dave H.

Title: Rule #2
Post by: Dave H on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Simple..., posted by Dave H on Sep 4, 2002

Gold Digger Rule #2 - If she uses the words "BUY" and "ME" in the same sentence...Stop! Drop! and Role away QUICKLY! :o)

Dave H.

Title: Re: Rule #2
Post by: Jay on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Rule #2, posted by Dave H on Sep 4, 2002

Hi Dave,

Actually "buy me" can be good. As in, "Buy me a drink, sailor?" or "Buy me for the evening?". Hehehehe


Title: I didn't think of that! LOL (n/t)
Post by: Dave H on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Rule #2, posted by Jay on Sep 4, 2002


Title: Rules #3 & 4
Post by: Dave H on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Rule #2, posted by Dave H on Sep 4, 2002

Gold Digger Rule #3 - If she asks you how many US dollars you plan on sending her each month, you may want to reconsider. If you decide to give her an answer, pause afterward... If she follows up with, "How much are you going to send to my family then?" Exuse yourself to the CR, lock the door, crawl out through the window or any other opening you can find and keep on crawling without looking back!

Gold Digger Rule #4 - If she asks you how much money you make, tell her you are unemployed. If she sticks around, she may be marriage material.

Dave H.

Title: Re: Rules #3 & 4
Post by: Zebson on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Rules #3 & 4, posted by Dave H on Sep 4, 2002

Hey, Dave..I like that. You know, I recently told an email pal, that I was a trashcollector when I first stared our communication back and forth, She said no problem. But then later she called me the trashmaster accidently, hahaa and I didn't know how to take that. After a few weeks  of emailing and chatting that she said she didn't think I was really a trashmaster cause I wouldn't talk and act and look like me. Then she ask to see my hands infront of the webcam as we were chatting. Now I have come up with a name for her too I call her the Palmreader woman..hehe!!! :)


Title: Smart Woman! LOL (n/t)
Post by: Dave H on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Rules #3 & 4, posted by Zebson on Sep 5, 2002


Title: Rule #5
Post by: Dave H on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Rules #3 & 4, posted by Dave H on Sep 4, 2002

Gold Digger Rule #5 - If your pen pal or fiancee calls you "Joe" (unless your name is Joe) or any name other than your own...she has another boyfriend. If she calls you "Dudong"...she has many other boyfriends. Ask her what number "Dudong" you are to check. If it is not too high, you want might to work your way up to "Dudong #1" and marry her. :o)

Dave H.

Title: Final Rule
Post by: Dave H on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Rule #5, posted by Dave H on Sep 4, 2002

It's getting late so I'm skipping right to the end. Please feel free to fill in the missing rules.

Final Gold Digger Rule - If your fiancee's children tell you that their mother is still a virgin and you believe all means go ahead and marry her and forget all of the rules. :o) You wouldn't be the first to fall for that old trick.

Dave H.

Title: Re: Appendix Rule
Post by: Jimbo on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Final Rule, posted by Dave H on Sep 4, 2002

If you advertize yourself, list your occupation as "Farm Laborer."

-Goodnight Dave.

Title: "Unclean"
Post by: Dave H on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Appendix Rule, posted by Jimbo on Sep 5, 2002

Hey Jim,

If I had been seeking a Japanese wife, I would have listed my occupation as "pig farmer." :o)))

Dave H.

Title: I wonder . . .
Post by: kevin on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Appendix Rule, posted by Jimbo on Sep 5, 2002

what kind of responses if one listed himself as a janitor in a cleaning company.

- Kevin

Title: How about...
Post by: Dave H on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to I wonder . . ., posted by kevin on Sep 5, 2002


What do you think about "Flatulent sewer diver with LBS (leaky bowel syndrome). LOL! I know several divers and they make good money. LOL

Dave H.

Title: A lot of money!
Post by: Dave H on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: A Good Philippines Business..., posted by Jay on Sep 4, 2002

Hey Jay,

My hope is that they put them up in real nice furnished apartments in Manila or one of the other large cities. If not, who knows where the money is going?

Dave h.

Title: Re: A lot of money!
Post by: Jay on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to A lot of money!, posted by Dave H on Sep 4, 2002

Hi Dave,

My guess would be 'Dudong". Poor guys.


Title: Jay, I think you nailed it! (n/t)
Post by: Dave H on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: A lot of money!, posted by Jay on Sep 5, 2002


Title: Another hidden talent???
Post by: SteveB on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to A Good Philippines Business..., posted by Dave H on Sep 4, 2002

Dang Daveh, you write songs, make computer art,,,,LOL,,,and now you're a golddigger!!!!What Next???? J/K  


Title: You so guwapo!
Post by: Dave H on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Another hidden talent???, posted by SteveB on Sep 4, 2002

Hey Joe,

"Me so horny! Me love you long time! You just like Russel Crowe. Send more money! Need $10,000 US for new nipa hut. Old one fall down. Need money buy Daddy new tricycle. Need money for build sari-sari. You very handsome and young Kano. Send all your money Joe!" :o)


Davida H.

Hey Steve,

How did I do?

My wife's family went through several serious hardships while she was still in the Philippines. She never told me or asked for money. I only found out through my friend, my Kano bother-in-law. My wife would still be reluctent to tell me more info, so as not to worry me. The several times I sent money, I had to send it first by Western Union, then tell her. If not, she would refuse it.

Dave H.

Title: My Opinion
Post by: Ray on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Good Bye....., posted by Mars on Sep 3, 2002

Why don’t you tell the truth for once in your life Mars?

No Mars, you didn’t confront me because you perceived that I was “verbally assaulting” Greg. Why don’t you admit that you can’t stand Greg? After all, isn’t he one of those dirty uneducated blue-collar scums that you despise so much? You started a fight with me because you hate my guts and Greg was bashing Filipinas. IMO, Greg has more class than you’ll ever have. At least he’s honest. And just what is your definition of a “verbal assault”? I think anyone who witnessed your recent childish tirade would find your claim of defending some innocent guy against a “verbal Assault” totally laughable (hehehe!).

You said “I am leaving because I chose to. I realized after that fight that I really don't have any business here at this is Phils oriented board”. You aren’t leaving because this is a “Phils oriented board”. You’re leaving because you made a total arse of yourself and you know you’ll never live it down, so you’re running away with your tail tucked between your legs. And you just couldn’t resist the opportunity to get one last lick in, could you. I think you’re nothing more than an arrogant, self-righteous, sniveling coward. Some of the asinine comments you made revealed some serious character flaws that you need to work on IMHO. My suspicion for the real reason that you despise Filipinas is because one turned you down and your over-inflated ego just couldn’t handle the rejection. She probably told you “No thank you Mr. Mars, you’re just too much of an arrogant snob for me”. If you had been paying attention on this forum, you would have known that Filipinas despise arrogant know-it-alls like yourself. My advice to you is to take a good look in the mirror before you get into another relationship. Read Tim’s post on the subject below. Oh, one more piece of friendly advice Mars: don’t start any more fights on web forums until you learn to control that bad temper of yours :-)

Some memorable quotes from Mars:

“For those of you who have been burned by Filipinas, forget the Philippines and visit China. You will find a much higher class of woman there…Quality is always cheaper over the long run.”

“Another blue collar, anti-intellectual oaf. Sheesh..Shouldn't you be driving truck or something 7 days a week?”

“I've seen enough of you anti-intellectual types in my life. Your resentment towards the intelligentsia is repulsive to me. But I guess that comes from doing something you hated all your life in the blue collar world and witnessing others who are happy with life”

“And you can go back to your sister or mother or brother or daddy or hand or where ever it was you lost your virginity”

“Bl*w me...and that goes for your mother too.”

Of course, now you’ll probably deny that you said those things :-)

No hard feelings Mars. I wish you luck and I’ll remember you in my prayers…


Title: Re: My Opinion
Post by: Dave H on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to My Opinion, posted by Ray on Sep 4, 2002

Hey Ray,

Did Mars apologise or something? LOL I tried to be open minded, but he did a good job on his own, proving your point!

Dave H.

Title: Good job Ray
Post by: Jimbo on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to My Opinion, posted by Ray on Sep 4, 2002

I think you did what needed to be done.  I'll join in when we get a real troll, like Harry -ROFL!


Title: don't mention that name!!
Post by: MsDuong on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Good job Ray, posted by Jimbo on Sep 4, 2002

That guy gave me the creeps.

Title: Re: Good job Ray
Post by: Jay on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Good job Ray, posted by Jimbo on Sep 4, 2002

Hi Jim,

Yeah, now that was a troll! LOL! I would have liked to get my hands on him. He once said I must have been a "catcher" in da joint. Took me a while to know what he meant. As in taking it up the wazoo. No ones ever said that to my face. I woulda killed him! LOL!


Title: He was MEAN!
Post by: Jimbo on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Good job Ray, posted by Jay on Sep 4, 2002

He blasted me once just for requesting a PL sound effect - figure that -LOL!


Title: Re: He was MEAN!
Post by: Jay on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to He was MEAN!, posted by Jimbo on Sep 5, 2002

Hi Jim,

LMAO! I always thought it was Hum. I hope not, Hum's a good guy! LOL! Remember "cjb", I think it was? I thought that was Hum, too. LOL! Don't remember why I thought that. I cant imagine now they could be the same people.

Thanks for the "d@mn" post above. I thought I might have my butt hangin' in the wind all alone on that one. Somebody had to say it.


Title: cbf not Hum because...
Post by: Jimbo on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: He was MEAN!, posted by Jay on Sep 5, 2002

..cbf could spell!!!  -ROFL!

Jim "skinny weird guy" bo

Title: Re: cbf who?
Post by: Humabdos on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to cbf not Hum because..., posted by Jimbo on Sep 5, 2002

So your one of them skinny weird guys I knew it! lol


Title: Well Jimbo...
Post by: Dave H on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to cbf not Hum because..., posted by Jimbo on Sep 5, 2002

...that also means it wasn't tneal! :o)))

Dave H.

Title: And...
Post by: Jimbo on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Well Jimbo..., posted by Dave H on Sep 5, 2002

I don't think Hum could have been Harry because Hum is just not that mean.  Deep down he's got a good heart.  Like Ray said, he's more of a "recreational troll" --ROFL!!


Title: Thanks!
Post by: Humabdos on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to And..., posted by Jimbo on Sep 5, 2002

I haven't trolled for a long time now. Maganak really brought out the troll in me sometimes! ROTFLMAO

I haven't even looked at maganak for a long time and won't as long as that ahole George is Modarator. I wasn't a very happy camper back in my early days of posting.


Title: Yes Hum...
Post by: Dave H on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Thanks!, posted by Humabdos on Sep 5, 2002

You may not have been a happy camper, but you could be pretty D@MN funny!

Dave H.

Title: Re: Thanks!
Post by: Jay on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Thanks!, posted by Humabdos on Sep 5, 2002

Hi Hum,

Well, I sure hope you weren't Harry. That would mean I would have to kill you. LOL!


Title: Re: Re: Thanks!
Post by: Humabdos on September 06, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Thanks!, posted by Jay on Sep 5, 2002

I came in a few months before he was banned. He was a strange one! Ray and Dave sure had fun going back and forth with him. Hum

Title: That's Right!
Post by: Dave H on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to He was MEAN!, posted by Jimbo on Sep 5, 2002

Hey Jim,

As I recall...he hated roosters! LOL

Dave H.

Title: Re: That's Right!
Post by: kevin on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to That's Right!, posted by Dave H on Sep 5, 2002

My neighbor apparently has an aversion to ducks.  I remember a couple of years ago he complained that one morning he saw a duck in front of his unit.  I can understand somebody complaining about a skunk (with good reason) or a snake (any snake if the person is ignorant and has a deep seated phobia of ALL kinds of snakes).  But a duck?  Go figure.

- Kevin

Title: Re: My Opinion
Post by: Matthew on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to My Opinion, posted by Ray on Sep 4, 2002

I didn't appreciate that Wal Mart crack he made to me.I shop at Target:)

Title: Re: Re: My Opinion
Post by: Jay on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: My Opinion, posted by Matthew on Sep 4, 2002

ROTFLMAO!!!! You lowborn! :D

Title: ummm...
Post by: MsDuong on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Good Bye....., posted by Mars on Sep 3, 2002

aren't you taking Grag with you? haha...j/k
Good Luck

Title: Bye Mars, don't forget the real Planet Love - ...
Post by: Zebson on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Good Bye....., posted by Mars on Sep 3, 2002

Mars, hope you stop by now and then and visit us here. And regardless of your feelings toward whatever country you choose to find a mate in, or whatever your feelings you hold towards certain members here in PL, I just want to offer you my honest and sincere, best wishes towards meeting and finding the soulmate, the partner, the lover and the best friend that you need in your life to make it complete and fulfilled. Each of us as men, women, or whatever, seek to find someone who will look past our weaknesses, respect us and want us, need us and see us for who we truely can be. And really they could be from any country in the world, regardless of color, race and creed cause human beings are versital and dynamic, and they all have one thing in common they need love and in a way we need each other.

This board may have just already served it's purpose in your life...It may have now completed that for you. And now as you travel down this road of life in a new relationship with your friend in China, I hope it brings your life joy and hope, as you reach for the need that is universal in all of us..The need for finding Love, after all that's what I think originally Planet Love was meant to be all about. Go carefully,

Zeb :)

Title: Re: Good Bye.....
Post by: Stephen on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Good Bye....., posted by Mars on Sep 3, 2002


Many of you guys believe I am dirty s.o.b. but actually if any of you were in trouble, you would find me to be a steadfast ally. But like many people, I really find it distasteful when I see someone constantly barraging another over his/her opinion like they solely occupy some sort of moral high ground. Right or wrong...It really ticks me off.


But the posts you made over the last several days were those of a pushy, dirty, s.o.b.  You tried to shove yourself on other people.

You're right about being on the wrong board.  I think China is a good place for you.

Title: I respected you . . .
Post by: kevin on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Good Bye....., posted by Mars on Sep 3, 2002

for the most part.  In the end, perhaps you got a bit out of line, but I guess your back was probably against the wall.  I know alot of stuff you said is not popular or politically correct, but the truth is the truth.

Personally, I want to find a pinay wife someday.  I'm very much aware of the risks and will do what I can to avoid being burned, and fight like hell and am aware of many possible angles of attack in the event somebody does try to rake me over the coals.  

What irks me (but I'm used to it now) is when some self-righteous leader of the pack persistently covers up the incidence of golddiggers and green card sharks be calling anybody that speaks up about this issue as "racist".  That only serves to encourage such behavior.  Well, let me say this.  I have an older Filipino friend who belongs to the same parish as myself.  He's been in this country since 1957 (used to serve in the military) and he's proud of his heritage.  But he looks at the world objectively.  Yes it's hard to grapple with the fact that when looking for love in the Philippines it's a very high risk proposition.  But it's true.  When my friend took a biannual vacation in the Philippines this spring, I asked him if he could introduce me to single girls he came in contact with (showing me picture and telling about me).  He said he could not, in good faith, do that.  His opinion is that it was too high of a risk that a girl would just use me to get to the United States and then divorce me as soon as she could.  As a good friend, he wouln't allow anybody to try to do that to me and if something did happen, would not in any way want to feel indirectly responsible.  The point is that nobody can call him a bigot on the premise he acknowledges to prevalence of moral turpitude amongst the people of his country.  He told me that things will simply never improve (economically and socially) in the Philippines and that there'd always be problems because of prevailing attitudes, ethics, etc.  Having followed the sagas on this board for the past two years, indeed I have seen a few misfortunes.  The very thing any guy looking for love wants to steer clear of.

For all the bads about issues pertaining to seeking love with a pinay, there are good stories too.  I've witnessed in my social sphere happily married Fil-Am couples in healthy relationships.  Just on this board, I have special admiration for Febtember.  Her love for her husband shows and glows just by the way she posts on this board.  Sally & Jimbo are another fine example of a marriage based on love.  Actions speak louder than words.  Personally, I'm "casting my net" by sending letters to the Philippines.  My hopes and my prayers are that someday I will have a very special pinay in my life.  It doesn't matter whether I meet her in Rhode Island, the Philippines, or perhaps another country, so long as she can and will love me for what I am.

- Kevin

Title: Re: I respected you . . .
Post by: Jay on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to I respected you . . ., posted by kevin on Sep 4, 2002

Yeah, kev, I must have had his back against the wall when he suggested my mother blow him. That was the 3rd insult against my family. Yeah, he was a real class act...

Title: Sorry . . .
Post by: kevin on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: I respected you . . ., posted by Jay on Sep 4, 2002

if I overlooked such remarks.  Until up to now, I thought Mars was a pretty decent, level-headed guy and "told it like it was."  The strings got so long, I skimmed alot.  I'm guessing too that he knew little about the people he was posting insults at or their circumstances.  In the past, he corroborated with me, in a respectful manner, when I had to say something that was unpopular.  When Howard was going through his ordeal, I thought Mars' position was very sound.  I personally beleive that Howard was misled by somebody he trusted (I won't say a name) in emotional desparation that things would be what they once seemed to be.  But look where it god him.  In deeper straits before he finally accepted the fact that he had to salvage his life and move on.

- Kevin

Title: Re: Sorry . . .
Post by: Jay on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Sorry . . ., posted by kevin on Sep 5, 2002

Hi Kev.

I figured you missed that. Knowing you, I don't think you would have sided with him, had you seen it.

As for the situation with Howard, I don't think anyone would mislead him. Maybe poor advice, but Howards a big boy, and made his own decision's based on what info was available at the time. Can't blame someone else for his problems. Howard doesn't.

I'm sorry again about my fart post before. Didn't mean to offend you. I REALLY though a fart video was funny , too. I wasn't laughing at you. I lost alot of friends over that fart post. I just had a bad morning that day.


Title: Really?
Post by: Ray on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to I respected you . . ., posted by kevin on Sep 4, 2002

Kevin: “What irks me (but I'm used to it now) is when some self-righteous leader of the pack persistently covers up the incidence of golddiggers and green card sharks be calling anybody that speaks up about this issue as "racist"…”

Really? Did someone say you were a racist? Who might this “self-righteous leader of the pack” be anyway? Do you think you could point out some instances where every time someone brought up the subject of gold diggers or green card sharks, they were called a racist? I don’t remember that Kevin. Are you sure that didn’t happen on another forum maybe? Or is that just your imagination running wild again?

Curious minds want to know…


Title: Hi RaY!! Don't Play
Post by: greg on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Really?, posted by Ray on Sep 4, 2002

DumB!! You know of whom Kevin's talking about(U have bullied him on this board for years, he has never done anything to You). I can say it Loud and Clear...Your the Bully on the Block. What you said in Your above Post about Mars disliking me blab blab is actual your own feelings toward me. Thats okey, I'm used to being unpopular here. Anyway, Mars and Filipinas from Pl has frequently emailed me, if He disliked me as much as You claim, then he wouldn't do it. Get Your facts straight before Posting such Negatives. Thank You

Title: Bullying???
Post by: Ray on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Hi RaY!! Don't Play, posted by greg on Sep 4, 2002

Hi Greg,

Thanks for your comments. Would you like to explain to us just how I am “bullying” Kevin? I only asked him a simple question. If Kevin can post insulting comments and accusations about someone here, then I have every right to respond. Why don’t you let Kevin defend his own comments?

I’m not playing Greg, but it seems that you are.


Title: Prof RaY
Post by: greg on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Bullying???, posted by Ray on Sep 4, 2002

I was never good with my words..Some day Your gonna meet your match. At least I don't have to show any Intelligence..I can think of many Guys on both Latin and Russian board that can run You off with their Intelligence :o)

Title: Words?
Post by: Ray on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Prof RaY , posted by greg on Sep 4, 2002

Don't play that game with me Greg. You never have any trouble finding the words when you want to insult others.

You don't have to be good with words to answer my question. Exactly how was I bullying Kevin? You made the accusation, now back it up and explain it to us.

If you're only trying to start a fight Greg, then go somewhere else. I won't play your silly game.


Title: Hint?? Let Guys
Post by: greg on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Words?, posted by Ray on Sep 4, 2002

post their own opinions..If You don't like what you read..Don't read their Posts, simple as that. I have never read of any Poster attacking you first..Your always the first Attacker and get in the last Lick..You gotta have the last word lol..This board should be renamed "Planet Ray" hehehe

Title: You're a clown! n/t
Post by: Ray on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Hint?? Let Guys, posted by greg on Sep 5, 2002


Title: Thanks
Post by: greg on September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to You're a clown!   n/t, posted by Ray on Sep 5, 2002

Clown :o)

Title: Kelvin, voice of wisdom
Post by: greg on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to I respected you . . ., posted by kevin on Sep 4, 2002

I was happy reading your Post, everything You said was sooo true. You, DaveH, Walker, Howard to name a few are the last few Good Guys left on the board..I apologize for complainting about your fart stories.Please go ahead and be yourself on this board. Thank You, greg

Title: Kevin,
Post by: Bel on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to I respected you . . ., posted by kevin on Sep 4, 2002

I can relate everything that you've said about your Filipino friend, and that it's all so true. There's a lot of guys at work that asked me if I can introduce them to one of my friends back in the Philippines. But I just smiled and told them if they really want to meet Filipinas, they need to go there themselves and see/experience the Philipppines and its culture.
For the same reason that I would feel really bad if things go wrong...
However, here lately, I made an exception for my brother in law. I know him quite well and he lives quite close to us. So I decided to give it a shot. I gave him 4 different names and I told him who they were. One of them is my niece, much younger than he is, but somehow after he read her very first letter and saw her picture, he was attracted to her. I asked him why he didn't choose the ones with college degrees and all, he just said that my niece wrote a very straight-forward letter of introduction about herself. Keep in mind, although I've talked to her on the phone and emailed her, I've never met her in person yet. She was just a baby when I left P.I. and my older brother never gotten married to her mother...They correspond through emails and phone calls for almost 2 yrs. now.
  Last Saturday, he flew out to go meet her in Cebu. Today, he emailed me and told me that he proposed her, and said that everything went well as planned. I'm happy for him, although in the back of my mind, I'm worried if I was doing the right thing for him...Anyway, it's a very long story, hopefully, my brother-in-law will find time to share his love story with you all...
  Bless his heart, I can see him already with a big smile when he comes home on Sept.9. I just hope he won't get too jet-lagged for he has to go back to work the next day.(LOL)

Title: Turn on the Discovery channel right now
Post by: Nico on September 03, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to venting, posted by kevin on Sep 7, 2002

Its sickening

Title: all I see
Post by: MsDuong on September 03, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Turn on the Discovery channel right now, posted by Nico on Sep 3, 2002

is a gay guy who is an interior decorator.

Title: No the Berman and Berman Show
Post by: Nico on September 03, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to all I see, posted by MsDuong on Sep 3, 2002

No you missed it. It was from 9:00am to 9:30am mst. It was the Berman and Berman show. They are 2 fairly attractive sisters,both psychologists.They did a feature on women who were single and why they were single and if they liked it. The women they interviewed had some real sickening comments. One women said she knew that since she was single,educated,no kids,financialy stable, attractive and 35,that she realized that she was the "creme of the crop" as far as available women were concerned. She said that unfortunately single men that are of that age are on the contrary the "bottom of the barrel". Nearly every women interviewed stated how they were extremely picky and had this HUGE list of requirements for a potential mate. The average American male could not fill those shoes. The emphasis of the show was that how the strong independence and financial ability of American women has afforded them the BENEFIT of not having to be with a man. The 2 Berman sisters,then remarked that in there
mothers'and grandmothers'time it was nessecary to marry before sex and now that was not necessary. So you could fufill all your needs without marriage.They made references to that program "Sex in the City' like it was the kind of lifestyle that American women do and should aspire for.
The finishing touch on the show was how increasing numbers of women are doing artificial insemination and how well they are doing without a man raising their children.
No wonder why we are all looking to get away from these American women.

Title: Just Say No!
Post by: Dave H on September 03, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to No the Berman and Berman Show, posted by Nico on Sep 3, 2002

Hey Nico,

I think that the gay interior decorator is a much better catch, despite what Stephen says. :o))) If those beeitchy women become artificialy inseminated and give birth to sons, they will surely become gay. I've got a hunch that won't happen, as those male sperm will probably swim as fast as they can down stream and get the HE11 out of there!!! ~O ~O ~O ~O ~O

Dave H.

Title: Re: Just Say No!
Post by: Bel on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Just Say No!, posted by Dave H on Sep 3, 2002

You made my day. I'm dying here laughing about your post. Are you always this funny in front of Marife?  Oh well, at least everyone's cooling off now....Say Hello to Marife for me...Bel

Title: Just Say Yes!
Post by: Dave H on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Just Say No!, posted by Bel on Sep 4, 2002

Hi Bell,

Humor is in the ear of the beholder. Some people don't think I'm so funny. Yes, I'm usually a bit on the edge when it comes to trying to get a laugh. But I'm no Tom Greene. Sometimes it's funny, other times it can be embarrassing (purple G-string). Marife is much more serious than I, but I can usually get a laugh out of her when she's feeling down. Humor was my way of handling all of the suffering and death I have witnessed. Being on the fire department definately pushed it up a few notches. I wrote songs like "Start Your Day With A DOA" and "I A'int Got No Body." No need to explain the inspiration behind them. Believe it or not, sometimes I'm shy, quiet and polite. :o)

Dave H.

Title: Now THAT's funny! (n/t)
Post by: Jeff S on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Just Say Yes!, posted by Dave H on Sep 4, 2002


Title: One thing I realize . . .
Post by: kevin on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Just Say Yes!, posted by Dave H on Sep 4, 2002

that guys, and perhaps even some gals, that tend to be shy and quiet, (not extrovertedly talkative), tend to make up for it at the other end.  Perhaps one reason for such shyness is keeping their sense of humor in the closet.

- Kevin

Title: Re: Just Say No!
Post by: SteveB on September 03, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Just Say No!, posted by Dave H on Sep 3, 2002

Funny stuff dave,,,you're a song writer and an artist,,,what other hidden talents do you have????


Title: Well...
Post by: Dave H on September 03, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Just Say No!, posted by SteveB on Sep 3, 2002

Hey Steve,

I'm a jack of all trades, a master of none. :o)

Dave H.

Title: Re: Well...
Post by: stefang on September 03, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Well..., posted by Dave H on Sep 3, 2002

That's just great, statistics show children from single parent homes are more likely to commit crimes, teenage pregnancy, H.S. dropouts etc... Men should stop donating sperm to teach them a lesson. DaveH you better watch your back when wearing purple G-strings near gay interior derrier decorators

Title: Re: all I see
Post by: Stephen on September 03, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to all I see, posted by MsDuong on Sep 3, 2002

Well.....that's sickening to me.  (LOL)

Hello Lori.  Hope you're doing well today.


Title: Re: all I see
Post by: Stephen on September 03, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to all I see, posted by MsDuong on Sep 3, 2002

Well.....that's sickening to me.  (LOL)

Hello Lori.  Hope you're doing well today.


Title: Mog update
Post by: The Mog returns on September 03, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to venting, posted by kevin on Sep 7, 2002

Hi everyone, Jicelle and I got back on Weds Aug 21, guess I have been a little busy lately, Jicelle likes it here, and things are going pretty good. We met Snowman and Kathi at Como Zoo on Sunday and went out to eat, that was a lot of fun, since the 2 girls arrived here around the same time. The Philippines was fun, didnt do too much, I finally did get to check out the San Juanico bridge, and they happened to be filming a scene for a Filipino movie at the time which was pretty cool, we watched them for awhile before they let us continue walking across after the take. I have made a few successful attempts at filipino cooking, adobo chicken in coconut milk, leche flan and also ampalaya  with tomatoes and onions. Detroit was a  terrible POE, they hassle you if you arrive after your second NOA expires. But they let us through. Pretty stupid, when you get the embassy approval 2 weeks before the NOA expiry and then try to get plans for plane tickets and time off from work. But she said they were nice at least and told her not to worry. Hope everones doin great, need to catch up on the last few weeks posts, take care.

Title: Welcome to America Jicelle
Post by: Bear on September 03, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Mog update, posted by The Mog returns on Sep 3, 2002

Hope you find the desires of your heart here.

Bear and Honey

Title: Welcome to the US Jicelle!
Post by: Dave H on September 03, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Mog update, posted by The Mog returns on Sep 3, 2002

Hi Jicelle and Mog,

We're happy to hear that you are finally reunited!

To think that I had considered Detroit as a POA. LOL San Francisco was good other than some little beeitchy Chinese guy at immigration, that kept sending people to different lines and then yelling at them for being in the wrong line. Marife told him that he was the one that had sent them there. Then he shut least until she left! It seems everyone else was afraid to open their mouths to "Napoleon." Not my lady! :o)))

Dave and Marife H.

Title: Thanks Ray and Dave
Post by: Jay on September 03, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to venting, posted by kevin on Sep 7, 2002

Ray and Dave,

Thank you so much for your post's. Apparently Patrick deleted them as well. Can't say as I blame him.  Thanks again, I was starting to think no one cared about that.


Title: missed it
Post by: MsDuong on September 03, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Thanks Ray and Dave, posted by Jay on Sep 3, 2002

But I care too Jay.

Title: Re: missed it
Post by: Jay on September 03, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to missed it, posted by MsDuong on Sep 3, 2002

Thanks Mrs. Duong! How is everything? Hope all is well.


Title: No Problem...
Post by: Ray on September 03, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Thanks Ray and Dave, posted by Jay on Sep 3, 2002

That kind of garbage has no place on this forum and neither does the author :-)


Title: Hmmmm...
Post by: Dave H on September 03, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to No Problem..., posted by Ray on Sep 3, 2002

Hey Ray,

I wonder how he will do on Tim's China board. Maybe he should call himself "Uranus." :o)))

Dave H.

Title: Re: Hmmmm...
Post by: Mars on September 03, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Hmmmm..., posted by Dave H on Sep 3, 2002

They is far more intelligence there. I can assure you.

Title: That's funny!
Post by: Ray on September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Hmmmm..., posted by Mars on Sep 3, 2002

"They is far more intelligence there"


Title: Re: Hmmmm...
Post by: Stephen on September 03, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Hmmmm..., posted by Dave H on Sep 3, 2002

That was wierd.  I left and Mars was complaining about being attacked for personal views.  I come back the next day and he's the one attacking.  Then the next hour it was all erased.

Mars missed his calling.  He should have tried the Russian or Latin board.


Title: Anytime!
Post by: Dave H on September 03, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Thanks Ray and Dave, posted by Jay on Sep 3, 2002

Hey Jay,

I know you'd do the same for me! Let's get together one of these days.

Dave H.

Title: Re: Anytime!
Post by: Jay on September 03, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Anytime!, posted by Dave H on Sep 3, 2002

Hi Dave,

Your right, I would. Are you going to be around tommorow? I'm off, and have some things to do, but I thought I might give you a call. Maybe we can get all of us together next week or something. It's just that schedules are a problem. Criselda works from midnight to 8:00 AM M-F, Matt from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM M-F, and me 4:00PM W-Sun. When does Marife work? This has gone on long enough. We MUST get together! LOL!


Title: Right!
Post by: Dave H on September 03, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Anytime!, posted by Jay on Sep 3, 2002

Hey Jay,

Call me, I should be here. Marife works 3 nights (7p-7A) a week. Marife and Criselda are still on Philippine time. LOL

Dave H.

Title: correction
Post by: Jay on September 03, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Anytime!, posted by Jay on Sep 3, 2002

I work Wed-Sun 4:00 PM to 12:00 AM


Title: 12 more days....
Post by: Rafe on September 02, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to venting, posted by kevin on Sep 7, 2002

till I am off to South Korea again. Each day seems longer.
I went for about 2 weeks last June. I thought I was going to keep track of everything I did and tell everyone about it. I will try to do better this time.

The one thing I will never forget is seeing Eun Jung come walking down the sidewalk when she met me at the bus stop when I arrived there. I finally had to remind myself to breath.
We have been talking for almost a year now, and at least talk to say hello everyday.  Phone cards are great.  Last phone bill had a 8 minute call that was $38.00...but the phone card wouldn't work.  Glad we didn't talk an hour.

She took me all around Seoul, museums and parks.

We also took a train to Gyeongju in the southeast part of Korea. Saw lots of the temples and other things in the area. We were going to take a tour bus for a day but wound up renting a taxi for about $80 (also bught him lunch and some drinks), 1/2 the price of the bus. He had grown up around the area and showed us all the main attractions. He also took lots of pictures of us (which i forgot at her apartment).

One thing we saw that I thought that was really interesting was the tomb of King Munmu. It is the only under-water tomb in the world. He want buried there so that he could protect Korea from the evil dragon (Japan). There was a waterway built so the he would have access to the temple (I think it was Gaseunsa Temple).

It will be good to be in Korea again. The food is great, really spicy. It is priced reasonable. The beer is expensive, $3-4/each at the couple places I went, but I don't drink much anyway.

Well I'll tell everyone more the end of September when I get back.

I wounder how long it will take her to adapt to a town of 2000 people in the middle of nowhere in northwest Kansas when if she were to move here from Seoul (3rd or 5th largest city in the world ....i have read both), 8,000,000+ people.

I read all the posts here but don't say much.

Take care

Title: Kam sam mida...
Post by: Jeff S on September 03, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to 12 more days...., posted by Rafe on Sep 2, 2002

... for your post. Have a great trip and enjoy the great food there. My Japanese wife is very nutritionally conscious and she thinks Korean food is some of the healthiest there is. We frequent the Korean part of Orange County (Garden Grove) to eat at the many resturaunts there. We've discussed taking the hydrofoil to Pusan on our next trip to Japan (I worked on a shiplift platform there back in the late 70s) - I'm sure we will go back one of these days. It's interesting and understandable about the concept of Japan being the evil dragon. There's lots of of histroy there between the two peoples, but like with most individuals and as was discussed in Tim's post about Chinese, one-on-one the differences evaporate and santy takes over.

Anya hasayo.

- Jeff S.

Title: Re: 12 more days.... Welcome Rafe
Post by: Windmill Boy on September 03, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to 12 more days...., posted by Rafe on Sep 2, 2002

Rafe welcome to  P.-L.

I  don't  recall  seeing  you  post  before  but If  you  did  I  apologize.

I think I am with the  others in  eagerly  awaiting  any  information, trip  reports or  other  whimsical thoughts You  have about  Korea.  I  personally  know  next  to  nothing  about  Korea.

I   have  3  Korean  girls (cute  but  young) and  about  3-4 Korean guys  taking  Japanese  with  me in our  class.  I  wonder  if  they  are  taking  it  just  for  an  elective  for  their  majors  whatever  they  may  be   or  because  they  see  it  to  be  a very  big  advantage   for  business and friendships  in  the  future  since  the  countries  are  neighbors.

I  also  work  with  a  french Chef  and  he  married  a woman while  he  was  working  in  Korea.  He  showed  me her  picture  and  she  is  a  knock out.

It  sounds  like  you  have  a  good  thing  going  on  already  and  I  hope  this  upcoming  trip  is  a  stellar  success  for  both  of  you.   Korea  certainly  was  in  the  limelight  recently  with  their success  in hosting  and advancing in   the  Soccer  world  cup.  Did she  have  any  thoughts  about  that?

Please  keep  us  in  the  loop  about  your  adventures and  we / I  look  foreward  to  hearing  from you  again!

Windmill  Boy

Title: Have a GREAT Trip!
Post by: Dave H on September 02, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to 12 more days...., posted by Rafe on Sep 2, 2002

Hi Rafe,

I look forward to hearing your trip report! I found your post was very interesting.

Dave H.

Title: Re: 12 more days....
Post by: Matthew on September 02, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to 12 more days...., posted by Rafe on Sep 2, 2002


Thanks for posting!South Korea,huh?Cool.Maybe your posts will bring other Koreaphiles out of lurk mode.I'd like to hear all about it.I heard they had a bad typhoon in S Korea.Hope your friends are all safe.Have fun on your trip.

tito Matt

Title: Sounds great!
Post by: Jimbo on September 02, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to 12 more days...., posted by Rafe on Sep 2, 2002

Good luck Rafe.  I hope you put up a trip report when you return.


Title: Crispy Fish Heads
Post by: kevin on September 02, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to venting, posted by kevin on Sep 7, 2002

Hello all.  This past Saturday I attended a Hawaiian dance fundraiser event for the Filipino-Association of Newport County in Middletown, RI.  Different dishes were cooked for a Filipino-style buffet.  There was quite a variety to choose from, including above all thing . . . FISH HEADS !

These fish heads were fried.  Only the part of the fishs' body from about the front fins forward were intact.  I wonder what the torsos and tails were used for (I'm sure the torsos and tails were the better parts of the fish.  The fish heads were rather neatly placed in a soft aluminum rectangular container.

People not familiar with or unappreciative about pinoy foods may think I'm strange.  But boy, those fish heads were sarap.  I had to go up for more.  So crispy and not too salty. The skin (and bone) around the skull and gill coverings is nice and crunchy, and has a distinct taste.  The eye is kind of tasteless and kind of briefly detracts from the prevailing taste in you mouth while eating that part of the head.  (I suppose the eye might have it's unique taste if I bit it rather than swallowing it whole)  The fish's brain and other upper innards (propably the upper nervous system) are brown, very tender and of somewhat powdery texture.

- Kevin

Title: Take it easy Kevin :))
Post by: Zebson on September 03, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Crispy Fish Heads, posted by kevin on Sep 2, 2002

Hey man, I thought I loved to gross people out at work by telling them real stories of all the bizarre things I ate from big fried spiders, snakes and so on from around the world. But man you just took fish head eating to a new level of anatomically oriented expressionism..Dave is right, that was a bit intense..:) Hope everyones food is still digesting tonight..:)hehehehe

Zeb :)

Title: Sorry Kevin...
Post by: Dave H on September 02, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Crispy Fish Heads, posted by kevin on Sep 2, 2002

...but I can handle your fart stories better than your fish head stories. I'm getting a bit queezy in my stomach. 8oQ

Dave H.

Title: Thanks and help!!
Post by: capt david on September 02, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to venting, posted by kevin on Sep 7, 2002

Thanks for your kind words about my story and for your advice. Help, Where exactally is the consulate in Cebu, or a place where Era can get the Bio form?
Is there any place, or person, that is relatively inexpensive, that can "hold her hand" and help her with the paperwork? Any Visa help is appreciated. Also is there an email, question page, or phone# where you can ask Visa questions here in the US? Thanks in advance, capt david

Title: Re: Thanks and help!!
Post by: shadow on September 03, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Thanks and help!!, posted by capt david on Sep 2, 2002

Check out Mag-anak, it is great for visa help.

Follow link to web forum.


Title: Cebu
Post by: Nathan on September 02, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Thanks and help!!, posted by capt david on Sep 2, 2002

If Johnny Domingo is still working at the Cebu Consulate, you will find him very helpful- more so than anyone I talked to in of last year he was still there.


Title: Re: Thanks and help!!
Post by: Ray on September 02, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Thanks and help!!, posted by capt david on Sep 2, 2002

The Cebu consulate is on Gorordo Ave. in the PCI Bank Bldg.

Free visa info:
INS: 1-800-375-5283

Title: Constructive Discussion about the Chinese
Post by: Tim on September 02, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to venting, posted by kevin on Sep 7, 2002

Ladies and Gentlemen:

If you would like to engage in constructive discussion about China and the option to find a husband/wife from that country, I would invite you to apply to join the discussion group for China-USA-Couples. You can find the weblink for it by clicking on my name in this message; it's listed in my profile. There are over 300 members in the group, with backgrounds from the mainland, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and various western countries. We discuss the pluses and minuses of our relationships, without sugarcoating anything.

You will find very little accurate or constructive information about China on this board.

Regards, Tim

Title: Re: Constructive Discussion about the Chinese
Post by: Jay on September 02, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Constructive Discussion about the Chine..., posted by Tim on Sep 2, 2002

Hi Tim,

My observation's below on China and Chinese people were of course very broadbrushed. I knew you might take exeption. Of, course with the Mainland being as big as it is, it is very diverse. As are the peoples. Best to go to a site like yours to get a more accurate picture. No offense intended, though I'm sure some was taken. My deepest apologies.


Title: But if you're visiting China, don't count on using Google....
Post by: The Walker on September 02, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Constructive Discussion about the Chine..., posted by Tim on Sep 2, 2002

...or other sites the Chinese government considers "subversive".

The Chinese people, one on one, are really nice folk. The ones I have met in their homeland were all polite, sweet, friendly and charitable. But their government is still one of the most surpressive on the planet.

By all means, try for a Chinese wife. They are, as Wendy proves, patient, intelligent, beautiful and superior spousal material. Just don't think about settling in China.


Title: Interesting article...
Post by: Ray on September 02, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to But if you're visiting China, don't coun..., posted by The Walker on Sep 2, 2002

I never thought of Google as subversive. The Chinese government must be going crazy trying to control Interent access, since it has become so necessary to business operations.

Last year, I remember when I was communicating via e-mail with a fellow engineer in China regarding a joint project that we were working on, I found it strange that he kept asking for URL's to technical sites to look up engineering data on parts lists that I had provided. Now it makes more sense, if he was possibly limited in the search engines that he had available to him (?).

I’ve never traveled to mainland China, but I’ve spent some time in Taiwan and did lots of R&R stops in Hong Kong. I got to know some Chinese families when I was living in the Philippines and I have some Chinese neighbors here in San Diego. Overall, I have also found Chinese people to be very friendly, hospitable,  and extremely polite. In Hong Kong however, people were a little less friendly toward strangers (or maybe it was just sailors-LOL).

I have also known several shipmates that married Taiwanese ladies and their relationships seemed just as strong as those who were married to Filipinas or Japanese.


Title: Don't take this the wrong way, Ray...
Post by: Jeff S on September 03, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Interesting article..., posted by Ray on Sep 2, 2002

.. but you're probably right, it may have been sailors. They often don't have the best reputations in foreign ports. (My wife grew up on the Yokouska side of Yokohama.)

- Jeff S.

Title: Re: Don't take this the wrong way, Ray...
Post by: Ray on September 03, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Don't take this the wrong way, Ray..., posted by Jeff S on Sep 3, 2002

Hi Jeff,

Yeah, sailors do have a “unique” reputation around the world I guess. Yokosuka did get a little wild now and then, but the hard partying was pretty much confined to the “Honcho” and a small area on the waterfront. That’s where a lot of sailors did some heavy drinking and “unwound” after time at sea. Of course there were always the few who couldn’t maintain control and made total arses of themselves, but overall the guys were pretty well-behaved. There was the occasional bar room brawl, usually between the sailors and Marines, just for the sake of tradition, but the shore patrol kept a pretty tight reign on things and wouldn’t hesitate to haul you in if you were even close to any rowdy action. In most theatres, the Navy went out of their way to maintain some very nice clubs and recreation facilities on base to sort of encourage the troops to stay out of town as much as possible.

Once you got away from the immediate base area, it was extremely rare for sailors to get into any serious trouble in Japan. The guys were usually well behaved and the Navy provided at least a basic crash course in intercultural relations before arrival in a foreign port. A lot of the guys liked to get out of town and do some shopping, sight seeing, and take a lot of pictures. Since we were in civilian clothes, I don’t know how obvious we were to the average local citizen, but the Japanese people were generally friendly toward us, probably more so the farther away we were from the base.

So, what was your wife’s impression of the U.S. sailors when she was growing up? Did her mom teach her to run as fast as she could when she saw a sailor approaching? (LOL)


Title: Re: Re: Don't take this the wrong way, Ray...
Post by: Jeff S on September 03, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Don't take this the wrong way, Ray....., posted by Ray on Sep 3, 2002

Yep! LOL!

In truth, my wife's sister married a sailor. At first, he wasn't allowed to come to their house while it was light outside. The parents were embarrassed that their daughter was hooked up with a gaigin, especially a gunjin (military person) but they eventually accepted him. After being discharged, then moved to Japan and worked in papa-san's business. He was (and still is) a hard drinkin' hard partyin' crazy man. They had two kids together and after a number of years of conflict, they got divorced. I don't blame him, though, I doubt I could last very long with my sister-in-law - and I sure wouldn't have wanted to work for my father-in-law in Japan (though he offered me to go into his grain trading business, but I passes). My ex brother-in-law works as a merchant marine now, only sailing long enough to pay for about 6 months of partying in Phuket Thailand at a time, then back on a ship.

The kicker was, than since my wife's sister rejected her omiai, (arranged marriage) and married a gaigin, it fell to my wife, the younger sister, to carry out the obligation. She was married about a year, got pregnent, then after moving home to her parents for the later months of the pregnancy (a Japanese tradition) decided she didn't want to go back. They divorced as well. By the time I arrived on the scene, 8 years later, the folks were pretty much used to the idea of a gaigin. It was the 80s by then, so attitudes were changing substantially. I equate the 80s in Japan with the 60s here in the US - a time of change.

Anyway, sailors and marines in Japan are usually easy to spot, but you're right, most are polite and well behaved away from the ports. Anywhere in Japan, people like to practice their English, so round-eyes usually have no trouble getting into conversations with strangers - much more easily than Japanese to each other - believe it or not.

-- Jeff S.

Title: Re: But if you're visiting China, don't count on using Google....
Post by: Tim on September 02, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to But if you're visiting China, don't coun..., posted by The Walker on Sep 2, 2002

We do have a few Americans in the CUC group who have settled in China with their wives. They have reported it is a different environment, but they are not experiencing abject poverty or extreme hardship. They do state that a good amount of adapting is required, so it's obvious that settling there will not work for everyone.

Chinese PEOPLE are just like people everywhere, as you pointed out. Few are responsible for their government's actions, as anyone with a bit of common sense should realize.

Many Americans, like me, have had wonderful success with a Chinese spouse. However, I will be the first person to state that a Chinese wife is not a Magic Bullet for all of life's ills, or the elixir to cure a string of failed relationships. No man or woman from anywhere can be this.

I think it is wrong to compare people from different countries. It's especially degrading to the women when western men engage in debates over which country produces the better wives. A motivating factor I had for starting this thread was to attempt to defuse that type of discussion.    

Regards, Tim

Title: Re: Re: But if you're visiting China, don't count on using Google....
Post by: The Walker on September 03, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: But if you're visiting China, don't ..., posted by Tim on Sep 2, 2002

Oh, I agree. I am very widely traveled, and I have found that when you get most people in one-on-one social situations, we're all pretty much alike. Regional differences, religious differences, but for the most part people are people. It takes a government to foul things up.

The Chinese I have known singly were for the most part really decent folk. As were the Arabs I have known, the Latinos I have known, the Germans, the Dutch, even the French I have known (exception of about 20% of Parisians). If you meet them in a family situation people are pretty much universally hospitable.

There are differences, else we would not be looking towards Asia for wives, but they don't disguise that 90% of people in foreign lands are pretty decent folk if you give them a chance to be. We all get chewed out by our wives on occasion, we all want the best we can get for our kids (and we spend a lot of time worrying about them), husbands everywhere neglect to put the lid down to their women's disgust (in societies where they have toilet seats). Women almost universally love flowers and sweets and jewelry as gifts. Most people pull together when someone in the village/area has a really bad time and help as much as they can. Most women think their feet are ugly, while men as a rule could care less about women's feet (there are exceptions). Most men below 70 spend a lot of time thinking about sex, and quite a few over 70 do, too. Women like to play with their hair and are never satisfied with it. Men like to scratch their butts. A lot of stuff is darn near universal.

But there are a lot of misconceptions out there, too. American men think Asian women are all submissive/shy, have six tongues and walk three paces behind their man. Foreign women think most American men are wealthy.

With a few exceptions, the more you travel the more you will come to like the average human family, and the less you will like governments. I always encourage everyone to travel. It is the best educational tool there is. You don't even understand your own country until you have seen a few others first hand. I have been places that made me realize how good we have it here in the USA, and places that have a few ideas I wish we'd try (Ireland's schools are wonderful overall).

As for Chinese women as mates I leave the floor to you, Tim, our resident expert, and those on his forum who have the experience. As I said there ARE cultural and other differences. But face it, if everything was the same everywhere, it would be a pretty boring world.


Title: Good stuff Tim, and you're absolutely right...
Post by: Jeff S on September 03, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: But if you're visiting China, don't ..., posted by Tim on Sep 2, 2002

.. comparing people from different countries as potential wife material is both ignorant and wrong. There are plenty of sweet, lovely ladies in every country as are there real b!itches. No woman from any country can be a cure for an inability to hold up your own end of a relationship. Sure, maybe there are some out there weak willed enough to tolerate a controlling, selfish jerk, and it's possible that heavily Catholic countries where divorce is viewed as being a sin, may produce more of those. I see how some of the husbands of my mostly Mexican employees treat their wives, yet it doesn't even occur to them to leave or look for something better.

As has been said many times on this board, and I believe is worth yet another iteration: The first place to start looking for a potential wife is in the mirror. Where you look after that is just a matter of personal taste.

-- Jeff S.

Title: Re: Constructive Discussion about the Chinese
Post by: The Walker on September 02, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Constructive Discussion about the Chine..., posted by Tim on Sep 2, 2002

Thanks for posting that. I agree, litle if anything valid is said about China here. China is so large and so diverse among its population that trying to pigeonhole it is impossible. Best to get the water from the spring than the trough.


Title: Re: Constructive Discussion about the Chinese
Post by: Stephen on September 02, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Constructive Discussion about the Chine..., posted by Tim on Sep 2, 2002

Yes, I agree.

Very little is said about China on this board.  It only makes sense that if they are interested in China they could get soooooo much more accurate information on your link.

I'm glad you come by regularly.  You have many good ideas to share.

Best wishes.


Title: Can you guess?
Post by: Surigao Ken on September 02, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to venting, posted by kevin on Sep 7, 2002

Hey guys!

This last week I have been comming home to a plate of rice drying on the porch. I thought at first my wife was feeding the birds, but she informed me that she was going to make something.
Well, the other day I came home and she had a pan with oil cooking the rice. She then gave me some of the ? with sugar and milk.

Can anyone guess what she made?

I tell everyone in my next post.

Take care,
Surigao Ken

Title: And the answer is!
Post by: Surigao Ken on September 02, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Can you guess?, posted by Surigao Ken on Sep 2, 2002


Yes, my wife made Rice Crispies or Ampao. I've told everyone in my fanily as well as friends and work mates and they were all amazed. I guess we all take for granted that everything seems to come from cans or boxes nowadays.
For all you winners you get to try it at home if you haven't already.
Take care,
Surigao Ken

Title: Re: And the answer is!
Post by: Windmill Boy on September 03, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to And the answer is!, posted by Surigao Ken on Sep 2, 2002

Do  I  get  half credit?

I  got  the  puffing  rice  in  oil  part  right?  

How  close  is  it  to  actual  rice  crispie  treats?  

You  would  need  the  puffed  rice.  2  parts  sugar  to  1  part egg  white  to  make  a  good  strong  meringue  to  bind  them.  normally  you  use  butter  to  melt the  marshmellows (meringue) but  I  suppose  you  have  oil  in there  already  to  puff  the  rice  and  what  is  the  milk  for, washing  it  down?

although  I  am  up  for  trying  new  things  I  would  imagine  it  would  be  greasier  than  rice  krispies  in the box.  so  I  would  opt  for  the American  method  of  preparing them probably.  I  do  agree  that  the  packaged  premade  store  bought  rice  crispie  treats  are  rather  disgusting.  The  crispies  are  still  ultimately  stale  and  the  preservative  taste  is  overwhelming  and  distracting. But they  might  be  adequate  for  the  average  American Palate  unfortunately.

Windmill Boy

Title: Rice Crispies
Post by: Surigao Ken on September 03, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: And the answer is!, posted by Windmill Boy on Sep 3, 2002

It was just like the cereal, not the treats themselves. It was quite tasty, a little more crunchy than the stuff out of the box. And you did get the frying in oil correct.
My wife is trying to bridge the gap between what we cook here and what she grew up with in the Philipines. She does quite well, but sometimes if the meal tastes good I don't ask what is in it.
Going to the supermarket is interesting these days. All the stuff at the end of the produce area that I use to wonder what it was and who would buy it, well... we do now.

Take care,
Surigao Ken

Title: Snap, Crackle, and Pop . . .
Post by: kevin on September 02, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to And the answer is!, posted by Surigao Ken on Sep 2, 2002

and my brother, Ken.  Well, I'll never forget on Friday night, November 5, 1982.  My brothers, Keith and Kenny bere watching TV while I was doing last minute studying for my SAT, which I was going to take on Saturday.  As, they're watching TV, "pops", "pips", and "snaps" come out of my brother Ken's butt at random intervals while he's lying on his stomach watching TV.  Finally Keith gets fed up and says, "Ken, is that all you ever do is snap, crackle and pop?!".

- Kevin

Title: Re: Snap, Crackle, and Pop . . .
Post by: Windmill Boy on September 03, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Snap, Crackle, and Pop . . ., posted by kevin on Sep 2, 2002

I  suppose  that  is  still  better  than  them  putting  rice  crispies  in  your  shoes  the  next  morning of  your  exam.  a  true  heartless  brother  would  do  that  to  you  when  you  are  all  stressed  out and  studied  out.  

I  still  have  to  study  for  my  Hiragana  test  tomorrow.  20  more  Charectors  to  learn  along  with  the  50  I  have  studied  already.  But  then  again  I  have  a  new  Japanese  girl  that  wrote  me  a  nice  letter last  night  maybe  I  should  attend  to  her  first ---   hmmm  decisions  decisions.

Well  I  should  talk.  Right now  just  got  home  from a  all  you  can  eat Chinese  diner with  a  friend  and  discussing  her  fathers  passing  away  last  week.  I'm  stuffed  and  my ribs  hurt  but  I'll  be  hungry  again  in  2 - 3  hours ha ha ha.

Windmill  Boy

Title: Oh No!
Post by: Ray on September 02, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Snap, Crackle, and Pop . . ., posted by kevin on Sep 2, 2002

I "smelled" that one coming. That's why I was hesitant to post my answer... :-)

Title: Rice Krispies
Post by: Ray on September 02, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Can you guess?, posted by Surigao Ken on Sep 2, 2002

I'm with Windmill. That guy knows his junk food! :-)

Title: Re: Can you guess?
Post by: Windmill Boy on September 02, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Can you guess?, posted by Surigao Ken on Sep 2, 2002


Not being  familiar with  filapino  food  I'll  take  a  stab  at  it and  tell  you  how  I would  have  done  it  given  the  parameters  you  supplied   from  a culinary  stand point.

I'm  guessing she  made  some  sort  of  rice  pudding.

she  fried  the  rice  in  the  oil  so  it  puffed  like  rice  crispies   and  then  she  boiled  it  pilaf  style in the milk with sugar  to  make rice  puding.

Windmill Boy

Title: Ampao!
Post by: Peaches on September 02, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Can you guess?, posted by Surigao Ken on Sep 2, 2002

Or something like that :)))) I did try to dry  cooked rice ones but
have no luck .....lots of birds in the backyard.

Better luck next time maybe?


Title: I guess Ampao too!
Post by: Dave H on September 02, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Ampao!, posted by Peaches on Sep 2, 2002

Hi Ken,

LOL I cheated and asked my wife and sister-in-law who are sitting in the living room. Are we right?

Dave H.

Title: Re: I guess Ampao too!
Post by: Bel on September 03, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to I guess Ampao too!, posted by Dave H on Sep 2, 2002

Come to think of it, Ampao in Carcar is the best. I wonder if those Ampao vendors still chase and climb up on those buses when it gets to the center of town, even if those vehicles are moving...

Title: How about this one!!!
Post by: Bear on September 01, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to venting, posted by kevin on Sep 7, 2002

Jona, Glenn, Jocelyn, Jim, Honey and myself have been having a great time in Alabama.  Honey met Jona (Ms Davao) in Davao by a post Glenn read of mine on M-A.  Her cousin, Jocelyn met and married Glenn's friend, Jim.  They are all living in the hills near Montgomery, Alabama.

Its Ms Davao's birthday today and we drove her to see them knowing now that Honey is pregnant long trip will become difficult if not impossible (considering how easily she gets sick) till next year.  Everything was going great and we were just having a wonderful time enjoying each others horror stories (the old ex-married to AW guys).  We decided to take the ladies to Lake Martin at "D.A.R.E." Park to swim.  We got there pretty late in the evening (about 5 P.M.).  The girls were all having fun, Glenn and I were in the water with them, Jim watching from up a hill.  Soon after we got there the tenant for the park pulled up on his 4-wheeler and motioned me to come over.  I walk up and greeted him.  He said that he had received a complaint?!  It seems a woman with her young children had come in and complained that were all cursing and using profanities, particularly me (I guess its the goatee!).  I pointed out to him that we were with our wives teaching them how to swim and they probably heard them speaking tagalog.  Then I also said to him that I held the priesthood and that the woman (huge fat woman) who complained was probably upset that three men in their 50's could ne married to three women from a foriegn country in their 20's.

Needless to say we were all pretty up set that anything was said at all but even more so that he acted on their complaint.  We decided that the best thing to do was forgive her and let God deal with it and continued have a great time!!!

Ms Davao, Glenn, Joselyn, Jim, Honey and Bear

Title: Park Attendants
Post by: equitis on September 01, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to How about this one!!!, posted by Bear on Sep 1, 2002

Hello Bear,
  It could hve been the attendant reigning in his kingdom.I have had similar experiences traveling through Canada and in Alaska.One was a radio that was playing to loud.The problem our batteries were dead.:-)

Title: Re: How about this one!!!
Post by: kevin on September 01, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to How about this one!!!, posted by Bear on Sep 1, 2002

What a very twisted, demented philosphy!  As if the happiness you and your friends share is some form of vice or perversion.  Well, that's the mentality common amongst American women (not all, but a significant proportion) in contemporary times, including women in my circle.  It's like there's something terribly immoral about a man above Age X, actually being loved, cared for, wanted and needed by an attractive member of the opposite sex, whom he probably waited all of his life to find, but simply did not "legitimately" find her in his youth or his prime when it was more politically correct.

This is so ridiculous, but the sad thing is is that it seems to carry weight in many instances.  In today's society, a guy is no good as a husband if he's not Superman.  I'm just reminiscing about before and when my ex-wife first arrived in America.  I have a sister-in-law who is very aggressive, snippy and sometimes arrogant.  In the past, she's insulted me as well as other people, including certain family members.  Well, my ex-wife used to do certain things like cut my nails (at the time she told me it was a way of showing affection).  When I came back from the Philippines, and told some stories (I just thought they were sweet experiences), my sister-in-law goes on this tirade about "women's rights".  She says something to the tune of "When she gets to America, we'll show her what her rights are!  We'll take her shopping!  We'll teach her how to drive! . . .etc.  (At the time she was down my throat because I lived too modestly [well I just lived in a budget, I did not care about the Jonses] and other quirks, such as driving "too slow" [ when in actuality, I just make it habit for me to submit to the rules of the road rather than ignore them; life has enogh problems for me to have to suffer more unintended and unanticipated consequences ].

Perhaps I diverted from the topic, but I'd like to emphasize a point now that I got to this.  I feel sorry for my brother because she's very demanding and of course, "wears the pants".  Whenever I feel frustrated because I'm not with a spouse, it's now been drilled into me that it's better to feel lonely and without someone to share affection with when you come home after a rough day at work, than it is to be apprehensive about coming home because you don't know what kind of mood your wife will be in.  I can relax when I come home.  When I see what my brothers go through, as well as alot of other married men, it makes me realize that I really am lucky to be independent.  It's almost, if not, a privelege that I'm just beginning to appreciate more.  I can arrange and organize things in my home, for example, to my tastes within a reasonable budget without having to argue about the cost of doing this or that.  Love indeed is a beautiful thing, but I realize it would be foolish to give up my peace of mind and 100%independence in persuit of the wrong woman.  I'd better darn well be sure that any woman I'm willing to marry someday share's the same fundamental philosophy, sentiments and outlooks regarding the world and how it operates.  Otherwise, without such shared core fundamentals (or values), the relationship simply will not work.

- Kevin

Title: Re: How about this one!!!
Post by: Jay on September 01, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to How about this one!!!, posted by Bear on Sep 1, 2002

Hi Bear,

Just curious... DID anyone use curse words or profanity? Even one word? Seem's strange someone would make that up out of the blue.


Title: Of course not.........................nt
Post by: Bear on September 02, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: How about this one!!!, posted by Jay on Sep 1, 2002


Title: Life?
Post by: SteveB on September 01, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to venting, posted by kevin on Sep 7, 2002

As I get older, I spend more time thinking.  This fight between Mars and Ray has me wondering about why people react differently when they are hurt by others?  I was decieved by a filipina.  I could blame it all on her, but how could I grow as a person?  I think Forrest (Gump) was right.  Our lives aren't all destiny or only our individual choice.  Our life is probably made up of both cases.  Each path we take can lead to our intended person.  Most of the time and energy spent on hating others could be used to help ourselves and others grow as humans.  


Title: Another Gump-ism that goes along with this:
Post by: Jeff S on September 03, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Life?, posted by SteveB on Sep 1, 2002

When he was asked by Jenny what he wanted to be when he grew up, he got a puzzled look on his face and responded with, "Aren't I going to be me???"

-- Jeff S.

Title: Very True!
Post by: Dave H on September 03, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Life?, posted by SteveB on Sep 1, 2002

Hey Steve,

Everyone blammed my ex for our breakup, including her own parents. Once I accepted the belief that I had something to do with it, my whole life turned around. Gone was the anger and resentment, replaced with a desire to move on, live my life, and find out what I was all about. Many Filipinas seem to worry about getting involved with a divorced guy. I myself have no feelings for my ex one way or another. She is just a person that I know. Had I no children, it's doubtful that I would ever come in contact with her again. As the memories fade and new happy ones continue to grow, I find it hard to believe that I was ever married before. However, I feel that I learned a lot and am now a much better husband for it.

Dave H.

Title: You're right Steve... n/t
Post by: Ray on September 01, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Life?, posted by SteveB on Sep 1, 2002


Title: Good point Steve..! :)
Post by: Zebson on September 01, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Life?, posted by SteveB on Sep 1, 2002

Hi Steve! I agree...  

I think everyone has their attitude flair ups and it's usually when we feel we have been personally attacked in someway. Everyone is vulnerable in some way especially when they have revealed some more directly personal side of their past experience regardless of it being a good or bad.

I often agree off and on with perspectives here, but often choose not to take sides in order not to aggravate the situation over what in my mind seem minor squabbles. Personaly I do not see much point or signs of intelligence when people have to keep going back and forth on non issues regardless of the validity of either side. I think in life you come to realizing there is always going to be somebody with differing view points which may or may not seem rationale to others at the time. Voice your thoughts, even clarify them if need be, but then I say "let it go"! Nevertheless, there is also going to be those who will need to have a last word too. Well, here' mine on the issues, "Have a happy Labor day all!! :) Barbecues and beer here...and a toast to all! :)

Zeb :)

Title: Advance parole??
Post by: Nathan on August 31, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to venting, posted by kevin on Sep 7, 2002

  For those of you who have filed this long did it take to get it back in your experience???

Thanks for any feedback...


Title: Re: Advance parole??
Post by: DanAndChed on September 01, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Advance parole??, posted by Nathan on Aug 31, 2002

The first time I think was thirty days.  We had to renew it before she got her green card.  Last September Mares grandfather died, and her advance parole had expired.  We got INS to get her a new one in 3 days.  She actually got it two hours before her flight.

Dan and Mares

Title: Re: Advance parole??
Post by: Matthew on August 31, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Advance parole??, posted by Nathan on Aug 31, 2002

Three business days in the Miami INS.

tito Matt

Title: Same...3 days Miami (n/t)
Post by: Dave H on September 01, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Advance parole??, posted by Matthew on Aug 31, 2002


Title: Anybody with experience from the Southwest???
Post by: Nathan on August 31, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Advance parole??, posted by Matthew on Aug 31, 2002

Thanks...I would be filing that from Arizona...perhaps somebody has experience from there...I know different INS offices vary widely!

thanks though...


Title: Re: Anybody with experience from the Southwest???
Post by: Tim on September 01, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Anybody with experience from the Southwe..., posted by Nathan on Aug 31, 2002

Go to the next weblink and find the row for the INS office you are dealing with. Then look at the column for Advance Parole. It will give you a ballpark estimate for how long it takes at that office.

Regards, Tim

Title: Re: Re: Anybody with experience from the Southwest???
Post by: Nathan on September 01, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Anybody with experience from the Sou..., posted by Tim on Sep 1, 2002

Thanks Tim...that is a good tip.


Title: Hey all, here are pics from our Wedding...
Post by: Willy on August 31, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to venting, posted by kevin on Sep 7, 2002

There are so many more, but I have just been too busy. I don't even make it here to the board very much. Well, I do have a life now, haha, and my wife has begun her 2nd trimester, and all is well. We had our appt the other day and heard a nice strong heartbeat. Thank God for that.  The other photo albums on the below link are from a picnic we went to last Sunday.  My wife befriended a pinay from her work and she told my wife about the Filpino American Assoc of Pittsburgh.  We went to their picnic and had a blast, my goodness the food and the fellowship, I thot I was back in the PHils!! Needless to say we joined and are now members.  I was really surprised at how many Filipinos were there, about 150. It was great.  Well, hope some of you enjoy the pics, later,

Title: Thanks Willy...
Post by: Ray on August 31, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Hey all, here are pics from our Wedding...., posted by Willy on Aug 31, 2002

...for sharing your photos. You wife looks beautiful in her wedding gown and you were looking pretty sharp there in your barong :-)

Next time, save us all some lumpia...


Title: Good photos. Thanks. (NT)
Post by: Stephen on August 31, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Hey all, here are pics from our Wedding...., posted by Willy on Aug 31, 2002


Title: Great Photos!
Post by: Dave H on August 31, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Hey all, here are pics from our Wedding...., posted by Willy on Aug 31, 2002

Hi Willy,

Congratulations on the new life and a wonderful person (plus a new little one), to share it with. 2nd trimester, not too much longer. The 1st trimester is a tough one. From the picnic photos, it looks like you are in the Philippines. LOL That great looking food is driving me crazy! :oP

Dave H.

Title: Oh WOW!
Post by: Willy on August 31, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Great Photos!, posted by Dave H on Aug 31, 2002

The food, don't get me started,,,it was so good. When you have so many different Pinoy cooking, well forget about it. My wife made pancit guisado, and it was gone in 5 mins.  Dave, was it you talking about your wife making lumpia for you?  My wife made them the other day and they were fabulous!!  Love those things. Thanks for the comments man,

Title: Masarap!
Post by: Dave H on August 31, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Oh WOW!, posted by Willy on Aug 31, 2002

Hey Willy,

I don't think it was me, but my wife does make lumpia and empanadas sometimes. Isn't lumpia the best! I've got to have my pancit guisado too. :oP

Dave H.

Title: Re: Masarap!
Post by: SteveB on September 01, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Masarap! , posted by Dave H on Aug 31, 2002

DaveH,  Juliet made pancit, lumpia, and chicken adobo yesterday.  Today I have to ride the bike for 20 miles to get rid of it....LOL  I love her lumpia with soy sause and garlic,


Title: You Lucky Man!
Post by: Dave H on September 02, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Masarap! , posted by SteveB on Sep 1, 2002

Hey Steve,

You're making me hungry! :oP I rode 10 miles late last night in anticipation of the barbecue today. I will get back on the bike tonight.

Dave H.

Title: Our Anniversary - VICKY
Post by: The Walker on August 31, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to venting, posted by kevin on Sep 7, 2002

I am sorry to hear of Don222's troubles. I understand his wife's wanting children I still do but it is impossible.

Anyhow, I thought I would write a letter while waiting for Mama to call. We alternate calls to be fair to my poor husband but when I call her we talk the longest so he still has a big bill.

We recently had our anniversary on August 8th and I want to tell you what we did for our anniversary. Don took me on a trip starting the 7th and we returned the 11th of the month. Everything at the farm was under control so we could go and Jose was in charge so there were no problems. Don has a friend who has his own small aeroplane it can hold six people and Don hired him to take us to Tennessee and pick us up after. We went to this large lake near Kentucky and he had rented a houseboat for us for the weekend and we took along Mr. and Mrs. Mayor too. We landed and a driver in a van picked us up and drove a short time to the lake. We had to get a class on how to work everything and we had to buy groceries and temporary fishing licenses. This was a very nice boat it had generators for electricity and propane for cooking and hot water. The shower used filtered lake water, and the boat had very nice WCs too but they were noisy. There were two bedrooms very nice and air conditioning to cool things off before opening the screened windows at night to get the cool lake breezes. This boat even had internet access and satellite TV but we did not watch it much just news and weather. It had two levels and a roof-top sunning area and a water slide from the top to the water that we used a lot. Don and Mr. Mayor drove the boat and we girls sat by them and chatted until we were in the middle of the large lake which had many fingers of water that went everywhere. We played in the water and took the jet skis out exploring the lake and we fished. The men cought many fish Don ccaught some very big fish on Spam for bait, which we girls cooked (the fish) unless the men used the gas grill at the front of the boat, which they did almost every evening to cook fish or steaks or hamburgers for our supper. We also cooked the groceries but we girls did that for breakfast and lunch. When it rained or stormed we sat inside and played cards. It was so warm that all everyone wanted for lunch every day were drinks and cold sandwiches. Mrs. Mayor sun bathed nude sometimes atop the boat where no one could see her when the men were out on the lake doing something but I would not of course. She got burned the first day a little but she had very good lotion and she uses a tanning bed at home anyhow. I did not need much sun I am dark enough so I use very strong sunblock. But it did feel very good to be in the warmth and sun. It was hot and humid during the day just like home. On the actual day of our anniversary Don took me out on the jet ski at high speed and we jumped over boat waves and things. I was afraid at first but I started to love it soon. Don let me drive it after he showed me how and I got used to it but I would not go as fast as he did. When we got back to the boat the Mayors had decorated it and we had a party. Just before midnight he gave me a present a small box. I opened it and it was a gold chain necklace with a diamond pendant! I was so happy! Tnen Mrs. Mayor poked her hubby in the ribs and said she expected big things from him on their anniversary. And he made a face at Don. It was a wonderful trip and I was sorry to leave. I am more determined than ever now to try and have us retire to the Florida Keys and get a boat.

Love to all,


Title: Congrats Don and Vicky :)
Post by: Howard on September 01, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Our Anniversary - VICKY, posted by The Walker on Aug 31, 2002


Sound like a great way to spend an anniversary :)

Best Wishes for MANY many more :)

Keep the Faith!


Title: Great Anniversary!
Post by: Jeff S on September 01, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Our Anniversary - VICKY, posted by The Walker on Aug 31, 2002

Congrats to both of you and best wishes for many more.
- Jeff S

Title: Congratulations!
Post by: Dave H on August 31, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Our Anniversary - VICKY, posted by The Walker on Aug 31, 2002

Hi Don and Vicky,

It sounds like your anniversary was a very memorable one! Don's given me some great ideas. :o)

Dave H.

Title: Re: Congratulations!
Post by: The Walker on August 31, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Congratulations!, posted by Dave H on Aug 31, 2002

Thank you. My darling is a very inventive man and a big romantic. I never know what he will do next. But he has promised me a trip back down to the Florida Keys this winter if everything goes well.


Title: Re: Our Anniversary - VICKY
Post by: Febtember on August 31, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Our Anniversary - VICKY, posted by The Walker on Aug 31, 2002

Vicky and Don Congratulation .Wow nice trip.Our first year wedding anniversary will be this coming september 8.Hubby and I plan for a trip in Missouri.Vicky I really enjoy fishing but the problem is that I cannot eat fresh water fish.I'm sure you really enjoy the trip.

Title: Re: Re: Our Anniversary - VICKY
Post by: The Walker on August 31, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Our Anniversary - VICKY, posted by Febtember on Aug 31, 2002

I used to have trouble with fresh water fish especially catfish. I found out if I soak the meat in the frige overnight in salt water in a well covered bowl then rinse them well I could eat them. Some people soak them in milk for a night but that does not work for me. It takes a little while to adjust your tummy to them they are different. I do not mind fishing but I do not like to put a worm on a hook so I use other baits. Don has to take catfish off my hook as they are very feisty and have stingers in their side fins.

Congratulations on your coming anniversary! I have not been to Missouri but Don says they have some very famous caves that outlaws like Jessie James used to hide in. Merry-Mack caverns or something like that. He says he will take me there but I will need to wear a jacket and jeans as it is cold in the caves.

If you go there tell us about it.


Title: Re: Re: Re: Our Anniversary - VICKY
Post by: Febtember on September 01, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Our Anniversary - VICKY, posted by The Walker on Aug 31, 2002

Hi Vicky,
We been in Jesse James hideout or Meramec cavern last May.It's a real nice cave takes 1 hour and 20 minutes tour.
I cannot eat fresh water fish now since I'm pregnant my doctor tell me not to eat and stay away from it since our lake here so dirty lots of chemicals from the farm ground.

Title: Re: Our Anniversary - VICKY
Post by: SteveB on August 31, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Our Anniversary - VICKY, posted by The Walker on Aug 31, 2002

Sounds like you-all had fun!!!! Congrats!!!  Where are the photos???  Where you at Lake Barkley or Kentucky Lake???


Title: Lake...
Post by: The Walker on August 31, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Our Anniversary - VICKY, posted by SteveB on Aug 31, 2002

Barclay I think, that sounds like the name. It is very near Kentucky. There are some very huge and expensive houseboats there. Some have helicopter landing pads on them.

Sorry we do not post pictures because of Don's former line of work.


Title: Re: Our Anniversary - VICKY
Post by: Tim on August 31, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Our Anniversary - VICKY, posted by The Walker on Aug 31, 2002

Congratulations on your anniversary. Always nice to hear from you, Vicky.


Title: Re: Re: Our Anniversary - VICKY
Post by: The Walker on August 31, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Our Anniversary - VICKY, posted by Tim on Aug 31, 2002

Hello Tim it is nice to hear from you too, tell Wendy I said hello.

You said some very wise things about finding a woman close to your own age. You were mature when you sought her out. You missed the flighty girl stage thank heaven. I think that is what causes most of the trouble in mature-man very-young-wife marriages. If you had a sister remember what she was like when she was nineteen or twenty and you get my meaning. More mature people usaually want peace in their homes and lives. They are more stable and quieter in their habits *usually*.

You and Wendy are a very good match. You are both mature and intelligent, although Wendy still looks very young for her age and I still think you look like a younger Clint Eastwood. :) You are a very beautiful couple. You are mature yet you both seem to have a zeal for life. This is good as it keeps you young.

I do not think my darling will every really grow up and I think I like that. He is mature yet a lot of fun, too. I think you and Wendy are like that too.


Title: Thanks
Post by: Tim on September 01, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Our Anniversary - VICKY, posted by The Walker on Aug 31, 2002

Thanks for the kind words. But my maturity is a rather recent product of my life experiences. I was a bit wild from 1995 to 1998, the period after my last divorce. This period was a time of healing, experimenting, and understanding for me. It gave me time to understand myself better, and finally figure out what I wanted in life and in a woman. One result of this was the realization that I  had a much better chance for success by finding a woman close to my own age. Another realization was that I had a much better chance to find the right woman by looking overseas.

To be honest, I think there is something more important than finding a person with maturity. I think it's more important for a person to take the time to understand themself, and change things (if necessary), before plowing headlong into another relationship. Those who fail to do this are doomed to repeat the same mistakes of their prior failed relationships, in a never-ending vicious cycle. The problem is, most people won't take the time to do this, or don't know how.

You are right about my wife. She turns 40 in 2 weeks and most people think she still looks in her 20s. Perhaps her youthful look is a reflection of the kindness and beauty that is inside her. She is a pearl beyond price, and I still shake my head at times, wondering how I ever wound up with her as my wife.

Regards, Tim

Title: Good advice Tim! n/t
Post by: Ray on September 01, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Thanks, posted by Tim on Sep 1, 2002


Title: Gee, Vicky....
Post by: Willy on August 31, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Our Anniversary - VICKY, posted by The Walker on Aug 31, 2002

Get a cheap phone card from the internet. We have one that is about 13 cents a minute..

Title: Re: Gee, Vicky....
Post by: The Walker on August 31, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Gee, Vicky...., posted by Willy on Aug 31, 2002

We do not pay that much for a minute I think. We get a discount because of the time we use and we have a discount plan. But when I call mother we can talk for two hours easily. If there is good family news of gossip it can go for three hours or better. We talk at least twice a week, I am sorry of I confused you. Sometimes more often. When mother calls we talk about twenty or thirty minutes. If it is especially good I call her back and we go on and on. I often find my darling asleep on the leather sofa in his den when I anm through. On Saturdays we keep it shorter as I have to get up for church in the morning (Don does not attend only about once a month and special times). He will not go to bed if I do not, so we have to be sure we are happy when we go to bed because if we fought neither of us would sleep well. :)


Title: pinoy jokes
Post by: Peaches on August 30, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to venting, posted by kevin on Sep 7, 2002

 Anak: Dear Itay, padalhan mo ako ng pera kasi ang mga damit ko

 pinagkakain ng mga daga.

 Itay: Dear Anak, wala akong pera. Kung gusto mo, meron dito pusa.



 Isang babae bumili ng asukal. Inabot ng tindera, pero sabi ng babae,

 "Miss, asin itong binigay mo sa akin."

 Tindera: Hindi, asukal yan. Minarkahan lang naming "Asin" para

 hindi langgamin.



 Ngongo dictionary:

 CATTLE - dun nakatira ang printeta at printipe

 MELT - yun ang sinusuot sa mewang

 EFFORT - dun nag-la-land ang efflane

 STATUE - ikaw ba yan?



 WIFE: Hudas ka! Lagi kang umuuwing lasing! Naaasar na tuloy

 ako sa mukha mo!

 HUSBAND: Pero mahal, kung hindi ako lasing, ako naman ang maaasar

 sa mukha mo!



 ANAK: 'Tay, anong pagkakaiba ng Supper at Dinner?

 ITAY: Anak, pagkumain tayo sa labas, Dinner 'yun.

 Pag dito tayo kakain ng luto ng Mommy mo, Suffer yon!!



 Maganda daw mapangasawa CANADIAN, kasi pwede mong sabihin:

 Maglaba CANADIAN!

 Magsaing CANADIAN!



 Ano, okay CANADIAN?



 M'AM: Inday, sa susunod, ayokong pinakikialaman mo ang condom

 namin ng sir mo!

 INDAY: M'am, hwag kayong magbibintang! Di kami sanay ni Sir

 gumamit niyan!

 Sobra kayo!




 MRS: Lolokohin ko mister ko. Magpapanggap akong pick-up girl ako.

 Pagkita kay Mister: Hi Pogi! AVAILABLE ako ngayon....

 MR: Ayoko sa yo!! Kamukha mo misis ko!!

Title: Peaches, that was funny..............Sally
Post by: Jimbo on September 01, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to pinoy jokes, posted by Peaches on Aug 30, 2002

I like those CANADIAN one, really makes me laugh out loud. :o)


Title: Teaching English In Japan..for Bob...:oD
Post by: Dave H on August 29, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to venting, posted by kevin on Sep 7, 2002

"Young Expat's Name Forces Him To Leave Japan in Shame"

"Gary G. Ketts was always proud of his name - or at least he was until he came to Japan.  After arriving in Japan and starting a job teaching English, Mr. Ketts learned that his name translates into Japanese as "buttful of diarrhea and hemorrhoids."  Mr. Ketts was unable to be taken seriously by any of his students and co-workers, who would often laugh long and loud when they learned his name.  "I eventually got wise and began calling myself Clark Kent, which nobody had any problem with, but I still had difficulties when I had to sign my name on anything since I had to use the old Ketts name, 'Clark Kent' isn't exactly legally binding.  I got suicidal once, but now I think it's just a matter of leaving Japan.  Goodbye Japan, I hardly knew you.  The funny thing is that just now as I'm leaving Japan I'm meeting all of these people who have the same problems as I do.  There's Ben P. Dasai, whose name means 'constipated hick,' and Beth Nuhaff, whose name means 'ugly transvestite,' Deb Heather's name means 'fat and ugly,' Hannah Gee could mean 'nose bleed' in Japanese, and Hannah Misou means 'snot.'  Michelle D'Amay got off easy, since 'damay' just means 'don't,' but my Chinese-American colleague Dai A-ho has to suffer with a name that means 'big jerk.'  Sully O'Tuck has a name that means 'pickpocket freak'; Uta Hetta is a German girl whose name means 'can't sing a note,' or 'tone deaf,' while John Chiquan's name means 'pervert dog.'  Wow, what a rough country this is!"  In a response to the name crisis, Japanese officials have planned an education campaign teaching the people of Japan to be tolerant of funny-looking foreigners with funny names.  Conversely, the right-wing party has taken a more hostile approach by drafting a proposition that foreigners with funny names should be barred from entering Japan and disturbing the peace."

From Head Cheese,

Dave H.

Title: Funky Names
Post by: Bob S on August 30, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Teaching English In Japan..for Bob...:oD, posted by Dave H on Aug 29, 2002

"Young Expat's Name Forces Him To Leave Japan in Shame"

A small number of people have asked me what my name means (in Japan, most names of common people refer to the village where their ancestors came from).  I explained that my family name is an old English name that came from a thousand years ago when my Saxon ancestors herded swine for their feudal lord.  It's a good thing I wasn't born in Japan because that less-than-kosher background would make me a discriminated-against burakumin which in Japan is worse than being a hairy barbarian gaijin.

Title: Too Funny!
Post by: Dave H on August 30, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Funky Names, posted by Bob S on Aug 30, 2002

Hi Bob,

Ahh of the "unclean trades." I guess it doesn't matter how many thousands of years ago the practice occured. It might be best to give a new meaning to your name. LOL My surname is from a crooked hill in England...perhaps your swine passed over it. :o)))

Dave H.

Title: Re: Too Funny!
Post by: kevin on August 30, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Too Funny!, posted by Dave H on Aug 30, 2002

Hence, the "ham" in Hamilton.

- Kevin

Title: Good Call! :oD (n/t)
Post by: Dave H on August 30, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Too Funny!, posted by kevin on Aug 30, 2002


Title: Re: Teaching English In Japan..for Bob...:oD
Post by: Jay on August 30, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Teaching English In Japan..for Bob...:oD, posted by Dave H on Aug 29, 2002

Hi Dave,

ROTFLMAO! I thought Dia A-Ho was already the name of a Japanese phone sex line! LOL :)


Title: LOL, that's a good one Jay...n/t
Post by: Bel on August 30, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Teaching English In Japan..for Bob....., posted by Jay on Aug 30, 2002


Title: My story the end, for now.
Post by: capt david on August 29, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to venting, posted by kevin on Sep 7, 2002

My story, the end, for now.
    As I began the trip home, I was tired and undecided. More than anything else I wanted to vegetate. For about the first week home, I did nothing but rest. I was almost reclusive. Maybe it was the ?heart,? maybe it was the ?buttock? problem, I don?t know. I honestly thought at this time that I would probably remain single. But, the ember was burning. I began to miss her?.
  Era is much younger than I. Era has only a high school education. Era has said that she can accept that I do not want children, but she is young. What will she feel when her ?clock? is ticking. In twenty years I?ll be in my mid seventies and, she?ll be in her early forties. Is it fair to her? She will give me the best years of her life, as I grow ?old.? I never doubted her love, what I doubted was her ability to see what her future with me would be like. I also wondered if I, almost a confirmed bachelor and somewhat selfish person, could give up enough to make her happy. These are some of the things that I thought about. Era comes from a very simple family, she, her mother and brother in a year make less than I make in a month and I?m only a teacher! Because of this she is older than her years in many ways. She is also an "innocent" and close to God. I know that she is special to God. She is also special to me.
   As the weeks past, I began to feel that it was time to make a decision, It wasn?t fair to her to keep her ?hanging on.? I want what is best for her. With all of my doubts, I began to feel the ?inevitability? of spending the rest of my life with Era. I asked God for help. I asked my friends. of course it was my decision. I hope that I am doing the right thing for her. I hope that I can be the kind of husband that she deserves; I hope that I make her happy. If she is happy, I?ll be happy. I know that in many ways this will not be a conventional marriage. So be it. I love her in a warm silent way. I don?t want to live without her. This is what I decided. I hope that I am worthy of her. I got two of my best friends, wives and husbands, together and I called her. I introduced her and both wives talked to her. After that I asked her to marry me and she didn?t say yes!!!!!!!! She said ?of course.? Close enough!!! I?m engaged! Thanks for your support. capt david

Title: Great story, Cap.
Post by: shadow on August 30, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to My story the end, for now., posted by capt david on Aug 29, 2002

We travel in tight circles. Have been almost all the places you mentioned.


Title: Re: My story the end, for now.
Post by: NoNamePinay on August 30, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to My story the end, for now., posted by capt david on Aug 29, 2002

Capt. David,
What a great story indeed! Thanks for sharing it with us & Congratulations!!! Hope it will work out for you two...
Good Luck & Best wishes!


Title: Re: My story the end, for now.
Post by: Jeff S on August 30, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to My story the end, for now., posted by capt david on Aug 29, 2002

Congrats, Cap! Those are the questions you should be wrestling with when deciding what to do with your life. I believe you make things work out for each other but it takes effort on both parts, creating your life together every day. Best wishes to both of you.

-- Jeff S.

Title: Re: My story the end, for now.
Post by: Bear on August 29, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to My story the end, for now., posted by capt david on Aug 29, 2002

Capt. there is no place in marriage for individualism.  You should fulfill the desires of her heart just as she should fill yours.  It is cruel to take a woman and not give her the option of children.  I am 48 and my wife 22 y.o. and is 3.5 months prergnant.  I'll do what it takes to be both a good husband and father just as I am sure you will.  Don't say no to parenthood.  I have seen it break up one Fil-Am couple.  They see it completely different than we do.  My wife even says that "if" I die before her she will just stay with our kids just like other family members have.

Seems all of us had some sort of disaster hit us on our trip to the R.P.  Mine was "family crabs" and their intention to treat me like I was a leprecaun with a pot of gold.

I love going to Corpus Christi and have taken Honey there to Padre Island and to visit relatives there.  Maybe we can get together.

Bear and Honey

Title: Re: Re: My story the end, for now.
Post by: Febtember on August 30, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: My story the end, for now., posted by Bear on Aug 29, 2002

I agree with you Bear that it is cruel to take a woman not to give her the option of having children.The main purpose of marriage is to have children and most of all Love not lust.By the way so sorry to hear about your  news Don.

Title: Most Filipinas want children....mine does...
Post by: donb2222 on August 29, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to My story the end, for now., posted by capt david on Aug 29, 2002

When I first met my wife to be (Vilma), I explained that I did not want children, and that due to a vasectomy, I could not have children.
She was 22 when we met, and she told me that having children was not important to her, that she would concentrate on her education and her career.
Well,  Vilma has mentioned to several members of my family that she would like to have kids in a few years, and that she wants the babies to look like me.
I have not posted in a while because Vilma and I are divorcing, and I have not felt like sharing it with anyone.
The reasons for the divorce are the differences in our ages, her immaturity, and her desire to have children.
Many Filipinas are so eager to leave the Philippines that they will agree to just about anything.  I have no doubt in my mind that Vilma loves me, and it is my decision to divorce, not hers.
Many people believe that love will overcome anything, but denying a woman the children she desires is something that would be extremely difficult to overcome.

I really did not want to post anything until our divorce was final.  And I apologize for intruding in your happiness.
I understand the loneliness you are feeling right now, but please believe me when I say that being lonely is preferable to what I am going through right now.

Anyway, sorry again about the negative post, but please take a little time to think before you leap.

Take Care,


Title: Ohhhhh, Don...
Post by: Howard on September 01, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Most Filipinas want children....mine doe..., posted by donb2222 on Aug 29, 2002


Dude, I am SO sorry!!!  I know there isn't a whole lot anyone can say right now, but if there's anything I can do, please don't hesitate to contact me!

I know where you are coming from and would have to agree that anything, even lonliness, is defintely preferrable to what you are going through now!

Fill us in when you feel like talking about it.

You and Vilma are in my thoughts and prayers!

Keep the Faith!


Title: Hi Howard
Post by: donb2222 on September 02, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Ohhhhh, Don..., posted by Howard on Sep 1, 2002

Hi Howard,
 You are right,  this is some sort of twisted hell that I am going through right now.  I do not look forward to being single again, but I am looking forward to this being over.
Thanks for your offer of help.  
I just stay busy working, and trying to make the time go by as quickly as possible.
Once the divorce is final I can get on with my life again.
It's the waiting that makes you crazy.

Thanks again,


Title: Similar story. Still there is hope!
Post by: DanAndChed on August 31, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Most Filipinas want children....mine doe..., posted by donb2222 on Aug 29, 2002


Sorry to hear your troubles.  Our story is similar in someways.  I also had a vasectomy.  Mares wanted children and so did I.  When my vasectomy was done the doctor went to great lengths to make sure it was permenant.

Well fortunately, medical technology has advance considerably in the area of micro surgery.  There is a common procedure called a vasectomy reversal.  Looking at the stats for the procedure the odds were about 50% for it working on the first try.  Second trys seem to work even better.  So I had the surgery in October of 2001.

Mares got pregnant in December of 2001 and our baby Dannise is due September 9.

Dan and Mares

Title: Sorry to hear it, old boy.
Post by: The Walker on August 30, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Most Filipinas want children....mine doe..., posted by donb2222 on Aug 29, 2002

That is why Vicky and I meld well. We are close in age, she cannot have children and I do not want any more. In another way I am lucky, because I get all the love and affection she would naturally lavish on a child. You should see Vicky and my grandson together. Note that I said Vicky cannot have children. I said nothing about her burning desire to do so. If she could, she would. Even over 40.

Men that do not want more children, find a Filipina who cannot have children, or one that is older and has had two or three. And you can't even be sure about the second choice, either. They want to have a child with you to cement the relationship, their hold on your heart, and, juuuuusst maybe, to ensure they are a part of any inheritance by law. After all, she has to provide for herself and ALL her children after you are gone. Only sensible. Filipinas are nothing if not sensible, at least according to their rules, that is.

Again, sorry to hear it is not working out. You both have our sympathies.


Title: Hi Don.
Post by: shadow on August 30, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Most Filipinas want children....mine doe..., posted by donb2222 on Aug 29, 2002

Sorry to hear it isn't working out. I thought you and Vilma had as good a chance as anyone. Any plans for another trip?  Hang in there.


Title: From the frying pan and into the fire........:0)
Post by: donb2222 on August 30, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Hi Don., posted by shadow on Aug 30, 2002

Hi Larry,
 I asked Vilma for the divorce back in June, and by the time this is all over with I certainly will need a vacation.
From my 4 trips to the PI I have accumulated enough FF points with PAL for a  trip to Manila.
So.... a trip back to the PI is a possibility.
Hopefully the divorce will be final by the end of September, and I am thinking about taking a vacation then.

Take Care,


Title: Don222222 Why not look into exploring Women
Post by: greg on August 30, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to From the frying pan and into the fire......, posted by donb2222 on Aug 30, 2002

in other countries..Pinays aren't the only available women..there are gooooooooooood women all over the world. My own Options are open to all Pacific Islander Women :o)

Title: Hi Don2222..Been thinking about You
Post by: greg on August 30, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Most Filipinas want children....mine doe..., posted by donb2222 on Aug 29, 2002

Unbelievable reading your Post...I thought maybe you was Joking. Looking at Vilma on the Asian picture website, she look like the Best looking Pinay smile. I really would like to hear what went wrong, becuz I thought Your marriage was one of those successful stories. I can Picture what you went through with Vilma, becuz I went thur that myself with a Goregeous AW Pinay..I agree with You that most Pinays would do or say anything to get to America for a better life. Thats why Guys should take their time, don't Rush into marriage. Of course a Guy may get Lucky and choose a Gem.

Title: Greg
Post by: Humabdos on September 01, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Hi Don2222..Been thinking about You, posted by greg on Aug 30, 2002

Had you have said SOME instead of "MOST"  You would have been a little closer to the truth. I think the truth of the matter is that some of us made the wrong choice (like me the first time) Others where deceived. As you know it's not easy to get out of the Philippines and yes SOME will do or say ANYTHING to get out. Others even the poorest wouldn't even think of using someone like that. Anyone who has been to the Philippines 3 or 4 times and spent more than a week or two has seen a good variety of old, fat, bald, weird, skinny, freeks walking around the mall with a 19 year old sexy hard body filipinas. "lets go shopping honey" he he he "give me money" "o yes and my brothers,sisters, aunt, uncle need some stuff too" "you have gold Visa card"?

Now just because this filipina would take advantage of such a..... ummm... SUCKER can you blame her? Well maybe, maybe not.  Maybe the guy had nothing better to do with the money he saved all his life.

If People would pick someone a little closer to their own age and body type there would be much fewer problems.

Then you have the normal guys like Don2222 who seemed to have made the right choice but things just don't work out
mostly because of the age diffrence and the baby issue or what ever.(seems to happen a lot) :-(  




Title: Good post Hum...
Post by: Mars on September 01, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Greg, posted by Humabdos on Sep 1, 2002

..and truthful too.....

Cool man!

Title: Thanks Humabdos Your words are Gentle
Post by: greg on September 01, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Greg, posted by Humabdos on Sep 1, 2002

I'm happy that you found the Love of your Life. God Bless

Title: Wait just a minute!
Post by: Ray on August 31, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Hi Don2222..Been thinking about You, posted by greg on Aug 30, 2002

Greg, a few comments about some things you said in your post.

Your advice that guys should take their time and not rush into marriage is good thinking. But then you lost it.

First, you missed the whole point because that’s NOT what Don said. Actually, he said “Many Filipinas are so eager to leave the Philippines that they will agree to just about anything”. There may or may not be “some” truth to his statement, but when you say that “MOST Pinays would do or say anything to get to America for a better life”, you’re dead wrong. That’s nothing but an ignorant negative stereotype and I find it very insulting. I don’t know how many Filipinas that you have known in your lifetime to make you an expert on the subject, but from my experience I can guarantee that you are full of it. Why don’t you just say that the few Pinays that you have known were all liars if that’s the case, but don’t even try to lump a whole race of women into that category. If you or anyone else really believes that most Filipinas are a bunch of lying green card sharks, then why don’t you go look in another part of the world???

You also imply that the guys who chose a good one just got lucky. More insults Greg! Give us some credit for using our minds and our common sense when we picked a good woman and quit with this crap that we just got lucky. Maybe you weren’t lucky Greg, or maybe you just don’t know how to chose the right woman, I don’t know. But I’m getting a little tired of these insulting remarks of yours.

Just my $.02,


Title: I agree!
Post by: Dave H on August 31, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Wait just a minute!, posted by Ray on Aug 31, 2002

Hey Ray,

From my "personal experience," my wife and her sister would have done just about "anything" to stay in the Philippines. In fact, I believe that my sister-in-law and her husband will be living back in the Philippines within the next year or so. Why did they both come here then? To be with the men they love. If I was not raising my children, I would most likely be living in the PI right now. My wife knew she would have to live in the US when she decided to marry me. If she didn't love me, it would have been very easy to just say no to my proposal. They lived simple lives in the Philippines and don't want anything more if they big houses, cars, servants, jewelry... They lead very simple lives here.

Dave H.

Title: Hey Dave..
Post by: Stephen on August 31, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to I agree!, posted by Dave H on Aug 31, 2002

Where would you live in the Phils.  Surely not Butuan City!!!

Tess and I like Cagayan de Oro.  We've talked about living there in the future.  But not Butuan.  Just nothing there.  I didn't care for it at all.


Title: CDO
Post by: Nathan on September 01, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Hey Dave.., posted by Stephen on Aug 31, 2002


  I might very well end up back in Cagayan De Oro is a good medium size city and most of it is pretty safe, with good services and shopping....


Title: I'm afraid so... LOL
Post by: Dave H on August 31, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Hey Dave.., posted by Stephen on Aug 31, 2002

Hey Stephen,

We have a house in Butuan. You're right, there's not much there, but a lot of family. I like to travel through the barangays, down the river, into the countryside and bundok. We're also looking to buy a place on the beach in Bohol one of these days or perhaps a farm. CDO would be very nice.

Dave H.

Title: My Condolences
Post by: Dave H on August 30, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Most Filipinas want children....mine doe..., posted by donb2222 on Aug 29, 2002


I hope that things turn out well for each of you. Best wishes.

Dave H.

Title: Re: Most Filipinas want children....mine does...
Post by: Jeff S on August 30, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Most Filipinas want children....mine doe..., posted by donb2222 on Aug 29, 2002

Great to hear from you but sorry to hear the news. I sincerely hope this works out for the best for both of you.

-- Jeff

Title: :-(
Post by: Humabdos on August 30, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Most Filipinas want children....mine doe..., posted by donb2222 on Aug 29, 2002

I am very sorry to hear that Don. I don't know what to say :-(   I went through the immaturity and age diffrence with my ex-wife (spoiled brat)  She was nineteen I was 38. She didn't really want kids (at least not with me) that would had messed up her plan ($$$ and a Greencard)

I've been there not long ago so I do understand what your going through even though your divorce is under much diffrent circumstances than mine.

My mahal Sallie is 33 and much more mature (maybe she can straiten me out) Theres a big diffrence in maturity between 20 and 30 year old filipinas! of AW's for that matter.

I hope some of these new guys will wake up and smell the espresso!
If your 300lbs and 50 or older DON'T marry a little girl,
why not find someone in her 30's or 40's maybe a little over weight also?   Just my $.03


Title: Re: :-(
Post by: shadow on August 30, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to :-(, posted by Humabdos on Aug 30, 2002

For what it's worth, Don's not 50, nor 300 lbs.

I definately do agree with the point you were trying to make, though. You're absolutely right, there is a big difference in 10 years.


Title: Re: Re: :-(
Post by: Humabdos on August 30, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: :-(, posted by shadow on Aug 30, 2002

I was referring to Capt. Dave not Don. I was thinking what a great looking couple they where in the PL site.


Title: sorry to hear that. Hang in there. (NT)
Post by: Stephen on August 30, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Most Filipinas want children....mine doe..., posted by donb2222 on Aug 29, 2002


Title: Re: Most Filipinas want children....mine does...
Post by: Tim on August 30, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Most Filipinas want children....mine doe..., posted by donb2222 on Aug 29, 2002

Don, I'm very sorry to hear your news. We can't begin to understand all the details of your breakup, but I'm sure you are doing what you think is right. Perhaps later after things settle down you can share some of your thoughts with us.

As you may remember, the matter of children (me not wanting any) was a big issue in my search for a wife. Wendy and I talked about it alot during our courtship. In retrospect, I think I was wise to choose someone older (like me), who was past the prime years of childbearing. This lead me to believe her when she said "I don't want kids".

Our 2-year anniversary is coming up in 3 weeks and she is still of the same mindset. Thank Goodness.

Regards, Tim

Title: Re: Re: Most Filipinas want children....mine does...
Post by: donb2222 on August 30, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Most Filipinas want children....mine..., posted by Tim on Aug 30, 2002

Hi Tim,
  Glad to see you are still lurking about :0)
Yes, I will share more details later.  
Early congratulations on your anniversary.

Take Care,


Title: Thats why...
Post by: Bear on August 29, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Most Filipinas want children....mine doe..., posted by donb2222 on Aug 29, 2002

you didn't want to come to Alabama?

Sorry dude!!


Title: Yes..... :0(..........n/t
Post by: donb2222 on August 30, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Thats why..., posted by Bear on Aug 29, 2002


Title: A few words to consider
Post by: greg on August 29, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to My story the end, for now., posted by capt david on Aug 29, 2002

Just becuz she was good to You in her country, doesn't mean that she would be the same in America. Whats the Rush? Oh well, maybe You got Lucky and Hit pay dirt...Good Luck. Mr Peabody

Title: Congratulations Capt David & Era!
Post by: Dave H on August 29, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to My story the end, for now., posted by capt david on Aug 29, 2002

Somehow it just all works out...

Dave & Marife H.

Title: My story part four.
Post by: capt david on August 28, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to venting, posted by kevin on Sep 7, 2002

My story part four.
  I woke up and the pain was gone. I was wheeled to my private room w/AC for $29.50 and Era and both doctors were there. It was about 10pm and they said they would see me in the morning. Era and her aunt stayed the night.
The next morning I was told that I had a "double beat" and should see a doctor when I returned to Texas. My condition was probably caused by stress, but I should have it checked. I was planning on a physical when I returned anyway. The whole thing in Cebu cost about $800. My US physical cost more and everything was OK except I need to loose weight. My mother tells me that for free!! I had to return to the doctor in three days, therefore I remained in Cebu until my return home.
  By this time, I was ready to go home. I had been gone for eighteen days and ready for some privacy. I was tired. I was also a little worried about my heart. I will admit that I was getting a little tired of being around Era. I remained with Era for the rest of my trip. At this time, in retrospect, I began to appreciate what a great person that Era is. Not only did she stand beside me, she also doctored me. Remember it was a very delicate place. When we went to the airport, nothing had been decided. In fact, we hadn't really talked much about our future.  As we parted, I began to feel that we might never see each other again. I was sad; don't get me wrong I felt strongly for her. My love was like a glowing ember, but not a hot flame. My first and only marriage was entered to in passion. It lasted eighteen months. I believe that the love that I have for Era is the kind that will last forever, but this decision was in the future.   To be continued?

Title: Great advice!
Post by: Jimbo on August 29, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to My story part four., posted by capt david on Aug 28, 2002


That's good stuff from Ray and Matt.  I was getting that same "joined at the hip" feeling in the RP.  At the dive resort I could get away when diving and it was nice but Sally didn't understand it: "Why you want to go away and leave me alone?"  She came out on the boat a couple of times just to watch and see what it was all about, and to be with me (but when I'm underwater the Filipino boat men are eager to entertain her, although they did teach her to snorkle :o)).  Even at home in the US, I'll tell her I'm going hiking for a few hours in the woods and she'll say "By yourself?"  I have to be careful to explain to her that when I want to be alone it's not because of something she did.

For those of us who did the first couple of trips to Hongkong to meet an OCW Filipina, the problem was the opposite; they work so much you spend a lot of time sightseeing by yourself and have to negotiate with the employer in order to get time together.  We were lucky, she had an understanding Chinese lady for an employer.  But we had to spend time socializing with them also.

Title: Re: Great advice!
Post by: Stephen on August 30, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Great advice!, posted by Jimbo on Aug 29, 2002

I agree, Jim.

I have a different situation with Tess.  When she got to the States I took her down to see my office.  It went well, so I took here again. went so well that TEss has gone with me everyday except 4 days since November, 2000.  That means we spend nearly all our time together.

A couple of weeks ago I told her I was going back to the office to do some stuff.  She asked "why" and I said, "I just need to be alone by myself".  Well, she didn't understand that.

(Several times a week I will go back to the office and work a few hours by myself.)


Title: Re: Re: Great advice!
Post by: Jeff S on August 30, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Great advice!, posted by Stephen on Aug 30, 2002

I'll bet she thought you were tampo-ing, right?

- Jeff

Title: Great advice!
Post by: Stephen on August 30, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Great advice!, posted by Jeff S on Aug 30, 2002


Hey, she seriously didn't like my statement.  I told her that she misinterpreted what I had said.  I really said "I just need to be alone....WITH YOU!"

How's that for a fast recovery.


Hey Jimbo....better remember that line..."I just need to be alone...WITH YOU!"

Title: Re: Great advice!
Post by: Jimbo on August 30, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Great advice!, posted by Stephen on Aug 30, 2002

Well, after 3 years of marriage she understands much better now.  I can go hiking and she doesn't tampo.  But she's not 100% trusting either - in the back of her mind she wonders, just a tiny bit, if I'm going to see another woman!

She's also found out from talking to other Filipinas that she's not the only one who wonders why her husband spends so much time on the computer (he might be talking to another woman).  But veteran US Filipinas have told her that it's normal for an American husband: "It's only their happiness."  I think that means we are just having fun :-)


Title: Re: Re: Great advice!
Post by: Stephen on August 30, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Great advice!, posted by Jimbo on Aug 30, 2002

Yeah....I know exactly what you mean.

Tess is always very calm.  We've never had a big fight.  She an easy-going companion.

But I think she knows what's in every drawer and shelf of the apartment.  And I'm certain she's been through every file and desk at the office.  But she'd never own up to it.

Yeah...I know what you mean.


Title: Great story!
Post by: Ray on August 28, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to My story part four., posted by capt david on Aug 28, 2002

You also made a good point there capt, about being tired and ready for some privacy after 18 days. It’s wonderful to have the constant attention of a young lady, but it can become suffocating after a while, especially for an older guy who has been living alone for so long. The ladies mean well and can be very protective of you while you are there, but they just don’t have quite the same concept of privacy over there that we are accustomed to here at home.

I’ve heard many stories where the lady will stay with their guest 24 hours a day during their visit. Sometimes that will be necessary if you visit the family on a remote island or something for a few days. But having a bunch of giggling girls bouncing around your hotel room all night playing with the T.V., after following them around the malls all day, could get a little tiring, and frustrating of course if you are not boinking them :-)

For the guys planning their first trip, I would recommend that they try to leave some time for themselves also, if only to be able to relax, go for a walk, fart, burp, take a smelly dump, or just do some quiet thinking alone. We get readers asking about finding a hotel as close as possible to their lady’s home. But Matt made a good point also. Transportation is cheap and handy and she can get from your hotel to home with little trouble. Hell, for a buck you can put her in a cab at night and send her home. In the morning when you’re both rested up, she can jump in a jeepney and pick you up at the hotel for another round of mall-hopping (LOL).

You may just want to take a shower alone, with the TV OFF and the air-con on max. Or you may want to go downstairs to the bikini bar for a few cold beers at midnight, or walk around the corner to the cyber café to catch up on your e-mail. So, don’t worry about finding the hotel that is closest to where your honey is staying, and don’t commit to hosting a horde of giggling girls every night in your hotel room or you may start to go crazy after a while (at least I would).

Just some thoughts…


Title: Yes
Post by: Jimbo on August 30, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Great story!, posted by Ray on Aug 28, 2002

There are some things a husband and wife should not share, like a smelly dump.  I close the door but my wife doesn't... is she trying to share this with me too??!


Title: And good thoughts, Ray.
Post by: shadow on August 30, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Great story!, posted by Ray on Aug 28, 2002

Good, sound advice.

This is one of the little quirks of culture I was seeking. Filipinos are not accustomed to privacy, so they don't realize Americans may be different. Often they do tend to smother.


Title: Privacy
Post by: Ray on August 30, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to And good thoughts, Ray., posted by shadow on Aug 30, 2002

Yes, I think Filipinos have a whole different sense of privacy from what we are used to.

It’s quite common to share even the most mushy of letters or let friends read your e-mail. Guys should keep that in mind when they send those cards and letters. I found that if there is something very private that you want to discuss, for example your personal finances, and you request that they don’t share that information with anyone else, they will respect that and comply. You just need to remind them now and then and try to explain our concept of privacy. It’s really a learning experience for BOTH sides of a Fil-Am relationship.

One thing that really cracked me up was the lack of privacy when going to confession in church. I actually saw guys crowding around the door to the confessional, prying the door open slightly, so they could hear everything being said inside. Now that’s sick! (ROFL)


Title: Boinking? n/t
Post by: Surigao Ken on August 29, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Great story!, posted by Ray on Aug 28, 2002


Title: Re: Boinking? n/t
Post by: Ray on August 30, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Boinking? n/t, posted by Surigao Ken on Aug 29, 2002

Ken, I have no idea what that word means. I heard it from someone on this forum (maybe Jon?) and it just sounded interesting :-)

How have you been doing? Say hi to the Mrs. from both of us…

Maradjao ra sad.


Title: Very Subtle Ray...
Post by: Dave H on August 29, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Boinking? n/t, posted by Surigao Ken on Aug 29, 2002

ROFLMAOCUML!!! Ah yes..."Boinking!" It certainly is entertaining, relaxing, and helps to chase away the frustration of watching girls bounce around on your bed. :o))) Isn't that a rule or something? If spend the day malling, you must finish by balling. :oO

Dave H.

Title: Re: Great story!
Post by: Matthew on August 28, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Great story!, posted by Ray on Aug 28, 2002

Hey Ray,

Yup, for a buck you can put her in a cab or for two bucks you can do what I did.Take her home in a cab,drop her off,greet the beaming parents,and score points all around including with the neighbors.The only time it gets expensive is when you do it thirty nights in a row!Now that we are married next trip back I'm going to save on transpo.LOL.

Good newbie advice about not being attached at the hip.I went to visit my one and only mahal but I sure enjoyed the attention when I ocassionally strolled by my lonesome.Went to a couple of beer gardens and met some pretty cool Pinoys  also.Some real man talk!A nice diversion.

tito Matt

Title: Re: My story part four.
Post by: NoNamePinay on August 28, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to My story part four., posted by capt david on Aug 28, 2002

Hi Capt.David,
What an interesting story! I'm looking forward to read for more... Keep them coming!


Title: Joke
Post by: Stephen on August 28, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to venting, posted by kevin on Sep 7, 2002

A bum, who obviously has seen more than his share of hard times, approaches a well-dressed gentleman on the street.

"Hey, Buddy, can you spare two dollars?" The well-dressed gentleman
responds, "You are not going to spend it on liquor are you?"

"No, sir, I don't drink," retorts the bum.

"You are not going to throw it away in some fishing gear, are you?" asks the gentleman.

"No way, I don't fish," answers the bum.

"You wouldn't waste the money on a squirrel dog, would you?" asks the man.

"Never," says the bum, "I don't hunt."

The man asks the bum if he would like to come home with him for a home cooked meal. The bum accepts eagerly. While they are heading for the man's house, the bum's curiosity gets the better of him.

"Isn't your wife going to be angry when she sees a guy like me at your table?"

"Probably," says the man, "but it will be worth it. I want her to see what happens to a guy who doesn't drink, fish or hunt."

Title: LOL I'd better start drinking! (n/t)
Post by: Dave H on August 28, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Joke, posted by Stephen on Aug 28, 2002


Title: Good one!!!..Maybe reversed roles though...hehehe!!!
Post by: Zebson on August 28, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to venting, posted by kevin on Sep 7, 2002

Rising to the Occasion

A man in a hot air balloon realized he was lost. He
reduced altitude and spotted a woman below. He descended a
bit more and shouted, "Excuse me, can you help me? I
promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago, but I
don't know where I am." The woman below replied, "You're
in a hot air balloon hovering approximately 30 feet above
the ground. You're between 40 and 41 degrees north
latitude and between 59 and 60 degrees west longitude."

"You must be an engineer," said the balloonist.

"I am," replied the woman, "How did you know?"

"Well," answered the balloonist, "everything you told me
is, technically correct, but I've no idea what to make of
your information, and the fact is I'm still lost. Frankly,
you've not been much help at all. If anything, you've
delayed my trip."

The woman below responded, "You must be in Management."

"I am," replied the balloonist, "but how did you know?"

"Well," said the woman, "you don't know where you are or
where you're going. You have risen to where you are due to
a large quantity of hot air. You made a promise, which
you've no idea how to keep, and you expect people beneath
you to solve your problems. The fact is you are in exactly
the same position you were in before we met, but now,
somehow, it's my fault."

Title: Too funny! I'm stuck in the middle! (n/t)
Post by: Dave H on August 28, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Good one!!!..Maybe reversed roles though..., posted by Zebson on Aug 28, 2002


Title: My story part three.
Post by: capt david on August 27, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to venting, posted by kevin on Sep 7, 2002

My story part three;
Here I am spending every day with a beautiful woman, less than half my age that is very attentive, and I?m stuck? I must be crazy, but that was how I was feeling. Of course, I have spent most of my life single, living alone. We spent the next few days exploring Cebu, not much to see, and going to different movies and the beach. I was getting reel board with Cebu and tired of all the polluted air. Era was also ?growing? on me, but I was a long way from commitment. We decided to go to the ?free? Virgin Beach Resort.
 My grandmother told me one time that if something is free, at least you get what you pay for. Let me say that, with the caveat below, I enjoyed my stay at VBR. The basic room was free, if you paid for the $12 per person daily meal fee and, a $3.50 per day AC fee. I took Era, her Aunt, and two cousins. We paid for an upgrade in room. It wasn?t a great deal, but worth the money. You must realize that it is a remote and make your own entertainment kind of place. I would have had a great time, except that my, as Forrest Gump would say, buttocks began to give me problems again and I spent most of the time on my stomach. About this time I was beginning to appreciate just what a special person that Era was, but still didn?t really expect that we would marry, and considered that when we return that I would go to Sabang Beach for a few days to think, alone before I returned to Texas. All in all, our trip to VBR was Ok and I will return when I don?t have a PITA.
On the third day, after lunch, we began our journey back to Cebu. By this time we left I knew that I had to go to the doctor. I was in pain. We arrived at a huge medical complex in Cebu, and I went to a family doctor. I don?t remember his name at this time, but if anyone wants it I?ll retrieve it. He told me to sit down and I told him that I?d just as soon stand, hehe. I described my problem; he took a look and said it was not Hs but a huge boil. A half hour, I was in the emergency room being admitted for surgery!!!!!!!!! The nurse and intern both commented on how large it was and I told them ?everything is bigger in Texas!? I was wheeled into the operating room, hooked up to the heart monitor and that was when they found the ?extra? heart beat. They called the Cardiologist!!! To be continued?.

Title: Re: My story part three.
Post by: Humabdos on August 28, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to My story part three., posted by capt david on Aug 27, 2002

Ok so your a 300lb kano from Texas with a boil on your ass and a cute young filipina under one arm. If she really loves you after all this you had better marry her quick!
I love the free resort ROTFLMAO!

The extra heart beat explanes your weight problem ;-) he he

All kidding asside great report! I can't wait to hear the rest of the story.

P.S. what did you name that baby?


Title: This is a GREAT story!
Post by: Dave H on August 28, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: My story part three., posted by Humabdos on Aug 28, 2002

I remember when the Capt. was a quiet, inquisitive, reserved, dignified guy? LOL Capt. you've got my respect!

Hey Hum, I agree this Filipina is marriage material!
"Ok so your a 300lb kano from Texas with a boil on your ass and a cute young filipina under one arm." ROFLMAO! Don't forget the beard.

Speaking of "pain in the butts." I've got this crazy, bored, guy that stops by my house every day. My wife and I were walking to the car yesterday, when suddenly his car approached from around the corner. I yelled for my wife to hide! Too late! I was shocked when it passed by. Whew, false alarm. It was a similar vehicle. My wife asked me what kind of car he and his girlfriend drove. I told her a Dodge "Scrotum." She looked at me puzzled and asked me to repeat what I had said. "Dodge Scrotum." She said that it wasn't a very nice name for a car and asked why they would call it that. I explained that it was my name for their car. When asked why, I explained that it was white and had "two nuts inside." :o)

Dave H.

Title: Was that a '69 Dodge Scrotum?
Post by: Ray on August 29, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to This is a GREAT story!, posted by Dave H on Aug 28, 2002

Hey, doesn't Steve G drive one of those? What ever happened to him anyway?


Title: Nope, Ray...
Post by: SteveG on August 30, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Was that a '69 Dodge Scrotum?, posted by Ray on Aug 29, 2002

No Dodges here.  General Motors built my entire who knows about what I will have someday.


Title: Steve G. phone home!
Post by: Dave H on August 29, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Was that a '69 Dodge Scrotum?, posted by Ray on Aug 29, 2002

Hey Ray,

Maybe I ran Steve G. off when I started talking about my tire burning, front wheel drive Chevy, with a 4-banger. LOL I know he was into real American muscle cars and did'nt like imported rice burners. Or maybe we got him into trouble with Melly one to many times. :o) Steve G. if your out there, give us a sign!

Dave H.

Title: Dave you should be ashamed of yourself!
Post by: SteveG on August 30, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Steve G. phone home!, posted by Dave H on Aug 29, 2002

Driving a 4 banger front wheel drive car rather than a manly rumbling shaking roaring big cube V8 torque monster like you should be...what would your mother say??!?!!     As far as trouble with Melly goes, she hardly beats me anymore.  Except when I spill some rice or something serious like that.....and I was just getting to like those beatings too.  :)

Title: I'm Shamless! :oD
Post by: Dave H on August 30, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Dave you should be ashamed of yourself!, posted by SteveG on Aug 30, 2002

Hi Steve,

Just about everything I've owned during the past few years has been a 4 banger or 6 (straight & V). :o( I love manly shaking roaring big cube V8 torque monsters. I'm not so fond of the sound of V-10's or 12's. Vipers sound too much like V-6's to me. I do have a big block, slightly raised, Chevy pick-up with fat tires, and big duel exhausts. My son likes driving it, especially when the roads are flooded. Now the neighbors are pissed at him instead of me. :o)))

Good to hear Melly isn't beating you's your turn to get me in trouble with Marife. :o)))

Dave H.

Title: Re: Steve G. phone home!
Post by: Stephen on August 30, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Steve G. phone home!, posted by Dave H on Aug 29, 2002

I was thinking about SteveG just the other day.  He's not posted in about 6 months or more.

However, I am sure I saw a post by him over on the Latin Board.  (Imagine that!)


Title: Here I am!!!
Post by: SteveG on August 30, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Steve G. phone home!, posted by Stephen on Aug 30, 2002

Stephen and gang,
 I read the board several times a week to keep up with what's going on but haven't had much time to post.   Most of this year I've been on a special assignment at work with lots of overtime, no internet access and working many weekends.  When I would get home, I didn't feel like expending the energy to post.

 Things are going fine here with us.  No spectacular news or events to report.  I am back in my old job again and hope to have time to post again when I have something to add.

Title: Sometimes romance.....
Post by: Stephen on August 28, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to My story part three., posted by capt david on Aug 27, 2002

....can be a real pain in the butt.



Title: WOW! Interesting.....n/t
Post by: Jay on August 27, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to My story part three., posted by capt david on Aug 27, 2002


Title: Gosh!!!.......................nt
Post by: Bear on August 27, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to My story part three., posted by capt david on Aug 27, 2002


Title: Re: My story part three.
Post by: Jimbo on August 27, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to My story part three., posted by capt david on Aug 27, 2002

Wow!  This is turning into quite an adventure!

BTW Captain, Stephen would like to see pics.


Title: Re: Re: My story part three.
Post by: SteveB on August 27, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: My story part three., posted by Jimbo on Aug 27, 2002

Of his buttocks?????LOL


Title: Re: My story part three.
Post by: Jimbo on August 27, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: My story part three., posted by SteveB on Aug 27, 2002

Well Steve, I guess Stephen will have to answer that -LOL!


Title: Photos
Post by: Humabdos on August 28, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: My story part three., posted by Jimbo on Aug 27, 2002

I hear Stephen is a little kinky he might want to see both of their butts! lol


Title: Newbie here...
Post by: Bel on August 27, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to venting, posted by kevin on Sep 7, 2002

Hello Everyone!
  I've been reading this board for almost 2 yrs. now. I enjoyed reading everyone's posts; some are funny, sad, informative, and far in between...
  I'm hoping to get some information from any of you here that's been to Cebu, so I can relay it to someone that's getting ready to fly out to Cebu. From everyone's personal experience here, where is the best place to stay in Mandaue area? Fiance lives in Alang-alang St. and hoping to be able to stay close by. Thanks in advance.

Title: Re: Newbie here...
Post by: Matthew on August 28, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Newbie here..., posted by Bel on Aug 27, 2002


I stayed my first trip in the Golden Peak Hotel.I was there for one month so I got the monthly rate of 25000P.That is about 500.00 bucks or 16.66 per day.Daily rate for shorter stays is 25.00.Since I was there for a month I required a suite.Nice place.Clean,safe,modern,nice resturant,good staff.(I did the nipa hut/pension/beach thing when I was a young buck!)The hotel is near Ayala and close to the hotel Ray mentioned.My wife is from Mandaue also but transpo was so cheap I didn't need to be right next door.Not to many nice hotels in Mandaue.Only one I know is called the Bella Vista.Deluxe,expensive.It is right over the bridge in Mandaue.Nice rooftop resturant.

Second trip I stayed at the St Moritz.Nice European owned hotel.22.00 per night.Nice large suite with seperate  living and sleeping area.Good plumbing and the air blows cold.Excellant resturant,very nice staff.My wife isn't too keen on the place.They have a bikini bar in there also.It's really an afterthought and not much goes on.A couple of tired looking dancers and warm cokes.I blew in and blew out!
Nice place but I don't think I can stay there again:(.Jealous filipina!

I check hotels in the RP on have always done me right.If your friend REALLY needs/wants to be in Mandaue proper let me know and I will ask Joy about the pensiones there.Welcome to PL!

tito Matt

Title: Re: Re: Newbie here...
Post by: Bel on August 29, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Newbie here..., posted by Matthew on Aug 28, 2002

Thanks Matt,
  I've heared that Eddies Hotel is a halfway decent place to stay. His arrival in Cebu is 0240hrs. and wondering if there's any hotel available at that time. Not sure how the Cebu Pacific connecting flights from Manila will play out on his time of arrival.
  I have 3 brothers that live in Mandaue right now. One drives a taxi there and my other brother(the fiance's dad)knows pretty much everyone there and perhaps he will chaperone them around :-) Oh gosh, this is going to be interesting...

Title: Welcome to P-L...
Post by: Dave H on August 28, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Newbie here..., posted by Bel on Aug 27, 2002

Hi Bel,

I guess I should say welcome to the other side of the Asian board. :o) Sorry, I can't answer your question. My wife says Cebu is full of nice hotels, but is not familiar with Alang-alang St. I agree with Ray to have your fiancee check out the hotels in her area. Have a great trip!

Dave & Marife H.

Title: Thanks Dave...
Post by: Bel on August 29, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Welcome to P-L..., posted by Dave H on Aug 28, 2002

Actually, this inquiry is for Clayborn, my brother-in-law. I guess I should have clarify a little bit. I used to know all the places to stay in Cebu, but it's been so long ago, and I've heared that there's a lot of changes since I left there in '83. Wish I can go with him as his tour guide, but it's just not feasible at this time. Oh well, I'm sure he'll be in good hands once he gets there as long as he stays away from those headhunters(LOL).

Title: Welcome Clayborn!
Post by: Dave H on August 29, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Thanks Dave..., posted by Bel on Aug 29, 2002

Hi Bel,

Actually, you did say tour inquiry was for someone else. My mistake. :o)

My wife corrected me, as I had said that she was not familiar with the area. She is, just not the hotels in the area.

Clayborn, have a great trip!!! I hope you and Bel can go together one of these days.

Dave H.

Title: Whoops...
Post by: Dave H on August 29, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Welcome Clayborn!, posted by Dave H on Aug 29, 2002

Hi Bel,

I meant, I hope that Clayborn (and his future spouse) :o) and you and your spouse can travel together to the Philippines some day. So your brother-in-law is visiting your cousin. :o) I think I get the picture. LOL My wife's sister lives about 20 miles from us. It certainly makes the transition much easier, for both.

Dave H.

Title: Wecome Aboard!
Post by: Ray on August 28, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Newbie here..., posted by Bel on Aug 27, 2002

Hi Bel,

Just a suggestion: Why doesn't your friend's fiancée personally check out some hotels in her area. She could find a quiet and clean hotel close by and make a reservation for one night for her visitor. That way, he would have a place to go when he arrives to clean up and get some rest. After the first day, he could either extend the room or look for another hotel if he doesn’t like it.

After 15 hours on a plane, I think most men would be more than happy if the shower and air-conditioner work, there is a full roll of toilet paper, the roaches are less than 6 inches long, and there are no ants in the bed. The rest is all superfluous.

On my last trip, I stayed at the West Gorordo in Lahug and it suited me just fine.


Title: Thank You Guys...
Post by: Bel on August 29, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Wecome Aboard!, posted by Ray on Aug 28, 2002

for all your responses. I appreciate it very much.
Clayborn bought his Northwest Airline round trip ticket through for $1030. Flying out Aug. 31 from Toledo, OH. to Cebu and back on Sept.8. It's a very short trip for a first time visit. Hopefully things will work out in the right direction as planned.
He can't post here yet, as he doesn't have an account(yet), but I know he'll be reading this first thing in the morning before he goes to work :-)
Sorry bro, I hope you don't mind me telling on you, hehe. I just thought these guys can help you better than I do. Right Guys!!!

Title: I-751 inquiry...
Post by: tfcrew on August 27, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to venting, posted by kevin on Sep 7, 2002

Hello from the Russian board. Has any viewer here filed their 751 yet?
Esp from the Texas region..How did you do?..How did it go?

Title: Welcome to the Asian Board!
Post by: Dave H on August 28, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to I-751 inquiry..., posted by tfcrew on Aug 27, 2002

Hi Karl,

Sorry, we're still waiting for the AOS interview. My wife's sister's I-751 was sent to the TSC in February. She received a notice in April to inquire in 6 months, if she did'nt receive an interview date. Good Luck!

Dave H.

Title: My story part two...
Post by: capt david on August 26, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to venting, posted by kevin on Sep 7, 2002

My story part two;
By Christmas, and certainly by February, I was beginning to believe that Era, Ta-Ta, was very special to me. Because of the genuine belief on this board that one should not go to meet just one person, and because she is thirty years younger than me, I was a little worried. As time began to get short, I talked to Ron, and took several names as back up. I might point out at this time that if one was to just go to the Phils that I feel that it would be very easy to find someone in the malls.
Eva Airlines is an excellent airline, in the Air, but ground support, both at the airport and by phone and computer lack much to be desired. I will admit that by stopping in Taipe I added a couple of hours to my travel time, but saved several hundred dollars. The savings was because EVA?s higher rates didn?t start until June 15. If I do this again I will probably opt for the upgrade on Eva. What can I say; the trip from San Antonio to Dallas to LAX to Taipe to Manila to Cebu was long. I think the biggest rip-off in the Phils is the airport transfer in Manila. Because of not knowing when I would arrive I told Era to come to the hotel after work. Boy was I nervous.
Guess what? She showed up with two cousins, surprise, surprise, surprise.
She is very shy and I was tired, but we met and an hour later she went home, to meet tomorrow. I was a little surprised that we were not chaperoned that day, but we weren?t. We explored the city a little that morning, and returned to the hotel for lunch and while I napped, she watched TV. Let me say, at this time, that I had made a promise to her, her mom, myself, and to God that I would leaver her as I found her and her honor is still intact. It was hard, hehe, but I did it. We had considered having a ?ceremony? if we decided to marry, but that never happened. That night, I took her brother and mother to Punta ? on Mactan for a fish dinner. In my opinion it was good, but for the Phils a little over rated and Expensive.
By this time I was bothered by the big ?H? key word preparation. I was a little slow and uncomfortable for a few days, but soon recovered. On my third night and there after Era, and usually a cousin spent the night in my room. This made logistical sense, as her house was in Mandaue. By day five, I was beginning to believe that I had made a mistake! But of course now I was stuck!! What was I going to do?? To be continued?..

Title: More...more!!!
Post by: Dave H on August 26, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to My story part two..., posted by capt david on Aug 26, 2002

Hi Capt,

I know you're back at school, but the kids are just going to have to wait. The suspense is killing me! Please keep it coming. :o)))

Dave H.

Title: Re: More...more!!!
Post by: Jay on August 27, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to More...more!!!, posted by Dave H on Aug 26, 2002

Hi Capt..

The suspense is killing me too. LOL! Very interesting, so far. Thanks.
