Title: pimsleur lesson & visa gift card idea Post by: cherokee on July 17, 2003, 04:00:00 AM anyone have the cd pimsleur russian 2 lesson 10 on it. I need it and I'm having a tough time finding it.
Another thing i wanted to mention is the new visa gift card that works like debit card and money order. I know Bank of America is offering them. I guess you can buy them and put any amount of money on it, send it to your girl or in-laws and they go to any mac machine with the visa symbol and take the $$ sounds like it would be alot cheaper than wester onion. I've sent my in-laws a debit card by postmail. We just taped the debit card on the back of a picture and sent it with a bunch of other photos and had no problemo. we've done this twice....so far so good;) Good luck to all and let me know if anyone had the pimsleur cd. Title: Re: pimsleur lesson & visa gift card idea Post by: Turner on July 29, 2003, 04:00:00 AM Title: n/t Post by: LP on August 01, 2003, 04:00:00 AM Title: Re: n/t Post by: Big Wally on August 02, 2003, 04:00:00 AM |