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GoodWife / Planet-Love Archives => Threads started in 2002 => Topic started by: Pordzhik on December 16, 2002, 05:00:00 AM

Title: My Prayer
Post by: Pordzhik on December 16, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
Oh God rescue us from JohnLV's drivel!

Title: You know what's really annoying?
Post by: BubbaGump on December 18, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to My Prayer, posted by Pordzhik on Dec 16, 2002

Is when some guy on the internet challenges you to a debate on a bunch of weird topics he lists (probably copied from a nut on another forum) and claims an IQ that is so high it's just unbelievable.  Why don't these people claim a realistic number like 140?  That's the average IQ of a grad student at MIT.  If he were really smart he would know that a person with an IQ of 186 is extremely rare and that at that level it becomes difficult to even measure IQ.  I do believe though that genius and insanity are related so maybe he's an insane genius.

Title: I don't know about those IQ tests...
Post by: Frank O on December 18, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to You know what's really annoying?, posted by BubbaGump on Dec 18, 2002

when we tested at school I came out at 147. I've heard that the score for a "genius" is 140 but lately I've heard 130. supposedly 100 is norm with MOST of the population or "average" people come out at or around 120. In any case I DON'T consider myself a genius. Only jokingly & that in reference to Wile E Coyote "Genius". LOL!!! I agree with the reference to 186!!! LOL! Get outta here!

Title: IQ's Statistical Basis . . .
Post by: Dan on December 18, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to I don't know about those IQ tests..., posted by Frank O on Dec 18, 2002

IQ scores are measured against a value (100) which represents the Mean score of a representative sample of people taking a standardized IQ test.

"Normal" is considered to be one standard deviation (SD) from the Mean based on a valid statistical sample - and is generally held to be 85 on the low end and 115 in the high end. Statistically-speaking, 68 percent of the population should fall within 1 SD from the Mean as measured on a 'normal' bell curve distribution of results.

2 SD's from the Mean (approximately 70 to 130) accounts for roughly 95 percent of the population - and 3 SD's (55 to 145) from the mean accounts for roughly 99.7 % of the population.

To join Mensa, a demonstrated IQ score at or above the 98th percentile is required - which equates to an IQ score of about 140.

Here is a link to some interesting history of the IQ scoring and what the values represent:

And for those wishing to take an online test to get some simple measures (for fun only), try this site:

As for David's claim of 186, the guy obviously has a very serious problem. His claim of genius intelligence simply serves to demonstrate how delusional he really is at this stage. One can only hope he gets help before he hurts himself or someone else.

- Dan

Title: Re: IQ's Statistical Basis . . .
Post by: Globetrotter on December 18, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to IQ's Statistical Basis . . ., posted by Dan on Dec 18, 2002

He, I couldn't care less about.  It's all he comes into contact with that I fear.  God help him.

Title: Re: IQ's Statistical Basis . . .
Post by: Globetrotter on December 18, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to IQ's Statistical Basis . . ., posted by Dan on Dec 18, 2002

Regarding IQ's...really, who cares?  To be able to get by, and help a few on the way is a good thing.  Most people get off on their accomplishments...what they have done.  Some do wonderful things, like inventing a cure for a disease that helps everyone.  Some give money away and nobody knows about it.  Some have a wonderful career, or several, and not only are they good at what they do, they really like what they do.  Some have raised family members they are really proud of, which is an extension of themselves, and they are proud of that. "claim" to have an IQ that's off the scale, and do absolutely nothing with it but brag, to me, would be a great, great failure.  

Everyone likes to see their accomplishments count for something, maybe to be remembered by.  Most will never make a great contribution to society.  But if you do good work, raise a good and respectful family, join in, instead of tuning out, be God loving and law abiding, and be a good example to others, you have contributed plenty!

Unfortunately, our "Buddy" Davey has nothing to brag about, and has contributed nothing, and maybe never will.  He is in a "rut."  And the only difference between a rut and a grave, is the depth of the hole!

Title: I Couldn't Agree More . . .
Post by: Dan on December 18, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: IQ's Statistical Basis . . ., posted by Globetrotter on Dec 18, 2002

My post was simply intended to answer some of the questions that have been surfacing about the IQ score and what it means (as you correctly point out - it means very little).


- Dan

Title: I remember taking an IQ test
Post by: Pordzhik on December 18, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to You know what's really annoying?, posted by BubbaGump on Dec 18, 2002

part of a job application, had a lot of those little upside-down - sideways - reverse-image patterns. I had to choose the correct one, I was totaly lost until I thought of covering them all with my fingertips and revealing them one by one, got them all! Something I think the test setter hadn't thought of. Now did I deserve the extra points this success added to my IQ?

Another time when taking an entrance exam, all the candidates were shocked to hear (when we were all something like half-way through) that we had two minutes to complete the paper, no way any of us could've completed the next question in two minutes, let alone the paper! Most of the remaining questions were of the multiple-choice type, while all my fellows were struggling, I didn't even bother to read the remaining questions, just ticked the boxes at random, thus giving myself a something like a 25% chance of getting the remaining questions correct. Again did I deserve the extra points? BTW I got the best marks that time.

Shows that there are many ways to solve problems and puzzles. I wonder if this John LV will ever be smart enough to pass on those wonderful genes he has.

Title: His IQ is 186. He just misplaces the decimal point. n/t
Post by: Griffin on December 18, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to I remember taking an IQ test, posted by Pordzhik on Dec 18, 2002

Title: Re: My Prayer is That He'll Be Banned Soon
Post by: Charles on December 16, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to My Prayer, posted by Pordzhik on Dec 16, 2002

Now he's calling people names.  Ban his racist arse.

Title: stop crying and stop reading his post
Post by: Mike on December 17, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: My Prayer is That He'll Be Banned So..., posted by Charles on Dec 16, 2002

It's so freaken easy to not read a post from someone that you know doesn't interest you, or they bother you, or for what ever reason. If anything it makes you just as big a pain in the arss being on here crying about others post.

David said nothing that isn't considered by a large majority of people as being the truth. In any race their are exceptions but typically every race has good and bad points. Jews are not the best athaletes,but excel when it comes to making money. Blacks can't swim, but are good at other sports. Sure there are people in each race that can do these things that most can't but is it being a bigot to mention it? How many times have you read on here that RM are bad fathers, or alchololics? There again is some truth in that but not all of them are like that. So if he is to be banned then so should anyone else that sterio types or talks negitivly about RM.


Title: Charles
Post by: thesearch on December 16, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: My Prayer is That He'll Be Banned So..., posted by Charles on Dec 16, 2002

I did not check  --- who started the name calling? You probably know per your comment --- was it David or was it provoked?

Title: Re: Ban David.. He Sounds Like Hitler
Post by: Charles on December 16, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Charles, posted by thesearch on Dec 16, 2002

Search, I don't understand why there any serious question on this.  In case you missed it, here is his post below.  Based on this post alone, I do not believe he should be  permitted to participate on this board any more.  If you think he should, please offer a cogent reason why such blatant racism should be tolerated and permitted on this board.  It's not, in my view, a question of "ignoring" David as some have suggested.  Rather, it is a fundamental question of basic human dignity and respect.  David's racial comments are odious and abhorrent to those of us who believe that this country was founded on the premise that all persons are created equal, and I for one do not intend to be silent until David is gone.

Re: The Racist Agenda - *THIS* is the Characteristic That Disgusts Me . . .
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Posted by John LV on 12/15/2002
In Reply to: The Racist Agenda - *THIS* is the Characteristic That Disgusts Me . . . posted by Dan on 12/15/2002:

Racist=when you believe your ethnic stock superior to another. I do not believe my Irish and German background to be superior to Africans, except of course with respect to academics and accomplishments, certainly blacks are far superior at athletics.


Title: Never surrender Charlie!
Post by: BURKE89 on December 17, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Ban David..  He Sounds Like Hitler, posted by Charles on Dec 16, 2002

Dear Charles:

What side of the "Bell Curve," were you born on?

I'm certainly not going to defend - "Shirley McClaine's" vacuous tripe any longer. However, last I looked, people who " throw out the baby-eating Boche slip-shod cr@p"... Well, they best defend it.

Have you? No! You, like many of your predecessors, have a propensity to curtail discourse you don't care for.

The toltalitarian mind-set, that you embelish nauseates me.
Perhaps, your originally from Europe, Canada, Israel or the rest of the world: where one doesn't have the luxury, of our first amendment.

I don't know much about "Shirley," nor will I defend her hyperbole; however, I will defend her right to say it. -grin-

Sorry Charlie...

Title: Re: Re: Ban David.. He Sounds Like Hitler
Post by: thesearch on December 17, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Ban David..  He Sounds Like Hitler, posted by Charles on Dec 16, 2002

David: "Racist=when you believe your ethnic stock superior to another. I do not believe my Irish and German background to be superior to Africans, except of course with respect to academics and accomplishments, certainly blacks are far superior at athletics."

I have not read any of his racist posts so I can only comment on this one.

This post above is not necessarily racist. Let me explain. There are not enough words for the meaning intended to be clear. In other words I do not know the real meaning behind the words.

It is a fact that academic accomplishments as they are documented are more prevalent among the European countries as compared to African countries for example.

It does seem that blacks excel in professional athletics. Myself personally, I do not have an opinion about this. I say this because I do not know the percentage of blacks to Caucasians in the USA for example to compare to the percentages of blacks to Caucasians that are playing professional sports. If the later is higher than the former, then there is data to support their success in the athletic arena as compared to other Caucasians. Since I do not have that data I can not comment.

Thus this statement above can be viewed as only acknowledging facts as they appear to the masses.

Now, when someone tries to come up with an explanation for these facts, this  is where racism becomes evident or dispelled in the comment.  

Racists will state, relative to academia, that it is because blacks are less intelligent whereas non racists will state it is all about opportunity that has been available to various peoples. It is only when we enter the realm of explanation does racism enter or leave the picture. This is not mentioned in this statement.

In today's world where certain subjects are more volatile it is better to not say the above as it opens up the question as to why the person is evening stating such and many will automatically decide that the person is racist of which will be correct in many cases but not in all cases.

Is David racist? I have heard several others state he is even way back when so, if they are correct there must have been other comments that in their totality suggest that he is.

However, the statement above without other dialogue to compare to does not constitute racism IMHO.

Title: Re: Go Ahead and Coddle the Racist...
Post by: Charles on December 17, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Ban David..  He Sounds Like Hitl..., posted by thesearch on Dec 17, 2002

I won't debate this any further.  In this instance, it is the mere engaging in racial stereotypes (whites are more intelligent and accomplished; blacks are better athletes) as there was plenty of, to use your term "other dialogue" in the posts above it to show its true context.  David's statement wasn't couched in statistics (which I could write forever about to show how wrong you are) that you used to defend him, it was a response to an inflammatory post where he noted the race of a member of this board who has posted a million times before and, when it was suggested that this was racist, he made a statement because of his ethnic heritage he was more intelligent than an African-American member of this board.  He has repeatedly remarked about his superior intelligence.  I really don't have any problem with David's posts about his problems - I even tried to give him advice as did others and, as noted elsewhere, enjoy hearing his latest brain fart - but, regardless of that, these racial responses have no place in any of these discussions.

Title: Not about that
Post by: thesearch on December 18, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re:  Go Ahead and Coddle the Racist..., posted by Charles on Dec 17, 2002

" David's statement wasn't couched in statistics (which I could write forever about to show how wrong you are) that you used to defend him,"

First of all, I was not defending David. I was merely stating that the quote of him in itself can not be labeled racist IMHO for the reasons that I mentioned.

I have no need for you to comment on the following as I am not racist and thus it is really unimportant to me. My best friend in college was Afro-American. He was more evolved than most humans that I have known. I try to judge people by how they act versus who they are.

However, you say that you can prove me wrong about academic accomplishments as they are documented do not support that Anglo-Saxon peoples have not been more prolific in the academia world as compared to Africans?

Hmmmm ----- not saying that you are wrong - it is just that everything that I have seen is contrary to this.

Even if I am correct, does this mean that Africans are less intelligent? I do not think that is the case, I believe it is more about opportunity and what one views as important.

For example, there is a  high school in my area that has three major races represented in this school in fairly equal proportions --- Asians, Caucasians, and Afro-Americans. This is the same order that they rank in academics in that school. I asked a teacher that I know who teaches there why she thought that was. Her comment was that the Asian parents think that education is very important, with the Caucasian parents being less so and the parents of Afro-American students being the least interested in their children's education. She said this was the consensus of the teachers in that school.

Also, why is it that we have had for many years now reverse discrimination of Caucasians compared to Afro-Americans relative to gaining acceptance to higher educational opportunities? If you are Black, you do not need as high a gpa to be accepted in many programs across the country. More qualified students are rejected to facilitate an increased influx of Afro-Americans into higher education. Now, if they were doing as well in the academic world this would not be needed would it?  

I remember reading about a study that found that the average brain size of black people was smaller than that of Caucasians. This has been some ammunition for racists I recall. I personally laughed because maybe (if the study is correct) they very likely might have smaller brains because their brains are more efficient LOL. Everything is how you want to look at it.

Title: Good points made.
Post by: Mike on December 20, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Not about that, posted by thesearch on Dec 18, 2002

I too am not racist, but instead judge things by what's in front of my eyes. I was in the Marines for 3 years lived in the same barrack with 30 guys and also had friends of color that were equal in my eyes, but I seen many more that fell into that so called sterio type.


Title: Charlie, I've a piece of property in...
Post by: BURKE89 on December 17, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re:  Go Ahead and Coddle the Racist..., posted by Charles on Dec 17, 2002

Namibia for ya; only if your skin-color/tribal-links and politics are correct.

Read a little Thomas Sowell, you poor confused lad.

For Freedom,


Title: Re: Charlie, I've a piece of property in...
Post by: Charles on December 17, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Charlie, I've a piece of property in..., posted by BURKE89 on Dec 17, 2002

I think you needs to read a little Thomas Sowell, who I have quoted in appellate briefs successfully challenging  affirmative action programs in the construction industry.  As your friend Sowell points out, racial classifications should be irrelevant and everyone should be judged on individual merit.  Just because I'm German doesn't mean I'm smarter than you and just because I'm black doesn't mean I can hit the ball further.  As one who has stood up for so long for the right of person to be judged on their merits and not on the color of their skin, I was quite amused by your comments.

Title: I'm glad you were amused.
Post by: BURKE89 on December 17, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Charlie, I've a piece of property in..., posted by Charles on Dec 17, 2002

I cannot disagree with anything in your last post, period. However, in referring to Mr Sowell, I was was speaking of his many works on cultural strengths and deficiencies (I'm certain, you're aware of his entire body of work).

It was you, not me, who bounced the Hiltlerian ball about. Is this correct, or not? Shirley's comments were as benign, and semi-accurate, as Jimmy the Greek's prattle a few year's back. Were they not?

Being that you're in the legal profession, and I'm but a mere salesman of industrial products... I do have a simple query for you: why do you have such need for this pristine homogeneous world that, you profess to believe in?

I rather like, and appreciate people's cultural differences in their native lands.

Why don't you?



Title: Re: I'm glad you were amused.
Post by: Charles on December 17, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to I'm glad you were amused., posted by BURKE89 on Dec 17, 2002

[This message has been edited by Charles]

Hey Vaughan, I love diversity.  Why else would I have married an RW?

Title: My reason
Post by: Pordzhik on December 18, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: I'm glad you were amused., posted by Charles on Dec 17, 2002

For looking for a foriegn wife.

To add a different dimension to my life, that and the bonus of mother-in-law being far away.

Title: Greg
Post by: Dan on December 16, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Charles, posted by thesearch on Dec 16, 2002

David (the nut) has posted so much inane drivel it isn't worth the time and energy to keep up with it all.

I can tell you - with absolute certainty - that is was David that initiated the open disgusting bigoted commentary. It was not provoked and it was David's sole initiative to take the thread in that direction. I didn't comment on any of his crap till that point.

The guy is a waste of good O2.

- Dan

Title: Re: Greg
Post by: thesearch on December 17, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Greg, posted by Dan on Dec 16, 2002

Knowing you Dan, I will take your word for it.

However, I think that it was good for him to hit the forum just for individuals to see what can happen. Obviously David is functioning from an emotional state versus a logical one and that in itself can be very draining.

Title: prayers, and God, and bans...oh my!
Post by: johnnydudeman on December 16, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: My Prayer is That He'll Be Banned So..., posted by Charles on Dec 16, 2002

I've been seeing posts lately with mentions of prayers and God and Satan and the "blood of Jesus" and links to churches and quotes of passages fom the bible.  Generally, when people want religious indoctrination they go to church or they seek out a religious board where there are other like-minded posters.  It would be nice to be able to post and receive secular insider information regarding the FSU and "the search" without being subjected to everyone's different religious beliefs on this board.

I also think those who are so quick to ask for Patrick to ban someone should begin by self-imposing their own ban on that individual and not read his posts, much the way mark claims to have done with LP.

Title: Amen n/t
Post by: Griffin on December 16, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to My Prayer, posted by Pordzhik on Dec 16, 2002

Title: Re: My Prayer
Post by: Lynn on December 16, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to My Prayer, posted by Pordzhik on Dec 16, 2002

I will second that. Had I taken the time to read more before I responded to the post below, I would never have wasted the keystrokes.