Title: Psychological Consequences of Welfare State Post by: CelticUrge on September 06, 2005, 04:00:00 AM This supports the old adage that it is hard to drain the swamp when you are up to your ass in alligators.
--------------------------------- Katrina a different story Title: More Welfare Mentality? Post by: Ray on September 07, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Psychological Consequences of Welfare St..., posted by CelticUrge on Sep 6, 2005
I saw an interview last night with the head of the NAACP discussing the storm and relief efforts. He said congress should suspend all other business until it can pass a victim relief fund bill like they did for the victims of 9/11. His reasoning was that if the 9/11 victims deserved millions of dollars in compensation, then surely the victims of Katrina deserved the same. I thought the primary reason for the 9/11 relief fund was to offer the victims an alternative to the expected deluge of lawsuits against the airlines. By giving them cash now instead of waiting years to drag the airlines through the courts, the transportation infrastructure could recover faster and the victims would have tangible funds available quickly. Personally, I didn’t particularly agree with the logic behind the 9/11 victim fund and I think it set a dangerous precedent. But isn’t the damage from Katrina an act of God? Maybe the NAACP should be suing God instead of trying to milk the taxpayers. Perhaps the substantial help coming in from the private sector and the government isn’t enough in their minds. Perhaps they think the victims of Katrina should all come out of this as millionaires? Well, that's what it sounded like. As a side note, the NAACP said that it was insensitive of Bush and terrible timing to announce that John Roberts would be nominated for Chief Justice. Excuse me? I know the NAACP is vehemently opposed to the nomination of Roberts, but was it bad timing for Chief Justice Rehnquist to die during the storm recovery??? How dare he! Maybe they should sue Rehnquist’s estate because he died at the wrong time. I don’t know. I just don’t understand some of this angry thinking… Ray Title: Re: More Welfare Mentality? Post by: doombug on September 08, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to More Welfare Mentality?, posted by Ray on Sep 7, 2005
"His reasoning was that if the 9/11 victims deserved millions of dollars in compensation, then surely the victims of Katrina deserved the same." I knew this shit was coming. The average pay out for 9/11 victims was a little over $2 million each. If taxpayers get stuck footing settlements for Katrina "victims" and other future natural and/or terrorist events, current and future charity drives will dry up, and people will start rightly suing for refunds on their donations. More dumb precedents. Ciao, America! Title: Re: More Welfare Mentality? Post by: CelticUrge on September 07, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to More Welfare Mentality?, posted by Ray on Sep 7, 2005
You're right (or left, I don't know!) but correct. People act strangely when emotions rather than logic rule the day. I believe the NAACP vs. GOD case is being plea bargained as we speak. Something about the victims having to say a few thousand "Hallelujah's" and the responsible local and federal authorities having to say a few thousand "Hail Mary's" but I didn't catch all the details. The threat of lightening bolts brought an early judgement. Apparently, the prosecuting attorneys are pissed that they are not receiving a cash settlement. Perhaps they will next sue the estate of Chief Justice Rehnquist. I have to tune in "This Week In God" on "The Daily Show with John Stewart" to check out the details. Title: Re: Psychological Consequences of Welfare State Post by: OkieMan on September 06, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Psychological Consequences of Welfare St..., posted by CelticUrge on Sep 6, 2005
Celtic Urge, I wish someone could get a copy of this article to the White House and Homeland Security. I think this guy hit the nail on the head. The only big issue he did not deal with was the gross misuse of the Mississippi River, the destruction the natural marshlands around New Orleans that somehow must be rebuilt, etc. The levees and dykes will only do so much. Once these issues are addressed and residential districts are not rebuilt in the fish bowl (I hope); then New Orleans can once again flourish. I know that entire area is very low (altitude wise); but the Dutch have a great system of (dikes or dykes?) and levees. By the way, the Dutch are sending over some new pumps to to help pump out that mess down there. But, that will take at least a month, if not longer. God help them! OkieMan Title: Re: Re: Psychological Consequences of Welfare State Post by: CelticUrge on September 06, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Psychological Consequences of Welfar..., posted by OkieMan on Sep 6, 2005
"the Dutch have a great system of (dikes or dykes?) and levees" We have one of those south of Houston in Texas City. She is known as "The Texas City Dyke". The first time I went there I was dissapointed that it was not a person. LOL If you want a good background and foundation regarding the problems of the river system and bayous of Louisiana read the following: "Designing the Bayous: The Control of Water in the Atchafalaya Basin 1800-1995." by Martin Reuss. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1998. Title: Re: Re: Re: Psychological Consequences of Welfare State Post by: OkieMan on September 06, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Re: Psychological Consequences of We..., posted by CelticUrge on Sep 6, 2005
Celtic Urge, Back in the late '60s and early '70s, my family and I lived in South Texas (Conroe outside of Houston) and used to go to Texas City to see some family friends, and we would go fishing off the coast of Galveston. That was fun! I remember the people telling us about the big explosion of the Union Carbide plant years before that. I even saw a ship's anchor that was thrown a long ways from the blast, and they just made a small monument of it. I am sure you are aware of that. I was just a teenager at the time, so now I look back at those days with fondness. For some reason, I just never have had the occasion to go back. OkieMan Title: Excellent: self-induced helplessness & incompetent city government Post by: Jamie on September 06, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Psychological Consequences of Welfare St..., posted by CelticUrge on Sep 6, 2005
"...the chaos was caused by a system that was the exact opposite of individualism." Title: Re: Excellent: self-induced helplessness & incompetent city government Post by: david hagar on September 06, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Excellent: self-induced helplessness &am..., posted by Jamie on Sep 6, 2005
In southern Mississpi, a group of veterans near an army base said that if they have the gas for the generators, they could survive. Total different attitude than from the people of New Orleans
Title: Account name corrected Post by: Patrick on September 06, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Excellent: self-induced helplessness..., posted by david hagar on Sep 6, 2005
I changed your username. You're now Beattledog again. Title: Re: Account name corrected Post by: Beattledog on September 07, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Account name corrected, posted by Patrick on Sep 6, 2005
Patrick Thanks for correcting this Beattledog Title: Re: Excellent: self-induced helplessness & incompetent city government Post by: david hagar on September 06, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Excellent: self-induced helplessness &am..., posted by Jamie on Sep 6, 2005
In southern Mississpi, a group of veterans near an army base said that if they have the gas for the generators, they could survive. Total different attitude than from the people of New Orleans
Title: Re: Excellent: self-induced helplessness & incompetent city government Post by: CelticUrge on September 06, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Excellent: self-induced helplessness &am..., posted by Jamie on Sep 6, 2005
Isn't it interesting that so many successful people in our society are "confirmed individuals" (my term). Many on this forum seem quite independent and individual. What a shame that we have two lost generations of significant numbers of people with no individual drive, self esteem, etc. Result is "self-induced helplessness & incompetence" as you suggested. Title: Re: Psychological Consequences of Welfare State Post by: 350z on September 06, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Psychological Consequences of Welfare St..., posted by CelticUrge on Sep 6, 2005
Very well written! I believe that we are all involved with this catastrophe, we will all need to work together to continue our way of life. Obviously, we need to change some things dealing with a disaster such as this one. All of our government will have to evaluate this situation after the fact to come up with a better plan. I personally feel our Federal Government has done a good job in the response, and I hope that this never happens again, but we will be better prepared next time. Title: Right on...Hurricane Andrew and the Miami Culture Post by: Heat on September 06, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Psychological Consequences of Welfare St..., posted by CelticUrge on Sep 6, 2005
I was working in our Field office in Miami during Andrew. I was sent in with my M-16 to secure the Federal office and the U.S Attorneys office right after the storm hit. As Miami is almost all Latin I can tell you with very few exceptions people were kind, and generous to each other and to us the Feds and local police. There was a cultural difference of people helping each other. There was that Latin feeling of one big family who had suffered a great loss. What I see in Miami is the urban welfare state on full display. When you have a culture of dog eat dog you get just that. What a shame people have be kept on the "plantation" for so long. As the majority of welfare recipients are white this issue is not one of color but one of culture. Now we have Jessie Jackson and "The Reverend" Al Sharpton leaded the race baiting left wingers using this to try and score political advantage. Like vultures the never seem to be far away from the smell of death. Title: Re: Right on...Hurricane Andrew and the Miami Culture Post by: Keith NC on September 06, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Right on...Hurricane Andrew and the Miam..., posted by Heat on Sep 6, 2005
Heat, If those two clowns didn't have racism to complain about. They would be out of a job. I will never forget the Tawanna Brawley case back in the 80's. She put herself in a plastic bag and wrote racial epithets on the bag. She said that two NY Police officers did it to her. Clown Sharpton was there from the beginning. She finally admitted that she did it because she didn't want to get in trouble with her Mom for being out all night. Clown Sharpton continued to claim racism even though the cops didn't do anything to her. Title: Re: Right on...Hurricane Andrew and the Miami Culture Post by: OkieMan on September 06, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Right on...Hurricane Andrew and the Miam..., posted by Heat on Sep 6, 2005
Heat, Right on. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are a disgrace to their people! In my mind, they are Reverands in name only. They don't preach the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. They preach the "gospel" of hate the white man, and the government owes you a living, etc! It is unfortunate that those two, among others could not some how find themselves caught in one of these storms in a leaky boat! ha I am being a little silly, but seriously, I think the minorities of all types (black, hispanic, asian, etc) all need to see themselves as americans and live useful lives. Unfortunately, some of them choose to adopt "the government and the world owes me something" attitude. But, also unfortunately, the Jesse Jacksons and the Al Sharptons of this world have so brainwashed their own people-- they can't see the forest for the trees! Title: Re: Right on... Post by: Ray on September 06, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Right on...Hurricane Andrew and the Miam..., posted by Heat on Sep 6, 2005
[This message has been edited by Ray] I think Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, Maxine Waters, and the rest of the race-baiters could serve a valuable purpose in New Orleans if we use them as sand bags to help fill the gaps in the levees... :-) Title: Re: Re: Right on... Post by: Keith NC on September 06, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Right on..., posted by Ray on Sep 6, 2005
Ray, That is hate speech. LOL. I happen to agree with you. Title: Re: Re: Right on... Post by: CelticUrge on September 06, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Right on..., posted by Ray on Sep 6, 2005
The only problem with that "solution" is once their bloated fat asses gas up and explode, there will be another breach in the levee, only much larger. The military will later refer to them as the "JJ Bomb" and "Sharpton Scrapnel". Title: OOPS! Post by: Ray on September 06, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Re: Right on..., posted by CelticUrge on Sep 6, 2005
Gee, I didn't think of that. Thanks for pointing that out...LOL! Title: Re: Re: Right on... Post by: Bueller on September 06, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Right on..., posted by Ray on Sep 6, 2005
Problem is, it's not sand they're full of. Title: ROFLMAO! n/t Post by: Ray on September 06, 2005, 04:00:00 AM Title: Re: Re: Re: Right on... Post by: Heat on September 06, 2005, 04:00:00 AM Title: why does the left feel the need to exacerbate the situation? Post by: Malandro on September 06, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Right on..., posted by Ray on Sep 6, 2005
by lobbing these baseless accusations. they are only feeding racial animosity and are doing nothing to improve the conditions in NO. Now that the rescue operation is in full swing, I noticed the race baiters have backed off. Title: Re: why does the left feel the need to exacerbate the situation? Post by: doombug on September 07, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to why does the left feel the need to exace..., posted by Malandro on Sep 6, 2005
"why does the left feel the need to exacerbate the situation?" National elections in a few years. Gotta get those swing voters pumped up against the other side. Title: Re: why does the left feel the need to exacerbate the situation? Post by: OkieMan on September 06, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to why does the left feel the need to exace..., posted by Malandro on Sep 6, 2005
Malandro, Unfortunately, the liberal left has no real plan of their own. But, they are always taking swipes at the rest of us who want to continue to make this country great; and return our "family values" to the people. But, make no mistake about it-- their day is coming!! OkieMan Title: just another opportunity to criticize Bush Post by: Malandro on September 06, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: why does the left feel the need to e..., posted by OkieMan on Sep 6, 2005
meanwhile the Democratic mayor and Governor did absolutely nothing in preparation of the storm. the Federal government responds to natural disasters as necessary. it is the States and local governments who are responsible for emergency planning and preparation. Title: Re: just another opportunity to criticize Bush Post by: OkieMan on September 06, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to just another opportunity to criticize Bu..., posted by Malandro on Sep 6, 2005
Malandro, Exactly right. That is the way I see it. The mayor of New Orleans is out of his depth, and I suspect the Governor of Louisiana is too. She almost seems to lose it when she is giving interviews on TV. I know all of them are having a struggle, but I just don't think they were qualified or prepared to act quickly enough. However, they certainly don't mind throwing the blame on the federal government, and particularly President Bush. They should have dealt better with their own areas of responsibilty first, then called in the feds. But, hindsight is always 20/20. You will notice now, that the President is already launching an investigation, and so is Congress. More of our tax dollars at work-- too little too late? Oh well. OkieMan OkieMan Title: Re: Re: just another opportunity to criticize Bush Post by: david hagar on September 06, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: just another opportunity to criticiz..., posted by OkieMan on Sep 6, 2005
I totally agree with you. The mayor of New Orleans and the governor of Louisiana did not do their jobs. If there were coperative executives, they should be fired. The FEMA director did not do his job. He should be fired. We have the 101st airborne. The troops could have been parachated in within hours to prevent looting. Many people did to be terminated from their jobs due to their performance
Title: blaming Bush is popular and easy Post by: Malandro on September 06, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: just another opportunity to criticiz..., posted by OkieMan on Sep 6, 2005
so why not? Title: Re: blaming Bush is popular and easy Post by: Fuzzyone on September 06, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to blaming Bush is popular and easy, posted by Malandro on Sep 6, 2005
I hate to say it but when he is out west giving speeches to raise money until Wednesday it is pretty easy to wonder really what was he doing? I realized there was a problem Monday afternoon when people of New Orleans were on their roofs watching the water come nearer and nearer. Bush is not the only one to blame the Gov come have did alot more then she did, the mayor he was screwed and he knew it. Was it against blacks, don't think so but I do think it shows what the goverment thinks about the lower class... we will get to them sooner or later.. Title: Re: Right on...Hurricane Andrew and the Miami Culture Post by: CelticUrge on September 06, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Right on...Hurricane Andrew and the Miam..., posted by Heat on Sep 6, 2005
"Jessie Jackson and "The Reverend" Al Sharpton" These guys are charlatans and opportunists, at best. I have absolutely no respect for them. They hurt the "black cause" far more than they help, and they are getting rich from the support of the blacks. Open your eyes people. |