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Author Topic: Trip report  (Read 10109 times)
« on: January 01, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

Hi all:

Just got back from the Dominican Republic.  I spent most of my time in Puerto Plata and Santo Domingo.  When I first got there, I realized that the girl I was suppose to have met lived 150 miles from where I was staying.  So, I called her and let her know that I was in PP.  She said that she had to work and could not see me until Saturday.  It was Tuesday when I called her.  I thought that was a little rude.  We planned this for 5 months.  After talking to her, I said that I would get a bus to Santo Domingo on Wednesday and meet her there.  She said ok and that she would meet me after work at the bus station.  Well, while on the bus to SD, I met a really nice girl (a little young 22yr old).  She was helpful and assisted me in calling the girl I was originally suppose to meet.  When we got to Santo Domingo, the girl I met on the bus waited with me until my friend arrived.  The friend arrived about 30 minutes after I got off the bus.  I said goodbye to the 22 yr old and went with my friend.  She did not look like her pictures I had from the website: latinaffairs.  She was too thin.  I mean she looked like she couldn't have been more than 70 pounds and no butt.  Anyway, she escorted me to the hotel along with her friend.  I bought them dinner at the hotel and then planned to see her the next day (after work).  The work thing really bothered me because I gave her five months notice that I would be coming to meet her.  After dinner, they left and I went to my room.  I thought about the girl I met on the bus.  I had her number, so I called her.  We planned to meet the next day.  To make a long story short, I spent most of my time with the girl I had met on the bus.  She was great and her family was very nice to me.  The only problem with her was that she has two children and she is not educated: unable to read or write.  But what a nice person she was.  I took her back to Puerto Plata with me and we spent some quality time together.  Well, that's it.  I don't know if I have met my life partner, but something in me tells me to go back to Colombia.  I'll keep you posted.  


« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Trip report, posted by dolphin on Jan 1, 2005

I lived in DR for almost 4 months, for me there is no comparison with Colombia. I am including living in general and not just comparing the ladies. I found the people in DR to be just as accomodating as they are in Colombia and the women are just as pretty. There is an overabundance of beautiful women in Colombia and Cali in particular. Colombia wins hands down when it comes to the battle of women on sheer numbers alone. Before I met my wife I had pretty much decided to take my chances in the DR again  due to the above average number of players that I found in Cali. I found that the people in DR and Colombia really know how to enjoy life and live for the moment. I didn't want someone that was ready to escape at a moments notice because they felt their situation was hopeless. I also wanted someone in my life that knew the definition of 'the future'. Living for the moment seems to be the motto in many countries outside the US. There were too many in the DR that felt the future was bleak and many of the young girls (14 years & up) were already veterans. I will say that if you are not afraid to talk to women you will really do well in DR. I really enjoyed both countries and if the DR had more of a middle class that would be my first choice overall.
Michael B
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Trip report, posted by dolphin on Jan 1, 2005

I'm confused about a couple of things.

1. You 'planned' this for 5 months and never looked at a MAP before you traveled? --quote: "When I first got there, I realized that the girl I was suppose to have met lived 150 miles from where I was staying."

2. --quote: "The work thing really bothered me . . . " ??You're mad at her because she couldn't get off work? Did you tell her when you were to arrive (the exact day and place?) or just 'sometime around Christmass' My guess is the later, otherwise she would have told you her work schedule and you would have arrived (in the correct city) on Friday night.

Look at things from her perspective:
   a) MAYBE: Mr. Gringo will come (to the wrong city, no less), maybe he WON'T (so no sense arranging time off work until [if ever] he DOES).
   b) DEFINITELY: 99 other girls are hoping that she misses work without permission, so that one of them can have her place.
       i) Her boss KNOWS that 99 other hungry unemployed women  want her job
       ii) She knows that her boss knows that 99....(repeat until this sinks in)

« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Trip report, posted by dolphin on Jan 1, 2005

Dolphin, I told you about Santo Domingo!  hahahaha Look, you met a nice woman even before you got there!!!  Anyway, I wish things had gone better with your internet contact and with the agency there.  I exchanged emails, pictures video/webcam with my girl nearly 3 months before I travelled there to meet her for the first time.  I knew her EVERY dimension before I even met her.  By the time I was ready to travel there we were sending one or two emails an HOUR to each other!  We put on quite a scene at that crowded airport when we met each other the first time.  Just like out of a movie or something!  It was like I knew her forever!  Because of this I never needed an agency there.  I think if I needed an agency, I would have gone to Cali or Baq.  But I consider myself extremely lucky!   Let us know what you decide Dolphin and good luck in your quest.


« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Trip report, posted by dolphin on Jan 1, 2005

One important decision is if you want children or will accept a woman with children.  I am 57 and I felt there were two types of Latinas, those with children and those who wanted children.  Since I didn't want to be a parent in my seventies, the first type was my only option.

My wife didn't attend school past seventh grade because she has been on her own since then and she had to worry about survival, not school.  She can however read and write.  My ex-Colombian wife has a college degree.

One factor is that the educated Colombian was ready for Plam B because her education made her employable.  My wife really couldn't support herself or live in the US.  When i looked, I just wanted someone who loved me and who I loved totally.  Education wasn't a factor.  

No advise here.  Just some thoughts and observations.

« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Trip report, posted by kented on Jan 1, 2005

I must agree with you, Kented. My wife does have a college degree (chemical engineer) but I could care less about that. Anyone can learn to read and write given the opportunity but a woman with a good heart who is devoted to you, that can't be taught.
« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Trip report, posted by utopiacowboy on Jan 2, 2005

I'd have to say that I am beginning
to fall into the same boat as Kented and Utopia on this one. I am beginning to think less about importance on education.

It sounds good; but personally it is really low on my list right now. I think these educated girls are way into their careers. Well the one I had was really deep into it, but even if she was to the extreme, I beleive that a girl who spent her time and money on education would still want to come here and practice in her field.

Personally, I would like my wife to work, and if she just worked at any job that would be cool. A low end one is fine with me, and odds are that is where an educated one will end up any way. So why go through all the frustrations of transfering college credits, discovering half the credits don't transfer, her going back to school, and then finally the frustrations of her not finding a job in the field right away?

Right out of college we all end up in low end jobs anyway, so why not get one that would be thankful for this type of job rather than going through all the struggles involved with getting a "real job".

In time the uneducated girl could go to school and appreciate it, being happy with what she has accomplished. She could grow into a career and be thankful for it. Where as, I would think that the educated girl would feel like she is going through a lot of work and frustrations just to get at ground level?

Does one want the road of her success to be pleasant or difficult along the way?

That is just been my rationale in the past few weeks.


« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Trip report, posted by dolphin on Jan 1, 2005

I have been anxiously awaiting your trip report, since I also was considering Latin Affairs at one point.

Glad you hit it off with the girl on the bus, especially since your Option A didn't work out well.  I am a little curious as to what point you asked for her number, especially since you had her assist you in calling another girl?  You must be da man! :-)

Also I thought you would be going down on one of their personalized tours where they introduce you to "up to" 20 women.  You only mentioned one girl you intended to meet.  What happened to the rest of the intros?  What did you think of the agency?


« Reply #8 on: January 01, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Trip report, posted by Looking4Wife on Jan 1, 2005

Hi Looking4....

    I have to tell you that I went down there to meet one girl with whom I was corresponding with for about five months.  The latinaffairs agency (this guys house) wanted $100.00 US dollars for the first introduction and then $50.00 for each one after that.  8 days is not enough time to meet many ladies.  And I did not want to pay all that money to meet other women when I knew I only had 6 solid days to get to know the woman I was meeting.  One thing I learned about this is that you need to give yourself time to meet and get to know some of the girls while you are there in BAQ.  I would recommend three weeks and up.  I will tell you that the time goes so fast and these trips cost money.  Anyway, when do you plan to go to Barranquilla?  


« Reply #9 on: January 01, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Trip report, posted by dolphin on Jan 1, 2005

You go to spend a week or so with someone you only know on the Internet, you need an option B.  That is in case the woman you meet looks different or you don't hit it off.  No one can tell how things will work out until you meet and you want to have a back-up way to meet women and fill your social calender.
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