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GoodWife / Planet-Love Archives => Threads started in 2002 => Topic started by: Quasimoto on April 11, 2002, 04:00:00 AM

Title: K-3 and X-husband
Post by: Quasimoto on April 11, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
I was told by two people tonight that if Tanya and I are married at ZAGS, apply for a K-3, then it will be automatic for her X to be contacted before she can leave the country. If that is true, the way courts work there, it could be many months before she could leave.


Title: Misinformation
Post by: Jimmy on April 11, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to K-3 and X-husband, posted by Quasimoto on Apr 11, 2002

I have read with interest your problem getting married at ZAGS.  I think you need to know the facts as I know them.

The K-3 visa is obtained after you file an I-129F and the I-130 Spousal filing.  The K-3 visa is a two year multi-entry visa that can be extended for another two years and only used to bring spouses together WHILE waiting for the I-130 petition to be approved.  The K-3 provides no immigration at all.  It only allows your other half to enter the US to be with her or his spouse while the waiting period continues.  The K-3 status cannot be changed to another type visa.

Also the US Kiev Embassy will give you a Letter of Non-Impedimnet to Marriage (commonly called the Marriage Letter) without seeing any other docoments (birth certificate, divorces decrees, etc.).  You of course will have your passport or you wouldn't be in the building.  Right?   The divorces of your former spouses will be needed by ZAGS, including a copy of your passport.  The divorces and passport copy need to be authenticated in the US at all levels of State and Federal levels.  It is called "chain authentication" and is the worse nightmare you have ever encountered next to ZAGS.  You will need all the help you can get.  I have an attorney in Kiev named Dimitri Puguch and he is excellant.  There is expeditor in Washington DC that will expedite your documents for you for a fee.  His name is Jeff Doyle of Doyle Authentication.  I highly recommend him. I am presently in Ukraine working on my ZAGS marriage with Elena.  I know the process and am currently going through it.  Although I don't know much about children of spouses and those requirements.

Best Regards,


Title: Re: Jimmy, stick around!
Post by: Quasimoto on April 11, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Misinformation, posted by Jimmy on Apr 11, 2002

Are you going to be there next week?

Title: Sounds like you'll have to do some waiting
Post by: Mike on April 11, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to K-3 and X-husband, posted by Quasimoto on Apr 11, 2002

I'm not sure how the marriage there for her family to see will pan out, but I'm wondering if you could just have one there and not make it official. Then you could file the k-1 and have time for her to get her childs photo put in her passport and avoid the X-factor all together??? Either way it sounds like you'll have about the same waiting period if what you say is true.If you start the k-1 thing now it is likely to be less then 6 months for her to arrive depending on what service center you use. Does she need his permission to add her childs photo to her passport?

Title: Re: Boy's passport photo
Post by: Quasimoto on April 11, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Sounds like you'll have to do some waiti..., posted by Mike on Apr 11, 2002

No, she doesn't need his permission to place the boy's passport photo. That is the good news. I have told her this many times. I think she has followed through, but this is one of the things a Ukrainian friend and her brother Sasha contradicted me about! Grrrhhhhh!


Title: Re: Sounds like you'll have to do some waiting
Post by: Oscar on April 11, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Sounds like you'll have to do some waiti..., posted by Mike on Apr 11, 2002

Yes!  Get married in Ukraine, it's fine, but get married in the CHURCH ONLY, do not have it reported to the State!  I know many men who have done this!  They get married thee, the whole Church wedding and all the bells and whistles but by the church only, then they get their K-1 and have a civil ceremony once in the USA..

Good Luck,

Title: Re: Re: That was my plan exactly Oscar
Post by: Quasimoto on April 11, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Sounds like you'll have to do some w..., posted by Oscar on Apr 11, 2002

Only problem is her minister says he can't marry us, only bless us. She isn't Catholic or Orthodox.


Title: Re: Re: Re: That was my plan exactly Oscar
Post by: Natalya on April 11, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: That was my plan exactly Oscar, posted by Quasimoto on Apr 11, 2002

Steve, as far as I know wedding in church only valid after wedding ceremony in ZAGS.May be something had changed but 10 years ago in order to get marry in Church you have to show you marrige sertificate from ZAGS. Another thing in Russia wedding in church doesn't consider real wedding, more like blessing. For government you are only married if you married in ZAGS.

I'm giving you link to thread I had open on RWA I have another good thread about fathers permission but there many messages in it from ladies from Russia and Ukraine. I'll sort through and will send you copy of messages of women from Ukraine only on youe E-Mail.

Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: That was my plan exactly Oscar
Post by: Quasimoto on April 11, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: That was my plan exactly Osc..., posted by Natalya on Apr 11, 2002

Hi Natalya,

I have to thank you and others for your support and contributions. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!

I read these posts on RWA board, and I agree with Tetyana at the end. I think her statements agree with my research. I can only accept what I can varify through governement websites and documents. There are too many rumors. Now the only question I have left to discover is if the father will be notified by ZAGS if we are married. Or, when I apply with INS, they will contact ZAGS or something to get some notification process started. That is what I have to discover, and perhaps all facts will remain, to some extent, a mistery until I get to Kyiv.


Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: That was my plan exactly Oscar
Post by: Oscar on April 11, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: That was my plan exactly..., posted by Quasimoto on Apr 11, 2002

It is my understanding through Charles Steen, the attorney, that if a woman in Ukraine has FULL and SOLE CUSTODY of her child and this is shown through her Divorce decree, she does NOT have to get a letter from the Husband giving his permission..


Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: That was my plan exactly Oscar
Post by: Quasimoto on April 11, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: That was my plan exa..., posted by Oscar on Apr 11, 2002

Interesting! I hope that he is correct.


Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: That was my plan exactly Oscar
Post by: Natalya on April 11, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: That was my plan exactly..., posted by Quasimoto on Apr 11, 2002

Steve, no, father won't be notified that you married by ZAGS or any other way UNLESS he bribed somebody in ZAGS to let him know if his ex will get married.I had read on RWA board that many smart women didn't say anything to their exes about their plans. Went to lawyer paid him 100$ to create fake permission from father of the child and GOOD BYE! I don't think it is right think to do this toward fathers of children who does indeed participate in kids life but if ex like mine didn't care for child for 5 years and all of the sadden he decided that he wants to be her Daddy, well then I think this is the only way they should be treated!

Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: He doesn't love his child!
Post by: Quasimoto on April 11, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: That was my plan exa..., posted by Natalya on Apr 11, 2002


That is exactly her X to doting the letter "i". He has been living in the same village, working in the same place, but seen his son maybe 2 times a year during a good year. Never given any financial support. He was physically very abusive. It is only a matter of control. He doesn't love his child.


Title: That is Correct - ZAGS is the Final Authority Insofar as Legality . . .
Post by: Dan on April 11, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: That was my plan exactly Osc..., posted by Natalya on Apr 11, 2002

Of a marriage in Ukraine. Church ceremonies are only that - ceremonial. They have no weight of law and do not bestow official/legal married status.

- Dan

Title: Re: That is Correct - ZAGS is the Final Authority Insofar as Legality . . .
Post by: Quasimoto on April 11, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to That is Correct - ZAGS is the Final Auth..., posted by Dan on Apr 11, 2002

Thanks DAn and Others,

Today is the first day I fully understand the relationship of Church and State :) Perhaps if you think it is best Dan, I will try to make a business deal with Rostick, since he is involved with Jimmy right now in Kyiv in much the same issues.


Title: Actually, It is *Dima* That Is Helping Jimmy, And
Post by: Dan on April 11, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: That is Correct - ZAGS is the Final ..., posted by Quasimoto on Apr 11, 2002

I saw that Jimmy said Dmitri is an "attorney", but I don't think it is quite accurate. I know Dima has some legal background, and he and I have worked together on many 'projects', so I know he has a great deal of business savvy and experience - but I don't think he is an actual 'advokat'.

Having said that, I *do* think that Dima can help you Steve. Just be cautious about trying to pull any 'fast ones' on the governments involved. There is too much at stake for you to be too much in the risk-seeking mode, no matter your normal propensities (that was a compliment, BTW --smile--).

- Dan

Title: Re: Actually, It is *Dima* That Is Helping Jimmy, And
Post by: Quasimoto on April 11, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Actually, It is *Dima* That Is Helping J..., posted by Dan on Apr 11, 2002

Great Dan,

I know Dima well and I will email him. I think you are right about the advocacy issue. I won't take any chances, I just have to sort out the rumors I keep hearing. All I really care about is Tanya's emotions, her son's welfare and ability to leave, and getting her here the right way. It will work out.


Title: Steve!
Post by: BrianN on April 11, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to K-3 and X-husband, posted by Quasimoto on Apr 11, 2002

I know a lot less about the technicalities of K1's a stuff than you do, but based on what you've posted recently, why not just do a non-official religious ceremony and file a K1 instead?  My God, this is taking on some quite unnecessary risks!  Just do it for heart, and then later for the government, and avoid all of this bs!

Just a thought!

Title: Re: Brain and ALL others! Thanks for your input!
Post by: Quasimoto on April 11, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Steve!, posted by BrianN on Apr 11, 2002

As I have said Brian, that was my plan. I just don't know if a blessing will be good enough. Will her mother feel we are married? Will she? Will I? We will just have to see.
