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GoodWife / Planet-Love Archives => Threads started in 2002 => Topic started by: Natalya on February 03, 2002, 05:00:00 AM

Title: How do you communicate with russian ladies?
Post by: Natalya on February 03, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
Lets say you meet or correspond with few russian ladies.How do you understand each other? Well on the tours you have interpreter next to you, but if you meet each other by internet? How do you translate her letters or E-Mail or she writes to you in English? Thanks

Title: Для меня иногда лучше говорить Русский язык /nt
Post by: BarryM on February 03, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to How do you communicate with russian ladi..., posted by Natalya on Feb 3, 2002


Title: Me sometimes to speak the Russian N/T
Post by: Mike on February 03, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Для меня иногда лучше говорить Русский я..., posted by BarryM on Feb 3, 2002


Title: Actually, it's: For me, it is sometimes better to speak Russian language /nt
Post by: BarryM on February 04, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Me sometimes to speak the Russian N/T, posted by Mike on Feb 3, 2002


Title: my wife translated- Russian professors what do they know anyway? N/T
Post by: Mike on February 04, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Actually, it's: For me, it is sometimes ..., posted by BarryM on Feb 4, 2002


Title: LOL... Here are a few links to help her out
Post by: BarryM on February 04, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to my wife translated- Russian professors w..., posted by Mike on Feb 4, 2002

Here are some English grammar links that you may find useful. look at the download site.

I hope this helps.


Title: Re: LOL. and Here is a link to help you out
Post by: Mike on February 04, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to LOL... Here are a few links to help her ..., posted by BarryM on Feb 4, 2002


Спасибо Вам за линки. Может когда-нибудь и воспользуюсь... А начинать-то надо с простого. Что-то типа:

Actually, nobody will understand you if you say 'говорить русский язык' - the right variant is 'говорить по-русски'.

On line translations are usually poor quality tools. At least you are trying,and it is a difficult task you are attempting. Hang in there!

С уважением,

Title: Or, even better...
Post by: PrincetonLion on February 06, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: LOL. and Here is a link to help you ..., posted by Mike on Feb 4, 2002

Or, even better - говорить русским языком... (That is, let say, more refined form)...

Title: Спасибо, Инна
Post by: BarryM on February 04, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: LOL. and Here is a link to help you ..., posted by Mike on Feb 4, 2002

I've been studying too much Bulgarian lately. In Bulgarian, it's Български език. For an English thinking person, Russian tongue(language) - русский язык, seems better than по-русски. I've been told there is a proper context in which to use русский язык rather than по-русски but I haven't learned that yet.

Thank you for the link. Here is a fairy tale that I have been working on.


Шёл мужик по дороге. Дорога полем – мужик полем. Дорога в горку – мужик на горку. Дорога в лес и мужик - в лес. Идёт мужик, а за поясом рукавицы болтаются. Большие рукавицы, новые, красной шерстью шитые.
Надоело одной рукавице за поясом у мужика болтаться, она трёх-трёх, трёх-трёх да и выбралась. На дорогу упала - лежит, а мужик и не чурит, дальше шагает.
Лежит рукавица на дороге, рот разинула, пальцы подняла.
Бежит по дороге мышка-норушка. Набежала на рукавицу и спрашивает:
- Кто-кто в рукавичке живёт?
Никто не откликается.
Мышка шмыг в рукавицу, в палец забралась, домком обзавелась.
Скачет по дороге лягуха-квакуха:
- Кто в рукавичке живёт?
- Я мышка-норушка, а ты кто?
- Я лягушка-квакушка.
- Иди ко мне жить.
Лягушка прыг в рукавицу. Стали вместе жить. А всё места много.
Скачет зайка-попрыгайка:
- Кто в рукавичке живёт?
- Я мышка-норушка да лягушка-квакушка, а ты кто?
- А я зайка-попрыгайка.
- Иди к нам жить, веселее будет.
Пробирается лиса. Увидела рукавицу:
- Кто ж тут в рукавичке живёт?
- Мышка-норушка, лягушка-квакушка да зайка-попрыгайка, а ты кто?
- А я лисичка-сестричка.
- Иди к нам жить.
Стали вчетвером жить.
Бредёт серый волк, озирается. Увидел рукавицу – спрашивает:
- Кто в этой рукавичке живёт?
- Я мышка-норушка, лягушка-квакушка, зайка-попрыгайка, лисичка-сестричка, а ты кто?
- А я волчище-серый хвостище.
- Ну, ступай к нам жить.
Стали жить впятером.
Вдруг из лесу медведь идёт. Идёт-бредёт, по своему песни поёт:
- Я из лесу иду, из берлоги бреду, я-те пышь-лепышь, всех давишь!
Страшно стало зверям в рукавичке. Сидят, дрожат, а Михайло Иваныч всё ближе и ближе идёт, приговаривает:
- Я-те пышь-лепышь, всех давишь!
Испугались звери. Как выскочат да бежать.
Мышка в норку забилась, лягушка за кочкой притаилась, зайка за
камешек заскочил, а лиса да волк шмыг в кусты да в тёмный лес и ушли.
А мишка-медведь к рукавице подошёл, кругом оглядел, на задние лапы сел, передними ухватил да всю разорвал.
Прощай, новая рукавица!

1. рукавичка (варежка)        -  mitten      
2. шёл (past)                          -  walked/was walking                  
3. мужик                                -  man (Russian peasant)
4. по дороге                           -  along a road
5. поле                                    -  field
6. в горку                                -  up a hill
7. в лес                                    -  in the forest
8. идёт (present)                     -  walks/is walking
9. а                                           -  and
10. за поясом                           -  behind the wasteband/belt
11. рукавица (pl. рукавицы)   -  mitten for work
12. болтаются (pl. pres.)          -  dangle/are dangling
13. большие (pl.)                      -  big  
14. новые (pl.)                          -  new
15. красной (красная)              -  red
16. шерстью (шерсть)              -  woolen yarn
17. шитые (вышитые)              -  embroidered
18. надоело (past)                     - was bored
19. одной (одна)                       -  one
20. она                                       -  it (she)
21. трёх-трёх                             -  
22. выбралась (past)                  -  got out                                  
23. упала (past)                          -  fell down
24. лежит (present)                    -  lies/is lying
25. чурит (local slang)               -  knows, feels, notices
26. дальше                                 -  farther
27. шагает (pres.)                      -  walked/was walking
28. лежит (pres.)                        -  lies/is lying
29. рот                                        -  mouth
30. разинула (past)                     -  opened wide
31. палец (pl. пальцы)               -  finger
32. подняла (past)                      -  raised
33. бежит (pres.)                         -  runs/is running
34. мышка                                   -  mouse
35. набежала (past)                     -  ran into                                
36. и                                             -  and
37. спрашивает (pres.)                -  asks/is asking
38. кто                                          -  who
39. живёт (pres.)                          -  lives/is living
40. никто                                      -  nobody, no one
41. не                                            -  not
42. откликается (pres.)                -  answers, responds
43. шмыгнула (short: шмыг)       -  darted
44. в                                               -  in, into
45. забралась (past)                      -  got into
46. домок (дом)                            -  house/home
47. обзавелась (past)                    -  set up (a house)
48. скачет (pres.)                          -  leaps/is leaping
49. лягуха (лягушка)                   -  frog
50. иди (pres.)                               -  come
51. ко мне                                     -  to me
52. жить                                        -  to live
53. прыгнула (прыг)                    -  jumped
54. стали (past)                             -  started
55. вместе                                     -  together
56. всё                                           -  still
57. место                                       -  room, place
58. много                                       -  much
59. скачет (pres.)                           -  jumps/is jumping
60. заяц (зайка)                             -  hare, rabbit
61. к нам                                        -  to us
62. весело (comp. веселее)           -  merry (merrier)
63. пробирается (pres.)                 -  goes through/forces one’s way
64. лиса (лисица)                          -  fox
65. увидела (past)                          -  saw/has seen
66. лиса (лисичка)                                                        


Title: Re: How do you communicate with russian ladies?
Post by: MNKenr on February 03, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to How do you communicate with russian ladi..., posted by Natalya on Feb 3, 2002

At first I mostly wrote to women that spoke English. After my first trip over the woman I was most interested in did not come from an agency and she spoke very little english. I asked her to write in Russian (she could write more that way). I would use the online web based translaters. That worked and got the message accross. I would use the web sites to also move my letters from English to Russian.
By the time of my second trip I have studied a good deal of Russian, and I paid for her to take 12 hours of English Lessons. This second trip we rarely used the dictionary like last trip. Between her English and my Russian we could understand 90% of our communication. The other 10% was minor and nothing the PROMT software could translate with the laptop I brought with.

I left her with Pimsleur English for Russian speakers. She is halfway done with that, and states it helps a lot. She even says her mother listens to the lessons and is learning english.

Her emails are still in Russian. I still use translation software (Mostly webbased). We do talk on the phone, but the speech is difficult with out the face to face body language.

I am not concerned that she does not speak perfect english. She has the desire to learn and is trying her best.


Title: Re: How do you communicate with russian ladies?
Post by: tim360z on February 03, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to How do you communicate with russian ladi..., posted by Natalya on Feb 3, 2002

With the exception of 1 girl who knows only Russian,  the 6 other girls all write and speak English quite fluently and all have computers at work or University or at home.

Title: Re: How do you communicate with russian ladies?
Post by: Zink on February 03, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to How do you communicate with russian ladi..., posted by Natalya on Feb 3, 2002

What I am doing is learning Russian. I have several dictionaries that I use. My skill level is not high but I usually understand the simple things. If I can't make sense of my own translations I use one of the internet translators. If that still doesn't clarify it, I will ask the lady to try and explain her message using different words. I also know people who have friends that would translate for me if I neeeded it. But I prefer to fumble along myself. I have used agencies to translate for me but there are many things I want to talk abut with the ladies that I'd prefer the agencies didn't know.

I lived in Russia for about 3 months last year. And I think I met 6 people who spoke decent English. My girlfriend wasn't one of them. But I found that when I spoke with people it wasn't as hard to explain things as it is through a letter. Carrying a small dictionary helped too. Look up the words you need before you start talking.

As long as both people are willing and able to learn and put some effort into communicating it can work. When we had something really important and difficult to discuss we wrote and translated letters while we were together. Then if there were still misunderstandings we could correct them quickly. The big problem with letters is that we often misinterpret the meanings of the written words. Was it a joke? Are they serious? How serious? When you're together you can explain these better.

Title: A married Natalya @ 30 yo from the USA?
Post by: tfcrew on February 03, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to How do you communicate with russian ladi..., posted by Natalya on Feb 3, 2002

Are you a Russian spouse yourself?

Good English ;)

Title: Re: A married Natalya @ 30 yo from the USA?
Post by: Natalya on February 03, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to A married Natalya @ 30 yo from the USA?, posted by tfcrew on Feb 3, 2002

Yes I am russian spouse for 6 happy years already. I'm new to this board and find people here very interesting, well excluding few of those for whom cash is best tool in communicating.

Title: Ouch!....
Post by: LP on February 03, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: A married Natalya @ 30 yo from the U..., posted by Natalya on Feb 3, 2002

...Proof again that Russians have no sense of humor. :-)

I suppose your coming here at 24 was not related in anyway to cash or the better life it offers?

Title: Why do you care Benedict Arnold?
Post by: Reagan on February 03, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Ouch!...., posted by LP on Feb 3, 2002

I guess Norway has not approved your immigration yet? My guess is that they don't want your old wrinkled flacid self. There is nothing worse than some old geezer whose life has passed him by and he blames the world.

Isn't it time for the nurse to bring you your dinner and change your diaper? Did she bring you some polident for your dentures? How about some geritol? Has AARP sent you your new membership card?

You are such a hypocrite. You dog other people out, but you don't even have the nads to post a profile. That is total cowardice on your part.

Do us all a favor, move to Norway. I am sure no one will miss you.



Title: Re: Ouch!....
Post by: Natalya on February 03, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Ouch!...., posted by LP on Feb 3, 2002

You suppose correct, LP.

Title: You'll have to forgive LP
Post by: MarkInTx on February 03, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Ouch!...., posted by Natalya on Feb 3, 2002

He's just a cynical, crochety old man who has searched for a woman abroad and not found one yet, so he's back with the AWs for now.

So, naturally, he assumes that the problem MUST be the RWs...

Couldn't be him, after all...

Title: I can't speak for anyone, but...
Post by: Deckard on February 03, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to You'll have to forgive LP, posted by MarkInTx on Feb 3, 2002

When asked, my fiance has told me that in her hometown in central Ukraine, she probably could find someone who was serious about marriage and commitment, but she moved away from there when she was ~14. In Crimea, it was exceedingly difficult for her to meet a man who was interested in her other than for her physical appearance. She explained that many people were just "passing through" or on extended vacations, and hence were not interested in anything other than short term romance.

It is understandable to me why she carefully filtered out the "better" pictures of her that she would send me. She was testing me in a way, as I was also testing her in other ways, in the beginning.

I know if anyone so much as suggested to my fiance that she is going to come here for $$$ or any reason other than for me ... well, I'll one of the most financially embarrassed, and I know that I was the youngest also, and therefore the least likely canditake pity on that poor person :)). My fiance has one HE11 of a bite when she's upset :P.

A) She has had several opportunities to marry into wealth in Ukraine.

B) Many American men wrote to her in the space of a year, and I think that I was probably date to be able to support a family.

C) She knows I'm anything but rich, it would be a wrong "career" move to marry me for money, and she knows it!

My point is that while perhaps a large percentage of women from FSU want to come here for some other reasons besides or in addition to love, there are women who only want to come here to be with their husbands, and nothing else.

What is the ratio? I don't know.



Title: lol, it's hard....
Post by: LP on February 03, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to You'll have to forgive LP, posted by MarkInTx on Feb 3, 2002

....sometimes, really hard, but I enjoy putting one over on guys like you for obvious reasons. Not found one yet? lol! Yeah, OK. I guess the problem MUST be the R/Ws.

Me thinks, no, I know, like most here you haven't a clue as to my status and I gleefully like to keep it that way. In fact you have seen it (I'm betting many times), and don't even realize it. Thats what makes it so much darn fun! Trust me, if you had you'd love to be where I am.

Cynical? Ok, a little. Old? Yeah, old enough.

Old enough to be finished with this while you're still pissin around after how many years? Whatsamatter, not enough choices? Geez, that wasn't my problem, must be those darn FSU girls again!

Old enough not to debate relationships with a kid who wants me to believe she left Russia six years ago, when it was coming apart at the seams, without any thought of the gains.

Old enough to know all R/W aren't angels, especially when they're kids with little life experience. Old enough to know this country will let anyone in. Old enough to know women are women, regardless of their culture.

Since her English is only fair, lets see how her idioms are: Me thinks she protests too much.

As for you, shove it. Another backwater yokel with a suck attitude, you oughta stop butt poking the herd and get on with it. It didn't take me a quarter as long as it's taking you.

Wonder why? Naturally, it MUST be the R/Ws...

Title: Bigger problem, too many choices
Post by: BubbaGump on February 04, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to lol, it's hard...., posted by LP on Feb 3, 2002

You get one that likes you then you dump her for another one that's prettier and speaks english.  Then you dump that one because she acts like a scammer.  No wonder it's so hard to connect.

Title: Naaawww....
Post by: DE on February 03, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to lol, it's hard...., posted by LP on Feb 3, 2002

probably the ol' phallic symbol :)

Title: lol, it's.....
Post by: LP on February 03, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Naaawww...., posted by DE on Feb 3, 2002

.....even bigger these days, and quick too.

I tell ya, its one danm fast toll booth. :-)

Title: Re: lol, it's hard....
Post by: Natalya on February 03, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to lol, it's hard...., posted by LP on Feb 3, 2002

You are one miserable man.I'll try my best to ignore your nasty messages on this board from now on.

Title: Another.....
Post by: LP on February 03, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: lol, it's hard...., posted by Natalya on Feb 3, 2002

..."Must kill moose and squirrel" reply. I give up.

lol, like the man said, you'll have to forgive me.

Title: He is a bitter old man.
Post by: Reagan on February 03, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: lol, it's hard...., posted by Natalya on Feb 3, 2002

Anyone can brag about how great their life is on the internet. It makes you wonder why? I have always found that people that really have it going on, don't have to brag or mount unsolicited verbal attacks on others. So let the bitter old windbag keep on blowing.

During the day, he is toll booth operator on the Oklahoma turnpike, but on the internet he passes himself off as a multimillionaire combination of Bill Gates and the amazing Kreskin. He will take one little fact about you and claim to know your life story. Of course he says his own life is right up there with Larry Ellison's and Sir Richard Branson.

I guess you just have to ask yourself why he is so bitter. I guess loneliness will do that. I think he should move in with Micha1 in Canada. But I doubt Canada wants him.

Good Luck to you. Don't let LP and his constant negativity get you down.



Title: Re: He is a bitter old man.
Post by: Natalya on February 03, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to He is a bitter old man., posted by Reagan on Feb 3, 2002


Title: Re: Re: He is a bitter old man.
Post by: Natalya on February 03, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: He is a bitter old man., posted by Natalya on Feb 3, 2002

Thanks, Kevin :)

Title: Yeah, lol......
Post by: LP on February 03, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: He is a bitter old man., posted by Natalya on Feb 3, 2002

...thanks "Kevin".

Title: Your welcome nt
Post by: Reagan on February 03, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Yeah, lol......, posted by LP on Feb 3, 2002


Title: Btw, that would be....
Post by: lp on February 03, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Your welcome       nt, posted by Reagan on Feb 3, 2002

..."you're" welcome. Hey, maybe you could get some of the local Mexicans to help you with "your" English?

Lol, it's back to the $50 million toll booth for me.

Title: My Mexican friends have a message for you..................
Post by: Reagan on February 05, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Btw, that would be...., posted by lp on Feb 3, 2002

Chinga a tu puta madre. Eres pura mierda. Tambien eres un hijo de puta cabron.

Well you wheezing old geezer, I am sure you sit back at your ocean front property in Arizona and count your 50mil every night. I have seen people suffer from delusions of granduer, but you really need some help. But of course you know that.

Cheers to you puto.


Title: 3 Months?
Post by: MarkInTx on February 03, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to lol, it's hard...., posted by LP on Feb 3, 2002

Wow... didn't take you a quarter as long as it has taken me...?

Hmmmm.. I've been at it just about a year now.

That means you found someone and married them in 3 months? Or do you mean it didn't take you as quarter as long as me to throw in the towel and give up?

As for where you are... yeah.. I'm sure you're in absolute bliss.

Probably have beautiful babes falling all over you.

That's why you have so much time to spend on here.

Makes perfect sense.

You wise and wonderful stud. Why you just CAN'T settle down anyway. You'd break a thousand hearts if you ever did...

Title: Personally, I use English
Post by: MarkInTx on February 03, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to How do you communicate with russian ladi..., posted by Natalya on Feb 3, 2002

I don't meet anyone who can't at least speak enough English to have a date without needing an interpreter present.

I just can't imagine saying:

"Tell her she looks wonderful. And that her perfume is heavenly."  

... Much Later ...

"Ask her if she is enjoying this evening as much as I am, and would like it to go on?"

... Much much later ...

Interpreter, speaking for the lady: "The lady says Ooooh. Ohhh. That is great. Faster please. Harder... what's that? Oh... she says... Yes, baby, just like that. Oh... wait... Now she wants to know how you have three hands?... Ooops..."

Title: That's not so bad...
Post by: Zink on February 03, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Personally, I use English, posted by MarkInTx on Feb 3, 2002

As long as you have a pretty interpretor!

Title: Now the truth comes out :) lol n/t
Post by: RW on February 03, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to That's not so bad..., posted by Zink on Feb 3, 2002


Title: Uh Oh!
Post by: Zink on February 03, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Now the truth comes out :) lol n/t, posted by RW on Feb 3, 2002

I never thought about you reading this. Just don't tell your hubby!

Title: Re: Personally, I use English
Post by: Natalya on February 03, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Personally, I use English, posted by MarkInTx on Feb 3, 2002

MarkInTx, you are something else ;) But seriously you requirement for lady to speak enough English reduce amount of potential RW to almost nothing. Of course I didn't visit Russia for the past 6 years, but back then procentage of women who'd meet your requirement would be 5 maximum 10%. How many russian women speak fluent English these days?

Title: Re: Re: Personally, I use English
Post by: Richard on February 04, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Personally, I use English, posted by Natalya on Feb 3, 2002

I think that the ability to speak English, or at least the willingness to learn English is a sign of sincerity in a woman who wants to get involved someone from an English  speaking country.  For example I met a woman in Kiev who was very interested in me (or so she said ) until I told her that I could not see starting a serious relationship with her unless she started to learn English. That was the last I heard of her.  (Notice, I said at least the willingness to learn English.)

Title: Why English is a MUST
Post by: MarkInTx on February 03, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Personally, I use English, posted by Natalya on Feb 3, 2002

I never said Fluent.

I only said enough that we didn't need an interpreter.

I think how many women you can find depends on where you go...

St. Petersburg, for instance, has a ton of women who speak English at a passable level.

If you go to Scanna's site, and do a search for someone who speaks english at a 4 or 5 level (5 being fluent) you will end up with hundreds.

They publish a new web edition every Friday. 100 women are added every week. This is what I got just now when I checked the last edition:

English Level 5:
  14 ladies. Ranging all over. Age ranges from 22 - 36
English Level 4:
  35 ladies. Again all over. Age ranges from 19 to 35.
English Level 3:
  39 Ladies.
English Level 2:
  10 Ladies.
English Level 1:
   1 Lady

So, in a (Very) random sampling, that means that of the 100 ladies Scanna just posted, 49 of them speak english at a good or fluent level. But, I only require at least a FAIR rating. Which means that 88% of the ladies would qualify.

Sure... I guess I COULD go after that one lady who didn't speak english. But why would I do that?

Of course, results vary depending on where you're looking, I understand. But I just don't understand why a guy would spend so much time and money to get a woman who cannot speak any english. It makes no sense to me. If she's going to move here, she's going to have to understand the language.

I don't take this attitude just for my sake. It's for HER sake too. She HAS to speak English, or she will be miserable here.

I think that a lot of the horror stories you hear about women who are sad and cannot adjust are because they feel so totally isolated.

When I was in Russia, I didn't speak the language. I'm a well-travelled man. I have logged over 1,000,000 miles with American Airlines. and STILL I felt intimidated.

I cannot imagine how a woman who has never travelled abroad must feel when she is suddenly dropped into a land where everyone speaks a language she does not understand, and she is immersed in a culture which makes no sense to her.

Sheesh. No WONDER she feels lonely and wants to home.

What good is it to live in the Land of Opportunity, when you can't communicate with anyone?

Title: I prefer to....
Post by: LP on February 03, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to How do you communicate with russian ladi..., posted by Natalya on Feb 3, 2002

...use cash. It's the universal language and they all seem to understand it *very* well.

Seriously...well, I am being serious. Either we study the lanquage (I did, some don't), use a software translator or do the hard way, by dictionary. If one is lucky one may have some local Russian friends who'll help.

The other ways involve spending money. Interperters, agency translation services, ect.

I'll leave the debate as to the wisdom of becoming involved with a non English speaker in the first place to others.

Title: ...OK I'll take it
Post by: tfcrew on February 03, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to I prefer to...., posted by LP on Feb 3, 2002

My Svetlana hasn't mastered English and probably never will.
I know sign language,    Spanish and some German.  I do wish I knew Russian  ...I know, "wish in one hand...."
So another post I thought of is "why only Russian women"?
I wanted a real WIFE....From far away seemed a good idea.
I guess a "common language" is sometimes a little too "common".
She just happened to be from Ukraine.

Title: Re: I prefer to....
Post by: micha1 on February 03, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to I prefer to...., posted by LP on Feb 3, 2002

LP,  you are my man.  CASH is the word and you don't need a translator.

You reminded of a story, a real one.  Use to hang around a watering hole in Montrйal.  A small guy was there all
the time and all the girls were after him, the most popular guy in the joint.
Five-five max.  110 pds wet,  look like nothing at all, did not drink water very often.
One day I was speaking about this with his brother, I said that "he must be well equiped - pecker wise - and an artist, when it came to roll in the hay."
His brother said no,  he just layed c-notes on it.  

Title: Re: Re: I prefer to....
Post by: Natalya on February 03, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: I prefer to...., posted by micha1 on Feb 3, 2002

Thank you for respond to my question.I was just kinda wondering what kind of wife (I mean any kind russian, american etc)you can find using cash. I'm sure there are some russian women for who CASH is THE WORD, just like for you. But majority of them have different values in life. Oh well, you know what you looking for in relationship and I'm sure you and your future RW( if you find one of course) will sure deserve each other.

Title: I hope
Post by: greg2 on February 03, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: I prefer to...., posted by Natalya on Feb 3, 2002

that you are correct in what you say. It is a sad world because women tell men in so many words that cash removes all boundaries more often than not. This is why - the main reason why - men try to do well in the world of finances.

Title: Re: Re: Re: I prefer to....
Post by: micha1 on February 03, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: I prefer to...., posted by Natalya on Feb 3, 2002

I am sorry my post gave you the wrong impression.  But LP's answer made me laugh and I went on.

Sure different people do have different values.

But I remember reading a book by Larry McMurty  (it is not right, forgotten how to write his name).  Anyway he had
one lady in his book wear a t-shirt and you could read on it.  "If you think money don't bring happiness, you don't know where to shop." Of course she was from Texas.

Title: Oh, I completely misunderstood your post then
Post by: BubbaGump on February 03, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: I prefer to...., posted by Natalya on Feb 3, 2002

Guess we were not comunicating very well.  I hope I can take her on sightseeing tours and nature walks until we can speak to each other well enough.  English and Russian are both difficult languages.  I have not brought a woman over yet.

Title: Re: Oh, I completely misunderstood your post then
Post by: greg2 on February 03, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Oh, I completely misunderstood your post..., posted by BubbaGump on Feb 3, 2002

Language barriers can be a killer to a relationship - to your drive in this quest at some point sometimes. It had a big part in why I did not figure out that the lady that I had spent so much energy, money and time on was not for me.

Title: Communicating with Russian ladies
Post by: BubbaGump on February 03, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to How do you communicate with russian ladi..., posted by Natalya on Feb 3, 2002

You can write them through agencies and use their translation services, use a translation service, or write the woman directly and use an internet translator.  The internet translators give some strange results, but you can understand most of what the women are writing.  I had so much trouble comunicating with women that I decided to only write women with good English skills.

Title: "...with good English skills"
Post by: tfcrew on February 03, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Communicating with Russian ladies, posted by BubbaGump on Feb 3, 2002

then why Russians ?
Smart, good looking Asian and Latin girls know English.
Take it from me ;)
Just a Sunday sermon question from tfcrew
Good luck all

Title: I'll take what I can get then
Post by: BubbaGump on February 03, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to "...with good English  skills", posted by tfcrew on Feb 3, 2002

I think there are more attractive RW available, they are are more cultured and better educated.  They have more of a western culture in my opinion than Asians or Latins.  If you do a search just on women that are fluent in english, you still get over a thousand on a large web site.  I am ruling out women that speak no or little english.  

Now that the Sunday sermon is over, you are free to eat chips and prepare for the Super Bowl.  Time to check my party schedule.

Title: But what is "western culture"?
Post by: tfcrew on February 03, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to I'll take what I can get then, posted by BubbaGump on Feb 3, 2002

This is why I went overseas to find a wife.

And now we both hate commercial capitalist society ;)
But we love our home in Texas and are happy.
We speak our own language now.
Call it TexRuss ;)

Title: Make that non-commie western culture then
Post by: BubbaGump on February 04, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to But what is "western culture"?, posted by tfcrew on Feb 3, 2002

That is Western/European culture.  The USA is not capalistic enough for me.  I hate paying high taxes for a nanny state and I don't like all the government enforced political correctness.

Title: Ahhh... Sweet Texas
Post by: MarkInTx on February 03, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to But what is "western culture"?, posted by tfcrew on Feb 3, 2002

It isn't fair for you to compare our fair state to others, though, TF...

Other FSU ladies won't be so lucky. They'll end up in Boston, and think they fell back into communism...

Title: Worse than communism..
Post by: BarryM on February 03, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Ahhh... Sweet Texas, posted by MarkInTx on Feb 3, 2002

They teach school kids how to have gay sex in Boston. The Russian communists never harmed kids like that.
