Title: sex Post by: chevy on April 20, 2003, 04:00:00 AM Which group tends to have more pre-marital sex partners? Russian women or American women.
Title: Mr. 'Chevy' ... Post by: BURKE89 on April 25, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to sex, posted by chevy on Apr 20, 2003
What is the rational of the insults? Might it not be more appropriate: to insult your own ilk? You certainly have an innate ability in the art, indeed. Do continue: for I rather enjoy the 'village idiot.' Title: Re: Mr. 'Chevy' ... Post by: chevy on April 25, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Mr. 'Chevy' ..., posted by BURKE89 on Apr 25, 2003
ilk. I like that word. You enjoy the village idiot? So you enjoy the 2 dan's ability to deny culpability in starting this thing. Who asked you to put in your 1/2 cent? Are you bored? You insult me by calling me a village idiot yet you do the very thing you accuse me of. I think you have some blind spots there erudite one. If you want to have some exchanges with me do it offline. If you can keep up. Title: The erudite one... Post by: BURKE89 on April 26, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Mr. 'Chevy' ..., posted by chevy on Apr 25, 2003
The difference is: I show respect, when asking a question on the other boards! And, yes... well, your 'voice' comes from another land - Mr Chevy! I've rather distinctive, as well as political views: in relation to the search for a Russian wife. Simple sh@@, hoss. Ps: hack away ... & yes, you're a village idiot - once again! Title: Re: The erudite one... Post by: chevy on April 27, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to The erudite one..., posted by BURKE89 on Apr 26, 2003
Well.well.well. The Harvard wannabe speaks. I asked a question. That's all I did and then I got flamed by His majesty Dan. If he can dish it out he better be able to take it, but it looks like he can't take it .Neither can you. I didn't ask you about your political views. Hoss. From Bonanza. A good show. No einstein, you do not show respect. You have major blind spots.One being you are an idiot. Title: Thread Starters . . . Post by: Dan on April 26, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Mr. 'Chevy' ..., posted by chevy on Apr 25, 2003
Chevy 'Ol boy - you have a short memory (probably owing to a small brain). It was you - that's right - YOU - that started this entire thread. "Culpability" you say!?! My, that's such a big word for one so addled. You came - and you bared your ass with idiotic questions. Then you got your ass spanked - hard - as it should have been. So now you're red-faced (and red-assed) and can't let it go. Take it like a man - and now go slink away to post your drivel on another board. Maybe there, they will entertain your sick fantasies. - Dan Title: Re: Thread Starters . . . Post by: chevy on April 26, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Thread Starters . . ., posted by Dan on Apr 26, 2003
Wow Dan, you learned a new word today! Addled. I asked a question,but you, in your sense of self-importance decreed it was "idiotic" The only thing idiotic is you. I can let it go. you can't Because you keep responding to me(LOL). You can stretch a question asked into a sick fantasy? You are prone to exaggerate. You seem angry and a bit hysterical too. Not very manly today are you dan. I think you should spend your time trying hard to develop your mind. So you don't come across to those more educated than you like a jackass. Title: No, No, No Little Chevy - It Was NOT "Idiotic", It Was . . . Post by: Dan on April 26, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Thread Starters . . ., posted by chevy on Apr 26, 2003
"Nonsensical" - but I'm not surprised you didn't 'get it'. It's only another in a long list of comments/responses you didn't 'get.' Tell you what Chevy 'ol Boy - you go do whatever it is you were planning to do with the responses to your question "Do RW or AW have more pre-marital sex partners??" Interpretation - "Will a RW sleep with someone as pathetic and ugly and destitute as me [chevy]?" I'm sure your urologist would recommend your 'clearing your pipes' from time to time. Enjoy!! - Dan Title: Re: No, No, No Little Chevy - It Was NOT "Idiotic", It Was . . . Post by: chevy on April 27, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to No, No, No Little Chevy - It Was NOT &qu..., posted by Dan on Apr 26, 2003
Well look who it is. Dan, the wizard of Oz. Self-appointed board monitor. Decider of what is appropriate and what is not. Self-righteous buffoon. I never got a response worth listening to except for the one from the agency owner. The others were from idiots like you, dan m. and burke. You 3 got your panties in a bunch and now are obsessed with responding to me. If you stop responding I will too. You can't stop. Now you think I am ugly and destitute. I forgot, you are the wizard of Oz, you know everything. What you should do with your time, instead of sounding stupid to me, is take some college level courses to exercise your thinking skills. You don't string 2 thoughts together that make any sense logically. Take heart though. You are not as bad as Burke. Title: This is TOOO Funny . . . Post by: Dan on April 27, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: No, No, No Little Chevy - It Was NOT..., posted by chevy on Apr 27, 2003
Chevy - you're an imbecile. Here - I'll offer some of your characteristics - for all to see (and for your ongoing embarrassment and shame): * Paranoid from http://www.planet-love.com/wwwboard/latin/archives/display.php?archive=000130&id=41018 * Ugly from http://www.planet-love.com/wwwboard/latin/archives/display.php?archive=000109&id=35409 *Unlucky in love from http://www.planet-love.com/wwwboard/latin/archives/display.php?archive=000100&id=32330 from http://www.planet-love.com/wwwboard/latin/archives/display.php?archive=000098&id=31972 * Mutt and Jeff from http://www.planet-love.com/wwwboard/latin/archives/display.php?archive=000107&id=34901 * You've Got to Be Kidding!!! You really said, "I think that most failed relationships are the fault of the men."?!? from http://www.planet-love.com/wwwboard/latin/archives/display.php?archive=000119&id=37894 * Coming out of the closet??? "Gay" huh Chevy? from http://www.planet-love.com/wwwboard/latin/archives/display.php?archive=000119&id=37985 * Giving Up from http://www.planet-love.com/wwwboard/latin/archives/display.php?archive=000120&id=38314 * Mama's Boy from http://www.planet-love.com/wwwboard/latin/archives/display.php?archive=000123&id=38993 * Desparate - posting on multiple board to find the women most likely to have low enough standards to accept you from http://www.planet-love.com/wwwboard/latin/archives/display.php?archive=000130&id=41162 and http://www.planet-love.com/wwwboard/latin/archives/display.php?archive=000125&id=39588 You're a 49 year old, 6'6" electrician making 60k per year. You have Mama issues, an incredible lack of self-worth, have never been married, have no children and are seeking answers to some of the most fundamental of questions. Look - I have no interest in continuing this diatribe. Having spent 5 minutes assembling this list, I do feel sorry for you, and it really isn't "fun" to me to hurt someone. Elsewhere you offered to take things off the board. Feel free to do so now. My e-mail is: icpilot@nospam.com - and if you choose, I will respond to you there. - Dan Title: Re: sex Post by: DanM on April 21, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to sex, posted by chevy on Apr 20, 2003
Sorry, but I am not sure where you are going with this question. Title: Chevy - The Latin Board a Little Slow (or Something?) . . . Post by: Dan on April 20, 2003, 04:00:00 AM Title: Re: Chevy - The Latin Board a Little Slow (or Something?) . . . Post by: chevy on April 21, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Chevy - The Latin Board a Little Slow (o..., posted by Dan on Apr 20, 2003
Oh, excuse me Dan I did not get your prior approval to ask a question.I was just curious what attitudes they had compared to latins or asians or americans. I'll be sure not to bother your sense of superiority with nonsensical questions. Title: Don't Get Your Knickers in a Twist . . . Post by: Dan on April 21, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Chevy - The Latin Board a Little Slo..., posted by chevy on Apr 21, 2003
You ask 2 questions - one on age and another on sex. Neither are able to be answered categorically - in the manner you asked the questions. Both have been discussed at some length in the archives - and are available to anyone with the initiative to do some simple research. If it makes you feel better to ask me before posting further nonsensical questions - please feel free. - Dan Title: Re: Don't Get Your Knickers in a Twist . . . Post by: chevy on April 22, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Don't Get Your Knickers in a Twist . . ., posted by Dan on Apr 21, 2003
I wouldn't ask you anything. I was just emphasizing your arrogant attitude Title: OK (LOL) n/t Post by: Dan on April 22, 2003, 04:00:00 AM Title: Re: OK (LOL) n/t Post by: chevy on April 22, 2003, 04:00:00 AM Title: Now, Now Chevy - TRY to Post Something of Value . . . Post by: Dan on April 22, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: OK (LOL) n/t, posted by chevy on Apr 22, 2003
If you TRY hard enough, you never know - you *may* succeed. ROFLMAO - Dan Title: Re: Now, Now Chevy - TRY to Post Something of Value . . . Post by: chevy on April 22, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Now, Now Chevy - TRY to Post Something o..., posted by Dan on Apr 22, 2003
Maybe you'll grow up someday Dan
Title: Why don't you stop badgering this guy? Post by: DanM on April 23, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Now, Now Chevy - TRY to Post Somethi..., posted by chevy on Apr 22, 2003
Look at your posts during this thread and then tell me you are not trying to provoke an argument. What is your problem? We all understand you do not like Dan, but you are just making yourself look bad with your childish little comments. I am waiting for the nya, nya, nya post from you at any time. Dan has nothing to prove to you. Anyone who wishes to look through the archives will find thousands of posts over years on this board. These posts all speak for themselves. The show him to be a constructive poster who has helped so many people. What have you done here other than act like a fool? I do not know what makes you think you are qualified to judge Dan, but you haven't done anything here to prove you deserve to be mentioned in the same sentence as Dan. If you want to be a fool, then go right ahead. I am sure you will have an equally poignant and constructive reply to my post too. I can't wait to here more o your "wisdom" you freaking moron. Title: Re: Why don't you stop badgering this guy? Post by: chevy on April 23, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Why don't you stop badgering this guy?, posted by DanM on Apr 23, 2003
What, are you Dan's groupie? He started it with his sarcastic answer to a legitimate question. Moron. Title: Is this the Nya, Nya post? Post by: DanM on April 23, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Why don't you stop badgering this gu..., posted by chevy on Apr 23, 2003
Be a little more original. I call you a moron and you call me a moron right back. Sounds like you are about 6 years old (not just emotional intelligence but actual age). No I am not Dan's groupie. I like and respect him based on the contributions he has made to this board over the past several years. What have you done here other than act like a fool? Yes Dan's initial response was sarcastic, but it could have been much worse. Your original post was creepy. He could have been a whole lot more sarcastic if he felt like you were worth the effort. Title: Hey Dan . . . Post by: Dan on April 23, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Is this the Nya, Nya post?, posted by DanM on Apr 23, 2003
Actually, I ran a search on this knumbnut's user ID before I posted - to see what his history is. Seems he: * has NEVER taken a trip - anywhere. To his credit, he doesn't seem too confrontational - in most instances (unless, of course, Patrick has already purged them from the archives). After seeing him pose the questions he did here, I was imagining him getting off (or wanting to) some of the responses. Seems he is doing so - just in a direction a bit tangential to what I'd originally presumed --smile--. Take care, - Dan Title: Re: Hey Dan . . . Post by: DanM on April 24, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Hey Dan . . ., posted by Dan on Apr 23, 2003
Yeah the guy doesn't even know he should be embarrassed. Thats one of the many sad aspects of Chevy. As for the fixation on sex questions, it makes me wonder if he has ever had any. You know most people who have expereinced sex will tell you that it is wonderful, but only part of the equation. Some people live life to the fullest and some people only fantasize while staying in their dark, safe little rooms. Sounds like a pretty sad way to live. If thats what he wants, then I wish he would spend more time in a sex-fetish type board. I am sure his questions would be better received in that sort of forum. Title: Re: Hey Dan . . . Post by: chevy on April 23, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Hey Dan . . ., posted by Dan on Apr 23, 2003
You clowns have got your panties in a bunch over me. I'm flattered. Why you even can do a psychological profile on me Dan. Like I said.You must have a very high IQ(LOL) And, you know all the places I never travelled to. Really! A bit presumptuous, but an expected characteristic of someone who displays arrogance. I especially like the leap you make about the sexual fixation. Fixation is a good word to describe how you two boneheads feel about me. Just can't help yourself.You have to respond to my posts. Like I said. I rarely come across people of high intellect like you two. I'll wait for your witty reply(LOL) *yawn* Title: Re: Is this the Nya, Nya post? Post by: chevy on April 23, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Is this the Nya, Nya post?, posted by DanM on Apr 23, 2003
Lucky me. Your idol Dan could have been "more" sarcastic. He's got a real talent there. He must have a high IQ. My post was creepy ! That's a word I have not heard in a long time. You've been watching The Munsters re-runs. I feel rejected. Dan held back with his sarcasm. You two have got to be some of the more intelligent people I have met in my life. I feel fortunate to have engaged both of your vast intellects. Title: Did you eat lead paint chips when you were younger... Post by: DanM on April 24, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Is this the Nya, Nya post?, posted by chevy on Apr 23, 2003
...or were you not held enough as a baby or were you the guy who was always picked last for dodge ball as a little kid? There has to be some reason you behave this way. My guess is you are either compensating for something that really makes you feel bad about yourself or maybe you have some sort of chemical imbalance. Either way, I just want you to know that help is out there if you decide to address the issue. There are lots of trained professionals who are willing to help with almost any psychological problem. Title: Re: Did you eat lead paint chips when you were younger... Post by: chevy on April 24, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Did you eat lead paint chips when you we..., posted by DanM on Apr 24, 2003
You're obviously neither a professional or trained in any type of logical thinking. You don't see your part in starting this extended diatribe. I'll leave it at that. If you want to take it offline write me at oneill35@aol.com. Title: Hey Post by: DanM on April 25, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Did you eat lead paint chips when yo..., posted by chevy on Apr 24, 2003
Why do you say I am not professional or logical? I understand its a random insult like the ones you throw at Dan, but I was just wondering if any thoughts went through your little head before you made these comments. As for talking to you away from the board, you gotta be kidding. I don't even want to talk to you here. Its just that I can't stand to let such stupid comments towards Dan go without a response. You stop slamming Dan and we are done. Title: Re: Hey Post by: chevy on April 25, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Hey, posted by DanM on Apr 25, 2003
Sorry. I threw one at Dan. He started it, remember? I can see you are upset. I insulted your hero. I forgot you are his lap dog. Title: ROTFLMAO n/t Post by: KenC on April 21, 2003, 04:00:00 AM Title: Hey Chevy dude! Post by: Jack on April 21, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Chevy - The Latin Board a Little Slo..., posted by chevy on Apr 21, 2003
Chevy dude, don't get your panties in a knot, hell I'll try to answer the question for you. American women, and ofcourse based solely on my own personal opinion (but with some first-hand knowledge), have on average have several more sexual experiences with different men than there Russian counter-parts. Dodge, let's agree that there are bad women everywhere, just as there are bad men everywhere. There are bad Russian women, there are bad American women. There are Russian women who will have sex with an American guy 20 minutes after first meeting him and there are American women who will have sex with some guy 25 minutes after first meeting him. There is no doubt that you will see more obvious hookers in Moscow that any city in America, but then only one other city in America could compare to Moscow's size, NYC. So for the sake of this discussion Plymouth let's exclude the ladies of low morals. If you will compare the traditional family values of an American family to that of a Russian family Buick you will see a great difference. Sure our mom's and dad's loved us and were great parents. Many of us American men had the greatest parents on earth. But the bond and love expressed between a Russian woman and her daughter or son is un-believable. There are even some Russian men who express this same love and care for there children. It is quite a remarkable thing to see Chrysler. And you see it time and time again with the more Russian family's you see. It is something I think many American men are surprised to see, but also very proud to see in this deep Russian culture. It is one of the many Russian charms and mystic that I think we enjoy. Lexus, in America when many of our young girls turn 18, 19, 20 years of age they can hardly wait to get away from mom and dad, to get there "own" place, there own freedom. Many of our young girls will find another girlfriend as a room mate and at 19 years of age, they have there own place. Think about this Ford, think about when you were 19, 20 years of age in America, was this not true? And the girls, well, maybe she dated one guy this month, and another guy next month. As someone who caught the tale end of the peace, love generation of the late 60's and the sexual revolution of the 70's, it was nothing to go to the clubs and disco's every Friday and Saturday and find someone new to go home with, or to take to your place. I think it is not hard to believe that an average American woman could have easily of had 18-20 different men by the time she was 25. You can disagree if you want, and sure there will be those American women who only had 3 or 4 men by the time she was 25 and there are those who had 50 by the time she was 25. The average Russian girl of 18, 19, 20, 25, 28, 32 who is not married, you know where she lives DeLoren? With momma and daddy! You think this 20 or 23 year old Russian girl is bringing different men home every other weekend? You think these 21, 24 year old Russian ladies are staying out all night at some guys flat? Well Packard, not the good Russian girls, and there are a LOT of them. I would say that the average Russian woman may have had 4 or 5 sexual relationships by the time she was 25. A lot fewer than her American counterpart. And again Dussledorf, there will never be any stats, or studies or hard proof of these things I am saying, there will only be the common sense that we see and know as we learn of these Russian women and there culture. Title: Agree Jack Post by: Mr Robert on April 21, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Hey Chevy dude!, posted by Jack on Apr 21, 2003
Hello Jack This is my first time posting on P-L but I am a long time lurker who has enjoyed reading much of what you, Dan, KenC and others have written over the past few years. I post occasionally on the RWG board but as it has been down for the past couple of days I decided this was a good time for my first post on Planet Love. What really prompted my post at this time was your description of the bond amongst Russian families. I have had the same feelings with some of the bonding I have witnessed between Russian ladies and parents. I also agree as too the promiscuous behavior as mentioned of American women compared too Russian women. Title: neither -- go shag a brit. Post by: vagn on April 20, 2003, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to sex, posted by chevy on Apr 20, 2003
according to some recent survey that I can't be bothered to look up. |