Title: Need some advise and opinions Post by: Dalton B on November 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM My problem is this. My wife sold her flat in russia and there are only a couple of banks in her city that wire money to america. They will only wire $2000.00 a day for personal reasons with a fee of $250.00 per transaction. They would wire all the money at one time if it is a business transaction, but I need to show a Purchase Order and Sales receipt.
My question is. does anybody here know of other ways to wire the money here? If I go to russia how much can I leave the country with and how much can I enter America with? Thanks. Dalton Title: Re: Need some advise and opinions Post by: Lynn on November 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Need some advise and opinions, posted by Dalton B on Nov 21, 2003
How hard would it be to open another checking account dba XYZ Co., you being the one of the signatories, use your computer to make up your PO and receipt on a percentage of XYZ or it's goods, transact the money, then close the account. Why wouldn't that solve the problem? Title: Re: Need some advise and opinions Post by: wilmc on November 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Need some advise and opinions, posted by Dalton B on Nov 21, 2003
Wow $250 for each $2000, that is worse than Western Union! Citibank has an office in Moscow. They may be able to help. Title: call the U.S. embassy and ask them..n/t Post by: cherokee on November 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM Title: Not Hardly . . . Post by: Dan on November 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to call the U.S. embassy and ask them..n/t, posted by cherokee on Nov 21, 2003
Embassy would just pass the baton - probably over to the US Chamber of Commerce in Russia (found at this website: http://www.amcham.ru/page.php?pageid=87835091639710). In any case - the American Embassy would NOT be able to advise on Russian currency laws. - Dan Title: good starting point though Post by: cherokee on November 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Not Hardly . . ., posted by Dan on Nov 21, 2003
yeah, they should at least be able to advise on where to turn. Title: Recent Changes in Russia's Laws . . . Post by: Dan on November 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Need some advise and opinions, posted by Dalton B on Nov 21, 2003
[This message has been edited by Dan] Dalton, I recently saw an article that dramatically increases the amount of currency you can take out of Russia. Maybe do a google search of "currency Russia" and you might find it. I believe it was an article published in the Moscow Times (IIRC). Found it - here is the link to the article Part 1 of 2 -- http://www.themoscowtimes.com/stories/2003/11/12/044.html Here is the link for Part 2 : http://www.themoscowtimes.com/stories/2003/11/19/050.html The US has no limitations on what you can bring into the country, but if more than $10,000 you must declare it. I hope this helps. - Dan Title: Re: Recent Changes in Russia's Laws . . . Post by: Dalton B on November 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Recent Changes in Russia's Laws . . ., posted by Dan on Nov 21, 2003
Thanks Dan for the link and Info. After researching the info you gave me the best and most cost effective way to wire the money is with MoneyGram. My father in law can send $2000.00 per day with only a $100.00 fee. they only other way would be for me to go over and wire the money to myself here and the trip cost would be about the same as the transfer fee. Once again, thanks Dalton P.S. I have tried your link to your photos of the new baby and I can't access it for some reason. As you may have read, Yulia and I are expecting our new baby in April. Title: Congrats Dalton . . . Post by: Dan on November 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Recent Changes in Russia's Laws . . ..., posted by Dalton B on Nov 21, 2003
Yes, I *did* read about the new arrival you are expecting - just been too sleep-deprived to respond yet (as you will soon see --smile--). Congrats to you and Yulia. I'll e-mail the photos when I get a chance. - Dan Title: try ikobo.com Post by: cherokee on November 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Recent Changes in Russia's Laws . . ..., posted by Dalton B on Nov 21, 2003
i've never used them but seems cheapest |