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GoodWife / Planet-Love Archives => Threads started in 2001 => Topic started by: Oatmeal on October 02, 2001, 04:00:00 AM

Title: Questions about web-cams.
Post by: Oatmeal on October 02, 2001, 04:00:00 AM
I believe that I have heard this posted before but I thought about bringing this up again even if for the New guys here on this board.
I have a web-cam with high-speed DSL service and my fiancee also has a web-cam.  Initially we were just thinking about sending web-cam files to each other so that we could see each other and hear each other but my real question is about things like NetMeeting.

Is it possible to get her and myself connected through NetMeeting or is their internet service so slow that it is impossible.  It would really be great if we could both see and hear each other in person rather than just via standard e-mails.

Has anyone out there tried this before and what was the result.
I am thinking that this will be impossible but I had to ask.

Thanks,  Jim

Title: You need ISDN or faster speed.
Post by: BarryM on October 02, 2001, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Questions about web-cams., posted by Oatmeal on Oct 2, 2001

Overseas IP connections have a lot of latency and probably go through many more router hops than what is local in the states. Even ISDN, DSL, broadband, and cable have bandwidth throttling by the providers to handle more users. The only successful video conferencing I've seen that is reliable is through ATT via ISDN or T1. The only reliable internet Netmeeting sessions I've seen have been with corporate T1 or OC3 backbones.

You can do 2 way audio communications with 56k if you have a clear connection.


Title: My best connection was 16kbps
Post by: jj on October 02, 2001, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Questions about web-cams., posted by Oatmeal on Oct 2, 2001

Having access to a high speed internet connection is rare certainly not the norm.  The best connection I could get with my 56K modem was around 21k on average 16k connections only.  This was ok for email and some web searches but no good for any video or sound transfers.

You can record mini MPG movie files.  I guess it depends if they have access to fast internet connections.  Some have ISDN at work but i have not heard of any at home.

Most can not afford a PC let alone a good Internet connection.  If they do then I would be asking where they are getting there income from...

Title: You Will Be Lucky To Get An Audio Connection . . .
Post by: Dan on October 02, 2001, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Questions about web-cams., posted by Oatmeal on Oct 2, 2001

That is reliable with NetMeeting - and forget the video. The best I have ever done was when my business partner was in Kyiv and had VERY solid ISP access from the downtown office. Connections were reliably at 56Kbps - though still through dial-up. We could conduct NetMeeting audio sessions - which cut down the cost of telephone calls substantially - and he could occasionally see me on the video link, but I was never able to see him - and use of video also badly degraded the audio quality. We eventually dropped the video in favor of more reliable audio.

Note that this was with new telephone lines installed in downtown Kyiv and connected to a new digital Siemens switch. Every other connection I have tried throughout the country has been MUCH less reliable than this one - and simply incapable of running a NetMeeting session - sadly.

- Dan

Title: Re: Questions about web-cams.
Post by: Bear on October 02, 2001, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Questions about web-cams., posted by Oatmeal on Oct 2, 2001

When I went to marry my wife in the Phils I took her a Compaq laptop and a web-cam.  We chat everyday for several hours and we do see each other with the web-cam.  \

Netmeeting never worked for me.  PalTalk was good for a while but then started giving her machine a problem.  CUSEEME didn't work. OnlineCall did but the refresh rate was very slow.  Finally, I found a program called iVisit from www.iVisit.con.  The refresh rate is pretty good but the quality of the video depends on the camera.  Voice is subpar but the video is like watching TV.

Honestly I do not know how some guys who marry overseas can handle it without the chat and video i know when her ISP is down I go crazy.


Title: Re: Take video camera with you
Post by: wsbill on October 03, 2001, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Questions about web-cams., posted by Bear on Oct 2, 2001

And record, record, record, record her every move.  I look at her teaching me how to pick the right strawberries and watching her weed in the garden.

Holding the camera and interacting with her makes for excellent viewing later.  Otherwise video of her walking around and not interacting is quite limiting/boring.

Title: Re: depends on her speed
Post by: wsbill on October 02, 2001, 04:00:00 AM
... in response to Questions about web-cams., posted by Oatmeal on Oct 2, 2001

You wouldn't have much of a problem but she probably would.  What you need to go is go use Netmeeting and talk to a few people.