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GoodWife / Planet-Love Archives => Threads started in 2003 => Topic started by: MarkInTx on November 12, 2003, 05:00:00 AM

Title: In Praise of 30 Year Olds
Post by: MarkInTx on November 12, 2003, 05:00:00 AM

OK, first the disclaimer, because I know this subject is one of the three most divisive subjects on the boards…

If you are happily married to a woman much younger than you – great! I am always in favor of a happy marriage no matter what… And age alone is certainly no indicator of whether a marriage will be ultimately successful.

Also, I know some of you guys caught “lightning in a bottle” and I think that’s just great. This is not a message to those who are married, but to those still searching…

What prompts this is I have met a lot of guys from the boards now. I have also actually met guys who have married Russian Women (or Latino women) just here in the metroplex while I was out and about. It is amazing how many guys with foreign brides or girlfriends I have actually met now…

Unanimously, the guys who have actually met Victoria (as oppose to those who only pretend to have to stir up trouble…) are impressed.

I can’t tell you how many guys have told me things like: “Wow, I was about to give up, and then I met you and Victoria and see how happy you are, and I’m ready to start again now…” Or, “See… why can’t I find a girl like Victoria? That’s what I want…” Seriously… I hear it all the time.

And then I talk to the guys and ask them about their ex-RW or ex-Fiancé, (the one that didn’t work) and the same picture emerges: she was a young girl, usually with no children, twenty to twenty five years younger than he was, and – guess what – she acted immature.

This is no mystery to me. If she is twenty two years old, fresh out of college, and has no kids… SHE IS IMMATURE!

This is true of any country and any culture. Sheesh, some night, watch an episode of Blind Date (if you can stand it) and see how 23 year olds here act.

It seems to me almost every guy I talk to is looking for a young woman with no children. And, I understand that to some degree, but I have to tell you, you are missing out on some wonderful women. It has been my experience – in every country I have been in – that mother’s are much more mature and practical. They have learned how to not live selfishly. ESPECIALLY a single mother who is supporting a child on a meager income. These women have grown up. They have character and depth, and they know  what is important in life.

Victoria and I are coming up on our anniversary. I have never had a smoother year of marriage in my life. We have had, I think, three fights, and none of them lasted very long. It’s like that old saying of the Marines: “That Hill ain’t worth dying for…” Both Victoria and I have learned that most of the hills we run into in our marriage certainly aren’t worth dying for. It makes life so easy…

Now, can you find such a woman who is 22? Sure.

Or, if you don’t, can you stand the immaturity if it gets you sex with a 22 year-old Smokinhotkova? That’s for you to decide. As for me, I have always thought there was no woman more beautiful that a woman in her thirties, so it was never an issue for me.

But… some guys say… why NOT get a woman with “no baggage?” After all, the agencies all tell you that the Russian Women actually prefer more mature men. Isn’t that the main reason we all look abroad any way?

Well, I have two responses. First of all, if you think of a child as “baggage”, I not only don’t want to talk to you, I don’t even want to know you! As the father of a precious daughter, I cannot imagine even considering a woman who thought of her as baggage… (BTW, it is amazing how many men  expect the woman to accept his children from a previous marriage, while not wanting hers…)

Secondly, sometimes experience doesn’t produce “baggage” … it produces growth.

Ask yourself this… if you are honest with yourself… were you a better person when you were twenty than you are now? God, I hope not!

As for the agencies… well, as I said in a previous post… follow the money. There is a reason they tell you to write to young women. Whether the young women returns your letters or not, they made money on the address (and maybe more…)

Believe me, many of those women who say “Age is not important” in their profile do not really mean that. They were coached to say that by the agency. Age DOES matter to them. Look at who they marry in their own country when they get the chance… many women marry younger men there, in fact. Don’t believe everything the agencies tell you…

But… won’t these women accept an older man since he can offer a more stable life? Isn’t that what we’re told by the agencies?

Sure… But… Think about that for a moment…

Victoria was telling me about a “Reality Show” she saw on TV when she was still in Ukraine. This Russian guy wanted a young and beautiful wife. He was sixty. Good looking guy, and in good shape. And he was rich. Very, very rich.

So, he went on TV seeking a bride. Kind of like “Who wants to Marry a Millionaire”… only with a decidedly Russian twist… Here’s the kicker:

The woman had to sign an agreement that said that when the man died SHE WOULD HAVE TO COMMIT SUICIDE AND BE BURIED WITH HIM!

I kid you not! (Imagine THAT on Fox TV!)

Did they get women to vie for this “honor”?

You bet! Some were young women in their late twenties and thirties. Some of them very beautiful. Of course, the show interviewed these women and asked them why they would do it. One woman said: “My life is like a Hell. Even if I could live one month as a millionaire’s wife, it would be worth it. But who knows, he may live to eighty!”

So… does anyone think the women were sincere?

I think they were. I think that woman honestly believed what she said.

As a species, we are trained to survive. We are willing to do things that are normally repugnant to us to survive… like an animal chewing off it’s own leg to escape a trap.

But here’s the real interesting question: “What happens once you escape?”

Sure, you are willing to do anything to escape… but once you are out… will you go through with it?

I believe that if the woman has a choice when her husband dies, that she will opt (once again) for survival. I don’t think she will say: “I had five good years and now I will die.” I think she will say: “Hey, I’m a millionaire now… I have money… I’ll bet I can get out of this.”

OK… so… a less extreme example now:

A 23 year old woman is hungry every day, and cold in the winter, and miserable. She has a dead-end life and she wants out. She needs to get out. She knows that if something doesn’t change, she will die.

A 48 year old American breezes in to her village and offers her a better life. Will she take it? You bet. Will she tell everyone that she is happy? Sure, why not. Maybe she even IS happy. Maybe she even does respect and love her husband.

But ten years roll by. That 48 year old guy is approaching 60 . In a few more years, he will retire. That “slightly” overweight 48 year old now has an ample stomach, bad feet, and has lost much of his hair.

She’s 33 and in her sexual prime. She has lived now in America for many years, and she has learned what kind of a life most beautiful women in their early thirties can expect… and she doesn’t have that.

Suddenly, she sees her situation as (by American standards) bad as it was before. She wakes up every day with this OLD man. And men are flirting with her at work every day…

What do you think she will do? Honestly… what would YOU do?

Sure she was honest when she said I do. She’s no scammer. She loved him… she tried to stay married… but – her circumstances have changed. She’s a survivor. She is no longer in the trap of a bad economic situation… and she decides that she needs to improve her situation.

Now… maybe it won’t happen. Or, maybe it will happen a lot sooner.

But, I think a lot of guys need to ask themselves: “What do I REALLY want? A young trophy and sex toy? Or a good wife who will be my partner for life.” And then take another look at those thirty year old women with a young child… There is “Gold in them thar hills,” and hardly any miners…


Title: Excellent post
Post by: Patrick on November 14, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to In Praise of 30 Year Olds, posted by MarkInTx on Nov 12, 2003

I wish more men would make conservative choices regarding age differences.

Title: Re: In Praise of 30 Year Olds
Post by: Robert D on November 13, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to In Praise of 30 Year Olds, posted by MarkInTx on Nov 12, 2003

The last part hit the nail dead on.   Frankly one other point, I think no matter what no way a 65 year old man will "ring the bell" of some hot 30 year old or even 40.   Like it or not we are at our best (men that is) when we are young.   And this become important to women in their 30's in many was than before.  I would never be able to relax in my 60's with a 35 year of  wife no matter how active I remained.  
I also agree that once they are here, these women will learn quickly how to compare themselves to others.  I do believe though that it is possible for a good woman not to care about how the others live here, as long as she feels safe and taken care of in some reasonable way.  
Robert D.

Title: Re: In Praise of 30 Year Olds
Post by: Bobby Orr on November 12, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to In Praise of 30 Year Olds, posted by MarkInTx on Nov 12, 2003

If you had a 25 year old without a kid would you be praising them - or is this all about Mark?

Title: lol, are you kidding?...n/t
Post by: LP on November 13, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: In Praise of 30 Year Olds, posted by Bobby Orr on Nov 12, 2003

Title: Re: Re: In Praise of 30 Year Olds
Post by: MarkInTx on November 13, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: In Praise of 30 Year Olds, posted by Bobby Orr on Nov 12, 2003

Seems to me that if I had a 25 year old without a kid, and I was praising them, it would be all about Mark...

Actually, I think I was pretty clear in that very long post as to my motivations...

But, if you wish to question them, and take a shot... feel free.

On this board I'm kinda used to it...

Title: Statistics
Post by: Bobby Orr on November 13, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: In Praise of 30 Year Olds, posted by MarkInTx on Nov 13, 2003

1.  Where are your statistics.

2.  I believe the average 40 year old guy would rather have a 25 year old with a kid than a 35 year old with a kid, if he wanted a kid.  Now, I like kids as much as the next guy, but I do not want to raise some drunken guys kid five thousand miles away.  It is intuitive that a woman with a child is more likely to stay with a guy when in America - but I still would like to see the statistics on that.  That would be my only reason for taking a child with a kid - and I am not old enough to make that sacrifice yet.

3.  I wish you the best - but I sure wish you would get your facts straight and stop tooting your own horn.  I really do not care how far you can piss.

Title: Maybe the average 40 year old.
Post by: Jeff S on November 13, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Statistics, posted by Bobby Orr on Nov 13, 2003

But then again I might not be average. Now that I'm in my early 50s, I don't think I'd enjoy being married to my wife as she was when she was in her mid 30s, near as much as I do now that she and I are about the same age. We enjoy very different things now than then.

I raised some drunken guy's kid who is five thousand miles away and have to tell you, it was an experience I'll never regret. She's now 27 and my heart still melts when she calls me "daddy."

- Jeff

Title: I am glad you are happy - but that was not my point.
Post by: Bobby Orr on November 13, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Maybe the average 40 year old., posted by Jeff S on Nov 13, 2003

I want to know where our expert Mark is citing his statistics and exactly what they are.  I say whatever makes each man happy is fine with me.  The world is a big place and there are plenty of women to meet everyone needs.

Title: Look, I don't know what you got stuck in your craw...
Post by: MarkInTx on November 13, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to I am glad you are happy - but that was n..., posted by Bobby Orr on Nov 13, 2003

I just did a search of my original post...

NEVER did I use the term statistics.

Nor did my post ever reference "Facts". The whole post was simply observations I made, and things I believe...

Why you keep crying foul, and bellowing for me to back up my claim of statistics -- when I never made any such claims -- is beyond me.

You keep yelling for facts and statistics, and seem to ignore that you were the only counter-post to the original post. Like it or not, if you take a sampling of the responses from the guys on THIS board, most agree that a man chasing after a 21 year-old hottie if you are into your forties is foolish.

You don't think so?

Fine... then why don't you go ahead and make ANOTHER 11 trips over, and keep looking.

I really don't care what you do, Bruce. Have a blast. Knock yourself out.

[BTW, for the record... I could have brought over a 23-year old hottie who had no children that I met in St. Petersburg on my first trip. Or a 26 year old I met in Brazil. Had I been as desperate as some guys on here would like to pretend that I am, I would have...

I chose not to, because (in part) they seemed to immature to me. ]

Title: Just do not agree with you
Post by: Bobby Orr on November 13, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Look, I don't know what you got stuck in..., posted by MarkInTx on Nov 13, 2003

I will agree with you that if the average 40 year old guy is looking for a 21 year old "hottie" he is probably getting himself into a load of hurt.  

I just do not appreciate your "holier than thou," self serving condescending attitude you spew.  That line of cr@p may work on the phony board you and I also spend some time on, but it will not work here - there are just too many guys who have really been there done that for you to fool.

Yes, I will admit that I have been over to the FSU and have "failed" to marry a FSU woman yet - but I am doing my best to do things right for me.  It is quite easy to find many women over there - the key is to find the right woman.  Maybe things have worked after my latest trip - it will or will not be in the cards - but I will keep trying until I get things right.  Perhaps unfortunately for me, I enjoy the process, perhaps a little too much.

Advice from you I toss in the garbage.  I sincerely urge any other reader to do the same.  Having seen the wishy washy uninformed change in attitude advice you spew in your condescending "holier than thou attitude" makes me want to puke.  Advice from someone like Jack, I take to heart.

Title: Statistics & folklore &
Post by: tim360z on November 13, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to I am glad you are happy - but that was n..., posted by Bobby Orr on Nov 13, 2003

generalizations.  I don't know if there are any viable stats for Mark to apply here.  I don't know of any viable stats.  Other than word of mouth.  Opinions.  Bias's.  Insufficent data.  There are generalizations,  which might be apt in the gross,  but non-applicable in individual cases.  It very well may be "common sense" to presuppose that an RW in her 30's,  with a child will be a better mate for a man, say 40,  than a 23 year old without a child.  And that,  that said marriage with the 30 + year old,  with child, will endure longer than with the latter childless 23 year old.  Even without stats,  one can think this is just simple common sense and in a is a common sense approach.  At first glance it does indeed make a degree of first.

However,  this folklore common sense approach does fail to take into account the quality of the 2 people involved.  Their character.  Their love and devotion to one another.  Their principles and the health of their relationship and marriage.  

To paint with such a broad brush is inaccurate.

Title: Re: Statistics & folklore &
Post by: Jack on November 13, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Statistics & folklore &, posted by tim360z on Nov 13, 2003

Hey Tim,

 Let me ask you this, if a person was to make this claim,

....The WOVO method remains, I am convinced, the most successful. That doesn't make it the best for everyone. It doesn't guarantee success. I am merely speaking of statistics that are rarely talked about.....

wouldn't you think that that person making this claim would be able to provide statistical proof of the claim he has just made?  What do you think?

And what about someone saying this,

...the fact is most women who will respond so quickly to a new ad are usually scammers....

Tim, with this person saying, "the fact is" wouldn't you think this person would be able to offer proof of this?  How else could one say the fact is?

If there are no facts or statistics to back either of these two statements should the statements have been made as to "in my opinion"?  But when you say "I am merely speaking of statistics that are rarely talked about" wouldn't that lead one to think there were some statistics to support this claim?

Title: Re: Re: Statistics & Folklore & Generalizations
Post by: tim360z on November 13, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Statistics & folklore &, posted by Jack on Nov 13, 2003

In this case,  I think Mark has an opinion.  That opinion is based upon his experiences,  others he knows of or has heard about (aka 3rd hand info) and what he has read.  This is all digested and sifted and he comes to an opinion,  an IMHO.  Since without valid and verifiable evidence or stats and interpertation scales,  it is only an opinion.  Even a scientific theory must have applicable stats and empirical data to support the validity of the theory.  Even then, it is only a theory.  Like E=MC square.  But,  this was a theory with empirical data and could be proved or disproved.  I don't think there is sufficent data,  but there is a tad of common sense in his precept of the 30 yr old with child vs. childless 23 year old.  Painting with a broad brush---I could agree.  Nevertheless,  an opinion. Its all in the character of the 2 people and I don't have a stat for that.

I enjoy Mark's enthusiasm and his opinions.  

Title: Re: Re: Re: Statistics & Folklore & Generalizations
Post by: Jack on November 13, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Statistics & Folklore & ..., posted by tim360z on Nov 13, 2003

Tim, I agree with what your saying except one thing, when a person states on this board "I am merely speaking of statistics that are rarely talked about" this person is trying so hard to persuade others to his point of thinking and his view that he is now willing to, shall we say, stretch the truth, by saying he has statistics to prove his point (when of course he does not).

See Tim, when questioned for these statistics that are rarely talked of, he cannot produce them! Because he wovo and married, it is now the best, most popular method.
But only 6 months earlier the same person wrote, "For every guy who can say like you did that they wrote just one lady and went over and found love, I can find ten who will tell you that it didn't work for them".

Now none of us will question his integrity, if he tells us he has talked to so many men (as he tells us how many men write him privately) who have expressed failure with the wovo approach, we have no reason to doubt him, right?  He has expressed that he can prove a 9% success rate with the wovo method. BUT after he did the wovo method, that changes!!!  What happened to those 9 out of 10 guys, or to be more precise, what happened to the 10 out of 11 guys who he knows failed at the wovo? If several months earlier he was advising newby's and the likes as to the low percentage rate of guys succeeding at the wovo, if he knew it was at about a 9 or 10% success rate, why would he a few months later now tell these same guys that the wovo was now the most successful way?

See Tim, the boy is full of it. And it goes on and on and on with many other things he has said one month and a few months later he flip flops. LP was the first to notice this and try to tell us about him and I think more and more people are beginning to realize he was correct.

Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: Statistics & Folklore & Generalizations
Post by: tim360z on November 13, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: Statistics & Folklore &a..., posted by Jack on Nov 13, 2003

People?  They all got all kinds of opinions based upon whats cooking---- up in their ole cranial cavity.  Nice to read Mark's occasional posts.  But, like many of us,  we are confined to our opinions.  IMHO's are a good idea, rather than mentioning some non-existent stats.  Some of us may value our opinions too highly.  And 1 size don't fit all.

Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Statistics & Folklore & Generalizations
Post by: Jack on November 13, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Statistics & Folklor..., posted by tim360z on Nov 13, 2003

Ok, Tim, I think your statement of "Some of us may value our opinions too highly" will pretty much wrap up this thread.

Title: Re: Statistics
Post by: MarkInTx on November 13, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Statistics, posted by Bobby Orr on Nov 13, 2003

1. Statistics for what?

2. I honestly don't care what you do.

3. I have no idea what of the facts you refer to, which I used and turned out wrong. And I was "not tooting my own horn", I was tooting the horn of a lot of wonderful women in Russia and Ukraine. And, as it turns out, I was not alone... A lot of other men who are similarly engaged to, or married to 30 year old women (and at least one who is involved with a 40 year old) chimed in...

Of all the reply posts, yours was the only one that dissented.

But, by all means... make this all about me, if it makes you feel better...

Title: Re: Re: Statistics
Post by: Bobby Orr on November 13, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Statistics, posted by MarkInTx on Nov 13, 2003

You claim you know the facts.  So, where are they?

Title: blinded by the light
Post by: thesearch on November 12, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to In Praise of 30 Year Olds, posted by MarkInTx on Nov 12, 2003

So you have joined the ranks of the age police. :)

Mark, I agree. It is good to remind guys about the age issue. It is too easy to forget when you go over there and a young woman is giving you a lot of attention.

Time marches on regardless and it takes its toll more aggressively as each year passes and thus two people may not look that incompatible at first even if their age difference is significant --- but that day is coming and not too far off. The situation keeps evolving into a worse scenario.

It is going to become apparent to the woman and more apparent and more apparent - eventually to the point that she has to put him in a care facility when she is still a good looking woman. People forget where they come from adjusting to where they are now and thus their view of what is acceptable and what is not changes right along with it. So, what ever her concessions were and for whatever reasons they were before prompting her to accept an older man, that situation changes and she is going to reassess her life. If a guy has it all together, a real catch as a human being and remains in good health and knows how to keep a woman happy, he has a chance. However, if this is not who he is - watch out.  

Title: Re: In Praise of 30+ Year Olds
Post by: John F on November 12, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to In Praise of 30 Year Olds, posted by MarkInTx on Nov 12, 2003

No remarks, just sitting here thinking of my 30+ year old RW wife with a knowing grin on my face.  Ain't no way I'd trade her for a younger woman.

Title: Re: In Praise of 40 & 50 year olds as well.
Post by: wilmc on November 12, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to In Praise of 30 Year Olds, posted by MarkInTx on Nov 12, 2003

Excellent post, Thank you.

I am a lot older than most of the guys posting. After 27 years my wife and I ended a marriage that had died.

I began dating AW's and was very disappointed by their attitudes and mental states.  Drifted into some on line Russian agencies. Attracted by the pretty pictures I guess.  Being realistic though I chose only to correspond with "mature" ladies.  Qualifications: all were listed on "free" agencies, all were highly educated, had high level of English skills, with grown children, and lived in Moscow.  There were a few "scammers," but they were easily identified early in the game. I have dated 4 RW's, 3 are now married to other "Western" gentlemen. I am proud to say we are all friends and correspond with each other regularly.  The 4th lady is a very special friend and after 3 visits to Moscow and some holidays together we are about ready to tie the knot.

I assume that I was extremely lucky because all of my chosen ladies were very smart, level headed, took very good care of themselves and were physically very attractive but most important they were "good people."  

Bottom line, there are a lot of terrific "mature," women in the FSU.  If you have some grey in your hair don't let your crotch do your thinking for you.  Once you have tasted shashlyk and pelmeni you will never go back to McDonalds.

Title: Re: Re: In Praise of 40 & 50 year olds as well.
Post by: thesearch on November 13, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: In Praise of 40 & 50 year olds a..., posted by wilmc on Nov 12, 2003

If I might ask, what age is this lady.

The reason that I ask is that it seems to me that a larger age difference is not as significant an issue for an older man if he is in good health. I mean a guy fourty who has a twenty year age spread is marrying an immature 20 year old. Whereas someone like yourself would be marrying someone 42. Personally, I think that except in certain situations a 20 year spread is a bit much but someone 15 years younger than you if you are in good health is not a big deal the way I look at it.

Title: Re: Re: Re: In Praise of 40 & 50 year olds as well.
Post by: wilmc on November 14, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: In Praise of 40 & 50 year ol..., posted by thesearch on Nov 13, 2003

I am 60.  She is 8 years younger than me but looks 10 years younger than that.  Fortunately, I also have been blessed with a much more youthful appearance than my age.  We look fairly well matched, age wise.  I wish I were as trim as she is.  The American diet and suburban living has cost me and my waistline, otherwise I am in good health.

Title: Re: In Praise of 30 Year Olds
Post by: kevin c on November 12, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to In Praise of 30 Year Olds, posted by MarkInTx on Nov 12, 2003

there are probly some AW who are single mothers with children that would be appreciative  of a good man  
but i cant figure out how to send ex husbands to the other side of the globe  

seriously though the fact the ex/dad is in ukraine
solves some of the problems that would go allong with
an ex   across town

Title: LMAO!
Post by: MarkInTx on November 12, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: In Praise of 30 Year Olds, posted by kevin c on Nov 12, 2003

Yeah, I can agree with that.

In fact, if I could somehow send my ex-wife to the other side of the Globe, I think Victoria would be a lot happier!

Title: I SPECIFICALLY chose a woman with a child for the...
Post by: Stevo on November 12, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to In Praise of 30 Year Olds, posted by MarkInTx on Nov 12, 2003

very reason that I wanted a hottie who would stick around with a 20-year older husband.  I figured that if she had no children, she'd be much more inclined to 'flight'.  PLUS, I didn't want to have a frigging BABY at my age and all the work that entails.  By marrying a woman with a 6-year old daughter, it reduced the pressure on me to have a baby with her, plus I got an instant family.

I pity the idiots chasing a 20 year younger woman w/o a child because 'they already had their children'.  What do you think this young woman w/o a child is gonna' want right away?  So, you'd rather have a BABY instead of a 6-year-old?!  Duh!!


Title: Well....
Post by: MarkInTx on November 12, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to I SPECIFICALLY chose a woman with a chil..., posted by Stevo on Nov 12, 2003

Some would say that when you have a 21 year old who has a baby, that now you have two...

BTW, I agree with your assessment... a woman with a child is more likely to want a secure family than a hot husband...

Title: Re: Well....
Post by: thesearch on November 14, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Well...., posted by MarkInTx on Nov 12, 2003

I don't think is bride is 21. I may be wrong

Title: Great post Mark!.
Post by: Jeff S on November 12, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to In Praise of 30 Year Olds, posted by MarkInTx on Nov 12, 2003

... and I couldn't love my wife's "baggage" any more than if she were my own. I met my daughter when she was 8, we married when she was 10 and a couple years ago, I was the proudest daddy when she graduated from college, cum laude.

- Jeff

Title: Re: Great post Mark!.
Post by: MarkInTx on November 12, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Great post Mark!., posted by Jeff S on Nov 12, 2003

Congrats to you, and your daughter!

Do you tell your wife that she got her smarts from your side of the family?

Not that it's easy being a step-dad, so my hats off to you. Stas and I have had had a slow start. He started calling me Dad the minute he met me (his Ukrainian father was pretty much absent in his life), but he had this impression that having an American dad meant every day was Christmas. Also, he decided that to get closer to me, he had to "replace" my daughter, so there was competition and tension there.

Now things have settled down a lot (almost a year later.)

Recently I introduced him to Hockey, and he got bit by the bug really badly. Now he comes to my games, and is asking for skates for Chirstmas. I'll be getting him his own gear. He's coming to all of my games, and talking about joining his own league.

I can see that I'll be coaching a midget team sometime soon :-)

Title: Objection
Post by: Michael B on November 12, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to In Praise of 30 Year Olds, posted by MarkInTx on Nov 12, 2003

Every over weight 53yo AM (but I do have all my hair) deserves a 23yo hot body, because....well just because. Never mind that he only has a medium grade job, a 5yo car and enough child support payments to keep him poor for the next couple of years, we guys certainly can't accept a woman with 'baggage', now can we?. No way will our 23yo ever figure out that's in the US she's 'hot stuff', right? It's not like she's going to get a lot of better offers from guys who are younger and/or richer once we've gone to the trouble and expense of bring her over, right? Of course on the off chance that she does get one or two such offers, she'll be mature enough and commited enough to resist them, right? And when we're 70 and weak and sick, she'll only be 39, so we know she'll stick with us to the end, right?

OK, end of sarcasim, back to made a bunch of excelent points, which it would behoove the readers of all 3 boards to seriously consider before 'taking the plunge'.

Title: Over-Ruled ;-)
Post by: MarkInTx on November 12, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Objection, posted by Michael B on Nov 12, 2003

There is an expression in Ukraine:

"Who will bring you a glass of water when you are old?"

My mother-in-law used to tell Victoria that all of the time. She is the one who would pressure Victoria to marry anyone who came along.

She even wrote to a guy on Victoria's behalf once -- some 51 year old guy (this was when she was 28) that Victoria was not interested in at all. (...I think he was a pilot or something...) She really yelled at her mother when she found out she had sent a letter.

"Who will bring you a glass of water?" Her mother asked her.

"Not him!" She replied. "When I am old, he'll be dead!"

Title: I tend to agree...
Post by: ChrisNJ on November 12, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to In Praise of 30 Year Olds, posted by MarkInTx on Nov 12, 2003

Great post Mark.

It's important to be realistic.

I'm 43 and would rather have a woman in her mid to late 30s lol.  We all know how bad these girls want kids.  I'd rather she had one already. I'm being honest with myself.   I'm no spring chicken.  I can't picture myself at 46 changing diapers and at 50 teaching the kid to ride a bicycle.  HELLO!!!

And I don't have Lettermans money.

Title: Or How about...
Post by: MarkInTx on November 12, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to I tend to agree..., posted by ChrisNJ on Nov 12, 2003

Dealing with teenage boys when you are 62???

Title: Re: In Praise of 30 Year Olds
Post by: mar33 on November 12, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to In Praise of 30 Year Olds, posted by MarkInTx on Nov 12, 2003

   That was a very good and logical post. I think most men would argue that because we hope women are not as shallow as we are:). But I think it is easy to forget that a persons perception can change greatly once in the U.S. Especially now that she is not in survival mode.
  I have a friend who at 29 just married a 43 year old woman. Though she is attractive, and he loves her very much, I wonder what will happen in 15 years when she is lose to 60 and aging. Will he be tempted by the 30 year old women who will most likely still flirt with him?
  Sure, some of these marriages are very successful But usually the man has to be exceptional for it to survive,because a woman is happiest when she can look across the table at her husband(and vice-versa) and think "this is the best man I could wish for".
   Good luck with your marriage,
         Another Mark

Title: Re: In Praise of 30 Year Olds
Post by: Globetrotter on November 12, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to In Praise of 30 Year Olds, posted by MarkInTx on Nov 12, 2003

40's are even better!

Title: I'll get back to you in ten years :-) n/t
Post by: MarkInTx on November 12, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: In Praise of 30 Year Olds, posted by Globetrotter on Nov 12, 2003

When mine is in her forties...