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GoodWife / Planet-Love Archives => Threads started in 2002 => Topic started by: Jack on January 29, 2002, 05:00:00 AM

Title: Notice Regarding "Reward for Help"
Post by: Jack on January 29, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
Distinguished Planet-Love board members,

 If you have included your e-mail in your profile or have passed your e-mail out on the board there is a good chance you will receive the following message.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Popov Alex"
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2002 5:28 PM
Subject: reward for help

Dear  Sirs

We  try  to  locate  man  called  Jack  Bragg.  He  has  take  money  from
old  pensioner  lady  here  in  Ukraine, make  some  bad  business  here.
He  agree  to  pay  money  and  he  no.  We  will  give  money  or  help  to
anyone  who  can  help  we  find  him,  send  us  photos  of  how  he  look
or  let  us  know  when  he  next  in  Russia  or  Ukraine  teritory.

we  know  what  flats  he  use  in  Kyiv  and  Odeca  he  say  his  firma
is  owner,  not  true  lier  man. If  some  people  rent  from  him  they
will  get  visit  from  police.  He  should  no  had  cheated  this  one
lady  big  mistake.  We  will  find  him  befoire  to long  if  he  come
here  from  Texas.

Please  send  infirmation  if  have  and  tell him  we  look  for  him  and
his  clients.

Thank  you


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  Now I don't know how much the reward is, I would hope at least half a mil, but I did send the following reply to Mr. Alex Popov.

Hello Alex Popov,

   My name is Jack Bragg and I would like to help you to find me.

   I will be coming to Ukraine this spring and would be happy to meet you.

  If you tell me the name of the old pensioner and how much money I owe her, I will pay her in the spring. I will also pay her double the amount of money that is owed her.

  If you want to see photos of me go to my website  I am sure you have heard of this company FirstDream as it is becoming quite famous in Russia and Ukraine. You will see my photo on page 1 and 2 of the consulting/services link.
 Please be advised that I think you have received some false information about flats in Kviv or Odessa. All the flats we rent, all of them in Russia or Ukraine are owned by the people we rent them from. I do not own any of the flats we rent in Russia or Ukraine. If you read somewhere, or heard from someone who said that I own the flats we rent, then there was a mistake made. We have never had police ever to visit the flat owners of any of our flats. If there is ever a problem renting a flat from some owner than we will rent from other owners, as we have many fine flats to choose from. And of course we can always help clients to get good price on hotel room if there is ever problem with a flat, as we get some good discounts from a couple of hotels.

 Alex, if there is anymore information you need you have my e-mail address so you can reach me directly. If you would like to speak with me by telephone please call 214 878 9260.


           Jack Bragg


  Alex has not written me back and he has had plenty of time. If any of you want to write Alex at and ask how much of a reward I will bring, I would appreciate it and maybe we can figure out a way for us to split the reward money!

Title: Thats it Jack....
Post by: LP on January 29, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Notice Regarding "Reward for Help&q..., posted by Jack on Jan 29, 2002've been found out now. lol, cough up a one time payment of $1.62, sent in a plain brown wrapper to my address, or I'm gonna spill my guts to this guy.

Title: And the bullets just keep coming!
Post by: DE on January 29, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Notice Regarding "Reward for Help&q..., posted by Jack on Jan 29, 2002

1/2 Million, oh come on, you can't be worth that much!  LOL

Title: Re: Notice Regarding "Reward for Help"
Post by: Mike on January 29, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Notice Regarding "Reward for Help&q..., posted by Jack on Jan 29, 2002

I'll write him.
Hey I wonder if this has a mofia connection to it? Maybe someone is wanting to cash in on your biz? Too bad you sent him your photo, I would have sent him a picture of President Bush.

Title: Re: Re: Notice Regarding "Reward for Help"
Post by: RSM13 on January 30, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Notice Regarding "Reward for He..., posted by Mike on Jan 29, 2002

I would send them (the Mafia) a photo of bin-Ladin!!

Title: LOL... "You can find him in a cave in Afghan." :-) n/t
Post by: Oatmeal on January 30, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Notice Regarding "Reward fo..., posted by RSM13 on Jan 30, 2002


Title: I am sure that he will be knocking on your door soon...
Post by: Oatmeal on January 30, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to LOL... "You can find him in a cave ..., posted by Oatmeal on Jan 30, 2002

Looking for a place to stay.

Title: Re: Notice Regarding "Reward for Help"
Post by: Bobby Orr on January 29, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Notice Regarding "Reward for Help&q..., posted by Jack on Jan 29, 2002

I have never used Jack's service but have talked with him and exhanged emails with him.  He is open, frank and forthcoming.  If I go back to the Ukraine or Russia wife hunting I would feel guilty not using his service.  To me what is above smells like Jack's competition trying to cause problems for him.
I have failed many times trying to find a wife in Ukraine.  I wish I had talked to Jack a long time ago.  I urge anyone who is contemplating going over to talk with him.  He makes sense and his prices are fair.