Title: Sad Russian Aircraft Story . . . Post by: Dan on May 09, 2003, 04:00:00 AM Story here -- http://www.cnn.com/2003/WORLD/africa/05/09/plane.deaths/index.html
It seems an IL-76 (Soviet designed and built) lost its rear door in flight and the accompanying rapid decompression sucked as many as 100 (or more) people from the plane to their deaths. Sad story and an important reminder of the general caliber of equipment produced by the Soviet system. Just FYI - Dan Title: Re: Just a knock off of the C141..should have seen Post by: wsbill on May 09, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Sad Russian Aircraft Story . . ., posted by Dan on May 9, 2003
The TN air guard in Memphis 2 years ago when they forgot to take out pressurizing plugs (looking for fuel leaks). A fuel truck hooks up and began putting fuel onboard, which over pressurized a wings and the wing broke off. Spilling fuel all over the place. Wing shouldn't have broken off... just a old bird. Title: huh? Post by: vagn on May 09, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Sad Russian Aircraft Story . . ., posted by Dan on May 9, 2003
=== ... reminder of the general caliber of equipment === produced by the Soviet system. Or it could have been improperly secured, They don't even know how many people were on the plane! Title: Re: NTSB in Congo... LOL Post by: wsbill on May 09, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to huh?, posted by vagn on May 9, 2003
Your talking about a 3rd world country flying old worn out aircraft which the russian probably sold them after years of service. I'll bet Congo won't even pony up money for pine boxes. This is the way we ought to get rid of all those Al Queda folks in Gitmo. Blame it all on mechanical failure...will work like a charm. Ukraine has a few of them on their flt line. |