Title: TV Special tonight Post by: BogotaJim on May 18, 2005, 04:00:00 AM Wednesday 5/18 on Fox "A Current Affair" they are doing a segment on American men in Colombia in search of romance. To find the local station and time go to www.acurrentaffair.com. I hope it is positive
Title: Re: TV Special tonight Post by: valuedcustomer on May 19, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to TV Special tonight, posted by BogotaJim on May 18, 2005
As far as I am concerned, the less publicity the better. My wife was never a member of an agency, and she has specifically asked me to never mention agencies with my friends, co-workers, or even my family. Once you get your wife here, she is the same as any other wife. Seeing is believing. Title: How did you meet? Post by: Patrick on May 19, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: TV Special tonight, posted by valuedcustomer on May 19, 2005
Have you ever shared the story of how you met? It would be nice to hear the details for those who prefer not to use an agency. Title: Re: Re: TV Special tonight Post by: jediknight on May 19, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: TV Special tonight, posted by valuedcustomer on May 19, 2005
[This message has been edited by jediknight] if your wife was never part of any agency, then why not mention it if she wasn't connected? my girlfriend and i met on amigos.com, we've met people who have gone through the same route and others through agencies, it doesn't bother anyone and when people ask us we tell them, we have nothing to hide and could care less what people may think, it worked for us and thats all that matters, whether its agencies, websites, whatever. JK Title: Re: TV Special tonight Post by: TLC Bruce on May 19, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to TV Special tonight, posted by BogotaJim on May 18, 2005
Jim, I saw the piece last night and thought it was great (not perfect, but fair and balanced). When seeking a foreign spouse, the positives far outweigh the negatives. Unfortunately, some people seek out only the negatives in this industry. Thanks for taking the time to promote these positives and give credibility to all those men who remain skepical of traveling to Latin America in search of a good woman. Title: give us an update Post by: jediknight on May 19, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to TV Special tonight, posted by BogotaJim on May 18, 2005
so how did the guys do on this trip? it seemed the 40 year old was smitten by one of the girls, how did things turn out? the younger guy has been there more often, about 11 times, how did he do? JK Title: Re: give us an update Post by: BogotaJim on May 19, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to give us an update, posted by jediknight on May 19, 2005
Want a good laugh ? when the older guy returned to the US his local Colombian girlfriend in his absence went thru his things and found the new girls name and phone number - she promptly phoned her in Bogota and told her that he was "private property" . Now he has some damage control to do. The younger guy is just too good looking and to many ladies are always asking for him. Today I received 2 e-mails from American women who were interested in him - they want to know how to contact this "hunk". Title: Re: Re: give us an update Post by: jediknight on May 20, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: give us an update, posted by BogotaJim on May 19, 2005
you have got to be pulling my chain, the younger guy too good looking? i know you're kidding,right? JK Title: Re: Re: Re: give us an update Post by: beenthere on May 20, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Re: give us an update, posted by jediknight on May 20, 2005
yeah, sooooo good-looking that Xiomara lied to him, telling him she was already in a relationship so the guy would leave her alone!!! too funny!! Title: Re: Re: give us an update Post by: pablo on May 19, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: give us an update, posted by BogotaJim on May 19, 2005
Jim, How about loading up that segment on your website for those that could not see it? Title: Re: TV Special tonight Post by: Gringo Loco on May 19, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to TV Special tonight, posted by BogotaJim on May 18, 2005
Did anyone tape the show? I live in Hollywood, FL and we no longer can get A Current Affair. I would like to see it. Regards, Mike Title: Re: Re: TV Special tonight Post by: david hagar on May 19, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: TV Special tonight, posted by Gringo Loco on May 19, 2005
We no longer get the program in Nashville. I was going to watch it. Beattledog Title: Xiomara Post by: Richard G on May 19, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to TV Special tonight, posted by BogotaJim on May 18, 2005
One thing I found interesting was one of the guys was interested in woman called Xiomara. However, she was “spoken for.” Currently on their website, third page of the women’s gallery, in the second row from the top, farthest to the right, there she is, Xiomara Garcia. You would think if it was reported in a nationally televised show that a woman was not available, they would at least take her off the website. I also noticed her on their first page as a new member. Didn’t the owner of this agency receive a lot of criticism in the past from board members? Title: Re: Xiomara Post by: BogotaJim on May 19, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Xiomara, posted by Richard G on May 19, 2005
Colombia gets nothing but negative press year after year and suddenly a positive story appears on national television and all you can do is look for more negatives. Maybe you and gringo loco and Jaime the exotic one can combine your talents and show the rest of us how its done. For your information Xiomara is single and available and works as a translator for Latin Lifemates. I assume she was not interested in the guy (you know this can happen ) and rather than hurt his feelings she told the T.V. produceer that she wasn't available, Title: Re: Re: Xiomara Post by: fathertime on May 19, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Xiomara, posted by BogotaJim on May 19, 2005
Who can blame Xiomara. The way that dork was talking to the woman was ridiculous. Maybe it was the editing but he appeared both condecsending and feminine. He must have had some game since he did bag an excellent woman in his earlier years but he should consider taking steroids or something to lower his voice a bit. He sounded like an overly articulate Mike Tyson. Title: Re: Xiomara Post by: Gringo Loco on May 19, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Xiomara, posted by Richard G on May 19, 2005
Richard, That is the problem with the majority of these sites. They do that The only site that I know of that actually gives a status report is If you read my posting on Reference to Turoks posting i I really hope I change the image of this busines. I really enjoy Regards, Michael Hurles Coming Soon! Title: Re: TV Special tonight Post by: Serenade on May 19, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to TV Special tonight, posted by BogotaJim on May 18, 2005
Enjoyed the story, although I probably haven't watched "A Current Affair" for 10 years. There were a couple of facts presented that I was wondering about, though. They said there were 5 women for every 1 man in Colombia, at least that is the impression one gets from watching this segment. Maybe "A Current Affair" meant that there was a ratio of 5 women to 1 man at the events/parties at LLM, that would make more sense. BTW, what is the ratio of women to men in Colombia? Also, the story said that membership in LLM was $1,200.00, not including travel and hotel expenses, and I was wondering if "A Current Affair" got this right. Title: Re: TV Special tonight Post by: jediknight on May 18, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to TV Special tonight, posted by BogotaJim on May 18, 2005
[This message has been edited by jediknight] although it was a short segment, it was nicely done. basically an overview of the process, they focused on two guys, one in his late 40's the other in his late 30's, both divorced, both successful,the guy in his 30's first wife was also colombian, he met her through the same agency LLM, but complained that she wanted to be a princess and became americanized soon after they were married. the 40 year old was divorced twice and said his fear was the girls motivation, saying that some may just want to come here and get their citizenship, but that and the language barrier didn't seem to deter him. it appeared that neither one spoke spanish, if they did it was edited out. there was one guy age 71(looked good for his age) and his 35 year old fiancee. when i was in barranquilla in jan, i met a woman, mid 20's, friend of my girlfriends family who is engaged to a 50+ year old that she met through an agency, didn't have a chance to talk to her too much about her experience but she seems to be in love. JK Title: in NYC area it'll be shown at 6:30 channel 5.n/t Post by: jediknight on May 18, 2005, 04:00:00 AM Title: hope it's positive for your agency Post by: jediknight on May 18, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to TV Special tonight, posted by BogotaJim on May 18, 2005
[This message has been edited by jediknight] when your website has a heading on the main page saying.. "A Current Affair-A good positive story portraying American men in Bogota on a mission to meet good Colombian women.Shot in part in our offices in Bogota !" ..chances are you know it will be. i'll be setting my vcr to see how it's presented, i'm curious to see how the agency, women and guys are shown. were any of the girls/guys interviewed? JK Title: Re: hope it's positive for your agency Post by: BogotaJim on May 18, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to hope it's positive for your agency, posted by jediknight on May 18, 2005
They had a crew of 4 from New York in Colombia for about 5 days and they shot a lot of footage - interviews with guys, girls, at parties etc - so I can't be sure what they will use but they told me it will be positive Title: Re: Re: hope it's positive for your agency Post by: MarkNJ on May 18, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: hope it's positive for your agency, posted by BogotaJim on May 18, 2005
All positive from my perspective!!! typical, take about five days and a ton of footage for about a 5 minute segment but it sure will get some blood flowing... Reminds me of our group, spent days working on several movies to only have our hours and hours of footage cut down to a few minutes... oh well, that's show biz |