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GoodWife / Planet-Love Archives => Threads started in 2005 => Topic started by: Confused in LA on December 06, 2005, 05:00:00 AM

Title: Looking for Advice
Post by: Confused in LA on December 06, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
Hi,  I am seeking advice from anyone who has experienced bringing a woman to the states from Bogota only to find that she has a 180 degree personallity change.  She gone from this nice polited and caring woman to an over demanding pain in the Ass.

My wife arrived in Los Angeles only 3 weeks ago and her first remarks were this is an ugly city.  I didn't pay attention because it was late at night and we were both tired from the plane and traffic was still pretty busy.  

We have progressed from that to where she doesn't like my friends and gets angry and goes to the bedroom and cries if they call my home.  She now searches my cell phoe log to see if I have called them or if they have called me during the day.  A female friend of mine has tried to be friends with her and get her out during the day but she can't stand her.  

I tried to get her interested in schools but she doesn't want to study or work.  She isn't interested in any hobbies.

Now she wants me to get a Visa for her 8 year old niece and adopt her and I said no.

Is this normal or did I screw up.

Title: Why am I seeing everyone but CiLA replying?
Post by: Hoda on December 07, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Looking for Advice, posted by Confused in LA on Dec 6, 2005

[This message has been edited by Hoda]

You need to reply not now....but RIGHT NOW!!! You sure picked one helluva time to come & ask for help! I find it hard to believe that the behavior your wife is showing the first time, that she's flipped on you. Something ain't right with this story...

Jim C, hold me back, cuz my finger is on the trigger :-)

Title: Re: Why am I seeing everyone but CiLA replying?
Post by: Patrick on December 08, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Why am I seeing everyone but CiLA replyi..., posted by Hoda on Dec 7, 2005

This is nothing compared to the acid-dropping hippie Mexican chick who stabbed her boyfriend series from a couple of years ago.  I suspect this is real.  Can't we wait until she starts smoking pot and kills her husband's dog before we pass judgement?

Title: I love dogs! If she harms one hair....He's gone!
Post by: Hoda on December 08, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Why am I seeing everyone but CiLA re..., posted by Patrick on Dec 8, 2005

[This message has been edited by Hoda]

If she smokes, that's her business! But when it comes to dogs...CnLA, better protect it :-)

My personal favorites - Akitas, Rotts & German Stepards.

Title: glad I wasn't around to read that one (N/T)
Post by: Montrealer on December 08, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Why am I seeing everyone but CiLA re..., posted by Patrick on Dec 8, 2005

Title: Re: Why am I seeing everyone but CiLA replying?
Post by: mudd on December 07, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Why am I seeing everyone but CiLA replyi..., posted by Hoda on Dec 7, 2005

i think its some girl trying to get a rise out of everybody, PULL IT!!!!!

Title: Hey Hoda!
Post by: Ray on December 07, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Why am I seeing everyone but CiLA replyi..., posted by Hoda on Dec 7, 2005

Is this going to be a new policy? Can you now get banned for what you didn't post?

Give him a chance to reply. Maybe he has an appointment with an attorney today, or maybe he took his wife to Disneyland...

Confused in San Diego :-)

Title: Yes,
Post by: Hoda on December 08, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Hey Hoda!, posted by Ray on Dec 7, 2005

It is "very" possible, that one can "Kiss the Baby" for just that! We've got to be alert for those "Drive-By" trolls, whose sole purpose is to start some BS...

Yours truly....WfaCSiNYC

"Waiting for a Clear Shot in New York City"

Title: Re: Why am I seeing everyone but CiLA replying?
Post by: Fuzzyone on December 07, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Why am I seeing everyone but CiLA replyi..., posted by Hoda on Dec 7, 2005

I would bet it was a troll, because we have not heard nothing else so case

Title: Re: Re: Why am I seeing everyone but CiLA replying?
Post by: pablo on December 07, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Why am I seeing everyone but CiLA re..., posted by Fuzzyone on Dec 7, 2005

CiLA= MaWi? (Marsha Winter)

Title: Replies from approx 20 different guys.....
Post by: Hoda on December 07, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Why am I seeing everyone but CiL..., posted by pablo on Dec 7, 2005

The "countdown" has begun for CnLA...because the "Baby" is cryinging...LOL

Title: Re: Replies from approx 20 different guys.....
Post by: surfscum on December 07, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Replies from approx 20 different guys......, posted by Hoda on Dec 7, 2005

Give him some more line.  He'll reveal his true colors soon enough if he's a troll. If his situation is real, he may not have much free time to respond.

Title: You've made a reasonable request....
Post by: Hoda on December 08, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Replies from approx 20 different guy..., posted by surfscum on Dec 7, 2005

it's "possible" that CiLA could have said "Oh WTF...let me post my situation & see what comes back". However, my finger is still on the trigger, because I'm a little suspicious of why he decided to post his "SOS" now as opposed to filling in the board along the way....

Title: Some Advice and Some Questions
Post by: Looking4Wife on December 07, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Looking for Advice, posted by Confused in LA on Dec 6, 2005

First of all, I want to encourage you and let you know that my prayers are with you, because obviously this is a difficult time for you.

It has already been pointed out that you didn't give any background on your relationship, so we are all at a disadvantage trying to comment or give advice.

I would encourage you to keep track of all those "negative" response from those who have been in your similar situation, telling you to "kick her to the curb", but use those as a last resort.

For whatever reason you thought this lady was a good match for you, and that you could enjoy a life together.  You owe it to yourself and your wife to try to see if your situation can be fixed.  By fixed, I don't mean temporarily "propped up", I mean that with some immediate adjustments, you may be able to have a happy life with this woman.  Despite what others have said, your situation may be correctable in a relatively short time period.  Maybe, maybe not.  The key is "a relatively short period".  

How will you know until you try?  Giving yourself a short but realistic time period is worth it, but you don't want to waste years on something that isn't bringing your life happiness.

I was married to an American woman, which we separated after 15 years, and we were divorced 2 years later.  I can't say for sure that I regret marrying her, but in retrospect if I had to do over again I would have left her after 2-3 years.  We divorced for behaviors she exhibited in the first few months of our marriage, and possibly could have been corrected had they been aggressively addressed, and had she understood that I would leave her in a "relatively short period" if they weren't corrected.

Maintaining a healthy, loving marriage is a challenge for EVERYONE.  None of us are perfect, and we are ALL broken to a certain extent.  Some of us can be fixed more readily than others.

Before giving up, I would encourage you to:

1.  Look at yourself, and what did YOU do (or not do) to create the current situation.  Are you doing all YOU can do to help her adjust?  Are you investing enough time to bond with your wife?

2.  Have some heart-to-heart communication with her to see where her HEAD and her HEART are.

3.  Get some outside help.  Church, professional marriage counselors, (their counseling "seems" expensive, but worth every bit of it), etc.


"We have progressed from that to where she doesn't like my friends and gets angry and goes to the bedroom and cries if they call my home. She now searches my cell phoe log to see if I have called them or if they have called me during the day."

My novia from Barranquilla is always asking about my friends and family.  She loves talking to my parents on the phone.  She is always "sending my friends a hello".  These are people she doesn't know.  Her viewpoint is that my friends are her friends, and my family is her family.  That's the way it should be.  When I arrived in BAQ, she introduced me to all of her family and friends.  Her friends and family are always "sending me a hello", and I talk to her family on the phone.

Did you guys discuss friends and/or bonding with friends?  Did you meet her friends?  Was there any interest expressed in your mutual friends prior to her arriving?

From what you describe, she seems to be trying to be controlling over you, as a way of feeling secure.  Maybe she sees your friends as a threat to you spending time with her?  This may only be a perception in her mind, but in her mind perception may be reality.  If this is the case, maybe you (or a counselor) can help her understand that YOU are their for her emotional support, and there is no threat.

"A female friend of mine has tried to be friends with her and get her out during the day but she can't stand her."

Again, maybe this is a cry for help to try to bond with you, and not someone else.  Maybe she's so scared and maladjusted that she can't bond with ANYBODY until her INNER issues (adjustment, fear, whatever) get dealt with.

"I tried to get her interested in schools but she doesn't want to study or work. She isn't interested in any hobbies."

Did you guys talk about these things while you were dating?  Can't really blame her for this one... unless you're saying she told you she wanted to work, or go to school, and now she is saying she doesn't want to.

As far as hobbies, are you saying she is abandoning her hobbies that were near and dear to her in Bogota?

"Now she wants me to get a Visa for her 8 year old niece and adopt her and I said no."

Clearly this is out of the question.

Good luck and God bless you!
(Buena Suerte y Dios te Bendgia)

Title: Run
Post by: Jamie on December 07, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Looking for Advice, posted by Confused in LA on Dec 6, 2005

Based on the sliver of information you gave us (and one would have to wonder why you provided so little information) I would say do what you can to protect yourself and end this relationship as quickly as you can.

That’s a peculiar handle to give oneself. Either you don’t plan on posting much in the future (unless you are always confused in Los Angeles) or this is not a legitimate post. Why would you ask if such behavior is “normal”? If you can’t tell what is normal how can we believe you that she took a 180. Maybe your vision just improved.

Since you know of this forum why did you not ask for advice prior to this fiasco you are now in? I suspect such advice if heeded would have warned you of your present predicament.  

As a side note anyone who thinks Bogotá is prettier than Los Angeles is off their rocker. I lived in Orange County for 20 plus years and I am very familiar with Southern California. LA County has many beautiful neighborhoods and sites that far exceed what Bogotá has to offer.

Engage the Exotic – Latin Women

Title: Re: Run
Post by: stefang on December 07, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Run, posted by Jamie on Dec 7, 2005

Maybe it is this woman in disguise? since she is from the Bay area she would be confused in LA?

"Lady matchmaker Marsha Winter, who hooks up domestic couples in the Bay area, commented that she is "absolutely" in favor of the new proposed foreign bride laws, calling overseas matchmaking "ridiculous". "Tell these guys we have tons of good women here."

Psychological warfare to scare away guys from searching abroad. Better to date a local woman.

Title: Re: Run
Post by: pablo on December 07, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Run, posted by Jamie on Dec 7, 2005

There is more than one Doubting Thomas in the crowd Jamie.  I too thought that Confused in LA's post was more than likely bogus.

It's a pretty odd introductory post with very little information provided and a rather strange name to pick even if he is feeling confused nor has he responded to any of the comments received.

It also seems ironic that a post like this appears after our two recent "fiancée fast on the draw" posters.  If Confused’s post is legitimate I hope they were carefully reading it.

Title: Re: Run
Post by: Looking4Wife on December 07, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Run, posted by Jamie on Dec 7, 2005

[This message has been edited by Looking4Wife]

Jamie, that is interesting you pointed out his handle is peculiar.  

Hopefully it isn't a hoax post, because I just wasted a lot of time posting a response to try to help this guy :-)

Title: Re: Run
Post by: Cali James on December 07, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Run, posted by Jamie on Dec 7, 2005

[This message has been edited by Cali James]

"As a side note anyone who thinks Bogotá is prettier than Los Angeles is off their rocker."

On my first job after college, I was sent first to San Francisco for 6 weeks and then to West L.A. (near UCLA/Westwood) for another 6 weeks of training.  West LA was everyone's preferred location.  It was absolutely beautiful there, not too far from the place OJ later killed his wife....

Title: Re: Run
Post by: Ray on December 07, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Run, posted by Jamie on Dec 7, 2005

Well, at least I'm not the only one who had doubts about the legitimacy of this story... :-)

Title: Re: Re: Run
Post by: soltero on December 07, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Run, posted by Ray on Dec 7, 2005

Neither he nor RexB have returned to post after dropping their bombshells...fact finding missions or what?

Title: Re: Re: Re: Run
Post by: Ray on December 07, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Run, posted by soltero on Dec 7, 2005

In the case of RexB, I don't blame him after some of the negative responses that were posted... :-)

Title: You are probably right...
Post by: soltero on December 07, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: Run, posted by Ray on Dec 7, 2005

...He did get his hat handed to him rather quickly.

Title: Re: Looking for Advice
Post by: Pete E on December 07, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Looking for Advice, posted by Confused in LA on Dec 6, 2005

Did you screw up?The answer to that seems self evident.Dump her fast.You don't need any more of her BS.
Try to get her to accept a ticket back home.If that doesn't work you need to figure out how to get her out of your house.She has no rights in such a new situsation.
Change the locks and tape the ticket to the door?Just dump her butt.
Adopt her niece when she is being so tatally negative?She has some nerve on thast one.


Title: Re: Looking for Advice
Post by: Calipro on December 06, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Looking for Advice, posted by Confused in LA on Dec 6, 2005

How about taking her to Disneyland?

They say it's the "Happiest Place on Earth".

Title: Some thoughts and questions (long)
Post by: surfscum on December 06, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Looking for Advice, posted by Confused in LA on Dec 6, 2005

Some comments and questions:

1.  This is NOT normal.
2.  You screwed up.
3.  You are not alone, nor are you the first one to go through this experience.
4.  How committed are you to the marriage? If you are really committed to this, then seek professional help for both of you.  This will have to be in spanish.  If you attend a church, start there.  If you need additional resources, the phone book will have scores of counselors.
5.  If she won't get help, make sure YOU are getting help, either from a counselor, trusted mature friend, parent, etc.  Do NOT try to go through this alone.  Living alone with this type of personality will ultimately distort what you love and value, so much so that you won't know it.  In no time, you'll have lost your friends, your social life, hobbies, etc.
6.  Do you think her behavior and outbursts are reactions, or are they thought out?
7.  Does she ever admit to a problem?
8.  Are things ALWAYS bad, or do you two have some "good" moments, too?
9.  Is she expressing anything about what she feels?  Does she make any attempt to answer your questions about why she is acting this way? Or is everything she does an effort to control you?  
10. Is she showing signs of jealousy?
11. Is she physically abusive?
12. Does she escalate problems immediately?
13. Is she verbally insulting you?
14. Did she ever show any of this behavior previously?
15. It sounds to me like she is depressed.  She may also have Borderline Personality Disorder.  Google the phrase and read up on it to see if it sounds familiar.
16. If she takes no responsibility for her actions, blames you for everything, won't talk to any outsider, even a counselor or priest, then I don't know what more you can do other than walk away from the marriage.  

There are guys on here who've been badly burned, have a low opinion of women, or just want to be Peter Pan extending their youth through a younger woman.  When they say you are at risk, they are right.  So it comes down to this: is your wife sick, yes or no?  Does she love you, yes or no?  Do you love her, yes or no?  Are you willing to do whatever it takes to make this work, yes or no?  Is she willing to do whatever it takes to make this work, yes or no?  Is your wife dangerous enough to cause you physical harm, yes or no?  Is your wife malicious enough to cause you legal grief, yes or no?  When you know the answer to those questions then you will know what to do.

This whole way of meeting someone overseas is rife with pitfalls.  The separation and trying to grow with someone via email and phone calls more often feed the imagination than they build up a couple.  The distance really distorts things and should cause us to weight observed behavior differently than that of someone we would date locally, but there's no hard and fast rule for how to do that so we rationalize it somehow when we should give it more importance.  

I really sympathize with your situation since I am going through some similar problems with my PERUVIAN wife (ChrisF please read). I am willing to help you as I can if you need someone to talk to privately.  My email is listed in my profile.

Title: To surfsscum
Post by: Chris F on December 07, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Some thoughts and questions (long), posted by surfscum on Dec 6, 2005

Sorry your going through the same problems with your Peruvian I said...I never said they were perfect either...

If you are going through "similar problems" it would guess everyones advice here could apply to your situation as well...

We both know Surfscum that South American relationships are not always easy with the adjustment process alone...our wives are learning the customs, rules and language of this country and you do need a lot of patience....

If that had to be compunded with the B.S. you and ConfusedinLA are going through for me it simply would not be tolerated... Your wife, as well as Confused needs to change fast or else buy them a one way ticket home, cut your losses, learn from it, and move on..

Remember...South American women love a MAN...if you are letting yourself be walked on by tolerating this B.S...she is losing(or has lost) all respect for you...

I dont mean to be harsh or disrespectful to you Surfscum...but their are just so many women in South America to choose from...

Both of you dont deserve this kind of crap........

Title: Re: To surfsscum
Post by: surfscum on December 07, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to To surfsscum, posted by Chris F on Dec 7, 2005

There is a LOT more to my story than I care to relate here. I'm waiting to post the story until I can say it's resolved, one way or another.

Title: To surfsscum
Post by: Cali James on December 07, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to To surfsscum, posted by Chris F on Dec 7, 2005

Every successful marriage I'm personally aware of, at least half a dozen if not more, the woman is from Cali not Peru.  In fact I'm not personally aware of one successful marriage where the woman is from Peru, not one.  Now should this fact really mean a lot, of course not.  For every guy who marries a Peruvian and writes about it here, ten or maybe 20 go to Cali.  Cali has the majority of success stories for the same reason it has so many failures, this is where guys have been travelling.  The important thing to do is to be able to find a good woman and one who cares about you.  This can be done in Cali or Lima.

Title: I've never been able to figure this out
Post by: utopiacowboy on December 09, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to To surfsscum, posted by Cali James on Dec 7, 2005

Why Cali? If I were actually looking I'd go somewhere where they very rarely see a gringo, maybe Monteria or Manizales.

Title: Re: To surfsscum
Post by: tnolan1 on December 08, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to To surfsscum, posted by Cali James on Dec 7, 2005

In fact I'm not personally aware of one successful marriage where the woman is from Peru, not one.

Well Now you have.  My wife is from Lima and we just celebrated four years last night.  She did have some adjustment problems but we worked our way through them.  Their cultures are completely different from ours (gringos) and it's perfectly natural for a woman that has just left the only Country, culture friends and family she's ever known to be a little depressed and afraid.  On the site we run, we have ONLY had two incidents where the Lady Bolted and Left (nver to be found again) once she entered the States.  Both were Colombians (not sure what city at the moment).
Very Happily Married to my Peruaña.

Title: What site is that? NT
Post by: surfscum on December 09, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: To surfsscum, posted by tnolan1 on Dec 8, 2005


Title: Re: What site is that? NT
Post by: tnolan1 on December 12, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to What site is that?  NT, posted by surfscum on Dec 9, 2005

Title: Re: To surfsscum
Post by: Red Clay on December 07, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to To surfsscum, posted by Cali James on Dec 7, 2005

[This message has been edited by Red Clay]

You must have been away for awhile, like, five years maybe? Or maybe you just never read my posts. I have one of the best marriages on the board, married to a Peruana since 2001. "Golden", another occasional poster here is also married to a Peruana, for several years now, and is very happy. My wife's best friend from Peru is now married to an American, living in MN now and doing great. Of course we can't forget JimmySTL.

There's four for ya. Or maybe you meant cases involving people you have met in person.

Title: Re: Re: To surfsscum
Post by: Cali James on December 07, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: To surfsscum, posted by Red Clay on Dec 7, 2005

Hey Red Clay, yes I'm only talking of persons I've met personally in my travels or here in California through the PL network.  I've yet to meet anyone married to a Peruvian.

Title: To Calijames
Post by: Chris F on December 07, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to To surfsscum, posted by Cali James on Dec 7, 2005


My post to Sursscum has NOTHING to do with comaring the
women from the two had EVERYTHING to do with
what not should be tolerated in a marriage

I guess your still a little sensitive from my posts about
Peru and Cali earlier and its been sticking with

Title: To Calijames
Post by: Cali James on December 07, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to To Calijames, posted by Chris F on Dec 7, 2005

[This message has been edited by Cali James]

"I really sympathize with your situation since I am going through some similar problems with my PERUVIAN wife (ChrisF please read)."

Well based on the above quote from Surfscum, it looked to me anyway, that he was sending you a message about Peruvian women, that maybe they're just like women from other places, soom good, some bad and many in between.  Let's be honest Chris, you've been a leading proponet that Cali is bad hunting grounds while Peru is great.  Several people have pointed out the error in your thinking in the past but it's continued to be a theme of yours.  This seemed like the perfect oppurtunity, to drive the point home that your hypothesis is flawed!!  It's based most likely on your bad experiences in Cali and the negative stories we hear here on the board.  But having said that,  it should be obvious that Cali has significantly more negative stories because Cali has many more guys travelling there.  There are many positive stories too, as I said, every successful marriage I know is where the guy is married to a Calena. This fact doesn't really mean that I think Cali has better women, I don't, it just means I know people who married Calenas and little if any who married women from Peru.  I had a novia from Bolivia, does that count, she was a great gal and is undoubtedly a good wife to her husband back home but truthfully I'm happy I married my Calena!  Anyway, all the Latin American countries that I've travelled to are a gold mine in terms of finding a great wife.

Title: Oh Calijames!!!
Post by: Chris F on December 07, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to To Calijames, posted by Cali James on Dec 7, 2005

I have posted on more then one occasion that some great guys
like Hoda, Dallassteve, Patrick, and of course you have
found great wives there...

Great women can still be found my opinion how
ever...I feel its a tad more difficult now compared to a few
years took Heat YEARS to find the right one...and
he lived there........

I am NOT an expert on Cali or any South American city for
that matter....I would classify an expert as someone who has
lived in my opinion...Pete as well as Heat would
be considered experts...

Now...why dont you check the archives from June of this year
and read Heats posts again(My exeriences in Cali)..if you is
one of the
best well written posts this year here..

Read it yourself.......while their is SOME positive aspects
to the posts...the overall theme is negative..... and if you
dont like what he can cry to him as well

Peace out and Happy Holidays!!

Title: Re: Oh Calijames!!!
Post by: Cali James on December 07, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Oh Calijames!!!, posted by Chris F on Dec 7, 2005

[This message has been edited by Cali James]

deleted message

Title: I understand what you are saying Cali James..
Post by: Chris F on December 07, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Oh Calijames!!!, posted by Cali James on Dec 7, 2005

Why you dont consider yourself an expert...I consider you one..and respect your opinion and exeriences about Cali...

We both have differences of opinion here....we can agree that we both can disagree!!

I will say again that only IN MY OPINION...that its whoremongering gringos and misfit grigos that can cause damage to ANY CITY quality of good girls...

Therefore...this happens in EVERY CITY IN SOUTH AMERICA......BUT.......if more guys (good guys and bad) go to Cali..IN MY OPINION its going to hurt that city maybe more so then others...

Just my 2 cents...

Again...Happy Holidays to you and you lovely wife...

Peace out...

Title: Re: here's an idea (insert groan here)
Post by: Montrealer on December 07, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to I understand what you are saying Cali Ja..., posted by Chris F on Dec 7, 2005

If men went down to meet latin women, but in smaller numbers.  Meaning, instead of going down and meeting 20 women, what if all you met were 5 that you were very interested in physically and have shared conversations with.  By doing this, you are damaging less of the women in one shot.  And you will be able to figure things out easier.  Of course you may not meet the perfect woman on the first trip, and you may even leave empty handed.  But for those that do meet the right one, they will have more quality time with her, as well as damaging less of the pool of women.

I only say this because of the women that I did meet and chatted with, whenever we talked about agency dating, they all stressed to me that they didn't like the group dates and the parties because it didn't feel personal.

No need to reply and tell me I'm wrong, it's just my opinion.

Title: Re: I understand what you are saying Cali James..
Post by: gcman on December 07, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to I understand what you are saying Cali Ja..., posted by Chris F on Dec 7, 2005

you need to grow up or you will regret you way to strong opinions

Title: to gcman
Post by: Chris F on December 08, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: I understand what you are saying Cal..., posted by gcman on Dec 7, 2005

uh....who the heck are you????

Title: Re: to gcman
Post by: gcman on December 08, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to to gcman, posted by Chris F on Dec 8, 2005

you need to understand than all have different views  u have a lovely wife  from peru and bad time in Cali   relax and enjoy  maybe you got the BEST lady in peru  no more there for others...get it?

Title: Please tell me where you have been in South America
Post by: Chris F on December 08, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: to gcman, posted by gcman on Dec 8, 2005

Yes...we all have different views...people here who have
debated the positves and negatives from differnt countries
are people who have been to South America before..

Now..what expeiences do you have in Cali or South America?

I would love to hear "your views" of the places you have

Title: Re: Please tell me where you have been in South America
Post by: gcman on December 08, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Please tell me where you have been in So..., posted by Chris F on Dec 8, 2005

How about i have been to every country in latin america and have been going there for over 30 years and know and do business in most of the countries... mostly in colombia, ven and brasil and Panama.. i am in latin america almost 40% of the time look all countries have great woman and bad women  is a case of taking your time and also being comfortable in the country  for u  that is peru  for others is colombia  i love both and also brasil  any thing else u want to know?  please ask  

Title: Re: To surfsscum
Post by: Fuzzyone on December 07, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to To surfsscum, posted by Chris F on Dec 7, 2005


   I went thru the same thing with my Peruvian wife, I took care of the problem I
showed her the door. I could do nothing right and why the hell would I want to
live like that for the rest of my life. I wish it could have worked out but it was not
to be. Now I am married to a very beautiful Colombian woman who I cannot wait
to come home too!

Title: Re: Some thoughts and questions (long)
Post by: WS244 on December 06, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Some thoughts and questions (long), posted by surfscum on Dec 6, 2005

[This message has been edited by WS244]

Well this is not personal nor directed at anyone. (well maybe at the younger men)

Women are women.  

Women's thought processes are exactly like cats. (I said cats not dogs)

Anyone who understands cats understands women.

Instead of wasting money on preachers, shrinks, boyfriends, girlfriends, mom, etc. a man just needs to have a pet cat for 8 months.  At the end of eight months,(if he has not killed it in the interim) and for life there after, a man understands any woman's thought process without fear, malice, prejudice, and has the ability to live happily ever after with or without one. (women on Venus and men on Mars just sells books)

Title: Yeah...what surfscam said. Good advice (N/T)
Post by: Montrealer on December 06, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Some thoughts and questions (long), posted by surfscum on Dec 6, 2005

Title: Re: Looking for Advice
Post by: Ken2 on December 06, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Looking for Advice, posted by Confused in LA on Dec 6, 2005

Has a similar situation a few years back.  X wife did not care for the city here or my family/friends.  Besides  moral support she made need counseling.

Title: Re: Looking for Advice
Post by: valuedcustomer on December 06, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Looking for Advice, posted by Confused in LA on Dec 6, 2005

You say "my wife arrived in LA", so you probably got married in Colombia.  If you had gotten the Fiancée Visa you would have had 90 days to live with her without marrying her.  This would have saved you some effort, since it only took you 3 weeks to see the problems.  I remember reading somtime ago where Colombia Divorce law got easier (in some cases you only need to file papers without going to court) but I don't remember the details.  You need to end it now and see if you can give her some incentive to go back to Colombia.  However, if she wants to stay here legal or illegal, she is going to stay and there is nothing you can do about it.  If she is pretty, maybe she can get another sucker to take her.  The one thing I have learned about marriage is that you don't know what someone is like until you live with them.  I made my wife wait three years and there still were surprises, but at least I got the big things correct.  Make a decision in haste; repent at leisure.    

Title: Re: Looking for Advice
Post by: wizard on December 06, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Looking for Advice, posted by Confused in LA on Dec 6, 2005

[This message has been edited by wizard]

You asked for advice... From the response you've received, I'd say you've gotten plenty on both sides of the fence...

I agree with most all in that you should take action, but only you can decide what is best for you and your new wife... If she is truly unhappy in her new life, then it's in both of your best interest to end the marriage quickly... If she does love you and is terrified of her new life, she may need a higher degree of hand-holding during the first few weeks... The first few months are very difficult for your new esposa...

As another poster advised, the only way to know is to have a serious talk with her... She needs to explain the radical change in her personality & behavior once she arrived in the US... You need to find out exactly what the problem is... If her explanations are unreasonable, highly emotional or lack clarity, then I think you know what you're in for if you stay together...

My wife is from Bogota and adapted to life in the US very well... She has several Colombiana amigas around the US that she stays in contact with via telephone / email... My email address is in my profile if you want to contact me...

Title: Looking for Advice
Post by: Cali James on December 06, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Looking for Advice, posted by Confused in LA on Dec 6, 2005

[This message has been edited by Cali James]

The first several months (if not longer) can be difficult for a new wife in a new country away from all her family and friends.  Not knowing your particular circumstances, I would imagine like many, you may work long hours thus leaving her alone for most of the day.  For a young latina used to being with a large family at all times, this kind of change can be dramatic.  Your wife may be experiencing depression and this could be the reason for her change in personality and attitude.

It looks like you're trying to help her by suggesting things to help her to become more active.  But depression if severe enough can lead to despair or hopelessness and this may be the situation she feels herself in.  Once despair sets in, a person begins to withdraw and everything you suggest or do will have the same predictable results.  I wouldn't however throw in the towel at this point but you need to really get to the bottom of what's going on and soon.  If it is just that, depression, then you and her may be able to work through it.  If it's anything other than that, in otherwords this is who she really is, you may need to send her home.

My wife and I are a bit isolated out here in the Central Valley of California, nevertheless she's been able to make friends (primarily by phone) with a few of the other Calena wives here in California that we've met along the way.  For my wife, I think this has been a big positive.   As in everything there are always a few bad apples but I try to give my wife the freedom to discover these things on her own.  Anyway, you might try to hook your wife up with a few wives from Bogota who have gone the same route as you and who are still HAPPILLY married.  Ask around on the board, you might get some guys wife who is willing to befriend her.  I'd stick with Bogotanas as they'll be a more immediate bonding.

Good luck and try to discover what's at the bottom of this now rather than later.

Title: Good advice
Post by: Montrealer on December 06, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Looking for Advice, posted by Cali James on Dec 6, 2005

Great advice CJ.  Depression tied to traumatic changes can be very overwhelming.

Title: Exhaust all solutions, but quickly
Post by: Montrealer on December 06, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Looking for Advice, posted by Confused in LA on Dec 6, 2005

Without a back gorund story its hard to give you advice, but I will try.  Although other paople are probably groaning.

Ask yourself first.  Am I doing anything differently?  Am I acting like a 47 year old now, and not like a 25 year old while I was down there?  Did I maybe give her false impressions of what type of person I am?  Examples being, exagerate income, exagerate lifestyle, etc.?  Am I treating her any differently?

Now if you answeres these questions honestly with a no, then proceed below.

Let's consider the fact she may be homesick.  If this is the fact then ask her how she would feel more comfortable.  Would she like to make a trip back down to see her family?  And then she can make the choice whether she wants to return.  But don't tell her that she is going there to think about the relationship, let her believe that it is just a family visit.  If it is true love and her being homesick, then her family will encourage her to try harder.  If she just really doesn't like the experience, then she won't return and she will tell you.

Now, let's consider her being a green card shark.  She has landed and has her green card.  Offer her a way out.  Ask her if she would like to get a divorce and offer her to help her get settled on her own.  Not so much financially, but with moral support and maybe a bit of cash.  If she jumps on the opportunity, then you know you had a shark the whole time.  What you want to do at that point is your discression.  I would recommend giving her a plane ticket or $5.00.  

Lastly, but firstly, you should try talking to her.  Communication is the key to everything.  She probably doesn't like your friends because they are all much older than her.  Maybe try to find friends her age.

As for the niece, unless you agreed to it while you were dating, then it is a definate no at this point.  You can even tell her that it is not fair to bring someone else in the house when she herself is not 100% happy.  It will be a way for her to change for the right motivation, or at least that she will know where she stands and if this was her goal the whole time, then she will move on.

Exhaust all attempts at solutions before giving up, but don't try to long at the solutions if you see they are not making any difference.

*By the way, LA is an ugly city.

Title: Re: Exhaust all solutions, but quickly
Post by: gcman on December 06, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Exhaust all solutions, but quickly, posted by Montrealer on Dec 6, 2005

you truely are clueless about relationships   what a joke
are you related PAPI???

Title: You truly are a newbie, aren't you?
Post by: soltero on December 06, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Exhaust all solutions, but quickly, posted by Montrealer on Dec 6, 2005

The only advice that will do this guy any good is to start documenting his situation and his way out of it. She isn't going to change. It doesn't matter if it's his fault or hers. If she is acting like this now, there is only one direction it's going to go. People need to realize that the Dr. Phil stuff only works up until a point, and this girl's point was before the marriage while she was still in Bogota. Any more time this guy or the young lady spend in this will only be wasted. Montrealer, you need to hold off on giving any advice until this time next year. Believe it...

Before you can give advice, you need to have SOME experience. Good or bad...where's yours?

Title: my response
Post by: Montrealer on December 06, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to You truly  are a newbie, aren't you?, posted by soltero on Dec 6, 2005

My experience comes from 6 years of a succesful marriage with a high class woman from Mexico.  As I told in my early posts, the only reason the marriage didn't work is because she didn't want to live away from her family and chose her large family over me.  She still says she loves me and often regrets the choice she made, but we both agree that she made the choice and changing her mind has too high of a chance of having regret in the future.

So, although I may not have experience with agency girls, I do have experience with latin women and with marriage.  So this is where my advice comes from.  Do you have any experience like that, or do you just have experience with dating women in SA and thinking the worst of them at all times????

Title: Re: my response
Post by: soltero on December 06, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to my response, posted by Montrealer on Dec 6, 2005

You misunderstand me. I said in my original post to this guy that I don't think the woman is a villain and I don't think anything bad about her. That is your interpretation and arrogance which will probably lead you down the same road, but as I said, get back with me this time next year on that. It is the situation that is irreperable if it follows what he posted. I don't think anything bad about the girl. The guy's rose colored glasses are probably at fault here. Just as they might be in your situation.

Experience in a successfull marriage doesn't qualify you to give advice in a situation that you may not have any experience with, since yours was so successful. Personally, I would consider success to last longer than six years, but that's just me. Also, if you are going to open up your situation as successful, what advice may have you given yourself to compromise with your wife to have prolonged the marriage? This question is rhetorical as many advice givers seem to think they can fix everything even when they haven't been able to for themselves.

I am not trying to get on you, and I hope the best for you, but you have shown that you aren't willing to take advice, so it's comical that you are trying to give it. Time will tell in all situations, yours, mine, this guy's, and anybody else's.

By the way, your fiance is an "agency girl". For you to make that distinction and label those women in that way is highly offensive and disrepectful to them and to her.

Title: Re: Re: my response
Post by: Montrealer on December 06, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: my response, posted by soltero on Dec 6, 2005

"By the way, your fiance is an "agency girl". For you to make that distinction and label those women in that way is highly offensive and disrepectful to them and to her."

I don't mean any disrespect when I say "agency girl".  There is a reason that I put quotations on that term.  I use that term because almost, if not all, men on here are using agencies to find women.  And many of these men describe these girls as green card sharks or other negative terms.  I believe that there are some women who would fit this category, but I also believe that many of these women are good women.  This includes my novia (by the way she is still my novia and not my fiancee yet).

As for the suceess of my previous marriage, I do believe it was a success as the love was always there, the communication was always there, the give and take parts of the relationship were always there.  It was a storybook marriage for the most part of it, including the point where we decided to become seperated.  Not many people can call thier ex's thier best friend.  I can and still do even though we are 2 countries apart.  Everything in my marriage was as close to a perfect marriage as it could be.  The only thing that went wrong is we got married too young and she didn't realize the strain it would be on her, an only child, living so far away from her family and her culture.  If it was not for these things the marriage would have lasted forever probably and I wouldn't be a member of this forum and sharing these words with you.

Also, if you noticed in my post to this guy, I told him it would be difficult to comment on the issue properly without knowing more of the story.  I simply tried to open his eyes to some things that he may not have realized, or to some options that he may not have known were there, while others just siad pack her up and ship her back.  We shared actually simular advice, just with different words.

Title: Re: Re: Re: my response
Post by: soltero on December 06, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: my response, posted by Montrealer on Dec 6, 2005

[This message has been edited by soltero]

Novia in Spanish means girlfriend and fiance (in that culture, they are one in the same). With that out of the way, I may seem extreme in this, but he needs to get out of it in my opinion, without waiting as it will probably not get any better. This is just my opinion, but from what he said, if it is true, for that to be happening this early, he needs to cut his losses. True, some of the advice is similar, but this is one time where I feel that giving the guy hope would be doing him a huge disservice. I choose not to give him any extra based on what he has written.

Whatever any of us say here is not going to change how he is going to handle it, but he needs to hear that this may be one of those times where it's time to go.

Title: Agreed but...
Post by: Montrealer on December 06, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: my response, posted by soltero on Dec 6, 2005

I agree with your advice, but the real question is "is the story he's giving us true, or is it vague in detail becuase the details he left out are issues that he may be at fault of".  Sometimes, taking a step back and looking at the situation from outside may open his eyes to something that should have been an obvious signal.  Or sometimes to an obvious solution.  I think that the fact that they are married, it is worth giving a little bit of effort, even if it is more effort than she is giving.  But he should also start preparing for the worst case scenario ASAP.

As for novia meaning fiancee and girlfriend, I have heard that before.  When I was learning spanish with my first wife, I found this confusing, so I called her novia when we were dating and mi prometida when we were engaged.  Just made it easier for me, and I guess it sort of stuck.  Sorry about that.

Funny fact:
"wife" in spanish is "esposa"
"Handcuffs" in spanish is "esposas"

When I first heard this I laughed for about a week.

Title: Agreed
Post by: soltero on December 06, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Agreed but..., posted by Montrealer on Dec 6, 2005

There are no gauruntees. A situation like this usually comes from the two people not spending enough time together before the marriage getting to know each other and learning to depend on each other. I would encourage anyone to take the time to truly get to know the other person beforehand. There is nothing wrong with hedging the bet and giving it time. I got roasted for calling the K1 a test drive, but I don't think it was understood that the time taken there would be for her. I already know what it is like to live here and I am definitely looking for a wife, so I am good to go, but having seen the affect, you have to really take into consideration how well she will be able to handle the differences. Some can and some can't.

Title: Re: Agreed
Post by: Montrealer on December 06, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Agreed, posted by soltero on Dec 6, 2005

[This message has been edited by Montrealer]


Title: Re: Looking for Advice
Post by: WS244 on December 06, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Looking for Advice, posted by Confused in LA on Dec 6, 2005

[This message has been edited by WS244]

These are always difficult as sometimes it is the gringo who is the real dummy.

Unless you have already blown the situation with threats, etc etc. and she has already gone bananas, buy her a round trip ticket back to Colombia as a loving husband trying to comfort his dear wife missing her poor family.  Once she is there half your problems are solved.  Now think intelligently (at your age you ought to be able to, and in any case you are half dead from age and your years left are numbered) and unless she is from a middle class Colombian family or higher you can figure out the rest.

Title: Re: Looking for Advice
Post by: mudd on December 06, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Looking for Advice, posted by Confused in LA on Dec 6, 2005

you need to start from the beginning, tell the whole story and then somebody can give you some advice, not from just little parts of the story. hope you didnt marry her down there?

Title: Re: Re: Looking for Advice
Post by: maggiemtnman on December 06, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Looking for Advice, posted by mudd on Dec 6, 2005

Mudd, why is it worse if they got married in Colombia?

Title: Re: Re: Re: Looking for Advice
Post by: mudd on December 06, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Looking for Advice, posted by maggiemtnman on Dec 6, 2005

Because you have to sign an affidavit of support for your wife before she gets her spousal visa. So if she comes here, she is entitled to support because she is already your wife, and you’re already financially responsible for her welfare, even if she turns out to be the biggest bitch on earth. The fiancé visa which you have 90 days (which isn’t much but better than nothing) to get married, so hopefully, within thoes 90 day, you will have a better idea of her personality, so they say. then their is the other "getting a divorce in colombia" part you have to deal with.

Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: Looking for Advice
Post by: maggiemtnman on December 07, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: Looking for Advice, posted by mudd on Dec 6, 2005

Thanks Mudd, you covered all the bases ...

Title: can you give us some more background?
Post by: jediknight on December 06, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Looking for Advice, posted by Confused in LA on Dec 6, 2005

[This message has been edited by jediknight]

maybe knowing your history a bit might help us to understand your situation so that we can give you sound advice.

Title: Re: Looking for Advice
Post by: JimmySTLOUIS on December 06, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Looking for Advice, posted by Confused in LA on Dec 6, 2005

I wont pile on with everone else but you sure have a problem.

I would suggest trying to find a female latina "friend" for her that is really working on your behalf to find out whats really going on. Perhaps another gringos wife or something.
Maybe all these guys are right but somehow you need to find out from her what she is saying and thinking. If you speak enough spanish then what does her family tell you?

People wont always tell you directly the real bottom line of whats going on.

Good luck



Title: Re: Re: Looking for Advice
Post by: wayne3 on December 06, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Looking for Advice, posted by JimmySTLOUIS on Dec 6, 2005

Yea, great idea.....not!

Maybe if she gets around some other Latinas, she can move in with one of them, and work on the domestic violence charge.

Like he said,  be a loving husband and get her a ticket home to see her family.  Leave her there.

These mistakes don't have to ruin your life if you don't let them.

Title: My Advice
Post by: Ray on December 06, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Looking for Advice, posted by Confused in LA on Dec 6, 2005

First, I agree with your wife and Patrick that Los Angeles is an ugly city, especially at night.

Homesickness is real and can be severe for some of the ladies arriving here. Yours sounds like one of the extreme cases, IF it is in fact only homesickness.

Since there is no legal basis for you to petition her niece for a visa, she will have to get over that idea. As for adopting her and then petitioning her for a visa as your child, the government makes that extremely difficult for obvious reasons. I believe that you have to legally adopt her in her country, then live there with her for at least 2 years before she would be eligible for a visa. If she is a bonafide orphan, it may be considerably easier. My question for you is this: Are you absolutely positive that her “niece” is not actually your wife’s child? I only ask because I have seen this identical thing happen before.

I don’t know your friends so I can’t speculate why she doesn’t like them. However, I would advise anyone with a newly arrived foreign partner to spend as much time with her for the first couple of months as possible. That would include taking at least the first 2-3 weeks off from work and getting her out of the house as much as possible. Take her to Disneyland, Magic Mountain, Knott’s, etc. Take her to the beach for a walk at sunset. Go to a movie together. Maybe back off from your friends temporarily and focus all of your attention on her for the first couple of months or so, then slowly introduce her to your friends.

Make sure she has plenty of discount phone cards so she can call home frequently if she feels the need.

If nothing works over a period of 3-6 months or so, then you should seriously consider terminating your misery through divorce. For the guys that are telling you to send her back, you cannot just send her back if she doesn’t wish to go since she apparently has a Green Card already. If you suggest that she return home and she refuses, then you can be assured that she had a plan to screw you over all along. It’s called “Green Card Shark” :-)

Good luck,


Title: "Niece"
Post by: Bob S on December 07, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to My Advice, posted by Ray on Dec 6, 2005

I was getting the same vibe.  Now that she is getting a legitimate 2-parent household established, she may be looking for a way to get her daughter back.

Soltero is being very gentlemanly and generous assuming she is suffering from extreme homesickness rather than a scammer.  But in either case, the OP would be wise to encourage her to return home to "talk things over" with her parents before they try again.  If he even hints that he's considering breaking things off while she's still here, "confused" will soon find himself in a jail cell on trumped up charges of abuse so she can self-petition to stay.  When it's obvious things are going south, you gotta get smart and sneaky and start protecting yourself.

Title: Re: "Niece"
Post by: Ray on December 07, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to "Niece", posted by Bob S on Dec 7, 2005

Good point Bob, but actually she doesn’t need an abuse claim. From the info in his profile, I am assuming that they married last year in Colombia and she just arrived on a CR-1 visa, which means she already has a Green Card.

In two years when she applies for Removal of Conditions, she can file on her own if she is divorced. All she would have to do is convince CIS that she married in good faith (not hard).

“IF” the niece were actually her own daughter, it wouldn’t be the first time that a foreign lady hid that fact from her husband/fiancée. But if a lady falsified her documentation by hiding the existence of a child, she could “theoretically” be busted for visa fraud and deported. If he has doubts, I think it would be easy enough to check out.


Title: Re: My Advice
Post by: soltero on December 06, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to My Advice, posted by Ray on Dec 6, 2005

Your advice is sound, but you seem to be underestimating this woman's reaction. If she is acting this "broken" this early, none of what you are rationalizing will help. I don't know if you have been in this particular type of situation before, but her actions are classic for the "no hope" scenario. There is no fixing this as she has already given up and not likely to change. This woman is looking for her way out. He needs to give her one as soon as possible and chalk this up to a learning experience.

I don't know their full situation, but she doesn't seem like she is willing to do anything to make this work. I am not trying to make her out as a villain, but she definitely does not appear to want to be with the guy in that she is not trying to compromise at all. If you take his story at face value, he needs to cut his losses now.

Title: Re: Re: My Advice
Post by: Ray on December 06, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: My Advice, posted by soltero on Dec 6, 2005

Marriages often take a lot of work, especially with these international unions. To give up after only 3 weeks of living together doesn’t seem like much of an effort to me. The guy asked for advice but I don’t see a lot of positive responses here (?)

But if she refuses to even try to make it work, then he doesn’t have much choice but to get out. Anyway, it’s his decision, not ours.


Title: You are right
Post by: soltero on December 06, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: My Advice, posted by Ray on Dec 6, 2005

I agree with you. The only reason I say it's time to run is if she isn't trying to work with the guy then he is in it alone. I am not trying to figure out whether it's his fault or hers, but she is there's over.

Title: Re: Looking for Advice
Post by: fathertime on December 06, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Looking for Advice, posted by Confused in LA on Dec 6, 2005

I am noticing a complete lack of respect for you for whatever reason.  As a man part of me would be furious and put my foot down and no longer tolerate this outrageous behavior.  Overall these appear to be horrible signs she is giving you and perhaps you should learn what you can and send her back for her own good as well as yours.  Do not cave in and let her pussify you further she will only respect you less.  

How about some details about how you met and how long you knew her.  Do you speak spanish? Does she peak english? What was the initial attraction?

Good Luck

Title: Re: Looking for Advice
Post by: wayne3 on December 06, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Looking for Advice, posted by Confused in LA on Dec 6, 2005

"Is this normal,or did I screw up"

The fact that you have to ask this question is the most troublesome of your post.

Of course this isn't normal and a start to a good life.  You're back in the hunt.....

Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back in the hunt.  If you have traditionally had lousy judgement with women in the past, get consulting from your friends before you make another bad callnext time.  Some guys just don't read women well and need outside consulting.

I see so many guys trying to speed this whole process up and settle down.

What is the hurry?

Enjoy every minute of this, because after you find the right girl and you settle down, you will likely look back on the hunt and remember how much fun it was.

Title: Re: Re: Looking for Advice
Post by: soltero on December 06, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Looking for Advice, posted by wayne3 on Dec 6, 2005

[This message has been edited by soltero]

"Some guys just don't read women well and need outside consulting."

I don't disagree with you, but I don't think it is totally about reading the woman. In her natural environment, she may actually be a decent person and that and distance provide the smokescreen. Taken out of that comfort zone, you may have a raging lunatic. I say give the process time like you would in any normal relationship to find out if she is a closet psycho. I rushed this once believing the agency hype but never again and I am loving it now. I know what to watch out for and I have been getting better at finding quality women there with each new acquaintance. The slow and steady will win the day, I am sure.

Title: Re: Looking for Advice
Post by: Fuzzyone on December 06, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Looking for Advice, posted by Confused in LA on Dec 6, 2005

One word of advise........ Get rid of her now!!!
You have a big problem that several of us here can say we have gone thru the
same thing. Do your self a favor send her back where she came from because
she is going to clean your clock and bank book in no time. She is not happy with
anything you are trying to do and that is not going to change believe me, you
can give her anything she wants and she still will want to fight about something
that is so small it will make you wonder if you are not going nuts.

Title: Re: Re: Looking for Advice
Post by: Beattledog on December 06, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Looking for Advice, posted by Fuzzyone on Dec 6, 2005

great idea

Title: Deja Vu?
Post by: soltero on December 06, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Looking for Advice, posted by Confused in LA on Dec 6, 2005

Sure you aren't with my ex? It sounds like her down to the letter. She was EXACTLY the same way when she got here. EXACTLY. This is called "choosing unwisely". It's not that you have a bad girl, it's just that she is uneducated and overwhelmed. She wasn't prepared in the least for what she has signed on for, and she isn't educated enough to be able to accept a drastic change like she is experiencing now, so she is shutting down and hating everything she doesn't understand and is making her feel ignorant. She is probably missing the hell out of her family, and yours doesn't speak Spanish, so she feels extremely isolated. Send her back now. It is not going to get any better. The sweet, poor, uneducated girl you met is now an insecure, alone, bitter and scared future AW looking for half. Another poster was saying how determined he is and how that will light the way. You have to take into account what she is bringing to the equation and how well she may be able to adjust to a situation that is WAY out of her frame of reference. Education is key. If she is uneducated (and proud), then she will suffer and make you suffer as well.

Title: Re: Deja Vu?
Post by: Looking4Wife on December 07, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Deja Vu?, posted by soltero on Dec 6, 2005


Can you elaborate on what you mean by "uneducated"?

Are you talking about being educated to the ways of the USA and/or USA culture, or are you implying that she is not college educated, or what?

Title: Re: Re: Deja Vu?
Post by: soltero on December 07, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Deja Vu?, posted by Looking4Wife on Dec 7, 2005

Not specifically college educated or educated in the ways of the US, but mainly that by product of a good education which is an open mind, a willingness to accept and try new things. This comes from being aware, and people develo this at different stages of the education process so it's hard to quantify. Not every person needs to go to college to be considered "educated" in this context, but some do and then some.

Here is an example. I am not judging my ex, but when my friends would come over, she would go into the bedroom and refuse to come out. It was embarassing because they had come over to welcome her. They had been out of the country for two years living in Germany, so I was really happy to see them. I can see it from her point of view in that she was tired of meeting people that she couldn't actually talk to because of the language difference, but an educated person may have handled it differently. It was embarassing, but these being good friends, they never said anything. She acted like a child  in my opinion, and showed a lack of class to me. Class that may have been there through enlightenment that may have come from being more knowledgable.

I don't blame her, I blame me for not taking the time to understand all of the ramifications. Having been through it now, I have a better understanding of what may happen and how to prevent it the next time. I make it a point to understand what the perceptions are of the US on a much deeper and simple level now. I don't try to feed any of the fanatsies about what life is like here and give a more realistic picture. I also explain how difficult it would be to be here "fresh" without any understanding of English and will not bring a person here who has no or little understanding of the language. An educated person can understand that not knowing just means they need to learn because they know that's all it is. An uneducated person just doesn't want their lack of education to be discovered, and they usually become belligerent to cover it up. There is a huge difference between being ignorant and uneducated. The educated person grasps the fact that ignorance is not a permanent condition. One can learn. The uneducated person is alot slower to make that distinction.

Poverty plays a role as well, but that's another one of the many issues that have to be surmounted in the choosing process and another story altogether.

Title: A good point
Post by: Ray on December 07, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Deja Vu?, posted by soltero on Dec 7, 2005

“I make it a point to understand what the perceptions are of the US on a much deeper and simple level now. I don't try to feed any of the fantasies about what life is like here and give a more realistic picture.”

Assuming that she has a basic level of English language skills, I have found that a real good way to expose her to a more realistic view of what life here is like is to send her a local Sunday newspaper from time to time. My prospective wife and her family really enjoyed reading it and there is enough information in there, both good and bad, to keep them busy for at least a month or two. And it will go a long way to dispel some of that “Hollweird” stuff they see in the movies.

You might also want to send her some of the local Spanish language newspapers from your area, if available.


Title: Re: A good point
Post by: soltero on December 07, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to A good point, posted by Ray on Dec 7, 2005

That is an excellent idea. On future trips, I will try to stock up on a few recent Spanish language newspapers to take with me. The young lady I am currently seeing, although her English is not that great yet, is very intelligent and would really appreciate  reading the current events here. I am sure that her questions would help alot in opening dialogues to give her a clearer picture about what it's like here.

Title: Deadly combo
Post by: Bueller on December 06, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Deja Vu?, posted by soltero on Dec 6, 2005

"If she is uneducated (and proud), then she will suffer and make you suffer as well."

 Deadly combo indeed. I am still going through that with a former employee in Brazil who is now suing me fraudulently. It's amazing how dumb, ignorant people are the most likely to be obstinate know-it-alls.

Title: Re: Looking for Advice
Post by: Patrick on December 06, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Looking for Advice, posted by Confused in LA on Dec 6, 2005

Definitely not normal.  Although I agree that LA is an ugly city!  I would caution against burying your head in the sand and letting it drag out too long.  You may have to make a tough decision, but doing it sooner rather than later is going to be a better choice in the long run.  Good luck.

Title: Re: Looking for Advice
Post by: Kiltboy1 on December 06, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Looking for Advice, posted by Confused in LA on Dec 6, 2005



And more guys then want to admit it have been in your position, Myself included . It is only going to get worse i am afraid for you. I put up with it for 2 years longer then i should have because i thought that i could put that square peg in a round hole. Just not possible.I wish you much luck with all


Title: Re: Re: Looking for Advice
Post by: Ricardo on December 06, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Looking for Advice, posted by Kiltboy1 on Dec 6, 2005

I suspect that if it hasn't happened yet, he will soon be putting no peg in any hole... yeh, a sad situation, get out - 'cuz she doesn't love you or respect you, it can only get worse.

Title: Re: Re: Re: Looking for Advice
Post by: Ken2 on December 06, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Looking for Advice, posted by Ricardo on Dec 6, 2005

O ya -  I took her green card (when it arrived US mail) when I suspected foul play.   Not sure how much of a detterent this can be.