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GoodWife / Planet-Love Archives => Threads started in 2002 => Topic started by: Haroshij on December 30, 2002, 05:00:00 AM

Title: Russian ladies are growing fat!!
Post by: Haroshij on December 30, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
It's been reported that with the raising standard of living in Russia people are growing fatter. Maybe we are seeing the same development there as in Western Europe and even more in the USA.

So you guys who are still looking for slim ladies, maybe you need to hurry up. The Russian economy is growing very fast now. Or maybe you prefer the ladies a little tubby? It will be more to touch :-).


Title: Re: Russian ladies are growing fat!!
Post by: Quasimoto on December 30, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Russian ladies are growing fat!!, posted by Haroshij on Dec 30, 2002


There are not many tubby ladies here in the USA. They are mostly obese, and very intimidating!!! They do not carry guns or knives, they simply threaten to roll on top of you while you sleep!


Title: Re: Re: Russian ladies are growing fat!!
Post by: Haroshij on December 30, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Russian ladies are growing fat!!, posted by Quasimoto on Dec 30, 2002

He, he. You made me laugh. Is it realy true? Well, we have never had so many fat ladies as now in Norway either. However most ladies here are slim or tubby, but we are following after you.


Title: Re: Re: Re: Russian ladies are growing fat!!
Post by: Quasimoto on December 31, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Russian ladies are growing fat!!, posted by Haroshij on Dec 30, 2002

It may not be completely true. But one thing is certain. We can no longer run! So we will be easy to catch.


Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: Russian ladies are growing fat!!
Post by: Haroshij on December 31, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: Russian ladies are growing f..., posted by Quasimoto on Dec 31, 2002

It's sad. I've always admired America and American sportsmen and women even if I've grown a little more sceptical in recent years. Looking at American movies there are always a lot beautiful ladies, but I would hardly see them if I came over?

I know America is big with a lot of diversity.


Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Russian ladies are growing fat!!
Post by: Quasimoto on January 01, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Russian ladies are growi..., posted by Haroshij on Dec 31, 2002


You would have to go to the larger cities like New York or Chicago. Here the women are seen at work every day and are competitive. Although, you will still find plenty of fat ladies there. I was even shocked though when I returned to the US the first time after going to Ukraine for one month, when I saw all the fat women in LAX Los Angeles. Florida, Texas, and California are supposed to have plenty of slender pretty women.

Title: Re: Russian ladies are growing fat!!
Post by: juio99 on December 30, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Russian ladies are growing fat!!, posted by Haroshij on Dec 30, 2002

I have reported here before that the RW will not only run risk of getting fat when the come to the west but, in fact, they are already getting fat in FSU.  When they hit age 40 or so, they start porking up just like they do in west (perhaps at at earlier age.)  Sure, you can all tell about your 40 plus wife or mother in law, etc., who is not porked up, but the general trend is there.  And, part of it has nothing to do with what they are eating or what they are doing with exercise.  Unfortunately, it is a trait that women are cursed with.  Some are lucky in a genetic sense and can beat the system.  Some can keep it at bay through extraordinary attention to diet and exercise, but boy is it a battle for them.


Title: Re: Happy Wives Stay Nice and Slim!!
Post by: Charles on December 30, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Russian ladies are growing fat!!, posted by Haroshij on Dec 30, 2002

I have heard these stories and justifications about how RW get fat when they go West - the food is different, they drive instead of walk, etc.  All may be correct, but, as with anything in this process, be careful to overgeneralize.  My wife loves to drive, McDonalds french fries and cream cheese bagels are her passion, and she doesn't work out unless you count excessive housecleaning, teaching her art classes, and painting.  However, she is very happy with her life and still looks like a model.  On the other hand, I have seen some unhappy RW who have gotten larger, but not in every case.  So it's important to make sure she is happy - that may be just as important as diet and exercise.  Finally, I think that RW just don't eat as much as we do - portion control - and that helps to keep them slim.

FWIW, I was in Moscow this past summer and there is no doubt a considerable amount of "western" influence.  However, the female scenery I observed at the GUM and elsewhere was in sharp contrast to the "large to extremely large" posteriors and frames I am forced to observe at the local malls doing my Xmas shopping this year.  As my wife always remarks, you don't see that in the FSU.

Title: Re: Russian ladies are growing fat!!
Post by: Oscar on December 30, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Russian ladies are growing fat!!, posted by Haroshij on Dec 30, 2002

LOL!  That's one thing my girl did comment on immediately, how overweight so many people here are.  She was truly amazed.  I told her that it could become her if she eats the same foods and developes a sedentary lifestyle.  She told me "no, I vill never look like ziss!  I refuse!  What man would want to be married to voman who let herself become like ziss??  Voman should be slim!"

I hope she remembers this conversation! ;-)

Title: Re: Fatties
Post by: Rags on December 30, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Russian ladies are growing fat!!, posted by Oscar on Dec 30, 2002

My wife keeps trying to get me to take photos of some of the 300+ pound porkers running around here so she can send them back to her friends in Ukraine. She says that they would find them "very interesting". UGH!

I can just see myself going up to one of these American "babes" and saying "Excuse me, my gorgeous wife over there would like me to take your picture. Do you mind?" LOL!!!

Title: make some postcards! nt
Post by: Pordzhik on December 30, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Fatties, posted by Rags on Dec 30, 2002

Title: Running?
Post by: Pordzhik on December 30, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Fatties, posted by Rags on Dec 30, 2002

Give 'em plenty of room!

Title: Re: Re: Fatties
Post by: Haroshij on December 30, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Fatties, posted by Rags on Dec 30, 2002

Well, you could try another approach. You could go over to her and say:" You look very interesting. Could I take a photo?"

Title: Re: photo ops
Post by: Rags on December 30, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Fatties, posted by Haroshij on Dec 30, 2002

Naw, I handed her the camera once and told her to "go ahead". She declined...

I took her to the supermarket (three days after she got here) and this "Big Momma" walked up behind her, bent over the dairy case, and grabbed some cheese. She saw me start laughing (this lady would have made three or four of her) and turned around to see what I was looking at. If I had a camera with me then, I would have risked bodily injury just to capture the look on her face!

Title: be prepared
Post by: KenC on December 30, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Russian ladies are growing fat!!, posted by Oscar on Dec 30, 2002

Be prepared for your gal to lean toward natural foods.  Organicly grown veggies and fruits without presevatives probably will be her choice.  Putting can goods in the fridge likely will happen also.  Lena is a shark when it comes to experation dates on any food labels.  "Sold by" dates become "throw in the trash" dates.  LOL.

Title: Re: be prepared
Post by: Oscar on December 30, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to be prepared, posted by KenC on Dec 30, 2002

Yes Ken, I have already found this.  We were out shopping the other day and it was lunch time so I thought hey, we drop into MacDonalds, pick up a quick burger..  She told me that she really doesn't like McDonalds, that it is "not good food for body".  She said that she only took her son there once in a great while because she knows it isn't good food.  I was glad to hear it as I feel pretty much the same way.  
Interesting though, my girl doesn't drink (nor do I) and she really doesn't like soft drinks and things like that.  We are really quite alike in these preferences..  Amazingly, she doesn't even like or drink coffee, only tea!  I don't like coffee either..  So, we really are very alike in this way.  I also love the fresh fruits and veggies just like she does.  There are nights that we just have veggies with olive oil on them, baked in the oven with some spices.. man, it's really good!  But she is really shocked that I am a pretty good cook.  She says she never knew men back home that really cooked, they always had to be waited on by the women.  She's been amazed at what I can do on my barbeque.
It's really been fun..

Title: Bar B Que!
Post by: John K on December 31, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: be prepared, posted by Oscar on Dec 30, 2002

I heard that!  I spend almost every weekend barbequing pork ribs on the ole charcoal grill.  While Marina cooks, I often do the cooking in our household.  Actually, it's more "warm it up in the microwave".  I don't have time usually to do real cooking, and Marina hates to clean up after me. ;-)

Still, I've found that some things are easy to prepare and still are pretty good.  I throw 4 cans of cheap chili and a jar of salsa in the slow cooker for 20 or 30 minutes for a nice dinner.  That, or toss a roast in the slow cooker with sage, rosemary, thyme and a few bay leaves in the morning, and have Marina drop in the veggies an hour or two before I come home at night for an easy, but delicious, meal.

I think I might spend some time teaching her how to make homemade cakes and goodies.  She buys a lot of stuff at the grociery store only to throw most of it away, because it isn't her taste.  If I teach her how to make a spice cake or a simple white cake, I might cut my grociery bill down in a hurry...

Title: Re: Bar B Que!
Post by: Oscar on January 01, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Bar B Que!, posted by John K on Dec 31, 2002

Awesome!  Yep, I love to barbeque, I guess the more accurate term would be "grill".  She has been amazed because I don't do many steaks, I do things like marinated pork loin roasts, lobster tails, and rack of lamb!  LOL!  We went to a restaurant the other night and they liked my marinated grilled chicken better than the chicken at the resaturant..
I just bought this Weber grill a few months ago, had never owned a good grill before, but I am really getting into it and having a lot of fun with it.  Made a few racks of lamb and my family about died, they loved it.  We will soon be trying prime rib, I'm stoked to try that!

Alyona keeps asking when SHE is going to get to cook!  But I'm afraid, very afraid! LOL!  Actually she is a very good cook.  I'm lucky..  We also do lots of fresh veggies with olive oil..

Title: a tip
Post by: KenC on December 30, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: be prepared, posted by Oscar on Dec 30, 2002

Score some major points wih your sweetie by buying an electric kettle.  They are not that expensive and very useful for tea drinkers.  The water heats up in a few mins.  I know what you mean about RW being surorised that we cook.  My Mother in Law is already putting in her requests for what food I will cook when she and my Father in Law arrive next month.  LOL

Title: Re: be prepared
Post by: Apk1 on December 30, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to be prepared, posted by KenC on Dec 30, 2002

Yep, happened to me too...

My wife cleaned out my pantry of canned foods if there was no experation date...she will not even buy anything canned at the store unless it has a date.

Some things obout the FSU will never be forgotten....

By the way. my wife still refuses to drink tap water, even though it has a very clean taste..

Title: Yep, me too! n/t
Post by: John F on December 30, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: be prepared, posted by Apk1 on Dec 30, 2002


Title: Re: Russian ladies are growing fat!!
Post by: Mike on December 30, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Russian ladies are growing fat!!, posted by Haroshij on Dec 30, 2002

I don't know if they're getting fatter living in Russia, at least under the age of 30, but I notice once they are here it is more likely to happen. My wife thinks it's all the chemicals we have in our food that cause people to get/be fat?? Myself I doubt that is the case and think it is mostly due to the lack of walking so much each day and the burning of calories being out in cold weather while walking?
Most that had a job had to walk to and from either their local metro station or bus line to get to work, here they just walk out to the car. I suppose we'll never know for sure.


Title: Re: Re: Russian ladies are growing fat!!
Post by: William on December 30, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Russian ladies are growing fat!!, posted by Mike on Dec 30, 2002

This discussion reminds me of several trip reports were the AM ate like a pig while over in Russia and didn't gain weight.
Undoubtable both are a factor; I've spend a week in deer camp eating home cooked foods(from scratch) and not gained weight, as well.

Title: It's both.....
Post by: MtMav on December 30, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Russian ladies are growing fat!!, posted by Mike on Dec 30, 2002

the chemicals/additives/perservatives in our food supply as your wife suggests AND a lack of walking/exercise as you suggest. We Americans eat far, far too much out of a can and other processed foods as well as "junk." Ever read the label of a can? You need to be a chemist to figure it out.
Your wife is QUITE correct. My former (West) German wife made the same observation as your wife concerning our foods. Be empathetic with your wife....... I guarantee she is having problems with our food. Like your wife, my former walked EVERYWHERE in Frankfurt...... here in the USA? Nien! That lack of walking coupled with our food caused my former to IMMEDIATELY start putting on weight! Good luck to you and your wife.

Title: Re: Re: Russian ladies are growing fat!!
Post by: Haroshij on December 30, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Russian ladies are growing fat!!, posted by Mike on Dec 30, 2002

I think your're right plus I also think it has something to do with what kind of food we eat. A lot of white bread, fat (hamburgers), spagetti and all kind of refined food make us fat. We eat too little vegetables and fish.

I also think it is some kind of connection between social classes and what kind of food they eat. Rich and educated people are more aware of what is healthy food.

In Russia more and more people are getting their own car, and when their economy is improving they tendence to eat the same kind of food we eat in the western world. To them the western (American) way of life seems very attractiv. They don't know better.
