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GoodWife / Planet-Love Archives => Threads started in 2005 => Topic started by: Looking4Wife on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM

Title: Another Latin Marriage Success
Post by: Looking4Wife on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
This was posted on another board today (  Since most of the happily married guys are off enjoying their Latinas, its good when someone comes up for air to share with those of us still on the road to success...

"My wife and I were married on November 15, 2002. Everything is going well for us.

She has diligently studied English over the past three years. Her command of the language has steadily improved. She is not totally fluent yet. She lacks confidence and tends to be shy around people who speak English.

She has held two jobs in the past year or so. She didn't last long at either one. The employers she worked for hired mainly immigrants. Places that hire immigrants (legal or illegal) tend to exploit the work force, thus creating difficult working conditions. My wife's second employer was really demanding. She would go into work and wouldn't know when her shift ended. Sometimes she worked a 12 hour shift. When she got paid, she was shorted on her hours, but she did get paid for the shorted hours when she complained about it.

My wife obtained her drivers license about nine months ago. She hasn't built up enough courage yet to drive on a highway, but she can get around pretty well by herself.

Overall, my wife has been the best thing that ever has happened to me. I have no regrets in the time and money spent to find her."

Title: Re: Another Latin Marriage Success
Post by: zack on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Another Latin Marriage Success, posted by Looking4Wife on Dec 18, 2005

Thanks for that encouraging story!