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Author Topic: Viagra ,ect  (Read 6446 times)
Pete E
« on: January 20, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

We had a thread going down below here guys were asking about viagra and guys were talking about horror stories of erections that don't go away and damage resulting.Seems nobody had any experience with it and some guys were asking for imformation.
I thought I would give my imput plus also pull it up here because it might not get noticed on the old thread.
First,to me all the erectile disfunction talk in the viagra literature gives the impression its something you use only if you have  a problem.It seems that it is not acceptable for drug companies just to say hey this makes sex better.Its got to be  a solution for a problem.Selling drugs just to inhance sex without a problem doesn't fit the rules I guess.Medical drug company FDA nonsense.
You do not have to have a problem or need to use it for it to make sex alot better.
OK,a little history.I met a guy on my first trip to Colombia who told me all about it and said only take 50 mg,or half of a 100 mg tablet or you get an errection that won't go away.I guess it was true for him or he wouldn't have said it but a far cry from my experience.
When I tried it I took 50 mg.It was of some benefit but not really much of a diffference.And I have never had an involuntary errection using it at  any dosage.You have to be sexually aroused for it to work.So I try 100 mg,the maximum dosage so they say.That does make a difference.You get harder faster,stay that way longer,are able to control the timing of orgasm more and the real benefit,the orgasms are longer,like 4 times and alot more intense.I function fine without it,but its not nearly as good as with it.I basically can go on about as long as I want then the orgasm is so much better.There are a couple of chicas here saying I am like no guy they had before,which is nice to hear.Sex without it is not the same so I guess I am psychologically hooked on it.Its much better than it ever was without it even when I was in my 20's.
I have  experimented,a little at a time with higher doses.The main thing is timing.On an empty stomach it seems like the maximum effect is in about an hour.So if I am coming back from a date for dinner or something and we will be getting in to sex I don't want to wait an hour.It seems there is some effect starting in 20-30 miniutes.And if I plan on remembering to take it when I am out I sometimes forget.So I take 100 mg before I leave,then usually 50 mg a half hour to hour before sex.If I forget its OK,the effect is still there from the 100mg.I have even taken 100 mg and then maybe 3 or 4 hours later 100 mg more.No ill effect,just maybe a little more of the positive effects.I have never had a erection that won't go away.I think thats pretty much nonsense.Anybody have a different experience?
I also tried Cialis,the drug that is supposed to last for 3 days.To me the effect is much weaker,like 25mg of viagra.And it seems to last more like 12 hours than 3 days.Its also expensive.I will stick with viagra.
There is also a drug advertised on the internet,I can't remember the name,Livitra or something like that?.Looking it up it seemed to say about the same thing as viagra,no real imformation about how good it is or how long it lasts.
So I will stick with viagra.Actual I buy generic viagra here,5200 pesos,about $2.30 for 2-50 mg tablets.There are a number of brands,the one I usually buy is called Genfer.I buy right at the drug counter at Ley supermarkets.
They are supplement product some people say work.One friend takes one he claims makes you hard,another he claims increases sensations.
In Colombia you can also buy testosterone over the counter. I told the story before of doing hormone replacement with a medical clinic called Palm Springs life extension institute.I have a perscriptions for testosterone and growth hormone but you can just walk in and buy it here.Testosterone declines as you age,by the 60'most guys are pretty low.Supplementing it restores youthfull sex drive plus helps muscle tone,as well as LOWERING testosterone.Beyond a certain amount sex drive is not improved any more but some guys  take huge amounts for bodybuilding.It is also a form of male birth control.If you supplement even a fairly small amount your sperm count goes to zero,basically the body says we got too much testosterone and shuts down temporarily testosterone production and with it sperm production.I will elaborate no more here.Basicaly any guy 50 or over might want to consider taking it.
Hormone replacement plus good genetics plus body building is why I think I look 10 -15 years younger than I am.If I would just cut out the Cervesa I might look really good.But I strayed far enough in this post.


« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Viagra ,ect, posted by Pete E on Jan 20, 2005

"I have a perscriptions for testosterone and growth hormone but you can just walk in and buy it here"

What does HGH cost in Cali?

Pete E
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Viagra ,ect, posted by Calipro on Jan 23, 2005

$180  for 16 IU. About $11.30 an IU.I can get it slightly cheaper in the US if I buy a years supply.That might be down in cost by now.There is some HGH out of Ecuador that supposedly less than half this but a problem with getting it or a problem with  the drug.There has got to be a cheap source somewhere in the world,it can be easily copied.Lots of generics come out of India.


« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Viagra ,ect, posted by Pete E on Jan 20, 2005

$2.30 for 2-50 mg tablets? Generic is $6 1-50 mg in Tijuana.

Pete E
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Viagra ,ect, posted by Thunderstruck on Jan 23, 2005

I used to pay $12 for real Viagra in the US,100mg.Looks like Tijuana is charging about the same.Even here I bought real Viagra for $8 for 100 mg untill I got wised up what to ask for.Glad I found a cheap source.I use it alot in Cali.


« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Viagra ,ect, posted by Pete E on Jan 20, 2005


I'm not an expert on this, but I have read some things regarding testosterone.  Specifically from some weightlifting boards where alot of the guys are using anabolic steroids.

Alot of the steroids are basically testosterone substitutes, and your body's reaction to that is to shut down producing it's own testosterone, as it senses there is already enough in the system.  What happens is that these guys have to take something after their cycle to get their body back to producing it's own testosterone.

My point is I wonder if taking testosterone does the same thing?   Makes me think you will want to be real careful, otherwise your body could quit producing test altogether and you will have to be on testosterone therapy for the rest of your days.


Pete E
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to about testosterone, posted by JunFan on Jan 22, 2005

The below post has lots of info here also.
Basically you are right,if you take Test or anabolic steroids which are derivitives of test your natural production shutsdown,even a small amount will do this and your sperm production shuts down also,which is why its a form of male birth control.
My doctor has me go off for a month every 4 months,then I take HGC,a drug that stimulates the testicles back to normal production.You could skip that,it just speeds up normal production.The reasson to cycle off is the fear of permanent shutdown,but I don't think it is ever permanent unless your pituatary shuts down.There is a lazy pituatary syndrone and drugs to counter that.
So the choice for me is to take the test and have the hormones of a 25 year old jock or the hormones of a 60 year old guy.I choose the former,but do cycle of and take the other drug to lower risk of any long term shut down.
Asthe guy belowstatesthere ishuge mis imformation in the press.I work with Palm SpringsLIfe Extension institute.They have a book like document with huge amounts of studies showing the benefits of hormone replacement.The downsidesaresmall.But if you have a tumor then HGH will make it grow faster.It doesn't cause tumors.Lyle Alzado died of abrain tumor I think.I dn't thing steroidsor HGH cused it,but HGH could make it grow faster.I thjink thats why Lyle thought the HGH cused his problem.He mentioned a certasin drug,I think it was HGH,not a steroid.Before synthetic HGH there was a form they got from the pitusataries of Cadavers.That was known top cause brain tumors.
Dr Chein at PSLEI answersdoctorswho say we don't knowwhat thelong term effectsof hormone replacement therapy with the statement "We do know what will happen if you do not do it,you will grow weaker and eventually die." He tracks the decline of hormones with the onset of lots of problems considered just old age.A mainstream doctor might tell a guy you are normal for a guy your age,without adding who is about to become progressively weaker and die.
There are some really interseting things  coming down the line,like gene doping which is alreasdy available but used only on lab animals.Things like muscular distrophy could be history when its available for use.Of course it could also be used to inhance athletic performance.I think it was Time Magazine that did a report on it a year or so ago.


« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to about testosterone, posted by JunFan on Jan 22, 2005

In general, you are correct about a person's body downregulating its own production of natural test.  It becomes more of a problem when a user remains on long-term cycles of unnaturally high levels of anabolics.  Also, you are correct that there are drugs that will assist the body in restarting its own natural production of T.  Young athletes are taking the drug without the proper understanding of the risks and potential long-term downsides and without supervision.  

Although I am not an "expert" on the subject, I have studied the available information and have enough first and second hand experience to offer some opinions on the subject of testosterone (T) supplementation and steroids.  I have used test and other anabolics for sports performance enhancement purposes back in my college football days (before it was legislated to be a controlled substance), and have trained with guys who have juiced for years (with no negative consequences, BTW.)  In the past few years, there has been so much misinformation in the popular press, mostly due to the increased puplic awareness from the baseball controversies, and it makes me pretty angry to listen to the pontifications by the press and the politicians on the subject based on a poor understanding of the subject.  T replacement has the potential, in my opinion, to provide tremendous quality of life enhancements for older men.  The across-the-board condemnation and demonization of the drug that is taking place is troubling to me.

From personal observation, usage of these drugs in sports is far more prevalent than most people realize, and has been around for far longer.  The whole concept of the "redshirt" freshman developed during the 70's (back when I was in school) - universities put their incoming football recruits on the old meat, milk and Vitamin "S" diet.  It wasn't unusual for some of us to put 50 or 75 pounds on in our first year of school - this wasn't because of fresh air and exercise!  Different people have different responses to the drugs - some guys just blow up and others hardly gain weight at all, some guys' strength levels go throught the roof with relatively little muscle gain and others gain lots of muscle without as much strength increase.

The drug testing for baseball is a joke.  There seems to be this idea that now that there is testing in place, the sport is now "clean".  What they fail to realize is that one can permanently raise his strength limit as long as they continue to strength train after ending their usage.  Barry Bonds is not going to shrink back to his size of the early 1990's!  One of the reasons, I believe, that the sport was so slow in responding is that the recovery from small nagging injuries is so good when a player is using.  When you are paying a guy $10 or $15 million a year, you don't want to lose him for a month due to a slow healing muscle pull.  I predict that we will see a lot more breakdowns, especially of the older players in their late 30's and 40's, during the upcoming year.

A final rant on the subject:  If I hear another ignorant reference on sports radio to Lyle Alzado's cancer being caused by steroids, my head may explode.  Alzado died from an extremely rare form of cancer that is today associated with HIV and AIDs patients, not steroids.  (Personally, I am not too sure about the safety of growth hormone, particularly in those who might be predisposed towards tumors, and I do not believe that the benefits outweight the risks.)

A couple of links for more info on the subject:;jsessionid=0F42AB625AE950919D9F953FA6E6C9B2.titan?article=245ster2;jsessionid=0F42AB625AE950919D9F953FA6E6C9B2.titan?article=246ster2;jsessionid=0F42AB625AE950919D9F953FA6E6C9B2.titan?article=247ster2

Pete E
« Reply #8 on: January 20, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Viagra ,ect, posted by Pete E on Jan 20, 2005

I made a mistake I said taking testosterone lowers testosterone.What I mean to say is it lowers cholesterol.Mine is 170-190 without dieting.Before I would watch what I ate the day before the test and it would still be 220-250.


« Reply #9 on: January 20, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Correction, posted by Pete E on Jan 20, 2005

I just returned from two weeks in SA and had a supply
with me. Like Pete is definitely better (sex) with
the Viagra. I used the 50 mg tablets and they worked
great. The biggest difference (no pun intended) is that
you are noticeably harder.

Not just for those with erectile disfunctions. Not to
brag...on one afternoon last week I had sex with my girl
and two of her girlfreinds. The session lasted about
three hours and I was able to have sex with all three
before I even reached my first climax.'s not a
super sex drug. does help keep those ladies

At about 10.00 a pop in Colombia it's not a bad price to
pay. The effects do last for some time and you're
usually ready to go again within 15 minutes of your first

Can't say I've heard of any guys who have had bad
experiences with it.

Imagine what will happen when a female version hits
the market?

« Reply #10 on: January 20, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Correction, posted by Ricky on Jan 20, 2005

Pfizer already tested V on women and found that, while it had the same physiological effect as on men, ie vasodilation of the arteries in the genitals, it did not have the same sexual arousal effect as it does on men.  Pfizer has dropped all plans to market Viagra to women.

Newspaper articles that I have read on the topic of female sexual arousal have ALL claimed that a deficiency of testosterone is the culprit in the lack of female sexual desire and arousal.  It experiments where women have been given additional testosterone, they reported marked increases in sexual desire and arousal.  Testosterone is the hormone that drives sexual desire in both men and women.  Women make testosterone in their adrenal glands.  (We men make a form of estrogen called estriol in our adrenal glands.)

N.B.  Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, and any others DO NOT increase sexual desire in men. They greatly increase the ability to perform sexually once sexual desire has been peaked.  I challenge any man to take Viagra and be able to stay erect when faced with a VERY unattractive woman!

Correction:  Pete wrote about Cialis lasting for 3 days.  The ads I have seen on TV claim it lasts for 36 hours.  That's just a day and a half!

Pete E
« Reply #11 on: January 21, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Female Viagra, posted by Brazilophile on Jan 20, 2005

You are right about a certain amount of testosterone being needed even for female sexual arousal.But a caution.It can have effects a female would not like,so only very small quantities should be used.So delicate here probably only with a doctors supervision.A shot of testosterone that would be no big deal for a guy can cause a females voice to change.The vocal cords lengthen or something like that,just 200 mg of test might be enough to cause that,and its permanent.Testosterone  stays in the body a month,it is in an oil base and is slowly released  for that time.The other thing she would not like,facial, hair.
I am just guessing,but where a guy might take 200-400 mg a week,and some bodybuilders take 1000's, a woman's  dosage might be like 20 mg.I am guessing here,and woman should work with a doctor on this one.


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