Title: A X-Mas Email I just got
Post by: tim360z on December 13, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
Subj: Dear Friend Date: 12/13/2003 1:44:44 PM Eastern Standard Time From: irina_dolgaleva@inbox.ru To: jk4000z@aol.com Sent from the Internet (Details) Dear Friend I want immediately to explain the purpose of my letter. I want to address to you with request. This is very important for me and not only for me. My name is Irina, I'm 20 years. At this time I pregnant. However I am not married and have no a close relative to help me. I have decide to address with request to people - foreigners. I want to be certain that in the world much people, which can help me. I need for some money to live and raise my child for that period, when I shall not be able to work. I do not want to have an abortion, I want to born this baby very much, I certain that can become the good mother. I shall exert all efforts for this. Here, in Russia no organization, capable to help me. But my girlfriend, which left married for foreigner advised me to write this letter. She speaks, that some years ago many men - foreigners helped the Russian girls, but now it is a rarity. But possible someone will want and will be able to help to be born my tot. Make Christmas Gift - present the life to the person. Hereinafter we shall be able to correspond and send to photographies. Please, do not offer only such variants as adoption or ersatz mother. I want raise my child myself. If you have decide to help me send me a little cash ( only cash: here are problems with checks or other security paper ) to my address: 163000, Russia, Arkhangelsk, P.O. Box 141. My full name Dolgaleva Irina. Please, don't worry: I can receive money on my post office without any problems. Other variant is: you can send some money on my personal account in bank. For payments in Euro: DEUTSCHE BANK AG, FRANKFURT AM MAIN, GERMANY SWIFT : DEUT DE FF Account # 947 2911 1000 of MOSCOW INDUSTRIAL BANK In favour of North-West Regional Branch, Arkhangelsk, Russia SWIFT : MINN RU M1 032 For further credit of DOLGALEVA IRINA VALENTINOVNA Account # 42301978500320000001 For payments in US dollars: BANK OF NEW YORK, NY, USA SWIFT: IRVT US 3N Account # 890 - 0086 - 009 of MOSCOW INDUSTRIAL BANK In favour of North-West Regional Branch, Arkhangelsk, Russia SWIFT : MINN RU M1 032 For further credit of DOLGALEVA IRINA VALENTINOVNA Account # 42301840200320000183 You can also send money by Western Union System ( www.westernunion.com ): You can send a little money directly with credit card. You will need the following my information: Country: Russia, City: Arkhangelsk, My name: Dolgaleva Irina. In case you will use Western Union system don't forget to get the MTCN (Money Transfer Control Number ) of your money transfer. Then send me the message with your full name, country, the amount of money you have transferred and the control number. I understand that in Internet very much of frauds in this time, however this is not that case. Here all are real, I ask You to believe me. The Good business always return. If you will help to be born my baby, what can be more important in this life, I think you will be my friend and I can do anything for you , for example if you want, I shall be able to find for you or for your friend a beautiful russian bride. Best Regards Merry Christmas Irina P.S.: Please, accept my apology, if this letter had offended you by something.
Title: Thanks for posting this.
Post by: T P Cornholio on December 17, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to A X-Mas Email I just got, posted by tim360z on Dec 13, 2003I've sent her a few thousand dollars for Xmas and assured her all will be okay from now on... just gets you right there, doesn't it?
Title: Contact the russians for TAX PURPOSES
Post by: wsbill on December 14, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to A X-Mas Email I just got, posted by tim360z on Dec 13, 2003Clearly should be investigated and turn over to the Russians income tax department for taxing. LOL.
Title: Re: A X-Mas Email I just got
Post by: AndrewinOH on December 13, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to A X-Mas Email I just got, posted by tim360z on Dec 13, 2003I received the same message....I wonder how many others got it!!
Title: Re: Re: A X-Mas Email I just got
Post by: tim360z on December 14, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: A X-Mas Email I just got, posted by AndrewinOH on Dec 13, 2003Probably thousands. Funny too, it came to a screename I have never used for emailing RW's. But, it only takes a few gulliable, innocent guys to make it all worthwhile.
Title: Hope you...
Post by: Jeff S on December 13, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to A X-Mas Email I just got, posted by tim360z on Dec 13, 2003.. rand down to Western Union and sent a few hundred off to her - in the spirit of the season, of course. - Jeff
Title: Patrick Delete that, tomorrow
Post by: tim360z on December 13, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to A X-Mas Email I just got, posted by tim360z on Dec 13, 2003takes up too much space, bandwith. Just a little reminder that scams keep a'comin'....HoHo