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GoodWife / Planet-Love Archives => Threads started in 2002 => Topic started by: Patrick on January 02, 2002, 05:00:00 AM

Title: MDante and Dan
Post by: Patrick on January 02, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
Please take your arguments off-line.  Both of you have e-mail addresses listed in your profile and may therefore continue the fight without disturbing the message board.

I've deleted the entire message thread since it had completely degenerated into nothing more than a fight.  Take it outside please!

Title: I agree
Post by: mdante99 on January 02, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to MDante and Dan, posted by Patrick on Jan 2, 2002

I totally agree with you Patrick; a public forum is not the place to settle personal issues.
If you noted, I offered in one of my posts never to respond to Dan again; he refused.
Enough said.


Title: My Pleasure Patrick . . .
Post by: Dan on January 02, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to MDante and Dan, posted by Patrick on Jan 2, 2002

Sorry for the disruption.

- Dan

Title: Re: My Pleasure Patrick . . .
Post by: thesearch on January 02, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to My Pleasure Patrick . . ., posted by Dan on Jan 2, 2002


I tried to get some concrete data from the INS almost two years ago and failed to get much. Since the issue of hard data is one I think that we are all interested in - I would encourage you to try and pull something up - you seem persistent enough for the job done - maybe the INS has some data collection now that it did not have then.

Title: Re: Re: My Pleasure Patrick . . .
Post by: Charles on January 03, 2002, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: My Pleasure Patrick . . ., posted by thesearch on Jan 2, 2002

There is no "improved" data collection at INS.  The  INS REport that can be accessed from this site has gathered dust and the government has no interest in opening its files for another study.  A reading of that report shows that there is no really good data to answer the frequent questions of age and/or divorce rates.  The question of divorce rates was not analyzed nor was the age difference between the parties.  However, the report does provide some indicia:
a)  during the year that was the baseline for the study, the INS found only 28 cases where a foreign wife had petitioned for AOS because of abuse which suggests that the likelihood of a divorce for factors that would not otherwise cause a divorce with an AW is not that great.  On the other hand, as has been repeatedly emphasized, this issue should be thoroughly explored with a prospective fiance.
b)  the INS surveyed one month of K-1 petitions at the Vermont Service Center.  Of those approved K-1's, 75% married, 25% did not and presumably returned home.  The 25% figure suggests to me that in spite of its limitations the 90 day window does act as a gatekeeper against failed marriages, albeit imperfect, by allowing both the man and woman some time to assess whether marriage makes sense.