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GoodWife / Planet-Love Archives => Threads started in 2003 => Topic started by: Frank O on August 09, 2003, 04:00:00 AM

Title: Is Cal back yet?...
Post by: Frank O on August 09, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
Or is he still abroad? Just curious as to his trip.

Title: Re: Is Cal back yet?...
Post by: Cal on August 10, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Is Cal back yet?..., posted by Frank O on Aug 9, 2003

I have been back in the states for about a week, after my visit to Kiev I  
went on a fishing trip in Canada.  The fishing was terrible, I should  
have stayed in Kiev.  Although I did feed the mosquitos and black flies,  
I'm sure they appreciated my coming to Canada. ;^)  
I'll post a more detailed Kiev trip report shortly, but I can say this  
much - I didn't meet who I was supposed to meet, but ended up having an  
excellent time anyway and met a few nice women.  In fact, I probably had  
a better experience NOT meeting the woman I was supposed to meet because  
I had zero expectations after that fell apart.  However, the most unusual
aspect of the trip is how the local Ukrainian women I know are behaving
since I visited Kiev.  I showed them my photos of the women I hung around
with in Kiev and now for some reason they are finding me more
interesting.  Funny how that works, isn't it?

Title: that's nothing compared to AW's reactions...
Post by: Frank O on August 11, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Is Cal back yet?..., posted by Cal on Aug 10, 2003

I showed pics of me with Marina, Alina & my fiance Diana & boy did THOSE pics change the perspective of the women here. They would ask me why I would go around the world & I simply replied I will NEVER date American women EVER AGAIN!!!

Title: Question About Kiev and Agencies to Avoid
Post by: fishtiger on August 10, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Is Cal back yet?..., posted by Cal on Aug 10, 2003

Hey Cal
What did you find about the Kiev women you met?
Were they more picky or what?
  You need to be real careful with Anastasia. Of the big three I found European Connections  to have the best selection
of social babes, but so many of these girls just social hop
and look for a fun weekend of free dinners and partying.
Anastasia web is a total scam as many posters have discovered.
 AFA I thought was a reputable agency but they refused to work with several guys I was with on a Moscow tour in 2002 which was a total farce. They did not make much effort at all to right the many wrongs on that tour. John Adams{AFA} is not a honest guy. he made lots of promises, but once they get your money, you are invisible after that.
Nor is Elena who runs Anastasia. You are better served to work with someone you know personally and met face to face who has a good track record
You can e-mail me if you want details about Anastasia and AFA.  If you simply ask the board you will get enough info to want to run from Anastasia.

Good luck

Title: Agree with you for the most part.
Post by: Bobby Orr on August 10, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Question About Kiev and Agencies to Avoi..., posted by fishtiger on Aug 10, 2003

Tours and the tour directors who hype them are passe.