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GoodWife / Planet-Love Archives => Threads started in 2003 => Topic started by: Philb on July 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM

Title: Aerosvit direct flights to Kiev
Post by: Philb on July 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
I have been busy the past few days planning a September trip to Ukraine.  I am curious if any one has flown on one of these flights (Aerosvit Airlines NYC direct to Kiev).  If so what was your experience?  I have already purchased my tickets for this trip so at this point it is just a matter of curiosity.

Title: Direct to Kiev?!...
Post by: Frank O on July 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Aerosvit direct flights to Kiev, posted by Philb on Jul 7, 2003

Where did you see that? I'd like to check that out.

Title: Re: Direct to Kiev?!...
Post by: Philb on July 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Direct to Kiev?!..., posted by Frank O on Jul 7, 2003

Here is the link.  They started this last spring (May I think)

Title: Re: Direct to Kiev?!...I STILL can't...
Post by: Frank O on July 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Direct to Kiev?!..., posted by Frank O on Jul 7, 2003

find anything on them. Where I can check for prices? I'm planning on going back either August or September depending on the price of the tickets.

Title: Re: Re: Direct to Kiev?!...I STILL can't...
Post by: Philb on July 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Direct to Kiev?!...I STILL can't..., posted by Frank O on Jul 7, 2003

August is going to pricey (always is).  September isn't looking a whole lot better.  I have been tracking prices for a few weeks and decided to buy yesterday.  I am going end of september and paying 1030.00 with taxes et. al.  Granted, this is flying out of Casper WY.

Title: Seems high....
Post by: LP on July 08, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Direct to Kiev?!...I STILL can't..., posted by Philb on Jul 7, 2003

....from Wyoming. Last I checked, the fare outta SFO round trip was $800. (I dunno though, I don't follow these things closely.) In winter fares are always cheaper. You might want to call a consolidator like Glavs Travel in NYC. (San Francisco is the consolidator capital of the US though, you might do better looking for one there.)

Title: The problem is Great Lakes Air...
Post by: Philb on July 08, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Seems high...., posted by LP on Jul 8, 2003

They are the feeder airline for Casper to Denver.  Their contract stipulates that their fee for this portion of the flight will always be $215.00.  When you subtract that things look a little better.  There are current negotiations to bring another airline in and cut these guys out.  Delta into Moscow is always a lot cheaper since they have a better (for Delta) contract with Skywest.

Thanks for the Chornobyl info and the book recommendation.

Title: Re: Re: Re: Direct to Kiev?!...I STILL can't...
Post by: Frank O on July 08, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Direct to Kiev?!...I STILL can't..., posted by Philb on Jul 7, 2003

Dang! That IS pricey. First time I flew KLM from Houston to Amserdam to Kiev. $693 this was in November. Last month I flew Continental Houston London KIev. $829. I guess I'll continue to try to seek a decent price. I'm in the same ballpark anyways pricewise. Thanks anyways.

Title: No worries....
Post by: LP on July 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Aerosvit direct flights to Kiev, posted by Philb on Jul 7, 2003

[This message has been edited by LP]

....I used them both ways last month to/from JFK and they did OK. The equipment is adequate (B767ER) but the food was typical FSU airline fare. I'm used to a better seat but considering the price I paid, I can't complain too much...

Title: One other question...
Post by: Philb on July 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to No worries...., posted by LP on Jul 7, 2003

I was thinking about doing the Chornobyl thing.  What was your impression?

Title: Well....
Post by: LP on July 08, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to One other question..., posted by Philb on Jul 7, 2003

[This message has been edited by LP]

served it's purpose....deleted.

Title: Re: Well....
Post by: JohnL on July 08, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Well...., posted by LP on Jul 8, 2003

LP thank you for your time and patience for sharing your experience, in particular for what the ?experts? have relayed to you.I am most appreciative of that.

However, I would like to question a few details, and if possible, away from this forum. However that may not be possible.

Please dont get me wrong, I am not from the anti scene or a ill-informed greenie; after all I supplied goods and services to the construction of the largest copper/uranium mine to be established in this country during the 1980?s. My business supplied from woe to go, and with all the opposition that one could imagine.

In addition, on that fatal night of 1986, I was monitoring Engineering Telemetry from the Amateur & Scientific spacecraft UO11 (University of Surrey Satellite 11) when suddenly things appeared to go horribly wrong. Yes, in its earth synchronous orbit, and probably only 300kM from earth at the time, it went ballistic! It did not tell lies. The spread of radionuclides was catastrophic.

This personal statement surprised me a little;
the truth is there has been no birth defects or other nonsense the anti-nuclear groups would have you believe) but nature has faired far better than anyone thought.

How could this be so? For example they have told you that;

and more than 100 times the radionuclides of Hirsohima and Nagasaki combined were hurled into the air

You see LP, the remnants of those two cities are just starting to ?rear their ugly heads? and that event took place some 60 years ago. Yes both you and I were only thoughts then, but have a look at the facts surrounding that area today. Pretty grim, too sad to even talk about. Cherno was only say 17 years ago as you mentioned.

What I am trying to say is, weigh up very carefully what the *Authorities* would like us to believe , and expect us as idiots to take as fact. All the worldly bodies can say ?but nature has faired far better than anyone thought?, but it is far from the truth. Mmmm ?.?

You see literature and research is so sparse, in this complex and unforgiving science, that we may not even know the facts for another one hundred years. That is quite possible from past experience with material of this nature.

As an analogy, I could from experience, go out and say to the public tomorrow, that mobile phones (in the 1GHz range), are going to induce a brain tumour within a very short space of time, do not use them. I have seen excessive users of mobile phones all fall with brain tumours, many of them.

But is my statement fact? Unknown. Time will tell. RF is being spewed all over this planet in 2003, is it normal? Was the human designed for this sort of stuff? Is any life biogeographically suited to this form of contamination? I tend to want to err on the safe side.

This is a very interesting observation;

the World Health and UNSCER studies show the environmental damage was relativley minor. (Maybe not so in Belarus to the north.)

I think your Belarus comment was spot on, believe me LP, start looking at the data surrounding this region and the resulting tragedy that has followed. I tend to want to believe data more than the Globalised Opinion Makers.

Have a look at the data from Belarus, see some of the Children of Cherno Charities, they are not doing it for fun ! They have been told a LIE in my judgement.

I certainly appreciated your experience, I trust others will, and most of all, I trust truth will prevail.

Thanks for sharing "Biggles" !

Title: Re: Re: Well....
Post by: LP on July 08, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Well...., posted by JohnL on Jul 8, 2003

[This message has been edited by LP]'re welcome, feel free to email me if you want to discuss it more.

Title: If I could only get your price..... N/T
Post by: Philb on July 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to No worries...., posted by LP on Jul 7, 2003

Title: You can....
Post by: LP on July 08, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to If I could only get your price..... N/T, posted by Philb on Jul 7, 2003

....just work and study for years, starve for a bunch more, put up with some amazing BS and incompetent executives, repeatably lose your job to the economy or worry about how the slightest medical problem can erase a career in a heartbeat (literally).

Suffer an atrocious senority system, learn to work with some *mighty* strange people, be gone from home a lot with the resulting effects on your social life and constantly eat bad food and live in hotels until you want to throw up. (Not to mention badly scaring yourself and everyone else several times a month. ;-)

Do all this and you'll be in like Flynn. Or just get a job as a baggage smasher or ramp tramp, it's a lot easier....

Title: You make it sound so appealing.....
Post by: Philb on July 08, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to You can...., posted by LP on Jul 8, 2003

I think I will stay where I am at with my 10+weeks of vacation each year and pay to much for my tickets.

Title: Not so bad...
Post by: LP on July 08, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to You make it sound so appealing....., posted by Philb on Jul 8, 2003 has it's good points at times. I forgot the appx 24 weeks of off time a year, gives me more time to b*tch about things. And while the stability sux, the bux ain't bad for those other weeks. But it definately is a lot more BS these days and isn't the barrel of monkeys it used to be. I wish I had been involved in the late 50's and 60's, I hear it was pretty sweet back then.

Title: No Problems
Post by: DJD on July 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Aerosvit direct flights to Kiev, posted by Philb on Jul 7, 2003

My wife and son took this flight on June 22nd, and everything went well.  It is now possible to connect thru on Aerosvit on to Simferopol, and return without spending a night in Kiev, at least on a Sunday departure and Tuesday return.  She did mention that customs at Borispol was very slow, and her bags were thoroughly searched.  Our travel agent, an Eastern European specialist in NYC, thought this was because she was a returning Ukrainian woman.  She did not have a problem last summer.  They will be returning next week, and I can't wait!
Good luck on your trip,

Dan D.

Title: Thanks N/T
Post by: Philb on July 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to No Problems, posted by DJD on Jul 7, 2003