Title: Tourist Visa not always impossible. Post by: Philb on July 18, 2005, 04:00:00 AM The Ukrainian woman I have been seeing for the past year was issued a five year multiple entry visa from the US consulate in Kiev. She will be coming to visit for about 3 weeks next month. This will be her first time in the US, although she has traveled throughout Western Europe.
Other things working in her favor; she is 42 years old, owns property in Ukraine and has a good job. Title: It's never been impossible, regardless of what others seem to think Post by: Stevo on July 18, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Tourist Visa not always impossible., posted by Philb on Jul 18, 2005
My friend had 2 girls visit him on tourist visas. These were young women 25 and 31. |