Title: "INS Shredder Ended Work Backlog, US Says" Post by: wilmc on January 31, 2003, 05:00:00 AM INS Processing center is overwhelmed with mail - solution, shred 90,000+ unprocessed documents and unopened mail.
Read the article from the 1/31/2003 NY Times here: http://www.nytimes.com/2003/01/31/national/31FILE.html?pagewanted=print&position=top I am appalled! Title: Do you think they would mind if Post by: thesearch on January 31, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to "INS Shredder Ended Work Backlog, U..., posted by wilmc on Jan 31, 2003
if instead of paying my taxes, I just shred the form? Use of that shredder would certainly solve some of my problems also. I think they are on to something. LOL Title: Go for it! Post by: BURKE89 on January 31, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Do you think they would mind if, posted by thesearch on Jan 31, 2003
You could, at least, be a shining example of "their" glorious hypocrisy! For some reason, I don't presume... "they" would find your humor - enlightening! LOL Shread it, shread it... (loud cheers abound) Title: I am too, but not surprised. Post by: Griffin on January 31, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to "INS Shredder Ended Work Backlog, U..., posted by wilmc on Jan 31, 2003
At least all they shredded was paper. Politicians on both sides of the aisle are shredding our liberty in the name of security. Title: Re: I am too, but not surprised. Post by: micha1 on January 31, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to I am too, but not surprised., posted by Griffin on Jan 31, 2003
What they are really doing in the name of security, is really, digging into everyone private life. We have the same thing in Canada, but having a hell of a debate about it. Big Brother is here. Democracy is a wonderful thing, except that, if you have nine philophosers on one side and ten idiots on the other side, the nuts always win. Blaise Cendrar in his book, L'OR (the gold). Title: At least you're having a debate Post by: Griffin on January 31, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: I am too, but not surprised., posted by micha1 on Jan 31, 2003
we are mindlessly accepting, even aiding, our government's move to eliminate privacy. All the bloodshed and lives lost to gain and preserve our freedom are being negated. And instead of screaming "treason" we do a quick "Sieg heil!" to homeland security. If I wanted to live in a "safe" society I would be moving to FSU instead of bringing my wife here. They do a fine job of controlling their citizens! Once the homeland is secure where can I go to find America? Title: It's only going to get worse Post by: Jeff on January 31, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to At least you're having a debate, posted by Griffin on Jan 31, 2003
The shrinking of our freedom is only going to get worse, unless we get rid of Bush, but that's highly unlikely. He's appealing to the masses, the ignorant masses that is. He talks like an idiot, which appeals to people because they think he's just like them. The only difference is the billions that Bush has compared to these people living way below the poverty level. He'll continue to cut taxes and run up the debt, because he knows that most of us are living day to day and would rather see more of our paycheck, then be concerned with a number (in the trillions) that we can't even begin to comprehend. What's really scary is the broadness of the governments peering eyes. I just heard that they are going to start keeping track of peoples medical records and what medicines we purchase, and put all this into a database to try and prevent an outbreak of bioterrorism. They say that our identities are going to be kept secret, but who really knows? We even have to be afraid now of what websites we visit, because they can, and are watching. Title: I concur, wholeheartedly! Post by: BURKE89 on January 31, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to It's only going to get worse, posted by Jeff on Jan 31, 2003
Yet, prior to blaming the "W regime" alone, let's get out of the Republican vs. Democrat paradigm (for, there are more leftist millionaires than those on the right- I wonder why?). Why should loyal American's, who have been here for: one, two, three or four centuries - have these intrusive security measures placed upon us? If for nothing else, we have to ask: what differentiates "US" from some poor smuck living in ... whose "Nomenklatura" lives in opulence. Could it be... "The State" that, pampers our every desire? Nah, too simplistic for most... I'd best stop now, yet... the Samuel Adams, in me (very,very small part there, Griffin), wants to regurgitate: "If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. CROUCH DOWN (emphassis added) and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen." So much, for clarion calls... O.C. Title: Welcome to the barricade!....n/t Post by: Griffin on January 31, 2003, 05:00:00 AM Title: What, no more rhetorical "baked goods?" Post by: BURKE89 on January 31, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Welcome to the barricade!....n/t, posted by Griffin on Jan 31, 2003
I was unaware, of the fact, there were any more Anglo "Reds," in Texas? Perhaps... Cheers, Vaughn (lazy/despondent "friday" salesman) Title: Re: It's only going to get worse Post by: micha1 on January 31, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to It's only going to get worse, posted by Jeff on Jan 31, 2003
Oh, yes Jeff, we do have to be afraid of which website we visit, ever heard of Echelon. As for Bush, do not worry, he only has two years left. Title: Echelon Post by: Jeff on February 01, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: It's only going to get worse, posted by micha1 on Jan 31, 2003
No, I hadn't heard of this one before. It doesn't surprise me one bit, though. The sad thing is, the government's like a used car salesman, they are able to sell us just about anything through their slick presentation. When we realize what we really got, it's too late to do anything about it. Title: Re: At least you're having a debate Post by: wilmc on January 31, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to At least you're having a debate, posted by Griffin on Jan 31, 2003
I agree. The disasterous and counter productive "War on Drugs," and now the anti-terrorist "cure?," "Homeland Security" are most serious threats to our basic American freedoms. I fear that the "bush regime" is creating a "police state." Beware the Ashcroft and Rich "gestapo." Title: Sorry Post by: wilmc on January 31, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: At least you're having a debate, posted by wilmc on Jan 31, 2003
Forgive my polemic on the threat to our liberties. It was not an appropriate submission for this forum. Title: Me too. n/t Post by: Griffin on January 31, 2003, 05:00:00 AM Title: Re: Me too. n/t Post by: micha1 on January 31, 2003, 05:00:00 AM ... in response to Me too. n/t, posted by Griffin on Jan 31, 2003
Include me, please accept my apologies. Yes, were are supposed to be here to talk about LOVE, the love that some already possess and the love that others dream about. |