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GoodWife / Planet-Love Archives => Threads started in 2001 => Topic started by: SteveB on November 04, 2001, 05:00:00 AM

Title: My Story! Part IX
Post by: SteveB on November 04, 2001, 05:00:00 AM
After I left The little lieing vitch,,,I was surprised at my feelings!  Sure there was some anger and hurt.  However, the overwelming feeling was relief.  I was relieved from a big burden of taking on someone's problems.  MY big weakness has always been taking on someone elses pain, feeling sorry for them and trying to fix things.  So, I learned a lot from this very bad relationship and decided that was the best way to look at it.  I called Juliet ( I met her the summer of 2000), and asked if we could be friends again?  Soon, we were texting each other, sending emails, and talking on the phone.  It was very nice to communicate with someone who is honest and sincere.  She is also sweet as sugar and puts her faith in God in all ways.   I planned a visit during the summer of 2001.  I traveled to Cebu and was met at the airport by Juliet, and her brother and sister.  We enjoyed our stay at the PI Dream hotel ship for a couple of days and traveled to the Island of Bohol to meet and visit with lots of family.  The high lite of the trip (other than our engagement), was the pig roast.  I bought a small pig and some local boys cleaned and roasted it.  Juliet's mother shared the pig with the entire village of Pangpang.  I got the feeling whenever anyone had extra food, they shared with other villagers.  During the roast, little girl cousins started singing and chanting local songs while playing pitty pat.  We had so much fun.  I was in aw of the happiness of the people in the village.  After a stay of 5 days we returned to Cebu and I returned home.  Most of you know of the pain and suffering while waiting for the Visa.  Well,  OURS is over!!!!  Juliet has been here for a week and we are having fun making oriental food, and enjoying each days activities.  My house is cleaner also.  LOL!

My final thoughts:

1.  Trust your instincts, if someone is trying to throw you off of them,,its probably a scam.
2.  Seek happy girls.
3.  Seek happiness for your family.
4.  Enjoy Life.


Title: seek happy girls
Post by: cc on November 06, 2001, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to My Story!  Part IX, posted by SteveB on Nov 4, 2001

I couldn't agree more!!!
thanks for sharing this incredible story and best of luck to both of you!

Title: Congratulations!
Post by: Dave H on November 06, 2001, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to My Story!  Part IX, posted by SteveB on Nov 4, 2001

Hi Steve and Juliet,

Great story and a fantastic conclusion! We are very happy for both of you.

Dave H & Marife.

Title: Hey Dave..
Post by: Jeff S on November 06, 2001, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Congratulations!, posted by Dave H on Nov 6, 2001

When are we going to see pictures of you and Marife?

Jeff S.

Title: Well...
Post by: Dave H on November 09, 2001, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Hey Dave.., posted by Jeff S on Nov 6, 2001

Hi Jeff,

I think my wife is afraid to be seen together with me. I can't imagine why. ;o)) I told her that only around 600,000 people look at the pictures each week.

Dave H.

Title: Re: My Story! Part IX
Post by: Jeff S on November 05, 2001, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to My Story!  Part IX, posted by SteveB on Nov 4, 2001

Great ending Steve. I really enjoyed your story and have been following it from the beginning on the Latin Board. Welcome to America, Juliet. I spent my early teens in the KC area and canoed all those rivers in southern Missouri - beautiful country! How about a photo of the two of you for the Asian Sweetie web site.

-- Jeff S.

Title: Re: Re: My Story! Part IX
Post by: SteveB on November 05, 2001, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: My Story!  Part IX, posted by Jeff S on Nov 5, 2001

Jeff, As soon as we get one we will send!!!

Steveb and Juliet

Title: Re: My Story! Part IX the happy part
Post by: jim in the pi on November 05, 2001, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to My Story!  Part IX, posted by SteveB on Nov 4, 2001

i met joanne by knocking her down, i was going out a door and she was on the steps coming in and i knocked her down, it was rainning and she sat in the water and smiled up at me! i sat in the water beside her and have been beside her ever since.
the 3 j's

Title: Great ending...
Post by: Ray on November 05, 2001, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to My Story!  Part IX, posted by SteveB on Nov 4, 2001

...and good advice.

Welcome to America Juliet!


Title: "hi" Juliet. Tell us about your 1st week in USA!!!
Post by: FilipinaCupid on November 04, 2001, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to My Story!  Part IX, posted by SteveB on Nov 4, 2001

Steve, I thank you for sharing about your experiences and so glad you have happy ending.  I liKe your final thoughts in last post ... so true!

I wish youbBlessings and much shared joyed in your life with Juliet,


Title: Re: My Story! Part IX
Post by: Stephen on November 04, 2001, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to My Story!  Part IX, posted by SteveB on Nov 4, 2001

Good post.  You said many things that are very helpful.

I particulary agree with your advice to seek someone who is happy.  If they are not basically already a happy person, then you won't be able to make them happy.  BUT THEY CAN MAKE YOU MISERABLE.

Good to hear from you.

Stephen & Tess

Title: Re: My Story! Part IX
Post by: Taliman on November 04, 2001, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to My Story!  Part IX, posted by SteveB on Nov 4, 2001

YEAH for Steve and Juliet.
WOW she's here already?
Can you share your timeline for your I-129F.
Children in the P.I. are so cute and special they survive with so little sometimes.
Do you have a scanned pic of the Picture that Vivian first sent to your but it was someone else.
Please share if you can.
I've heard in the past where gals will cut pics of Filipina movie stars and models and send
them into the agencies but in reality they are Pangit!

Taliman and Congrats.

PS what state are you in.
I'm in WA.

Title: No photos.....
Post by: SteveB on November 04, 2001, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: My Story!  Part IX, posted by Taliman on Nov 4, 2001

.....I didn't want a VIRUS in my computer!!!!!LOL!!!We are actually living in the Ozarks near Springfield Missouri.  I was told the photo was a movie star,,,,,maybe it better watch out,,,lol,,,she posted on mag-anak that she is in washington ,,,,,best of luck !

Steve and Juliet!!!

Title: Re: No photos.....
Post by: Taliman on November 04, 2001, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to No photos....., posted by SteveB on Nov 4, 2001

Thanks for the heads up Steve B.
I've got 2 secret agents In the area I can send out to
dispatch her Carr and

Title: Re: My Story! Part IX
Post by: Bear on November 04, 2001, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to My Story!  Part IX, posted by SteveB on Nov 4, 2001

I'm happy for you dude.  St.Louis will never be the same again.


Title: Re: Re: My Story! Part IX
Post by: Taliman on November 04, 2001, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: My Story!  Part IX, posted by Bear on Nov 4, 2001

Oh Steve so your in St. Louis. "home of the ARCH"
Guess I should pay more attention.
Well come visit our Needle