Title: Bush's daughters brutally slaughtered.... Post by: Griffin redux on July 22, 2003, 04:00:00 AM in a massive firefight in Crawford, Texas. America is, of course, totally demoralized and abject surrender is expected. Jubilation abounds in the Arab street.
Oh. Excuse me. I got it backward. Sadaam Hussein's sons are believed to be dead and the abject surrender of Islamic fundamentalists. now that they know just whom they are f*ing with, must certainly be imminent! God help us! How many Americans must die for Halliburton and Israel? Title: Re: Bush's daughters brutally slaughtered.... Post by: Robert D on July 24, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Bush's daughters brutally slaughtered......, posted by Griffin redux on Jul 22, 2003
Well every omlet requires the breaking of eggs. I guess we will see a few more egg shells before this is over and the people of Iraq are allowed to eat in peace. Robert D. Title: A bright fellow - on the left - lives... Post by: BURKE89 on July 23, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Bush's daughters brutally slaughtered......, posted by Griffin redux on Jul 22, 2003
Now, perhaps: an America-first coalition? How's this: you can be 'lucky Lindy, N. Thomas or Col. McCormick?' Best, Vaughn Title: None of the above.... Post by: Griffin redux on July 23, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to A bright fellow - on the left - lives..., posted by BURKE89 on Jul 23, 2003
I would choose to be three parts Barry Goldwater and two parts Thomas Jefferson. It is interesting to look at how the concepts of "liberalism" and "conservatism", "left" and "right", have changed over the years. My core beliefs have not changed. I have always believed in limited government, fiscal responsibility, and will fight any attempt to limit personal freedom. Thirty years ago I was a moss-backed conservative. Now I am a wild-eyed liberal. The "conservatives" of today have created mega-bureaucracy If that doesn't get this thread deleted, I give up! :-) Your post was dashing, by the way. Title: Mr. Comma says... Post by: BURKE89 on July 24, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to None of the above...., posted by Griffin redux on Jul 23, 2003
you must be related to the finest man in D.C./East Texas: Ron Paul. 'Tis a shame most can't distinquish between liberty vs servitude, unlike yourself. Only the thunder... Title: Ron Paul is a good man..... Post by: Griffin redux on July 24, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Mr. Comma says..., posted by BURKE89 on Jul 24, 2003
[This message has been edited by Griffin redux] His Neocon speech is a "must read" for thoughtful Americans. Title: Re: Bush's daughters brutally slaughtered.... Post by: lswote on July 23, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Bush's daughters brutally slaughtered......, posted by Griffin redux on Jul 22, 2003
I am glad to see Sadaam's sons confirmed dead. With Osama and Sadaam very possibly still alive and still able to incite hatred towards the US it is good to KNOW that we finally got some of the bad guys. That said, I think I get the point of your satire. The point I think you were trying to make is that to millions of Iraqis, Sadaam’s sons aren't seen as the sadistic murderers that we see them as in the US but as family members of what they consider their legitimate government. So the point of the satire using the Bush daughters is very accurate in that aspect. Many Muslims are not seeing us as liberators despite Sadaam’s repressive and murderous regime and to them every action we take against Sadaam fuels their hatred toward us. Title: Wrong........ Post by: Cold Warrior on July 23, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Bush's daughters brutally slaughtere..., posted by lswote on Jul 23, 2003
[This message has been edited by Cold Warrior] Most Iraqis hated Saddam. There were celebrations in Iraq last night with fireworks and AK-47's being fired into the air on hearing of Uday and Qusay's death. However, most Iraqis now want an Islamic state and American attempts to impose a Western style democracy upon Iraq will put us on a collision course. Iswote ...I'm glad to hear that your wife is OK and you have sorted out the bills. Congratulations on the baby. Good Luck. Title: I wish I was Post by: lswote on July 23, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Wrong........, posted by Cold Warrior on Jul 23, 2003
I wish I was wrong, but I submit the following quote supporting what I said that shows many Iraqis do feel Sadaam was their legitmate leader. http://www.nytimes.com/2003/07/23/international/worldspecial/23CND-IRAQ.html?pagewanted=2&ei=5043&en=7a1ab1b9f1a77dc8&ex=1059624000&partner=EXCITE "Mr. Ali and other Falluja police officers dismissed the idea that attacks on American forces would abate any time soon. Mr. Ali himself said he was saddened to hear about the possibility of the deaths because "they were the president's sons." He said he was sure that others who felt as he did would fight the Americans with renewed fervor." Title: You.re both right...... Post by: Griffin redux on July 23, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to I wish I was, posted by lswote on Jul 23, 2003
there are Iraqis glad to be rid of Hussein, and there are other Iraqis who are supporters of Hussein. There are probably more supporters of us in Iraq than in the Arab world in general, but that support is diminishing in both locations. It is my belief that we are in a trap of our own making, with a little help from our "friends". Title: Re: I wish I was Post by: Cold Warrior on July 23, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to I wish I was, posted by lswote on Jul 23, 2003
Most of Iraq hates Saddam. The area around Mosul and Tikrit are pro-Saddam since they are from his tribe and his birthplace. Most the attacks on US forces are around this area, the republican guards and most of the ex-ministers were also from Mosul. I came back after Baghdad fell, i can vouch that the south and the Kurds in the north absolutely hates Saddam. Title: Re: Wrong........ Post by: LP on July 23, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Wrong........, posted by Cold Warrior on Jul 23, 2003
[This message has been edited by LP] ...."most Iraqis now want an Islamic state and American attempts to impose a Western style democracy upon Iraq will put us on a collision course." Thats becoming pretty obvious, no surprise there. Nor is it any surprise that Iraq is developing into the chronic longterm, low intensity conflict many predicted. Our people are dying in Afghanistan every week and it's been years. I tend to stay outta political discussions because people tend only to focus on the present and fail to consider cause and effect. I'm not liberal, just logical. Saddam would have been better off left alone, he'd have died soon enough. In my opinion he's a far greater threat today than he was a year ago. And it's not our job to punish dictators who oppress their own people, the USA has no right being the world's policeman. And if it thinks it does it's doing a pretty piss poor job of it, there are far greater loonies to go after...like Bush. It's us who needs a regime change, America's arrogance stands as the greatest threat to world peace today. As as far as Saddam's boys, better start thinking about how he's gonna feel about it and stop caring how everyone else sees it. We just killed the guy's children after invading his country for smoke and mirror reasons. He's still out there along with Osama and thousands of others willing to take their places. To say we're only hardening their resolve is an understatement. The end did not justify the means. We're gonna pay dearly for all this in the future, there is *no* defense against people who are singleminded and determined to have their pound of flesh. The Israelis still haven't learned that. Whether it's drugs, prostitution or occupation of other countries, history shows increased enforcement and attempts to impose your will upon a people only lead to bigger problems. The past will be nothing compared to the stuff to come. Even when you're a thousand times their size, if you poke a hornet's nest you're gonna get badly stung. It's typical American arrogance that prevents our so-called leaders from understanding this. Btw, see where 'ol Idi Amin is on his deathbed? Another one about to bite the dust. Him and Pol Pot were true bad guys and we did nothing. That just leaves North Korea and a whole bunch of others. What a shame, so many despots and so little time. And what was up with the Jessica Lynch media circus? What a dog and pony show that was... Title: Beethoven’s moonlight sonata...... Post by: Cold Warrior on July 23, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Bush's daughters brutally slaughtered......, posted by Griffin redux on Jul 22, 2003
In Baghdad I spoke to some marines who entered Uday’s house . He had some photographs of Bush’s daughters in his bedroom. Also found was a log book documenting the rape of hundreds of Iraqi girls aged 12-16 by Uday. They were raped to the strains of Beethoven’s moonlight sonata. They all received a few thousands dollars in jewellery as a gift from Uday to stop the tears. Title: I don't think they were good guys..... Post by: Griffin redux on July 23, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Beethoven’s moonlight sonata......, posted by Cold Warrior on Jul 23, 2003
and I don't regret their deaths. When I first heard the news on CNN it was presented as a victory that would hasten the end of the war. My post was a clumsy effort to say that all we have done is strengthen the resolve of our enemy. Title: Re: I don't think they were good guys..... Post by: Cold Warrior on July 23, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to I don't think they were good guys....., posted by Griffin redux on Jul 23, 2003
Before the war I did post here my reservations about why we were going in. We all know that Israel and Halliburton form part of the equation. My own personal conviction was that we had to do this sooner or later. Saddam was too dangerous to be left in power. IMHO we should withdraw as soon as possible and leave nation building to the Iraqis. As I say before on this forum, attempts to bring democracy to Iraq is a waste of time. The people want an Islamic state, as do nearly all Muslim states. About time some US politicians went to Iraq and see the daily demonstrations calling for an Islamic state. Title: Couldn't agree more and regret..... Post by: Griffin redux on July 23, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: I don't think they were good guys......, posted by Cold Warrior on Jul 23, 2003
[This message has been edited by Griffin redux] not having said it as well. This is the edit/addendum: I did not favor starting this "pre-emptive" war and did not believe it was something we would eventually have to do, but that's all moot now. We're there. We need to bring this to an honorable conclusion as quickly as possible and it is in that respect I believe we are in agreement. Title: I hope your account gets pulled Post by: BubbaGump on July 23, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Bush's daughters brutally slaughtered......, posted by Griffin redux on Jul 22, 2003
Liberals are so predictable. Good news for the US is bad news for them. Title: I bet you know a lot of ways to cook shrimp..... Post by: Griffin redux on July 23, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to I hope your account gets pulled, posted by BubbaGump on Jul 23, 2003
Patriotism is much more than symbols. The tattered flag on your antenna doesn't make you a patriot. Your willingness to stand up for the right to speak of someone you disagree with is a very good indication of how much of an American you really are. If you're unwilling to do that, then you'd best leave it, because you damn sure don't have a clue what loving it means. Title: Re: I bet you know a lot of ways to cook shrimp..... Post by: Michael B on July 23, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to I bet you know a lot of ways to cook shr..., posted by Griffin redux on Jul 23, 2003
[This message has been edited by Michael B] Like many, you seem to confuse your right to speak with others' obligation to provide you a forum (others, including Patrick, have no such obligation). Just because you can stand on a soap box in the park and shout all you like, doesn't mean anybody has to listen to you and it sure doesn't mean the manager of an auditorium (or an internet group) has to give you use of their facility. Title: Re: Bush's daughters brutally slaughtered.... Post by: AllenB on July 23, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Bush's daughters brutally slaughtered......, posted by Griffin redux on Jul 22, 2003
Whatever your view is, I don't believe this is a political board and your post should be placed elsewhere. I hope you will at least respect everybody's time here by posting only relevent topics to eastern European relationships with the good people who have dialog on this board for this purpose. Title: When only one out of eight gets it..... Post by: Griffin redux on July 23, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Bush's daughters brutally slaughtered......, posted by Griffin redux on Jul 22, 2003
I must be using too many commas. The "wrong forum" criticism is accurate. From now on if my thought doesn't have something to do with Gog, Magog or the investment potential of double-wide manufacturers, I'll try to refrain from posting it. Title: Re: Gog of Magog Post by: Richard on July 23, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to When only one out of eight gets it....., posted by Griffin redux on Jul 23, 2003
your post is as relevant as the recent posts on Gog of Magog and the like. The religious threads repeatedly surface here and are tolerated. I think you should keep posting as you wish. Title: Relevance of Gog of Magog Post by: WmGo on July 23, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Gog of Magog, posted by Richard on Jul 23, 2003
Richard, The Gog-Magog posts are board relevant Anything to do with Russia is relevant WmGO Title: ... or irrelevance Post by: lswote on July 24, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Relevance of Gog of Magog, posted by WmGo on Jul 23, 2003
Hmmm, with that kind of logic, it could be argued that Griffin's post is totally relevant too since it refers to the US and many of the men seeking foreign wives are Americans and thus anything to do with the US is relevant to this forum. But that kind of logic aside, if I had my drothers I would rather see satire like Griffin’s posted on this site than I would see biblical ramblings. Even people who believe that kind of stuff find trying to make sense of theological writings with clouded meanings a difficult task and I don’t see how someone’s biblical interpretations, and that is all they are, interpretations, have any more relevance to this site than Griffin’s post. At least Griffin’s post had a certain kind of sick humor to it as opposed a talk of Gog and Magog, which was so boring it sort of wanted to make me Magag. Title: Welcome to the RUSSIAN board... Post by: tfcrew on July 24, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to ... or irrelevance, posted by lswote on Jul 24, 2003
..from the LATIN board. Under discussian was the future of RUSSIA. If a topic like this "bores" you, why come here? Title: Thanks Post by: lswote on July 24, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Welcome to the RUSSIAN board..., posted by tfcrew on Jul 24, 2003
I am finding that foreign wives from ANY country have much in common and don't restrict myself to just the Latin board. And to answer your question, maybe I LIKE to magag. Title: OK Post by: tfcrew on July 24, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Thanks, posted by lswote on Jul 24, 2003
I like to gog around too and don't really want to over-do it. I hope your lady is doing OK and is recovered. (I read the latin board too) Karl Title: As much as I enjoyed the humor..... Post by: Griffin redux on July 24, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to ... or irrelevance, posted by lswote on Jul 24, 2003
I cannot support any "gag" rule. :-) Title: Whatever floats your boat....:-) N/T Post by: Griffin redux on July 23, 2003, 04:00:00 AM Title: That would be FSUW....:-) Post by: WmGo on July 24, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Whatever floats your boat....:-) N/T, posted by Griffin redux on Jul 23, 2003
FSUW = HOT! Title: That's a linear equation..... Post by: Griffin redux on July 24, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to That would be FSUW....:-) , posted by WmGo on Jul 24, 2003
when one the primary attractions of FSUW, for me at least, is their curves. :-) Welcome back! Title: Please share that equation ........ Post by: JohnL on July 24, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to That would be FSUW....:-) , posted by WmGo on Jul 24, 2003
.......... with us "Non-unequally yoked" batchelors when you catch up on the last couple of weeks :-) LOL Glad to see that the Seek Ye .... has been sharing a "open eye" approach ! Waiting, waiting, waiting ..... Title: What Bush did for Texas? Post by: tfcrew on July 23, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to When only one out of eight gets it....., posted by Griffin redux on Jul 23, 2003
1) Used the brief governorship for a springboard to the presidency. 2) Left it in a $10 billion deficit. Oh I got it. Title: Oh, you poor thing! Post by: Ray on July 22, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Bush's daughters brutally slaughtered......, posted by Griffin redux on Jul 22, 2003
You have my deepest sympathies on the tragic loss of your fellow America-haters, Odai & Qusai. Just one question: why is it that a good day for America always has to be a bad day for liberals??? I never could figure that one out :-) Now I think I’ll go celebrate. Care to join me? ROTFFLMGDAO! Ray Title: Re: Bush's daughters brutally slaughtered.... Post by: Richard on July 22, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Bush's daughters brutally slaughtered......, posted by Griffin redux on Jul 22, 2003
nice satire (if that's the correct term), wrong board to post it on. (Don't get me wrong, I did like it.) Title: Re: Bush's daughters . Post by: WmGo on July 22, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Bush's daughters brutally slaughtered......, posted by Griffin redux on Jul 22, 2003
Typical liberal: equating young girls with mass murdering despotic, satanic dictators. Absolutely brilliant - and manly. Title: True Colors Post by: Bobby Orr on July 22, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Bush's daughters brutally slaughtered......, posted by Griffin redux on Jul 22, 2003
Ah, so you are against the bible and progress. Title: Re: Bush's daughters brutally slaughtered.... Post by: Robert D on July 22, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Bush's daughters brutally slaughtered......, posted by Griffin redux on Jul 22, 2003
There were those against the war in WW11. The French and British public did nothing while Germany armed over 10 years in violation of the treaty that ended WW1. The did nothing, and we did nothing. There were ecos in the dark saying, lets intervene before Germany gets too strong. We did nothing. So they followed your advice, and there were many who accused those who wanted to take care of Germany while we could, as being interested only in making money. So more than 30 million dead, later, well, perhaps you do not know your history. That was the costs of delay in the face of obvious danger. If we have not learned anything from 9/11, we should learn how fragile our way of life and economy are to terror. Some who dislike us do not need nukes to drop, just nuke waste, easy to find and transport. Explode that in New York or another place, and our econonmy would die, at the prospect of evactuation of entire cities. No one would have to die, (except one idiot terrorist) but the fear and economic impact would be terrible. It will not take years for those that hate us to have this capabilities, they almost have it now. And it will not take 30 million dead to hurt us badly. There will be other Iraqs as well there should have been the last 9 years when we did nothing to respond to the attacks on our cities and interest. At some point you just have to say, enough, and I for one am glad we did. NOw to assure there is something in hear about Russian Woman, I think they are beautiful. Robert D. Title: Re: Bush's daughters brutally slaughtered.... Post by: Robert D on July 22, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Bush's daughters brutally slaughtered......, posted by Griffin redux on Jul 22, 2003
where did this come from. What does this have to do with Russian women? Title: TROLL TROLL TROLL TROLL TROLL lalala TROLL! Post by: vagn on July 22, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Bush's daughters brutally slaughtered......, posted by Griffin redux on Jul 22, 2003
I hope Patrick gets around to cleaning house again. Title: OK. I'll go away. Let me know when you guys evolve a brain. n/t Post by: Griffin redux on July 22, 2003, 04:00:00 AM Title: Let us know when you grow some balls. n/t Post by: ChrisNJ on July 22, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to OK. I'll go away. Let me know when you..., posted by Griffin redux on Jul 22, 2003
n/t Title: Ever notice some guys think you can't have both a brain and balls? Post by: lswote on July 24, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Let us know when you grow some balls. n..., posted by ChrisNJ on Jul 22, 2003
Guess they have first hand experience. Title: I'm not from Jersey. Are YOU from Jersey? N/T Post by: Griffin redux on July 23, 2003, 04:00:00 AM Title: I thought this was a Forum for marriage Post by: Bubba on July 22, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Bush's daughters brutally slaughtered......, posted by Griffin redux on Jul 22, 2003
I wasn't aware Patrick wanted this to be a political site? Title: That was what my FSU wife said .... Post by: Griffin redux on July 22, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to I thought this was a Forum for marriage, posted by Bubba on Jul 22, 2003
I of course support your right not to hear anything unsettling and to eschew your right to freely express yourself at every opportunity! Title: Now from an aestheticlly inclined Post by: BURKE89 on July 26, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to That was what my FSU wife said ...., posted by Griffin redux on Jul 22, 2003
point of view that was clever!!!! I wish to ban everything well other than the exclamation point!!!!!! Title: Comments like you started this tread with Post by: Bubba on July 22, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to That was what my FSU wife said ...., posted by Griffin redux on Jul 22, 2003
don't deserve a reponse. I am a proud Vietnam veteran who loves my country. Title: You think I don.t? n/t Post by: Griffin redux on July 22, 2003, 04:00:00 AM Title: Yes I think you DON'T n/t Post by: Bubba on July 22, 2003, 04:00:00 AM Title: Did you mean to say "I think you DON'T"..... Post by: Griffin redux on July 23, 2003, 04:00:00 AM |