Brazilpro got banned a few months ago.He didn't understand the rules on talking about hookers.He asked a question about a certain Medellin Casa,I suggested private mails,which we did,but then he came back with a comment here that got him banned.He is not a monger,not even close.It was more curiosity.
I know ignorance of the law is no excuse but it was pretty innocent.
Plus I think he has alot to add.He has an apartment in Brazil plus goes to Cuba 4 times a year.He speaks excellent spanish.After all his experience he now prefers Colombia,so there is alot of insight for comparison purposes here.He stayed with me a few days recently but will return.He had a great time here,really likes Cali but also likes Medellin.
He also took alot of heat and got called a shill for posting positive things about Cali Vip.He is not a shill,that was his experience,but Mike got off to such a bad start here guys jumped on Brazilpro for defending him.
This guy is a world of imformation and could be a big asset here.Please consider giving him another chance.