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GoodWife / Planet-Love Archives => Threads started in 2001 => Topic started by: tim360z on November 16, 2001, 05:00:00 AM

Title: Flu Epedemic In Kiev??? Is there A Doctor in
Post by: tim360z on November 16, 2001, 05:00:00 AM

   Anybody know about a flu epedemic in Kiev over the last 10 days or so.  I just gotta ask.  A girl I have been corresponding with never wrote me in 2 weeks and I suddenly get an email and she is telling me she was hospitalized like for 2 weeks.  Is that beleivable--2 weeks in the hospital???  Flu epedemic?  I got my doubts.  Thanks,  Tim

Title: Thanks One & All
Post by: tim360z on November 17, 2001, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Flu Epedemic In Kiev??? Is there A Docto..., posted by tim360z on Nov 16, 2001

I appreciate the input on the flu and the Ukrainian hospital condition.  And,  it was more that I could not beleive someone being hospitalized so long for the flu...but I am sure there are some nasty flu's out there which I hope not to catch.  It was less of a doubt of her.  I really do not think its my right to do that with her,  unless she gives me a whopper.  She has spent almost 8 months corresponding with me...and I know it is not easy for her to do.  Thanks again,  Tim

Title: Re: Flu Epedemic In Kiev
Post by: Rags on November 17, 2001, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Flu Epedemic In Kiev??? Is there A Docto..., posted by tim360z on Nov 16, 2001

My fiancee just got over something that was so bad that the doctor gave her some strong antibiotics. So strong that they affected her voice and she had to do her interview in a whisper. Two weeks in the hospital is not too unbelievable. Don't jump to unsavory conclusions. It IS different over there.

Title: Trust her
Post by: Jimmy on November 17, 2001, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Flu Epedemic In Kiev??? Is there A Docto..., posted by tim360z on Nov 16, 2001


I sense that you can't believe that your lady could be in the hospital for two weeks.  Since I live in Ukraine I will give you a little background.

It is a common medical practice by the medical profession here to restrict a patient to the hospital for illness that we in the US would not even consider serious nor life threatening.  Minor illness such as the flu and other types that would allow the patient to remain at home is usually recommended by the doctor to have an extended hospital stay.  Normally this is used to administer medicine and other treatments that we would normally not give in the US.  I recently had a problem that required a hospital stay and in a short six hours I was given six injections that in my opinion would not be given in the US.  I was transfered to the American Medical Clinic in Kiev for further evaluation and no medicine or drugs given to me and sent home for rest and healing.

I have heard of Ukrainians and Russians that have been staying at the local hospital for weeks for injuries or illness that in my opinion could well be treated at home.

This is a carry over from the Soviet era and medical treatment and hospital stays are relatively cheap.  Drugs are very inexpensive and they use alternative treatment methods that the US doctors would consider quackery.  Some may be good, others useless.

But in all, I think her statement that she spent two weeks in the hospital is not far-fetched and I would tend to believe her. BTW, all the expats I know recently received flu shots since it is the season for it.  And now we have just had our first snow storm of the season and it is very cold.

I hope I helped in your understanding of your ladies plight.

Best Regards,


Title: Yup, I would too.
Post by: Deckard on November 17, 2001, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Trust her, posted by Jimmy on Nov 17, 2001


I would tend to agree with Jimmy above. I would give her the benefit of the doubt.

I recently came back from a trip to Crimea that spanned over three months over the summer/fall, and I came down with pneumonia during that time. I ended up being transported in an *amubulance* (which shocked the hell outta me) to a hospital, where they wanted to keep me there for exactly 2 weeks. At least they did let me go after about a week, since they felt I was getting well quickly and they knew how badly I wanted out of there.

Whereas here in the U.S. I had pneumonia 4 years ago, they gave me antibiotics and sent me home :).

Peace :)


Title: Welcome Back!
Post by: DE on November 17, 2001, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Yup, I would too., posted by Deckard on Nov 17, 2001

How was the trip?  Are you planning on posting a trip report (maybe I missed it)?  Any advice to pass on or experiences to share?

Hey, we saved your job for you awaiting your return.

Welcome back,
Your friends at work (ex-work):)

Title: Re: Welcome Back!
Post by: Deckard on November 19, 2001, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Welcome Back!, posted by DE on Nov 17, 2001

Heya DE,

yeah, I will post a trip report or something of that nature at least :P.

I'll post later :)



Title: Thanks! I feel like a heel...
Post by: tim360z on November 16, 2001, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Flu Epedemic In Kiev??? Is there A Docto..., posted by tim360z on Nov 16, 2001

Well thanks,  Myself,  I just almost never get sick and the few times I feel a touch of the flu coming on...I just sleep for 14 hours...little chicken soup and thats it,  gone.  Oh! and no,  did not ask for money or anything like that...just told me briefly that the hospital was horrible.  And that was why I did not hear from her.  And she said November has been warmer in Kiev than October.  Thanks,  Tim

Title: Re: I buy a gallon of OJ and drink it in one sitting
Post by: wsbill on November 17, 2001, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Thanks! I feel like a heel..., posted by tim360z on Nov 16, 2001

Works like a charm!  No doubt I wiz it all out too.

Last year I bought the Pace Salsa "HOT" and read the msg. board and ate chips.  No doubt those peppers sweated out any cold that came my way.

Laugh, it really works!

Also, like your mother said.... wash your hands alot and don't pick your nose.

Title: Hey, I pick my nose all the time and I am as healthy as a horse!!!
Post by: Oatmeal on November 17, 2001, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: I buy a gallon of OJ and drink it in..., posted by wsbill on Nov 17, 2001

Just a little humor to keep things light.
How's it goin' Bill.

Title: Re: But you must flick'em to stay healthy. ha n/t
Post by: wsbill on November 17, 2001, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Hey, I pick my nose all the time and I a..., posted by Oatmeal on Nov 17, 2001


Title: Re: Thanks! I feel like a heel...
Post by: rickmoe on November 16, 2001, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Thanks! I feel like a heel..., posted by tim360z on Nov 16, 2001

Don't feel like a heel. Maybe she is telling the truth, then again maybe not. It's well-known that FSU people are some of the best "alterers" of the truth in the world. I would wish her well, but keep your mind alert to future potential red flags, good advice for anyone seeking a relationship, anywhere. I will repeat what I have often stated. Most of the "hosed" men will not post, due to embarrassment. The successful ones do so with enthusiasm, touting FSU ladies as the greatest. The truth lies between these extremes.


PS My credentials: Over a dozen trips made to Russia and Ukraine, starting in 1993.

Title: Dolka nimnoga
Post by: tim360z on November 17, 2001, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Thanks! I feel like a heel..., posted by rickmoe on Nov 16, 2001

Hi Rickmoe,
    Yes,  you are correct on that count.  In July I had to mention 2 "excellent alterations" she had made...sssooo skillful,  that I really had to laugh.  To me it was small potatoes thing.  I just dropped a little ball,  a little hint and she fessed-up.  But,  I think,  like you that many can charm the skin off a snake--but women anywhere can do that,  once they set their mind and skills to the job at hand.  "Altering for convenience" or harmony,  yes.  My Ukrainian grandmothers favorite trick when asked something she did not want to answer....was to pretend she never heard a thing or...did not understand the question.  Which of course she understood perfectly,  Thanks,  Tim

Title: Re: Dolka nimnoga - wrong spelling. it's tolka nemnogo
Post by: BarryM on November 17, 2001, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Dolka nimnoga, posted by tim360z on Nov 17, 2001

Russian spelling : только немного
Russians pronounce their T's softer and abreviate their vowels on the end of words. Thats why it sounds like D and A.


Title: Thanks Barry
Post by: tim360z on November 18, 2001, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Dolka nimnoga - wrong spelling. it's..., posted by BarryM on Nov 17, 2001

Yeah Barry,  my Russian is quite poor and is something I need to put more time into.  Even Russians laugh when they realize what I am trying to say---but they love and respect the idea that I try to use their language.  But,  I have a long way to go... Tim

Title: Barry, You're a Braver Man Than Me --smile-- . . .
Post by: Dan on November 18, 2001, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Dolka nimnoga - wrong spelling. it's..., posted by BarryM on Nov 17, 2001

Wading into the transliteration debate is, I have found, one sure-fire way to discover how little I know about the Russian language - or at least, how the Russian language is transliterated into English.

Have you ever noticed that NOBODY seems to want to follow published transliteration rules (or are they only guidelines)??

Keep up the good work - somebody's got to show the courage --smile--.


- Dan

Title: Re: Barry, You're a Braver Man Than Me --smile-- . . .
Post by: BarryM on November 19, 2001, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Barry, You're a Braver Man Than Me --smi..., posted by Dan on Nov 18, 2001

Are there published transliteration rules ? I've never seen any for Russian. There are variations of the Latin alphabet for Serb-Croatian, Bulgarian, and Azerbaijani.

I prefer the Cyrillic alphabet for Slavic language because of the differences in pronunciation from English. I find transliterated Russian confusing and difficult to interpret.


Title: I agree.....
Post by: LP on November 18, 2001, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Barry, You're a Braver Man Than Me --smi..., posted by Dan on Nov 18, 2001

....It makes me laugh to see such butchering of the language.

The "spaceeba" thing in particular is a hoot. You'd think these guys would learn basic grammer, and that an "o" is pronounced as "ah" in many cases. Geez, there's aways a Russian dictionary also.

lol...Spasibo, keep it up.

Title: Absolutely !
Post by: tfcrew on November 16, 2001, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Flu Epedemic In Kiev??? Is there A Docto..., posted by tim360z on Nov 16, 2001

My son in law was down with this in Odessa last week also.
Extend get well wishes, be patient, and see what happens ;)

Title: It's Quite Possible - Indeed, Likely . . .
Post by: Dan on November 16, 2001, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Flu Epedemic In Kiev??? Is there A Docto..., posted by tim360z on Nov 16, 2001

That if she came down with a serious case of flu, they would want her hospitalized for a couple of weeks. It is also the time for the flu to start it's rounds in Eastern Europe, so it doesn't surprise me at all that she caught it.

I hope she is doing OK. Unless you have a good reason for doubting her, I'd be highly-inclined to give her the benefit of the doubt in this instance.


- Dan

Title: Re: Is she asking for money ?
Post by: wsbill on November 16, 2001, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Flu Epedemic In Kiev??? Is there A Docto..., posted by tim360z on Nov 16, 2001

Spoke with my lady today and she said it was snowing and cold out.

Where is Kiev in relationship to North America?  Like in Winnepeg, Canada ???

Here in NW TN the weather is like 65-70 today, I was wearing a tank top and shorts all day long....working on my greenhouse (puttin the roof on)!

Perfect weather!  But normally it's like awful cold, I guess we'll get that next month.