Title: Oprah goes to Houston Post by: OkieMan on September 07, 2005, 04:00:00 AM Ok guys,
I know Oprah is a very big star, and many rich celebrities, especially black celebrities, want to contribute during this Hurrican Katrina tragedy. That's all fine and good. So, I watch a few minutes of her show, on location at the Astrodome in Houston. She also has other celebrities at other locations helping, etc. Again fine. But, I am walking through the room doing some things, and she comments that after the commercial break, she will have the Rev. Jesse Jackson say something. I turned it off! Why couldn't she have another real minister, like T.D. Jakes, or someone (who is black), but also sincere. Not a scum bag like Jackson. Maybe I am overreacting, but I was disgusted!! I guess now she needs to get Louis Farakan and Al Sharpton, and they can all sing that old hymn, OkieMan Title: Re: Oprah goes to Houston Post by: Michael B on September 08, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Oprah goes to Houston, posted by OkieMan on Sep 7, 2005
I'm kind of partial to Reverend Ike. Not a racist, but a money grubber par execlance. (Haven't heard about him in a long time, wonder if he's till alive) --I don't NEED yo ten dolla, BUT, God WANTS you to send it to me. --Black power? I don't need no black power. My power is GREEN power. --Don't know what God YOU worship, but MY God don't mind if I pass through this vale of tears with some green in my pocket. --Tom Snyder: Reverend Ike, let's be up front. How much money do you actually make? Title: He also didn't like "noise pollution" at his services... Post by: Hoda on September 09, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Oprah goes to Houston, posted by Michael B on Sep 8, 2005
[This message has been edited by Hoda] I heard him say...."Y'all keep it quiet up in here, I don't need to hear ANY COINS in the collection boxes"... Waaaaaaay back in the day, when I was a DJ & model, he invited us up to his house in Rye NY. His place was right on Long Island sound, with a pool, tennis court & six-car garage. Looks like the "Rev" is getting hit with a sexual harassment suit! Famous Rev Ike quotes...lol "The LACK of money is the root of all evil." "Forget about the pie in the sky, get yours here and now." "Everything is a condition of the mind." "If it's that difficult for a rich man to get into heaven, think how terrible it must be for a poor man to get in. He doesn't even have a bribe for the gatekeeper." Title: Re: Re: Oprah goes to Houston Post by: Pete E on September 08, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Oprah goes to Houston, posted by Michael B on Sep 8, 2005
Reverend Ike was a prosperity type preacher.Alot of people think properity thinking works,it did for Ike.Reminds me of an old Flip Wilson routine,he is doing a skit,he is a stock broker.He is telling a guy,"I am the broker,you are the brokee." I kind of liked Reverend Ike. Real harmless compared to racist extortionists like Jesse Jackson. Pete Title: Re: Re: Oprah goes to Houston Post by: OkieMan on September 08, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Oprah goes to Houston, posted by Michael B on Sep 8, 2005
Michael, I guess I am not familiar with that particular man, but I know the type. I enjoy hearing good ministers, no matter what their skin color is-- but I do expect them to be honest. One that comes to mind is in your neck of the woods, T. D. Jakes. I believe that he is very sincere, and certainly has a large following. But, Jesse Jackson is vermin!! In my opinion he has been a boil on the butt of his own people; and he also has blackmailed many corporations (basically payoffs, like a protection racket). He will leave them alone, concerning supposed racial inequities, if they pay his "Rainbow Coalition" some money. That is how that skunk got rich. Much of this came out when it was found out about his illigetimate child with a co-worker. He shipped her off and paid her hush money; but it came out anyhow. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing!! OkieMan Title: Re: Oprah goes to Houston Post by: CelticUrge on September 08, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Oprah goes to Houston, posted by OkieMan on Sep 7, 2005
She also unleashed "Dr. Phil" on the unsuspecting world. Title: Re: Re: Oprah goes to Houston Post by: OkieMan on September 08, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Oprah goes to Houston, posted by CelticUrge on Sep 8, 2005
Celtic Urge, I take it that you are not a Dr. Phil fan? I don't get to watch him much, because in my area, his show is on the air while I am work. Once in a while I have watched his show, mainly out of curiosity. Now, there is absolutely no question that his target audience is women, as is Oprah's. But, of what I have seen, I like Dr. Phil, even though I may not always agree with him. By the way, even though he has spent most of his adult life living in Dallas, Texas; he was born in Oklahoma, not too far from where I live. He played football for Tulsa University, and still has family up here. So, on a personal note, he seems to be a good ole country boy, and I can relate. That is not to say, that I agree with all he has to say, but then no one is perfect. I sure can take his brand of stuff better than some of the other fools on TV-- like Jerry Springer, or Maury Povich, etc. Those shows stink big time! OkieMan Title: Re: Re: Re: Oprah goes to Houston Post by: CelticUrge on September 08, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Re: Oprah goes to Houston, posted by OkieMan on Sep 8, 2005
"some of the other fools on TV-- like Jerry Springer, or Maury Povich, etc" Check out the Latin version of these shows, "Laura" on cable. It's on the Telemundo channel, lunes a viernes 4pm/3c. |