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GoodWife / Planet-Love Archives => Threads started in 2001 => Topic started by: keith on November 16, 2001, 05:00:00 AM

Title: fiancee report 2
Post by: keith on November 16, 2001, 05:00:00 AM
It was great to hear everything went okay with Rags!!

Today starts the third week with my sweetie. Only a few minor bumps along the road.

She has been very warm and loving to me so I do not have any complaints. Will everything be smooth sailing?  I doubt it- life seldom is-  there are challenges with her english, different culture, etc. I did some advance scouting before she arrived and found some people from ukraine and I have also found some people both russian and ukranian and also a lovely girl from thailand who will be good to talk to - so that kate has an idea about how to get use to her life here.  This weekend our dance card will be full from meeting and talking to these people. There is also a local art festival that should be interesting for her.

I do not underestimate the difficulty with her transition because of her lack of english skills-  I am trying to learn some russian too- but frankly I have always been a poor student of languages and I really do not have much time to study.  I work and I also go to school to learn about the computer and of course my current occupation is helping and loving my dear one.
Okay-- perhaps I have not stated many stated anything specfic but at least it is a few impressions and might give a clue to someone who is thinking about taking the plunge---  the water is warm and delicious- at  least so far--  one day at a time- but enjoy the moment seize the day- and from my surfing days--- cowabunga!!  LOL

Title: Re: fiancee report 2
Post by: mdante99 on November 16, 2001, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to fiancee report 2, posted by keith on Nov 16, 2001

There may be bumps along the way; but I am sure eventually you will do fine.
It gets easier with time.


Title: thanks
Post by: KenC on November 16, 2001, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to fiancee report 2, posted by keith on Nov 16, 2001

Thanks for taking the time to post.  Best of luck to you.  Remeber to keep her days filled with activities as you sound like a busy man.

Title: Re: thanks
Post by: keith on November 17, 2001, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to thanks, posted by KenC on Nov 16, 2001

Aw shucks Ken- no problem-  I remember you were one of the first guys I emailed and chatted with online when I began my quest over a year and half ago...
all the best,
