Title: Why would somebody post.......... Post by: Demolitionguy on May 14, 2005, 04:00:00 AM Why would somebody post pictures of their girlfriends on the web? I do not known the guy that does this nor do I care to meet him. It is one thing to have a picture with your girlfriend in a tasteful manner. but to have 6 or so girls on your bed is another.
Another thing, why would guys on this site be so excited about seeing this garbage. By the way, I am not a religious nut, I just have class. David Title: Re: Why would somebody post.......... Post by: Jamie on May 15, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Why would somebody post.........., posted by Demolitionguy on May 14, 2005
David you are on a forum that is not moderated. There is occasional censorship but no moderation. So you not only have men who share their successes, failures, views and experiences but also a pack of classless provokers with limited intelligence, I get to spar with them and to make it a challenge all at once. For some reason they are allowed to use this forum as a playground. Engage the Exotic – Latin Women Title: Gee Jamie, thanks for your support...... Post by: Hoda on May 16, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Why would somebody post.........., posted by Jamie on May 15, 2005
Occasional censorship, but no moderation?!!! I won't even address the rest of your remarks. But I find them rather pompous & holier than thou.... Title: Hoda Post by: Jamie on May 16, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Gee Jamie, thanks for your support......, posted by Hoda on May 16, 2005
I wasn’t slamming you Frank explained my position. It could be a full time job to be a true moderator the objective force that filters through every post. People should not be able to make wild charges that they can not support. I believe this forum would be better served by moderators intervening with the discussion tp maintain the clarity, flow and subject focus. I am not one to desire censoring whole threads. True moderation would require stepping in when irrelevant points are brought up or questions are not being answered and so on. Not a pussy moderator like they have on the presidential debates but more in line with university style debates. Engage the Exotic – Latin Women Title: Send your blank check & proposal to Patrick..... Post by: Hoda on May 17, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Hoda, posted by Jamie on May 16, 2005
to pay for this team of moderators :-) Sorry J, but with all of PL's faults...IMO, the good far outweighs the bad! The experiences that shape our existence rarely will allow for total clarity, flow & subject focus... Peace in the Middle-East & everywhere else.... Title: Gee Jamie, thanks for your support...... Post by: Cali James on May 16, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Gee Jamie, thanks for your support......, posted by Hoda on May 16, 2005
[This message has been edited by Cali James] Hey Hoda, I didn't read Jaime's comment as a slight against you personally but rather against some of the other guys here. I've never really thought of PL as a truly moderated forum either. I think a classicly moderated forum is one where your post goes to the moderator first before it goes public. The moderator controls the postings much more closely. Here the forum is for the most part free with the occasional clean up from some of the protracted name calling threads. Title: LOL.... Post by: Hoda on May 16, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Gee Jamie, thanks for your support......, posted by Cali James on May 16, 2005
CJ.... Your description (and possibly Jaime's) of a classicly moderated forum, sounds like one that would contain more censorship, than what this forum offers. have you danced on any tables lately :-) Title: Re: LOL.... Post by: Cali James on May 16, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to LOL...., posted by Hoda on May 16, 2005
[This message has been edited by Cali James] Yes, you're right, a classicly moderated forum was a forum where the moderator read the post before it was put on display. He or she typically had a lot more control on what was posted then what we have here. I purposely didn't use the word censorship because it has a negative connotation to most people although Jaime used the term. However the owner of a forum (or his representative), kind of like the owner of a business, can set the rules or price of admission if you will. I don't see it as censorship if a forum is moderated. It's not a free speech issue. Anyway, not trying to dance or even be funny, just trying to see someone's post from an alternative viewpoint. I personally didn't see his comments as much of an attack on you and if it was, it seemed like more of a wish that you'd control the content of the board more. His harsher comments were clearly directed at other people who he thinks are playing games here. Title: I'm kool with that CJ.... Post by: Hoda on May 17, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: LOL...., posted by Cali James on May 16, 2005
but trying to control content is a "On the Job" thing for me. Like I said before...I've stopped trying to find a perfect balance. Besides, this is a free forum, with free style posting (to an extent...lol). On a positive note, the emails have been 10 (Way to go) to 1 (you suck) in regards to my appointment here on PL. Title: Re: Re: Why would somebody post.......... Post by: doombug on May 15, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Why would somebody post.........., posted by Jamie on May 15, 2005
"For some reason they are allowed to use this forum as a playground." At least they're not self-serving. Some use the forum to draw clients. Title: Or run them off... n/t Post by: wizard on May 15, 2005, 04:00:00 AM Title: If you're so smart why are you not rich? Post by: Heat on May 15, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Why would somebody post.........., posted by Jamie on May 15, 2005
So you not only have men who share their successes, failures, views and experiences but also a pack of classless provokers with limited intelligence, I get to spar with them and to make it a challenge all at once. For some reason they are allowed to use this forum as a playground."" Come on Jamie, answer the question. What's a guy who should be in his prime earning years doing chasing a few pesos in BQ? Why are you not making real money in the real world? If you is so smart why is you so poor? Title: Your Decline. Post by: Jamie on May 15, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to If you're so smart why are you not rich?, posted by Heat on May 15, 2005
"Come on Jamie, answer the question." Heat I’ve answered every one of you lies you have yet to answer one of my questions not one. It’s a waste of time for me to continue responding to one lie after another they are as fabricated as is your self-worth. A disgruntled, sour ex-cop who is unable to have a committed relationship and needs the ego boast of an elevate pseudo name. How sad. Continued fortunes with your "real business" since it is an enterprise proudly modeled to make lots of money I don’t know why you refuse to share what it is? Title: Re: Your Decline. Post by: Tommy on May 15, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Your Decline., posted by Jamie on May 15, 2005
I dont know whether you comprehend this but the more you post the more customers you are losing. I couldnt imagine using your agency, you would probably argue with me the whole time. Just an observation. I know you wont take the thinly veiled advice. Tommy Title: Questions Post by: Jamie on May 15, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Your Decline., posted by Tommy on May 15, 2005
Tommy I’ve said this more than once, I am here just like everyone else to learn and speak of my experiences and views. If my intention was to pick up customers I would be kind and nice to everyone regardless of what they say and stay off all of the controversial subjects. Wouldn’t that be the best approach for sales? But I don’t take that approach because it is not my objective. If you and others believe I am losing customers than that should be of no concern to anyone correct? It affects no one but me. Now if I don’t mind no one else should mind either. If anything I did you favor because now you know not to use me for any services. I appreciate your advice but that is my position you may believe it is a bad position but it is not because I lack comprehension in what I am doing. Tommy have you noticed no other agency owner post regularly on this board? The reason is they are immediately attacked. The owner of TLC posted no more than one word a few weeks ago and he was abruptly called a name and challenged. I defended the competition did I not? That can’t be good for sales wouldn’t it be better not to say anything when the competition is being attacked? Even with my good record you have losers spearing me with garbage and lies. While I can defend myself with ease most won’t take the onslaught and their perspective is lost they just don’t come on board. Is this the type of dialogue you want a small pack of jackals flashing their fading bravado commanding attention by using their limited vocabulary as weapons? It is very easy to say let it go but they are not calling you the names or disparaging your reputation. You had one poster tell me to stop defending myself, yet he defends himself when wrongly attacked. And his reason was oh well the accusations against me were stronger than the accusations against you, so it was ok for him but not for me. Does this make sense, of course not. Tommy ask yourself, if someone on this forum was publicly saying your girlfriend or wife sleeps around and it was not true would you be quiet? I am guessing you would challenge such a person and I would not only defend your action to do so I would back you up. But think about it, its only sex why not just let them say what they want no one is going to think your accusers are right if you keep quite will they? You know the answer to that they would all think your silence means they were right. If you call one guys wife a whore he may be outraged if you call another man’s wife a whore he may tell you that’s why he married her. I think it is up to you to determine what you should defend don’t you think others should have the same choice? You had a poster below that was being unfairly attacked and I stepped in because the skepticism was unwarranted. One of the problems with this world is people don’t speak out against wrongs you have to confront evil with a force that is more brutal than what evil can muster or evil will grow. Now this is not to imply that some of the clowns here are evil because I do not believe they are, but the same remedy applies. I don’t just defend Jamie; I defended my competition and many others that I felt were being wrongly persecuted and I will continue to do so. Engage the Exotic – Latin Women Title: Question for Jamie??? Post by: latinadreaming on May 15, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Questions, posted by Jamie on May 15, 2005
Last year on the Two Gringos site an agency owner gave his opinion of the men that were coming to use his agency. As I remember, he did not give such a rosey review for the men that were coming down. I believe he said only 30 to 40 percent were nice and respectful. He even gave an account were he had to punch a guy because he was grabbing a girl ass on the first date! I wanted to get your opinion on the types of gringos you see and please highlight anything that should be corrected. I'm sure your response will be very enlightening!! Also will help a few too! Title: Re: Re: Your Decline. Post by: pablo on May 15, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Your Decline., posted by Tommy on May 15, 2005
[This message has been edited by pablo] Tommy, Welcome to the board. Maybe since you are new to the board you haven't read much of the history. In any event, to my way of thinking, Jamie's comments would have just the opposite effect. IMO he has come across as taking the higher road plus his rebuttals to the naysayers who threw the first stones were brilliant. What would you recommend if someone was attacking you and your business from those that know nothing about it? Pablo Title: From an unbiased observer... Post by: Ray on May 15, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Why would somebody post.........., posted by Jamie on May 15, 2005
I’m sorry Jamie, but your post sounded just like something you would expect from a “…classless provoker with limited intelligence”. To me it came across as just another cheap flame post from someone trying to provoke another fight. Are you sure that YOU aren’t using this forum as YOUR “playground”? Take a break and relax… :-) Ray Title: We're all biased to some extent Post by: Cali James on May 16, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to From an unbiased observer..., posted by Ray on May 15, 2005
[This message has been edited by Cali James] "Take a break and relax… :-)" Probably very good advice. I will say that I read every post the last several days and my opinion is that Jaime has shown more restraint in his postings than those taking jabs at him. His detracters comments, have a bit more edge and bite to them IMO. It takes two to tango for sure but it's not just Jaime who is continuing this in new threads. Anyway, these threads are TAME compared to the good old days. Guys would jump all over each other for the slightest of offenses. Some of our most respected members here were quite good at going sideways down the page. lol Title: Re: From an unbiased observer... Post by: Jamie on May 15, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to From an unbiased observer..., posted by Ray on May 15, 2005
Ray if you look you will see in every case all attacks were initiated by others. I don’t consider it another fight but the same fight. Heat is nothing more than an inane bully and some of his followers are not much better. But you are right I am playing around too much I got carried away squishing him. Thanks for the input. Title: Re: From an unbiased observer... Post by: Jake on May 15, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to From an unbiased observer..., posted by Ray on May 15, 2005
Ray , I have to agree with you . Jamie remarks on writing abook on every subject and quoting on every thing ....Like is trying to be the " ANN LANDERS " of latin dating agency . It is just getting very old ............ Jake .......... Title: Re: Re: From an unbiased observer... Post by: pablo on May 15, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: From an unbiased observer..., posted by Jake on May 15, 2005
Actually I find it rather amusing to read the discussions that involve Jamie and those few “classless provokers with limited intelligence”. Ray made the comment that it came across as a “cheap flame post from someone trying to provoke another fight” but I respectfully disagree. How else could you define a poster(s) who knows nothing about Jamie or his business yet continues to make biased and unsubstantiated derogatory comments, who won’t respond to him other than continued name calling? Not only have these recent hecklers not met Jamie or used his services, but we have at least three posters that have who recommended him and his agency. This small group of critics does not want to recognize this which makes me believe that their disdain is more motivated from getting trounced in their sparring attempts. I don’t know about you, but if my reputation and business were slandered by such unknowledgeable critics I would respond the same, rather than run for cover. It’s humorous when the schoolyard bully picks on the wrong person and after the confrontation comes away with the only black eye yet keeps coming back for more. Title: Re: Re: Re: From an unbiased observer... Post by: Ray on May 15, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Re: From an unbiased observer..., posted by pablo on May 15, 2005
Hi Pablo, I thought my comments were self-explanatory, but let me explain further why I used the comment “just another cheap flame post from someone trying to provoke another fight”. I didn’t say anything while Jamie and others were having a little war down below in another thread and I wouldn’t have said anything if he had kept it there. And I don’t begrudge anyone the opportunity to defend himself. However, he chose to post an obvious flame message in another totally unrelated thread, which only served to expand the flame war and provoke more clutter. Because he did this while at the same time complaining about the forum and the flaming by “classless provokers” that goes on here, I guess I just found that to be a little hypocritical. Why not give the poor moderators a break and keep the flames in one thread so he doesn’t have to delete half the page to clean up :-) Peace, Ray Title: thanks Ray..... Post by: Hoda on May 16, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Re: Re: From an unbiased observer..., posted by Ray on May 15, 2005
[This message has been edited by Hoda] I'm trying to decide on a "cut-off" point now :-)...I also try to allow the respective parties a slap or two, and then end it before things get too ugly...lol Title: Re: Why would somebody post.......... Post by: Red Clay on May 14, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Why would somebody post.........., posted by Demolitionguy on May 14, 2005
Your last sentence answers your own question. Title: Not everyone thinks like you. Post by: Heat on May 14, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Why would somebody post.........., posted by Demolitionguy on May 14, 2005
I would try and be a little more open minded. Many women have no problem with it. To each his own. |