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Author Topic: 2005 Most Important Question  (Read 37099 times)
« on: January 01, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

To renew the ole Debate. What is the most important physical attraction of a Latina to you.
Lets eliminate the rostro (face) and keep it to SENOS (TITS), Piernas (LEGS) and COLITA (BUTT)  ie.... are you a boobs, leg or butt man???
I realize that we all have Personality rated as the number one attraction of a woman, but humor me and Cast your Vote.
I will start and vote for SENOS (TITS)
Pete E
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to 2005 Most Important Question, posted by CartagenaPapito on Jan 1, 2005

Ah you reminded me again of my prefferences.Its definetly the Colita,or should we say pompies.My number one girl friends has the big natural senos,even for a small girl.They not only look and feel good but they are a big on button for her.The pompies,well sort of normal for a small girl,good general figure,most guys would say fine.But for me,there is something missing here.BUT,she loves me to death,never gives me a problem,no kids,doesn't want any,proffesional.She cleaned up the kitchen and made he bed then gave me a manicure this morning.She is writting me a love letter right now.I think she wants to pin me down.And I was lying in bed this morning thinking of the great pompies of my ex wife,who didn't even like sex.This girl loves it.
Should a butt man settle for less?Could other things add up to being more important?Will I get bored with this?
We will see.
As for implants not counting,I have to disagree.Yeah normal is better,if sufficient in size.The implants can be a little,or alot firm to the touch.But they can add alot.Plus the other 2 cosmetic things,lipo plus  shooting the fat from the lipo in the butt no obvious downsides to the guy that gets to have them.I saw a girl I dated Friday.She had it all done.The results are incredible.To me she has a better body than any movie attress,but I like VaVoom.And she is 42.I got some private photos.Just about perfection.Too bad the attitude couldn't be modified.I think that worked in reverse.She thinks she is hot.She is.
But not hot enough to tolerate any BS from in Cali.No Gracias.You develop a real low tolerance for getting jerked around here.Too many other options.


« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: 2005 Most Important Question, posted by Pete E on Jan 2, 2005

« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: 2005 Most Important Question, posted by Pete E on Jan 2, 2005

Looks like the runaway winner is the COLITA.
I love a nice COLITA myself and rate it just behind the breasts, but for my taste if a girl doesn't have nice NATURAL breasts it is a non starter.
Fortunately the vast majority of Colombianas and Latinas in general have nice butts so it is not too hard to find where as finding the big naturals is a little trickier.
Pete, beg to disagree about the implants. I have yet to see a girl that didnt look like she had implants and as far as the "fun" factor goes, well there is nothing like the real funbags, Sorry. You can do a LOT of things with them, lets just leave it at that.
However I do agree about the LIPO and shooting it into the butt.  Because the butt is being enhance by a girl's own natural fat and it looks and feels great and most important IT IS the real deal.
COLITA WINS THE FIRST 2005 SURVEY, congrats to all who voted!!!
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: 2005 Most Important Question, posted by Pete E on Jan 2, 2005

You make a point that if the cosmetic improvements are done very well, they could make the women look better.  However, they seldom are in my experience, paricularly the implant thing - most women overdo that.

The main issue for me is, if I go out with a woman with obvious implants I will feel embarassed.  And besides, if a woman spends money in that department I feel it demonstrates her low self-esteem.  However, that's my opinion, and I do realize that there are guys who think different, and I respect that.

And you do make a good point.  If a girl looks alright, and has a good attitude, treats you well, makes you feel great, then she is a winner.  This beats hands down having a Miss Universe who treats you like s*t.

I am glad your life in Cali is working out so well :-)

« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to 2005 Most Important Question, posted by CartagenaPapito on Jan 1, 2005

La colita es numero uno para mi...

« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to 2005 Most Important Question, posted by CartagenaPapito on Jan 1, 2005

A nice, tight, flat stomach is the centerpiece of the female body buffet.  It is the backdrop that let's us enjoy her other features.
« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to What about a nice flat stomach?, posted by latinmatt on Jan 1, 2005

« Reply #8 on: January 01, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to 2005 Most Important Question, posted by CartagenaPapito on Jan 1, 2005

Pompis, definitely, especially when combined with nice hips and a small waste...
« Reply #9 on: January 01, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: 2005 Most Important Question, posted by thunderbolt on Jan 1, 2005

Funny, when I read the original post, I thought most people would put tits or legs.  I am glad am not in a minority, as I always thought.  I am with you guys Smiley
« Reply #10 on: January 01, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to 2005 Most Important Question, posted by CartagenaPapito on Jan 1, 2005

For me, that is an extremely difficult question.  The reason I say that is, that before you get to really know the lady, you are obviously giving her the once over.  For me, its really the whole package.  Some parts may be stronger than others, but it's the whole package.  Having said that, like yourselves,  I have found myself checking out some ladies on the different websites for the agencies.  Many times I am interested for one reason or the other, so I decide to check her out a little closer.  If she is flat chested, I must admit she goes down on my scale considerably.  So, if I was forced to make a choice, it would be the tits.  But, still "man can not live by tits alone". (or something to that effect. ha).  Naturally, when you meet a lady in person, it becomes a somewhat different story, because then the personality comes into play.  But, when she has the looks, style, personality, sweetness and sincerity (heavy on the sincerity)- watch out; then I'm a goner!  That's when I get serious!  But, getting back to the physical, I have always been a tits man!


« Reply #11 on: January 01, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: 2005 Most Important Question, posted by OkieMan on Jan 1, 2005

When I said what I did about the girls anatomy, I should have included that I was referring to a natural chest, not siicone, or whatever.  Since the implants are fake, they interfere with the fun part of spending time with a lady.  I don't enjoy touching something fake;plus,it makes me wonder if the girl's affection is fake too.


« Reply #12 on: January 01, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to 2005 Most Important Question, posted by CartagenaPapito on Jan 1, 2005

I am definitely a butt man. I am frigging obsessed with my wife's rear end. Just call me depraved!
« Reply #13 on: January 02, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: 2005 Most Important Question, posted by utopiacowboy on Jan 1, 2005

Why limit yourself to the "big three"?  The first thing I happen to notice about a lady is the overall package.  Face first, senos, flat stomach, and then if she has long hair.  As she walks past there is just something about looking at her long hair swaying back and forth momentarily covering up another beautiful physical aspect many LW have which is a lovely pair of huequitos, those beautiful and highly erotic dimples on each side of the spine directly above each cheek.  They accent and only compliment a beautiful bubble shaped behind.  

Don't get me started on nicely shaped legs either, especially those that show off a little muscle.  

How's a guy supposed to ever decide on just one physical feature?

« Reply #14 on: January 02, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Now just a minute..., posted by pablo on Jan 2, 2005

 I agree.  Like I said in my earlier post; for me it is the complete package.  If you just focus on simply one physical characteristic, then the rest may or may not be the best for an overall presentation. Naturally, as men, we have a strong tendency to focus on the physical aspects of a lady.  But, in the end, she must have a great attitude and be "full of love" for her man!  No matter what her looks, if she is a phoney, it's no good.  It would appear that everyone on this board agrees with that. By the way, the thing you said about the long hair is certainly true for me.  To me, that accentuates her femininity!  I am so sick of these "butch" short haircuts on these stupid AW!
I know that all of them don't do that, but just enought for me to really appreciate the long, dark hair of the latinas!


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