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GoodWife / Planet-Love Archives => Threads started in 2003 => Topic started by: Oscar on January 10, 2003, 05:00:00 AM

Title: Kind of a cute story-
Post by: Oscar on January 10, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
I called my fiance late from work the other day and asked her how her day was going and what she had been doing.  She told me that she had washed the sheets on all the beds.  I asked her what else she had been doing and she told me that was about it (besides studying her English tapes some).  I asked her why it took her so long just to wash the sheets (I had shown her the proper settings on the washer and dryer).  She told me that it wasn't washing them that took so much time, it was ironing all of them! LOL!  The poor thing had ironed ALL the sheets!  I told her that in America we really don't iron sheets, they are Permanent Press! She told me that she had always ironed the sheets at home in Ukraine.  We both had a pretty good laugh together..  ;-)

Another funny thing to me was that before she got here, I took the advice of some of the guys here and hired a three person crew to come and really deep clean my home for about 4 hours.  I am not a slob but I don't do the real heavy deep cleaning either, but nobody would have considered my home dirty, before or certainly after this cleaning crew.
So these guys are here with machines and scrubbing this and that and I'm thinking she's going to be pretty impressed right?  Well, a few days after she got here, I go home after work and I ask her how her day was.  She was shaking her head and told me that she had been cleaning and that my home was pretty dirty, LOL!  I think the cleaning standards for a RW are just a little bit higher than most perhaps?  ;-)

Title: Sheets, Depends....
Post by: tim360z on January 12, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Kind of a cute story-, posted by Oscar on Jan 10, 2003

my Grandmother was Russian and she always ironed sheets.  Today,  many sheets have a poly/cotton blend, so ironing in not necessary at all.  But,  if you get into high quality Egyptian cotton sheets,  100% cotton with a 600 thread count--you just may want them ironed. I think Oscar,  if you buy her some great quality sheets like the ones I mentioned, they will need ironing.

Title: Re: Sheets, Depends....
Post by: Oscar on January 12, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Sheets, Depends...., posted by tim360z on Jan 12, 2003

[This message has been edited by Oscar]

I wouldn't want to do that to her..  The permanemt press will be just fine!  She seemed kind of happy she wouldn't need to iron sheets anymore..

Title: Re: Kind of a cute story-
Post by: MarkInTx on January 11, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Kind of a cute story-, posted by Oscar on Jan 10, 2003

Those weren't fitted sheets, were they?

It would take me all day just to FOLD them...

Title: Re: Kind of a cute story-
Post by: KenC on January 10, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Kind of a cute story-, posted by Oscar on Jan 10, 2003

There will be many more cute stories too.  Thanks for sharing.  Part of what is going on is that she needs to "be needed" too.  Be careful in how you explain new things to her (like the permanent press).  You have to be extra kind and gentle otherwise she may feel stupid and useless.  I know that Lena had a low threshold for this when she first arrived.  It is understandable because of the difference in lifestyles.  It is tricky too because in some ways it is like they have to catch up to the last 20 years of consumer tech and in others they are right on keel.  An example of this is that Lena had limited knowledge of washers, dryers, dishwashers, drip coffee makers, hand mixers and food processors but became offended when I didn't know that she could program a VCR!  Hell, I can't program the VCR.  LOL.
I have a question for you and others who did the 90 day thing: Is there any indication that the woman is "auditioning" for the role of wife?  I avoided the K-1 partly because I didn't like the pressure I thought it would put on both of us. I would think the woman's mind would be spinning with thoughts of how to close the deal while the man was constantly evaluating and judging the situation.  I would also like to know how you have handled the "marriage question"?  How have you left it with her?  Is it, if things go well we will marry.  Or is it, come here and live with me for 90 days and we will see what happens?  Just how did you structure your deal with her?  Under what assumptions did she come here?

Title: Re: Re: Kind of a cute story-
Post by: Charles on January 10, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Kind of a cute story-, posted by KenC on Jan 10, 2003

I think your question about marriage expectations during the 90 day period is an important one.  While I am not sure there can be a generalized approach ("yes, we're definitely getting married absent something outrageous" vs. "let's see how it goes and we'll evaluate in 90 days"), I think it is important to both parties that there be some understanding as to what the ground rules are.  Like Oscar is planning to do, we got married at the end of the 90 day period.  However, as that 90 day period got closer to ending, my wife started to get anxious despite assurances that there was nothing to worry about.  I think it is very important that all men recognize that these women, particularly those with children, have made a huge change in their lives and they are all too aware of the emotional cost of going back.  So make sure there is clear communication and understanding as to what the ground rules are during the 90 day period.

Title: Good points all... n/t
Post by: Oscar on January 10, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Kind of a cute story-, posted by Charles on Jan 10, 2003


Title: Re: Re: Kind of a cute story-
Post by: Oscar on January 10, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Kind of a cute story-, posted by KenC on Jan 10, 2003

Yes, I try to careful with her in the way you describe and I think it's very good advice.  I always try to notice what she may have done while I am at work (she can't drive or work here yet) and kind of make a big deal of it.  Like this morning, I put on my favorite navy cord pants for work and the button had been missing.  Well, it wasn't missing anymore!  I had casually replied yesterday that my stupid button had come off.  So I picked her up and gave her a big hug and kiss and thanked her.  I do the same with her son.  I am a big believer in postive reinforcement and praise.  I am sure more of these situations will come up (the technology thing) but she hasn't been too surprised so far.  Her family lived in their own home and had microwave, washer and dryer, VCR, a furnace that worked regularly etc..

As far as auditioning-
This is one major reason why I feel taking as much of the 90 day period as a guy can take is wise.  It is easy for a person to put their best foot forward for a few days or even a few weeks, but I feel it is unlikely that if a man exposes his girl to as many situations of "real life" (rather than just major fun dates) as possible, if there really is a problem, you are going to see some hint of it, even though a guy may not want to acknowledge it, what with the POB and such.
I feel a guy needs to see her (and she him!) in as many situations as possible.  And 3 months, living in the same house and spending every non-working moment together, all weekend, every weekend, is actually a LOT of time together.
I think it's very important to see just how she handles stress, resolves conflict, etc..

About "auditioning"-
I think too Ken that it really depends on the woman.  If she really is a scammer of any kind, I can see where the "auditioning" could be quite heavy.  But if a guy has really done his homework, has a little experience with RW women before this point, has spent a lot of time with her family and friends asking important questions, and used his 4-6 month waiting time talking about expectations, values and beliefs on both parts rather than phone sex etc., (LOL!)I don't think the auditioning has to be a factor.
I know that I have not once felt that my girl has been anything but what she truly is inside, from the start.  She isn't trying overly hard in any way that I can see and because of my work, I am extremely observant, not that I have a market on it or anything.  I was looking for a woman who was an excellent Mother because I feel these things lend themselves to less scamming activity as well.  I know that if her 7 year old were "acting", there is no way he could keep it up for more than like a day! LOL!  But not one single temper outburst or behavior problem!  He is amazingly obedient, but still just a totally fun child..  It is obvious to me that she has done a fantastic job with him and that also puts me at ease knowing that she takes her responsibility so seriously.  I met more than a few women there who's kids were a nightmare because they were too busy partying etc..


Title: Continued-
Post by: Oscar on January 10, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Kind of a cute story-, posted by Oscar on Jan 10, 2003

About the marriage issue-

We both had felt very good about our initial time together in her country.  We then spoke a lot by phone for about 3 more months after that before diciding to start her paperwork.  She was not ready to just jump a plane and come here.  She has been married before, ended up with a guy who didn't want any family responsibility and she didn't want to make another mistake in pursuing another bad choice anymore than I did!

It was my 4th trip to the FSU and I had met a TON of women and I personally feel this helped me tremendously in feeling more comfortable with my "scammer radar".  I spent a great amount of time with her family and friends and not just hanging out but really asking questions to learn more about her, and they were very open once they got to know me.  I cannot emphasize to guys how important I feel this step is, because a scammer will usually find any excuse for you NOT to meet her family.
I was lucky in that my girl had never been in an agency (not that there are not some very nice agency girls), but she just didn't have the opportunity to become "jaded" like I found some agency girls to be at times.
I was also lucky in that she lived with her parents in their own home and who had been married for 35 years along with her brother and his wife.  I really wanted to see how they all got along (with ONE bathroom! LOL!)  They were amazingly loving, kind and close.  
With all these factors, not to mention I feel she is very attractive), I just felt like I had hit the Mother Lode after having met a TON of women there, some nice, some not so nice and others I wouldn't trust as far as I could throw them!

In our decision to have her come here, the understanding was that we both knew we cared very much for each other and that she would come here.  After spending more time together, if we both still felt very good about our compatibility and in being able to make that decision that we wanted to be with each other for the rest of our lives, we would marry.  The nice thing is that she felt exactly the same was as I did.  She was in no hurry, didn't need an iron clad guarantee etc..  She wants to make the right decision this time for her and her son and neither of us is willing to compromise.
Her family is very supportive and that is nice as well, but then, I really took the time to get to know them well and I think they really appreciated that.  She has not once brought up the subject of marriage since being here and I know this is because she is more old fashioned in this respect and is waiting for me to ask her to marry me.  I know she would say yes, she says she loves me and her actions certainly would indicate this.  But it's different than I have experienced with other women because of it's consistency.  Now I know we have not been together for long, only a few weeks that she's actually been here (of course you have to also factor in the approximately 9 months of constant long distance communication) but I guess I mean the moodiness, the lability that many women I have been with seem to have.. it's just not there.  Just a consistant patience and caring that is amazing to me.

That's about it..

Title: don't knock phone sex!
Post by: KenC on January 10, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Kind of a cute story-, posted by Oscar on Jan 10, 2003

If it weren't for phone sex, some of these poor guys waiting for their K-1's would have no sex at all.  LOL.  I hear ya on the getting to know your future wife though.  We had a lot of cute stories based on language misunderstandings or cultural differences, but Lena and I really had no major surprises about who we were.  We also knew each other very well before she came here.  It is just too damn risky to jump into a marriage without thouroughly knowing each other.  Sometimes it works (StanB) and sometimes it doesn't (Travis/DavidSD).  Marriage is difficult enough not to tempt fate in jumping into it without completely knowing your spouse.  I am also happy that your finacee's son is so well behaved.  I have heard that a lot of RW tend to spoil the heck out of their children and especially the boys for some reason.

Title: Re: don't knock phone sex!
Post by: Stephen on January 10, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to don't knock phone sex!, posted by KenC on Jan 10, 2003

Yeah....anymore, phone sex is the only kind of really "safe sex".


(asian board)

Title: Agreed! n/t
Post by: Oscar on January 10, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to don't knock phone sex!, posted by KenC on Jan 10, 2003


Title: The real KenC. Welcome back! n/t
Post by: Griffin on January 10, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Kind of a cute story-, posted by KenC on Jan 10, 2003

Title: Re: The real KenC. Welcome back! n/t
Post by: John F on January 11, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to The real KenC.  Welcome back!  n/t, posted by Griffin on Jan 10, 2003

Ken, I brought my wife to the states on a K1 and then waited until about two weeks before her visa expiration before we married.  Sure, she was anxious and we did have some serious discussions about not getting married immediately.  But, I never considered it an audition.  It was my feeling that I had become engaged to this really wonderful, intelligent, and beautiful woman who 90 percent of the male population of Florida would drool over and brought her here for the purpose of marriage.  However, after having spent time with her in her country and getting to know her family well I knew my environment would be a shock to her.  I also felt that she would immediately find our plentiful and indulging lifestyles as finding utopia.  I wanted everything to sink in to her, and for her to be sure she wanted to live the American lifestyle.  It would have been much easier to buy her a plane ticket home after a couple of months if she became homesick, if she was disillusioned at having to give up her career and status as a doctor, if she was unhappy staying home during the day until she could learn to drive and get a driver's license, if she didn't like our food, etc., etc., etc....  And, yes we did have to address those issues, and near the end of the visa period we got married.  And, I also felt much more secure in knowing she had enough time to experience our way of life and it was agreeable with her.

Title: Re: Re: The real KenC. Welcome back! n/t
Post by: Oscar on January 11, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: The real KenC.  Welcome back!  n/t, posted by John F on Jan 11, 2003

Agree with everything in your post.  It really is as much for THEM as it is for us, to take some time before marrying..

Title: Re: The real KenC. Welcome back!
Post by: KenC on January 10, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to The real KenC.  Welcome back!  n/t, posted by Griffin on Jan 10, 2003

I am more than willing to go on a rampage once in a while when I think it might do some good.  Or maybe when I get my fill of what I consider someone's misbehavior but (and this is important to many here) I am also willing to DROP IT after I feel I have made my point.  Too many posters here never stop their fight with certain other posters.  They constantly (or periodicly) jab the other guy and provoke the same argument over and over.  Oscar and I have had our differences, just recently and in the past, but I am more than willing to give my input or add to any worthy topic that he chooses to post regardless of our past debates.  I do not find it necessary to keep on fighting.  To Oscar's credit, he too has the ability to "agree to disagree" with me and then move on.

Title: Have you considered the risk to Planet-love?
Post by: Griffin on January 10, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: The real KenC.  Welcome back!  , posted by KenC on Jan 10, 2003

Some people who post to this board are obsessively driven to have the last word.  It is a compulsion they cannot control.  Imagine the consequences if, angry and fatigued, or maybe just in a drunken stupor, one of these people were to accidentally respond to their own post.

Nothing could stop it!

It would be "Did so!"/"Did not!"/"Did so!"/"Did not!"/...
until Planet-love finally went into melt-down.  If Patrick leases linked storage it could even bring down the internet!

Title: LOL - Too Funny Griff n/t
Post by: Dan on January 10, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Have you considered the risk to Planet-l..., posted by Griffin on Jan 10, 2003


Title: Perhaps...
Post by: MarkInTx on January 10, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: The real KenC.  Welcome back!  , posted by KenC on Jan 10, 2003

Perhaps if you had a small group of individuals slandering your wife, through lies and innuendo... calling her (among other things) a liar and a whore... you would not be so quick to "drop it" either.

But then again... when someone made a comment about your wife (and when they made a comment about Dan's marriage) I was quick to say that the comment was inappropriate, and had no place on the board.

Maybe if enough men stood up and were counted, the war of words would not last so long...?

Also, with a few people on here actively cheering for my marriage to fail... I find that it is gloriously fun to remind them (constantly) that it is going very well, thank you...

My "gripe" is with a very small few.

Most of the board are gentlemen...

Title: you have a point
Post by: KenC on January 10, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Perhaps..., posted by MarkInTx on Jan 10, 2003

I have to agree that in severe cases, as you mention, I would not be so willing to forgive.  I also have to agree that there has to be a code here that attacks on a man's woman is unforgivable.  I have not forgotten who said what and when.  I do think that there are two different reasons for these attacks- #1 stupidity and lack of class #2 Just plain nastiness.  The first being done without premeditation.  Anyone that hopes for your failure is a sack of sh!t.

Title: Sorry....
Post by: LP on January 11, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to you have a point, posted by KenC on Jan 10, 2003

...I disagree with this "code". I'll respond to the PanseyMan's post shortly but this one first....

He didn't get what he deserved considering his behavior towards me. Trust me, I let him off easy. I could've let hm believe all sorts of other things but I didn't because they would have been false. In spite of what some believe, I hold my honesty to a high standard.

I don't repsond well to attacks any better than you and I turned the other cheek long ago after spankin him for beating up on me. One needs to go way back to the beginning to see who caused what. And remember, I only respond when he takes a shot at me. He keeps it alive, it's nothing more than amusement to me.

As for attacks on women: In general I agree but I have several issues about it. First, this worshiping of chicks or putting them on a pedestal is wrong to me. Women are simply people and some of them are the most despicable creatures to ever slither along the ground.

Second, this propensity to elavate FSU women (and women in general) is a hallmark personality trait of the MOB loser. Most men involved in this reek of it and it's one reason they've had such poor prior success with women in general. When will these guys learn women aren't indispensible?
Besides, one man's Wonder Woman is another (or prior) man's Succubus.

Lastly, why do we take the gloves off when it's a scammer but not otherwise? You don't seem to have any problem with that and even uphold a resonsibility to do it. The difference is when it's an opinion verus a knowledge of the truth.  Hypothetically speaking, what if a guy knows for sure a bad apple walks among us?

I ask nobody's forgiveness and I give none to those who have such a closed mind they can't see the forest for the trees. I also refuse to pull out all the stops to hurt someone unless they really deserve it, in spite of what many think. I evaluate the aggression, respond to it using what resources I have to gain the advantage and then quickly move beyond it. I view it as just another problem to be solved, then forgotten. Perhaps others should heed this lesson.

Title: me too
Post by: KenC on January 11, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Sorry...., posted by LP on Jan 11, 2003

[This message has been edited by KenC]

I have to agree with you that most guys here put RW up on a pedestal and are not very objective about them.  Whether in fact they deserve it, is another subject altogether.  But to attack another MAN's woman on a public (and conveniently anonymous) forum is a scumbag's move. The innuendoes that I have "taken" here would have been dealt with in a much different manner in a face to face situation.  It is only the biggest of puzzies that would throw such darts from behind a computer screen.  Hypothetically, if one man did indeed have some pertinent information regarding another man's fiancee/wife, he should share it in private.  That is, if he had any class at all.

Title: What exactly....
Post by: LP on January 11, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to me too, posted by KenC on Jan 11, 2003 you mean by innuendos? The only issue is whether I met her before he did. Thats it. He says no, I say yes. I thought I was wrong but once I saw the details I'm positive it's her. Even then, I see no harm in that occurence. If she says otherwise thats his problem, not mine. Why he would even be bothered by my meeting her before she knew he even exsited is indicative of his small mind.

If you're refering to other's comments about how easily they consumated their meeting, well, thats a different issue and I'm not involved in that. In fact, I'm not involved in this at all. I forgot about it a long time ago, it's he that keeps at it. I'll be more than happy to oblige as long as he asks for it. Again, I've not said or implied anything I do not feel is truth and I certainly could have.

I've never implied she was a bad apple and I'm not impliying that now, she just wasn't for me. My point in the last post was hypothetical to address your argument of treating women with kid gloves. I also point out that you loss sight of the real issue and tend to focus on the techniques used. Most people use whatever works, I'd rather be a scumbag winner than a gentleman loser.

As I've said many times, I wish him luck and I'm not rooting for any failure. What I know (or believe I know) has no bearing on his success, that'll be determined by them. I suggest he forget about it and get on with his life. It's something I did a long time ago and if he'd choosen to do the same we wouldn't even be having this conversation.

Btw, the fact that a woman is alone, then someone's fiancee, then someone's wife means squat to me if the guy involved is gonna be a jerk.
Many men only take exception to that beccause of their Neandethal perceptions of women as some kind of possession.

Title: Re: What exactly....
Post by: KenC on January 11, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to What exactly...., posted by LP on Jan 11, 2003

Re-read what I posted, "innuendos that I have "taken" here".  Meaning accepted without much confrontation.  My point is that it is completely uncool to slam a man's woman from behind a computer on a public forum.  Not that you did it, but others have.  
This also is the risk that guys run when they post too much personal information here.  Their personal life comes up for debate.  For a long time here I didn't even post Lena's name let alone intimate details or photos.  I have sent some photos to those guys that I felt comfortable with.  Still I had one jerk that thought it was his perogative to send my photo to Clair even though I specifically asked him not to share it with anyone.  Bad judgement call for him and for me for sending it to him in the first place.

Title: who said anything about someones wife?...
Post by: yoe on January 11, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: What exactly...., posted by KenC on Jan 11, 2003

Can you be more specific?

Title: No
Post by: MarkInTx on January 11, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to who said anything about someones wife?....., posted by yoe on Jan 11, 2003

Read the archives if you want to know who. It's in there.

The reason I don't want to replay it here is that the person in question offered an apology, and Ken accepted it. So, it wouldn't be good to name names.

Awhile back, someone made the claim that Dan's marriage was on the rocks, and they made the claim that Ken's wife was just using him as a "sugar daddy."

I found both of them in very poor taste, and said so.

Writing about a man's wife is low-class behavior, and has no place on here.

So is name-calling... Remember the great "gap-tooth and fatboy" debate? Does anyone think that is discussion worthy of men?

My wife's comment, after she read through one archive on here, was:

"Never have I seen so many men act like so many women..."

Title: Re: LOL
Post by: Jski on January 11, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to No, posted by MarkInTx on Jan 11, 2003

I'm not getting involved in the rest of this, but I chuckled at the last line.....

"Never have I seen so many men act like so many women..."

Title: Me too :-)
Post by: MarkInTx on January 11, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: LOL, posted by Jski on Jan 11, 2003

Her perspective on this whole thing cracks me up sometimes...

Title: Appreciated Ken.. n/t
Post by: Oscar on January 10, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: The real KenC.  Welcome back!  , posted by KenC on Jan 10, 2003


Title: Good for you Ken!
Post by: Jack on January 10, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: The real KenC.  Welcome back!  , posted by KenC on Jan 10, 2003

Both you and Oscar can and do contribute good information and advice. And there is nothing wrong with having friendly disagreements.

I also wish some posters who continue to take cheap shots at others would stop. In my case Ken when someone continues to take cheap shots at me, I fight back. I know it get's old with many posters but I wish (and hope) that they see it is a two way street and with me I only attack after I have been attacked.

I enjoy most of the P-L family and if everyone would stop taking cheap shots, some even going out of there way to slander, then P-L would be a much friendlier, effecient discussion board.

Title: then why don't you start?
Post by: KenC on January 10, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Good for you Ken!, posted by Jack on Jan 10, 2003

Be a trend setter and stop reffering to some azzhole in Texas.  Someone has to take the first step, why not make it you?

Title: (*/*)
Post by: Jack on January 10, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to then why don't you start?, posted by KenC on Jan 10, 2003

Ken, I can, as I have, never reply or comment about or too, anyone I have personal difference's with and reply and or comment only after x number of cheapshots, slanderous statements or lies.

Title: Re: (*/*)
Post by: KenC on January 10, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to (*/*), posted by Jack on Jan 10, 2003

I can understand how you can get fed up and blast someone, but you too are guilty of continuing the little jabs here and there.  I don't take any offense to blasting someone (stating your disagreement with them), but it is the little subtle jabs that keep the conflict alive that I disagree with.  After the "blast" really drop it.

Title: (*/*)
Post by: Jack on January 10, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: (*/*), posted by KenC on Jan 10, 2003

Ken, after I blasted the person in questioned last week, I dropped it, end of story, no more comments from me towards or about this individual. Then yesterday, more subtle jabs and comments from this individual about me, and I reacted.

Ken, watch closely over the next few weeks as an example. You will see that I will only comment and come back on this particular individual only after he makes his continued negative comments and remarks about me.

Title: Speaking of blasts
Post by: BubbaGump on January 10, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to (*/*), posted by Jack on Jan 10, 2003

I want to book some travel with you this spring but your board rants leave me a little worried that any wrong comments from me of my experiences will have you attacking me on the board.  Of course I understand your anger with Mark_H a while back since a lot of his complaints seemed to be invalidated by his screwing up the trip plans.  But what I would want from a service provider is discreteness.  You can blast me now since I am only an anonymous talking head.

Title: Re: Speaking of Jack's Discretion
Post by: Richard on January 12, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Speaking of blasts, posted by BubbaGump on Jan 10, 2003

I have been a client of Jack's in my search. I have planned several trips with Jack spanning more than a year. I have shared siginificant details with Jackand that you have always been discreet, despite our disagreements.

Title: (*/*)
Post by: Jack on January 11, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Speaking of blasts, posted by BubbaGump on Jan 10, 2003

Hey BubbaGump, you will have enough to do with with all the work and time it takes to put together a successful trip,
you don't need to worry about the person you are working with to tell the world all about you and your trip. Therefore let me help you with one less worry that you don't need to have as you begin your prepartion by withdrawing my services as a possiable option for you. If you will let me know where you want to go and when, I will try to give you the name of a few people who might be able to help you and who will be discrete with your affairs.

Title: Good enough for me
Post by: BubbaGump on January 11, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to (*/*), posted by Jack on Jan 11, 2003

I'll take your word for it since you have many satisfied customers on this board.

Title: Relax Bubba . . .
Post by: Dan on January 10, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Speaking of blasts, posted by BubbaGump on Jan 10, 2003

In spite of what your hear from some of the ignorant posters on the board, I have had plenty of disagreements with Jack over the years I've known him.

Most were on the phone or face-to-face, but a few were on this board as well.

Jack is not the sort to air a bunch of dirty laundry in public - provided the other guy deals with him straight-up and directly AND does not hurt anyone in the process.

In fact, there have been quite a few times when I've told him I respect his opinion, but I was going to do it my way regardless. Jack has always respected that - again, so long as the only person I was endangering or potentially harming was myself.

Now - to be fair - I have never had any significant business arrangement with Jack. I *think* I may have purchased a handful of addresses from him quite a long time ago - but any financial transaction was far less than $100 and not significant to either of us in any way.

You may be talking about a more involved arrangement, and I suppose it is possible that might change the dynamic - but I highly doubt it.

In fact, one of the things I most recall about Jack was an event a couple of years ago in which I found myself literally running from the Ukrainian Militsia in Kyiv. I was in the US Embassy speaking with the Regional Security Director and discussing plans for daily communications and possible emergency repatriation.

Jack was on the phone from Texas with me at least twice a day. While there wasn't much he could have done directly - it was somewhat of a relief just knowing that he knew the situation and understood the plans and could involve the necessary US authorities if it should come to that. It didn't - but Jack spent a LOT of his time and money and NEVER asked me for a penny.

He *is* a quality guy and one that you can count on in a pinch.

Now watch and see the grief I'll get over recounting a factual event that just happens to support Jack --smile--.

- Dan

Title: Sorry to disappoint you
Post by: MarkInTx on January 11, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Relax Bubba . . ., posted by Dan on Jan 10, 2003

If you're expecting grief from me... it's not coming.

I don't think I've ever said anything bad about Firstdream as a business.

I, too, used Jack in StPb, and he did nice follow-up when I was there.

I never said otherwise. There were things I didn't like about the trip, but I don't necessarily think that they were his fault... and he did not really plan the whole trip for me "his way" so I never said anything bad about the little things that went wrong.

I do think that he wants to have things done "his way" if he helps you, and I have also said many times that if you like "his way", that you probably won't have any problems with using Firstdream. I just also point out that his way is not always the best way.

Now, I don't know how discreet Bubba wants to keep his dealings... but I am not sure that I would call Jack exactly "discreet," either.

And, on planet-love (which is different entirely than his business) Jack is an internet bully who enjoys picking fights, and can be extremely childish.

In fact, I think you are both missing the real message of Bubba's post.

I think he was trying to nicely tell Jack that his on-board persona is hurting his business...

At least that is how I read it..

As for me blasting you for defending Firstdream... You miss the point entirely. The "blast" I gave was when you criticized "" which appears to be a non-profit organization, and certainly haven't done any blatant advertising worthy of your snide post.

I have also defended Anastasia's right to have a signature which listed her translation services.

And, I also think that it is fine that Mike occasionally posts about his available Moscow apartment.

My complaint ISN'T that Jack gets away with self-promoting posts from time to time... my complaint is that no one else seems to be able to.

It is this that I think is wrong, for it detracts from the usefulness of the board.

Title: Oh NOOOO - Not Again! . . .
Post by: Dan on January 11, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Sorry to disappoint you, posted by MarkInTx on Jan 11, 2003


Have you joined the Oscar (Meyer Wiener) school of extra-sensory perception?

Are you now 'tuned in' and 'channeling' my thoughts as I compose them in my posts on the board?

If not - why do you assume it was *YOU* I was referring to in my post?

Do do do do -- do do do do.

- Dan

Title: Just shut it Dan-
Post by: Oscar on January 12, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Oh NOOOO - Not Again! . . ., posted by Dan on Jan 11, 2003

You see, this is EXACTLY how you start the shiit each and every time, by making these specific, subtle attacks on people and then completely denying them like some stupid school kid!  I have watched you do it a hundred times, to myself and others.  Why don't you just grow the helll up and shut it for once?  
The people here are really are not as dim as you seem to think.

Your last post to/about me claimed you were "done" remember?  But you just have to go and start with the insults again...  Simply amazing.

Title: You Mean . . .
Post by: Dan on January 12, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Just shut it Dan-, posted by Oscar on Jan 12, 2003

There is NOT an Oscar (Meyer Wiener) school for Channeling and New Age Thought?? --smile--

- Dan

Title: Reading for comprehension 101
Post by: MarkInTx on January 11, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Oh NOOOO - Not Again! . . ., posted by Dan on Jan 11, 2003

My post begins:

Sorry to disappoint you *IF*...  (emphasis added)

I wasn't trying to channel any of your thoughts... good heavens... what a scary thought.

THAT would give me nightmares for sure...

Title: Who Cares Mark . . .
Post by: Dan on January 12, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Reading for comprehension 101, posted by MarkInTx on Jan 11, 2003

Nobody on this board really cares about this little tiff.

The fact is, you posted a response to mine entitled "Sorry to disappoint you" - and added the "if . .  ." in the body of the post. Clearly the emphasis was NOT on the "if", but on the position that you believed my message was directed at you.

I remain mildly curious as to *why* you believed it was directed at you - but it is approaching insigificance. Like a lot of this drivel.

- Dan

Title: Yeah, "drivel" you just keep throwing-
Post by: Oscar on January 12, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Who Cares Mark . . ., posted by Dan on Jan 12, 2003

Inflammatory, then denial, each and every time..

Suggestion-  Just stop.  Ken did it.  I did it.  I think Mark can do it.  Can you do it?

Title: In Your Case, It is 'Dribble' . . .
Post by: Dan on January 13, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Yeah, "drivel" you just keep t..., posted by Oscar on Jan 12, 2003

As in the frothy, slimy stiff running out the sides of your mouth and down your chin.

Sleep well Drooly.

- Dan

Title: Wow, was THAT witty... Just shut it Dan, nobody cares. n/t
Post by: Oscar on January 13, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to In Your Case, It is 'Dribble' . . ., posted by Dan on Jan 13, 2003


Title: n/t
Post by: Dan on January 13, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Wow, was THAT witty... Just shut it Dan,..., posted by Oscar on Jan 13, 2003


Title: Again,.....
Post by: Jack on January 11, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Sorry to disappoint you, posted by MarkInTx on Jan 11, 2003

More misleading statements from who else,......the boy who thinks mostly with his little head!

From MarkinTex,.....I think he was trying to nicely tell Jack that his on-board persona is hurting his business... At least that is how I read it..

Of course this is how you read it, because it is how YOU want to read it. The fact is I am very happy with being able to speak my peace on this board and not give a d@mn about what anyone thinks (especially YOU!). This does not mean that I do not respect a great many guys here, because I do. But I do not want to have to walk on egg shells with my participation on Planet Love and be worried about how my messages, thoughts, post's and opinions will effect my business. And that is how I proceed. I do not care if I get one customer from the Planet Love board, not one! If I was concerned about offending people I certainly would not call known and perceived @ss-holes, @ss-holes, now would I?  I would certainly not care about how my opinions were perceived, would I? And that's how I like it. To be able to speak my peace. If I was concerned my thoughts or opinions would be detrimental to my business, I would be as quiet as a church mouse, not wanting to scare off business. I think it is due to me expressing my true opinions, my true experiences, my true perceptions that is responsible for the volume of business we now do. He1l MarkinTex, from a business point of view, I am swamped! For six weeks now I have been trying to find time to post the information about my up-coming Spring Group Tour on the website and haven't even had time to do such! I have over 150 new, beautiful ladies to add to the site, don't have the time. I have about 20 new scam women to add to the scammers galleries, which will be done before I add the new ladies, don't have time. I want to add several new cities to the website in which we can support men now, don't have the time. I want to add several new sections of information and articles to the website, don't have the time. Why? Because I had never anticipated this great number of men traveling to Russia,  Ukraine, the FSU, during the dead of winter, or the amount of business we have! Treat people fair, provide them with good, honest and ethical service at a good price and you will succeed every time. Despite what you try to lead others to think, or how you like to phrase "At least that is how I read it" my business is far from hurting, sorry to have to tell you MarkinTex, as much as you would love for that to be the case. I love to be able to speak freely and openly on Planet Love, to be able to pass on what I consider good, useful, helpful information. Not false or mis-leading information such as you do. You are so desperate to try to convince others that your way is the best way that you stoop to making mis-leading and I suspect out right pure fabrications. Any attempt by anyone to question you or call you on your claims leads you to lowering yourself to attempt to slander someone. I suspect you feel like if you can slander someone enough than maybe someone (and it would probably only be ONE at the most) might actually believe anything you might say.

From MarkinTexas,.....I do think that he wants to have things done "his way" if he helps you, and I have also said many times that if you like "his way", that you probably won't have any problems with using Firstdream. I just also point out that his way is not always the best way.

How, if you have never used, or followed my services, in an attempt to find a good Russian woman, would you know what are "his way"? HOW would YOU know this? How, if the type of woman that you seek is completely different than the type women I hope to introduce guys to, and YOU have NEVER used these services from me, would you know "that his way is not always the best way"?

Sense it is obvious that you do NOT know what "his way" is and in an attempt to curtail some of your more subtle attempts at more slander, let me tell you a little about "his way".

MarkinTex, if you are not serious to find a good Russian woman, do not seek my help or waste my time.

If you are seeking a lady with a 23 years age difference or greater, do not waste my time. Yes I know there are some successful marriages of greater than 23 years and mean no dis-respect to any of those happy marriages but the percentages of these marriages that are successful are so slim I don't want to get involved. I really prefer guys to put there sites on ladies less than 20 years age difference, closer to 12 to 15 years age difference or less. I know there are many happy marriages with 20 years age difference but it usually requires two special people to make these marriages last and successful.

If you are seeking a girl of 18, 19, 20 years of age and you are over 30, do not waste my time.

If you are seeking a virgin (as have many middle eastern men), do not waste my time.

If you invite ladies to meet you for private meetings or dates, or to parties, and they have accepted, you must honor these commitments. If you cannot agree to this, do not waste my time.

If you are seeking to have sex with the first lady you see, if you are seeking a sex tour or to party, if you are seeking scammers, s1uts or whores, do not waste my time.

That's it MarkinTex! Those are the conditions which make up what you call "doing it his way". Not to tough or demanding, now is it Mark? And your right, with those conditions not everyone would qualify for "doing it my way", certainly you wouldn't.

From MarkinTex,......And, on planet-love (which is different entirely than his business) Jack is an internet bully who enjoys picking fights, and can be extremely childish.

MarkinTex, naa-na-nu-na-naa, takes one to know one! It is you who is an Internet bully! It is you who is constantly at odds with Oscar, LP, Dan, Yoe, Jack! It is YOU who is constantly picking a fight. Do I have a problem calling someone I perceive as an ass-hole an ass-hole, no! Do I have a problem with challenging someone I see as passing out false, misleading and potentially harmful information and asking them there source for there reported facts or statistics? No! Confrontational on my part, yes!

From MarkinTex,.....I am not sure that I would call Jack exactly "discreet," either.

More attempted slanderous statements from boy blunder!  You have never seen me discuss the private details of any of my clients. Everything I have written about you is from your own public statements! You have never seen me mention one condifidential or private piece of information about you that you did not disclose publicly. You have never, and will never see me mentioning anything about the details of your St. Petersburg trip and what transpired there. I will only comment on what you have openly discussed in a public forum. As far as your brother is concerned, I never mentioned anything he had done or why I told him I would no longer work with him until he posted on the board what had happened. I had no problem with leaving my great disappointment in him private, he is the one who posted the incident on the board, although he painted a much different picture than actually occurred.

From MarkinTex,...."You miss the point entirely (Dan)".

Sure, everyone but you "miss the point entirely" it appears. Myself, Dan. Oscar, Yoe, we all have bad wives, we all miss the point, all of us but you! Anyone who disagrees with the ole mighty great one, well, they just miss the point!

From MarkinTex,...for it detracts from the usefulness of the board. .

Hummpph, and I guess fallacious and deceptive assertions of facts and statistics are good for the board?

Title: I know you enjoy
Post by: MarkInTx on January 11, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Again,....., posted by Jack on Jan 11, 2003

I know you enjoy your bluff and bluster.

I am glad that you have found a hobby. And I am flattered that you spend so much time pouring over every word I utter.

I guess you are happy that Victoria talked me out of disappearing off of here. Now you can continue to study my messages to your little heart's content... and make more LONG messages.

Boy... you sure don't know how to quit when you are ahead... do you? I tried to ignore you... but you keep wanting a fight...

I'll only respond to two things:

FIRST, I never said that your business was failing. I don't know how well you are doing, and frankly I couldn't possibly care less.

You may VERY well have a LOT of men who enjoy working with you. The Anna Nicole show was a big hit on E!, too. So, anything is possible, and there is no accounting for taste... You're busy? Big fat, hairy deal. Why should I care.

Secondly, the fact is that I know about your methods because I DID hire you. I DID pay you money. You DID place personal ads for me, and arrange meetings at a marriage agency in St Pb. (which was a waste of time) You DID promise me that the agency could line up dates for me on short notice, only to find out that they required two week's notice...  You DID line up an "interpreter" who only showed up two days of the week that I was there, because she had another client in town (and who paid her more money than you did, so she felt obligated to help the other client...) You DID deliver flowers for me, and then tell me not to tell Scanna that it was your people who did it, because you had some bad blood between you and Anastasia (gee... I wonder why???) so when I asked for new addresses, I couldn't use you to prove the story of why... You DID sell me the address of wonderful Milena, who was certainly discsused at length by MarkH.

Shall I post check numbers of all of the money I wasted at

I can.

It's an embarrassing amount, really. Not as great as it could have been. Thank God I backed out on your last "Spring Tour". I heard it was a smashing success...

But I really don't care Jack.

Go ahead and spin things however you want to.

Call me as many cutsie little third grade names as you want to.

I'm sure your utter professionalism is sending your business through the roof.

I think I will call Yoe and see if he has any more signed pictures of "Honest Jack Bragg."

Your my new hero, Jack...

Really. YOu are so wise, so wonderful, and know so much..., I really don't know why I ever doubted a single word you uttered...

Title: reply to more of your lies and attempt to slander!
Post by: Jack on January 12, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to I know you enjoy , posted by MarkInTx on Jan 11, 2003

MarkinTex,.....I know you enjoy your bluff and bluster.
.....Not as much as you enjoy yours!

MarkinTex,....I am glad that you have found a hobby. And I am flattered that you spend so much time pouring over every word I utter..
....Oh, it is not a hobby MarkinTex, I assure you. A hobby is something one enjoys. It is out of necessity, due to the so much potentially harmful information you pass off as supposive "good advice" to newby's that has required all your post to be read, and that is a LOT of post. Believe me, it is not enjoyable and with so many of your post's,....well, I will only say it is good that I can quickly get to the bathroom, if you know what I mean :) And it's not just me who is now watching your postings more closely. One P-L poster noticed your comments, when reference was made to one agency in Kherson, "There are better agencies in Kherson". When he asked you about the agencies in Kherson you had experience with you replied only one, Kherson Rose, to which he responded back,..."You wrote "there are better agencies in Kherson." But you don't really KNOW because you only used one agency and only on a limited basis and you have nothing else in Kherson to compare them to. Hmmm...let's had limited contact with one Kherson agency...and they paid some attention to you...and they treated you well over the internet...and now that makes you think they are a better agency??? Well, Mark, that says a lot your selection process and about the extent of your demands. I hope that's not the same way you go about selecting more important things in life, such as, say...a wife. .......Another poster writes, "No way!!! You did her on the same day you met. Now this is where our stories change, up until now you and I were feeling and seeing the same things. Then you baged her, wow!"

...On 10-19 you mention in a post that Ken was a WOVO guy, but on 7-5 you write "Ken has said more than once that he met other women"! Gee, Mark, are you forgetting what you wrote on some of your previous post, or trying to steer your perceived method as the best, or preferred method, with a little trickery. Once you write Ken WOVO, another time you write "he has said many times he met other ladies"? Which is it boy blunder? Make up your mind!

...In your post that I am replying to you say that I placed personal ads for you (which was a waste of time). But on 6-4 you say," When I went to St. Petersburg, Jack placed another ad for me. This ad was much more specific, and (I think) a little elitist. But it produced the desired effect". "and they were almost all interesting".  The personal ad "led to my success on my St. Petersburg campaign. My response rate was somewhere around 80% for these. ....Geee MarkinTex, now your saying they were a waste of time but previously you said they produced the desired effect and almost all the replies were interesting. You know, sometimes you are very wishy-washy boy blunder.

...With regards to the personal ad I placed for you in Ukraine you say, When Jack placed an ad for me in Ukraine you were inundated with letters and e-mails. You got about 300 letters.... Geeezz MarkinTex, you are a hard guy to please, I am glad you found a wife!

..Last week you recommend someone to fly LOT airlines when on 6-14 you say, "One thing about LOT Polish airlines would never be my choice again to go anywhere"... One month you don't recommend them, a few months later you do. Have you ever heard the term "wishy-washy" before boy blunder?

...And about me and Firstdream you made these statements, "For starters, I think that Jack’s “System” makes a lot of sense. The fact that I did not follow his system does not change that.....He basically says: Don’t fall in love via a letter and a photo. By increasing the number of women you meet, you increase your chances of success. That makes a lot of sense to me. So… why didn’t I do it? As much as Jack’s method made sense to me, I had to confess that deep inside – for all of my intellect and reasoning, I am a romantic at heart. If I had it to do all over again, I would have let Firstdream do all of my arrangements. "

...To JR you wrote,"I'm not heading to St. Pete any time soon, but your post brought back some fond memories".
...Well, sometimes you say you had a bad trip, other times it was good. Can you say, again,"Wishy-Washy!"

MarkinTex,....I guess you are happy that Victoria talked me out of disappearing off of here.
.....Of course, if you didn't post I would probably save $10 a month on my water bill, far fewer flushes you know!

MarkinTex,....Boy... you sure don't know how to quit when you are ahead, do you? I tried to ignore you but you keep wanting a fight.
....Oh, was I ahead? When did you stop your lying and continued slandering of me? I am sorry, I did not notice. Strange isn't it, you say you tried to ignore me and I only respond to you after one of your many cheap shots and slanderous statements at me. I would love to have the same deal you have given LP. I would love it if you could ignore me, never mention my name or read my post's, but as is apparent to all, you cannot.

MarkinTex,....I'll only respond to two things.
....Wait a minute, a few days ago you said if I had some actual topics that I would like to debate, you would. I gave you a list of 42 items that I would love to debate with you. I KNOW there are several of these items you won't touch (wonder why?), but I thought that maybe you would have the balls to debate, maybe 15, maybe 20 of these items. And this was just the first 42 items we could possibly debate, there must be another 60-70 items I would enjoy debating with you in the hopes that the many new guys and newby's could learn from our debating. I mean item 43 for example, the length of time you, and I, would recommend guys to know there woman before getting engaged. Item 44, the length of time that you, and I, would recommend in getting to know any woman that we would think could be our potential wife before we became intimate. Item 45, what you, and what I, would recommend in telling  guys when ladies who we have communicated with for a short time (having never met), and they tell us in there letters and e-mails how they are in love with us. And, with Vika posting soon I was hoping we could get her involved with some debates and her opinion also as to a Russian woman's view with respect to some of these questions! That would be interesting. For example with her trips to St. Pete and Moscow, did these visits anyway change her perspective towards life, men, money, morals, etc.  And like I said MarkinTex, I must have another 60 or so questions I think you and I could debate that would probably be very helpful to newby's. You know, the right way (your way) and the wrong way (my way) of recommending to do things. First you were willing to debate, I guess you find nothing worth while of your time in debating any of the 42 items I had first suggested, and NOW you will only respond to TWO things!

MarkinTex,....You may VERY well have a LOT of men who enjoy working with you. The Anna Nicole show was a big hit on E!, too. So, anything is possible, and there is no accounting for taste.
....Right, you are a perfect example of that! Look at what Vika ended up with!

MarkinTex,......the fact is that I know about your methods because I DID hire you.
.....Wait just a minute! I made many suggestions as to what to do and how to do them, YOU did not do them as you have publicly stated on P-L, YOU did things your way!  I advised you NOT to go when you did! You had not done enough work and preparation in my opinion to warrant a trip to St. Pete at that time. YOU met ONE woman who had responded to your ad that YOU had to meet, you had "special" feelings for her! I advised against you going then. YOU found a $400 LOT special and said you were going!

MarkinTex,....and arrange meetings at a marriage agency in St Pete. (which was a waste of time).
....Considering the short amount of time you had given me before you told me you were going, we were not able to get your photo, profile, bio, to several marriage agencies I would have liked to have had this info. In fact not one marriage agency had the time to even show your profile and photo, you proceeded in a half-ass manner, you proceeded against my advice that you weren't ready for this trip, because YOU had to see this ONE woman right away, and you had to buy the LOT $400 ticket then!

Your exact words boy blunder, "The St. Petersburg trip, which started with such promise, ended up being so discouraging that I almost abandoned my search. Maria had seemed perfect. I loved her letters, and I so very much looked forward to meeting her. Even though Jack kept advising me to line up many dates, I wasn’t really listening. I kept hedging my bet. I kept setting aside extra time for Maria. And, when LOT Airlines Chicago Delay ended up costing me a day in St. Petersburg, I ended up only having enough time to meet two women, and, in my mind, I was only really meeting one. Maria was everything I thought I wanted: Young, pretty, extremely intelligent, and she spoke very good English. She was also very much taken with me, I had found exactly what most men are dreaming about… A beautiful, intelligent, sincere woman

MarkinTex,....You DID line up an "interpreter" who only showed up two days of the week that I was there, because she had another client in town (and who paid her more money than you did, so she felt obligated to help the other client.
....More lies boy blunder? "Because someone else paid her more than I did"? Boy blunder, I paid this interpreter NOTHING, it is up to the client to pay the interpreter. YOU must have been to cheap in what you offered to pay her, ha, ha! Because of YOUR intense desire to meet ONE lady you had great interest in, YOU threw all common sense out the window. The reason this one interpreter only gave you X amount of time was because (1) the girl you were going to see spoke English and (2) due to the short notice you had given us and that she had already had this client scheduled long before you had even planned on coming. This other guy did things right and after meeting several ladies found a wonderful, good woman from St. Pete and they have been happily married for, I think close to 8 or 9 months now.

MarkinTex,....You DID deliver flowers for me, and then tell me not to tell Scanna that it was your people who did it.
......I told you this so you could get three free address for the bad address that Skanna sold you! You have a short memory here boy blunder or you don't want to remember (wouldn't want to do that now would you, might make me look good). You would have never even know to ask for replacement addresses if I did not tell you what to do, step by step, and I did tell you to not mention that you had another agency deliver a letter to this address. If you told Skanna that A Foreign Affair had delivered the letter, or E. C., almost any other agency, you would have probably not gotten three address and would have been lucky to get one.

MarkinTex,.....You DID sell me the address of wonderful Milena,.
....One thing we can say about Milena, she is a good lady!  Most men have spoken favorable of her. Not one ever said he was able to have sex with her the first day they met her. I count my lucky stars that you two did not hook up. I would have always regretted having introduced such a nice woman with high morals to you.

MarkinTex,....Thank God I backed out on your last "Spring Tour". I heard it was a smashing success.
..... Of the 12 guys who attended boy blunder, two of the men are NOW married (one of which was quite helpful to Oscar and his K-1), three of the men have there ladies here today on the K-1 (they aren't get married in the first week!) and one guy should have his lady here with-in the next month. She is caught up in the Moscow visas problems. Six out of twelve men boy blunder! I agree with you, I think it was also a smashing success!

MarkinTex,.....I think I will call Yoe and see if he has any more signed pictures of "Honest Jack Bragg."

MarkinTex,......Really. You are so wise, so wonderful, and know so much, I really don't know why I ever doubted a single word you uttered.
....Yes, it is a shame isn't it! Who knows who things could have really turned out for you if you had!

...You know boy blunder recently I have called you on several things you have quoted as fact, you have mentioned as statistics, statements about me I have considered slanderous and statements you have made which I consider lies and you have yet to answer ONE of theses questions in an attempt to clarify. Why is that? With regards to LP you say this," Plausible deniability is definitely his MO...... I can now say the same about you.

With regards to LP you say this, "Victoria really wants a chance to look her accuser in the eye. I think that's fair, don't you? Seems to me that a real man would be willing to do that, don't you think?......With all your slanderous statements and lies about me, I would like to look my accuser in the eye! At least get him to comment about any proof to back up his slanderous claims. I think that's fair, don't you? Seems to me a real man would be willing to do that, don't you think?

With regards to LP you say "Did he ever offer "good advice?" Well many people on here say that he did... so I'll yield that point. I always thought the bad out weighed the good........ And that's the same way I feel about you, looks like your bad far out weights the good.

You mention the name-calling and childish behavior and then ask "is this discussion worthy of men?" To which I ask you about these remarks you have made only in the past few months (many more before that), (about Oscar)....."I think you got it all wrong. Oscar is not the ventriloquist. He's the dummy. Look for someone else's lips to be moving whenever Oscar or, apparently yoe is "talking".......Just because Oscar is paranoid.......You know when I want your opinion, Oscar, I'll ask Jack what it is......But get this straight, I wasn't taking a shot at Jack, dear Oscar, I was taking a shot at YOU......Oscar LOL (n) def: predictable response from the board's third most inane poster. Oscar, A Legend in his own mind. Just because Oscar is paranoid it doesn't mean that the board is NOT out to get him... Referring to Oscar, The facts are these: 1. I was in Warsaw. 2. He was not. Does the term: Rationalization mean anything? (about BarryM) To Barry, Jack may have his faults, but I would never accuse him of being you!..  So back off on speaking for the whole board Barry. We don't need you to be the Morality Police. We're all adults here. We can make up our own minds...To Barry Yeah... you're a gentleman and a scholar. Your Local Russian Orthodox Church must be so proud... Barry, Only you and your pals get bitter and apoplectic... (about LP) (Cheap shot at LP), "And I hear they hire inferior pilots :-).. Surely the great LP isn't afraid of a woman, is he?...About LP , I haven't bedded as many women as LP, ... Well, the problem is that there is such a long line of guys on bended knee in front of LP, I would hate to have to wait my turn, you know? The line behind him seems somewhat smaller, just Dan and Oscar there..... Yeah, I noticed that LP seems to be making a lot of posts for a guy who has told us several times that he was done with us and is leaving! (just as you MarkinTex!)....(about Jack)  Jack ISN'T right about almost anything..... Now, the predictable response from Jack and his lackeys I don't mind.....To Jack "Why distance from one of the few times you actually showed a modicum of wit?.... Apparently, you are just too stupid to see it, so I give up.... I'll bet you sit on the toilet every morning saying "Hey, it's true, my sh!t doesn't stink!" .... To JR, "It seems that the care you take begins and ends in bed.... Feet wet? Shucks, JR... I thought you were wet up to your elbows by now....To Joe,  Joe... It is fine by me that this planet (Planet-Love) revolves around you. ;-)....Yes, Globetrotter, Listen to BarryM. He should know. .....(referencing BarryM, Dan, LP) as the old saying goes, "if brains were dynamite the three of them together couldn't blow their nose" ....Globetrotter, that you are known by the company you keep....(about Dan).. Dan is a wanna be pilot, and as such thinks LP is god.... Dan Congrats, That "Word a Day" calender you bought must be paying big dividends for you! ... Is it possible for you to work the word Condescending into any more posts?... But, I guess I'm not surprised that you couldn't tell the difference... To Dan,...I won't bother commenting on your pathetic attempts. You are part of the Bragg Brigade... you can't help yourself..."I'm glad to know that I inspire you... "Dan, It is impossible for me to have "my feelings hurt" by anything you say, because I have no respect for you at all. My post was merely to draw attention to the fact that you continue to show a complete lack of: * Honor * Class * Wit...My feelings are SO hurt by your elementary school wit...Thank you for leading by example, and showing us all your brand of "Integrity."... Dan, "You, however, are a fraud.

Internet bully, one who likes to start fights, one who displays no class, yep, I would say that pretty much describes you boy blunder.

Title: Just for you and Yoe, Jack
Post by: MarkInTx on January 13, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to reply to more of your lies and attempt t..., posted by Jack on Jan 12, 2003

Since I think you two are the only ones actually following this.

And, BTW, this is my last post on the subject. Even though it is wonderful fun watching you go into an apoplectic fit, I'm busy on other things right now...

Honest Jack Bragg wrote:

"There are better agencies in Kherson". When he asked you about the agencies in Kherson you had experience with you replied only one, Kherson Rose, to which he responded back,..."You wrote "there are better agencies in Kherson

My response:

Yep, that's what I said. Only it wasn't based on my personal experience, but rather the comments made by my wife and her English teacher -- both of whom lived in Kherson. But what was I thinking??? OBVIOUSLY you know better than someone who lived in Kherson which agency was best...

Honest Jack Bragg wrote:

"On 10-19 you mention in a post that Ken was a WOVO guy, but on 7-5 you write "Ken has said more than once that he met other women"!

My response:

Actually, I'm not going to get into much detail about what Ken did, since he is capable of posting for himself. However, it SEEMS to me from reading what he wrote that he ONLY went over to visit Lena. I am not aware that he was in ANY correspondence with anyone else prior to going over. Maybe he was, I don’t know. But it seemed to me that he was not really interested in anyone except Lena. HOWEVER…  though you try to play cutsie games with semantics and word strangling and wrangling, the fact is that KenC has remained a rather steadfast critic of the "casting call" approach that you heavily endorse. And so do I.

Honest Jack Brag wrote:

"In your post that I am replying to you say that I placed personal ads for you (which was a waste of time). "

My response:

Yes, I am referring to the first set of ads that you ran for me, which resulted in about 250 responses, and none of them were even remotely what I was searching for. So, yes, I call that a big waste of my time. The St Pb ad was better, no question. But things were even more effective when I placed ads for myself. And MUCH cheaper.

Honest Jack Brag wrote:

"Last week you recommend someone to fly LOT airlines when on 6-14 you say, "One thing about LOT Polish airlines would never be my choice again to go anywhere"... One month you don't recommend them, a few months later you do"

My response:

Yes, that is right Jack. Sorry you have a hard time reading the whole post, and actually taking context into account. When I said I would not want to fly LOT again, it was because of the missed flight. However, I was responding to a post which said: "$800 is the best I can get. Is there any cheaper?" SO... for me, the most important driving factor became comfort. But for someone who wants to save $400, and that is his most motivating factor, I think he should certainly consider LOT airlines. He CAN save money. Who am I to question his values? Maybe $400 is all he has... better to go a day late, than not be able to go. And, if you'll notice, when someone posted under my post saying "the problem with LOT is bad connections" I agreed with him. Unlike you, I don't tell guys what they should and shouldn't do. I merely offer suggestions. I assume everyone is smart enough to weigh the pros and cons on their own...

Honest Jack Brag wrote:

"And about me and Firstdream you made these statements, "For starters, I think that Jack’s “System” makes a lot of sense.."

My response:

About this, you are absolutely right. I was trying to be polite. That was back when I actually thought you were a decent guy, and I didn't want the fact that I started this whole thing with you, but I succeeded without you, to become an issue. But you have sure wised me up to that. It WAS a mistake for me to try to feature my success in a way which didn't cast bad light on your service. If you care to take the time to track the posts I've made, you will see that I used to be VERY deferential to your business. I didn't want to hurt some guy's business just because it didn't work for me. But when you began you bullying tactics on me -- when all I did was stick up for MarkH and say maybe he had a point -- I realized what you truly are. From that point on, I stopped trying to hide my real opinion of you and your business.

Honest Jack Bragg wrote:

"...To JR you wrote, "I'm not heading to St. Pete any time soon, but your post brought back some fond memories".
...Well, sometimes you say you had a bad trip, other times it was good.

My response:

The two things are not contradictory at all. In fact, just recently, Maria wrote me, and we were able to discuss our trip with fondness, even though it "didn't work out." The fact is that I Do have fond memories of St Pb. And the fact that I did has VERY LITTLE to do with you. My BAD memories of St Pb have quite a LOT do do with you. Does that make it clear enough for you???

Honest Jack Brag:

"Wait a minute, a few days ago you said if I had some actual topics that I would like to debate, you would."

My response:

Jack, you are incapable of honest debate. If Greg (aka theSearch) wanted to debate any of your "42" items, I would be happy to. Or KenC, or Burke, or RW, or any of the REASONABLE people... I'd be fine with it.

But if I wanted to see a debate with you, I would simply take your "writings" to my daughter's class and let some of her third-grader friends respond... because that is the level of your "debates." Frankly, that is the one thing that always made me uncomfortable about dealing with you. I would think: "Geesh, I am putting my future in the hands of someone who has the maturity level of a six-grader." Never was that more clearly demonstrated than when you blew up with MarkH and called him "Gap tooth" and "Flute boy." I also witnessed it with Dmitri and others. It always made me uncomfortable to do business with someone like you.

The happy thing is that now I no longer have to.

If other guys on here wnat to... that's fine. I've never told ANYONE NOT to do business with you. I only caution that they need to know what they are buying when they buy your services. But that is true for anything. caveat emptor. One nice thing is that anyone who has taken the time to read the archives knows. (Of course except for the MANY exchanges you were in that got deleted...) If they want to hire you after reading all of your bluster... then why should I care?

Honest Jack Bragg's topic discussions:

43 for example, the length of time you, and I, would recommend guys to know there woman before getting engaged.

44, the length of time that you, and I, would recommend in getting to know any woman that we would think could be our potential wife before we became intimate.

45, what you, and what I, would recommend in telling guys when ladies who we have communicated with for a short time (having never met), and they tell us in there letters and e-mails how they are in love with us.

My response:

43 -- I don't recommend any length of time. Sheesh if a guy is asking someone he doesn't know for this, my response would be: DON'T GET MARRIED. If you need someone else to tell you how long you have to know someone, then you are in no condition to get married.

The fact is that EVERY woman in this is different, and EVERY man is. And so what is true for one person is not true for another.

44 -- don't make me laugh Jack. You went over on sex tours, and you want to try to criticize me for being intimate with the woman I married? Yeah...right. Holy Jack Bragg. Maybe BarryM can get you canonized. Tell me Jack, when you posted about how you screwed that one woman so hard that she had to ask you to stop the next day because she was so sore (and even gave out the ID# on your website so anyone who was interested could check her out) how interested in marrying her were you? Considering you had another "date" lined up. How many times, on your many junkets, did you get "intimate" with multiple women per trip? Again, for something like this I would not presume to advise any man. But here's some free advice for you: "I wouldn't go throwing any stones, if I were you." Enough of the guys on here remember your infamous "viagra" post that it just makes you look even more foolish than you already do

45 -- Again, every situation is different. And "short time" is relative.

If I thought any good would come from these debates, or even if I thought you were capable of a good intelligent debate, I would be happy to engage in one. But not with you. You're not worth my time.

Honest Jack Brag wrote:

"....More lies boy blunder? "Because someone else paid her more than I did"? Boy blunder, I paid this interpreter NOTHING, it is up to the client to pay the interpreter. YOU must have been to cheap in what you offered to pay her, ha, ha!"

My response:

Nice try. But you and I both know that you REQUIRE your interpreters to give you money out of what the client's pay them. MarkH said this before, and you denied it. But I know better. The interpreter in question asked that I not tell you that I paid her for any services, so she wouldn't have to "report" it to you, and pay you a piece of it. I agreed. (Now I'm sure you'll be calling her demanding payment.)

The other client who came in, she could keep the whole thing. I understood. But you were the one who told me: "Just wait to see how hard these people work to make sure you are taken care of!" And, it seems that they had found alternative means of making money, so they didn't have to accept your crumbs. Times are changing, eh Jack?

Honest Jack Brag wrote:

"If you told Skanna that A Foreign Affair had delivered the letter, or E. C., almost any other agency, you would have probably not gotten three address and would have been lucky to get one."

My response:

Again, nice try. But we both know better. You side-stepped the point of my comment which is that I couldn't verify things because of WHO delivered the flowers. And anyone can verify this. Call up Anastasia, or send them an email, and ask them what their opinion of Jack Brag is. If anyone does this... what will they find out, Jack? You know. And I know. The fact is that they can't stand you, and question your ethics. Oh, I know, I know. OF COURSE since they are a competitor, that is the reason they bad-mouth you. Right... I'm SURE Anastasia is worried about FirstDream cutting into their business. Funny all of these agencies who are out to get YOU don't seem to care about anyone else... Hmmmm... wonder why...

Honest Jack Brag wrote:

speaking of Milena: "I would have always regretted having introduced such a nice woman with high morals to you."

My response:

Yes... very high morals. Which is why when I asked her if she could meet me in Germany her response is "Why not? It only costs money. If you send me $300, I can get a Visa to Germany." If a woman off of another site said that you would be screaming SCAM! And, of course, it was REALLY interesting when she told MarkH "I can marry you if you want, but I will stay here, and you can send me money. I cannot leave for two years because of my father's job." Yeah... she sounds like a class act all right. But we are agree about one thing: we are both happy that Milena and I never hooked up. (Oh.... btw ... she told me that she was in love with me after three letters. When was it that YOU think it was appropriate to profess love? You never did say...)

Honest Jack Brag wrote:

", I would like to look my accuser in the eye! At least get him to comment about any proof to back up his slanderous claims. I think that's fair, don't you? Seems to me a real man would be willing to do that, don't you think?"

My response:

Sure, Jack. I'm not afraid of you. Just tell me what you hope to accomplish... As it stands now, I don't see the point. In the case of LP, I was hoping that everything was a simple case of mistaken identity. I thought that if he, Victoria and I met that it could all be straightened out. That is why I wanted to meet LP. Why do you want to meet with me, Jack? Think this is all simply a case of mistaken identity? Think if we meet I will decide that you are a good guy after all, and people should sign over checks to you? Or do you want to bring a crowbar and work me over? (Better yet, Jack, bring the gun you are always talking about…)

Honest Jack Brag wrote:

". My post was merely to draw attention to the fact that you continue to show a complete lack of: * Honor * Class * Wit...My feelings are SO hurt by your elementary school wit...Thank you for leading by example, and showing us all your brand of "Integrity."..."

My response:

Well, considering the fact that many of the posters you referenced were calling my wife a liar, or worse... or (in the case of BarryM) calling me a dickhead... Considering that LP was claiming that he could use his connections to hurt me... that some people were actively trying to get Victoria's email address so they could send her hate mail...  I think I handled it pretty well.

Am I proud of everything I have ever written?


Would I ever say something differently if I had a second chance?


But… I'm content to let your "wonderful" posts stand along side of mine and let others decide who has shown more integrity, honor, and (especially) wit.

And this is my last post about any of this. So… go ahead… bluster away. I’m sure Yoe is waiting…

Title: Could use?....
Post by: LP on January 15, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Just for you and Yoe, Jack, posted by MarkInTx on Jan 13, 2003, I luv it when they're clueless!

Title: (*/*)
Post by: Jack on January 15, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Could use?...., posted by LP on Jan 15, 2003

I fully intend to address boy blunders most recent slander, that I demand, expect and am paid money for each client I send to an interpreter, as well as his many other lies in his response above as soon as I can get a little extra time, hopefully in the next two or three days.

I do agree with you LP in that he is clueless. He really isn't very smart and I think it is becoming more obvious with each of his negative, slanderous post's about me. boy blunder wants to go toe to toe with me, he'd best get on his danceing shoes!

Title: Go for it....
Post by: LP on January 15, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to (*/*), posted by Jack on Jan 15, 2003

...I'm still stunned that he accepted my obviously sincere answer. After all, if she says so, it *must* be true eh? I said what I'd do if she denied it and I meant it. Stay tuned, I'm working on a little website. ;-)

Title: Sad
Post by: Pordzhik on January 15, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Go for it...., posted by LP on Jan 15, 2003

A website devoted to this little spat? This has to be the saddest post I've read on this forum.

Title: Nope, not devoted........
Post by: LP on January 15, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Sad, posted by Pordzhik on Jan 15, 2003 the spat, to the truth. For all the world to see.

Title: Just for you boy blunder!
Post by: Jack on January 13, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Just for you and Yoe, Jack, posted by MarkInTx on Jan 13, 2003

boy blunder, I just love proving you for what you are, a love sick puppy dog who thinks and reacts by his little head, who is a liar and one who thinks nothing to slander! Usually one will be somewhat careful before calling a guy an outright liar, right? And one will usully allow for some, ohhh, let's say 20 or 30 "mistakes" as a slip of the tounge. But after like 40 "slip's of the tounge", I think we can consider one a habitual liar. Wouldn't you agree?

I notice you very carefully pick and choose which of my questions you elect to reply back to, and seem to be avoiding the what appears to be basically simple questions, such as providing the statistics from which you make this claim, "The WOVO method remains, I am convinced, the most successful. I am merely speaking of statistics that are rarely talked about". Or the facts to support this statement from you "The fact is that most women who will respond so quickly to a new ad are usually scammers".  I thought you could easily provide the facts to back up this statement from you "If you write many women with the intention of seeing all of them, it will inhibit your ability to draw intimate through the letters". And,... well that's enough I guess, otherwise if I continued it would be nothing more than a repeat of a previous message I addressed to you that drew a NO RESPONSE.

Anyway I will gladly address each of your responses from above with great delight when I get a little time, hopefully in the next day or two, but in the meantime I wanted you to see a copy of an e-mail I just sent off so that you would not be surprised when (if) you get an e-mail from Roxana.

Here is the e-mail I sent her so you will know what she got word for word,......

(ps for the benefit of your privacy I removed your last name in the e-mail below but sent to Roxana)

----- Original Message -----
From: Jack Bragg
Sent: Monday, January 13, 2003 3:01 PM

Hello Roxana,

 How are you doing? I hope everything is going well in your new marriage.  I know it has been quite some time since we last communicated but something has come up recently and I would like to ask your assistance.

 There is this one guy here in the states that you worked with you briefly as an interpreter maybe 1 or 1.5 years ago. His name is Mark xxxxx from Texas. I hope you remember him. You only spent a few days with him as he came to St. Pete with little notice, the girl he came to see spoke good English and you had already committed much of your time to a another client. Mark has been saying many slanderous statements and lies about me, as well as telling many guys who are in the pursuit of a Russian bride many, in my opinion, mis-leading and harmful things. Over the past few weeks I have addressed many of these lies and slanderous statements this guy has said on a discussion board that we are a part of and have proven to many that he is indeed a blowhard and liar. Today he came up with something new that I would like to share with you and I hope that you will reply back with an answer.

 Since your new marriage, and living most the time in Italy now, and since we really don't work with each other anymore, I am hoping that you will be able to give me an honest answer back to my questions. Mark xxxxx made some statements on this one discussion board that you were only able to work with him for two days because I did not pay you enough money. I replied back to Mark that I never pay the interpreter, that the client does and that if anyone didn't pay you enough money, it was him.

 He replied back with the following statement "Nice try. But you and I both know that you REQUIRE your interpreters to give you money out of what the client's pay them. The interpreter in question asked that I not tell you that I paid her for any services, so she wouldn't have to "report" it to you, and pay you a piece of it. I agreed.

 Roxana, as I never expected or asked for any compensation from you, nor received any compensation from you for any client I sent you, could you comment on this? Did I ever require or ask you to ever share any money from a client I sent you? Did I ever receive any money from you for any client I ever sent you? Did you ask Mark xxxxx not to mention that he had paid you anything for his services so that you would not have to "report" this to me, for fear of having to share any of this money with me?

  Roxana, if you made these statements to him, it's alright, I would just like you to confirm if you did or didn't say this to him. I have no problem if you did tell him this for whatever reasons you may have had, but I would more than anything like you to clarify our working agreement that we had in that I never asked for, nor received any money for any client I sent you. That is the main thing I want to get out in the open. He says for fact that he knows I require all my interpreters to give me money and this is what I would really like to set straight.

  I know this will seem rather petty to you but I would appreciate the few minutes it will take you to respond back. I would just like to prove (again) that this guy is nothing more than a habitual liar and will stoop to anything, including slander, in order to make him look like a bigger boy than he is.

  Roxana, when you reply back to me I would appreciate it if you would also send a copy of your same reply to  otherwise he will say that whatever you sent me  were not your true words. However if you do not want to send your e-mail directly to him I would understand (believe me, I would understand) but if you don't mind, I would appreciated it.

  I will watch for your reply.



Title: Again, another impressive post...?...but here is my favorite..
Post by: yoe on January 13, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to reply to more of your lies and attempt t..., posted by Jack on Jan 12, 2003

"I guess you are happy that Victoria talked me out of disappearing off of here." hahahahahahahaha
Yea right!

Hey Mark-I told you!!!


To Patrick...I would like to congratulate you on an awesome format-so good it is more addictive than nicotine. I have checked out other forums and this is by far the easiest to read and interact with-KUDOS.

Title: (*/*)
Post by: Jack on January 13, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Again, another impressive post...?...but..., posted by yoe on Jan 13, 2003

Why thank you Yoe for the compliment.

And like you, I also agree that Patrick's format is by far the best.

Now Yoe, with this remark you are making towards boy blunder, maybe you are being a bit harsh, don't you think? I mean, after all, if your wife told you to do this, or told you to do that, wouldn't you also do what she told you? See, you probably would. I know with the respect and love I have for my good Russian wife, I would also do most things she told me, although it would be more in the form of asking, and I am sure most guys would. After all, those of us who are fortunate enough to have a good Russian woman, all know we have something very dear and precious.

Yoe, since boy blunder does not care to discuss, or to debate, certain topics with me, I would be truly honored if maybe you would consider such?

I see you as a guy who took a reasonable approach, I think you must have all got your share of bumps and bruises along the way. You probably met your share of good and bad Russian women and ended up marrying a good Russian woman. I think a good running debate between you and I might be able to provide some valuable insight to the new guys who are looking for a good Russian bride, what do you think?

Title: Re: Sorry to disappoint you
Post by: Charles on January 11, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Sorry to disappoint you, posted by MarkInTx on Jan 11, 2003

I agree with you Mark that there should be no concern about Jack's "promotion" of his business on P-L.  There's nothing wrong with posting information about agencies, apartments, drivers, travel, etc. as long as the "promotion" aspect does not become repetitive or blatant as was the case with mdante awhile back where every post on every topic somehow involved how his wife's business could answer and solve every problem.  Furthermore, while we may not always agree with Jack, he has, as Dan points out, provided helpful comments and advice, often on a free basis.  At least his posts here, IMHO, are not designed to promote his business, although I see nothing wrong with some free advice with the possibility that it might lead to future business for his agency.  Indeed, most of the promoters of Jack's business are other posters or Jack responds to direct questions.  Of course, if his posting disputes cause a perception (rightfully or wrongfully) that he is the "lunatic" described in Bubba's post then his business may suffer.  I would hope that Jack is smart enough to figure that out for himself, and will conduct himself accordingly.

Title: Yes
Post by: MarkInTx on January 11, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Sorry to disappoint you, posted by Charles on Jan 11, 2003

At least we are in agreement on this.

BTW... did you see any harm in scammer's post in which he said that the website: was going to post travel links?

Especially when I looked at and saw that it is hardly a commercial site.

Title: I dunno....
Post by: LP on January 10, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: The real KenC.  Welcome back!  , posted by KenC on Jan 10, 2003

...I think I like the "friggin nut job" KenC better. ;-)

Title: YOU would! LOL n/t
Post by: KenC on January 10, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to I dunno...., posted by LP on Jan 10, 2003
