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GoodWife / Planet-Love Archives => Threads started in 2002 => Topic started by: Haroshij on December 31, 2002, 05:00:00 AM

Title: High expectations
Post by: Haroshij on December 31, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
It strikes me that you guys are  very dissatisfied with American women. Most of them are   very fat, wasteful and spoilt. (Have I got it right?). So what are you seeking in Russia and Ukraine? I've noticed that some of you are writing that your Russian wife is gorgeous, look like a model and is very slim. I  can imagine that those of you who are still searching are reading this and thinking: "Oh, I want this also".

However, if and then you get that gorgeous lady over to you, what have you told her to get her there? Maybe you have promised her gold and green forests, or a life in a rose garden? To this you can add all the expectations people from Russia have to a life in America. She has a lot of expectations and you have the same. You want a lady that everybody will envy you, but she should look only at you. She should be loving and not use your money and she should be  very thankful to you who saved her from misery and brought her to America.

The standard of living in Russia is improving, and the middle-class is growing. For instance my wife made more than 1000 dollars a month net. That is a lot of money in Russia where everything was much cheaper than in the west. Her standard of living has improved in Norway, but I took her away from her family and friends and it takes hard work and time to get a new career and new friends.

My point is that there is not only scammer women, but also scammer men. If your best card is the fact that you are living in America, what will happen when she discovers that America is not what she believed and you have told her and that you are not either like she believed. Maybe she will feel that you have scammed her? You will also be very disappointed. You have invested a lot of money and didn't get the profit you were expecting. How realistic are you in your search?


Title: Not only that
Post by: MarkInTx on January 01, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to High expectations, posted by Haroshij on Dec 31, 2002

"If your best card is the fact that you are living in America..."

Is a problem for other reasons...

After you marry... SHE will live in America, too. If she came to be with you because she could live in America, then that goal is realized quickly... why not move on to new and better goals?

One thing I have heard as a constant from many of the men on here who are in happy marriages (and is true in my case) is that their wives would PREFER NOT living here.

If I told Victoria that I had a good job in Kiev, and we had to move there, she would be so happy that I could barely keep her off of the ceiling!

She has learned to like many things about America, but that has come slowly. She's not here for the privilege of living in the U. S. of A.... believe me...

She told me that after the first week here, she was wishing that somehow we could move to Ukraine. Everything here was such a shock for her. But she tells me that now it is much better.

For instance... she has decided that she likes the supermarket (it used to intimidate her) and she is even getting used to the fact that Americans drive everywhere. (Though she still insists that we park as far from the stores as possible so she can get a little walking in...)

Title: Re: Not only that
Post by: Horoshij on January 01, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Not only that, posted by MarkInTx on Jan 1, 2003

Why is it like that? That the ladies don't like to live in America? Why are they dissappointed with the American way of life? Maybe you have lost something in your society? Maybe even if Russia is poorer it's a warmer society?

I don't know. I only ask.


Title: warmer society
Post by: Pordzhik on January 01, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Not only that, posted by Horoshij on Jan 1, 2003

That's what my wife misses most about Kiev, that feeling that they are all in the same situation (what else should I expect from a lady from a communist society?).

What she dislikes most about life here in Gt. Britain is the snobbishness of people (mostly women). The crowded roads and the lack of decent public transport (she hates learning to drive). She was surprised at the lack of family ties here, that I don't even know what my cousines look like and I see my siblings maybe twice a year.

She loves the beautiful Kent countryside, the fact that we are so close to the seaside and so near to Londons West End, being able to see history all around (she was amazed that people actually live in 500 year old houses). She delights in being able to visit the places in Surrey and Kent that inspired the writers of Winnie the Pooh and Alice in Wonderland.

She is impressed by our free health service, that she don't see armed policemen on every corner, the helpfulness of public officials that you don't have to bribe. She was surprised to see flowers everywhere.

She hasn't yet moaned about the rain and fog, she only says it's better it's not snowing or minus 10.

Title: Re: warmer society
Post by: MarkInTx on January 01, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to warmer society, posted by Pordzhik on Jan 1, 2003


When my father asked Victoria what has surprised her most about life in America, she says she is shocked that I never lock my doors... neither my car doors, nor my house. My father explained to her that this is not really an American thing, it is a Mark thing.

When I asked her what her favorite thing about America is, she says that she loves the way we shop. To buy a bra, she told me, used to take her three hours. She had to walk to the marketplace, and then walk through many small stores to find the right size or style. Here, we can drive to a department store, and she has unlimited choices.

The amount of choices she has in the stores here amaze her. (Bed, Bath and Beyond blew her mind... we haven't even been to Victoria's Secret yet... I can hardly wait!)

She told me that she never enjoyed cooking before because she had to come up with new ways of cooking the same food (because her ingrediants were so limited.) I bought her a cookbook, and she can leaf through it, and pick anything she wants, and we can go to one store and buy all that she needs -- no matter what the season is. She tells me that she is learning to love cooking now, because it is so new and interesting...

And, of course, the idea of hot water is something that she is only now getting used to. Also, the idea of wearing something different every day. When she first came here, she was amazed that I had a washer and a dryer in my house. Now, she tells me, she sees why. But she loves it.

Last night, I finally convinced her to try the hot tub. That was funny... when I was emailnig her, and I tried to explain to her that I was building the deck so we could use our hot tub. She wanted to know if our bathroom was outside!

We laughed about that last night as she soaked in the tub with me and stared up at the stars. It was 40 degrees out. She was sure she was going to freeze. But after five minutes inside the tub, she understood.

So... there are many things that she loves about her life here.

But, she misses her father, and her friends terribly. Email helps. But it is not the same thing as being there.

Title: Re: Re: warmer society
Post by: ChrisNJ on January 02, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: warmer society, posted by MarkInTx on Jan 1, 2003

You haven't taken her to Vikas Secret Yet!!!  What the HE11 is wrong with you????!!!!LOL.

Title: It's like this
Post by: MarkInTx on January 02, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: warmer society, posted by ChrisNJ on Jan 2, 2003

We both have this really bad habit of liking her in lingerie. It's dangerous to go to a lingerie store with a sexy woman who loves to wear it, and a man who loves to see her in it...

I need to save up again before we go there.

However, she is on Frederick's of Hollywood's mailing list ;-)

We went to a dance club last week. Ohmigod! She was amazing. I never liked going dancing before. But with her... its MUCH different.

She tells me I dance really well. (I don't!) She says that a man is not supposed to move like a woman. He is simply to go on the dance floor with her, and let her do the REAL dancing.

Works for me!

Title: My wife basically likes to...
Post by: Stevo on January 02, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to It's like this, posted by MarkInTx on Jan 2, 2003

dance around me like a tree.  Actually, she prefers to have me sit at a table and just watch her dance.  This is MY kinda' dancing!

Title: I hope I find a wife like both of yours! :) n/t
Post by: Zoidberg on January 02, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to My wife basically likes to..., posted by Stevo on Jan 2, 2003


Title: You want two of them? ;-) n/t
Post by: Horoshij on January 03, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to I hope I find a wife like both of yours!..., posted by Zoidberg on Jan 2, 2003


Title: I'm not greedy! One is enough for me! :) n/t
Post by: Zoidberg on January 03, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to You want two of them? ;-) n/t, posted by Horoshij on Jan 3, 2003


Title: I hope you do too!
Post by: MarkInTx on January 02, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to I hope I find a wife like both of yours!..., posted by Zoidberg on Jan 2, 2003

It's worth the search... it really is...

I'm having the time of my life. The downside has been smaller and the upside has been larger than I could have dreamed...

Really... she's amazing...

Title: Re: I hope you do too!
Post by: Zoidberg on January 03, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to I hope you do too!, posted by MarkInTx on Jan 2, 2003

I am glad it is working so well for you. One of the reasons I am doing this is the chance for the upside you are talking about. Little things that makes these women special if you find the right one. I met a Ukrainian woman 9 years ago. She came here and I went there. We never did marry but I still remember some of the really special moments. The past 8 years I have dated many AW by joining groups, online ads, speed dating... You name it and I tried it but I never met anyone that had the upside that this woman had 9 years ago. So I am at it again.

And now I have to find a woman that has the same attitude as yours about dancing! I think that will be my first question when I call on Sunday!!!! LOL! :)


Title: Table Dancing ;-)
Post by: MarkInTx on January 02, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to My wife basically likes to..., posted by Stevo on Jan 2, 2003

The only problem with me staying at the table is that I can't see her as well... which is why I get out on the dancefloor with her :-)

Title: Re: It's like this
Post by: ChrisNJ on January 02, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to It's like this, posted by MarkInTx on Jan 2, 2003

Your wife ROCKS!!...So...Does she have a sister? lol.

Title: Re: Re: It's like this
Post by: MarkInTx on January 02, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: It's like this, posted by ChrisNJ on Jan 2, 2003

Alas, no.

But she has some friends. We will see if we can talk them into the "great search"

Title: Re: Re: warmer society
Post by: Horoshij on January 01, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: warmer society, posted by MarkInTx on Jan 1, 2003

We have those hot tubes here also, though in this time of scarce energy I'm not sure I should invest in one.

Elena also like shopping. To walk around and look, but most of all she likes to go to the gardener and walk in his green houses, and she cannot leave without buying something. When her family visited us, that was the first thing she was showing them. However, what she prefer most and like best is to walk in nature. We can go skiing, climb up on one of the mountains, go fishing on the fjord and she is an expert in picking mushrooms.


Title: Re: Re: warmer society
Post by: Pordzhik on January 01, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: warmer society, posted by MarkInTx on Jan 1, 2003

My wife has also taken to the way we shop, she dissapears every saturday morning hunting out the bargains (clothes and stuff for the home) in the town while I have a lay-in.

We always go food shopping every tuesday, and get much the same things every week, except she waits with curiosity while I select the strange ingredients for the surprise recipe which is kept secret until saturday when I cook. Maybe something African, Arab or Eastern. After three years it's becoming difficult to surprise her.

She also appreciates the variety of foodstuffs and has been surprised at our prices often commenting that somethings are cheaper here than in Kiev. She said that in Kiev she would often be limited by what they could grow at the dacha. So it's a whole new culinary world for them. I have to remind my wife sometimes that the three for the price of two chocolate cherry cake is the reason we see so many fat women here.

She thinks the automatic washing machine is the biz! and when she first arrived she thought the tumble dryer was a waste of space until she discovered that a few minutes would often dispense with any need for ironing.

Thanks for explaining what a "hot-tub" is, we don't have them here, I'd read some others posts and often wondered what the attraction of sitting in the bath without washing was! Okay so it's an outside bath and you don't use soap? A nice site for the missus to try if shes ever stuck for ideas.

Title: More on hot tubs (to enlighten you)
Post by: Michael B on January 01, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: warmer society, posted by Pordzhik on Jan 1, 2003

The water is kept about the same temperature as a very warm bath. They are usually big enough for four or six, sometimes eight people, so you can invite some friends over. They have benches built into them so you can sit. You can sit high enough to hold a drink or smoke or rest a book on the edge and read, etc. Most of them have jets below the surface that shoot out water for a massage (you can control the force of the jets or turn them off altogether). Besides private residences, most middle and upper class apartments have them, as well as many health clubs (or if you don't use the term 'health club' over there, gymnasiums which sell memberships to the public). Of course it is required to wear a swim suit in the public tubs, at a private home, particulary when it's just you and the Mrs....well....NOW you should know what the attraction is (wink wink, nudge nudge).

Title: Right
Post by: MarkInTx on January 01, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: warmer society, posted by Pordzhik on Jan 1, 2003

Yes... outside bath tub... except usually much larger and deeper. Also called portable spas and jacuzzis.

Brina D, (used to be a regular contributor, but who is now in Siberia with his lady), had a business that sold them.

Mine is six foot by six foot, and about 3 feet deep. It has moulded seats in it for you to lounge in, and teh best part is the jets which blow the water in small and directed jet streams on your back.

Very relaxing.

Some people find them sensual in other ways, but I find that the high temperature of the water inhibits this for me.

Although I will admit that watching my wife climb out of the tub, soft light from the tub illuminating her and the water running off of her in streaks... the cold combining with the hot water to send mist rising up around her, making her look like something rising from the lake in a Celtic tale... was quite a sight.

Well worth the price of the tub (and all of the hard work to build the deck around it) :-)

Title: Jacuzzi, why didn't you say! LOL!
Post by: Pordzhik on January 02, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Right, posted by MarkInTx on Jan 1, 2003

We put ours undercover as it's a bit crowded around this tiny isle, don't know what the neighbours would think if we went splashing about naked in a bath in the garden. We have them in health spas and health clubs mostly as our houses are usualy a bit small here.

You got a net to go fishing them drowned hedgehogs out?

Title: Well, actually
Post by: MarkInTx on January 02, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Jacuzzi, why didn't you say! LOL!, posted by Pordzhik on Jan 2, 2003

We find that if you keep a cover on the saps when not in use, it keeps the varmits out of them.

And dogs.

Although if my dog doesn't stop running across my spa cover, I might have to shoot him!

Those damn covers cost $250, and I've already had to replace it once!

Title: all perseptions...
Post by: yoe on January 01, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: warmer society, posted by Pordzhik on Jan 1, 2003

my wife finds our stores poor at best. She claims the food is bad, the clothes are poor taste, and for the most part it is all junk. She had few clothes back home but it was all very good. For us to get the style she wants we have to look to versace or Armani. We are going back to her tailor this summer and have her make us a new wardrobe. Many of my wife's clothes were hand maid. We had to have all of our curtains and bedclothes shipped over because we could find nothing that really fit our liking. Now do not get me wrong, before she came I was much less picky. So the only think my wife likes here is....well actually not much. We will only live in the US maximum 2 more years then it is off to do the Euro thingy!
So newbies do not be offended when your girls are not impressed with the American Dream...
ps there is one thing she likes cars and chicken wings (I have here hooked on hooters) WHO DA MAN???

Title: Re: all perseptions...
Post by: ChrisNJ on January 02, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to all perseptions..., posted by yoe on Jan 1, 2003

Where are you shopping.  At the Megalomart in Gas City?

I find it very hard to believe that you can get better stuff in Ukraine than you can get at Macys, Fortunoff, Bed and bath, etc.  Very Hard!

Title: you must be a hoosier...
Post by: yoe on January 02, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: all perseptions..., posted by ChrisNJ on Jan 2, 2003

my wife had all of her stuff made by a tailor in old country. All of our stuff now is mostly Italian. Everything you buy in USofA is Chinese! go figure...
If you live in Gas City---you better go to Kasikstan for a gal. Stay away from Moscow-you wil be very sorry!

Title: Yoe-Yoe... the modicum of fashion consultants.
Post by: BURKE89 on January 02, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to you must be a hoosier..., posted by yoe on Jan 2, 2003

Why must you insult "Kasikstan" or their fashion sensibilities?

Peiper/Armani -AKA (Vaughn)

Title: I was not insulting Kaziksatan....
Post by: yoe on January 02, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Yoe-Yoe... the modicum of fashion consul..., posted by BURKE89 on Jan 2, 2003

I actaully have a couple of good friends from there. But a small town guy may be more appropriately suited with girls there. Moscow girls can make them sing and shout but Georgia should be on their mind. I have nothing against any peoples in general. I just have contempt for issues

Title: Re: you must be a hoosier...
Post by: ChrisNJ on January 02, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to you must be a hoosier..., posted by yoe on Jan 2, 2003

I don't live in Gas City.  Just passed through a few times on my to Chrysler in Kokomo.

Title: You take the best from both worlds
Post by: Pordzhik on January 01, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to all perseptions..., posted by yoe on Jan 1, 2003

Maybe you've been taking her to the wrong stores?

I've noticed my diet has changed by something like 50%, out has gone all that tinned and processed rubbish, the microwave now only gets used for de-frosting mostly and the freezer for ice cream. I eat a lot more fresh produce than ever before.

My wife loves the English fashions and was surprised by the quality and prices here, infact they make her old Ukrainian clothes look gaudy and she hardly wears them anymore. She always takes presents of clothes back for her goddaughter and her friends are always putting in orders for leather trousers which are half the price and better made here compared to the markets of Kiev.

Her mother packed her off with some bedding when she first came, well to be honest, it barely survived two washes and began falling to bits and fading.

Title: Its been my experience, too
Post by: MarkInTx on January 02, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to You take the best from both worlds, posted by Pordzhik on Jan 1, 2003

I don't know what I would think if my wife suddenly wanted all designer clothes.

Most of her wardrobe she has made herself. When I bought her a dinner dress (Really elegant black dress -- floor length, and completely backless -- complete with black satin gloves) she was so thrilled she started to cry. She told me it was the most beautiful thing she has ever worn. I think it cost me $125... NOT designer by any means.

And food... oh my! She loves the food here. The only thing she has seen me eat that she wouldn't even try was one morning when I made oatmeal. But she loves my chili, Chips and Salsa, Chicken-Pot pie, Kielbosa and Saurkraut, she made tortilla soup the other night it was amazing (that cookbook has been an adventure for both of us!)... on and on and on. We've had a little of everything. She has said many times that she can't believe how good the food is here.

She had been told by some people who had visited America that the food here was terrible. She thinks they are all crazy. Of course, we haven't eaten at McDonald's, either. And the food we have at home has all been home made. No cans of anything.

Maybe that makes a difference? I don't know.

But I sure haven't seen any signs of hating our food or our fashions.

Maybe Yoe's wife came from an upper income family or something?

Title: me and my wife have traveled a little and
Post by: yoe on January 02, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Its been my experience, too, posted by MarkInTx on Jan 2, 2003

we just prefer things different that what TJMax has to offer-even though I do buy underwear there.
She laughs at all the Polo Tommy toters who think there hot stuff. You will never see a logo on our clothes-unless it is my speedos..:) My wife is very familiar with style, ediquette and trends-I am more rough around the edges, but I will never buy American shoes again.
ps neither one of us were born rich...we bother worked our butts off to get what we want out of life

Title: Not even a nice pair of Allen Edmond's? Continue...
Post by: BURKE89 on January 02, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to me and my wife have traveled a little an..., posted by yoe on Jan 2, 2003

your class warfare lesson.


Title: TJ Maxx????
Post by: MarkInTx on January 02, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to me and my wife have traveled a little an..., posted by yoe on Jan 2, 2003

Oh... well.. that explains it

Title: We actually like TJ Max....
Post by: yoe on January 02, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to TJ Maxx????, posted by MarkInTx on Jan 2, 2003

I would go there before Saks anyday-even though we do get colognes there and some things during specials. We also either go to outlets or buy online. I have no desire to pay retail..My DKNY underwears smell just as pretty for $8 as they would for $16. I would never buy a new car-other than a BMW. I like to drive new cars but leasing is the only way I can do it. When I lived in the Metropolis, I just drove rent-a-cars..So to each his own. But you were on the other side of the world, I do not have to make much of a case on American Style versus Eur-a-peein...

Title: Never allow others to insult...
Post by: BURKE89 on January 02, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to We actually like TJ Max...., posted by yoe on Jan 2, 2003

you. If you wish to buy your "DKNY speedo's," from TJ - well... that's your choice. I respect that element of your character. I buy my "boxers" at Price Club; so, I certainly understand your frugal nature.

Stand strong - Stand proud!


Title: Thanks for that
Post by: MarkInTx on January 02, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Never allow others to insult..., posted by BURKE89 on Jan 2, 2003

Now I have this image of Yoe in speedos!

Thanks a lot!

Title: por nada...
Post by: BURKE89 on January 03, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Thanks for that, posted by MarkInTx on Jan 2, 2003

Now, you be kind to Molly's lil' lad! He, obviously, means no harm to anyone.


Yoe's buddy

Title: Molly?
Post by: MarkInTx on January 03, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to por nada..., posted by BURKE89 on Jan 3, 2003


Title: Ivins. n/t
Post by: BURKE89 on January 03, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Molly?, posted by MarkInTx on Jan 3, 2003

Title: Yikes! n/t
Post by: MarkInTx on January 04, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Ivins. n/t, posted by BURKE89 on Jan 3, 2003


Title: I am with you
Post by: Philb on January 02, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to You take the best from both worlds, posted by Pordzhik on Jan 1, 2003

He must be taking her to the wrong stores.  I have to say my experience is as you describe.

Title: one observance...
Post by: yoe on January 01, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Not only that, posted by Horoshij on Jan 1, 2003

I will bet that within one year of being in America, your wives have contacted more acquaintances that you know-living here all of your life. This may be a bit of an exageration but it show the cultural differances. Americans do not seem to have this necessity to communicate with ones neighbors...From what I know in Eastern Europe you cannot keep your neighbors away...
Freedom has many faces---freedom to be alone!
ps I feel that this feaks a lot of guys out. They are already paranoid and then their fiances start talking Ruskie to all of these other 'Russians'-what's going one. Well no need to worry I already told you-altimate integration and then assimilation to the New Socalist Order

Title: It's not so strange
Post by: MarkInTx on January 01, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Not only that, posted by Horoshij on Jan 1, 2003

You take a woman... throw her into a new country where she barely speaks the language...

she has none of the cultural history of the country, so she doesn't understand much of the humor, or pop culture...

she only knows the history that she was taught in the Soviet schools...

you take her 7000 miles away from her freinds and her family...

She has to learn a new way of life. Everything she thought she knew how to do (just about) she needs to relearn...

the way she shops, the way her child is taught in school, the way she celebrates holidays...

After all of that... are you really surprised that she gets homesick?

It's not an indictment on the American way of life, as much as it is that if someone leaves their home and family, they will miss it...

Title: Re: It's not so strange
Post by: Horoshij on January 01, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to It's not so strange, posted by MarkInTx on Jan 1, 2003

Hi Mark,

You are living in Texas? In my search more than 3 years ago I met a lady from Yekaterinburg named Rita. For one reason or another she chose a man from Texas and moved to Dallas or close to. Don't remember exactly. He had a very good income, she told me. Well, this fellow had shift work, and was away most of the day. He had some kind of work in an airport, and Rita was alone most of the day. After they had married on Hawaii, he had a welcome party for her at home where he invited all the neighbours, and that was it. She didn't get any contact with them, and she spent the days alone with the computer. Her husband had few friends and his family lived another place. She sent me some emails and told how lonely she was. Her only activity was to water the flowers. I told her she had to be patient, she needed to learn the language better, and I suggested she could talk to her husband about attending some schools for studing and learning to drive. However, everything was very expensive, her husband told her. Later I realised that she also had continued to stay in contact with a man from Holland, and in the last letter to me she said she had decided to move to the man in Holland. Then I lost contact with Rita.

Maybe this explains a little.


Title: Explains?
Post by: MarkInTx on January 01, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: It's not so strange, posted by Horoshij on Jan 1, 2003

It explains nothing for me... though it maybe explains why Rita felt so lonely...

My situation is quite different.

I work from home, and so am here almost all of the time with my wife.

She tells me all of the time that she is the happiest woman in the world. She doesn't feel for one moment that she has made a mistake...

But if we could go to Kiev tomorrow, she would be happier still.

These are not contradictory things.

She is here because of me. But if she had her druthers, she would rather have me with her and her family and her friends.

There is nothing to explain. I think it makes perfect sense...

Title: Re: Explains?
Post by: Horoshij on January 01, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Explains?, posted by MarkInTx on Jan 1, 2003


I've no doubt you take care of your wife.

What my story tells is that in general American men have  very little social network around themselves. They don't have contact with their neighbours. They have have few friends and even little contact with their own family (according to what I've read here). Therefore it will be more difficult for a foreign woman to feel herself welcome when everybody is interested only in his own business and when there is so high degree of privatization .

Mark, note that I said in general. Of course it is not valid for everybody. However, I think everybody should remember that even if there is a good relationship between men and wife, in the long run everybody will need something more.


Title: this is one of those social thingies...
Post by: yoe on January 02, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Explains?, posted by Horoshij on Jan 1, 2003

i was talking about you find in Black cultures. Actually in many american subcultures. We have just had so much interbreeding we have no heritage. America is a pop culture. In Europe you can visit diferent counties and have entirelu different experience. In the US it is all the same-except for Texas. That is the problem. It is obviously more convienant-but so is implanting microchips for identity recognition-:)
what ya gonna do?

Title: I don't disagree
Post by: MarkInTx on January 01, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Explains?, posted by Horoshij on Jan 1, 2003

Men in general will only network with other men.

And, you are right that social circles is one thing very different in our societies.

However, I was simply saying that I don't think this is what makes women long for their home. I think that is simply a natural thing. Your initial question was: "Why do the women hate America so much?"  And I was saying, I don't think it is America, rso much...

That was my only point.

Sometimes, it seems people are quick to condemn American Society... but the real challenege of this would be present in any society that was 7000 miles away from the woman's home.


Title: Re: I don't disagree
Post by: Horoshij on January 01, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to I don't disagree, posted by MarkInTx on Jan 1, 2003

Ok Mark,

I agree. The crucial point is what you said. She is a long way from home, and she is very much dependent on you. That gives us a big responsibility not to misuse the situation. She cannot leave and go home to mamma after a conflict. She has only her husband. This frightens me a little to know how totally dependent she is on me.

My Elena is maybe in a little better situation as it is possible for her to drive home. With hard driving it takes about to 24 hours, but we used two days last summer.


Title: Re: Why is it all about money?
Post by: Jski on December 31, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to High expectations, posted by Haroshij on Dec 31, 2002

I don't get it?  If there's such concern over money from either party to this, then you might as well give it up now...  Isn't the idea to find a spouse?  There's other things you can buy with money if that's what you're looking for.  

I was under the impression is was about two people (maybe more if kids are involved :-) liking each other enough to make a commitment that would grow into love.  It was supposed to be about understanding, respect, commitment, trust, etc...  Not how much you make, or "trading up".  If her only concern is about what you make, how nice is your car, where do you live, then save yourself the travel money and hit the local bar.  You can find plenty there to ask you those questions (Heck, they might even go home with you a few times until someone with a better car comes along :-)

My girl and I haven't discussed money.  She knows I have a house and a job.  She knows I live in a smaller town outside the city.  She knows who I work for (Don't even say it Jack :-) and that I travel alot.  Other than that we spend our time talking about us and our daughters, what we like to do, what our goals are, what we want for our children.

If you're hung up on the $$$ you make, or your future spouse is, then forget it.  You're wasting your time in this endevour.....  Just my 2 fils

Title: Re: Re: It isn't...........
Post by: don1 on January 01, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Why is it all about money?, posted by Jski on Dec 31, 2002

Jski ,

It isn't all about money ; it's about the things that you talked about : understanding , respect , trust , commitment , etc.......and I hope that at least in some corner of our heads we can keep that in mind .

Thanks for that reminder . It's wise to be cautious and careful ; but not so much so that you lose sight of those things that are so important , the things that you mentioned . Things that are important for any marriage , and any relationship .

I think that maybe he made some sweeping generalizations , and there are always be exceptions to generalizations like that whopper he made . Perhaps his perceptions about us here , and about Americans in general , may be partially due to our recent experiences here ( with JohnLV/DavidSD et al...) . ( Oy!!!) I think that the point he was trying to make was about MOB men and RW being honest and realistic with each other in their communications and expectations .

I know you've already got those bases covered .   :- )

You mentioned a while back that you were planning on going to Ukraine in January . Still going ? If you are , dress warm ; and the Best of Luck to you . Hope things work out and I hope you enjoy your visit .


Title: Re: Re: Re: It isn't...........
Post by: Horoshij on January 02, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: It isn't..........., posted by don1 on Jan 1, 2003

You wrote:
"It isn't all about money ; it's about the things that you talked about : understanding , respect , trust , commitment , etc.......and I hope that at least in some corner of our heads we can keep that in mind ."

Well, try to tell your fiancee that you are living in Mexico in a little cabin together with the rest of your family, but that you have a lot of valuable traits of character. Try and see what happens.

Why do you think those ladies want to go to a western country? They want a better life, and don't you believe that all Russian men are bad guys.

I don't see anything wrong in wanting a better economical situation. It's possible to have two thoughts in the head at the same time. FSU ladies may think that they want a better economical life with a man they love and with all those good qualifications you and Jski write about.

Finally. I don't hate America. In fact I've always been an admirer of the original American virtues, I love American music, I'm grateful to America for what she did in two world wars and did after the war to build up Europe. I've always looked at America as a big brother for little Norway. I even admire America for it ability to act when we Europeans only talk and talk. I've friends and family in the USA and I love to visit your country. Because of these facts, I also can allow myself to point to contradictions or trends that surprise me and even point at difference.


Title: Thanks for the clarification......
Post by: don1 on January 02, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: It isn't..........., posted by Horoshij on Jan 2, 2003

Thanks for the clarification , Horoshij . After re-reading your posts , and mine - it's obvious to me that I misinterpreted what you were saying . A simple misunderstanding on my part , for which I apologise .

You make some good points ; and now that I have a better understanding of exactly what it was you were trying to say , I agree with much of what you were trying to express . I got focused on one part , and managed to miss your point entirely.

You started talking about apples , and I assumed you were talking about oranges ...sorry 'bout that .

Maybe you'll let me buy you a nice , ice cold Baltika next time I'm in Norway ?  

Kharasho ?

Title: Re: Thanks for the clarification......
Post by: Horoshij on January 03, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Thanks for the clarification......, posted by don1 on Jan 2, 2003

With pleasure Don :-)
Let me know when you come.


Title: Re: Did it work for the little cabin in Norway? :-) n/t
Post by: Jski on January 02, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: It isn't..........., posted by Horoshij on Jan 2, 2003


Title: It didn't
Post by: Horoshij on January 03, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Did it work for the little cabin in ..., posted by Jski on Jan 2, 2003

Hi Jski,

She didn't know much about Norway. Started to read a little after she met me. I invited her to come here before she decided what she wanted, she had however burned most bridges behind her before she came, so maybe you're right  after all :-).


Title: Re: Re: Re: It isn't...........
Post by: Jski on January 01, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: It isn't..........., posted by don1 on Jan 1, 2003

Thanks Don,  

Yes, I'm still going later in January for 11 days.  Its going to be a real weather shock for me as I'm in the Mideast for a week starting Sunday, then back here in the Midwest US for a few days, then to Ukraine.  I'll be the only guy in Kiev with Sunburn right now :-) ...Now where did I put that thinsulate liner for my leather coat...?

I'll do the "required" trip report upon my return as I'm leaving the cell phone, Laptop and any other way that work can get ahold of me here in the house for that trip :-)

Title: Re: Re: Re: It isn't...........
Post by: don1 on January 01, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: It isn't..........., posted by Jski on Jan 1, 2003

Jski ,

I don't know how the heck you do all over the globe like you do.....If I tried to do something like that I'd be jet-lagged for a week...probably sleep for two days straight right off the bat too...

Good idea about leaving the laptop and cellphone behind ; after all , you're there to Enjoy Yourself !  Pretty hard to do if your pager's going off every ten minutes or so .  :- (  .  I hate the d@mn things , and tend to 'forget' mine a few times a week myself...;-)

I remember us talking a while back about gifts ...Got any cool surprises packed for your lady or her daughter ?

Best Wishes ,


Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: It isn't...........
Post by: Jski on January 02, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: It isn't..........., posted by don1 on Jan 1, 2003

Sleep?? D@mn I knew I forgot something :-)  My secret:  Coffee and lots of it!  Old Navy habits die hard :-)

They actually wanted me to split my vaction and fly from Kiev to UAE then back to Simferopol...Wish I had a camera to capture the look when I started laughing.  First real vacation for me in 5 years so no way are they messing this one up!  Heck, it only took three tries to get the Multi entry business visa.  I was about to give up and use a service, but I figured it out in the end (looking back I could have done it that way the first try and been done, so I'll know better next time)

I've had my daughter's help in picking out gifts for her daughter (they are the same age).  Her daughter likes art stuff so I got a lot of that as well.  For her.....Well, I'm going to be next to the Gold Souks in Dubai next week so we'll have to see what strikes my fancy.  I've developed a pretty good relationship with one of the dealers there and they quit trying to start at the tourist price with me :-)  The hard gifts seem to be her parents.  They own a  store an her father likes technical things...That's what I've had to go on.  She said it doesn't matter, just the thought, but I'd still like it to be nice (and not nice as in a Gold plated cheese grater).  Her brother is easy, anything Playstation :-)

Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: It isn't...........
Post by: don1 on January 02, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re:  Re: Re: Re: It isn't..........., posted by Jski on Jan 2, 2003

....aahhh , yes ; the Power of Coffee !....well , that only goes so far , ya gotta sleep sometime ...

It sounds like you've got some pretty cool gifts picked out for your lady and her family . And putting a few smiles on their faces will put a big one on yours too .   :-D

Have a great trip , Jski . We'll be thinking about you back here .

And , despite the cold weather , I wish I was headed back there now , too !

Good Luck !

Title: norwegians only talk about 3 things
Post by: vagn on January 01, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Why is it all about money?, posted by Jski on Dec 31, 2002

[This message has been edited by vagn]

One day a pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel
attached to his crotch. So the bartender says to him,
"You know you have a steering wheel attached to your crotch?"

And the pirate says, "Aaar, its driving me nuts!"

Title: you got dat right ma brotha!
Post by: yoe on December 31, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to High expectations, posted by Haroshij on Dec 31, 2002

My wife also did ok back home. Now she laughs at the jobs they offer here in what she calls, "my golden country". Get out side any metro area in the states and a thousand bucks is lottery money too. Maybe that is why many girls ask for a refund-because when they get to the glorious USofA they got a country full of imagery and no substance and a fiance full of know what. My wife has talked to countless women who live in small apartments, or country style homes in small towns where the the girl is the only Russian within miles. They cannot leave the house, have now driver's licence or car. Actaully they are a pauper's slave. Now that is as bad as it gets. Come to America-be a poor man's slave.....:) Many of these girls are suffering great hardships and they have no one here to help. So I do not feel too sorry for many of the men. They went there looking for a showpiece and puppy to put on a leash. Think of the poor Asian girls though....They are in general less vocal about this stuff. Russian women were bred a little different. Oh well all's well that ends well. After Putin gives his secret signal all of the wives will take over bank accounts, households, come together and take America from within. They have that secret know...
My wife told me all about the great conspiracy. They are just drones for the new Communist...If I cooperate, I get to be king of Idaho!!!!
Don't tell anyone! hahaha
Good Post
Oh what your new wife puts in your food-it is mind control serum. And they also have new implants they put in your ear while you are sleeping. And we were worried about aliens...
Happy New Years Gang!

Title: Re: you got dat right ma brotha!
Post by: micha1 on December 31, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to you got dat right ma brotha!, posted by yoe on Dec 31, 2002

Did not know you were black, bro.

If I do say bro, excuse me,
yes, excuse me ahead, because, we french-canadian, know that we are  "les negres blanc d'Amérique".

In english, america white negro (had another word to use here).  Now we have to be politically correct and say
African American.  

Have a happy one, it is from the heart, trust.

Title: hey, how to Canadians dispose of terrorists?
Post by: yoe on January 01, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: you got dat right ma brotha!, posted by micha1 on Dec 31, 2002

leave the border open...:)
its kinda like keepin an indruder skunk in your house. Just open the door and let the neighbors worry about it!

Title: Re: High expectations
Post by: id on December 31, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to High expectations, posted by Haroshij on Dec 31, 2002

I believe it has been acknowledged on this board that some men are not entirely honest to their prospective partners, just as some women aren't.
  The standard of living in Russia is improving? It might seem so from Oslo, take a trip to anywhere outside 100 km from Moscow and try explaining to the locals that your wife is earning 1000 bucks a month in Russia. I can assure you it is not likely to show any improvement in the forseeable future.
  I recently visited my relatives in Russia, a pretty wealthy family even by the western standards (they live in Moscow and i would never ever, not in my wildest dreams call them average). Their son recently returned from a working trip to the US, he had to work there selling ice-cream over the counter for 12 hours a day for no great pay, and he would like to live in America, even though he comes from a relatively wealthy Russian family, for reasons other than money. Some people don't measure everything in $$$, believe it or not.
  I have read through just about the whole archive on a RW forum. It's true, they thought that America would be different from what they later discovered it in fact is, but almost none of them regret coming to America anyway.
  And the last point, you've got a spelling mistake in your nick, it's Horoshij, not Haroshij. Are you sure your wife is Russian? :)

Title: Correction, 300 Nkr pr. kilo; n/t
Post by: Haroshij on December 31, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: High expectations, posted by id on Dec 31, 2002


Title: Re: Re: High expectations
Post by: Haroshij on December 31, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: High expectations, posted by id on Dec 31, 2002


Well first about my nick. You're right, I discovered the mistake after having registered, so I'll have to live with it.

You are probably right that many Russian don't feel the result of the growing economy very much. However, people do get their salaries which they didn't some years ago. Pensions are going up, but what I was referring to is the fact that there is a growing middle-class in Russia. Also in the USA you will find a growing populations of poor people. The Russian middle-class is able to live good. I can tell you that Norwegian cod is reported being sold for more than 100 Norwegian kroner pr. kilo in Moscow ( 1 dollar = 1 euro = 7 Norwegian kroner). Who do you think is willing to pay so much? Norway is exporting more and more smoked salmon to Russia. Who do you think is buying it? Nothing that is produced in Norway is cheap.


Title: Growing population of poor people?
Post by: BubbaGump on December 31, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: High expectations, posted by Haroshij on Dec 31, 2002

Yeah, every time another Mexican runs across the border we just added another poor person.  If we controller our southern border a little better I think we would have about 10 million fewer poor people.  Mexicans also do not tend to move up the income scale much because they do not pursue education to the same extent as other ethnic groups (like us southern rednecks).

Title: Re: Growing population of poor people?
Post by: Quasimoto on January 01, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Growing population of poor people?, posted by BubbaGump on Dec 31, 2002


I must add that there are poor people here in the US. There are many reasons. One of the reasons is NOT opportunity. The truth is some people chose to be poor. How? I worked for a construction company that was told to hire Black workers by the Social Democratic government of Jimmy Carter. We paid for advertising, went to the employment offices, recruited every day, to avoid fines by the government. Almost every day we had men who came to work. At the end of the summer we had one man who worked for one whole day. Why? They chose to be poor. They preferred the easy life of Welfare to hard work. I am not saying that Black people do not work. I am saying that Black or White, many poor people chose, or find ways to chose to be poor.

Some people chose to ignore an education; they have chosen to be poor. Some people chose drugs over a normal life; they chose to be poor.

It is the same way with fat Americans. They do not refuse the extra hamburger, and they get fat. So they chose to be fat. They could walk to work, but they chose place their fat bottoms in the nice soft leather seat of the car. They could excercise, but they do not. So they chose to be fat.


Title: Ouch, that hit home
Post by: BubbaGump on January 03, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Growing population of poor people?, posted by Quasimoto on Jan 1, 2003

I worked way too many hours at the office a did eventually get fatter but at least I did not get poorer.  Common sense could solve so many problems if people would use it.  I guess that's why common sense is not common.  

One of my friends had a car repair garage on the poor side of town.  He worked as an engineer during the day and worked on race cars in the evening and on weekends as a hobby.  He often got guys coming around asking for money and so he decided to ask them if they would work for it.  Hard to believe but he said every single one of the guys took off when asked to work for the money.  That just proves what I always thought.

Title: if it was not for the Mexicans...
Post by: yoe on December 31, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Growing population of poor people?, posted by BubbaGump on Dec 31, 2002

Your President and his brother might lack a few votes. Also who is going to mow the lawns, andn do all of the crap work that 'Americans' do not want?  By the way this is how the Jews began. They took all the crap jobs, basically accounting and invetory jobs-then they knew the business better than the owners. I think that the Mexican will suprise everyone in a few years. California is just the beginning. Have you taken your Spanish lessons yet? Viva Los Americana...
next is Texas and Florida to have 50% Spanish Speakers
White folks will be real happy they have these Mexican when the the terror train start rolling in. The Mexicans and the Blacks will be the Army!

Title: Re: if it was not for the Mexicans...
Post by: Quasimoto on January 01, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to if it was not for the Mexicans..., posted by yoe on Dec 31, 2002

Yoe, I like you better than most, as you have a rather radical and interesting perspective. However, I have heard this idea that Blacks made up all the combat troops in Vietnam. In fact, they were largely, but not entirely involved in infantry because of math scores. This has been researched and proven more than once. Race had nothing to do with it. And if we are invaded by say, "clones" from Quebec, then I am certain that at least a small minority of white men will pick up arms just as they have done in every other war we have been in.


Title: I do not mean to badmouth our white brothers...
Post by: yoe on January 01, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: if it was not for the Mexicans..., posted by Quasimoto on Jan 1, 2003

we haev some true heros. It is just that many poor people-mostly black and hispanic-take the grunt jobs. Our prisons and military are unbalanced. I feel that people do choose to be poor. But it is due to lack of oportunity, education and respect. Would you rather sale drugs for $1000 day or work for $5 an hour and be abused verbally, physically and mentally? I was not given the opportunities that some people were given because I did not know the right people and I grew up in a very conserative, racist environment-yes I was a bigot at one time. I had to be unconventional and break many rules to beat these asholes. So I have no answers except-Do not Kill-Heal. I do not believe in the prison system, death penalty and I do not believe people are hopeless. Education is key. Believe it or not, the system wanted to put me away when I was young-I had crazy notions. Since then I have given seminars in areas where these people are and made more money that entire generations of these morons. So I only speak from my own experience and maybe most people are not as lucky or as willing to change as I was.

Title: Oh yes, the Mexicans...
Post by: BubbaGump on January 01, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to if it was not for the Mexicans..., posted by yoe on Dec 31, 2002

[This message has been edited by BubbaGump]

The last time I saw a group of marines there didn't seem to be any blacks or mexicans in the group but they must have been around somewhere.  I guess you have not read about the Reconquista, where mexicans in the US want to take back the southwest and make it part of Mexico again.  If they do that they'll just be in a poor country all over again.

Title: Re: Oh yes, the Mexicans...
Post by: MarkInTx on January 02, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Oh yes, the Mexicans..., posted by BubbaGump on Jan 1, 2003

Yeah... I've heard of them.

And you are right... if they had Texas, they would inflict it with all of the stupid socialist programs that Mexico has, and soon it would be just like Mexico.

Don't worry, though... All we need are 189 Texans, and we can hold it...

BTW... did you hear the news report:

An Iraqi patrol was out and they heard a voice over a hill say: "One Texan is worth five Iraqis!"

Angered, the commander sent five Iraqi soldiers over the hill. There was the sound of gunfire and fighting, and then they heard the voice say:

"Ha! One Texan is worth TEN Iraquis!"

The commander was really pissed, so he sent ten soldiers. More gunfire, more fighting. Then silence. And then:

"One Texan is worth FIFTY Iraquis!"

The rest of the fifty sodiers charged over the hill screaming battle cries. A terrible firefight ensues. Finally, one lone Iraqi soldier crawls back over the hill, and drags himself to his commanders feet.

"Sir!" He croaks. "Don't send any more men! It is a trap! There are two of them..."

Title: I saw something like that on TV once
Post by: BubbaGump on January 03, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Oh yes, the Mexicans..., posted by MarkInTx on Jan 2, 2003

During WW2 a bunch of southerners had a gunfight with Japanese soldiers in asia.  The Japanese weren't dug in they just ran into each other in the jungle.  A big gun battle ensued and all 300 Japanese were killed.  The US commander asked how many did we lose and it turned out no US soldiers were killed.  It just turned out the US soldiers were very good shots and the Japanese soldiers never learned how to shoot very well.  Of course, we can still shoot of course but it so much easier now to just bomb the sh1t out of them.  Soon we'll be doing it by remote control just like in video games.  Heaven help those arabs if my friend's kid very gets to control one of those preditor drones and plays "Invasion Iraq."

Title: Re: I saw something like that on TV once
Post by: ChrisNJ on January 03, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to I saw something like that on TV once, posted by BubbaGump on Jan 3, 2003

Just think how many AMERICAN LIVES will be saved!!!

Title: Demographic Reality
Post by: WmGo on December 31, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: High expectations, posted by Haroshij on Dec 31, 2002

yes, the Russian middle class is growing, but in point of fact it is still practically nonexistant. To go from  no middle class to a few percent of the population of *Moscow* and *St. Petersburg* in the middle class does technically mean growth but, it does not support the proposition that prosperity is coming to the Russian people as a whole. It isn't and it probably never will due to the massive and inherant corruption. The negative population growth and future impact of the skyrocketing HIV rate is predicted by social scientists to shrink the population from its current figure of just under 150M to an incredible 100M by the year 2050. That fact spells economic DOOM for mother Russia.

Yes, it is getting real good for about 1%, and a *little* better for maybe 25% in the two major population centers, but it is only getting  getting worse for the vast majority.

The talk about people moving with their spouses back to Russia to be more contented is a pathetic joke.

Title: Re: Demographic Reality
Post by: svanos1 on December 31, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Demographic Reality, posted by WmGo on Dec 31, 2002

My wife is from the Ukraine.  She has a very high degree from big university there (in Dnepropetrovsk) in mechnical engineering.  But, she was making $50/month there and hadn't even had hot water in her apartment for 4 years, and her shoes were 6 years old and her winter coat had about had it.

When I went there, I bought here a hot water heater, new shoes, new winter boots, and 2 new leather/fur coats.

I think that you guys have got a lot backwards.  If a woman from there TRULY loves you and is truly mature, she isn't going to be too upset about living in the country.  I'm paying $900/month for child support and my wife is happy (with her engineering job) to help out.  But we are doing pretty good with combined income of about $150,000/year.  But, we have two smaller children, and I have 2 still in college.

If you go over there and marry some tour groupie who is much under 25 years old and all slinky and western looking, then you  deserve what you end up getting (in all likelihood).

Title: Phd in Moscow-$1000, Passport with new id-$500...
Post by: yoe on January 01, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Demographic Reality, posted by svanos1 on Dec 31, 2002

wearing a $2000 mink coat on a $50 a month salary-priceless

Title: Prosperity is also limited...
Post by: BubbaGump on December 31, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Demographic Reality, posted by WmGo on Dec 31, 2002

from what I have read to the major cities.  I assume this is still true.  Money may be made from resources in the outside the major cities but the money has a tendency to stay in Moscow or St Petersburg.  

As our poster has mention Norway is the most properous country but Canada and the USA rank 5th and 6th.  The group doing the rating did not like it that in the USA the wealth was not distributed more evenly and we were rated lower as a result.  I wonder how we would have rated otherwise.

Title: Like my wife said...
Post by: yoe on December 31, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Demographic Reality, posted by WmGo on Dec 31, 2002

[This message has been edited by yoe]

most people could not go through what Russian people do..
This being the case, I would vote on strong educated white people any day of the week. The reason the Jews and now the Blacks have and are becoming culturally competetive if not superior is oppression. If you want a people to overcome and conquer......give them nothing to lose. I feel we will see some interesting alliances with Russian and other Easterners in the next decade or two. My money is on the Bear...That is where I am investing anyway. America the Beautiful may not maintain its glamour after it is reduced to a warzone...similar to Grenada.I am not a pessimist, just looking at history. Can you say, Roman Empire?

Title: Sound $, is on Bejjing - Yo-Yo. n/t
Post by: BURKE89 on January 02, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Like my wife said..., posted by yoe on Dec 31, 2002

Title: HICCUP!!! n/t
Post by: ChrisNJ on December 31, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Like my wife said..., posted by yoe on Dec 31, 2002


Title: You may be right, but it sounds fishy to me. n/t
Post by: Griffin on December 31, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: High expectations, posted by Haroshij on Dec 31, 2002

Title: Re: You may be right, but it sounds fishy to me. n/t
Post by: Haroshij on December 31, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to You may be right, but it sounds fishy to..., posted by Griffin on Dec 31, 2002

It sounds maybe fishy, but it tastes delicious and is very healthy.

Title: right on
Post by: KenC on December 31, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to High expectations, posted by Haroshij on Dec 31, 2002

You hit the mark again, my friend.  If all a guy has to sell to a RW is "America", it will be a shallow and unhappy relationship at best.  My wife had a good life in Russia and was by no means impoverished.  That, coupled with the fact that she would prefer to live in Russia over the US takes financial gain out of our equation.  There have been a few stories here where the RW was over sold on the man's lifestyle only to have the relationship implode because of the realities.  You are correct in that either party can be a scammer.  It is best to just be yourself.

Title: Re: right on
Post by: Horoshij on January 03, 2003, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to right on, posted by KenC on Dec 31, 2002

Hi KenC,

Yeah, we agree on everything except that issue about what prevent people from getting success, their own will and ability or the structures of society.

Never the mind. I'm not in mood to discuss that not. I want peace with everybody.

Thank you for being such a nice guy. Greetings to your wife.
