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GoodWife / Planet-Love Archives => Threads started in 2003 => Topic started by: toma on May 27, 2003, 04:00:00 AM

Title: Visit to Ukraine
Post by: toma on May 27, 2003, 04:00:00 AM

I was wondering if I could get some info here about this problem....

My wife is going to visit the Ukraine in July. She is a Ukrainian citizen and has been in the US since Feb. We were married at the end of March and she is leaving on July 7th.

We have summitted the AOS and have received her Advanced Parole papers for the trip. She feels she needs something else for the Ukrainian Customs people to let her leave the Ukraine in August. Is this true?? Does she need any other documents for her to leave the Ukraine and return ? She has a K1 fiancee visa that expired May 6th.

Any help will be appreciated.

Title: It's the infamous "exit" visa again....
Post by: T P Cornholio on May 29, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Visit  to Ukraine, posted by toma on May 27, 2003

Check the Brama board:

Title: Wouldn't hurt to take some extras...
Post by: tfcrew on May 28, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Visit  to Ukraine, posted by toma on May 27, 2003

Her R.I. ID card. A nice copy of the marriage license if not the original. That should do it.
The advanced parole is for getting  through US customs back home and not so much leaving Ukraine.
She has her ticket?..Ukraine customs shouldn't care less.
It is also a good idea to get a VIP arrival service. My wife did it May 2 in Kiev and they didn't even look at her twice she said. (Like no arrival scrutiny).. She came back Sunday !!  
You don't mention a destination city.
You may wish to update your profile page (where you are still "engaged")

Title: my wife
Post by: Stan B on May 27, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Visit  to Ukraine, posted by toma on May 27, 2003

landed in Ukraine today in Lvov. She got hassled upon entry about not having the 'exit stamp'. The Ukrainian customs agent was giving her a hard time and probably figured her for coming from the USA w/ some $ and he wanted some. She kept asking 'how much?' and he kept saying 'what is it worth?'. Finally she offered $20 and he said no $30, she paid and then he stamped her passport and she was free to leave.

Title: Re: my wife
Post by: Stan on May 28, 2003, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to my wife, posted by Stan B on May 27, 2003

My wife and step son just went home today also to Simferopol after having been here for two years.  She flew into Borispol and went thru customs there and said she didn't have any problems. A friend of ours went home to Oddesa this winter and was hassled at customs there. From what I can gather, it has ALOT to do with where you go thru customs and who is on shift at the time. She also took a copy, original copy notorized from court house, of our marrige certificate along to avoid any problems getting out or re-entering the Sates. Had her plane tickets in her maiden name to match her passport.  Sure am jelious of her,,,,, I don't go over yet for 53 more days!   :)