Title: Success in St Petersburg! Post by: PhilMo on August 04, 2003, 04:00:00 AM In mid-July, I returned from my 2nd trip to St Petersburg and concerning my girlfriend: all my expectations were exceeded! I left Dina with a diamond ring and we’re working on the K1 visa right now. We first in April of this year through a local agency recommended by Jack Bragg. Are we in love, excited and happy? YOU BET!
I just want to share some of my experiences, observations & make some suggestions. First off, I started my search in Oct of 2000. So it has taken me about 2.5 years to find Dina. During that time I learned a lot from the discussion board but much more from experience (good & bad). 1. PRE-MEETING COMMUNICATION CAN BE MEANINGLESS. I communicated with Olga from St Pete for 9 months via email & phone calls and the main purpose of my April trip was to meet her. But it took only 1 dinner to realize the chemistry wasn’t there. 2. HAVE A PLAN B. Before I left on my April trip, I contacted a local St Pete agency that was suggested to me by Jack Bragg: Ksenia’s Dating. So after realizing Olga was not going to work out, I visited Ksenia’s office and the first girl that I selected from her many profiles is now my girlfriend. Ksenia was a pleasure to work with, spoke good English, had a huge selection of girls’ profiles to choose from and had a convenient office in the city center near the Radisson SAS. 3. ENGLISH IS ESSENTIAL. It’s difficult enough for a man & a women to communicate who are from the same country and speak the same language! Throw in a language barrier and your probability for a successful long-term relationship is less. 4. BE POLITE. Open doors, help them with their chair at restaurants, etc. Just common sense politeness but it can go a long way with impressing a girl. I would bet they don’t get much politeness out of most Russian men. 5. ORDER FOR THEM. This isn’t practiced much here in the states but Dina expected me to order for her, even though my Russian is near-zero. Most of the waiters & waitresses understand enough English for you to get by. 6. BE DECISIVE. The Russian girls are looking to you to make decisions. They see it as a sign of strength and they want their man to be strong. So avoid making statements like, “it doesn’t matter to me, you decide”. 7. YOU ARE PROUD TO BE SEEN WITH HER. Tell her that you are proud to be with her in public. Dina brought this up with me by saying, “you haven’t mentioned that you are proud to be with me when we’re out. Are you?” 8. PAY FOR EVERYTHING. When you’re out with your girl, pay for everything. I learned this the hard way. On my July trip, Dina stayed with me in a rented apartment but she forgot her hair brush. So when we were out walking, she stopped to buy one and I didn’t step up & pay for it. So I got the cold shoulder/silent treatment for the next hour. This is a classic culture difference because many American girls would get offended if you tried to pay for their hair brush. 9. A RING? Since July was my 2nd time seeing Dina, I was already fairly sure about our feelings for each other. So I bought a very modest diamond ring ($500), knowing that I could return it in 30 days for a full refund OR I could upgrade it in the future. I waited until the end of my trip to present it to her and she was very surprised & happy. 10. RENT AN APARTMENT. This worked out better for me on both my trips. You have a full kitchen if you want to cook. It is more like a home than a hotel room, so it is easier for you and your lady to be more comfortable. I can make a strong recommendation: Oksana at www dot oksanas dot net. She offers airport transportation at a reasonable rate. The flat rental rates are reasonable. The apartments are clean, well-decorated, well-equipped and the photos of them on her website are very accurate. Both apartments were with minutes of Nevsky Prospect in the city center. Her English is fluent. Feel free to contact me directly with any questions: pmo5992445@aol.com Good luck to all with your search! The rewards can be priceless. Title: Re: Success in St Petersburg! Post by: mudd on August 10, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Success in St Petersburg!, posted by PhilMo on Aug 4, 2003
i dont see this agency listed anywhere Title: Re: Re: Success in St Petersburg! Post by: PhilMo on August 13, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Success in St Petersburg!, posted by mudd on Aug 10, 2003
The web address is: www dot ksenia-dating dot com Title: Good luck.... Post by: LP on August 04, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Success in St Petersburg!, posted by PhilMo on Aug 4, 2003
[This message has been edited by LP] ....although my optimistic nature is not sure what "success" you have at this point. It takes more than bringing one back you know. Same with the "priceless rewards", whatever they are at this stage. (Although I can see how having a woman who demands you pay for everything she wants or else gives you the cold shoulder could become priceless in a real hurry. ;-) Just remember every single failure was preceeded by where you are now and every single person involved though it would be bliss. Try to keep a level head from here on and maybe you'll be one of the lucky ones. I guess years without such "success" makes a man a little more receptive....tired of the hunt so to speak. It's something to watch the POTB in action, especially when applied to MOB. It's why I'm fascinated with this motley crew. Still, I wish you the best. Title: Do You Know............. Post by: Globetrotter on August 05, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Good luck...., posted by LP on Aug 4, 2003
that 2 years ago you would have been "stoned" as a heritic for saying negative things about FSU girls, and they would have shouted troll, troll, troll, as they hurled the rocks? Seems that of late, many have come forward to tell of horror stories of their FSU wives, soon to be ex-wives. Being a realist is sometimes very difficult. I read of one fellow here, who will remain nameless, who is old enough to know better....but to each their own. Someday, they will find out all are the same, and even if you start with better stock, maybe, they will soon become "Americanized" which is right where we all are now! Mind you, I am not immune. I adore my squeeze, who has been very supportive in a difficult time for me. We continue to write, but I've not seen her for a while, and she knows my jury is still out. Risk vs. reward....Risk vs. reward.....and cover your ass. And, I liked the camera idea! Title: Re: Do You Know............. Post by: tim360z on August 06, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Do You Know............., posted by Globetrotter on Aug 5, 2003
"Americanization" is incredibly pervasive. And rapid. Inescapable. I hate to say it, but in many areas and topics...women do have more rights than men. These rights are automatically passed on to immigrants, if they so choose to use them. Title: Two years ago.... Post by: LP on August 05, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Do You Know............., posted by Globetrotter on Aug 5, 2003
...I wouldn't have had much negative to say, but that was before I'd seen the carnage they can sow. I was also fairly ignorant of their culture and how it's trained them from day one to be manipulative. Now I know better, it's practically in their genes. Like you, I know a few guys who used to post here but have quietly slipped away because they did everything mostly right (thats something coming from me) and it exploded anyway because they were blinded and misread the woman's true intentions. (We'll forget the guys who were idiots from the git-go.) And two years ago I didn't quite understand the motivation of many of those involved. You've heard of the fog of war? Thats nothing compared to the fog of despair. They're an open book if you read carefully. Oddly enough, it almost gives them a valid excuse for acting the way they do. I adore these girls too and I've even met some nice ones. I'm just not on a mission to quickly marry one. Why would anyone do such a crazy thing when there is an inexhaustable supply to choose from? Oh yeah, they've found the "right one". Just like the last ones were the right ones the day they met *them*. If you think being a realist is difficult, try being the opposite... Let 'em hurl all the rocks they want, I've never been raked over in a divorce or lost a dime to a woman I didn't want to spend. And I've seldom been alone to boot. Women are just people, with all that implies, not something to be put on a pedestal and worshiped. I like 'em too, but not a one of them is special in any way...unless you have a need for them to be. And if you do, you have problems no woman can solve. On the contrary, she's got you where she wants you....again. Title: Well said! Post by: Bobby Orr on August 16, 2003, 04:00:00 AM Title: Re: Two years ago.... Post by: ChrisNJ on August 06, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Two years ago...., posted by LP on Aug 5, 2003
I was also fairly ignorant of their culture and how it's trained them from day one to be manipulative. Now I know better, it's practically in their genes. Could you expound on this? Title: It comes from the "life is hard" school Post by: John K on August 06, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Two years ago...., posted by ChrisNJ on Aug 6, 2003
In former Soviet Union (FSU) countries, they've endured a half a century of rationing, excessive food lines, and people spying on each other for the secret police. Even now, 15 years or so after the fall of communism, the harshness of life haunts many people of the FSU countries. My wife mentioned that living in America has softened her up too much, in regards to getting by in Ukrainian society. Over there, life is still a struggle. A struggle to find a job, a struggle to keep it, a struggle to get ahead, a struggle to find a quality mate, and then a struggle to keep someone else from stealing them from you. Over there, people play for keeps. Lying, cheating, scams and stealing are common everyday facts of life over there. Throw in the all pervasive russian mafia and you have a situation where you live mainly by your strength, wits, beauty, visciousness, or some combination of the above. My wife was particularly upset because her normally well tuned internal lie detector had dulled to the point that she had a difficult time determining when someone was telling a lie. Over there, that can make the difference between keeping as much money as you can vs blowing your money frivolously on something you don't need. They can be like sharks smelling blood, if they realize you are too trusting. Winston Churchill once compared the Russian temperament to their Russian wolfhounds. They're either at your feet or at your throat. In some ways, that's still true today. Instead of communism running their lives, it appears to be the mafia. I've even heard a new term applied to Russian/Ukrainian goverments. They're being called "mafiacracies". Such an environment instills harshness and manipulation in the general population. Can you find a decent girl in such an environment? Yes, it is possible, but it is much more challenging to do so than it would be in a Latin or Asian environment. The odds will favor you better if you look more at the intelligentsia in the big cities or else look out in the more remote areas, away from the big cities. Still again, it is possible to find a gem of a lady in a big city, who doesn't hold 3 or 4 college degrees. You just have to look harder. I corresponded with 60+ ladies, before selecting Marina to become serious with. Had I not been so lucky my first time out, I would likely have done 2 or 3 more rounds of bulk correspondence. Eventually, the sheer number of contacts would have provided some decent "hits". Of course, that was 4 or 5 years ago. Nowadays, the situation is a little more hairy... Title: Winston Churchill Post by: Bobby Orr on August 11, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to It comes from the "life is hard&quo..., posted by John K on Aug 6, 2003
It is "the "Hun" (German) who is at your throat or at your feet." The line you came up with I never heard or read in any history book. Title: Re: Winston Churchill Post by: Turner on August 13, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Winston Churchill, posted by Bobby Orr on Aug 11, 2003
The "HUN" is a Hungarian, not a german. ( Attila the "HUN") FWIT Title: Huns? Hungarians? Post by: tim360z on August 13, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Winston Churchill, posted by Turner on Aug 13, 2003
In the early 400's AD the Huns, a militant people from the steppes near the Caspian Sea turned their attention to the west. And pillaged, raped, plundered and murdered at a then unknown and unprecedentated rate of devestation in Europe. They were of Asiatic descent and killed probably a few million in the most brutal ways. Although, for a time (50 years)the Huns settled on the Danube on the Plains of Hungary, most left for the east after the Battle of Chalone (a stalemate battle) and a few years later after the death of Attila, just after he abandoned invading Italy. The Huns had been greatly weakened by battles with the Western Roman Empire (Aetius), the Eastern Empire, Visisgoths, Ostragoths, Vandals and other barbarians who would have descended upon the Huns in their weakened state, had they stayed. Both Eastern and Western Europe was a victim of the Huns and millions were killed, instilling great fear in the populations. But, modern Hungarians have little to do with the Huns, although some may carry some small genetic remnants, muted down through the ages. The Huns were terrible for Eastern Europe, but in a few hundred year the Mongols appeared...who had a more lasting effect. Title: The point being?...n/t Post by: Stevo on August 13, 2003, 04:00:00 AM Title: Re: The point being?... Post by: tim360z on August 14, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to The point being?...n/t, posted by Stevo on Aug 13, 2003
No real point. I just didn't think Churchill was referring to Hungarians...but to the Nazi's. Maybe I mis-read something. Title: Haven't you ever heard the expression 'Beware of the Hun from the sun'? Post by: Stevo on August 14, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: The point being?..., posted by tim360z on Aug 14, 2003
It refers to German fighter pilots attacking the opposition with the sun at their backs so that the opponents are blinded. And it has nothing to do with the Nazis...this expression was used during WWI. Stevo Title: History - but Churchill was referring to Germans Post by: Bobby Orr on August 14, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to The point being?...n/t, posted by Stevo on Aug 13, 2003
The Germans were whom Churchill directed the above quote. They were his enemy, not the Russians. One and one adds up to two. The history lesson does not apply to the quote - but it is quite interesting. Title: Re: History - but Churchill was referring to Germans Post by: tim360z on August 14, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to History - but Churchill was referring to..., posted by Bobby Orr on Aug 14, 2003
Yes. I had thought Churchill only meant the Germans in that quote. Not the Russians or Hungarians. I think Churchill was using the term (Hun) in referring to the Germans and the war which they began. Title: Read the link below history buffs Post by: Bobby Orr on August 14, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to History - but Churchill was referring to..., posted by Bobby Orr on Aug 14, 2003
http://www.winstonchurchill.org/fh103wit.htm Title: Reality Post by: Bobby Orr on August 14, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Read the link below history buffs, posted by Bobby Orr on Aug 14, 2003
Was it really a historian who made it up?? At least Churchill did refer to Huns as Germans. Title: I always heard it attributed to Russians Post by: John K on August 12, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Winston Churchill, posted by Bobby Orr on Aug 11, 2003
My mistake. Sorry for the confusion. Title: Re: It comes from the "life is hard" school Post by: WmGo on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to It comes from the "life is hard&quo..., posted by John K on Aug 6, 2003
Good post. Very good assessment and evalutation. I hate to say it but most Western men are shark
Title: from the "life is hard" school, nice post! Post by: tim360z on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to It comes from the "life is hard&quo..., posted by John K on Aug 6, 2003
It is a hard and brutal life there John, the likes of which we do not really know of here. Historically, life has always been hard there...before "freedom" and the rise of the "mafiaocracy". Before, Stalin and Lenin and the Bolsheviks life was hard for the average person. In the centuries of the Czars it was again, difficult. Life has always been one big struggle there. Never, has there been a "Golden Age" of anything. One either survives or one perishes. For us, with plenty of greed and corruption here, it is amazing the degree of corruption there. It is pervasive and on every level and starta of the society and culture. Yes, amid all this one may find a true gem. But search carefully. Title: Right on....n/t Post by: LP on August 06, 2003, 04:00:00 AM Title: Re: Two years ago....True Post by: tim360z on August 06, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Two years ago...., posted by LP on Aug 5, 2003
Yes, 2 years ago you would have been "troll-stoned" for such a heresy. Or heresies. For some you would have been the messenger of bad news which they did not want to hear. But, don't shoot the messenger. From any balanced rational point of view...this pursuit is curious, at best. It is also a biz loaded with propaganda and myths of RW to be sucked-up by the unwary. "Success" should not be measured by finding "the one". Thats the easy part. Maybe success is like 5 years of marriage or ten. Now, there are only a couple thousand of these marriages here per year, a mere drop in the bucket. To support the plethora of "agencies"? For agencies, their "success" is in NOT having the inventory married and off the market. It is in peddling their "services". As many as possible. They are selling a dream..a fantasy. A little variation on the movie, "The Producers". They are not really selling marriage...they are really selling, emails, translations, letter forwarding, photos, trips, interperters, apartments, flowers, roses, perfumes, stuffed bears and bunnies etc. Thats where the money is, boy. Putting RW's on a pedestal is just plain stupid. There is no reason for that. No sane guy here would marry a girl after spending only a week with her....but with a Russian girl..Da. Makes no sense. One can reap a bitter harvest with this method. How many guys have I known on their wedding day who were so happy and in love that you thought they were drugged-up??? Give it a little time---2 or 3 years later...a wasteland of enimity and loathing. Couple weeks ago I saw this funny couple with a 7 year old. It was remarkable. In the restaurant, everyone was staring at them. Difficult for people to figure out. She was absolutely stunning, perfectly dressed. One would not guess the guy with her was her husband. He was much older, unkept, rude, sullen and a good 100 pounds overweight. Without a doubt...I knew she was a new Russian bride. And she was. And she was not a happy girl and wanted out of her 2 month marriage. We spoke for only a few moments, she was amazed at my very limited Russian. Will this marriage survive here in the USA...of course not. Probably would not survive anywhere. Title: So...Why did she marry him?...n/t Post by: ChrisNJ on August 08, 2003, 04:00:00 AM Title: Re: So...Why did she marry him?... Post by: tim360z on August 08, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to So...Why did she marry him?...n/t, posted by ChrisNJ on Aug 8, 2003
I don't know her reasons. One can guess? We only spoke for 1-2 minutes, when hubbie took the unruly kid outside for a few minutes. I greeted her in Russian and she responded very well to that...big surprise. About her marriage, all she said was that she was going back home and that her marriage was a big mistake. Title: Re: Re: So...Why did she marry him?... Post by: Yeahbaby on August 09, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: So...Why did she marry him?..., posted by tim360z on Aug 8, 2003
I find it highly unlikely that a complete stranger you spoke to for "1-2 minutes" would be telling you such private information, give me a break.. And you should know that not all of these pairings are so perhaps blatantly mismatched. Many look as normal as could be. Oscar Title: Agree ........... something doesn't Post by: MtMav on August 09, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Re: So...Why did she marry him?..., posted by Yeahbaby on Aug 9, 2003
smell right about his "1-2 minute" conversation with a total stranger. Title: something doesn't.... does it always Post by: thesearch on August 10, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Agree ........... something doesn't, posted by MtMav on Aug 9, 2003
Sure it is unusual for a complete stranger to tell a total another that she is not happy with her marriage. However, I have had far stranger and surprising conversations with people I do not know in my life. Besides, he most likely is not telling us the whole story. He may have shared his interest in the MOB scene etc and thus this could be why I would suspect that a person might open up to a stranger. I mean what is the motive in making up a story? I think you two should give him a break. LOL Title: Re: something doesn't.... does it always Post by: Yeahbaby on August 11, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to something doesn't.... does it always, posted by thesearch on Aug 10, 2003
Many people here "make up stories", where have you been?? I don't know or care if he is a troll or not but I do know these people somewhat, being married to one and having had 4 trips there. These are typically not people who open up quickly. With strangers they are usually quite aloof and reserved. For them to have a one minute conversation with a complete stranger about the state of their marriage would be extremely unlikely. Title: Re: Re: something doesn't.... does it always Post by: thesearch on August 13, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: something doesn't.... does it always, posted by Yeahbaby on Aug 11, 2003
I have been there also and point well taken about their nature. I experienced the same. Title: Re: something doesn't.... does it always Post by: Mark33 on August 11, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to something doesn't.... does it always, posted by thesearch on Aug 10, 2003
I certainly believe a woman can open up to a stranger very quickly. She may need to talk to somebody,anybody. I once had a latin girl I met briefly and spoke to for no more than 5 minutes at a coffee shop, tell me she married an American man. When I congradulated her(in my bad Spanish) she quickly let me know she was not planning to stay. I did not stay too long after that. I realize at the time, she may have been looking for a replacement,and a bit too quick in opening up to me. Damsel in distress? I got over the need to play savior a long time ago. Mark Title: Fine........... something doesn't Post by: tim360z on August 10, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Agree ........... something doesn't, posted by MtMav on Aug 9, 2003
Really, beleive whatever you wish. I don't post junk or make up stories. Finito. Title: Tim, where did you see Lena and I? LOL n/t Post by: KenC on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM Title: Nice, But I know it wasn't you, but Post by: tim360z on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Tim, where did you see Lena and I? LOL ..., posted by KenC on Aug 7, 2003
that little episode did give me a little insight. That some guys involved in this are a bit unrealistic. What I didn't mention was the guy kept moving the table and re-orienting it until she had only the wall to look at. He would even walk her 30 feet to the ladies room and stand there until she finished. Just a little controlling? ps: I know from your thoughts and postings alone, that you are a very good "catch"...Tell Lena she is a very lucky woman. Title: Re: Nice, But I know it wasn't you, but Post by: KenC on August 08, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Nice, But I know it wasn't you, but, posted by tim360z on Aug 7, 2003
Tim, I tell her all the time. (Not really) The thing that I see that usually submarines guys involved with this process is lack of skill or experience with women. There seems to be an unusually high number of guys that just never had a lot of dates with AW. The guys that did OK with AW, usually do fine in the FSU. Face it, women are women KenC Title: I agree n/t Post by: tim360z on August 08, 2003, 04:00:00 AM Title: All true..... Post by: LP on August 06, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Two years ago....True, posted by tim360z on Aug 6, 2003
...and well said. In fairness I must admit dealing with the bottom feeders has warped my opinions a bit. Although not actively involved (other than trips to play with non-MOB girls) I had helped a guy get started last fall. Because of that experinece I've since become active in scammer surpression and dealing with the scummy side. (I recently assisted in a sting on a scammer, a gratifying project.) However (as with my previous life in LE) I have found dealing mainly with the negative side tends to leave a bad taste in one's mouth. I've also learned the notion MOB people are social misfits, losers, trophy hunters (whatever you want to call them), has much more than a ring of truth to it and to say they're a small minority is burying one's head in the sand. Read any MOB board and you'll see what I mean. For example, the idea of moving to the FSU is only one telling sign of how screwed up some of these guys really are. Rebelling against one's own culture is a sign of social withdrawal as old as civilization. You're right about many agencies too, I have to laugh when I read some of the nonsense they put out. They're pushing a dream to those who are living in a dream world, those who have fled reality. After all, it's easy to sell thimbles of water to people dying of thirst. At least many women have valid reasons for using them... Then there is this gem sent to me by one of the FSU girls I keep in contact with. She was sent this in the second letter she got from a guy: "Honey, I need a sexual woman just as much or maybe more. How brave are you?? How sexual are you?? Can you show me more of you to show that you have interest in me? Unbutton your blouse down to your waist and spread your legs apart with no panties. Lean back and say hello to me." MOB guys at their finest, eh? She told me she gets this kind of crap all the time. (Lol, the guy was a Texan by the way.) Course, I'm speaking in generalities...no one on the world's finest Russian discussion board would ever fit this profile. ;-) Title: Dealing Post by: tim360z on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to All true....., posted by LP on Aug 6, 2003
with the scammers and bottomfeeders can warp anyone. Ask anyone in LE. Title: Why did I go to Russia?... Post by: Stevo on August 06, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to All true....., posted by LP on Aug 6, 2003
to find a trophy wife, of course! If ALL I wanted was a true blue woman who would love and cherish me, and had no ulterior motives, I would have found me an American wife. There's no shortage of available women. There's nothing wrong with American women, contrary to what a lot of MOB pursuers state or think. For me, the ONLY reason to look to the FSU was the young and pretty factor. Talk about values, culture, blah, blah, blah is just a lot of rubbish. It's about a bunch of guys trying to justify looking in the FSU w/o admitting why they are REALLY searching that environment. Hey, at least I KNOW why I went looking there! Come to Daddy trophy wife! Stevo Title: Re: Why did I go to Russia?...Trophy wife Post by: Mark33 on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Why did I go to Russia?..., posted by Stevo on Aug 6, 2003
Stevo, I understand you went to Russia for your trophy wife. Does she have sex with you willingly and often, or do you end up begging for it or having to give gifts to get it?. Not a put down, but a serious question.It seems most guys in search of trophy wives have a trade off.They get to show off a sexy wife to friends, but usually get the cold shoulder when she is alone with him,unless he bends over backwards to keep her happy. I don't know, but I would rather find an attractive woman who is a 7-8 and into me, than get one who thinks she is too good for me. I get turned on when my fiance initiates the kissing and sexual contact and affection. I know she is really into me. I have been with trophies who made me feel I was asking for a favor whenever I wanted sex. Trophy wives cost an awful lot more than they are worth. The novelty of their looks wear off pretty quick. Mark Title: Unfortunately, my wife adores me in every way. It is a real... Post by: Stevo on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Why did I go to Russia?...Trophy wif..., posted by Mark33 on Aug 7, 2003
[This message has been edited by Stevo] pain in the ass when you just want to be left alone. Hey, when you are over 50, the libido isn't quite what it was when you were 25. The wife however...well, let's just say that she is in the 'peakin' stage. And...excuse me, gotta' go! Stevo Title: My point exactly.... Post by: LP on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Why did I go to Russia?..., posted by Stevo on Aug 6, 2003
...except I didn't have to leave my back yard the last two times to get the same. From your profile it would seem only one of you in that deal got a trophy, eh? ;-) The procescution rests.... Title: I dunno', my wife got lots of 'stuff'...that's a woman's typical 'trophy'. Post by: Stevo on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to My point exactly...., posted by LP on Aug 7, 2003
[This message has been edited by Stevo] Men and women USUALLY have different priorities in a marriage. Men want young and beautiful, women want security and safety. This is what allows couples to have such outward disparities. Title: Re: I dunno', my wife got lots of 'stuff'...that's a woman's typical 'trophy'. Post by: thesearch on August 08, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to I dunno', my wife got lots of 'stuff'......, posted by Stevo on Aug 7, 2003
I forgot, how old is your trophy? Title: 30 yesr old. Post by: Stevo on August 09, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: I dunno', my wife got lots of 'stuff..., posted by thesearch on Aug 8, 2003
ggg Title: Re: I dunno', my wife got lots of 'stuff'...that's a woman's typical 'trophy'. Post by: Mark33 on August 08, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to I dunno', my wife got lots of 'stuff'......, posted by Stevo on Aug 7, 2003
Stevo, What you say is true to a point.Women usually have different priorities in marriage. But I have seen too many trophy wives who now want something much different than they were looking for in their 20's and 30's.20's and 30's were the age they looked for security . As they now have it, it seems they later go on and look for younger men who can give them a bit of excitement and youth they now seem to be losing. Sort of a mid-life crisis on her end. Perhaps as their husband ages,and they get hit on by young good looking men all of the time. It gets more difficult to turn down an oppurtunity to get a "boy toy". Just my observation. Good luck with your marriage. mark Title: Re: I dunno', my wife got lots of 'stuff'...that's a woman's typical 'trophy'. Post by: tim360z on August 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to I dunno', my wife got lots of 'stuff'......, posted by Stevo on Aug 7, 2003
This is a very good point. And quite valid in male/female human inter-relationships. Invariably, women go for the dough...thereby gaining the desired security. Actually, marriage for romantic or "love" reasons is rather a new aspect of marriage. For thousands of years marriage was more of an economic/survival modality. Or for strenghtening the power of 2 familys or of reigons or city states or countries. Title: True, true, true ......... Post by: JohnL on August 06, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to All true....., posted by LP on Aug 6, 2003
Spot on, your observations and comments are so fitting ! *Bottom feeders, trophy girls* and those comments like the finest Russian Discussion Board, Yeh, they make me smile. I remember the *resident custodian* of this board (I think he is a Texan)once saying, *You should have seen the looks on their faces when I walked into the school class reunion with my new Russian wife hanging on my arm*. His words were similar to that anyhow. It just seems to me this approach with FSUW has more to do with *Trophy Wives* than any are prepared to admit. You are such a realist LP ! Good Luck, and lots of it to some here. Title: great.......... Post by: Cold Warrior on August 04, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Success in St Petersburg!, posted by PhilMo on Aug 4, 2003
good luck Phil. Its always great to see some old timers finally find the Ms. Right. |