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GoodWife / Planet-Love Archives => Threads started in 2002 => Topic started by: Quasimoto on April 11, 2002, 04:00:00 AM

Title: Article Titled "The Most Dangerous Mobster.."
Post by: Quasimoto on April 11, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
...In the World"

He is from Lvov, Ukraine.

Title: Re: Read this one before also...
Post by: wsbill on April 11, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Article Titled "The Most Dangerous ..., posted by Quasimoto on Apr 11, 2002

Title: Re: Re: Another interesting article!
Post by: Quasimoto on April 12, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Read this one before also..., posted by wsbill on Apr 11, 2002

Mr Jacob Golan, the Tropicana bordello owner is scum. I think a well placed Palestinian bullet would be suitable.


Title: have you checked out....
Post by: yoe on April 12, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Read this one before also..., posted by wsbill on Apr 11, 2002

the numbers of american children that dissapear each day in the ole usa.
Oh yea-look in the local yellow pages under escorts-and that is just the legal girls. Look it up-you may be suprised.

Title: Re: No comparison!!!! Not even close.
Post by: Quasimoto on April 12, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to have you checked out...., posted by yoe on Apr 12, 2002


I know how many children disappear each year. There are actually about 300 "stranger" abductions each year in the US. Like the Katie Fleise (sic) episode, etc. You could almost call Jon Bonee Ramsey the same thing. However, that is a far cry from 500,000 in 3 years from the Ukraine, with a population of 47 million. That would be 850,000 US girls each year if numbers were comparable.


Title: 2100 children abuducted each DAY!
Post by: yoe on April 12, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: No comparison!!!! Not even close., posted by Quasimoto on Apr 12, 2002

Yes most are by relatives-NOT CLOSE? Let me see. Is it worse for the mafia to trick thousands of young girls into to horrid affairs-or maybe family members and clergy-yes you are right it is not even close.
Oh by the way-there our thousands of mexicans and asians brought to america and sold on actual auction blocks. The Cubans don't have the best time either. Remeber life is how you see it-but there ain't no place that is sacred!

Title: Re: 2100 children abuducted each day! NYET!
Post by: Quasimoto on April 13, 2002, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to 2100 children abuducted each DAY!, posted by yoe on Apr 12, 2002

There are not 2100 kids abducted each day. I don't know where you got this figure. There are over 300 stranger abductions annually in the US. I know that over 5,000 kids are abuducted annually in the US by estranged or non-custody parents. I also have heard of Hispanics and Filipinos being forced into labor in sweat-houses. Kids are molested by clergy and neighbors, and live-ins. But the same situation happens elsewhere, including Ukraine and Russia. Are we to compare how many kids are molested. There is no way. Rapes - we only know through organizations in Russia/Ukraine, that it is more frequent, especially "date-rape". But lets talk about stranger abductions - and the fact remains that in a comparable population to the US, 850,000 Ukrainian women would be ABDUCTED each year and forced into prostitution. That is mind-boggling. And far worse than anything we face in this country.
