Title: womens' magazines in Russian Post by: cherokee on November 26, 2003, 05:00:00 AM I ordered "Natalie" magazine subscription for my wife recently, its her favorite. I found it online at http://www.magazines-ukraine.com
Price wasn't too bad considering it includes shipping. I think it'll be a great stocking stuffer, and I just thought I'd pass it along to you guys as well. Oh, they have a bunch more magazines in Russian too. Happy holidays! Title: Ouch! Post by: AllenB on November 26, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to womens' magazines in Russian, posted by cherokee on Nov 26, 2003
Hi Cherokee, I checked out the sight and almost fell out of my chair at the price. We live in the Chicago area so there are a few Russian and Ukrainian stores where she can get books, magazines, cd's, DVD'd, etc. and at less cost but I know your method is much more convenient. I guess I'm just cheap. I thought I would respond because my understanding is that St. Pete has a Russian community and thought you might be able to buy your girl some things locally also. Let me know if I can help. Happy Thanksgiving! Title: Re: Ouch! Post by: cherokee on November 28, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Ouch!, posted by AllenB on Nov 26, 2003
I figured if we can buy playboy for $4.99 an issue what's another 3 bucks for a russian magazine:) We haven't run across this magazine anywhere here in FL. but thanks Title: Re: Why don't you post name of some of those Post by: wsbill on November 26, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Ouch!, posted by AllenB on Nov 26, 2003
establishments in Chicago and if they have a website, etc.. Or maybe anyone else across the USA with a decent store or website cattering to the russian community in America ...for ordering locally. Title: Re: Re: Why don't you post name of some of those Post by: AllenB on November 26, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Why don't you post name of some of t..., posted by wsbill on Nov 26, 2003
I would be happy to do so. The best place we have found in the Chicago area is City of Joy at 8710 Golf Road, Niles, IL 60714 (847) 296-8674. There is a very kind lady there by the name of Ira (Åðà is the Ðóññêèé spelling)for the experienced gentlemen of the board. She even was so kind as to give my wife (pregnant with our first boy together) a book written by an American doctor but written in Russian. I can also provide anybody the information for how to obtain Russian TV if you're interested. Regarding the TV I would suggest you try to hold off for at least 6 months so they are fully immersed in the English language with ESL courses, etc. If there is any other info I can provide that would be helpful I would be happy to do so. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!! |