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Author Topic: Spirited week on PL  (Read 12160 times)
jim c
« Reply #15 on: February 02, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Spirited week on PL, posted by WS244 on Feb 2, 2005

Well ws

   I find an extremely large hole in your logic.Although I cannot blame you for your misinterpertation of the ethics and morals of the latin woman.This fantasy has been fed into the minds of the gringos by the agencies that hope to profit from this sales pitch. The same morals of 50 years ago BULL. I have been coming here for five years and find Latin women no more loyal or chaste than american women. They just know  better ways to get what they want. They screw around just as much as their men and are just about as honest. Although I often disagreed with Larry G on LWL, his economic theory holds pretty true. Just try and get a date with an upper class Colombian lady that is  younger than you are, good luck.

    Where do you think all these illegitimate kids come from ? What is a green card lady all about? Gringoes here are like a short, fat, bald guy in Las Vegas smoking a cigar and lighting it with hundred dollar bills.There are those who will find him desirable. I have met severable women who I find interesting here but unfortunately they are few and far between. I am not interested in a beautiful young girl that cannot communicate with  me at an intelligent level. I have read to many horror stories here about letting your latin wife go to the disco because you are too tired and then suspecting she may be doing a younger guy. The one thing I have learned is that guys looking for pu--y wont listen to anything you tell them. Soooooooooo guys believe what you want to believe.The bible told me so!! JIMC

PS If there are no equality strings why are so many latinas divorcing Gringoes?

« Reply #16 on: February 02, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Spirited week on PL, posted by jim c on Feb 2, 2005

The same morals as 50 years ago, in the sense that the american woman knew her place in the family unit, and the man was head of the family.  

Today there are still many colombian girls brought up in a culture that respects the above fact.  There is no bull in that.  

Agencies are agencies, no different than cruise lines, used car salesmaen, and a sales pitch is a sales pitch.  One gets what one pays for, and if one is stupid, then one pays more for less. They may be able to legislate political correctness in the U.S. but they can not legislate out peoples stupidity.

If a man expects to associate with a certain class colombian lady, or any lady for that matter, then that individual is expected to act with the same mannerisms and behavior as that class.  In many cases, yes money is important, but more often than not a jerk is a jerk, and women by nature are much more adept at picking out jerks, then men are picking out worthless women.

There are many available women in colombia of all classes looking for a good man.  If there is a problem meeting women of certain class or mannerisms in Cartegena, then I suggest one might go to Bogota, for there are many available there, and many could care less about age, as long as the age difference is not too great.

Yes many latinas are divorcing gringoes in the U.S., but in many cases only because their purpose to begin with was  for a one way ticket.  I would suggest one would not find many gringos married to colombianas living in colombia divorced though.


jim c
« Reply #17 on: February 03, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Spirited week on PL, posted by WS244 on Feb 2, 2005



I rest my case. JIMC  

« Reply #18 on: February 03, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Spirited week on PL, posted by jim c on Feb 3, 2005

My focus on your original post was about your basic statement of "good luck meeting a girl of class".
Most of the colombians familys with class are of direct spanish blood, (fair skin, in many cases with blonde hair, green eyes, etc.)and not mestizos, mulatos, zambos, etc.
Spanish blood is a minority in Cartegena, and not the place to find spanish girls, and generally along the coastal cities of colombia as well.
In the interior, particularly in bogota, there is a much greater spanish population, hence as a rule, a better educated, and class of people.  Many people had made statements that the women in bogota are better educated and more reserved, which equates to a better class, just as many others said the really pretty ones are in cali, etc.  
So though it is not politically correct, if one wants a mexican, go to mexicali, if one wants more of an an opportunity to meet a spanish girl, then go to mexico city.
Just being from a family with class does not mean that person is better than others, just as being from a lower class family, does not mean that person is less of a person in life.
In the states one can either go to a dance hall, or to a black tie function, and as a rule come out with very different results. In the former one wears levi's, and the other a tux. There is a difference, but unfortuneately many people do not not understand the fork is on the left side of the plate, and the napkin goes on the lap.
jim c
« Reply #19 on: February 03, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Spirited week on..., posted by WS244 on Feb 3, 2005

Actually I said upper class and don't kid yourself wssssss there are distinct class lines here and the last name is important, You keep harping on Cartagena, I spoke about Colombia in general having maintained an apt in Cali for four years. And.........While I am at it, I don't think any of us here needs a sophmoric lesson in: the clothes don't make the person and where you go will give different results.
   I will also comment on what Michael Mc Donald sings, "What a fool believes.... He see's and a wise man has a problem to reason away,what a fool believes".  I have met a lot of fools in Colombia and I doubt that a lot of veterans here will disagree when I say that most gringos bit by the latina fantasy will totally disregard common sense and  rationalize ( for centuries) the facts to defend his dream of the "VIRGIN MARIA". I speak from experience.
   Fortunately, after returning home, the smitten one usually after reducing the costs to a bottom line decides that frugality is the better part of Valor. Please drink from the magic well of knowlege "THE ARCHIVES"  Learning from others opinions based on their experience is a great way to avoid diappointment and is not really heresy. jimc
« Reply #20 on: February 04, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Spirited wee..., posted by jim c on Feb 3, 2005

You indicated it was impossible to meet a younger Colombian girl of class. I mentioned in response to your original post, most of the the middle, or "upper class colombians as you indicated", are mainly of direct spanish heritage, were predominantly in the interior of the country, and small in number in Cartagena where you are, or along the coastal regions.  My point simply, was one would have a better chance of meeting women of class in the interior, as there are more of them in number, particularly in Bogota.  
Your comment of "distinct class lines and last name" and "a lot of fools in Colombia" is applicable in any country, more visible in the latin culture, and applicable to my original and current post response. Your other comments in your last post are applicable to something else I have no response for.
Pete E
« Reply #21 on: February 02, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Spirited week on PL, posted by WS244 on Feb 2, 2005

For all the talk of going south to seek awoman with a different attitude I think we primarily go seek seek a woman with a different body.Younger,more attractive.There were women in the US I could have had with good attitudes.I just couldn't accept what they looked like.
BUT,the femininity and attitude of a Colombiana is usually a plus also.Its true they look to the man for support,because thats reality down here,they are not likely to do too good on their own.And being in this role the man does get more off a say in things like finances.
And,about bodies,I just saw an increible one at Chipi Chapi.This woman  had been totally augmented,but to an extreme.Huge boobs,smallish stomach and huge butt,even too big for a buttman like me. I told my Colombian friend looks like overkill to me.The Colombianas with us understood too.I have never seen anything like her in the US.The feminine look is carried to extreme with medical modification.


« Reply #22 on: February 02, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Spirited week on PL, posted by Pete E on Feb 2, 2005

[This message has been edited by doombug]

Buttock implants--"butt plants"--are some of the most whacked new trends in body sculpting.  Imagine these women when they're 65 years old!  

There are, of course, downsides (and the lawsuits that accompany them):

"A woman who yearned to have a bottom as luscious and rounded as the rear end of pop star Jennifer Lopez has found her dreams blasted to smithereens -- after her butt implants exploded!"

"And she [Candy Jones-Davies, 22--the 'implantee'] says a surgical nurse has agreed to testify in her attempt to collect $17.5 million for medical expenses, lost future wages and emotional pain and suffering."

"Jones-Davies, a receptionist from Pretoria, South Africa, says that before the butt blast, she was on the verge of signing a modeling contract with the talent agency where she works."

They'd make a great Christmas present for a wife or novia!

"The national average of 2003 surgeon fees for butt implants was $3,681 (Source: The American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery). These fees do not include anesthesia, operating room facility, hospital stay and other related expenses."

I know, it's a little pricey.  But we can compromise.  Just tell your lady that you'll finance one butt cheek this Christmas, and the other butt cheek next Christmas.

Peace out!

« Reply #23 on: February 02, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Spirited week on PL, posted by Pete E on Feb 2, 2005

...we go south to find rettier, younger womenhere is no major difference in attitude or values.  LA illegitimacy rates exceed the US, women screw around as much as the men do and women have learned that their sexuality is their most valuable commodity.
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