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GoodWife / Planet-Love Archives => Threads started in 2001 => Topic started by: Bear on November 09, 2001, 05:00:00 AM

Title: Enuff's enuff
Post by: Bear on November 09, 2001, 05:00:00 AM
I quit my contract today, only had 8 days left on it anyway.  Bought a ticket to R.P. and my wife. Leaving next Friday.  Not sure if I have another job here yet and probably won't know till next Friday but I am not sure I care.  With the economy the way it is and Honey not here my options are so limited.  I wish these fools had kept me on for 6 more months and I would have had a tremendous number of options available then.

I guess Honey and I will see some sights around Baguio and a few other places.  Take a few weeks to regroup.

Have a few business ideas in mind.  Can someone out there help me with what is expected of making shipments back to the USA?  I mean are there restrictions, taxes and fees involved?  Oddly enuff, if I knew how to get the product back here, I have buyers.  I already have a backlog of orders!?  The seller says she can sale 2000 in a week and has orders for over 200 already and I haven't even found a supplier (but Honey has done some checking there for me).  I think if all our calculations are correct and the shipping is within expectations profit should easily be 3 to 1 (before USA taxes of course).

Wow! I might add I wrote ALL my congressmen 6 weeks ago asking for help and finally got a letter from one today.  I told them I had to have some action in 7 weeks or less?  Gee thanks for the quick response public servants.

Hmmmmm?  What should I call the return trip report?  


Title: Re: Enuff's enuff
Post by: tomtneal on November 11, 2001, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Enuff's enuff, posted by Bear on Nov 9, 2001

what are you selling anyway

Title: Re: Re: Enuff's enuff
Post by: Bear on November 11, 2001, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Enuff's enuff, posted by tomtneal on Nov 11, 2001

Several items but my main line is going to be American woman sized clothing.


Title: We'll have to start calling you Omar
Post by: Jeff S on November 12, 2001, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Enuff's enuff, posted by Bear on Nov 11, 2001

.. the tentmaker

Title: Good Luck Bear!
Post by: Jeff S on November 10, 2001, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Enuff's enuff, posted by Bear on Nov 9, 2001

Ray's right, you need to find a good Customs Broker. The guy I've used since the 70s just retired and shut down his office, so I don't have any good recommendations but here's a directory of brokers for the port of LA These brokers can also arrange air shipments in, too. I'd suggest calling around and discussing your plans with several until you find one you have good chemistry with (sound familiar?)

-- Jeff S.

Title: "Running With (or From) the Devil"
Post by: Dave H on November 10, 2001, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Enuff's enuff, posted by Bear on Nov 9, 2001

Hey Bear, may run into some Abu Sayyaf.  

2000 sales in one week? That's alot of widgets! ;o) Have a great trip and best of luck.

Hey Jimbo, how many green mangoes do you want? Also, I have some "dry" land in Florida for sale with plenty of coconut trees. he he he...

Dave H.

Title: Return to Paradise?
Post by: Ray on November 09, 2001, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Enuff's enuff, posted by Bear on Nov 9, 2001

No, I guess that one's already taken :-)

You need to talk to some customs brokers here to see what is involved. Try to find one with an office in the Phils. They can probably handle the shipping for you also.

Have a good trip and say hello to the Mrs...

And if you see any Abu Sayaf, flip them off for me.


Title: Good Luck Bear!
Post by: Jimbo on November 09, 2001, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Enuff's enuff, posted by Bear on Nov 9, 2001

How about "Take This Job and Shove it"

Can I place my order now?  I'll take a case of baluts, 25 coconuts and a few bunches of those little bananas :o))
