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Author Topic: Looking for Recomendations and Tips  (Read 22916 times)
« on: January 01, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

Ok so I am taking the time to do my "research" before going down to Colombia.  I looked into a few sites and talked to an agency or two.  I want to really takke the time and have a well planned trip.  I was going to spend a good chunk of time at one agency and I am not sure if this is the one.  I mean that I understand that not any agency can gaurantee success, hell to the Colombianas I may look like a guila monster! I  just want to be comfortable so that I can just have an awesome time.  Also does and agency have a problem if you have been chatting with a girl on line in the same city and you invite her to meet you?  Or is that a BAD BAD idea?  OKAY experienced guys give me all your tips and tell me what agencies that you think were not just good but were awesome.


Pete E
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Looking for Recomendations and Tips , posted by Payton on Jan 1, 2005

You don't mention the city you are going to. Have you decided? Shoulds like there is a particular agency you are thinking of but you don't name it.
In Cali it has gotten alot simpler.So here I would say stay at an agency for your first trip.I would recommend All Colombian girls for 4 reasons.
1.Its a nice house to stay at.
2.The staff is very good.
3.The selection of girls is good.
4.Ricardo will deal,you don't have to pay anything remotely close to $2995.Like maybe $300 to join,$50 a night if you stay there and you could probably lump the 2 together for a $500 week or $800 2 weeks.Just guessing on the prices,particularly with the room.
The other big agencies.Well one wants $2995.The other has trouble getting you citas,there is a contact imfo problem.
Would you belive 5 citas in 4 days before a guy moved on?
The unknown to some extent is Latin Internet.I don't know the prices.Its a good place to stay,lots of girls.
Lest we forget,Latin Best.Luz will deal on price,more than anybody.She has alot of girls but the web site and the books are out of date.But she knows the girls  and will describe them.Maritza works with her and has the books from her agency,hearts of Cali you can also chose from.Not in the same league as others as a  place to stay,but probably the cheapest deal you could make.
And,because of the competition,Cali is the best deal I think.The most girls BY FAR,and absolutely the best prices.
And great weather in my opinion.Its never too hot for me here.And lots of good restaurants and intertainment choices.


« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Looking for Recomendations and Tips , posted by Pete E on Jan 2, 2005

Thanks for all the info

I am really wanting to go to Medellin, but I am getting more and more unsure of that.  There are some points that I getting frustrated with.  Right now I am just trying to get answers and they are not comming from anywhere but here.  THANKS TO ALL THE HELPFUL ONES!  I used an agency back in 1999 and I thought it was very quality and the stay was awesome, however I have watched the agency really slide.  What I am looking for is just simple answers right now. My aims are to do this right this time and So I am treating this very very serious.  I will look into these sites that you mentioned as I have a ton of very very fond memories of Cali and some of the places I was able to see.

Pete E
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Looking for Recomendations and Tips , posted by Pete E on Jan 2, 2005

There was a certain amount of negative imformation in the post above that has one agency owner understandably upset.
I didn't say anything I didn't believe to be true and could have said alot more,but people have alot more at stake in this than me and I need to keep that in mind.And of course one story isn't the whole story or might not even give an accurate impression.
So this guy, me,is going to try and keep any agency comments possitive or not post them in public.Even not naming names is not good enough if its pretty easy for guys who know a little bit to figure out who you are talking about.In very unusual circumstances I might say something beyond that.
Yes I do have a big mouth.And I need to think about how people are effected even if I always believe myself to be telling the truth as I know it.
Does that mean I will not continue to report on things in Cali? No. Lets just say I will be a little more  prudent about it,especially if somebody is negatively affected.
Actually I have withheld alot.Probably because I should have.


E Michael C
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to No Mas !, posted by Pete E on Jan 2, 2005

I have nothing personally against pete, but if he is going to be a reporter about Cali, then he needs to report the whole truth.

Pete came to CALI VIP office and requested 6 dates which the girls refused after we told them his age, his age is 65 and the girls profile where in the 18's to 20's cathegory.

I did not want to air dirty laundry over Planet Love that is why I gave him a personal phone call, please in the future be realistic when choosing a girl when you are 65 years old and also I do not do personal favors as other agencies do for this person in order for him to post good things about other agencies, I don't do this for the money, I do this  because I am looking for a wife, and I tell the truth to the girls about the guy and also about the girl.

Good luck in the future, sorry I could not assist you, now other people will know the other side of the story.

E Michael C
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to No Mas !, posted by Pete E on Jan 2, 2005

I have nothing personally against pete, but if he is going to be a reporter about Cali, then he needs to report the whole truth.

Pete came to CALI VIP office and requested 6 dates which the girls refused after we told them his age, his age is 65 and the girls profile where in the 18's to 20's cathegory.

I did not want to air dirty laundry over Planet Love that is why I gave him a personal phone call, please in the future be realistic when choosing a girl when you are 65 years old and also I do not do personal favors as other agencies do for this person in order for him to post good things about other agencies, I don't do this for the money, I do this  because I am looking for a wife, and I tell the truth to the girls about the guy and also about the girl.

Good luck in the future, sorry I could not assist you, now other people will know the other side of the strory.

« Reply #6 on: January 03, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: No Mas !, posted by E Michael C on Jan 3, 2005

It amazes me how some people that have money keep it. In that private phone conversation with Pete, you should have been offering him a job. If Pete could speak Spanish, he could probably be a tremendous asset as he is already pretty well known on this side of the equation. Any one who has been following your progess can see that things have been shaky. That's normal for any new business. You have the best setup in Cali agency wise right now. Why turn a potential asset into a potential enemy? Let it sink in that this forum, and forums like it are your client base. Whether you look at the guys that post here as schmucks or not, it's best not to let your personal opinion of us seep into the way you run your business. Need to do a little shmoozing, Mike, and a little less ass covering.
Pete E
« Reply #7 on: January 03, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: No Mas !, posted by E Michael C on Jan 3, 2005

We are getting in to details here,something I was willing not to do.Thats fine,I like to talk facts and have it in the open.It didn't feel real good what I posted about  not talking about things.
The guy  I was talking  about above who got 5 citas in 4 days was  45 years old. B,from Ohio.
A good looking 45 year old.He does not speak a word of spanish however.I am just repeating what he told me.He stayed with me after he left your place,used another agency,got quite a few citas but didn't really meet anyone,he spent too much time chasing a girl who was obviously not interested in him.Another friend of his who also stayed with you said why don't you post your experience at Cali Vip,he said because I liked Nelson and thought he did his best to  try to help me.
As far as my personal experience,something I had not brought up here,I gave Paula 9 names.She told me after checking about 10 miniutes that she did not have contact imformation on 6 of them.All of these girls were 27 to late 30's,most said age did not matter on their profiles.The 3 left were in that same range.I was trying to find my list right now,guessI threw it out.Paula kept saying maybe tomorrow for several days,then I quit calling her.I never got any feed back that the girls thought me told old,I was getting stories about them being busy or hard to contact.After a few days I quit calling Paula.Actually I was meeting girls elsewhere and I was just willing to forget it.It was good however,that this exercise cost me nothing.It was $20 per date,I paid nothing,got nothing,I can't complain about that but it does give a little picture of the ability to arrange citas there.
I did have this same problem with Paula at Latin Encounters and thought she was part of the problem,but was willing to give it a shot with Cali Vip also.
I gave Paula list of about 10 girls,got no citas.Most were on your site as well as Margareths and said on your site age does not matter,on Margareths they might say to 45 or 50 max.None said less than 45.She got me zero for 10.Interestingly enough I did have one cita set up by her,the girl called and cancelled,some excuse.Well she canceled to meet  a guy described by another person.That guy was also me.Yep,2 citas same night,same girl,same guy,one person obviously sold me better than the other.I doubt Paula even called all the girls.I did talk  with Margarteh a little about this,showed her where some girls
said age does not matter on your site,something different on hers.She pulled out the original profiles,showed me the age the girl wrote.She called Wilson over who said he was told to change the age prefference to does not matter on your site.Now some of the inaccuracy might not be intentional but just a mistake.My current girlfriend shows on your site as 5ft 7 ,120 lbs on your site.She is 5 ft one,105lbs.
I am 61,not 65 and I think I look alot younger.Of course probably everybody thinks that,I never met a guy who though he looked older and alot do.For those who haven't seen a picture go to
Age was a bit of a problem at Margareths also.When I first started looking she was guiding me to women I had zero interest in.Even recently she said I have 2 girls for you,I looked them up,no gracias,I didn't come to Colombia for that.But I did meet my current girlfriend there,age 40,probably about where I should really be looking.And she is very unspoiled.
My experience elsewhere is different.At Latin Best
Luz Amparo or Maritza will set me up with girls that say they want 40.Maritza says no problem,you look good,of course what I wanted to hear but the girls seem to think so also.I have never met a girl where age was a problem that I could tell.But failed to meet some based on what others have said about me apparently.The girl I met through the other guy that cancelled on Paula to meet me
asked something about me having a pension.I said nothing,presumed that came from Paula.Thats even worse than saying 61,you usually have to be 65 to get one here.
I think its an issue having a 18 year old describe you.They probably think anybody over 40 ancient. A 40 year old,like Maritza a whole different impression so a different reaction.
Kind of rambled here.
Mike,I am a stickler for facts details and the truth.I will play that game all day long and will readily admit admit when I am wrong.I belive what I have been told,the truth shall set you free and you make the truth your enemy,you lose.
Or course I have my own vanity which comes through here.We all do.Its more of an opinion,definetely not a fact.


« Reply #8 on: January 03, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to No Mas !, posted by Pete E on Jan 2, 2005

Posted opinions and experiences count more than some whining, self-interested agency operator.

What makes them think they can stifle discussions about their service?  And doing it so underhanded like that, behind the scenes, through phone calls to board members, or through intimidating emails--as "Mr. Ed" showed.

Refute it in the open if your service isn't as bad as some might claim.

In any case, if ever a comparative study were done, I'm sure it'd reflect that the pitfalls and money wasted going the agency route are much greater than that of an individual's own efforts.  

A lot of that "hand holding" some agencies use to promote their approach to helping you find a bride could be more accurately labeled "sleight of hand."  And it seems a few of them get a little rattled when they're outed.

Too bad.


« Reply #9 on: January 02, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to No Mas !, posted by Pete E on Jan 2, 2005

... are you talking about.  Are you calling youself a liar?  

If you don't want to comment, DON'T.  It seems a little silly to post something then call yourself a liar.  You need to take Spanish classes so you won't have too much time to waste on the Internet.

Pete E
« Reply #10 on: January 02, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to what in the  world..., posted by kented on Jan 2, 2005

I did not call myself a liar and did not post anything I believe to be inaccurate.I was just saying perhaps I shouldn't be expounding upon all the negatives that I know of,at least in such a public way when someone is trying to get a business going.Mike called me upset.Why am I picking on him repeating these stories  I heard ? I am basically
a very positive person,not a negative one,so my initial reaction was yeah,I didn't need to say that and I would try to stick more with the positives and let the individuals involved tell us if they experienced something they did not like.
And I try to be on good terms with all people if possible.



« Reply #11 on: January 03, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: what in the  world..., posted by Pete E on Jan 2, 2005

Since Mike CALLED you to disagree with comments you made about his agency on Planet-Love (rather than posted his disagreement), not all of will remember what you are talking about.

I find your comments honest and insightful.  You live in Cali and this gives you a wealth of understanding about the discussions on this board.  

Obviously all your posts are what you think or your impressions and I don't think you need to take anything back.

« Reply #12 on: January 03, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: what in the  world..., posted by Pete E on Jan 2, 2005

It is a unrealistic goal to be on good terms with all people. Some people will not like you simply because of the way you look! And many other reasons whether valid or not. It is better to be on good terms with those that realize the value of good people and try to be productive themselves. In other words, those that are deserving. YOU choose the deserving ones for your life! Not the other way around.
Learning spanish should be your priority and doing what you can to be more productive while in Cali. Now you let someone spin you like a top because you want to be liked. Pete, I think you are an ok person, but you do bring a fair share of problems on yourself.
« Reply #13 on: January 02, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to No Mas !, posted by Pete E on Jan 2, 2005

 I appreciate the fact that you want to be considerate of other people's feelings;  and sometimes it can be just a matter opinion.  However, I, for one, would appreciate hearing from guys like you who are in Colombia full time.
Whether it be Cali, Bogota, or Medellin, I believe that the information that the more experienced guys like you provide can give the rest of us some sense of what is really going on down there.  Also, you will be able to give us more up-to-date information. Plus, the main thing is we need someone to look out for our interest, instead of helping us spend our money; like, for instance, your experience with the "rip-off" taxi driver. It might be relatively small stuff at times, but it can also keep someone from spending way to much money; like the guys that have posted here recently.  I can't remember who it was that was prepared to spend something like $6,000 for a week's stay in BQ.  I just hope that he has not already obligated himself. But, you more experienced guys can hopefully keep the rest of us from the "pitfalls" down there.  Anyhow, good post.  Thanks again.
« Reply #14 on: January 02, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Looking for Recomendations and Tips , posted by Pete E on Jan 2, 2005

When I went in 2001, I stayed at Latin Love ("Mi Media Naranja") in the Crystal Palace in Ciudad Jardin, Cali.  They charged me $75 a night for room, breakfast and lunch.  The agency fee was included in the price.  

I got great service and didn't have to pay "un ojo de la cara" [an arm and a leg].

I believe I read here that another agency works this way.  I wouldn't pay $300 to join an agency unless they were the only option in town.

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