Title: How do ladies view man with a child? Post by: kidwonder on May 15, 2005, 04:00:00 AM I was wondering what many of you have experienced about the views of the ladies in Colombia when the man has a child.
Title: Re: How do ladies view man with a child? Post by: pablo on May 15, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to How do ladies view man with a child?, posted by kidwonder on May 15, 2005
Patrick or Hoda must be on the ball handing out so many passwords lately. Good work guys! Seems to be lots of new posters. Good question Kidwonder, I think I met only one Latina who had a problem with me having two children from a previous marriage. At the time, I didn't speak very much Spanish so used the assistance of a translator during this interview. Everything was going fine until I came back to the topic about my children. I thought of asking her point blank if she had a problem with me having two teenage children. I wasn't expecting her rather blunt, "Sí" and glanced over at the translator to see her eyes get wide-eyed. I thought perhaps she misunderstood my question and mentioned that they were living with there mother. "Sí, entiendo pero no mi gusta" was her reply because she didn't want to share her love with a man and anticipated future problems if the guy had kids. I was surprised and commented that any lady who wanted to have a relationship with me would also have one to a degree with my children and the interview ended soon afterwards. My comment to the translator was at least she was honest to which she agreed. She isn't the norm for most Latinas. In my experience, most don't mind, especially if the children don't live with you and even then it's probably not an issue. Be aware though that most Latinas would like to have children if they don't already, especially those under 30. Title: Re: Re: How do ladies view man with a child? Post by: kidwonder on May 15, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: How do ladies view man with a child?, posted by pablo on May 15, 2005
Thanks for the information. I have a teenager daughter that lives with me and of course anyone that wants a relationship with me would have to accept her as well. I read the posts about the difficulties of a new relationship with a Latina and adding children to the new relationship could be hard. I suppose not much different than a child would be for a relationship with an American Woman. Title: Re: Re: Re: How do ladies view man with a child? Post by: david hagar on May 16, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Re: How do ladies view man with a ch..., posted by kidwonder on May 15, 2005
the same here beattledog Title: Re: Re: Re: How do ladies view man with a child? Post by: utopiacowboy on May 16, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Re: How do ladies view man with a ch..., posted by kidwonder on May 15, 2005
"Difficulties of a new relationship with a Latina"? What difficulties? This is the smoothest relationship I have ever had. My wife and I have 7 kids between us (3 hers and 4 mine) and even though at times there are problems with the kids, there are never problems between my wife and me as a result. We make sure that we are always on the same page. Title: Re: Re: Re: How do ladies view man with a child? Post by: pablo on May 15, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to Re: Re: How do ladies view man with a ch..., posted by kidwonder on May 15, 2005
You're welcome KW. If your daughter is anything like mine, those Latinas that will be interested in you, will be in her. I tell the ladies I'm dating that they will easily fall in love with my kids because they really are neat kids. I'm actually bringing one with me this summer. Now that should prove quite interesting! I would venture to say that a LW would more easily accept a stepdaughter than an AW but of course, each woman is different. All the best in your search. If you haven't yet ventured to Latin America you are going to be in for a very nice surprise! Title: Re: How do ladies view man with a child? Post by: jediknight on May 15, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to How do ladies view man with a child?, posted by kidwonder on May 15, 2005
[This message has been edited by jediknight] generally speaking i think that they are more compassionate since this is not the norm in colombia, colombianas are use to seeing the woman in a broken relationship raising their children while the man ignores his responsibilities, so they can identify more with a man raising his kids, they would see this as a plus...a man who is responsible, caring and loving. i think a colombiana would be more interested in the kind of relationship the ex wife/ex girlfriend might have in the relationship. colombianas and latinas in general are very jealous and suspicious of other women in their mans life, so don't be surprised if the guy gets alot of questions about the relationship he may still have with the childs mother. Title: They love children Post by: Jamie on May 15, 2005, 04:00:00 AM ... in response to How do ladies view man with a child?, posted by kidwonder on May 15, 2005
I had a client jokingly tell his date he had 9 nine children from 9 different women and how did she feel about that? With a straight face she said that was ok with her you have a different culture. She was promptly crossed off his list. I’ve seen less than 10% of the women (all childless) not wanting to marry a man with children and a much higher percentage of men not wanting to marry a woman with children. Engage the Exotic – Latin Women |